Farka2017 PDF
Farka2017 PDF
Farka2017 PDF
ABSTRACT: We review the progress achieved during the recent five years in
immunochemical biosensors (immunosensors) combined with nanoparticles for
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elements. The optical sensing part describes fluorescent, luminescent, and surface
plasmon resonance systems. Amperometry, voltammetry, and impedance spectroscopy
represent electrochemical transducer methods; electrochemiluminescence with photo-
electric conversion constitutes a widely utilized combined method. The transducing
options function together with suitable nanoparticles: metallic and metal oxides,
including magnetic ones, carbon-based nanotubes, graphene variants, luminescent
carbon dots, nanocrystals as quantum dots, and photon up-converting particles. These
sources merged together provide extreme variability of existing nanoimmunosensing
options. Finally, applications in clinical analysis (markers, tumor cells, and pharmaceuticals) and in the detection of pathogenic
microorganisms, toxic agents, and pesticides in the environmental field and food products are summarized.
6. Conclusion and Outlook 10016 techniques using magnetic nanoparticles modified with target-
Author Information 10019 specific antibodies.
Corresponding Author 10019 The transducing options are combined with all suitable
ORCID 10019 nanoparticles: metallic and metal oxides, with special attention to
Notes 10019 magnetic ones, carbon-based nanotubes, graphene variants, and
Biographies 10019 luminescent carbon dots. Luminescent nanocrystals are
Abbreviations 10019 represented by quantum dots and photon up-converting
References 10020 particles. Individual sensors also often contain other compo-
nents, including enzymes (peroxidase, glucose oxidase, alkaline
phosphatase) generating redox-active donors/acceptors, molec-
ular fluorophores, and electroactive molecules (e.g., ferrocene).
1. INTRODUCTION The above-mentioned groups of transducers and nano-
This review focuses on advances in immunochemical biosensors particles ensure an extremely wide range of potential
(immunosensors) combined with nanoparticles for the combinations, and this precondition is really reflected in the
enhanced sensitivity of the resulting assays. When reading the exceptional variability of the existing nanoimmunosensing
papers published in Chemical Reviews during the recent five years, options. Finally, we have tried to provide an overview of
we noticed a strong interest in various types of nanoparticles and applications aimed especially at clinical analysis, followed by the
other nanomaterials applied for the improvement of biosensors detection of pathogenic organisms and toxic agents; the
as well as other bioanalytical assays. The relevant publications environmental field and food assay then complement the list.
typically concentrated on the type of nano-object being chosen.
On the basis of our long experience in the construction and 2. ANTIBODIES
application of immunosensors, or biosensors based on antibod- Currently, the detection and quantification of different analytes
ies, we find it challenging to set the primary focus on antibodies exhibits an increasing tendency toward broader application. In
and to propose a review of the most promising trends regarding multiple immunoassays, antibodies (Ab’s) are employed as a
the combination with nanoparticles for immunosensing. Despite biorecognition element, and the utilization in biosensors brings
the numerous attempts to replace them with alternative new tools for analysis in the biochemical, clinical, and
recognition molecules (aptamers, biomimetic polymers, artificial environmental fields. It is commonly known that the high
receptors), classic antibodies still remain the most common sensitivity and selectivity of immunosensors to recognize a
recognition elements in research and commercial affinity assays. biomolecular component are ensured by specific interactions and
Thus, we consider it beneficial to aim the attention of the review the extremely high equilibrium association constants (1010 M−1
on this point, summarizing the novel nanotrends to improve the and greater) attainable between an antibody and its correspond-
classic immunoanalytical and, in particular, immunosensing ing antigen.
concepts. We believe that such an approach will be interesting for Antibodies are a unique natural family of (immune system)
not only chemists working in the analytical field but also the large related glycoproteins known as immunoglobulins (Ig’s),
community of immunoassay users within medical (clinical produced by differentiated B cells in response to the attendant
assays) and biological research. of an immunogen during an immune response. The role of Ab is
The targeted scientific resources cover the recent five years, essential to life and plays an unsubstitutable role in the immune
namely, the period from 2012 to 2016 (September). The initial, systems of higher animals. A typical mammalian antibody unit is a
and rather wide, literature search yielded approximately 4500 heterodimer consisting of two identical long heavy chains
hits. After manual preselection, 3300 papers were evaluated as (approximately 450−600 amino acid residues) and two identical
relevant to our field. short light chains (approximately 220 residues).1 The heavy
The critically selected results cover all possible types of chains are a large polypeptide subunit and vary between different
immunosensors and immunoassays applied usually in heteroge- animals. These four chains are joined to form a “Y”-shaped
neous formats; i.e., several separation and washing steps are molecule (Figure 1).
involved. Homogeneous formats, providing simplified working Both Ig chains consist of conserved protein structures called
procedures, were rather rare. The initial part introduces domains corresponding to approximately 110 amino acids. The
antibodies as classic recognition elements, which, however, light chains have two domainsvariable (VL) and constant (CL).
continue to develop and improve the usage of tools from The heavy chains also have one variable domain (VH) and,
molecular biology and protein engineering. The sensing depending on the Ig types, another three (in the case of IgG, IgA,
techniques covered mostly optical and electrochemical trans- and IgD) or four (in the case of IgM and IgE) constant domains
ducers. The former area included classic label-based fluorescence (CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4). The domains are identical between the
and luminescence but only a few chemiluminescence examples; two light and two heavy chains. The heavy chains are connected
advanced label-less surface plasmon resonance was rather with each other by covalent disulfide bridges and noncovalent
common together with its localized variants. One of the chapters bonds. Similarly, the light chains are connected to the heavy
also discusses the promising surface-enhanced Raman scattering. chains. The arms of the “Y” consist of the N-termini of each
Electrochemistry was mainly represented by the simplest heavy chain associated with one of the light chains to create two
amperometric measurements, followed by voltammetric ap- antigen-binding domains. This region is termed the “antigen-
proaches and impedance spectroscopy; potentiometric techni- binding fragment” (Fab fragment or domain). The tail of the “Y”
ques were rare and consisted of miniaturized field-effect is formed by a combination of the C-termini of the two heavy
transducers. Furthermore, combined electro-optical techniques, chains and is termed the “crystallizable fragment” (Fc fragment
namely, electrochemiluminescence and photoelectric conver- or domain). Physiologically, the Fc fragment is responsible for
sion, proved very fruitful. Special examples of magnetic the effector role of the Ig (i.e., the cell receptor interaction,
transduction are focused both on assays and on imaging complement activation, etc.).2
9974 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00037
Chem. Rev. 2017, 117, 9973−10042
Chemical Reviews Review
Figure 1. Unique structure of antibodies comprised of four polypeptide units joined together to form a “Y”-shaped moleculetwo identical heavy
chains and two identical light chains. The disulfide bonds depicted between CL and CH1 are relevant for most IgG subclasses. The two Fab’s are antigen-
binding fragments, and Fc is a crystallizable fragment. In the right-hand structure, flexibility is outlined: Fab arm waving (violet), Fab rotation (blue), Fab
elbow bend (orange), and Fc wagging (green).
The chains have another region, known as the hinge region, quaternary molecular structure: IgM has a pentameric structure,
located between the CH1 and CH2 domains The hinge region IgA has a dimeric one, and the others are monomers.
gives flexibilitynamely, arm rotation and wavingto the Fab As mentioned above, the discussed antibodies are glyco-
fragment. The other possible type of flexibility rests in the Fab proteins. The carbohydrates are localized in the constant
elbow bend and Fc wagging.3 The hinge region contains a high domains of the heavy chains, mainly around the CH2 and hinge
amount of proline accountable for the flexibility and sensitivity to regions.8 The share of carbohydrates is 15% of the heavy chains.
proteolytic enzymes. A controlled scission using proteolytic The exact role of the carbohydrate residues is not fully
enzymes (pepsin or papain) leads to the fragmentation of a understood; we can speculate on their relation to catabolism or
molecule; as well as reaction with disulfide reducing agents. The to some of the Ig unknown functions. Experimentally, it was
sensitivity of IgG subclasses to proteolytic cleavage depends on shown that the oxidation or deglycosylation of the Ig does not
the sequence and length of their hinge regions; also, the strength affect the change of the molecular structure; only the effector
of the reducing agents plays a role regarding the position of functionality is affected.9,10
reduced − S−S− bridges.4 The eminent dogma of the structure of antibodies was
A minimal antigen-binding fragment consisting of VH and VL reinterpreted by discovering a new antibody type in the
chains and referred to as the Fv fragment is obtainable by the Camelidae species in the 1990s.11 Camelids (i.e., Camelus
pepsin digestion of F(ab′). A recombinant single-chain Fv (scFv) dromedarius, Lama glama) produce heavy-chain antibodies
fragment contains a small flexible linker between the VH and VL (hcAb’s) missing the light chains; these antibodies are more
chains and is more stable than the native Fv fragment. The stable than classic antibodies and are capable of strongly binding
antigens. The recombinant variable domain (VHH) of hcAb is
progress in the molecular recombinant DNA technology allows
commercially produced and called a “nanobody”.12 The items
scFv fragments retaining the antigen-binding capacity of the
may possess inherent thermal and protease stability and are able
parent immunoglobulin or totally newly designed scFv fragments
to bind epitopes that cannot interact with whole antibodies.13
to be obtained in a routine manner (Figure 2).5,6 Other heavy-chain antibodies have been isolated from
Due to the variability of the VL and VH domains, the Fab cartilaginous fish and termed “IgNAR” or “vNAR” (the variable
fragment determines the specificity and ability to interact and domain of a new antigen receptor in sharks).14,15 Genetic
bind the immunogen. This variability is located in three segments engineering allows making, e.g., recombinant fusion products of
within the domains called hypervariable regions or complemen- nanobodies with the superfolder green fluorescent protein16 or
tarity-determining regions (CDRs).7 These regions exhibit about intraspike cross-linked antibodies for HIV therapy.17
10 amino acids and are usually denoted as CDR1, CDR2, and Antibodies harvested from blood plasma are mixture products
CDR3. Each antibody molecule has two antigen-binding sites of many different plasma cell clones, and they react with many
formed by the regions, localized at the tip of each arm of the “Y”- epitopes. The number of producing clones varies on the inducing
shaped molecule. epitopes. In practice, it is not possible to isolate specific
The classification of antibodies is based on the sequence of the antibodies of one clone from these mixtures known as polyclonal
heavy chains and the content of carbohydrates. The heavy chains antibodies (pAb’s). The immunoglobulins produced by the
are highly conserved and can be separated into isotypes or classes single plasma cell originating clone are specific against one
of Ig (μ, IgM; γ, IgG; ε, IgE; α, IgA; δ, IgD). Similarly, the light epitope of the immunogen. These specific antibodies are called
chains are described as κ and λ, but contrariwise, they are the monoclonal and are mainly produced via the hybridoma
same for all Ig classes. Isotypes α and γ have approximately 450 technique using the fusion of B-cells with the immortal myeloma
amino acids, whereas μ and ε exhibit 550 amino acids. Over this cell line.18 Another in vitro technique, known as the phage
diversity, the individual classes of antibodies differ in the display method, is based on selecting recombinant structures
9975 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00037
Chem. Rev. 2017, 117, 9973−10042
Chemical Reviews Review
Figure 2. Fragments of an IgG molecule prepared via the application of protease enzymes and disulfide reducing agents. The image includes
recombinant fragments of classic antibodies, i.e., single-chain Fv (scFv) and camelized single-domain Ab (sdAb), also known as VHH or nanobodies,
which can be prepared in the same form by recombinant engineering.
presented on the bacteriophage surface and tested for the experimental conditions allowed the preparation of Au NPs
interaction with the target antigen.19 with various shapes, such as nanorods,28 nanostars,29 nano-
The specificity and sensitivity of antibodies are crucial clusters,30 core−shell structures,31 and irregularly shaped NPs.32
parameters for the construction of immunosensors.20 Suo et al. Au NPs have drawn the particular focus of scientists in the
reported a comparative study of the efficacy of seven antibodies bioanalytical field due to their distinct physical and chemical
for the binding of the living cells of Salmonella enterica. The properties, including easy preparation and modification, superior
results suggest that an antibody should target a surface antigen biocompatibility, intensive color, and catalytic activity.33,34 Au
extending out from the bacterial surface and closely attaching to NPs enable the conjugation of biological ligands, exploiting the
the bacterial cell wall. In the studied case, the best results were strong affinity of the mercapto35 and amino36 functional groups
achieved using antifimbria antibodies.21 to gold. Au NPs also provide a microenvironment compatible
As regards the immunosensing formats, the most common with biomolecules; thus, their activity remains even after
competitive and sandwich options are shown in Figure 3. immobilization. For this reason, Au NPs are often modified
using different biomolecules, such as antibodies, enzymes, or
3. NANOPARTICLES FOR IMMUNOSENSING DNA, to create specific nanoprobes applicable for detecting
3.1. Metallic Nanoparticles various analytes.37
3.1.1. Gold Nanoparticles. Because of their unique optical, The applications of Au NPs in immunosensing cover the
chemical, electrical, and catalytic properties, Au NPs are the most majority of possible transducers. For example, due to the high
common signal amplification labels for various kinds of molar extinction coefficient and significant color changes during
immunosensors and immunoassays, including lateral flow assays, aggregation, a number of colorimetric immunoassays have been
electrochemistry, colorimetric assays, and plasmonic sensing developed.38 Fluorescence immunoassays can be constructed on
(SPR, LSPR, SERS).22 The particular properties and applications the basis of the energy transfer between fluorophores and Au
of Au NPs are strongly influenced by their sizes and shapes. The NPs, which causes the quenching of the fluorescence signal.39
color of a colloidal Au NP solution is either intense red (particles The plasmonic properties of Au NPs can be used to amplify SPR
smaller than 100 nm) or dirty yellow (larger particles).23 These immunosensing,40 the catalytic properties of Au NPs are
optical properties are caused by localized surface plasmon utilizable for the amplification of optical or electrochemical
resonance. The free electrons of Au NPs undergo oscillation in signals,41 and the electrochemical properties can be exploited in
the presence of an oscillating electromagnetic field, and EIS biosensors.42 Many in vitro studies have demonstrated that
resonance occurs at a specific frequency of the light.24 Au NPs are generally nontoxic for cells, this being in contrast
The currently most common technique for the synthesis of Au with other NPs (e.g., carbon nanotubes and metal oxides).43 The
NPs was developed by Turkevich et al. in 195125 and further precondition then enables the application of Au NPs within in
improved by Frens in 1973.26 This method is based on the vivo diagnostics and imaging.44
chemical reduction of gold salts (e.g., hydrogen tetrachloroau- More details about the amplification of the sensor response by
rate, HAuCl4) by citrate; the products of the reaction are Au NPs are provided in sections devoted to individual
monodisperse spherical Au NPs. The particle size and shape can transducers. Au NPs appear to be quite universal and fully
be controlled by the concentration of the reagents or the selected established; the excellent stability compared to that of other
reducing agent or by using a surfactant (i.e., cetyltrimethylam- metals in combination with routine procedures for bioconjuga-
monium bromide, CTAB).27 Further optimizations of the tion, pronounced colors, and sensitive plasmon changes makes
9976 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00037
Chem. Rev. 2017, 117, 9973−10042
Chemical Reviews Review
Figure 5. Scanning electron microscopy images of Caco2 cells captured with MB/anti-EpCAM and simultaneously labeled with AuNPs/anti-EpCAM in
the presence of THP-1 cells: (a, b) SEM images (falsely colored with Corel Paint Shop Pro) of a Caco2 cell captured by MBs/anti-EpCAM. (c, d)
Higher magnification backscattered images of the Caco2 cell surface showing AuNPs distributed along the cell plasma membrane. Scale bars: 3 μm (a),
400 nm (b), and 200 nm (c, d). Reprinted from ref 82. Copyright 2012 American Chemical Society.
widely used in biomedical domains such as drug delivery,60,61 al.71 The prepared Fe3O4/TiO2 NPs selectively interacted with
hyperthermia,62,63 and magnetic resonance imaging.64,65 Envi- the phosphorylated moiety, and the complexes were magneti-
ronmental and catalytic applications are no less important.66,67 cally separated from the human serum samples. The secondary
Analytical applications based on magnetic NPs are represented anti-BChE Ab’s with quantum dot tags made an immunosand-
mainly by three strategies. The basic strategy is the magnetic wich that was analyzed using SPR. In addition, Cd2+ ions were
preconcentration of an analyte due to its interaction with measured using square wave voltammetry. The LOD for the
biofunctionalized nanoparticles. In this manner, one can phosphorylated BChE was at a concentration of 10 pM.
