Waste To Energy by Incineration: June 2014
Waste To Energy by Incineration: June 2014
Waste To Energy by Incineration: June 2014
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3 authors:
Balasaheb B Patil
Shivaji University, Kolhapur
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Abstract— Incineration is the main waste-to-energy duly examined. Wherever feasible, this option should be
form of treatment. It is a treatment technology involving incorporated in the over-all scheme of Waste Management.
destruction of solid waste by controlled burning at high A waste hierarchy is used in waste policy making
temperatures. It is accompanied by the release of heat. This and is often suggested. Different versions of the hierarchy
heat from combustion can be converted into energy. exist but in most of the cases the following order suggests:
Incineration is a high-quality treatment for Municipal Solid 1. Reduce the quantity of waste
Waste (MSW), very useful in big or crowded cities, because it 2. Reuse
reduces the quantity and volume of waste to be land filled. It 3. Recycle the materials
can be localised in an urbanised zone, and offers the 4. Incinerate with heat recovery
opportunity of recovering energy. However, it should be taken 5. Landfill of inert ash
into account that the economic investment needed is high.
The environmental conditions of the incineration The first priority, to reduce the quantity or volume of
process must be very precise to make it environmentally safe. waste, which is generally accepted. However, the remaining
The larger portion of the investment required is due to waste needs to be taken care of as efficiently as possible. The
environmental measures such as emissions control. When hierarchy after the top priority is often contested and
choosing incineration as an alternative, the following issues discussions on waste policy are in many countries intense.
should be considered: volume/quantity of waste produced, Especially the order between recycling and incineration is
heat of combustion of waste, site location, dimensions of the often discussed.
facility, operation and maintenance costs and investment.
I. INTRODUCTION Incineration
In most of the countries both energy systems and
waste management systems are under change. The changes
are largely driven by environmental considerations and one
driving force is the threat of global climate change. When
making new strategic decisions related to energy system and Functions: Treatment of Heat Solid waste
waste management systems it is therefore of importance to
consider the environmental implications. Desirable range of important waste parameters for
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) contains organic as technical viability of energy recovery:
well as inorganic matter. Part of organic matter is more as Important Waste Desirable
compared to inorganic matter. The latent energy present in its Parameters Range
organic fraction is recovered for gainful utilisation through
adoption of suitable Waste Processing and Treatment Moisture content < 45 %
technologies. The recovery of energy from solid wastes also
Basic principle:
offers a few additional benefits which are as follows: Waste Organic/ Volatile > 40 %
(i) The total quantity of solid waste gets reduced up Treatment matter
of organic
to 90%, depending upon the waste composition and the Method: Fixed Carbon < 15 %
matter by action
adopted technology; of heat.
Total Inerts < 35 %
(ii) Demand for land, which is already scarce in cities,
for land filling is reduced; Calorific Value >1200 k-
(iii) The cost of transportation of waste to far-away (Net Calorific cal/kg
landfill sites also gets reduced; and Value)
(iv) Reduction in environmental pollution.
It is, therefore, only logical that, while every effort
should be made in the first place to minimise generation of
waste materials and to recycle and reuse them to the extent
feasible, the option of Energy Recovery from Wastes be also
Incineration is the process of direct controlled The basic operational steps of a waste incineration
burning of waste in the presence of oxygen at temperatures of plant may include the following:
about 8000C and above, liberating heat energy, gases and inert Reception of incoming waste
ash. Net energy yield depends upon the density and Storage of waste and raw materials
composition of the waste. Relative percentage of moisture and Pre-treatment of waste
inert materials, which add to the heat loss; ignition Loading of waste into the process
temperature; size and shape of the constituents; design of the Thermal treatment of the waste
combustion system, etc. In practice, about 65 to 80% of the Energy recovery and conversion
energy content of the organic matter can be recovered as heat
Flue-gas cleaning
energy, which can be utilised either for direct thermal
Flue-gas cleaning residue management
applications, or for producing power with the help of steam
turbine-generators. Flue-gas discharge
The combustion temperature of conventional Emissions monitoring and control
incinerators fuelled only by wastes are about 7600C in the Waste water control and treatment (e.g.
