Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format

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Instructional Planning

(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional process
by using principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)

Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format

Learning Area:
DLP No.: Grade Level: Quarter: Duration: Date:
TLE 9 240 January 28&30,2020
Learning Competency/ies: Code:
Circuit with one bulb controlled by surface or flush type
single pole switch;
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) TLE_IAEL9EL-Iia-IVj-2

A characteristic feature of a single-pole toggle switch is that it has on and off markings on the toggle. This is something you
Key Concepts / Understandings
to be Developed will not find on three-way or four-way switches. However, some styles of single-pole switches (notably, rocker style
switches) do not have on/off markings.

Adapted Cognitive Process

Domain Dimensions (D.O. No. 8, s. 2015)

Knowledge Remembering
The fact or
condition of knowing
something with familiarity
gained through experience
or association Understanding independently learn how to make simple circuit;

Applying demonstrate the the function of single pole switch type of circuit;
ability and capacity acquired
through deliberate, Analyzing
systematic, and sustained
effort to smoothly and
adaptively carryout complex
activities or the ability, coming
from one's knowledge, Evaluating
practice, aptitude, etc., to do

create a simple circuit controlled by single pole switch;

Attitude Valuing promote safety awareness;

Values Valuing promote unity and independent.

2. Content Circuit with one bulb controlled by surface or flush type single pole switch(LABORATORY)

3. Learning Resources (, (

4.1 Introductory Activity

Tell any idea/insight about the picture

0 minutes

4.2 Activity

Prepare a visual of the circuit as guide.

0 minutes

4.3 Analysis

The teacher shortly discuss laboratory rules and regulation in electrical works.
Workshop rules
1. Student affected by drugs or alcohol are not permitted in the workshop
2. Students with any health problems that may affect workplace safety (e.g. medication, epileptic fits) must report these
conditions to the workshop staff
3. Notify the workshop staff of your arrival
4. No food or drink in the workshop
5. Wear the correct protective equipment for the tools you are using – ask if in doubt
6. All chemicals (e.g. glues and paints) must be checked through Chemwatch and with workshop staff before use
7. Immediately notify the workshop supervisor of any faulty or broken equipment
8. Ask how to use the tools safely
9. Make sure your work piece is fixed securely before work commences
10. Keep leads up off the floor
11. Keep clear of any person operating tools and machinery (bumping an operator or get tangled in the lead could cause
serious injury to you or the operator)
12. Do not talk to anyone operating electrical equipment and machinery
13. Keep your work area tidy
14. Clean up any spills immediately
15. Wash hands after using equipment and materials
The teacher shortly discuss laboratory rules and regulation in electrical works.
Workshop rules
1. Student affected by drugs or alcohol are not permitted in the workshop
2. Students with any health problems that may affect workplace safety (e.g. medication, epileptic fits) must report these
conditions to the workshop staff
3. Notify the workshop staff of your arrival
4. No food or drink in the workshop
5. Wear the correct protective equipment for the tools you are using – ask if in doubt
6. All chemicals (e.g. glues and paints) must be checked through Chemwatch and with workshop staff before use
7. Immediately notify the workshop supervisor of any faulty or broken equipment
8. Ask how to use the tools safely
9. Make sure your work piece is fixed securely before work commences
0 minutes 10. Keep leads up off the floor
11. Keep clear of any person operating tools and machinery (bumping an operator or get tangled in the lead could cause
serious injury to you or the operator)
12. Do not talk to anyone operating electrical equipment and machinery
13. Keep your work area tidy
14. Clean up any spills immediately
15. Wash hands after using equipment and materials

4.4 Abstraction
How do I know if my switch is single pole?
20 minutes
4.5 Application
Construct a simple circuit. Use
the following materials
1. Bulb
2. Wood(1/2'') thickness
Video presentation containing wiring instruction.
3. Single pole switch
20 minutes 4. Connecting Wire
5. Electrical tape

4.6 Assessment

10 minutes

4.7 Assignment
Preparing for the new lesson Study in advance 3-way switch circuit. (
5 minutes
4.8 Concluding Activity
Proper materials and proper laboratory room will promote convenience and safety.
5 minutes

5.      Remarks

6.      Reflections

A.  No. of learners who earned 80% in the C.   Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the
evaluation. lesson.

B.   No. of learners who require additional activities

D.  No. of learners who continue to require remediation.
for remediation.

E.   Which of my learning strategies worked well?

Why did these work?

F.   What difficulties did I encounter which my

principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G.  What innovation or localized materials did I

use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:

Name: School:
Designatio Division:
Contact Email address:
Number: 9055272689 [email protected]

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