Child & Adolescent Intake Questionnaire
Child & Adolescent Intake Questionnaire
Child & Adolescent Intake Questionnaire
Presenting Problem
1. What is your major concern that led you to seek help?
6. Has the child ever taken medication for attention, behavior or mood problems?
□ No □ Yes If yes, fill out the table below as completely as possible for each medication.
Reason prescribed
Dates Taken
Prescribing Physician
If discontinued, why?
8. How is the child’s health currently? Is he/she being treated for anything?
9. Does the child get headaches? Please describe the type, frequency, and severity.
10. What medical or physical problems has the child had? Mark an X where appropriate:
Very sensitive to feel of labels, Birth to 5 6-12 13-18 19-24 25-50 50+
seams, textures in clothes - ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
Date Started
Prescribing Physician
Side Effects
Developmental History
12. Were there any problems or unusual circumstances during pregnancy, delivery or first months of the child’s life?
□ No □ Yes □ Don't know If yes, please describe.
13. Was the child adopted? □ No □Yes If yes, at what age? ____________________
What age was the child informed he or she was adopted? __________________________________________
14. Were there any developmental problems including delay in learning to crawl, walk or talk?
□ No □ Yes □ Don't know If yes, please describe.
15. As an infant, were the child difficult, demanding, hard to soothe, colicky or had problems sleeping?
□ No □ Yes □ Don't know If yes, please describe.
16. Were there any disruptions or major difficulties that could have affected the child’s bonding with his or her mother
during the first three years?
□ No □ Yes □ Don't know If yes, please describe.
17. As a child, was he/she said to have been extremely physically active or always “on the go”?
□ No □ Yes □ Don't know If yes, please describe.
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Psychosocial history
18. Please describe ONE, any of the following the child experienced, TWO, the impact you felt the events had on the
child then and THREE, how you feel it may be affecting the child now.
Problem Areas Age(s) (1) Nature of event, (2) Impact THEN, (3) Impact NOW
intimidation, harassment,
arrangements, such as
illness or surgeries
or other trauma
20. How well does the child get along with his or her parents?
21. If the child is not living with both natural parents, how are the relationships with the non-custodial parents?
23. How well does the child get along with siblings?
24. How well does the child get along with friends and peers?
25. Does the child have problems with understanding or expressing emotions? Does the child have problems with
social awareness?
School and Work History
26. Which school does your child currently attend? ___________________________________________________
27. What is the furthest grade reached or highest degree your child attained in school? ______________________
28. What was the Grade Point Average in your child’s most recent schooling? _______________________________
29. Please describe your child’s greatest strengths and any special abilities or talents. In what school subjects has he
or she generally done best?
30. Please circle any of the following that are current problems:
Difficulty learning to read, blend sounds or read smoothly Difficulty spelling
Problems tracking while reading (losing place, missing words) Poor handwriting (even if writing slowly)
32. What things have you tried at home to solve any of the problems noted above?
Attention problems
33. What problems does the child have with daydreaming, staying on-task or being disorganized? At what age did you
first notice this? Do the problems occur mainly at home, at school or work or in all places?
34. What problems does the child have with hyperactivity, stimulus seeking or feeling restless? At what age did you first
notice this? Do the problems occur mainly at home, at school or work or in all places?
35. What problems does the child have with impulsivity, impatience or acting without thinking of consequences? At
what age did you first notice this? Do the problems occur mainly at home, at school or work or in all places?
37. If asked to do 10 things during the day, how many would they do correctly on the first request, without arguement or
delay? _____ How much do you feel that any problems in this area come from not liking to be told to do things versus
being distractible or disorganized?
38. What problems does the child have with irritability and anger? When angry, is the child more likely to let the anger
go quickly or hold onto resentment?
39. Does the child ever become violent or destructive? Has he or she ever hurt anyone intentionally or threatened to kill
someone? Has he or she ever been cruel to animals? What interest does the child have in weapons?
40. What problems does the child have with getting into trouble, unlawful activity or delinquent actions that could cause
legal consequences?
41. In relating to others, what problems, if any, does the child have in terms of lacking empathy, being manipulative or
failing to show remorse when appropriate?
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42. What problems does the child have with their feelings being too easily hurt? Are there any signs of problems with
self-esteem? Are there particular things about him/herself the child feels especially bad about?
43. What problems, does the child have with sadness, moodiness, withdrawing from friends or activities, appearing
down, lacking motivation or enthusiasm, changes in eating pattern, or crying easily?
44. Does the child ever talk about wishing they were dead or discussed attempted suicide?
45. What problems does the child have with fears, tension, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, being very uncomfortable
in new situations or extreme shyness? How has that changed over time?
46. Has anything ever happened to the child that when recalled causes them extreme distress? Are there any such
events that continue to cause bad dreams?
□ No □ Yes If yes, please describe.
47. Are there any ideas, fears or concerns about which the child obsesses or worries?
48. Does the child have any habits, rituals or other compulsive behaviors?
49. What problems does the child have with muscle or verbal tics? These are repetitive movements or noises such
as eye blinking, facial twitching, or noises such as grunting, snorting, squeaking, or humming.
Somatic Problems
50. Has the child ever struggled with chronic pain, sickness, or medical problems over the course of their life?
51. Does stress in the child’s life cause physical symptoms such as tummy aches, back or neck aches, headaches,
intestinal problems or dizziness?
Other Problems
52. Does the child, though not shy, prefer to be alone are show little interest in having close relationships with peers
outside family?
53. Is the child’s style of speech “odd” (too exact, unusual tone or too formal)?
54. Does the child tend to become overly fascinated by one particular topic, or become an expert in one particular
subject to the point that it is all they want to talk or learn about?
Substance use
57. Do you have any knowledge or suspicion that the child has consumed alcohol?
58. Do you have any knowledge or suspicion that the child has used drugs?
TV/Video Games
59. How many hours a day/week does the child watch television? What are the child’s favorite shows to watch? How
many hours does the child watch in a single sitting?
60. How many hours a day/week does the child play videos games? What are the child’s favorite games to play?
How many hours does the child play in a single sitting?
61. How healthy is the child’s diet? What problems, if any, has the child had with sugar cravings, dieting or
maintaining weight? Has the child ever tried any special diets?
62. Please circle any of the following sleep problems that the child experiences and then describe the severity or
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frequency in the space below:
Delays going to bed Not rested after sleep Teeth grinding
Difficulty falling asleep Nightmares (bad dreams) Snoring
Difficulty waking in morning Sleeping too much Bedwetting
Physically restless sleep Frequent waking Sleep Apnea
63. How much activity or physical exercise does the child get?
_________________________________________________________ _________________________________
64. (Females only) what problems, does the child have with unusual depression, irritability or discomfort during the
week or so before the menstrual period?
66. For each of the following, please identify any relatives of the child (siblings, parents, grandparents, aunts or
uncles) who may have had problems in these areas (i.e. "One of Mom's sisters took medication for depression.",
"One of Dad's brothers drank heavily from age 15 to 40 and then went into treatment").
Check here if father’s family history is unknown. ( ) Check here if mother’s family history is unknown. ( )
Problems with attention including
being distractible, hyperactive or
Problems in school or problems learning to read,
write or do math.
Problems with opposionality,
anger, violence or criminal behavior
seizures/neurological problems
Alcohol Problems
Drug abuse
Serious health problems
Other mental or emotional illness