2018 Fall - PNU School of Business - Academic Guideline For Graduate Student (2018.8.)
2018 Fall - PNU School of Business - Academic Guideline For Graduate Student (2018.8.)
2018 Fall - PNU School of Business - Academic Guideline For Graduate Student (2018.8.)
Academic Guideline
Version of 2018 Fall Semester
Master (take in 4th 30
(GE maximum is 6 credits)
Business semester)
Administration 6
Doctor (take in 3rd and 4th 36
(GE maximum is 6 credits)
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Business Administration Department of PNU Graduate School
Academic Guideline
Version of 2018 Fall Semester
※ In case your thesis supervisor consents and the dean of department allows to do so, the credits
earned in other majors provided both by Department of Administration Business and other Department
are acknowledged as major credits up to a HALF of total credits to complete.
※ You should get confirmation not Afterwards, but BEFOREHAND.
1. Taking other majors’ course provided by Department of Administration Business:
a) Students in Doctoral Degree Program are required to submit the ‘대학원 타전공 및 타학과 교과목
전공인정 신청서’ by due date.
b) In case of Students in Master Degree Program, submission of application form is not required,
but oral consent of thesis supervisor is required.
2. Taking a course provided by other department: All students in Master and Doctoral Degree are
required to submit ‘대학원 타전공 및 타학과 교과목 전공인정 신청서’ by the due date.
-> Application Period:
① 2018.08.01.(Wed)~08.02.(Thu)
② 2018.08.21.(Tue)~08.23.(Thu)
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Business Administration Department of PNU Graduate School
Academic Guideline
Version of 2018 Fall Semester
4. Important Note
1) Students themselves should register courses and take responsibility for their result.
2) Students should enter each course code and its section exactly and see if it matches to the name
of subject.
3) If you find any errors after the final Add/Drop Period, you can not cancel or change the course.
5. Supplementary Course
1) Students in Marketing, Finance, International business, Management Information System, Operations
Management, Human Resource Management major: if you didn’t take ‘Marketing Management’(opened
in Spring Semester), ‘Operations Management’(opened in Spring semester), ‘Human Resource
Management’(opened in Fall semester), ‘Financial Management’(opened in Fall semester), ‘Management
Information Systems’(opened in Spring semester), ‘International Business’(opened in Spring semester) in
undergraduate or master degree program, you should complete at least 2 courses of them at the PNU
School of Business.
2) Students in Accounting, Management Accounting major, Finance&Tax Accounting Major: if you didn’t
take ‘Financial Accounting(Ⅰ)’(opened in Spring semester), ‘Management Accounting’(opened in Fall
semester) in undergraduate or master degree program, you should take both of them.
▷▷▷ a) Only students who submit the file CAN apply for the courses you are going to take because
the administration officers need to register them to take before the Course Registration period.
b) After you submit the paper, make sure that you complete to apply for those courses during
Course Registration Period.
▷▷▷ If you already TOOK those courses in undergraduate or master degree program, please submit
the 'Academic Transcript'(in undergraduate or master degree program) and ‘보충과목신청서(check
‘Exemption’) to the Business Administration Department Office until the due date in order to flee from
the obligation to take two compulsory courses(Please check the courses that you want to get
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Business Administration Department of PNU Graduate School
Academic Guideline
Version of 2018 Fall Semester
▷▷▷ You should take the courses opened by the Business Administration Department and those should
be taught by the full-time tenure faculty(not from part-time faculty). Please refer the attached course
▷▷▷ Increase the number of maximum number of the course: During 2018.09.03.(Mon)~09.07(Fri),
please come to department office and ask for this. 5 seats of each course are for graduate students
by order of arrival. However, as it exceeds 5 people, you should attend its first class and get a
confirmation from the professor on the provided form. After that, you should come back to the office
and make sure to register for classes and then check whether they are in it or not. We can not take
any responsibility of the aftermath by the neglection of result.
7. Grade Check
Log in to the Student Support System, click 'Grades'(성적), and then click 'Grades Check'(성적조회).
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Business Administration Department of PNU Graduate School
Academic Guideline
Version of 2018 Fall Semester
8. Thesis Research
1) one course per one semester
2) The course taught by your own thesis supervisor is only allowed.
3) a. Master: take at your last semester.
b. Doctor: take at your last two semesters.
※ The exemption of Foreign Language Test for Graduation Test and the exemption of Mandatory
Korean Language Course are DIFFERENT cases.
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Business Administration Department of PNU Graduate School
Academic Guideline
Version of 2018 Fall Semester
2) Thesis:
□ In order to submit the thesis for degree, you should pass the graduation test and
be qualified with all necessities foe degree completion including credits.
□ Student in Doctor Degree Program should publish or proceed at least 1 thesis at
the registered journal or candidate journal(등재후보지 이상) before the main presentation.
This rule is applied to the student who has entered since 2011.
□ Student in Doctor Degree Program has to make a pre-presentation a semester prior
to the main presentation.
□ Application for thesis examination
- period: every early April or October
- 2018 Fall semester: 2018.10.15.(Mon)~2018.10.16.(Tue)
- You can find more information in the notice board at http://biz.pusan.ac.kr
12. Checking Your Graduation (You should check yourself on a regular basis)
1) Completion of the Degree Program
□ Receive above C0 in each course(If you got below C+, you can retake the course).
□ G.P.A 3.0 and above
□ Complete graduation credits(Doctor: 36 credits, Master: 30 credits)
□ Take 2 Supplementary courses(grade should be B0 or above) or receive exemption.
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Business Administration Department of PNU Graduate School
Academic Guideline
Version of 2018 Fall Semester
2) Graduation
□ Satisfy Degree Program Completion requirements which were mentioned above.
□ Pass Graduation Test(both subject test and foreign language test).
□ Pass Graduation Thesis
14. Application for approval of the Exceed Credits obtained in Master Degree
1) The person who proceeds his doctoral degree after finishing the master degree program with over
30 credits, under the same major in the PNU graduate school can apply for approval of the exceed
credits which are obtained in the Master Degree. Submit an ‘Academic Transcript’ to the Business
Administration Department office in the end of March or the end of September.
2) In the above case, the course you have already taken in the Master degree program is not allowed
to be registered in the Doctoral degree program. If so, that course will not be acknowledged in the
doctoral degree program as credits.
3) In that case, you may complete the doctor degree program in 3 semesters.
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