Course 6 LD Interview

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1. Where were you born?

Did Being stuck between being a

you spend your teens there? kid and being an adult — so
I was born in a small town near trying to balance the two. I
Manchester. I spent my teens think most teens feel that
there until I went to university* I wanted to be treated like a true
when I was 18. adult some of the time, and like a
2. What's one thing you kid at other times. It was
remember about school? frustrating when someone the
I had a lot of fun with all my "wrong" age.
friends, playing soccer and pool. 7. What's the happiest memory
We used to try and sneak out of you have from your teen years? I
school during breaks to go to the played handball for my college
sweet shop* around the corner. team, and my happiest memory
3. What were your best was when I was picked to play for
subjects in school and your England when I was 17. It was such
a great feeling when I heard the
worst? national anthem and knew I was
My best subject was science, representing my country.
especially biology, and that's what I
ended up doing for my degree. My 8. Who or what influenced you
worst subject was algebra. I was when you were a teenager? What
never very good at it. did you learn?
My parents influenced me a lot,
4. How did you spend your free although I only really
time? I spent a lot of time playing appreciated it when I was older.
sports — soccer, cricket/ and Some of my best friends
handball, I also did a lot of music— influence me, too. They all
I played trumpet in the school taught me the value of hard
orchestra. I sang in the choir as work/ and of being yourself and
well. enjoying that.
5. What fashions and trends do
you remember from your teen 9. What do you miss about
years? The fashion I remember your teen years?
most was "emo ll fashion because I miss the lack of responsibility!
that was something Now I have to worry about so
I used to wear. We wore slim-fit much stuff like work and
jeans, black and like most of money so I miss being a
my friends, I had long hair. teenager because everything
was a lot easier then.
6. What was the most difficult
thing about being a teenager?
10. What's one piece of
advice you would give to
today's teenagers?
Enjoy it! Have lots of fun. It's a
great time — so have a great

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