preconcentrate the analyte, minimize the effect of a sample Magnetic NPs with a gold shell and antibodies immobilized in
matrix with interferents, or attract the immunocomplex onto the an oriented manner were used for the preconcentration of the
surface of the sensor via an external magnetic field. This is bovine leukemia virus antigen gp51.72 The screening method for
perhaps the most important and unique advantage. Another the clenbuterol in bovine hair was described by Regiart et al.,73
procedure rests in applications where functionalized MPs are who took advantage of a combination between a microfluidic
used as tags for the visualization and sensitive detection of chip and nanogold-modified screen-printed electrodes. The
immunocomplexes with a specific analyte. The third common competitive indirect immunoassay used magnetic microparticles
approach is the integration of magnetic NPs into the transducer with primary Ab’s for the preconcentration of the antigen. The
material or the modification of the sensor surface to improve the microparticles were magnetically entrapped on the Au NP-
analytical signal. In many cases, the aforementioned approaches modified SPE, and a mixture of the analyte and phosphatase-
are combined and improve the final effects, e.g., the sensitivity, modified clenbuterol was injected. This combination minimized
selectivity, signal-to-noise ratio, and limit of detection. the consumption of the reagents and samples to a few microliters
3.2.1. Magnetic Preconcentration. A very attractive, and facilitated an improvement in the detection limit of up to 8
simple, and promising field is magnetic preconcentration, pg/mL. Magnetic preconcentration was also applied on
where one can easily separate the analyte from the matrix of brevetoxin B in a competitive assay with guanine-assembled
the sample using an external magnetic field and, in the second graphene nanoribbons conjugated with brevetoxin B.74 Ru-
step, detect the analyte in the form of an immunosandwich. For (bpy)3Cl2 was electrochemically detected on a magnetic carbon
example, magnetic NPs were used for the preconcentration of paste electrode, and the signal was proportional to the
myeloperoxidase from human plasma and magnetically en- concentration of the brevetoxin. Magnetic NPs with specific
trapped on the electrode surface.68 The activity of the antibodies were used for the preconcentration of hepatitis B
myeloperoxidase was determined via the chronoamperometric surface antibodies.75 Secondary Ab with HRP formed an
detection of converted TMB. The main advantage consisted of immunosandwich, and the produced 2-hydroxy-3-aminophenox-
direct detection without the necessity of any tags. Commercial azine was detected using the DPV technique with a very low
Dynabeads were used for the competitive magneto-immuno- detection limit of 8 ng/L. The strategy of magnetic
assay.69 Ochratoxin A from diluted instant coffee samples preconcentration in combination with an electrochemical
competed with the enzymatic tracer on the immunobeads, and transducer was also used for, e.g., the impedance detection of
after washing, the immunocomplex was measured amperometri- Listeria monocytogenes,76 amperometric detection of iterleukin-
cally. The LOD in the spiked coffee samples corresponded to 6,77 chronoamperometric detection of Alzheimer’s disease
0.26 μg/mL, a value which was, interestingly, comparable to that biomarkers in cerebrospinal fluid, human serum, and plasma,78
of the samples diluted in PBS (an LOD of 0.32 μg/mL). and chronoamperometric detection of the human colon
Magnetic nanoparticles with immobilized primary antibodies adenocarcinoma cell line as a model of cancer circulating cells
against p24 HIV antigen were also used as the capture probe.70 (Figure 5).79 Similarly, the combined detection of cancer cells
The immunocomplex was attracted to the SPE electrode surface, and tumor biomarkers was described by Yang et al.80 Doubly
and the HRP tag consisting of HRP immobilized via the dextrin functionalized magnetic nanobeads with anti-avian influenza A
amine skeleton on the Au NPs amplified the signal via the (H7N9) and alkaline phosphatase were used for the preconcen-
oxidation of catechol by H2O2. The electrochemical response for tration of the target virus.81 These immunocomplexed nano-
the p24 HIV antigen was linear in a wide range, and an LOD of beads were interacted with an mAb-modified GCE to make a
0.5 pg/mL was achieved. An immunosensor for detecting stable immunosandwich. A double electrode signal was measured
phosphorylated butyrylcholinesterase was described by Zhang et during the enzyme-induced metallization reaction. Anodic
9978 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00037
Chem. Rev. 2017, 117, 9973−10042
Chemical Reviews Review
stripping voltammetry helped to analyze the H7N9 virus with an The impedimetric behavior of this system was studied using a
LOD of 6.8 pg/mL. ferro/ferricyanide redox probe.93
A comparative study of the immunomagnetic separation and A combination of several different nanomaterials is also
electrochemical detection of Salmonella was proposed by common, bringing new options and improved sensor properties.
Brandão et al.83 The authors realized the separation of Salmonella For example, the GCE was modified using graphene sheets with
enterica in different media, such as BHI broth or diluted and thionine, and the magnetic NPs covered by a silver shell were
whole milk. A slight matrix effect when using mag NPs at a higher immobilized through glutaraldehyde chemistry.94 The anti-
bacteria concentration was shown. Miniaturization and its kanamycin antibodies were thus immobilized on the surface in
combination with nanobiotechnology can provide powerful a significantly higher amount. The improved electrical behavior
and sensitive analytical instruments. Microfluidics combined of the sensor was characterized using cyclic voltammetry and
with nanostructured microelectrodes has been reported.84 square wave voltammetry. The ability of the sensor was also
Otieno et al. described sensitive preconcentration using mag evaluated using real pork samples. Kanamycin was detected in
NPs and the ultralow accurate detection of cancer biomarkers, less than 5 min with an LOD of 15 pg/mL. An electrochemical
which can be helpful for the early detection of cancer. sensor for the CEA tumor marker was prepared with an
Interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 were detected with ultralow enhanced electrode layer.95 The GCE electrode was modified
limits of detection equal to 5 and 7 fg/mL, respectively. with Au NP-functionalized magnetic carbon nanotubes together
β-Amyloid as an Alzheimer’s disease biomarker was magneti- with lead ions (Pb2+/Au/MWCNTs−Fe3O4). This setup
cally separated from the whole blood sample and detected using a enhanced the electrochemical signal, and the CEA was detected
portable SERS probe with an LOD of 100 fg/mL.85 One with an LOD of 1.7 fg/mL.
multifunctional nanoplatform was made of a magnetic core− QCM sensors are mostly used for the direct monitoring of
plasmonic Au shell nanoparticle attached to hybrid graphene emerging immunocomplexes at their surfaces, and magnetic NPs
oxide. can be used beneficially for the amplification of QCM-based
3.2.2. Renewable Sensor Surfaces and Modification bacteria detection. Zhou et al. described a different approach, one
Methods. The reusable sensor layer based on immunomagnetic based on monitoring the insoluble product given by the reaction
particles has several advantages, including magnetic preconcen- of 3-amino-9-ethylcarbazole with H2O2 catalyzed by the HRP
tration, ecological aspects, and automation possibilities. This tag.96 First, a change in the monitored frequency was given by the
kind of assay has been described several times for, e.g., the magnetic attraction of the immunocomplex (CRP and anti-
detection of aminoterminal probrain natriuretic peptides,86 α- CRP@MPs) to the QCM sensor. An additional frequency
fetoprotein,87 and phosphorylated p53 protein.88 Electrochemi- change arose due to the catalytic reaction and formation of the
cally active magnetite NPs were described by Cheng et al.89 The insoluble product. Using this amplification, C-reactive protein
magnetic core was interlayered with Prussian blue and AEAPS. was determined in the serum with an LOD of 0.3 pg/mL.
This cluster was coated with gold nanoparticles supporting the 3.2.3. Magnetic Particles as Tags. An analytical signal can
immobilization of anti-Escherichia coli antibodies. The sophisti- be enhanced using a suitably selected tag. Mag NPs are usable
cated system produced a renewable amperometric immunosen- individually or in combination with other NPs or signal
sor. These four-layer functionalized magnetic NPs were mediators; for example, the simultaneous detection of tumor
entrapped on the electrode using an internal electromagnet. markers was based on the electrochemical determination of two
The final size of these combined particles was approximately 100 mag-particle-based probes on the electrode surface.97 The
nm. The observed detection limit corresponded to 4.3 × 102 cfu/ primary Ab was immobilized on the poly[1-methyl-3-(1-
mL E. coli O157:H7. An amperometric magneto-immunoassay methyl-4-piperidinylmethylene)thiophene-2,5-diyl chloride]-
was also developed using core−shell magnetic particles attached modified GCE electrode. Two electrochemical probes were
to a carbon paste electrode.90 The tracer was used for the specific made via the modification of Fe3O4 nanoparticles with thionine
label of the captured Legionella pneumophila, and the electric and ferrocenecarboxylic acid possessing two separate analytical
current was recorded after the addition of H2O2 in the presence peaks after the sandwich-type interaction of a labeled secondary
of hydroquinone. Ab with tumor markers. The LODs for the squamous cell
The sensing signal can be enhanced by enlargement of the carcinoma-associated antigen (SCCA) and carcinoembryonic
sensor area and thus via increasing its binding capacity. antigen corresponded to 4 and 5 pg/mL, respectively.
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy with a modified Mag NPs coated with streptavidin were used as a tag for the
magnetic glassy carbon electrode (MGCE) was used for the detection of the PSA using spectral correlation interferometry,
detection of CD146, a biomarker of human malignant where the change of the thickness of the bioactive layer
melanoma.91 Au@Fe3O4@graphene clusters were used to consisting of the primary Ab, PSA, biotinylated second Ab, and
modify the MGCE electrode and thus to produce a conductive mag NPs was monitored.98 Compared to other NPs used in the
and extra-area platform for the immobilization of specific study, interestingly, the MPs were more effective, and an LOD of
antibodies. The sensor was tested with several interferent 92 pg/mL was achieved. Immunomagnetic NPs were also used as
molecules and then applied for detection in real human serum an enhancing tag for the direct competitive immunoassay for
samples. A wide linear range from 5 pg/mL to 500 ng/mL and a okadaic acid monitored using SPR.99 The magnetic preconcen-
detection limit of 2.5 pg/mL showed good specificity of this tration with SPR was used for the enhanced detection of AFP100
label-free immunosensor. A new sensing platform for the and human interleukin 17A.101
ultralow detection (LOD = 0.33 pg/mL) of the CEA was Similarly, the core−shell magnetite@Au NPs were used for the
provided by the modification of the GCE with Fe3O4/porous preconcentration of the human epididymis protein 4 (an ovarian
graphitic carbon nanocomposites and self-polymerized dop- tumor marker) and further SERS detection of this immuno-
amine.92 Mag NPs coated on an ITO electrode were used as the complex with an LOD of 100 fg/mL.102 The same concept was
active layer for the immobilization of mAb anti-Vibrio cholerae. also employed to detect E. coli;103 likewise, the anti-CEA/
9979 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00037
Chem. Rev. 2017, 117, 9973−10042
Chemical Reviews Review
aminothiophenol/Fe3O4−Au tag was used for the improved (Figure 7) seems to be a promising tool for automatic detection
detection of the CEA expressed by A459 lung cancer cells.104 in various applications. A model experiment was presented on
The analytical response can also be enhanced via special tags the detection of the staphylococcal enterotoxin A and toxic shock
affecting the signal or increasing the amount of mediators. A syndrome toxin from milk. The antigens were captured using
controlled release system was developed for the detection of the antibodies covalently attached in the filter, and the immuno-
SCCA.105 Mesoporous magnetite NPs with encapsulated sandwich arose by interaction with the magnetic NPs labeled
toluidine blue (TB) were used as a tag and source of mediator with secondary Ab’s. The mag NPs served as an active signal tag,
molecules. The interaction of conjugated Ab’s led to the release and their nonlinear magnetization indicated the presence of an
of TB, and the released probe was electrochemically detected by antigen in the sample.
CV. The strategy of “huge” molecular tags carrying several Magnetic NPs became indispensable for specific preconcen-
electrochemically active molecules is represented by cadmium tration of analytes present at very low concentrations; the
ion-doped magnetic poly(styrene−acrylic acid) nanospheres and simultaneous sample cleanup represents an additional benefit.
carbon nanospheres with protein cage NPs.106 Unique magnetic properties allowed the proposal of interesting
Enzyme mimic tags are very attractive due to their high sensing mechanisms, though the development and transfer to
stability and resistance against harsh conditions. There are many commercial devices seems to be slow. The applications in
applications of magnetic particles serving as enzyme mimic tags. targeted drug delivery will grow. The highest potential exists in
A nonenzymatic label based on magnetic beads with immobilized the magnetic resonance imaging for specific contrast enhance-
TMB and CEA was used for competitive binding between this ment.
complex and free analyzed CEA.107 CV and DPV were used to
monitor the oxidation of ascorbic acid catalyzed by mag beads@ 3.3. Carbon-Based Nanomaterials
TMB. A low detection limit, 1 pg/mL, was achieved. The 3.3.1. Carbon Nanotubes. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs),
corralite-like nanocomposite Fe3O4/MnO2/Pt mimics perox- discovered by Iijima in 1991,111 can be considered graphite
idase activity and was tested as a tag conjugated on the secondary sheets rolled up into nanoscale tubes. CNTs can be divided into
Ab.108 The amperometric signal was proportional to the two main categories: single-walled carbon nanotubes
concentration of the CEA with an LOD of 0.16 pg/mL. A (SWCNTs) and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs).
hematin-decorated magnetic NiCo2O4 superstructure was used SWCNTs consist of a single sheet of graphene wrapped into a
for the construction of an enzyme-free ultrasensitive photo- cylindrical tube. SWCNTs are typically about 0.4−2 nm in
electrochemical and electrochemical assay to facilitate the diameter and 1−100 μm in length, depending on the method
detection of the CEA.109 used for their synthesis. MWCNTs are composed of concentric
A magnetic immunoassay on porous 3D filters (Figure 6) cylinders of rolled up graphene sheets; the diameter of
made of twisted fibers of polyethylene coated with polypropylene MWCNTs usually ranges between 1 and 10 nm, depending on
the number of sheets. CNTs exhibit metallic or semiconducting
character, according to their chirality and the diameter of the
tubes.112 The chirality can be designated as armchair, zigzag, or
chiral, depending on the axis upon which the CNT was rolled.113
The three main types of CNT synthesis are arc discharge,111
chemical vapor deposition (CVD),114 and laser ablation.115
CNTs were first synthesized using carbon-arc discharge.
Depending upon the catalyst used, this approach provides
MWCNTs or SWCNTs with a high yield (∼90%) and ensures
good control over the dimensions of the synthesized tubes. Due
to the high yield and reproducibility, this technique allows large-
scale commercial production. Chemical vapor deposition is also
catalyst dependent and results in small-diameter CNTs. The
Figure 6. Detection of superparamagnetic nanolabels by their nonlinear yield of the CNTs is lower, but the created CNTs are significantly
response at combinatorial frequencies from the whole volume of the 3D cleaner, and the purification procedures can be simplified. Laser
solid phase located inside a pipet tip. Reprinted from ref 110. Copyright
2013 American Chemical Society. ablation offers the cleanest CNTs, though at a higher price and
lower yield. All these synthesis techniques provide a mixture of
metallic and semiconducting CNTs.113
Figure 7. SEM surface morphology of cylindrical 3D fiber filters obtained with an FEI Quanta 200 scanning electron microscope: left, magnified lateral
surface fragment (500× magnification); center, overview of the lateral surface of the filter (60× magnification); right, top surface fragment (500×
magnification). Reprinted from ref 110. Copyright 2013 American Chemical Society.
Figure 8. Schematic display of the different steps involved in the preparation of the dual electrochemical immunosensor for multiplexed determination
of IL-1β and TNF-α cytokines. Based on ref 126.
CNTs are often used in immunosensing116 due to their unique hydroquinone as the redox mediator were conducted for each
physical and chemical properties, e.g., the high surface-to-volume cytokine. LODs of 0.38 pg/mL (IL-1β) and 0.85 pg/mL (TNF-
ratio, high electrical conductivity, and rapid electrode α) were achieved, and the application of a sensor was
kinetics.117,118 The functionalization of CNTs can be performed demonstrated in real samples of human serum and saliva.
via covalent or noncovalent binding with different chemical A label-free electrochemical immunosensor based on GCE
groups, which allows high compatibility of CNTs for the modified by MWCNTs and Au−Pt NPs was developed by Liu et
conjugation with biomolecules.119 The large surface area of al.129 The modifications of the electrode increased the surface
CNTs facilitates a massive loading capacity for the conjugation of area for the immobilization of a large amount of antibodies and
biomolecules or incorporation of other nanoparticles; this enhanced the electrochemical performance. The mAb captured
property can improve the sensitivity via amplification of the the analyte (mycotoxin zearalenone), which was subsequently
electrical120 or optical121 signals. The high conductivity of CNTs directly oxidized by DPV. However, this assay scheme can only
was also demonstrated to mediate electron transfer, which be applied in detecting electrochemically active analytes; in other
further enhances the measured current.122 The chemical cases, a sandwich or a competitive assay has to be performed.
functionalization of CNTs also allows us to enhance their 3.3.2. Graphene. Graphene is a two-dimensional single-
solubility and biocompatibility.123 atom-thick planar sheet of sp2-bonded carbon atoms organized in
In electrochemical immunosensing, CNTs can be used either a hexagonal lattice. The first mechanical exfoliation of graphene
to directly modify the electrode surface or as labels in sandwich was demonstrated by Novoselov et al. in 2004;130since then, the
assays. CNTs as an electrode nanomaterial offer improved number of studies on graphene has constantly increased.
sensitivities, wide detection ranges, and lower limits of detection Graphene offers outstanding electrochemical, mechanical, and
compared to traditional carbon electrodes.124 The CNTs in thermal properties, optical transparency (∼97.7%), and
sandwich-based immunoassays can be used as signal labels and to flexibility. Due to these features, graphene embodies an attractive
provide surface enlargement for the immobilization of the candidate for the preparation of biosensors.113 As graphene is
secondary antibodies.125 conductive, transparent, and inexpensive, it constitutes an ideal
Double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs) were used to material for the development of biosensors based on diverse
modify two-channel SPEs for the simultaneous determination of transducers, from electrochemical to optical ones.131
two cytokines (interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and tumor necrosis factor Various types of graphene have been synthesized and applied
α (TNF-α); relevant details are shown in Figure 8).126 in biosensing.132 Pristine graphene, obtained via the mechanical
DWCNTs offer improved lifetimes and a higher stability cleavage of graphite, is strongly hydrophobic, which heavily
compared to MWCNTs,127 and they also exhibit better reduces its applications in immunosensing. Graphene oxide
electrochemical behavior than SWCNTs; such features then (GO) significantly improves the hydrophilicity of graphene
enhance the electron transfer and allow considerable over- layers, but GO is an electrical insulator, causing the reduction of
potential reduction for various species. After chemical mod- conductivity by several orders of magnitude. When the oxygen-
ification of DWCNTs, the outer cylinder works as a protective containing groups of GO are eliminated, the reduced graphene
sheath to guard the electric properties of the inner tube. Covalent oxide (rGO) achieves a unique combination of high conductivity,
sidewall chemistry can be performed on DWCNTs without any large surface area, high electrochemical activity, and simple
loss of the intrinsic properties.128 Sandwich-type immunoassays functionalization.133
with amperometric signal amplification using poly-HRP− GO is produced using the Hummers method, which is based
streptavidin conjugates, H2O2 as the HRP substrate, and on a treatment by potassium permanganate and concentrated
9981 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00037
Chem. Rev. 2017, 117, 9973−10042
Chemical Reviews Review
Figure 10. Illustration of the construction of bifunctional CND-decorated Ag/PATP/SiO2 nanoparticles for fluorescence and SERS immunoassays.
