MBA7204: Human Values and Business Ethics

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MBA7204: Human Values and Business Ethics

Objective: To sensitize students regarding the importance of human values and ethics in
Unit I
Human Values: importance, sources, types, frameworks. Relationship of values with ethics.
Prominent human values-based teachings of Vedas,Gita,Guru Granth Sahib, Bible, Quran.
Value-based management. Spirituality and the corporation. Moral muteness. Philosophers:
Vidur, Plato, Aristotle, Chanakya.
Unit II
Business Ethics: nature, characteristics and need. Ethical theories and approaches: traditional,
deontological and teleological theories, Gandhian philosophy of wealth management,
philosophy of trusteeship.
Unit III
Indian value system and values, Indian ethos in management, creating ethical corporate
structures, ethical leadership, law and ethics, work ethics: nature and scope, ethical issues at
workplace, cross cultural ethics, ethical dilemmas.
Unit IV
Ethics in business disciplines: HRM (downsizing, balance of power, compensation, conflicts),
marketing (commodity culture, pricing, advertising), finance and accounting (stock market,
financial reporting, insider trading), technology (privacy at workplace, genetically modified
foods). References:
1. Chakraborty, Managerial Transformation by Values, Sage, New Delhi.
2. Hartman, Business Ethics, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
3. Hartman and Chatterjee, Business Ethics, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
Objective: To understand how to use different techniques of cost management with a
strategic perspective.
Strategy and cost management, moving from traditional to modern manufacturing
environments, contemporary cost management techniques, nature of cost - traditional and
contemporary cost classification, cost measurement systems - traditional and contemporary
approaches, manufacturing overhead allocation - traditional and activity-based.
Implementing strategy - strategic positioning, value chain, balanced scorecard and strategy
map. Customer Profitability Analysis. Profit variance analysis.
Activity-Based Costing: steps in designing an Activity-Based Costing (ABC) system, benefits
and comparison of volume-based and ABC, Activity-Based Management (ABM), Multistage
Activity-Based Costing, Resource Consumption Accounting (RCA), Time-Driven Activity-Based
Costing (TDABC).
Strategic role of non-financial performance indicators, management and control of quality -
framework, financial measures, non-financial indicators; lean accounting, cost management
through life cycle analysis and target costing.
1. Blocher et. al., Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis, McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
2. Shank/Govindarajan, Strategic Cost Management, Free Press.
Objective: The objective of this course is to highlight opportunities and challenges of financial
management in open economies characterized by large volumes of international trade and
high international mobility of factors of production. In particular, the course will highlight the
complications caused by the process of international investment decision making as well as
the development of investment and hedging strategies on a multinational level.

Foundations of international financial management: globalization and multinational firm; the
importance, rewards and risk of international finance; goals for international financial
management; exposure to international risk; international monetary system; balance of
payments; foreign exchange markets; international parity relationships; forecasting foreign
exchange rates.
International financial markets and institutions: international banking and money market;
international bond market; international equity markets; futures and options on foreign
exchange; currency and interest rate swaps; international portfolio investment.
Foreign exchange exposure and risk management: management of economic exposure;
management of transaction exposure; management of translation exposure; management of
political exposure; management of interest rate exposure; hedging against foreign exchange
exposure; hedging through mixed currency invoicing; country risk analysis.
Financial management of multinational firms: foreign direct investment and cross-border
acquisitions, international capital structure and the cost of capital; international capital
budgeting; multinational working capital policy and cash management; exports and imports;
international tax environment; corporate governance around the world.

1. Apte, P.G., International Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
2. Bekaert, G. and R.J. Hodrick, International Financial Management, Prentice Hall.
3. Eiteman, D.K., Stonehill, A.I. and Moffett, M.H., Multinational Business Finance, Pearson
4. Eun, C. and Resnick, B., International Financial Management, McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
5. Madura, J., International Corporate Finance, Thomson South-Western.
6. Shapiro, A.C., Multinational Financial Management, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Objective: The course aims to develop in the students an understanding of the concepts,
importance, benefits and principles of customer relationship management within the context
of marketing strategy. It also aims to familiarize the students with the fundamentals of sales
management so as to enable the students to effectively manage a sales force.

