Cabria Cpa Review Center: Tel. Nos. (043) 980-6659
Cabria Cpa Review Center: Tel. Nos. (043) 980-6659
Cabria Cpa Review Center: Tel. Nos. (043) 980-6659
1. Businesses with gross annual sales of not more than Php 3,000,000 is subject to 3% percentage tax
2. Under section 116 to 127 of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC)
a. Carriers (domestic and international) and keepers of garages
b. International Carriers
c. Franchise grantees
d. Overseas communication from the Philippines
e. Banks and non-banks financial intermediaries
f. Life insurance companies
g. Tax on agents of foreign insurance companies
h. Amusement places
i. Tax on winnings
j. Sales of shares through local stock exchange
Minimum Gross
BASIC GUIDELINES in handling the percentage tax of international air and shipping carriers:
1. International air and shipping carriers doing business in the Philippines are:
A. Subject to 3% percentage tax based on gross receipts from carriage of goods or cargoes, or
B. exempted from 3% percentage tax based on gross receipts from carriage of passengers
2. The shipments originating outside the Philippines to a point of destination other than the Philippines
are not subject to percentage tax.
3. Shipments originating from the Philippines to a point outside the Philippines (first destination) but later
destined to another point outside the Philippines (final destination) are subject to percentage tax pro-
rata only to the first destination.
1. It is collected on every overseas communication, dispatch, message or conversation
2. The message should be originating from or outgoing from the Philippines
3. The overseas communication tax is to be paid by the person making the call, communicating or using
the facility
4. The tax is to be collected by the provider of the communication facility and be remitted within 20 days
after the end of the quarter
5. A tax percentage of 10% shall be imposed
6. The provider or owner of the communication facility is subject to 12% VAT
Tax on banks AND NON-BANK FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES (Sec. 121, NIRC, as amended)
1. The percentage tax imposed is applicable on sale, barter exchange or trade of shares of stock through
the local stock exchange
2. The sale, exchange or trade of shares of stocks outside the local stock exchange is subject to capital
gains tax
3. The tax rate is six-tenth of 1% (6/10 of 1%) based on the gross selling price or the gross value of
4. The cost of stock and the gain or loss on the sale are disregarded
5. The tax shall be collected by the stock broker who effected the sale and remitted to the BIR within five
banking days from the date of collection
6. Any gain derived from the sale, barter exchange or other disposition of shares of stock listed and
traded through the local stock exchange shall be exempt from capital gains tax and from the regular
individual or corporate income tax
SHARES OF STOCK SOLD THROUGH Initial Public Offering (IPO) (Sec. 127(B), NIRC, as amended)
• Initial public offering (IPO) refers to a public offering of shares of stock for the first time in the local
stock exchange, where the business becomes a publicly listed company.
• Primary offering refers to the original sale made to the investing public by the issuer corporation of its
unissued shares of stock.
• Secondary offering refers to an offer for sale to the investing public by the existing stockholders of
their securities which is conducted during an IPO or a follow-on or follow-through offering.
• Follow-on or follow-through offering refers to an offering of shares to the investing public through an
• Closely-held corporation means any corporation in which at least 50% in value of outstanding capital
stock or at least 50% of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock entitled to vote is
owned directly or indirectly by not more than 20 individuals.
Basic principles in handling shares of stock through IPO
1. The tax imposed is applicable to closely-held corporations selling shares of stock through IPO
2. The tax rates provided below are imposed based and in accordance with the proportion of shares of
stock sold, bartered or exchanged to the total outstanding shares of stock after the listing in the local
stock exchange.
Tax rates:
up to 25% – 4%
Over 25% but not exceeding 33.33% –2%
over 33.33% – 1%
The following persons shall be held liable to pay the transaction tax imposed on account of sale of shares of
stock through IPO:
1. On primary offering - the tax shall be paid by the issuer corporation
2. On secondary offering - the tax shall be paid by the selling shareholder/s
1. A is the owner of a small variety st0re. His gross sales in any one year do not exceed Php 3,000,000. He is
not VAT registered. The following data are taken from the books of the variety store for the quarter ending
March 31, 2020:
Merchandise Inventory, December 31, 2019 Php 100, 000
Gross Sales 450, 000
Purchases from VAT-registered suppliers 350, 000
How much is the percentage tax due?
A. Php 10, 000
B. Php 13, 500
C. Php 16, 500
D. none
2. In the third quarter of 2020, a taxpayer engaged in the sale of services whose annual gross receipts do not
exceed Php 3,000,000 has the following data
Accounts receivable, beginning of the quarter Php 50, 000
Sales during the quarter 100, 000
Accounts receivable, end of the quarter 75, 000
Purchases of supplies, total invoice amount 11, 200
How much is the percentage tax due for the quarter?
A. Php 2, 250
B. Php 3, 000
C. Php 7, 500
D. Php 6, 500
3. A, operates a ferryboat. During a particular quarter, its receipts consist of the following
Gross receipts: (without VAT)
5. ABC Insurance Corporation, a domestic corporation, received the following premiums (net of any tax):
Cash received Php 400, 000 Php 300, 000 Php 200, 000
Promissory notes 100, 000 -0- -0-
Totals Php 500, 000 Php 300, 000 Php 200, 000
How much is the amount subject to percentage tax?
A. Php 400, 000
B. Php 500, 000
C. Php 900, 000
D. Php 1, 000, 000
6. ABC Corporation is a holder of franchise to operate transportation units on land. The records for the month
show (net of any tax):
Cargo Passenger
Gross receipts from transporting Php 2, 000, 000 Php 3, 000, 000
VAT Supplier Non-VAT Supplier
Payments to Php 800, 000 Php 300, 000
How much is the percentage tax due?
