Construction of Portals in Poor Conditions
Construction of Portals in Poor Conditions
Construction of Portals in Poor Conditions
ABSTRACT: The excavation and reinforcement of the portals is the first phase in the construction of
tunnels. Both the topography as well as the geology of the area should be taken into consideration
when designing the portals, addressing a series of specific problems different to that of the
excavation of the tunnels. The construction of the portals in mountainous environments, with steep
slopes and small areas to work, can result in the excavation of large clearings that can negatively
affect the overall stability of the slope in the long term. This creates the need to adapt the portal
designs to each specific situation, ensuring long-term stability of the excavation and trace criterions.
Thus, in this paper, various real cases of excavations in areas with very poor terrain and hillside
excavations will be presented with design solutions that were different than those used normally.
Therefore, unless cost estimations and Table 1. Common problems and special
designs carried out during tunnel planning conditions in tunnel portals
consider as much of these factors as possible Reduced
and are made with sufficient data available, intermediate
buttress or
important and difficult to support excavations pillar in twin
can result. At the same time, specially tight Complex tunnels
environmental restrictions can bring costly and Alignment Twin tunnels
difficult boring conditions during first part of at different
tunnels related with the need of installation of level
heavy support and also pre-support to stabilize Skew
the face. High Stres
Definitely, tunnel portal design and Lateral
construction must commonly deal with the buttress or
combination or choice of heavy tunnel supports pilar
and robust slope stabilization, having always in Hillslope or
‘Half tunnel’
mind environmental restrictions. configuration
Great number of the above mentioned effects. Aximetry. High cutting
uphill side.
conditions or potential problems was found in Cutting at
the recent case story shown in this paper and different
related with the portal construction of the section (Twin
Yanango tunnel en Peru. tunnels)
Conditions encountered during design were Low overburden Arch effect
much different from the usually expected or Potential damage
to adjacent
desired and imposed unfavorable locations. buildings, utilities
Both portals of this tunnel shown half slope and transport.
geometries and while entrance portal was Need of
excavated in soil, exit portal was located on a Construction
competent steep rockmass. areas for
Therefore, whilst geotechnical designers are storage,
parking, etc…
aware of the importance of tunnel axes Proximity to
orthogonal to hillsides, in this case alignment Debris-flow
streams or gullies
engineers had to deal with restrictions of Global stability
different kind which brought skewed portals in Existing slides
both cases and bad ground conditions in the prior to
entrance. construction.
SOIL Water bearing
Due to the above mentioned circumstances coluvial or
Yanango Tunnel portals showed different residual deposits.
characteristics and singular problems in each Expansive
case, so that solutions usually or commonly residual soils.
implemented could not be used in this case. Planar, wedge or
toppling failures.
in each plane
CONSULTORES is part of the Joint Venture or cutting
‘Construction Supervision of the Yanango Rockfall
Tunnel’ which was awarded with the contract Faulted or
“Construction Supervision of the Yanango ROCK
Tunnel and accesses” by the Peruvian conditions
Administration PROVÍAS NACIONAL of the Changing or
Transport and Communications Ministry in heterogeneous
rock weathering
November 2014. Because of this role, the profile
authors took part actively in the review and new Soil-rock contact
designs and construction phases. failures.
Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2017 – Surface challenges – Underground solutions. Bergen, Norway.
Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2017 – Surface challenges – Underground solutions. Bergen, Norway.
Thus, new design tried to minimize cutting Selfdrilling bolts were of 1,5” section and
height as well as start tunnel boring in the rock had lengths of 6, 9 and 12 m. Pull tests were
mass instead the colluvial. These two targets carried out on these bolts obtaining quite good
were achieved separating alignment axe from results with 100% of tested units accepted. It
the hill. New geometry adopted considered the must be underlined that on frontal slope bolts
construction of cutting 35 m high and 110 m were anchored in rock from bank F down.
long approximately. It must be underlined the Additionally, pipe drains of 50 mm and
difficult conditions for the colluvial deposit legnths of 6 and 9 m were installed with
geomechanical characterization due to it coarse hotizontal and vertical spacing of 4 m. These
granular nature. drains were installed with the aim of avoiding
Besides, cut and cover filling was modified pore pressures on the wall.
in order to reduce asymmetry by covering both During excavation a thorough monitoring
sides of the structure and also the long term work was carried out (see Figure 5). This
final cutting height was reduced to 25 m above consisted on the supervision of 1 inclinometer
the filling (see Figure 4). installed on the highest section of the cutting, as
Even with the new proposal, main problem well as the systematic topographic control of
was colluvial soil excavation and support as in targets distributed on the cutting. Wall state and
the original design. Nevertheless, ground behavior conditions were extensively controlled
excavation volume was lower in the new during all process.
solution as well as the reduced height allowed to
ease construction.
Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2017 – Surface challenges – Underground solutions. Bergen, Norway.
Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2017 – Surface challenges – Underground solutions. Bergen, Norway.
Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2017 – Surface challenges – Underground solutions. Bergen, Norway.
Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2017 – Surface challenges – Underground solutions. Bergen, Norway.
Yanango tunnel is located in a mountain area Bhawani Singh. Professor (Retd),. IIT
where portal design showed difficulties different Roorkee. Rajnish K. Goel. VOLUME 5.
from the common ones in these type of works. Tunnelling in Weak Rocks. Scientist F. CMRI
Both portals presented a great number of factors Regional Centre. Roorkee, India.
Anbalagan, R., Singh, B. and Bhargava, P.
(2003). Half tunnels along hills roads of
Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2017 – Surface challenges – Underground solutions. Bergen, Norway.