PATP = p-aminothiophenol, MPTMS = (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane, TEOS = tetraethyl orthosilicate, and APTMS = (3-aminopropyl)-
trimethoxysilane. Based on ref 155.
on the surfaces of Ag NPs upon the illumination of a laser. The can be carried out by embedding QDs with different sizes into
large Raman scattering cross sections compensated for the polymeric microbeads at precisely controlled ratios.162
reduction of SERS signals resulting from the silica coating Most of the QDs for analytical applications are prepared as
(Figure 10). IgG molecules were detected in a proof-of-concept core−shell structures, with the core nanocrystal coated with
experiment with an LOD of 2.5 ng/mL. another semiconductor material for the protection and improve-
Graphene quantum dots prepared via the autoclaving of ment of the optical properties (Figure 11). QDs with large
graphene oxide were employed for the electrochemilumines- quantum yields and a narrow size distribution are commonly
cence detection of cancer cells.156 Cubic Cu2O was used as a synthesized at a high temperature in organic solvents.163 To
template for the formation of a surface villous Au nanocage, transfer these hydrophobic QDs to an aqueous solution, the
which was then bound to graphene quantum dots. The
hydrophobic ligand layer has to be changed. The two principal
performance of a sandwich ECL sensor was demonstrated on
the detection of MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Similar labels were hydrophilization methods are ligand exchange and encapsulation
used for core−shell NPs combining fluorescence and the SERS
The main role of graphene variants and carbon nanotubes is
enhancement of the electron transfer rate in electrochemical
immunosensors. The higher current density is favorable for an
improved signal-to-noise ratio. At the lowest level, these carbon-
based nanomaterials function as molecular wires interconnecting
redox centers of proteins, conductive metal NPs, and the
electrode surface.
3.4. Luminescent Nanocrystals
3.4.1. Quantum Dots. Quantum dots (QDs) are fluorescent
semiconductor nanocrystals characterized by dimensions
typically in the range of 1−10 nm.157 They enable various
applications, for example, light-emitting devices, photodetectors,
solar cells, field-effect transistors, memory elements, luminescent
biolabels, biosensors, and bioimaging probes.158 QDs show size-
tunable photoluminescence properties, wide excitation spectra,
and a narrower emission bandwidth compared to classic organic
fluorophores.159,160 The fluorescence color can be controlled by
the QD size, i.e., by modifying the temperature during the Figure 11. Schematic view of quantum dots as labels in immunoassays:
synthesis or the duration of the nanocrystal growth. QDs with (A) QDs formed by a single semiconductor material; (B) core−shell
emission wavelengths ranging from 380 to 2000 nm can be QDs; (C) core−shell QDs with a hydrophilic coating and reactive
prepared using an appropriate semiconductor material and groups R for bioconjugation; (D) a polymeric particle containing several
nanocrystal size.161 Furthermore, multiplexed color encoding QDs for signal multiplexing.
with an amphiphilic polymer.164,165 Most of the hydrophilic the host lattice with its crystal structure ensures a matrix to bring
ligands employed for ligand exchange include mercapto groups these centers into optimal positions.180
since they offer a high binding affinity to the QD surface.166 The progress in nanocrystal research has evoked an increasing
The conjugates of QDs with antibodies are stable and provide interest in the development of synthesis procedures, facilitating
an easily detectable analytical signal, which makes them useful as the preparation of highly efficient, small UCNPs with a narrow
sensitive fluorescent labels in immunoassays167−169 and size distribution that can form transparent solutions in various
bioimaging.170,171 The application of QDs in quantitative LFIA solvents. Unlike commonly used luminescent biological labels
for CRP detection was demonstrated by Hu et al.172 Fluorescent (for example, organic dyes and QDs), UCNPs are advantageous
nanospheres were produced by embedding hydrophobic CdSe/ in many aspects; they are characterized by a practically zero
ZnS QDs into a poly(styrene−acrylamide) copolymer, which autofluorescence background, large anti-Stokes shifts allowing
strongly increased the fluorescence intensities compared to easy separation of the excitation and detection channels, multiple
single QDs. The QD-based assay was more sensitive (an LOD of and narrow emission bands tunable individually for the
34.8 pM in serum) than the conventional LFIA based on Au NPs. multiplexed detection of analytes, and excellent photostability.180
QDs have also become very popular in ECL immunosens- Small and homogeneous lanthanide-doped UCNPs showing
ing.173,174 Zhang et al.175 synthesized CdSe nanocrystals for the high upconversion efficiency are typically synthesized in organic
single-molecule analysis of the CEA (Figure 12). Mercaptopro- solvents. UCNP functionalization methods to ensure a hydro-
philic surface and allow bioconjugation reactions were reviewed
by Sedlmeier and Gorris.181
The unique photophysical properties of UCNPs make them
suitable as reporters in optical biosensors and biomolecular
binding assays. The potential of UCNPs in diagnostics was first
demonstrated by Tanke et al. in 1999.182,183 Since then, UCNPs
have been used in the design of heterogeneous184−186 and
homogeneous187,188 microtiter plate immunoassays and in lateral
flow immunoassays189 for the detection of various analytes.
Competitive upconversion-linked immunosorbent assay
(ULISA; Figure 13) for the detection of the pharmaceutical
Figure 15. Preparation of the hybrid Ab−NP/luminol/GOD label and the subsequent ECL of luminol using in situ generated ROS radicals. Ce:ZONFs
= ceria-doped zinc oxide nanoflowers. Based on ref 222.
4.1.4. Electrochemiluminescence. The conversion of with PANI nanofibers/graphene sheets and subsequently
electrochemical energy to light at the surface of an electrode is deposited Au NPs on magnetic beads were used for the sensitive
known as electrochemiluminescence (ECL). The relaxation of assay of interferon γ (LOD = 30 fg/mL).212
the excited states of the molecules formed within the Labels based on poly(amidoamine)-dendrimer-functionalized
electrochemical reaction is accompanied by luminescence. The carbon nanodots were combined with an electrode modified
process is initiated by applying a suitable potential on the using the composite consisting of fullerene, graphene oxide (in
electrode, and the intensity of the released light is measured by a situ electroreduced to graphene), and chitosan; the sandwich
photodetector, typically a photomultiplier.206 The simple assay of AFP provided an LOD of 0.33 fg/mL.213
instrumentation and low background signal compared to those For large analytes, such as microbes, ECL blocking assays are
of other luminescent methods resulted in numerous analytical suitable: the signal decreases with the rising amount of the
applications of ECL.207 A high response is often obtained due to surface-bound analyte. The magnetic Fe3O4/graphene oxide
the repeated conversion of such labels, e.g., ruthenium complexes nanocomposite was activated with EDC/NHS and isoluminol
represented by Ru(bpy)32+. (ABEI), and the capture Ab’s were covalently attached. The
The ECL of various NPs is a relatively new technique; suitable product was simply drop-coated on a magnetic electrode; the
variants include the common binary, core−shell, and doped ECL signal decreased with increasing amounts of the target
QDs, single-element NPs (Si, Ge, Ag, Au), metal oxide pathogen Vibrio parahemolyticus (an LOD of 5 cfu/g in seafood
semiconductors, up-converting NPs, molecular nanoaggregates, samples).214 The concept also functioned for N-terminal pro-
and more complex hierarchical assemblies providing several ECL brain natriuretic peptide with an ITO electrode modified with
mechanisms and reaction courses.208 ABEI−Au nanodots/chitosan/MWCNT as the ECL interface.
The composite QDs Cd/ZnSe served as a label for the After activation with glutaraldehyde and the covalent binding of
sandwich assay of AFP. The ECL was carried out on glassy the capture Ab, the presence of the analyte resulted in decreased
carbon via a cathodic pathway with (NH4)2S2O8 as the ECL (LOD = 3.9 fg/mL).215
coreactant. The procedure employed spectral evaluation instead A similar performance was also obtained for a direct assay of
of the common simple light intensity measurement;195 the deoxynivalenol.216 Network-like Co NPs were produced by the
authors proposed this approach for multicolor ECL immuno- alkaline dissolution of Al from the CoAl alloy; Co3O4 was further
assays. The resulting emission spectra were similar for ECL and grown on the surface followed by Au NP functionalization,
photoexcitation, thus confirming the similar mechanism. The deposition of the capture Ab, and further modification with
authors used a comparable approach with CdSe for the assay of Ru(bpy)32+-loaded silicate NPs. This assembly was drop-coated
the CEA; the remarkably low LOD was 0.1 fg/mL, which on glassy carbon and allowed to dry. The ECL signal was
corresponds to few (7) molecules of the CEA in 20 μL of sample, measured in the presence of K2S2O8; it continuously decreased
thus approaching the single-molecule detection capabilities.209 with higher amounts of deoxynivalenol in the solution. However,
For CdTe-based QDs, significantly enhanced ECL was obtained the authors did not explain why the ECL decreases, as the analyte
after deposition of these QDs onto graphene sheets.210 The is a rather small molecule for reasonable blocking of the surface.
multicolor sensing could also be achieved with common band- The novel ECL system was designed by a rather extensive
pass filters and PMT detectors.211 The graphene-modified glassy Mn2+ doping level of the NaYF4:Yb/Er UCNPs.217 The UCNPs
carbon was linked to two different capture antibodies (anti-AFP were coated with an aminosilicate shell, dropped on glassy
and anti-CEA) in the sandwich format; the biotinylated carbon, and Au NPs were bound through interaction with amino
secondary Ab’s were labeled with different streptavidin−QD groups. Eventually, the capture Ab was linked through
conjugates. The achieved LOD was 0.4 fg/mL for both markers. adsorption on the Au surface. The ECL was measured with
The QDs as labels in ECL sandwich assays are usually excited K2S2O8, and it continuously decreased with higher concen-
on differently modified electrodes. Thus, glassy carbon coated trations of the CEA (LOD = 5.2 pg/mL).
9986 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00037
Chem. Rev. 2017, 117, 9973−10042
Chemical Reviews Review
Small analytes, such as mercury ions, are typically measured reaction exhibits a shorter electron transfer path and lower
using competitive assays. The electrode surface was modified energy loss.
with a poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride)−graphene− 4.1.5. Photoelectrochemical Conversion. A suitable
CdSe composite secured with chitosan, and the assembly photoactive nanomaterial absorbs the photon, and charge
provided a strong ECL signal with cathodically produced separation occurs as the electron−hole pair formed by the
H2O2. The methylmercury−6-mercaptonicotinic acid linked to excitation of the electron from the valence to the conductive
albumin was further immobilized as a coating antigen. This band. An anodic photocurrent occurs when the electrons are
competed with the free mercury ions for the tracer, or a specific transferred to the electrode and the electron donor (D) in the
Ab−Au NP−HRP tracer. After the binding of the tracer, HRP solution replaces the hole (Figure 16). Alternatively, if the
decomposes the H2O2 by the oxidation of o-phenylenediamine,
and the ECL intensity drops.218 Alternatively, ALP as a label
enzymatically produced p-nitrophenol, which was oxidized to p-
benzoquinone acting as the quencher of the surface-deposited
The quenching of ECL also occurs due to the resonance
energy transfer within the sandwich complex.220 The carbon-
ization of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid provided N-doped
C-QDs, which, deposited on an electrode, function as a
luminophore. However, the binding of the analyte (AFP) and
its labeling with the secondary Ab linked to aminated graphene
resulted in the resonant loss of excitation and decreased the ECL
signal. A similar principle was employed using ferrocene−
chitosan NPs as labels in a sandwich assay.221
Hybrid luminol/nanoparticles constitute a combination of
organic and inorganic labels. An enhanced response can be Figure 16. Principle of the origin of photocurrents. The nanoparticles
achieved by various combinations of organic and nanocrystal- contain valence and conductive bands (VB and CB, respectively). The
based luminophores. The cerium-doped ZnO nanoflowers were electrons are provided (accepted) by the donors (acceptors) present in
the surrounding solution. Reprinted with permission from ref 227.
prepared by autoclaving Ce3+ and Zn2+ salts with lysine, which Copyright 2015 Elsevier.
afterward served in the EDC/NHS coupling of the sequentially
added luminol, secondary Ab, and GOD enzyme (in excess to
block the surface, Figure 15). The capture Ab was deposited electrons are transferred to the acceptor (A), complementary
through Ag NWs on glassy carbon. After completion of the electrons from the electrode neutralize the holes, yielding a
sandwich immunoassay, the added glucose with GOD generated cathodic photocurrent.227 General applications of QDs for PEC
in situ H2O2, which was, in the presence of Ce4+, electrochemi- systems were recently reviewed by Lisdat.228
cally oxidized to ROS radicals reacting with the embedded CuS (p-type semiconductor) constitutes a suitable PEC
luminol. The application for an assay of the amyloid-β protein material; it was on-site coated to a Au paper electrode (cellulose
resulted in an LOD of 52 fg/mL within about 90 min.222 coated with Au NPs) modified with ZnO nanoflakes, and the
Luminol was also bound to Au NPs, and the product was capture Ab was linked through a chitosan layer.229 The sandwich
coated on magnetic Fe3O4 NPs together with a secondary Ab. with the CEA analyte was labeled with the Au NP/secondary Ab/
The ECL was measured on a Au electrode modified with Au/ GOD enzyme assembly. The H2O2 resulting from the enzymatic
ZnO NPs containing the capture Ab. An LOD of 4.5 fg/mL was oxidation of glucose served as the electron donor for the PEC
achieved for mucin.223 For the analysis of CEA-125, the luminol process. The wide band gap of ZnO allows its excitation with UV
was covalently coupled to the poly- light, and this problem is overcome by the introduction of CuS
(diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid−ethylene glycol) ester serving as the primary light capture system. Tetracarboxyl
dendrimers.224 naphthalocyanine zinc can serve as an alternative sensitizer; it
The SiO2 NPs were doped with Ru(bpy)32+ and further was covalently linked to ZnO using aminothiophenol as a bridge
combined with Au/graphene and a secondary Ab to form a and the EDC/NHS coupling.230 This brings the option for near-
composite bioconjugate. This approach significantly enhances infrared photoexcitation; ascorbic acid served as the electron
the amount of Ru complexes per molecule of tracer in sandwich donor. The CEA was the analyzed marker, blocking the surface
assays. The other components increase the rate of the electron and thus lowering the photocurrent with its increasing
transfer and provide multiple antibody binding sites. For the concentrations.