furnace and in excess of 8700C in the secondary combustion from site drainage, flue-gas treatment,
chamber. These temperature are needed to avoid odour due to storage)
incomplete combustion but are insufficient to burn or even Ash/bottom ash management and treatment
melt some of the inorganic contents such as glass. To avoid (arising from the combustion stage)
the deficiencies of conventional incinerators, some modern Solid residue discharge/disposal.
incinerators utilise higher temperature of up to 16500C using There are many options for MSW incineration plant
auxiliary fuel. These reduce waste volume by nearly 97% and technology. The range of equipment varies from experimental
convert some inorganic contents such as metal and glass to to well-proven, though only the well-proven are recommended.
inert ash. Development problems with new technology are complicated
Wastes burned solely for volume reduction may not and costly to solve, as developing countries lack the internal
need any supplementary fuel except for start-up. When the technical expertise to overcome them. Such problems could
objective is steam production, auxiliary fuel may have to be cause the entire project to fail. Based on the intended
used with the pulverized refuse, because of the variable application, incineration plant equipment may be grouped in
energy content of the waste or in the event that the quantity of four main categories:
waste available is insufficient. A. Pre-treatment
While Incineration is extensively used as an B. Combustion system
important method of waste disposal, it is associated with some C. Energy recovery
polluting discharges which are of environmental concern, D. Flue gas cleaning
although in varying degrees of severity. These can fortunately
be effectively controlled by installing suitable pollution IV. INCINERATION RESIDUES
control devices and by suitable furnace construction and
control of the combustion process. The main residue from MSW incineration is slag.
A flow chart of the incineration system is shown in The amount generated depends on the ash content of the waste.
Figure In the combustion process, the volume of waste from high
income cities will by experience be reduced by approximately
WASTE 90% and the weight by 70 to 75%. For low income areas the
amount of ash in the waste can be high—for example, in areas
using coal, wood, or similar for heating.
In addition to the slag, the plant generates residues
from more or less advanced dry, semidry or wet flue gas
cleaning processes. The amount and its environmental
TRANSPORT characteristics will depend on the technology applied.
The slag from a well-operated waste incinerator will
be well burnt out, with only a minor content of organic
material. Besides, the heavy metals in the slag, which are
normally leachable, will to some extent become vitrified and
thus insoluble. Much of the slag may therefore be used as road
construction material or something similar after sorting.
The other residues must, however, be disposed of.
Therefore, a well-designed and well-operated landfill,
preferably located in abandoned mine shafts or other places
where leaching with rainwater can be prevented must be (network) is required. Unless all of the available heat can be
available. used the generating facility will not always be operating at its
Proper disposal of fly ash and other flue gas cleaning optimum efficiency.
residues is the subject for another study. However, in general, The use of CHP combines the generation of heat and
it should be treated as hazardous waste and disposed of power (electricity). This helps to increase the overall energy
according to leachate properties. efficiency for a facility compared to generating power only. In
The fine particle size of the residues calls for special addition, as power and heat demand varies a CHP plant can be
precautions during handling at the plant and the landfill. designed to meet this variation and hence maintain optimum
levels of efficiency.
V. USE OR DISPOSAL OF ASH Incineration processes are designed to recover energy
from the waste processed by generating electricity and/or heat
Modern waste incineration plants differ in technical for use on site and export off site. Electricity generated from
solutions, but it may be assumed that emissions are kept the biodegradable fraction of waste in an Incinerator with
within the limits of legal restrictions, regardless of the good quality heat and power can benefit from support under
composition of the incinerated waste. This suggests that, the Renewables Obligation and Renewable Heat Incentive
despite a site-specific approach, the model is rather general scheme.
regarding emissions to air and water, for plants working under
the same legal restrictions. Residual products, consumption of VII. INCINERATION ADVANTAGES
additives and energy recovery are more site specific.
