G.A.I.T. Instrument
G.A.I.T. Instrument
G.A.I.T. Instrument
Stance Phase
7. Weight shift (lateral displacement of head, trunk and pelvis) (coronal plane) (front/back view) _____
0 = normal weight shift (~ 25 mm shift over stance limb).
1 = reduced weight shift.
2 = almost none or no weight shift.
2 = excessive weight shift.
11. Knee – initial contact phase (sagittal plane) (lateral view). Choose __ A or __ B (check selection) _____
A. Knee flexion
0 = normal (knee in neutral/not hyperextended).
1 = 5 – 15 knee flexion.
2 = > 15, but < 30 knee flexion.
3 = > 30 knee flexion.
B. Knee extension
0 = normal (knee in neutral/not in flexion).
1 = 5 – 15 knee hyperextension.
2 = > 15 up to 30 knee hyperextension.
3 = > 30 knee hyperextension.
12. Knee – loading response phase (sagittal plane) (lateral view). Choose __ A or __ B (check selection) _____
A. Knee flexion
0 = normal (up to 15 knee flexion).
1 = > 15, but < 30 knee flexion.
2 = ≥ 30 knee flexion
B. Knee extension
0 = normal (up to 15 knee flexion).
1 = no knee flexion, up to 15 knee hyperextension.
2 = ≥ 15 knee hyperextension.
13. Knee – midstance phase (sagittal plane) (lateral view). Choose __ A, __ B, __ C, or __ D (ck. select) _____
A. Knee flexion
0 = normal (knee in 4° flexion at heel strike, increasing to 15 flexion at 14% of gait cycle).
1 = 5 – 15 flexion throughout midstance; does not achieve neutral at midstance.
2 = > 15, but < 30 knee flexion
3 = ≥ 30 knee flexion.
B. Knee extension
0 = normal (knee in 4° flexion at heel strike, increasing to 15 flexion at 14% of gait cycle).
1 = knee extended through midstance phase; not hyperextended.
2 = up to 15 knee hyperextension during midstance phase.
3 = > 15 knee hyperextension during midstance phase.
C. Knee flexion moving to extension
0 = normal (knee in 4° flexion at heel strike, increasing to 15 flexion at 14% of gait cycle).
1 = normal knee flexion during early midstance phase, then knee extends to neutral.
2 = knee flexion during early midstance phase, then knee extends to full extension
range (neutral or beyond) in uncontrolled manner, but not snapping back.
3 = knee in flexion during early midstance phase, then knee abruptly and forcefully
extends into end range in an uncontrolled manner.
D. Knee extension moving to flexion
0 = normal (knee in 4° flexion at heel strike, increasing to 15 flexion at 14% of gait cycle).
1 = knee remains in extension in early midstance, then knee flexes late, but retains control.
2 = knee remains in extension in early midstance, then knee flexes, losing control and
regaining control.
3 = knee remains in extension in early midstance, then knee buckles with failure to regain control
and requires use of compensatory strategies.
14. Knee – terminal stance phase/pre-swing phase (heel-rise to toe-off) (sagittal plane) (lateral view) _____
0 = normal (knee flexion position in sagittal plane 35 – 45).
1 = knee flexes < 35 or > 45.
2 = knee flexes 35 – 45, then extends.
3 = knee remains in full extension throughout.
15. Ankle movement (sagittal plane) (lateral view). Choose __ A or __ B. (Check selection). _____
A. Ankle plantar flexion
0 = normal (from ankle neutral position at initial heel contact, moving to 10°
plantarflexion before midstance, then moving to 10° dorsiflexion at heel off).
1 = normal from initial contact (with heel strike) to midstance, but in plantarflexion after
1 = foot flat at initial contact, moving to slight plantarflexion before midstance, but in
plantarflexion after midstance.
2 = foot flat at initial contact with plantarflexion to heel off.
3 = no heel contact with excessive plantarflexion to heel off.
3 = either heel contact or no heel contact followed by excessive and/or early (midstance)
plantarflexion (i.e. vaulting).
B. Ankle dorsiflexion
0 = normal (from ankle neutral position at initial heel contact, moving to 10
plantarflexion before midstance, then moving to 10 dorsiflexion at heel off).
1 = normal just prior to midstance, but > 10 dorsiflexion after midstance
2 = 15 – 20 dorsiflexion at midstance and to terminal stance (heel off).
3 = excessive ankle dorsiflexion (> 20) throughout stance.
17. Plantarflexion during terminal stance/pre-swing (heel-rise to toe-off) (sagittal plane) (lateral view) _____
0 = normal (adequate push-off at pre-swing for moving from dorsiflexion position to
10 plantarflexion.
1 = partial/weak push-off while moving into plantarflexion at toe-off.
2 = absent/lack of plantarflexion; no push-off.
23. Pelvic rotation as limb swings forward (transverse plane) (top view) _____
0 = normal (from 5 backward rotation at initiation of swing to 5 forward rotation by terminal swing)
1 = reduced pelvic rotation.
1 = excessive pelvic rotation.
2 = absent pelvic rotation.