Sewing in The Fast Lane Family and Consumer Sciences
Sewing in The Fast Lane Family and Consumer Sciences
Sewing in The Fast Lane Family and Consumer Sciences
Course Description
3 Resources- Students effectively manage time, money, materials, facilities, and
human resources
4 Interpersonal skills - Students acquire and demonstrate interpersonal skills necessary
to be successful in the workplace.
5 Information - Students acquires and uses workplace information.
6 Systems - Students demonstrate an understanding of how social, organizational and
technological systems work.
7 Technology- Students demonstrate the ability to use a variety of workplace
8 Careers- Students develop skills in career planning and workplace readiness.
Performance Standards:
Standard 1. Resources
11th grade students performing at the proficient performance level prepare and analyze
personal financial information. Students will manage workplace resources managing
time, materials, and work space. The student will be able to adjust their performance to
achieve their goals.
Standard 3. Information
11th grade students performing at the proficient performance level accurately locate, use,
organize and express workplace information in various formats.
Standard 4. Systems
11th grade students performing at the proficient performance level accurately explain how
systems operate and impact their lives. Students accurately identify technical systems
and can explain how they are used in the workplace. Student provides ideas to modify
systems to improve performance.
Standard 5. Technology
11th grade students performing at the proficient performance level regularly demonstrate
a basic level of technical knowledge and skill using appropriate tools. Students
consistently apply safe and ethical practices in the workplace. They demonstrate routine
maintenance of workplace technologies.
Standard 6. Careers
11th grade students performing at the proficient performance level explore and identify
several careers that align with individual strengths and interests. Students can accurately
describe employability skills.
Units of Study
The Board is committed to a policy of educating children for living, which includes
helping them to develop an awareness and appreciation for the achievements, problems,
and aspirations of all people in our society.
The school system shall establish and maintain an atmosphere in which all persons can
develop attitudes and skills for effective, cooperative living, including:
a. respect for the individual, regardless of economic status, intellectual
ability, race, disability, national origin, ancestry, creed, color, religion,
sex, or age;
b. respect for cultural differences;
c. respect for economic, political, and social rights of others; and
d. respect for the right of others to seek and maintain their own identities.
This verifies that I have read and sufficiently understand this course syllabus.
______________________________ _________________________________
Parent Signature Student Signature