HIV-1 p24 antigen in a human serum, the achieved LOD was 1 A similar approach was used with CdS QDs deposited on TiO2
pg/mL.225 and galactosidase as a label, producing p-aminophenol by
Tris(4,4′-dicarboxy-2,2′-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) was linked enzymatic hydrolysis of p-aminophenyl galactopyranoside.
with cysteine using EDC/NHS coupling chemistry to obtain a Aminophenol as a donor is photooxidized to quinonimine.231
self-enhanced ECL label for reagentless use.226 This makes the A more complex interface consisted of TiO2 nanotubes coated
procedure independent of common coreactants such as sequentially with Mn-doped CdS and CdTe QDs (Figure 17)
peroxydisulfate, oxalate, or tripropylamine and, consequently, suitable for visible light excitation due to the gradual transfer of
more robust. After being linked to Au nanorods and the electron/hole entities.232 The sandwich immunosensing for
attachment of a secondary Ab, it served in a sandwich assay for matrix metalloproteinase brings a secondary Ab linked to silicate
cardiac troponin I with an LOD of 83 fg/mL. Compared to the NPs functioning as a shield for the ascorbic acid donor and
use of free cysteine as the coreactant, the use of Cys@Ru(II) decreasing the photocurrent. This strategy also worked with
provided a much higher ECL signal since the intramolecular ECL ZnO as the primary electrode coating.233
9987 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00037
Chem. Rev. 2017, 117, 9973−10042
Chemical Reviews Review
Figure 19. Principle of the single-particle photon burst counting applied for homogeneous immunosensing. Based on ref 252.
carried out on a nitrocellulose membrane strip; multicolor NPs and the resonance is spread along the metal/dielectric surface up
were conjugated with specific antibodies. The NPs were prepared to hundreds of micrometers.256 LSPR embodies nonpropagating
via galvanic replacement between the Ag atoms of silver surface plasmon resonance excited on nanostructured metal
nanocubes and AuCl3. Depending on the Ag/Au conversion surfaces; it can be tuned by the size, shape, or composition of
ratio, the particle plasmon resonance was tuned from 450 to 700 nanostructures or nanoparticles.257
nm, and the suspension color changed from yellow to blue, SPR measurements mostly consist of direct detection258 and
suitable for visual evaluation on the sensing strip.251 sandwich259 or competitive inhibition260 assays. Direct detection
4.1.7. Single-Molecule Detection Techniques. Enhanced is appropriate for applications where the direct binding of the
immunoassays have recently been evaluated digitally by single- analyte yields a sufficient response. The detection limits can be
molecule analysis based on counting individual molecular or enhanced using a sandwich or an inhibition assay. In a sandwich
nanoparticle labels instead of measuring the overall (analog) assay, the measurement is carried out in two steps: First, the
signal. The setup typically comprises a microscope, a sensitive analyte is bound to the antibodies on the sensor surface, and in
camera, and suitable software to count the individual spots. The the second step, the sensor surface is incubated with a solution
high brightness of luminescent NPs is a significant advantage. containing secondary antibodies (which can be labeled by
The noise-free digital readout allows the elimination of the nanoparticles or enzymes261 to further improve the signal),
instrumental background, which has a crucial impact on lowering which bind to the previously captured analyte and increase the
the LOD. sensor response. In an inhibition assay, the examined sample is
The single-particle method (Figure 19) combines photon first mixed with respective antibodies (which, again, can be
burst counting with Au NPs as labeling probes.252 The photon labeled to enhance the signals), and then the mixture is brought
bursting of a single NP is generated in a highly focused laser beam into contact with the sensor surface exhibiting immobilized
(<1 fL) due to the plasmon resonance scattering and Brownian analyte molecules. The free antibodies remaining in the solution
motion. A linear relationship was found between the burst counts can subsequently bind to the surface.
and the number of particles in a solution. Upon the 4.2.1. Amplification by Nanoparticles. Various formats
immunoaggregation of NPs through the present molecules of for the detection of chemical and biological analytes have been
the antigen (PSA), the number of counts decreases. The linear used in SPR immunosensing. The detection scheme is chosen
range of the PSA was 1−1000 pmol/L, and the LOD with respect to the analyte size, binding characteristics of the
corresponded to 0.8 pmol/L.
biomolecular recognition element, range of the concentrations to
4.2. Surface Plasmon Resonance be measured, and sample matrix.262 Direct SPR biosensors are
Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensors are based on the applicable in the case of medium and large molecular weight
light-stimulated oscillation of electrons in the conduction band of analytes, which induce measurable refractive index changes upon
metal films (usually gold), called resonant surface plasmons. This their binding on the surface. The typical detection limits are
effect is strongly dependent on the dielectric constant of its above nanograms per milliliter.263
environment253 and is highly advantageous for biosensing The enhancement of the sensor sensitivity via labeling the
applications because the biological receptor−analyte interaction secondary Ab’s in a sandwich assay by latex particles264 and Au
causes a change of the oscillation frequency. The signal can be NPs265 was presented in the 1990s. Throughout the years, Au
measured as a change of the angle, intensity, refractive index, or NPs have become a standard for SPR signal amplification tags
phase of the reflected light.254 and enhanced sensing surfaces. Nevertheless, substantial effort
SPR sensors can be classified into two main categories: was also put into the development of other nanomaterials for
propagating SPRs (PSPRs, also simply referred to as SPRs) and SPR amplification, such as nanoparticles based on Ag,266 CdS,267
localized SPRs (LSPRs).255 PSPR is typically excited on NiO,268 Pd,269 and NPs,270 also including various kinds of
continuous metal thin films through prism couplers or a grating, magnetic NPs.271,272
9989 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00037
Chem. Rev. 2017, 117, 9973−10042
Chemical Reviews Review
The principles of signal enhancement using nanomaterials can LSPR peaks of Au NPs are determined by their size and shape
be divided into three categories: (1) plasmonic NP-based SPR and the dielectric constant of the surrounding medium. The large
sensing, where LSPR is coupled with the surface plasmon wave local electromagnetic field enhancement is closely related to
excited on the sensing film (Au and Ag NPs), (2) large surface metal nanostructures with sharp corners or large curvatures since
mass loading to improve the sensitivity (latex and magnetic electric charges can preferentially accumulate in these regions.277
NPs), and (3) charge transfer from the nanomaterial to the The LSPR of Au NRs can be systematically adjusted from the
metallic sensing film that induces a larger evanescent field visible to the near-infrared wavelengths by manipulating their
enhancement, thereby magnifying the SPR signals (gra- aspect ratios.273
phene).273 Besides the use of Au NPs in a solution, the incorporation of
Au NPs constitute the most common signal-amplification additional plasmonic nanostructures directly in the SPR sensor
labels in SPR immunosensing. It has been shown that electronic chip is one of the perspective ways to enhance SPR signals.273,278
coupling between the localized surface plasmons of Au NPs and The excitation of LSPRs by light is related to the strong
the surface plasmon waves associated with the Au SPR chip can absorption and scattering of light and also high enhancement of
significantly increase the SPR response (Figure 20).274−276 The the electromagnetic field close to the nanostructure.279 Metal
NPs with controlled sizes and lateral distances280 and different
types of plasmonic nanostructures,281 including nanogratings,282
nanoholes,283,284 and nanodots,285 were used in SPR sensors. In
addition, even a single nanohole in a metal layer has been proved
to support LSPRs.286
Ag NP-coated SPR sensors were found to exhibit stronger
enhancement of the SPR response compared to those coated
with Au NPs287 due to the larger negative real part and smaller
imaginary part in their complex dielectric constants.288,289 The
major disadvantage of Ag NPs is their limited stability and
pronounced susceptibility to oxidation. To overcome this
challenge, Au−Ag alloy nanocomposites were applied in SPR
immunoassays.290 The nanocomposites present high resistance
to oxidization and enable high sensitivity enhancement. Using
the Au−Ag alloy, the human IgG was detected with an LOD of
Figure 20. Scheme of the sandwich SPR assay amplified by Au NPs for 150 ng/mL, while the Au NPs provided an LOD of 300 ng/mL.
the detection of bacteria. Based on ref 276. Magnetic NPs have been employed in SPR immunosensing to
increase binding-induced refractive index changes291 and for the
preconcentration and purification of the analyte in complex
samples.292,293 The nanohybrids of Au NPs and magnetic NPs
Figure 21. Functionalization of the graphene layer on a Au SPR chip via (top) the electropolymerization of polypyrrole−NTA and (bottom) the π−π
stacking of pyrene−NTA followed by electropolymerization for the reinforcement of the layer. Based on ref 303.
offer the advantages of both of the above-mentioned refractive index changes, including those induced by the
amplification approaches.294 Zhang et al.295 synthesized particles biomolecular interactions at the surface of the nanostructures,
consisting of a Au nanorod core and a magnetic shell. The NPs can be observed using the LSPR peak shift.
were assembled on the sensor surface via a magnetic pillar Plasmon-enabled assays are usually performed with stable
without any chemical covalent link; this procedure simplified the colloid plasmonic NPs. The NPs are characterized by a large
immunoassay and facilitated easy regeneration. The authors surface area for sensing because of their small size; the high
demonstrated the detection of IgG with an LOD of 150 ng/mL. diffusion rates of the NPs enable fast analysis. Assays based on the
Carbon-based nanomaterials, such as graphene296 and carbon direct capture of the analyte on the NP surface usually provide
nanotubes,297 have also been used for the enhancement of SPR relatively small shifts in the LSPR peak, and therefore, an
immunosensing. Theoretical models predicted that the incor- absorbance spectroscopy setup is required to allow sensitive
poration of a single layer of graphene can strongly amplify the detection.315
optical sensitivity of SPR sensors.298,299 GO and rGO were Various materials (typically Au316 but also Ag or Cu317) and
introduced on a gold film using the layer-by-layer assembly, and shapes (typically spherical NPs318 or nanorods319,320) of
their effect on the refractive index increase was systematically plasmonic NPs have been recently employed for solution-
investigated by Chung et al.300 The practical applications of based LSPR immunosensing. The NP shape has a significant
graphene in SPR immunosensing were demonstrated by several impact on the detection sensitivity; Au nanorods were
research groups.301,302 Singh et al.303 bound graphene non- significantly more influenced by bulk refractive index changes
covalently to a gold surface to enhance the SPR detection of than spherical Au NPs.321
anticholera toxin antibodies (Figure 21). NTA functional groups LSPR spectroscopy is usually carried out with large ensembles
were attached to the graphene via the electropolymerization of of NPs. However, each nanoparticle in the ensemble can be
polypyrrole or π−π stacking of pyrene. A biotinylated cholera potentially used as an independent sensor. The use of single-
toxin was bound to these layers, and anti-cholera toxin antibodies nanoparticle sensors can ensure improved absolute detection
were detected. The presence of a single graphene sheet increased limits (the evaluation of the total number of molecules in a
the SPR sensor performances by 80% (an LOD of 4 pg/mL) sample) and also increase the spatial resolution in multiplexed
compared to a graphene-devoid setup. assays.322 Moreover, single nanoparticles with especially narrow
The sandwich approach based on the above-mentioned NP bandwidths can be selected from the field of view to enhance the
labels is generally applicable to enhance the detection of any signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) resolution.323 Typically, the LSPR
analyte large enough to allow the binding of two antibodies (the mode of single NPs, inducing absorption and scattering, can be
capture and detection Ab’s). The sandwich NP-enhanced SPR monitored by dark-field microscopy.324
has been used for the detection of various proteins (e.g., cardiac 4.3.2. Surface-Based LSPR. Changes in the ionic strength,
troponin T,304 ErbB2 receptor tyrosine kinase 2,305 or CEA306) pH, or temperature can cause the aggregation of NPs. To prevent
and bacterial pathogens (e.g., Salmonella272,276). such a complication, LSPR immunosensing can be performed
Small chemical compounds with a mass inadequate to cause with nanostructures on solid surfaces. Various approaches to
significant changes in the refractive index that do not possess at preparing surfaces for LSPR have been developed.
least two epitopes are hardly detectable by the direct or sandwich The family of bottom-up techniques is based on capturing NPs
approaches. To enhance the SPR response in these situations, a on the substrate. The assembly can be performed via chemical
competition for binding to the surface between an antigen binding, exploiting the high affinity of Au and Ag to the
conjugated with a high molecular weight label and the unlabeled mercapto325 and amino326 functional groups. Other methods
antigen in the sample can be performed. Another method is include electrostatic interactions between oppositely charged
based on immobilizing the antigen to the sensor surface followed surfaces and metal NPs,327 thermal annealing,328 and the thermal
by the injection of the primary antibody and a sample containing growing of NPs.329
a free antigen. In this case, the signal can be further amplified by Top-down techniques can also be used for the preparation of
the use of the secondary Ab’s labeled by NPs (e.g., Au307−309 or metal nanostructures on solid supports. Photolithography
magnetic292 ones). enables the formation of plasmonic nanostructures with various
shapes.330 Advanced lithographic techniques, such as electron
4.3. Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance
beam lithography (EBL)331 or focused ion beam (FIB),332 allow
LSPR is an optical phenomenon caused by the collective the production of metal nanostructures with accurate control of
oscillations of the electron gas in metal nanostructures (with the size, shape, and spatial distribution. As an alternative way of
dimensions smaller than the wavelength of light) surrounded by LSPR surface preparation, inexpensive and large-scale litho-
a dielectric. Typical materials for plasmonic applications are the graphic methods were established, including nanosphere
nanoparticles or nanostructures of noble metals such as Au or Ag, lithography (NSL),333 colloidal lithography,334 soft lithogra-
which exhibit LSPR in the visible range of the spectrum.310 When phy,335 nanoimprint lithography (NIL),336 and templating by
the nanostructures interact with light, a portion of the incident self-organized nanoporous anodized aluminum oxide (AAO).337
photons are absorbed, while another portion are scattered in A significant benefit of surface-based assays is that the washing
different directions.311 Both the absorption and the scattering are steps can be performed with sequential washes over static sensor
significantly enhanced when the LSPR is excited. The LSPR components, while solution-based nanobiosensors require
resonant frequency depends on the composition, size, and shape nanoparticle capture (e.g., using a magnet) or precipitation
of the NPs as well as on the refractive index of the surrounding followed by washing, which is a time-consuming task. Never-
dielectric medium.312,313 theless, moving from solution-based to surface-based sensing
4.3.1. Solution-Based LSPR. The very strong and highly negates the enlarged sensing surface of small particles dispersed
confined electromagnetic fields induced by LSPR yield a very in a solution.315
sensitive probe for the monitoring of small changes in the The label-free detection based on the immobilization of the
dielectric environment around the nanostructures.314 Local antibody to the sensing surface and direct capture of the antigen
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Figure 22. Plasmonic immunoassay based on the HRP-mediated aggregation of Au NPs that enables naked-eye readout. Based on ref 342.
is performed as a typical procedure. However, enhancing the linked to the growth of Au NPs to obtain blue (or red) solutions
LSPR immunoassay with 400% amplification of the shift upon in the presence (or absence) of the analyte. In the absence of the
antibody binding to the analyte was demonstrated using analyte, the reduction of Au3+ by H2O2 occurred at a fast rate, and
antibodies labeled by Au NPs.338 nonaggregated Au NPs (red color) were formed. In the presence
4.3.3. Plasmonic Nanoparticle Assemblies. The optical of the analyte, the catalase consumed the H2O2, slowing the
properties of plasmonic NPs depend on the organization and crystal growth kinetics and causing the growth of nanocrystals
distances between them. When the NPs are in close proximity, with ill-defined morphology and aggregated NPs (blue). The
the interparticle plasmon coupling causes a red shift in the naked-eye detection of low levels of the PSA and HIV-1 capsid
absorbance peak.339 The ability to functionalize the NPs and link antigen p24 was demonstrated, both with an LOD of 10−18 g/
their aggregation to the presence of the analyte enables the mL.
development of various assays based on color change.340 These
methods demonstrate the potentially simple assay scheme with 4.4. Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering
easy colorimetric readout. Aggregation-based methods typically Raman spectroscopy is a spectroscopic technique that monitors
provide a larger LSPR shift compared to the direct analyte the vibrational, rotational, and other low-frequency states in a
capture. Because in some of the techniques the color changes can molecule or system. The vibrational mode provides a major
also be seen with the naked eye, this approach is applicable to contribution to the chemical constitution of a specific analyte.
point-of-care diagnosis.341 Aggregation-based colorimetric sens- The Raman spectrum ensures a chemical fingerprint for the
ing also has some disadvantages, including mainly the narrow identification of the analyte. However, Raman signals are
dynamic range and complicated quantification. An additional generally weak because of the very small number of scattered
limitation lies in that the LSPR shifts commonly occur in a region photons (1 in 106 to 1010), which causes serious limitations to
of high absorbance by native proteins, and thus, the sensitivity of identifying analytes at low concentrations.347
measurement in real samples can be restricted.315 A substantial signal enhancement (surface-enhanced Raman
A sandwich assay based on an HRP-labeled detection antibody scattering) was first observed by Fleischmann et al. in 1974,348
and an enzymatic cascade leading to the aggregation of Au NPs when pyridine was adsorbed to a electrochemically roughened
(Figure 22) was developed by Xianyu et al.342 The HRP- Ag surface. Even though the electromagnetic (EM) basis of SERS
catalyzed oxidation of iodide and iodide-catalyzed oxidation of is currently well established, surface enhancement has also been
cysteine were used to modulate the plasmonic signals of Au NPs. connected with the charge transfer (CT) effects in the metal−
The method enabled sensitive naked-eye readout and has a
adsorbate system (chemical enhancement).349
potential for point-of-care applications in resource-constrained
An EM enhancement appears if an EM field is induced by the
LSPR of a noble-metal surface (e.g., Au and Ag) via the excitation
4.3.4. Controlled Nanoparticle Growth. Large LSPR
shifts are detectable when physical changes, such as the of the electrons on the metal surface by the photons from a laser
nucleation and growth of new particles or controlled growth of source.350 When the analyte molecules are directly on or close to
shell structures on pre-existing core NPs, occur in the the surface of the metallic nanostructures, the number of induced
nanomaterial structure. Ultrasensitive immunoassays can be dipoles increases and subsequently participates in the formation
developed by linking the changes of the nanomaterial structure to of the SERS effect, resulting in the detectable enhancement of
the presence or absence of an analyte.343,344 This approach can otherwise low Raman signals.351 The signals increase in
bring advantages to aggregation assays based on preformed NPs conjunction with enhanced EM fields, usually ranging between
since the complex matricxes of real samples might induce the 104 and 108.352
aggregation of NPs independently from the analyte presence. The CT mechanism can be defined as the grouping of the
The plasmonic ELISA-based enzymatically controlled NP resonant and nonresonant electronic processes that occur
growth was pioneered by the group of Stevens.345,346 The between the metal surface and molecule and are dependent
detection procedure exploited a classic ELISA sandwich with a upon the adsorption of the molecule. Because the incident laser
biotinylated secondary Ab and streptavidin-labeled catalase, causes excited resonance states with the metal surface or
which catalyzes the decomposition of H2O2 to H2O and O2. The molecule, the promoted charge transfer between the two changes
Au NP precursor material (HAuCl4) was added into the ELISA the resonance of the system. This participates in the polarizability
wells, where it reacted to form NPs. The biocatalytic cycle was of the molecule and enhances the Raman signal.353,354 The effect
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Figure 23. Two strategies for a multianalyte SERS immunoassay based on the sandwich approach. Based on ref 363.
of CT interactions is significantly lower (on the order of 101 to nanotag comprises three parts: Raman reporter molecules
102) compared to the discussed EM enhancement.355 providing characteristic Raman signatures, a plasmonic metal
For most of the reported immunosensing applications, SERS- NP (typically Au or Ag) to enhance the Raman signal, and a
active substrates have been prepared using Au or Ag.356 Similarly recognition element to bind the target molecule.315 The Raman
to SPR and LSPR, the factors influencing the preference of Au or reporters that can be used also as a conjugation linker (e.g., p-
Ag are connected with the differences in the surface chemistries mercaptobenzoic acid) have gained significant attention in recent
that allow the desired modifications, for example, surface years due to the simplified nanotag preparation.
passivation or the conjugation of biomolecules. The higher A typical SERS immunoassay is based on a sandwich scheme:
levels of enhancement provided by Ag NPs go together with the the capture antibody is immobilized on the surface, it binds the
deterioration of the optical properties, caused by rapid oxidation antigen from the sample, and SERS nanotags are applied to allow
in air and aqueous solutions.357 To address the particular the detection. The application of extrinsic SERS in cellular and in
limitations, the synthesis of composites comprising Ag coated vivo sensing is extensive because the nanotags associated with the
with Au was demonstrated; the process connects high chemical target biomolecules can stand out in the background signals from
stability and significant enhancement of SERS signals.358,359
a complex biological matrix.