A. Php 150, 000
B. Php 60, 000
C. Php 90, 000
D. Php 144, 000
Using the above data, but franchise is for air and sea transport, within the Philippines, the VAT due is?
A. Php 144, 000
B. Php 600, 000
C. Php 468, 000
D. Php 504, 000
7. A operates a cockpit. Inside the cockpit, he also operates a restaurant. Data for the particular quarter follow
Gross receipts:
Cockpit operations Php 500, 000
Restaurant operations:
Sale of foods 100, 000
Sale of liquor 150, 000
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How much is the amusement tax due from A?
A. Php 90, 000
B. Php 135, 000
C. Php 225, 000
D. Php 75, 000
Using the above data, except that the restaurant is not owned by A but is owned by another person, B, not
VAT registered and whose annual gross sales never exceeded Php 3,000,000. How much is the amusement
tax due from A?
A. Php 90, 000
B. Php 135, 000
C. Php 225, 000
D. Php 75, 000
Continuing the preceding question, how much is the percentage tax due from B?
A. Php 90, 000
B. Php 135, 000
C. Php 225, 000
D. Php 7, 500
8. A, a resident citizen, promoted a world boxing championship in Manila featuring B, a Filipino champion. Gate
receipts amounted to Php 3, 000, 000 and additional receipts from television coverage were Php 2, 000,
000. How much is the amusement tax due?
A. None
B. Php 500, 000
C. Php 300, 000
D. Php 900, 000
Assuming that the above data is not a world championship but a Philippine national boxing championship,
how much is the amusement tax due?
A. None
B. Php 500, 000
C. Php 300, 000
D. Php 900, 000
9. A, is a radio – TV broadcasting franchise grantee. During the preceding year, its gross receipts did not
exceed Php 10, 000, 000. During the first quarter of the current year, it has the following data:
Gross receipts, sale of airtime Php 2, 000, 000
Gross receipts, use of radio station’s communication facilities 500, 000
Business expenses 700, 000
How much is the franchise tax due for the first quarter?
A. Php 60, 000
B. Php 40, 000
C. Php 75, 000
D. Php 39, 000
10. A, horseracing enthusiast has the following winnings during a particular racing day
Total winnings (winner take all) Php 10, 000
Cost of winning tickets 500
How much is the tax on winnings?
A. Php 1, 000
B. Php 400
C. Php 950
D. Php -0-
Using the above data, but the total winnings came from double bet, how much is the percentage tax on
11. A domestic corporation paid Php 40, 000 stock transaction tax on IPO of Php 500, 000 shares. After the
IPO, there were 800, 000 shares outstanding. How much is the selling price of the shares?
A. Php 10
B. Php 8
C. Php 4
D. Php 2
ABC Corporation, closely held corporation has an authorized capital stock of 1, 000, 000 shares with a par value
of Php 100/shares as of January 1, 2020. Of the 1, 000, 000 authorized shares, 250, 000 thereof is subscribed
and fully paid by the following stockholders:
A 150, 000
B 50, 000
C 25, 000
D 12, 500
E 12, 500
Total shares outstanding 250, 000
On March 1, 2020, ABC Corporation finally decides to conduct an IPO and initially offers 250, 000 of its
unissued shares to the investing public at Php 150. 00/share. At the IPO, two of the existing stockholders, A
and B likewise decided to sell their entire 150, 000 and 50, 000 shares respectively to the public also at Php
150. 00/share.
12. How much is the percentage tax due for the primary offering?
A. Php 375, 000
B. Php 750, 000
C. Php 1, 500, 000
D. Php -0-
13. How much is the percentage tax due for the sale of A’s share?
A. Php 225, 000
B. Php 450, 000
C. Php 900, 000
D. Php -0-
14. How much is the percentage tax due for the sale of B’s share?
A. Php 75, 000
B. Php 150, 000
C. Php 300, 000
D. Php -0-
15. Later, on August 1, 2020, another stockholder C, sold his 25, 000 shares to the public subsequent to the
IPO at Php 200. 00/share. How much is the percentage tax due?
A. Php 25, 000
B. Php 50, 000
C. Php 100, 000
D. Php 200, 000
16. Using the preceding number, on September 1, 2020 ABC Corporation again decides to increase
capitalization by offering another 300, 000 of unissued shares to the public at Php 200.00/shares
consequently bringing the total issued shares to 800, 000 shares, how much is the percentage tax due?
A. Php 600, 000
B. Php 1, 200, 000
C. Php 2, 400, 000
17. Realty Corporation in the course of business sells real property. During the month of January 2011, it had
the following data per sales document (VAT excluded):
Cash Sales Php 800, 000
Sales on installment payment basis (initial payment is 25% of the SP) 500, 000
The real property sold for cash had a zonal value of Php 700, 000 (excluding VAT) and the property sold
under the installment payment basis had a fair market value of Php 600, 000 (excluding VAT). How much is
the output VAT/percentage tax on the sale of real property?
A. Php 101, 000
B. Php 114, 000
C. Php 108, 000
D. Php 156, 000
18. LAS Corporation is a common carrier operating several units of transportation by land, air and sea. It had
the following data on gross receipts for the month of April (tax not included):
From To Land Air Sea
Cargoes Passenger Cargoes Passenger Cargoes Passenger
Phils. Phils Php 400, 000 Php 1M Php800, 000 Php 2M Php 1.6M Php 1M
Phils. Abroad Php 1.4M Php 1.8M
A, provided the following data for the 1st quarter of the year 2020:
Gross Receipts
Taxi 1, Plying Manila Php 100, 000
2, Plying Manila 80, 000
3, Plying Provincial routes 70, 000
4, Plying Provincial routes 60, 000