Examples of DRRM Activities

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Non-Structural: 1. Reorganization of 1. Activation of the 1. Repair of damaged
1. Tree-planting the BDRRMC BDRRMC & BDOC lifelines
- erosion/landslide 2. Establishment of during disasters - roads
- mountain slopes Brgy. Disaster and calamities - bridges
- mangroove Operations Center 2. Activation of the - communication lines
- watershed 3. Establishment of evacuation center(s) - water system
2. Reforestation Evacuation Centers 3. Conduct of rapid - electric poles and
3. De-clogging of 4. Updating of Disaster damage assessment power lines
canals/esteros Plans and SOPs and needs analysis
4. "Linis-ilog" 5. Formulation of (RDANA) and submit 2. Repair of other
5. Water Resource - Evacuation Plan reports damaged infras
Protection - Warning System 3. Conduct/assist in
6. Formulation of Maps 6. Updating of Database the conduct of emer- 3. Implementation of
- hazard, resource, - Risk/vulnerability gency operations livelihood projects
- risk, vulnerability - affected families - medical for affected families
7. Enactment and - resources - evacuation
implementation of 7. Attendance to - relief
disaster-related trainings by BDCC - road clearing
ordinances Members - search & rescue
- solid waste mgt. - DRRM S-W
- anti-littering - first aid
- astray animals - search & rescue
- kaingin - fire prevention
- anti-pollution - Evac. Center Mgt.
8. Integration of DRRM - other skills trainings
programs/projects in 8. Stockpiling of foods,
local dev't. and land medicines and other
use plans and budget goods for relief
9. Implementation and and other emergency
enforcement of operations
- RA 9003 9. Equipping
- Building Code - search & rescue
- Fire Code - communication
- Forestry Laws - transport
10. Fund-sourcing to - fire prevention
support DRRM PPAs - warning equipment
Structural: - power supply
1. Const./Repair of: 10. Conduct of safety
- Drainage System drills and exercises
- Flood Control - earthquake, fire
- River Control tsunami, etc.
- Seawall 11. Info dissemination
- Irrigation System education activities

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