SERS-based immunosensing can be divided into two main
The sandwich approach can also be applied in simultaneous
schemes: label-free intrinsic SERS, where the Raman spectra of
detection of multiple analytes through the use of different Ab’s
the target molecule are directly measured, and extrinsic SERS,
where the metal surface is functionalized with Raman reporter and different Raman reporters to prepare specific nanotags.
molecules and target-specific ligands and an amplified signal from Contrary to the wide emission profiles of fluorescent
the Raman reporter is measured after binding to the target compounds, the individual Raman spectral peaks show a higher
analyte. Extrinsic SERS is typically used for the detection of resolution and are, on the average, 10−100 times narrower in
macromolecules. The complex biochemical composition of width.361 Furthermore, all Raman labels can be excited by a single
biological samples complicates the interpretation of intrinsic laser source, which is not possible in fluorescence-based
SERS spectra, making the identification of a particular multiplex analysis. Another advantage of SERS is the high optical
biomolecule a difficult task. Macromolecules also exhibit a stability of the Raman labels. Contrary to fluorescence,
lower SERS effect compared to smaller molecules.360 Therefore, photobleaching does not occur in Raman spectroscopy. The
different SERS labels or nanotags are used extensively in signal intensities can be improved by increasing the power of the
bioanalytical applications, where the known signature of the tag excitation laser.362 However, due to the strong local heating
allows the identification of the target analyte. A typical SERS induced by the plasmonic nanostructures, the laser power
9993 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00037
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Chemical Reviews Review
Figure 24. Number of studies that have used electrochemical methods combined with immunochemical recognition principles in the past five years.
Combinations containing, in addition, some types of nanoparticles are shown too.
densities at the sample must still be carefully controlled to the noninvasive application of SERS is highly valuable for live
prevent damaging the sample. imaging. SERS also provides a very high resolution for the
Another multiplexing scheme is based on the combination of monitoring of the intracellular environment and the tracking of
identical reporters with different kinds of NPs, arising from the the cellular distribution of extrinsic molecules. While SERS can
fact that the SERS spectrum of one reporter molecule is be used for the direct imaging of Raman fingerprints in single
influenced by the plasmonic NP enhancement (Figure 23). The cells, SERS microscopy mostly depends on extrinsic detection
ability to encode the reporter NPs was presented by the based on nanotags. Various substrates have been adapted for the
application of Au NPs and bimetallic Ag−Au NPs to distinguish conjugation of antibodies for targeted cancer imaging in live
human and mouse antibodies.363 cells.377 For example, Au−Ag core−shell NPs were bound to
A label-free SERS immunoassay based on the frequency shift mAb’s via a poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) linker and applied for
due to the binding of the analyte was developed by Tang et al.364 the imaging of the expression of phospholipase Cγ1 on the
A Ag NP film for SERS substrates was grown on surface of HEK293 cells.378 A multiplexed mixture of receptor-
mercaptosilanized slides using a high-temperature modification targeted SERS nanotags enabled the rapid quantitative molecular
of Tollen’s method. Poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) stamps phenotyping of the surface of freshly excised breast cancer tissues
were used to chemisorb two Raman reporters in small square to detect the presence of residual tumors. To reduce the
domains on the substrate via microcontact printing followed by ambiguity caused by nonspecific sources of contrast such as off-
repeating with two antibodies. For the multiplex sensing of AFP
target binding or uneven delivery, a ratiometric method was used
and glypican-3 (GPC3), the patterned antibody-conjugated
for the quantification of the specific vs nonspecific binding. This
substrates were immersed in the sample, and SERS spectra were
technique provides results in less than 15 min and allows the
The recent progress in SERS-based immunosensing was potential intraoperative use in guiding breast-conserving
devoted to the development of NPs with different shapes and surgeries.379
compositions to achieve higher SERS enhancement factors. 4.5. Electrochemical Transducers
Compared to conventional nanospheres, nanorods have a Electrochemical immunosensors and immunoassays are gaining
stronger SERS effect due to the more intensive scattering growing attention due to their high sensitivity, selectivity, low
derived from the electromagnetic radiation.365 Other shapes of cost, good portability, reproducibility, and compatibility with
noble-metal nanoparticles include hollow nanospheres,366 nano- micromachining technology. With the development of nano-
cubes,367 nanostars,368,369 nanoprisms,370 nanoflowers,371 and
technology and nanoscience, electrochemical immunosensing
not only opened the door to substantial improvement of the
The combination of magnetic beads with SERS nanotags
sensitivity of immunoassays but also led toward implementing
enables some of the limitations of immunoassays on solid
substrates (e.g., the long incubation times and the requirement of further inherent merits, such as miniaturization, portability, and
repeated washing) to be overcome.373,374 A sensor based on a the immense scope of modifications. Together with antibodies
competitive SERS immunoassay and magnetic separation was (the biorecognition element) and electroactive mediators (either
presented by Yang et al.375 Au NPs were labeled by the as carriers or as electroactive labels), these approaches secure low
chloramphenicol−BSA conjugate and a Raman reporter to detection limits with relatively fast responses. While direct
prepare the nanotag. With the addition of free chloramphenicol, immunosensors are able to follow fast electric signals during the
a competitive immune reaction was initiated between free immunocomplex formation, indirect sensors use signal-generat-
chloramphenicol and the nanotag for binding to the antichlor- ing labels incorporated into the immunocomplex during its
amphenicol antibody-modified magnetic NPs. Instead of the formation. The latter allow more sensitive and versatile
solid substrate, the antibody-conjugated magnetic beads were detection. Recently, electrochemical immunosensing has expe-
applied as supporting materials and separation tools. Using a rienced major development, and the application of nanoparticles
magnet, the mixture was removed from the supernatant for in electrochemical techniques contributes to this. The
concentration effects. The SERS signals were recorded directly scientometric data for the past five years (Figure 24) show that
from the supernatant; an LOD of 1 pg/mL was achieved. the most increasing trend is associated with impedimetric
SERS techniques have also progressed toward the use in immunosensors. The second position is then occupied by
microscopy and small-animal in vivo imaging.376 The potential of amperometric immunosensors.
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4.5.1. Amperometric and Voltammetric Measure- a high and targeted surface area allows faster and more complete
ments. The amperometric immunosensor is based on and controlled charge transfer at lower overpotentials, which
measuring the current changes of a conductive material due to lessens the complications associated with electrode fouling. NPs
the interaction of an analyte with the surface functionalized with can guarantee enhancement of biomolecule compatibility and
antibodies (immuno); in other words, the amperometric functionalization. On the basis of the knowledge of electrostatic
immunosensor is a device that transforms chemical information, interactions or the formation of bonds, the NP functionalization
such as the concentration of a specific sample component, into an is able to attach specifically certain biomolecules, allowing their
analytically useful signal. Usually, the current is measured as a efficient immobilization and increased electroanalytical re-
function of the electrode potential (E) or time (t). Both modes sponses.382
are used in immunosensing. With respect to the variation of An electrochemical (amperometric) immunosensor, being a
parameters, amperometric detection in potential-controlled chemical biosensor, contains two basic functional units: a
methods (potentiostatic methods) can be realized by different bioreceptor and a transducer. Some immunosensors may include
techniques (Figure 25, right). These are as follows: (a) a separator consisting of, for example, a membrane. From the
bioreceptor part, the important information is transformed into a
form of energy measurable as electrical work by the transducer.
Thus, in amperometric immunosensors, the response is derived
from the interaction between chemistry and electric current
(Figure 26).
surface, (b) the modification of the electrode surface (nano- silver deposition for anodic stripping analysis. The immuno-
composites, polymers, nanoparticles, self-assembled monolayers sensor was constructed by covalently immobilizing capture Ab
(SAMs)), (c) the immobilization of the antibody, (d) the effect on the Chit/rGO film-modified GCE. The in situ synthesis of Au
of the pH, ionic strength, and temperature on the individual steps NPs led to the enhanced loading of the label on the bead
within electrochemical immunodetection, and (e) the effect of surface.386
the Ab (length), polymers, and nanoparticles on electron transfer Mao et al.387 used the Nafion membrane modified by titanium
processes. In this field, recent research activities have been dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles for human chorionic gonadotropin
focused on the modification of electrode surfaces by using metal and a Nafion−TiO2−Gr homogeneous composite with a GCE
(prominently gold and silver) or metal oxide nanoparticles, for the detection of CEA.388 To detect sulfamethoxazole, a new
nanocomposites, and allotropic modifications of carbon (e.g., electrochemical immunosensor was based on a CeO2−chitosan
CNTs and graphene). Some papers discuss electrode surface nanocomposite modifying a GCE.389 A detection limit of 0.11
modification performed by means of SAMs, diazonium, or sol− pg/mL CEA was achieved in a sandwich-type immunoassay
gel chemistry. Within the development of electrochemical (anti-horseradish peroxidase bonded to anti-carcinoembryonic
immunosensors, conducting polymers have attracted consid- antigen, HRP−anti-CEA) by using biometallic AuPt nano-
erable attention stemming from a set of crucial reasons. Polymers chains.390 The biometallic nanochains were considered as
embody a suitable (very often also biocompatible) matrix for the promising candidates for the next-generation sandwich-type
entrapment of enzymes, and they can be prepared in situ on electrochemical immunoassays. To determine the prostate-
electrode surfaces via electropolymerization, enabling control specific antigen (PSA) with a low limit of detection (1.16 fg/
over their film thickness. Moreover, electropolymerization can mL in serum), TiO2 NPs and a monoclonal antibody in
establish a direct connection of the polymer layer with the combination with ICP−MS were used.391 The amperometric/
electrode surface, which is important for increasing the coulombimetric signal produced of the CdS NP was employed
robustness of the electrochemical immunosensor. for the detection of sulfonamide antibiotic residues in food
Metallic nanoparticles have become a much-favored tool in samples.392 Au NPs were invented to recognize the trombin
electroanalysis because of their superior physical and chemical captured on the screen-printed carbon electrode.393 For the
properties, including the high surface-to-volume ratio, good electrochemical detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin B, GCEs
electrical qualities, strong adsorption ability, and positive surface were modified with platinum nanoparticles,394 and to facilitate
characteristics. The implementation of metallic or metal oxide the rapid detection of Salmonella pullorum, a system containing
nanoparticles is used also in electrochemical immunosensors. ionic liquids (Au NP/HRP/ILs) was used.395
4.5.2. Electrochemical Immunosensors with Metals or Carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs or MWCNTs) and graphene,
Metal Oxides. Electrochemical applications of nanomaterials graphene oxide (GO), and reduced graphene oxide (rGO)
are predominated by carbon and metallic nanoparticles, which nanosheets all belong to the allotropes of carbon with a two-
are used in modifying active surfaces of conventional macro- and dimensional nanostructure, offering unique chemical, geo-
microelectrodes. A large variety of designs employing metallic metrical, and mechanical properties such as high strength
NPs for immunosensors were reported. For example, one design flexibility and thermal stability. From the perspective of their
was developed for ultrasensitive electrochemical immunoassay of application in electrochemical sensing, we should highlight
small molecules based on a host−guest interaction of adamantine electrical properties such as the high conductivity and electron
with a β-cyclodextrin-functionalized Au/Pd bimetallic nanop- transfer capability.
robe. In that design, the electrocatalysis of Au/Pd NPs toward 4.5.3. Allotropic Modification. Papers on novel electro-
the oxidation of NaBH 4 was employed to produce a chemical immunodetection platforms based on carbon nano-
voltammetric analytical signal. The highly efficient electro- tubes have been published; selected examples describe
catalysis by AuPd nanoparticles for NaBH4 oxidation produced modifications with a thionine−chitosan nanocomposite film,396
an ultrasensitive response (LOD = 4.6 ng/L) to chloramphenicol MWCNTs with graphene sheets and poly(ethylenimine)−
as a model of a small-molecule antigen.384 Au,397 GCE/Bi NPs/Nafion−MWCNTs/GCE,398 and electro-
A highly sensitive electrochemical CEA immunosensor was spun carbon nanotube nanofibers.399
fabricated by covalently immobilizing a monoclonal CEA Advanced electrochemical immunodetection platforms based
antibody (anti-CEA, Ab1) and a mediator (thionine, Th) on on graphene have been presented in many papers. The
the Au NP-encapsulated dendrimer. The highly sensitive electrochemical reduction of GO was chosen for preparing
detection was achieved by the increased HRP-electrocatalyzed rGO-modified ITO surfaces.400 Graphene oxide sheets were
reduction of hydrogen peroxide locally generated by GOD. The initially deposited on amine-terminated benzenediazonium-
immunosensor surface was characterized using EIS, AFM, and modified indium tin oxide (ITO) surfaces through both
QCM; dendrimer-modified NPs and the Ab2/MWCNT/GOx/ electrostatic and π−π interactions between the modified surfaces
HRP bioconjugates were characterized using high-resolution and GO. Using the ultrasensitive detection of an antigen by the
TEM, SEM, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Cyclic and sandwich ELISA method, a very low limit of detection (ca. 100
square wave voltammetry techniques were used to monitor the fg/mL, which corresponds to ca. 700 aM) was achieved.
increased electrocatalyzed reduction of hydrogen peroxide by Graphene-based immunosensors were fabricated for the
HRP.385 detection of aflatoxin B1, an extremely toxic substance among
In the other voltammetric immunoassay of CEA, a polystyrene mycotoxins in contaminated food products.
microbead was covered with chemically deposited Au NPs, A dual enhancing strategy401 has been employed to develop an
which were also employed as a tracing tag to label the signal electrochemical immunosensor for the ultrasensitive detection of
antibody. A triple signal amplification was achieved using AFP, which is enhanced by a polydopamine-functionalized N-
graphene to modify the immunosensor surface for accelerating doped multiwalled carbon nanotube (PDA-N-MWCNT) and
electron transfer, poly(styrene-co-acrylic acid) microbeads the nanocomposite of graphene-loaded Au/Pt mesoporous
carried Au NPs as a tracing tag on the Ab2, and Au NPs induced nanodendrites.
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Chemical Reviews Review
Figure 27. Schematic representation of the preparation of an immunosensor. The reticular structures represent rGO−TEPA. Ab1 represents the anti-
TSGF antibody. rGO−TEPA, GA, Ab1, BSA, TSGF, and Ab2−Ag@CeO2 are modified onto the GCE in sequence. Based on ref 402.
Figure 28. Schematic illustration of the fabrication process related to the sandwich-type electrochemical immunosensor for detecting the
carcinoembryonic antigen. CD−NGs = cyclodextrin−nanosheets of graphene. Reprinted from ref 403 with the permission of the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Copyright 2016 Nature Publishing Group.