Introduction to CRM: definition, components, scope, evolution, importance and
transformation of customers, touch point analysis, customer value, customer relationship
styles, types of customers and customer value , customer lifetime value, customer value and
customer satisfaction as precursors to CRM, value co-creation, customer value management,
analysing profitability of customers: value chain analysis, customer defection, closed loop
marketing, customer retention: importance, stages, measurement of customer expectations:
managing and delivering, consumer research, CRM measurement, e-CRM: basic concepts,
importance, benefits, steps and success factors in e-CRM, merging CRM and the internet, and
barriers to internet adoption.
Developing and deploying CRM strategy: CRM program life-cycle, building blocks of CRM,
components of CRM infrastructure: information, process, technology and people and their
integration, technology for customer relationship, delivering the customer offer, issues in
customer privacy, CRM measurement, Analysis of CRM strategies and approaches practised
by successful business houses in India and abroad, emerging trends in CRM.
Introduction to sales management: nature, scope & its evolution, relationship between selling
& marketing, selling strategies, selling & buying styles, selling skills, sales in the era of CRM,
sales related marketing policies: product, distribution, pricing & personal selling policies,
negotiation strategies.
Sales organization: types of sales structure, management of sales territory, sales quotas, sales
budget, sales control & cost analysis, organizing & staffing sales force: selection & recruitment
of sales force, sales training, motivation & compensation, strategic role of information in sales
management, ethical & legal issues in sales, evaluating of sales force performance.
1. Baran, R.J., Galka , R.J., & Strunk , D.P., Customer Relationship Management Cengage
Learning, New Delhi.
2. Churchill, Ford, Walker, Sales Force Management, McGraw Hill.
3. Johnson & Marshall, Sales Force Management, McGraw Hill.
4. Lancaster & Jobber, Selling & Sales Management, Pearson Education.
5. Maning & Recce, Selling Today: Building Quality Partnerships, Pearson Education.
6. Mukerjee. K, Customer Relationship Management- A Strategic Approach To Marketing,
Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
7. Shainesh, G.& Sheth, J.N., Customer Relationship Management, Macmillan Publications.
8. Still, Cundiff & Govani, Sales Management, Pearson edition.


Objective: To understand the role of accounting and finance techniques in select areas of
decision making in marketing.

Accounting and marketing interface, financial dimensions of marketing planning, budgeting
for marketing; strategic planning; accounting for product: financial aspects of product line,
financial aspects of product life cycle, life cycle costing, product portfolio analysis, accounting
for price: pricing methods and strategies, CVP analysis, risk-averse pricing strategies, setting
price in an overseas market.
Accounting for promotion: push strategy and pull strategy, role of accounting in push
strategy, formulation of sales force budget, controlling performance of human resources,
sales related variance analysis, role of accounting in pull strategy, formulating advertising
budget, controlling financial outlays and evaluating effectiveness of advertising.
Accounting for place; accounting techniques for distribution cost analysis and control, cost
issues in supply chain management, customer profitability, customer lifetime value and
customer equity, determining indirect value of a customer, strategic variance analysis.
Performance measurement and evaluation, impact of financial structure on performance, use
of ratios for prediction of business failure, role of discount rate in capital projects,
measurement of risk, key performance indicators of marketing performance and balanced
1. Roselender and Wilson, The Marketing/Accounting Interface, Westburn Publishers Ltd.,
Scotland. 2. Czinkota and Kotabe, Marketing Management, Vikas Publication House, New
3. Wilson, Accounting for Marketing, International Thomson Business Press, London.
4. Zikmun, Marketing, Thompson learning, Mumbai.

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