Companies and researchers have been investigating Incineration is an efficient way to reduce the waste
ways of treating ash residues from WTE facilities. Ash volume and demand for landfill space. Incineration plants can
consists of residues left in the combustion chamber (bottom be located close to the centre of gravity of waste generation,
ash) and in their pollution treatment devices (fly ash). The thus reducing the cost of waste transportation. Using the ash
post-treatment of ash produced by the low temperature from MSW incinerators for environmentally appropriate
combustion chambers such as fluidized beds usually involves construction not only provides a low cost aggregate but
vitrification at high temperatures in order to immobilize the further reduces the need for landfill capacity. In particular,
metals. The main aim of ash treatment is to prevent the toxic incineration of waste containing heavy metals and so on
constituents of the ash, especially dioxins, furans and heavy should be avoided to maintain a suitable slag quality. The slag
metals, from escaping into the environment after disposal. quality should be verified before it is used. Energy can be
Solidification by means of vitrification or the application of recovered for heat or power consumption.
various chemicals is further means of decreasing the chances All waste disposal alternatives eventually decompose
of leaching metals. Phosphate has been shown to stabilize organic materials into simpler carbon molecules such as CO 2
heavy metals in dusts that result from the vitrification of (carbon dioxide) and CH4 (methane). The balance between
incinerator ash. Treatment of ash is a much more mature these two gases and time frame for the reactions varies by
technology than re-use. alternative. Incineration provides the best way to eliminate
The bottom ash produced in the plant resembles methane gas emissions from waste management processes.
clinker ash and, after mechanical separation of ferrous and Furthermore, energy from waste projects provides a substitute
non-ferrous metals, has a relatively high specific gravity for fossil fuel combustion. These are two ways incineration
(typically 2.25) and as per reports contains less than 2% helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
carbon and less than 1% fines. The toxicity characteristics One of the most attractive features of the incineration
leaching test based on the EPA standard has shown that the process is that it can be used to reduce the original volume of
metals in bottom ash are not leachable. combustibles by 80 to 95%. Air pollution control remains a
major problem in the implementation of incineration of solid
VI. ENERGY RECOVERY waste disposal. In the United States, the cost of best available
technology for the incineration facility may be as high as 35%
Energy recovered from waste can be used in the of the project cost. The cost of control equipment will,
following ways: however, depend upon the air pollution regulations existing in
A. Generation of Power (electricity), a given lesser developing country.
B. Generation of Heat,
The energy generation option selected for an
incineration facility will depend on the potential for end users An incineration plant involves heavy investments and
to utilise the heat and/or power available. In most instances high operating costs and requires both local and foreign
power can be easily distributed and sold via the national grid currency throughout its operation. The resulting increase in
and this is by far the most common form of energy recovery. waste treatment costs will motivate the waste generators to
For heat, the consumer needs to be local to the seek alternatives. Furthermore, waste incineration is only
facility producing the heat and a dedicated distribution system applicable if certain requirements are met. The composition of
waste in developing countries is often questionable in terms of 6) Marc J. Rogoff and Francois Screve, „Waste-to-Energy
its suitability for auto combustion. The complexity of an Technologies and Project Implementation‟, Second Edition,
incineration plant requires skilled staff. Plus, the residues from William Andrew, 2011.
the flue gas cleaning can contaminate the environment if not 7) S.B.Karajgi, Udaykumar.R.Y, G.D.Kamalapur, „Power
handled appropriately, and must be disposed of in controlled Generation using Municipal Solid Waste in India‟, (IJECE)
and well-operated landfills to prevent ground and surface Vol.2, No.2, April 2012, pp. 197~202 ISSN: 2088-8708
water pollution. 8) Waste-to-Energy Research and Technology Council
(WTERT); http://www.wtert.org