The application of nanomaterials in electrochemical immu- response. In addition, the good electroconductivity and electron
nosensors of the sandwich ELISA type is presented in many transfer capability of rGO−TEPA can be beneficial for the
variations. For example, one of the referenced papers describes detection of H2O2. Second, Ag@CeO2 exhibits fine catalytic
an ultrasensitive amperometric immunosensor developed to activity toward H2O2, which can improve the immunosensor
detect a tumor-specific grow factorthe endometrial cancer performance significantly. The authors have discussed the effect
marker.402 Reduced graphene oxide−tetraethylenepentamine of the irreversible agglomeration of rGO on the stability of these
(rGO−TEPA) was used to modify the surface of a glassy carbon nanostructured electrochemical sensors and their potential
electrode (GCE), and a Ag (silver)@CeO2 nanocomposite was application in the detection of other cancer biomarkers.
applied as the secondary antibody (Ab2) label (Figure 27). The Tumor markers are highly popular analytes for modified
amperometric response of the immunosensor for the reduction electrochemical immunosensors. The explanation is simple:
of H2O2 was recorded. Thus, the anti-TSGF primary antibody Clinical practice requires an uncomplicated, reliable, low-cost,
(Ab1) was immobilized onto the rGO−TEPA-modified GCE via and sensitive detection method for tumor markers to reveal
cross-linking with glutaraldehyde (GA), and then the tumor- cancer at an early stage. In other words, tumor markers can reflect
specific growth factor antigen and Ab2−Ag@CeO2 were the existence and growth of a tumor. CEA, a widely used tumor
modified onto the electrode surface in sequence. Under optimal marker produced abundantly in essentially all human colon
experimental conditions, this immunosensor exhibited a low carcinomas and in a high proportion of carcinomas at many other
detection limit of 0.2 pg/mL. A possible explanation can be sites, is applied for clinical research and early diagnosis in the
outlined as follows: First, the large specific surface area of rGO− serum. The authors of a referenced source developed a novel and
TEPA can increase the loading capacity of the Ab1 and then raise ultrasensitive sandwich-type electrochemical immunosensor for
the amount of combined antigen and Ab2, leading to a higher the quantitative detection of the CEA (Figure 28).403 This
9997 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00037
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Chemical Reviews Review
Figure 30. Conceptual enhancement mode, n-channel MOSFET: (a) basic MOSFET structure; (b) schematic diagram with the applied voltage; (c)
transfer characteristics of the FET (the drain current ID as a function of the gate voltage VG).
capabilities of the FET sensor as a diagnostic instrument, the protein (CRP), a key indicator of infectious/noninfectious
BHV-1 viral protein gE was expressed and immobilized on the diseases or an acute tissue.454 Dextran-coated magnetite
sensor surface to serve as a capture antigen for the BHV-1- nanoparticles were conjugated with specific anti-CRP antibodies.
specific antibody (anti-gE). This FET sensor is significantly faster The interaction of magnetic nanoparticles with CRP was
than ELISA (<10 min). By using another type of FET monitored as a decreasing change of the T2 relaxation time,
immunosensor, one based on a hornlike polycrystalline silicon which corresponds to the concentration of the analyte in the
nanowire (poly-Si NW FET), the intracellular protein ferritin sample. A compact-size DMR system suitable for POC detection
was detected in a microfluidic channel with an LOD of 50 pg/ was constructed and tested using Staphylococcus aureus.455
mL.442 4.6.2. Magnetoresistance. Magnetic particles serving as
FET immunosensors also occupy a significant position within labels interact with an external magnetic field, which induces a
the diagnosis of various diseases. For example, nanowire change in the electrical resistance. Specifically bound antigens
immuno-FETs and ion-sensitive field-effect transistors (ISFETs) can be detected by magnetoresistive (MR) sensors. Various MR-
were used for the real-time and label-free detection of antibodies based sensors have been derived, including the giant (GMR),
from avian influenza (anti-AI)443 and hepatitis B surface tunneling (TMR), colossal (CMR), and anisotropic (AMR)
antigens,444 respectively. Newly developed ISFET-based port- types.456 Since their discovery by Grünberg and simultaneously
able sensors hold a large potential for point-of-care (POC) tools by Fert in 1988,457 GMR sensors have become popular.458,459
in a variety of diseases, without being limited by the need for GMR is a quantum mechanical effect based on spin-polarized
expensive equipment such as spectrophotometers.445 Similarly, electron transport in magnetic/nonmagnetic multilayers.460 A
the label-free, low-cost, and miniaturized silicon nanowire field- detected nonmagnetic layer is sandwiched between two
effect transistor (Si NW FET) chip, detecting the human thyroid- ferromagnetic layers. The upper layer consisting of MPs is
stimulating hormone446 or human immunodeficiency virus referred to as the free layer, and its magnetization can be changed
(HIV),447 has a potential in the point-of-care diagnosis of by an external magnetic field. However, the penetration depth of
thyroid or AIDS diseases. The type of transistor channels may the magnetic field is only approximately 150 nm. The
vary according to the organic molecules used as semiconductors magnetization of the bottom fixed layer remains unchangeable.
(e.g., n channel for pentacene and p channel for naphthalenete- The imbalance of the spin populations results in a magnetic
tracarboxylic diimide); these organic molecules are in con- moment in the film and affects the electric resistivity, and small
junction with a new dielectric layer (fluorinated polymer and changes in the magnetization of the free layer are detected.
vapor-deposited hydrocarbon).448 Organic thin film transistors A GMR sensor arranged in a microfluidic cell was used for
(OTFTs) are able to detect a wide range of analytes, including detecting a D-dimera biomarker of thrombosis.461 Magnetic
gases, chemicals associated with explosives, and biomolecules NPs with an average size of 100 nm were used as the signal probe.
(nucleic acids, proteins). Compared to inorganic semiconduc- The detection limit corresponded to 5 ng/mL, and the results
tors, organic ones are flexible materials promising (a) integration were in good correlation with the applied Sysmex CA1500
into wearable or implantable medical care devices, (b) the commercial analyzer. The use of a GMR sensor for detecting E.
fabrication of thin layers by spin-coating and/or printing coli and E. coli O157:H7 was presented by Kokkinis et al.462 and
procedures, and (c) the modification of the transistor surface Sun et al.,463 respectively. This technique also introduces new
via simple chemical tailoring. possibilities into the study of protein interactions. The
monitoring of the binding affinities of programmed cell death
4.6. Magnetic Sensors
proteins 1 and 2 (PD-1 and PD-2) was described.464 Another
4.6.1. Diagnostic Magnetic Resonance. Magnetic NPs interesting application consists of the multiplexed monitoring of
offer unique possibilities for biosensing methods. Biological food allergens.465 The clinically important peanut allergens Ara h
samples exhibit no magnetic background, and thus, such 1 and Ara h 2 and wheat allergen gliadin were simultaneously
procedures are highly sensitive and can be performed in complex analyzed, with LODs of 7.0, 0.2, and 1.5 ng/mL, respectively. Yet
matrixes without further preprocessing. Several methods have another application of GMR sensors was focused on the
been developed for the analysis of biomolecules and other detection of representative biomarkers for radiation exposure
particles using a magnetic field and MP-based labels.449 Some and cancer, including the phosphorylated structural maintenance
authors referred to functionalized magnetic NPs as magnetic of chromosome 1 (phosphor-SMC1), granulocyte colony
nanosensors.450 Biomolecules and cells labeled with magnetic stimulation factor (GCSF), and interleukin-6.466
nanoparticles can be detected using a technique based on nuclear TMR sensors take advantage from replacing the spacer layer
magnetic resonance effects. This method is termed diagnostic with a thin insulator; NPs are entrapped magnetically.467 The
magnetic resonance (DMR) and has been advanced by designing TMR sensor with an electromagnetic trap of E. coli bound to
a miniaturized chip-based μNMR system.451,452 In a magnetic IMPs was constructed as a miniature device (Figure 32).468 Even
field, MPs induce a change in the proton relaxation rate and the though the LOD was not sufficiently low (6.6 × 106 cfu/mL), the
transverse relaxation time T2 of the measured samples. Two concept seems to be promising.
forms of DMR assays can be used considering the size of the 4.6.3. Superconducting Quantum Interference Device.
target. First, the magnetic relaxation switching (MRS) effect can A superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) is the
be exploited to detect small molecules making aggregates with most sensitive tool for monitoring a magnetic field at low
MPs and thus changing the magnetic relaxivity. For example, frequencies. In its simplest form, it consists of a superconducting
kanamycin was detected using a competitive MRS immunoassay loop broken by one or two weak links called Josephson junctions.
with an LOD of 0.1 ng/mL and an analysis time of less than 1 Two main types of SQUID sensors are utilized: the direct current
h.453 Furthermore, not only small molecules but also larger (DC-SQUID) variant, which uses two Josephson junctions, and
targets such as bacteria or cells are labeled with MPs; the the radio frequency (RF-SQUID) embodiment, where only one
unbound MPs are removed, and the relaxation time is measured. junction is employed. RF-SQUIDs are cheaper but also less
Liao et al. used dynamic magnetic resonance to detect C-reactive sensitive.469 If the current is below the critical value, these
10001 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00037
Chem. Rev. 2017, 117, 9973−10042
Chemical Reviews Review
Table 1. continued
marker time year and
sample matrix LOD range (min) surface label(s) procedure ref
saliva 1 pM 1 pM to 100 nM 35 Si/Au/ZnO NR/Ab1 − (direct) CV 2015549
C-Reaction Protein (CRP)
plasma 3.9 ng/mL 0.025−1.6 ng/mL 20 nitrocellulose/mAb1 CdZnSe QD/mAb2 sw, LFIA, F 2016195
C-Terminal Telopeptide
serum 50 pg/mL 50−600 pg/mL 90 CNT (aligned)−epoxy/ − (direct) EIS 2016550
Au NP/Ab1
Cystatin C
serum 0.14 pM 0.72 pM to 3.6 nM 45 Ti/TiO2 NT/rAb − (direct) blocked PEC 2016551
Cytokeratins Antigen 21-1
serum 2.3 pg/mL 0.01−200 ng/mL 45 GCE/rGO/polyhydroqui- − (direct) blocked DPV 2016552
none/Au NP/Ab1
Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
serum 2 fg/mL 1−14 fg/mL ? SPE−C/SWCNT/Ab1 − (direct) EIS 2014553
Enolase, Neuron-Specific
serum 5 pg/mL 0.01−120 ng/mL 45 GCE/graphene−C nano- Pt NP/HRP/Ab2 sw, DPV 2013554
serum 0.2 pg/mL 0.001−100 ng/mL 35 ITO/ZnCdHgSe QD/ − (direct) blocked PEC 2015555
Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2
serum 10 fg/mL 0.01−100 pg/mL 40 Au/Ab1 Au,Ag NP/SiO2/malachite green/ sw, SERS 2015556
cell homoge- 0.05 pg/mL 0.1−1000 pg/mL SPE−Pt/poly(thio- Fe3O4/chit/Au NP/Ab2 sw, mag sep, DPV 2015557
nate phene)/Ab1
Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule
blood cells 1.2 pg/mL 2.5−2000 pg/mL 40 glass/ZnO NP/PVA/Ab1 Ab2−HRP sw, fluidics, F 2016558
serum 0.0027 mIU/mL 0.01−80 mIU/mL 135 GCE/AuNP/Ab1 fullerene−PAMAM NP/Au NP/Ab2 sw, DPV 2015559
urine 65 pg/mL 0.1−50 ng/mL 65 GCE/GO/Ag NP/SiO2/ HRP− ethinylestradiol comp, amp 2016560
serum 50 pg/mL 0.05−500 ng/mL 5 polycrystalline Si NW/ − (direct) FET 2016561
Hemoglobin, Glycated (HbA1c)
blood 2.5% 5.6−11.5% 12 − (in solution) (NaYF4:Yb3+, Er3+) NP/silicate/Ab1 UCNP PL 2016204
quenched by
Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin
serum 0.0026 mIU/mL 0.005−500 mIU/mL 150 graphene/CNT/Au NP/ silica NP/Au NPs/thionine/HRP/ sw, DPV 2012562
Ab1 Ab2
serum 8.6 pg/mL 0.01−16 ng/mL 65 GCE/sulfographene/thio- − (direct) DPV 2013563
nin/Pd−SiO2 NP/Ab1
urine 0.016 ng/mL 0.1−25 ng/mL 20 SPE−C/graphene/chi/Au − (direct) blocked EIS 2014564
serum 0.086 nM 1−10000 ng/mL 30 ITO/rGO/Ab1 − (direct) capacitance 2015565
serum 15 pM 1−100 pM 25 PGE/MWCNT−pyrene- Fe3O4 NP/insulin comp, DPV 2015566
butyric acid
Interferon γ
blood cells 30 fg/mL 0.1−500 pg/mL 170 grox/PANI NF/mAb1 CdS QD/pAb2 sw, ECL 2016212
blood, serum, 400 fg/mL 1 pg/mL to 10 μg/mL 60 PS/PLL/Au NP/Ab1 − (direct) LSPR 2016567
serum 0.01 fg/mL 0.01−100 fg/mL 45 Si/SiO2/SWCNT/Au − (direct) EIS 2013568
serum 0.3 pg/mL 1−40 pg/mL 150 ITO/graphene−Au NP− Au NP/MWCNT/PDOPA/HRP/ sw, amp 2014569
silicate/Ab1 Ab2
Table 1. continued
marker time year and
sample matrix LOD range (min) surface label(s) procedure ref
serum 50 fg/mL 0.1−1000 pg/mL 125 GCE/graphene/Ab1 PS−Cd/Au NP/Ab2 sw, DPV of re- 2013570
leased Cd2+
Matrix Metalloproteinase-2
serum 3.6 fg/mL 0.01−500 pg/mL 140 TiO2 NT/CdS,Mn,CdTe SiO2 NP/Ab2 sw, blocked PEC 2014232
Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1
serum 0.03 pg/mL 0.09−360 pg/mL 65 Au NP/Au,Pt NW/ − (direct) blocked DPV 2015571
cell culture 0.5 nM 1−500 nM 125 GCE/graphene/Ab1 Ag NP/aptamer; Ag deposition sw, SWV 2015572
Natriuretic Peptide
PBS (model) 0.33 fg/mL 0.001−2 pg/mL 55 GCE/PAMAM/Ab1 chit−ferrocene NP/Ab2 sw, blocked ECL 2014221
serum 0.75 fg/mL 1 fg/mL to 1 ng/mL 110 CoFe2O4/Au NP/Ab1 metal−organic frame/Au tetrapods/ sw, SERS 2016573
toluidine blue/Ab2
serum 30 fg/mL 0.09−1800 pg/mL 50 GCE/MWCNT/chit/thi- − (direct) blocked DPV 2015574
onin/Au NP/pAb1
serum 0.3 pg/mL 1 pg/mL to 1 μg/mL 65 Au/ITO gap with − (direct) blocked EIS 2015575
serum 0.4 pg/mL 0.02−500 ng/mL 120 GCE/Au NP/Ab1 PAMAM−Au NP/β-cyclodextrin− catalytic, DPV 2015576
serum 1.2 pg/mL 0.01−100 ng/mL ∼60 GCE/Au NP/Ab1 MWCNT/CoPC NP/choline oxi- sw, DPV 2016577
Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA)
serum 0.4 pg/mL 1−10000 pg/mL 125 Au/MWCNT/Au NP/ MWCNT/HRP/Ab2 sw, precipitation, 2012578
serum 10−18 g/mL − (qualitative) 300 mtp/Ab1 catalase−Ab2 generation of Au 2012579
NP, color, visual
serum 0.3 ng/mL 0.3−100 ng/mL 12 Au/Ab1 Au NP/Ab2 sw, SPR 2012580
serum 0.3 fg/mL 10 fg/mL to 10 ng/mL 12 Au NW/polypyrrole/Ab1 − (direct) blocked DPV 2014581
serum, saliva 0.04 fg/mL 0.04−10 fg/mL 85 Au/Au NP/Ab1 SiO2−Au nanosphere/ABEI/Ab2 sw, ECL 2014582
serum 0.32 pg/mL 0.001−3 ng/mL 140 microplate/Ab1; Ti/TiO2 Au NP/ssDNA primer/Ab2; av-ALP ligase RCA, PEC 2015583
serum 0.05 pg/mL 0.1−1000 pg/mL 50 PGE/SWCNT/Ab1 SiO2 NP/Ru(bpy)32+/Ab2 sw, ECL (CCD 2015584
Protein p53
PBS (model) 1 pg/mL 1−1000 pg/mL 105 GCE/MWCNT−polya- HRP−Ab2 sw, DPV 2015585
PBS (model) 50 pg/mL 0.05−100 ng/mL ? Ti/TiO2 NT/Au NP/ − (blocked ALP) LSPR-enhanced 2016586
0.85 pg/mL 1 pg/mL to 10 μg/mL 90 SPE−C/MWCNT/Au lipo(ferricyanide)/Ab2 sw, DPV 2012587
serum 1 aM 1 aM to 200 nM 60 Au/Ab1 Au NP (diff. shapes)/aptamers sw, SPR 2016588
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone
serum 0.005 μIU/mL 0.01−20 μIU/mL Au/Au NP/Ab1 Au−PANI NP/HRP/Ab2 sw, DPV 2012589
serum 100 zM 100 zM to 100 fM >180 Au dots/Ab1 Ag NP/Ab2 sw, dark field light 2016590
Thyroxin (T4)
PBS (model) 15 fg/mL 0.05−5000 pg/mL 230 GCE/MWCNT/Nafion/ Fe3O4/graphene/Au NP/PDDA/ sw, mag. sep, hy- 2013591
Ab1 ssDNAAb2; ssDNA/cytochrome bridization,
Tissue Polypeptide Antigen
serum 5 pg/mL 0.01−30 ng/mL 36 GCE/Ab1 Au−PB NP/HRP/Ab2 sw, catalytic, DPV 2014592
serum 0.3 pg/mL 0.001−100 ng/mL 90 GCE/Ab1 Au−PB NP/polytyramine/HRP/Ab2 sw, catalytic, DPV 2015593
3,3′,5-Triiodothyronine (T3)
PBS (model) 30 fg/mL 0.1−10000 pg/mL 85 GCE/PLL/Au NP/Ab1 Fe3O4/GO/Ru(bpy)32+/Ab2 sw, enhanced ECL 2013594
Troponin I, Cardiac (cTnI)
serum 0.08 pg/mL 0.25−100 pg/mL 60 GCE/Au NP/Ab1 Au NR/Ru(dcbpy)32+/Cys/Ab2 sw, enhanced ECL 2014226
plasma 3.1 pg/mL 0.01−50 pg/mL 45 microplate/mAb1 NaYF4:Yb3+, Er3+ NP/PAA/mAb2 sw, UCNP PL 2016595
serum 0.19 pg/mL 0.001−1000 ng/mL ∼15 graphene QD/Ab1 graphene (as FRET quencher) homogen., re- 2016200
stored PL
Table 1. continued
marker time year and
sample matrix LOD range (min) surface label(s) procedure ref
serum 1.2 pg/mL 20−20000 pg/mL ? GCE/polythionine/ − (direct) blocked DPV 2015596
Tumor Necrosis Factor α
serum 2 pg/mL 5−5000 pg/mL 125 GCE/MWCNT/Au NP/ chit−PB−CeO2 NP/Ab2 sw, catalytic, amp 2012597
serum 2 pg/mL 5 pg/mL to 10 ng/mL 125 GCE/peptide, ferrocene Au NR/GOD/Ab2 sw, DPV 2013598
NW/Au NP/Ab1
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
plasma 7 fg/mL 0.1 pg/mL to 10 ng/mL 30 Au triangular nanospots/ Au NP/Ab2 sw, SERS 2016599
Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan 4 (CSPG4), Alias High Molecular Weight Melanoma-Associated Antigen (HMW-MAA)
cell lysate of M14 human − yes/no detection system ∼120 PANI@GO film on ITO label-free EIS 2016601
melanoma line (model)
HepG2 Cells
HepG2 cells (model) 5 cells/mL 10 to 105 cells/mL 60 ITO/CNT/anti/EpCAM label-free EIS 2014602
Human Breast Cancer (MCF-7) Cells and Adriamycin-Resistant MCF-7 (MCF-7/ADR) Cells
MCF-7 and MCF-7/ADR 170 cells/mL 5 × 102 to >180 (Bcl-2)−BSA/PLL/GCE Au NP/Ab EIS detection of cells with expressed Bcl-2 2015603
(model) 1.6 × 106 cells/mL protein
Human Cervical Carcinoma (HeLa) Cells
HeLa cell line (model) 10 cells/mL 10 to 106 cells/mL >30 Au/MPA/PEI−Fc/ label-free DPV detection of cells with expressed folate 2013604
SWCNT/FA receptor
6 cells/mL 6 to 103 and 103 to NA Au/1,6-dimercaptohexane/ label-free EIS detection of cells with expressed folate 2012605
105 cells/mL Au NPs/MUA/FA receptor
Human Epithelial Carcinoma (A431) Cells
detection of EGFR in cell ∼100 pg in a sample NA 150 optical fiber/PLL Au NPs/MGITC/anti-EGFR combination of SERS with hollow core 2012606
lysate (model) volume of ∼10 nL photonic crystal fiber (HCPCF)
Human Ovarian Cancer (SKOV-3) Cells
SKOV-3 cell line (model) 5.2 cells/mL 6.5−65000 cells/mL NA GCE/GO/anti-HER2 ssDNA-labeled anti-HER2 antibody and DPV detection of daunorubicin after 2012607
hybridization with cDNA intercalation
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00037
Chem. Rev. 2017, 117, 9973−10042
Chemical Reviews Review
Table 3. continued
pharmaceutical sample time year and
matrix LOD range (min) surface label(s) procedure ref
pork 1.44 pg/mL 0.01−100 ng/mL 60 SPCE/rGO/salbutamol AgPd NP/Ab comp LSV 2013517
serum 7 pg/mL 0.02−15 ng/mL NA GCE/graphene/Ab1 mesoporous silica/Pd sw amperometry 2012635
morphological methods based on the gradient density, size, and cycle, mainly due to their poor degradability in wastewater
deformability of CTCs and (2) immunological methods based treatment plants. Diclofenac has been detected in low microgram
on the interaction between specific Ab’s and expressed epithelial per liter amounts in wastewaters and also in nanogram per liter
cell surface markers such as EpCAM (the epithelial cell adhesion amounts in surface waters, groundwater, and drinking water.190
molecule). Moreover, CellSearch (Janssen Diagnostics) as the Doxorubicin constitutes an anthracycline antibiotic that has
only FDA-approved platform for CTC detection in clinical been extensively used for the chemotherapeutic treatment of a
practice utilizes the magnetic preconcentration of CTCs using variety of cancers, such as lymphoblastic leukemia and
anti-EpCAM antibodies immobilized on magnetic particles. The sarcomas.509 The detection of doxorubicin in biological and
fluorescent detection is provided for by the second anti- clinical samples is important, mainly because of its high
cytokeratin and anti-CD45 antibodies labeled with fluorescent cardiotoxicity effects.510
dyes.505 Kanamycin embodies an aminoglycoside antibiotic produced
A basic prerequisite for the application of CTCs in clinical by the bacterium Streptomyces kanamyceticus; it finds application
practice is the unification of the preanalytical and analytical in the treatment of various bacterial infections by inducing
phases of detection and the ability to implement the current mistranslation and indirectly inhibiting translocation in the
knowledge of liquid biopsy and immunochemical assays. The course of protein synthesis. Analogously to other aminoglyco-
noninvasive detection of CTCs may ideally replace metastatic sides, kanamycin is characterized by a narrow safety margin and
tissue biopsies. An open challenge currently lies within the newly can generate several side effects, e.g., the loss of hearing, damage
emerging area of detecting CTCs for the industry of biosensors. to the kidneys, and allergic reactions to drugs.511 In addition,
Regrettably, biosensor-based detections of cancer cells are very residual amounts of kanamycin in the given foodstuff can cause
rare, and they are usually described on the model cell lines. Table antibiotic resistance of the pathogenic bacterial strains.512
2 provides a summary of representative studies where the Pefloxacin is an antibiotic drug within the group of
nanoparticles are simultaneously utilized. fluoroquinolones. Due to its broad spectrum of activity against
5.1.3. Pharmaceutical Detection. The development and Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, pefloxacin is used in
extensive availability of sensitive analytical techniques enabled a the aquaculture industry to treat and prevent various infectious
rising amount of pharmaceuticals to be detected after medical or diseases. However, overusing the drug generates the risk of
veterinary application. During medical procedures, the drug residues in seafood and contributes to bacterial resistance.513
levels in biological fluids (i.e., urine and blood) often have to be Ofloxacin represents a new generation of fluorinated
monitored to ensure efficient and safe treatment. The quinolones structurally related to nalidixic acid. It has been
pharmaceutical residues in the environment also have to be commonly used against most Gram-negative bacteria, many
controlled due to possible side effects and within the monitoring Gram-positive bacteria, and some anaerobes through the
of the increasing bacterial antibiotic resistance. In livestock inhibition of their DNA gyrase. The drug exhibits rapid
production, veterinary drugs and anabolic steroids (endogenous absorption and potent inhibition ability at a reasonable
or synthetic hormones) are employed to a considerable extent. price.514 Unlike most other wide-spectrum antibacterial
Any inappropriate or unauthorized use of such compounds may pharmaceuticals, ofloxacin can be orally administered as well as
leave residues in edible tissues, which might then be harmful for intravenously transported into body tissues.515 Additionally,
consumers. Overall, there are a wide array of matrixes in which ofloxacin is applied not only in human medicine but also in the
the pharmaceuticals have to be analyzed, ranging from biological treatment and prevention of veterinary diseases in food-
fluids through environmental samples to food products. producing animals, and even as a growth-promoting substance.
Chloramphenicol is a broad-spectrum antibiotic offering The residues of ofloxacin in food products of animal origin are
outstanding antibacterial and pharmacokinetic effects. However, potentially dangerous via, e.g., toxic influence, an allergic
its application is limited since it may cause aplastic anemia and hypersensitivity reaction, and the promotion of bacterial
other adverse reactions.506 The use of chloramphenicol in food- antibiotic resistance.516
producing animals is prohibited in the European Union (EU), Ractopamine, clenbuterol, and salbutamol are a group of β-
and any residues found in a sample are considered a violation adrenergic agonists with comparable chemical structures and
under EU legislation. Nevertheless, chloramphenicol residues effects. Although they were first developed to treat diseases, the
have been detected in a wide variety of foodstuffs, such as prawn, side effects of reducing fat levels and increasing muscle protein
honey, and milk-based products imported from non-EU anabolism were discovered in the drug when administered to
countries.507 animals. Hoewever, the residues accumulating in animal tissues
Diclofenac is an extensively used nonsteroidal anti-inflamma- can induce symptoms of serious poisoning in humans; therefore,
tory drug. In the Indian subcontinent, the widespread use of β-adrenergic agonists have been forbidden as an animal feed
diclofenac for the veterinary treatment of cattle since the 1990s additive in numerous countries worldwide.517
has led to an abrupt decline in the vulture population because the To date, tools such as liquid chromatography (HPLC,518,519
substance can cause renal failure in vultures that feed on LC−MS,520 GC−MS521) capillary electrophoresis,522523 and
contaminated carcasses.508 In Europe, diclofenac belongs to spectroscopic techniques (colorimetry,524 fluorometry,525 chem-
pharmaceuticals most frequently analyzed in relation to the water iluminescence526) have been used for the detection of
10010 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00037
Chem. Rev. 2017, 117, 9973−10042
Chemical Reviews Review
pharmaceuticals. The chromatographic and electrophoretic by the cleavage of the proteins associated with the release of
procedures are nevertheless time-consuming and labor-intensive, acetylcholine after targeted binding with nerve cells or
which renders them usable mainly for confirmatory analysis. cholinergic nerve endings; the process induces muscular
Since the pharmaceuticals are a rather heterogeneous group of paralysis, respiratory collapse, or death.637 The fatal dose of
compounds, the immunosensor-based detection methods vary botulinum neurotoxins ranges between 0.1 and 1 ng/kg in
appropriately. Most of the drugs are compounds of relatively low humans, and we thus have to consider the risk that the
molecular weights, and therefore, sandwich assay is not as aerosolized toxin might be also used as a biological weapon.638
common as competitive or direct detection. Brevetoxin B is an efficient neurotoxin produced by the red
The relevant applications of NP-based immunoanalytical tide organism Gymnodinium breve Davis.639 Many filter-feeding
techniques and sensors for the detection of pharmaceuticals are shellfish are known to accumulate brevetoxins with no obvious
provided in Table 3. adverse effects; however, eating brevetoxin-contaminated shell-
5.2. Toxic Substances and Pathogens fish poses a major health hazard. Brevetoxin can bind to voltage-
The assays within this category very often need to be realized out gated sodium channels in nerve cells, which leads to gastro-
of regular laboratories to quickly screen and identify potentially intestinal and neurological symptoms. The lethal dose of
dangerous substances. The rapid immunoassays suitable for field brevetoxins in mice is around 200 μg/kg of body weight for
use are represented by the lateral flow immunoassay format intraperitoneal injection and varies between 520 and 6600 μg/kg
(Figure 34); a drop of the sample spontaneously moves through for oral administration.640 Brevetoxin can also influence
respiratory irritation via aerosol exposure at seashores.641
Cholera toxin constitutes an enterotoxin protein secreted by
the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, a causative agent for diarrhea and
acidosis in humans with high lethality.642 Cholera toxin is
composed of two subunits: cholera toxin subunit A and cholera
toxin subunit B. The latter is responsible for binding to the
ganglioside GM1 receptor on intestinal cell walls, whereas the
former is the active function protein that activates the production
of cyclic AMP, causing a dramatic efflux of ions and water from
the infected enterocytes; the process leads to watery diarrhea.643
Microcystins are the most widespread lethal cyanotoxins. They
are produced by the blooming cyanobacteria Microcystis
aeruginosa in fresh and brackish waters.644 Within over 80
mycrocystin types, microcystin-LR (containing leucin (L) and
arginine (R) as the two variable amino acids) is the most
prevalent and abundant toxin, accounting for 46.0−99.8% of the
overall concentration of microcystins in the toxic cyanobacterial
blooms.645 It is a hepatotoxin capable of inducing functional and
structural disturbances of the liver; the substance can accumulate
Figure 34. Schematic view of the lateral flow immunoassay format in aquatic organisms and transfer to higher trophic levels.646 The
widely used for rapid assays out of the laboratory. LD50 of microcystin-LR in mice and rats is 36−122 μg/kg
through various routes, including aerosol inhalation.647
the porous strip material with the help of capillary forces, Mycotoxins embody secondary metabolites produced by
dissolving the immunoreagents deposited at the beginning of the microfungi having the ability to cause disease and death in
flow path in the tracer release pad. Finally, the concentration level humans and animals. The most important mycotoxins are the
is evaluated in the measuring part embodied in the capture zone, aflatoxins and ochratoxin A produced by the fungi Aspergillus and
and the performance of the assay is confirmed in the control Penicillium. In general terms, aflatoxins are difuranocoumarin
zone. Sophisticated immunosensors should compete with the derivatives produced via a polyketide pathway by many strains of
fast performance of this format. Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. More than 20
5.2.1. Detection of Toxins. Microbial toxins are the main aflatoxins have been identified, those of major concern being
virulent subunits of many pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria B1, B2, G1, and G2; the classification defines the fluorescence
and fungi); they represent a heterogeneous set of compounds under UV light (blue or green) and relative chromatographic
which can interfere with biochemical processes, including the mobility during thin-layer chromatography.648 AFB1 is normally
membrane function, ion transport, transmitter release, and predominant in amount and also exhibits the highest toxicity.649
macromolecule synthesis. Human exposure to toxins in either When aflatoxin B1 is consumed by cows, it metamorphosizes
food or the environment may cause serious health problems, with into its hydroxylated product, aflatoxin M1, which is secreted
the individual symptoms varying substantially between the through the milk.650 Because of the differences in aflatoxin
toxins.636 Thermal processing methods such as pasteurization or susceptibility in test animals, it is difficult to extrapolate the
heating typically kill only the bacteria and do not affect the toxins. possible effects of aflatoxin on humans. The acute lethal dose for
Thus, the detection of food toxins should be carried out by adults was calculated to lie between approximately 10 and 20 mg
immunological rather than microbiological procedures because of aflatoxins.651 Ochratoxin A is produced by many filamentous
the latter detect only the bacteria. species belonging to the genera Aspergillus and Penicillium.652
Botulinum neurotoxins represent the most potent natural The substance constitutes a potent nephrotoxic mycotoxin
toxins. The group comprises seven different immunogenic linked to kidney problems in both livestock and human
serotypes (A−G) produced by various strains of the spore- populations, and it also exhibits carcinogenic, genotoxic, and
forming bacterium Clostridium botulinum. The toxicity is caused immunotoxic properties.653 The LD50 of ochratoxin A in mice
10011 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00037
Chem. Rev. 2017, 117, 9973−10042
Chemical Reviews Review
Table 4. continued
toxin sample time year and
matrix LOD range (min) surface label(s) procedure ref
peanuts 30 pg/mL 30 pg/mL to 90 Au/ochratoxin−BSA Au NP/Ab2 comp SPRi 2014308
1 ng/mL
corn, wheat, rice, 10 zg/mL 10 zg/mL to 180 microplate/Ab1 SiO2 NP/catalase/ comp plasmonic ELISA, 2015730
coffee 1 ag/mL ochratoxin naked eye or reader
ground corn 0.2 ng/mL 1 ng/mL to 1 μg/mL 120 GCE/Au NPs/ Ab comp CV 2013731
corn, wheat, rice 0.05 pg/mL 0.05−10 pg/mL 195 microplate/Ab1 OTA−CAT and QDs comp F quenching 2016732
milk 2 pg/mL 10 pg/mL to NA ITO/TiO2/QD/Ab − (direct) PEC 2015733
50 ng/mL
instant coffee 0.26 ng/mL 1−104 ng/mL 15 MNP/Ab ochratoxin−HRP comp amperometry 2015734
Staphylococcal Enterotoxin A
milk 10 pg/mL 0.01−10 ng/mL 120 3D fiber/Ab1 MNP/Ab2 sw, mag. Separation, 2013735
mag. detection
Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B
w (model) 1 pg/mL 1 pg/mL to 1 ng/mL 10 LFA strip/Ab1 hollow Au NP/Ab2 sw, LFIA, naked eye 2016736
w (model) 8.15 ng/mL 10 ng/mL to NA sepharose/Ab1 QD/Ab2 comp F 2012737
1 μg/mL
milk 17 pg/mL 50 pg/mL to 45 magnetosome/PANI− − (direct) EIS 2013738
5 ng/mL Au NPs/Ab1
milk 2.5 ng/mL 5−100 ng/mL 15 LFIA strip/Ab1 Au NP/Ab2 LFIA naked eye readout 2016739
w (model) 1 ng/mL NA 20 PMMA/SWCNTs/Ab − (direct) electrical percolation 2013740
Staphylococcal Enterotoxin C1
milk 19 pg/mL 0.025−2 ng/mL 160 microplate/Ab1 SiO2 NP/Ab2 sw CL 2016741
peanuts 15 pg/mL 15 pg/mL to 90 Au/zearalenon−BSA Au NP/Ab2 comp SPRi 2014742
1 ng/mL
feed sample 1 pg/mL 5 pg/mL to 5 ng/mL 180 glass/zearalenone−BSA Au NP/Ab comp SERS 2014743
pig feed 2.1 pg/mL 5 pg/mL to NA GCE/nitrogen-doped PtCo NP/Ab2 sw, chronoamperometry 2013744
25 ng/mL graphene/Ab1
oscillates within the range of 38−56 mg/kg, depending on the feature of most pesticides is bioaccumulation risk and the
mouse strain.654 Staphylococcal enterotoxins form a category of relatively high toxicity to humans.662 In the EU, pesticides in
toxic proteins produced by Staphylococcus aureus. Enterotoxins drinking water are currently regulated by the Drinking Water
are often found in protein-rich food, such as meat and Directive, which stipulates the maximum allowable concen-
milk,655and they exhibit heat stability, resistance to gut proteases, tration of 0.1 μg/L per pesticide or 0.5 μg/L for the total
and activity over a wide range of pH values.656 Thus far, 20 pesticide concentration.663
serologically distinct staphylococcal enterotoxins have been 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) embodies one of the
discovered; staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) is most often most frequently applied herbicides in agriculture. It is a synthetic
connected with food poisoning. The SEB infection is very rapid plant growth regulator, structurally and functionally akin to
and causes symptoms such as nausea, violent vomiting, and auxin.664 At low concentrations, 2,4-D is a component of the
abdominal cramping that may result in diarrhea even at a dose of plant tissue culture medium; at high ones, however, it functions
less than 1 μg or 100−200 ng in highly sensitive people.657,658 as a herbicide for broadleaf weeds. The compound is potentially
Zearalenone is a mycotoxin produced mainly by fungi toxic to humans, can be accumulated in the human body, and has
belonging to the genus Fusarium. Contaminations by zearale- a certain potential of carcinogenicity and mutagenicity.665,666
none are frequent in agricultural commodities and cereal The oral LD50 of 2,4-D in rats is 375 mg/kg of body weight.667
products such as flour, malt, soybeans, and beer.659 Consuming The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set the
contaminated products might cause various toxic effects in enforceable regulation for 2,4-D, or the maximum contaminant
humans and animals, including teratogenesis, carcinogenicity, level (MCL), at 70 μg/L.668
neurotoxicity, abortion, and the estrogenic effect.660 The LD50 of Atrazine is a widely used herbicide that enables the control of
zearalenone in mice equals 500 mg/kg of body weight.661 annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in agriculture worldwide. It is
The selected applications of NP-based immunoanalytical persistent in the environment and can thus remain in the
techniques and sensors for the detection of toxins are provided in ecological system, including soil, natural water, and food (e.g.,
Table 4. maize). When accumulated in vivo, atrazine can antagonize,
5.2.2. Pesticides as Environmental Pollutants. Pesticides impair, enhance, or inhibit the actions of endogenous hormones,
constitute significant pollutants as they are constantly spread in leading to abnormalities in growth, reproduction, development,
large amounts into the environment. The negative influence of behavior, immune functions, or malignant tumors.669 The
these compounds on the environment was emphasized by atrazine toxicity (LD50) by oral ingestion in humans is 1000
pesticides being listed as priority hazard agents within European mg/kg.670
water policy. The substances exhibit adverse health effects, and Carbofuran constitutes a broad-spectrum insecticide com-
therefore, most countries have defined maximum residue levels monly applied in agriculture to control insects and nematodes for
(MRLs) of pesticides in food and animal feed. The common the purposes of production enhancement.671 It is highly toxic to
10013 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00037
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Chemical Reviews Review
mammals and reportedly embryotoxic and teratogenic. Due to its The relevant applications of immunosensing techniques and
extensive use in agriculture and relatively good solubility in water, sensors used for pesticides are summarized in Table 5.
carbofuran can contaminate surface and ground waters and, 5.2.3. Microbial Detection. The rapid detection and reliable
therefore, poses a risk to consumers and the environment. The identification of hazardous microbial agents constitutes a
U.S. EPA prescribes the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for challenging task. The prevention or early treatment of infectious
carbofuran in drinking water at 40 μg/L.672 diseases is a concern of modern society. Even human deaths due
Chlorpyrifos is an organophosphorus acetylcholinesterase to possible bioterrorist attacks are threats to modern society, and
inhibitor. Exposures to chlorpyrifos can result in a series of it is thus understandable that the growing demands for the
neurotoxic injuries to the central nervous system as well as the detection of bioagents originated from the military, civil rescue,
cardiovascular and respiratory functions.673 The acute and and security services, protection of public buildings, and
chronic reference doses of chlorpyrifos are 5 and 0.3 μg/kg/ homeland security, all of which constitute major domains of
day, respectively, with the oral LD50 amounting to 50−250 mg/ current public interest. The Centers for Disease Control and
kg/day.674 Prevention sorted the critical biological agents for public health
Diuron is a substituted phenylurea herbicide employed for into the three categories.690 The properties of biological agents
wide-spectrum pre-emergence weed control. The compound is a such as lethal dose and infectiveness make these agents suitable
potent photosynthesis inhibitor, interrupting the photosynthetic candidates for use as biological warfare agents (BWAs). The
electron transport chain; the process then leads to reduced most dangerous bacteria are, for example, Francisella tularensis
formation of high-energy substances such as ATP.675 This (tularemia), Yersinia pestis (plague), Clostridium botulinum
herbicide can be classified as an endocrine disruptor.676 It is (botulism), and Bacillus anthracis (anthrax). The last one is
rather persistent in soil, having a half-life in the range between 90 feared because it has already been used. As regards the practical
and 180 days, depending on the type of environment.677 Diuron use, the Department of Homeland Security in the United States
exhibits only slight acute toxicity to mammals; the oral LD50 in requires the sensitivity of field devices in the range from 102 to
rats is 3.4 g/kg.678 105 organisms/L.691 The most dangerous bioagents cannot be
Endosulfan constitutes a broad-spectrum organochlorine easily used in common laboratory conditions; therefore, the safe
pesticide widely used in agriculture to control insects and strains of E. coli (DH5α) and Bacillus atrophaeus are used for the
mites. The substance has been regarded as a relatively development of detection technologies.
environmentally safe pesticide with a short half-life and little Microbial detection is nevertheless indispensable also for the
evidence of bioaccumulation. However, due to its high everyday inspection of potentially contaminated food, including
meat, poultry, and milk products, vegetables, and fruits; possible
application rate (750 g/ha) and relatively high acute toxicity to
contaminants then comprise the strains of Escherichia,
fish (LC50 = 0.1−20 g/L), endosulfan poses a potential
Salmonella, and Listeria. Salmonella was evaluated as a leading
environmental threat.679
cause of foodborne infections in the United States, with
Imidacloprid is an insecticide that kills insects by binding to
approximately 1.2 million illnesses and 450 deaths per year.692
the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChR’s) in their central
Legionella should be seriously considered too as it occasionally
nervous system. The compound is highly specific for nAChR’s
contaminates water supplies.
and is less harmful to mammals. However, it is soluble in water Viruses and viral antigens are typically assayed in clinical
and has a lifetime greater than 1000 days, which enables it to diagnostics; classic examples are hepatitis surface antigens and
accumulate in soils and water sources.680 The short-term oral human immunodeficiency virus. Each year, outbreaks of viral
LD50 is 450 mg/kg for rats and 150 mg/kg for mice.681 infections (the most common being influenza with potentially
Metolcarb is an N-methylcarbamate pesticide widely used in highly dangerous mutated variants) cause illness, disability,
agricultural production to control rice leafhoppers, planthoppers, death, and economic loss. As learned from past incidents, the
and fruit flies. The compound is based on inhibiting detrimental impact grows exponentially without effective
acetylcholinesterase transmission at nerve endings.682 It is quarantine. Therefore, rapid on-site detection and analysis are
potentially dangerous to mammals; the LD50 equals 268 mg/ highly desired.693 Recently, the lack of laboratory facilities
kg.683 resulted in diagnostic complications during the West African
Paraquat is a widely used and fast-acting organic heterocyclic Ebola virus outbreak in 2013−2015, thus compromising
herbicide. The use of paraquat has been banned in the EU since outbreak control. Nearly 28000 confirmed, probable, and
2007; however, this rule does not apply to non-European suspected cases were reported; owing to limited laboratory
countries exporting to the EU. The maximum residue limit capacity and local transport infrastructure, the delays from
(MRL) of 20 μg/kg has been established for many food products sample collection to test results were often 2 days or more.694
such as barley, wheat, or potato.684 The LD50 of paraquat in rats is Even though suitable analytical procedures (cultivation tests,
79 mg/kg.685 polymerase chain reaction,695 enzyme-linked immunosorbent
Parathion and methyl parathion are organophosphorus assays) and devices (mass spectrometry696) are readily available,
pesticides. The symptoms of poisoning include nausea, vomiting, drawbacks such as slow operation, complicated portability, and
diarrhea, muscle cramping/twitching, and shortness of breath.686 high running costs often limit their applicability. Conventional
The LD50 values of parathion and methyl parathion in mice were microbiological methods are time-consuming and usually require
found to be 13.5 and 11 mg/kg, respectively.687 the collection of samples for subsequent laboratory analysis. The
Among the many pesticides used in agriculture, insecticides complexities of analyzed samples containing interfering (bio)-
from organophosphorus and carbamic groups are often applied substances disadvantage PCR methods, and additional methods
because they exhibit high insecticidal activity and rather small are needed to avoid false conclusions. In the case of MS, extensive
persistence in the environment. The substances are commonly instrumentation limits widespread use for the field detection.
detected by inhibition-based enzymatic sensors, which are not The actual assays of bioagents are further complicated by minor
discussed in this review and were summarized elsewhere.688,689 differences between hazardous and commonly used microbial
10014 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00037
Chem. Rev. 2017, 117, 9973−10042
Table 5. Assays for Pesticides and Other Environmental Pollutants
time year and
pesticide sample matrix LOD range (min) surface label(s) procedure ref
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid
w (model) 13 ng/mL 13.3−666.7 ng/mL 70 Au/2,4-D−BSA Ab1, Ab2−Au NP comp QCM 2014745
Chemical Reviews
w (model) 50 pg/mL 50 pg/mL to 5 ng/mL 180 glass/Au NPs/Ab − (direct) LSPR 2012746
maize 1 ng/mL 1−15.6 ng/mL 10 Au/Au NP/Ab − (direct) SPR 2015747
crop 16 pg/mL 0.05−0.5 ng/mL 45 Au/Au NP/Ab − (direct) DPV 2014748
w (model) 0.01 ng/mL 0.01−50 ng/mL 20 SPE/styrene sulfonic acid doped − (direct) EIS 2014749
nanostructured PANI/Ab
orange juice 3.5 pM 0.9−4.5 nM 20 boron doped diamond/Pt NP/magnetic atrazine−HRP mag sep, comp, 2016750
bead/Ab chronoamperometry
w (environmental), feed, corn flakes 1.2 ng/mL 0.01−1000 ng/mL 120 GCE/Au NP/atrazine−BSA Ab1, Ab2−HRP comp CV 2014751
w (environmental) 1 pg/mL 1 pg/mL to 10 ng/mL 15 FET/SWCNTs/Ab − (direct) FET 2016752
w (environmental) 0.2 pg/mL 0.2−20 pg/mL 90 SPCE/magnetic bead/Ab phage particles/HRP mag sep, noncompetitive, 2014753
lettuces, cabbages, green peppers, tomatoes, Chinese 60 pg/mL 0.1 to 106 ng/mL 45 Au/deposited Au nanocrystals/Ab − (direct) DPV 2012754
chives, strawberries
cabbage, lettuce 0.021 ng/mL 0.1−1 μg/mL 15 Au/Au NP/Prussian blue−MWCNT− − (direct) CV 2012755
cabbages, green peppers, tomatoes, Chinese chives, 0.03 ng/mL 0.5−500 ng/mL 25 GCE/MWCNTs/graphene−PEI−Au/Au − (direct) CV 2013756
peaches NP/Ab
cabbage 0.11 ng/mL 1 ng/mL to 30 GCE/Au NP/thiourea/Au NP/Ab − (direct) amperometry 2012757
200 μg/mL
w (model) NA 0.1 pg/mL to 1 170 microplate/chlorsulfuron−BSA Au NP/Ab comp ASV (SWV) 2012758
0 ng/mL
cabbage, pakchoi, lettuce, leek 52 pg/mL 5 ng/mL to 2 mg/mL 30 GCE/NiAl/graphene/hollow Au NP/Ab − (direct) CV 2015759
w (environmental) 6.3 pg/mL 0.01−1000 ng/mL 120 GCE/polydopamine nanospheres/ Ab1, Ab2/CNT/ comp CV enzymatic amplification 2015760
chlorpyrifos−OVA Fe3O4/HRP
w (model) 0.01 ng/mL 1 pg/mL to 10 μg/mL 150 microplate/diuron−BSA/Ag NP Ab−FITC comp plasmon enhanced FL 2013761
w (environmental) 0.1 pg/mL 0.01 pg/mL to 185 SPE/MWCNTs/diuron hapten Ab1, Ab2−ALP comp DPV 2012762
10 mg/mL
w (environmental) 5.46 ng/mL 1−1000 ng/mL NA SPCE/Au NP/Ab − (direct) EIS 2012763
w (model) 0.01 pg/mL 0.01 pg/mL to 120 SPCE/functioinalized graphene−GO/ Ab1, Ab2−ALP comp LSV 2013764
10 μg/mL diuron−BSA
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00037
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Chemical Reviews Review
detection was missing.
ref Nanoparticles bring important advantages to immunoassays.
Magnetic NPs appeared to be a useful tool providing a favorable
dual benefit for the signal amplification: immunomagnetic
separation, and preconcentration of the sample. Microbial
species captured in the sensing area provide a sufficiently large
surface ideally suited for further binding of “decorating”
− (direct)
− (direct)
magnetic microparticle/paraquat−BSA
GCE/SWCNTs/endosulfan hapten
0.01−20 ppb
52 fg/mL
0.01 ppb
w (model)
Table 6. continued
bacteria sample LOD range time year and
matrix (cfu/mL) (cfu/mL) (min) surface label(s) procedure ref
Vibrio cholerae
w (model) 100 100 to 104 90 Pt/CeO2 NW/Ab1 − (direct) blocking EIS 2016796
Vibrio parahemolyticus
sea w, seafood 5 10 to 108 65 GCE/grox/ABEI/Ab1 − (direct) blocked ECL 2016214
a scientific paper or on the Web can be markedly less optimal in lowest detection threshold, ideally at the level of a few molecules.
reality; moreover, the typical end user does not examine the However, it is also vital to stress the aspects that are seldom
principles of the sensing devices but rather focuses on the reliable brought to the limelight, and these prominently include the
performance, fast results, and economical use as his or her central rather long duration of the whole analytical process, starting from
criteria for success. the application of a sample and ending with the reading of the
Researchers involved in the field currently seem to concentrate result. The high sensitivity and very low measured concen-
upon achieving the best possible performance limits, namely, the trations are indeed nice indicators, but they should always be
10018 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.7b00037
Chem. Rev. 2017, 117, 9973−10042
Chemical Reviews Review
compared with the practical needs and existing levels of analytes of magnetic nanoparticles. He then joined the group of Prof. Maria
in real samples. Hepel at the State Univeristy of New York (SUNY; Potsdam, NY) as a
We have summarized various strategies and approaches which postdoctoral researcher in physical electrochemistry. His current
can be used for the further development of nanoparticle-based research activities at Masaryk University relate to microfluidic platforms
immunosensors. It is clear that there are still many challenges, but for screening and selection methods in directed enzyme evolution.
one may consider some current issues making the repeatable Libuše Trnková is an Associated Professor in the Faculty of Science,
production of these devices harder: (i) heterogeneity existing at Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic). She graduated in physical
the nanoscale level, (ii) stable shape, size, and surface chemistry from the university, receiving her Ph.D. in 1983. She currently
modification of nanomaterials, (iii) high variability of such heads the Laboratories of Biophysical Chemistry and Electrochemistry
produced immunosensors depending on rarely optimized (LABIFEL). Her research interests are focused on the electrochemical
preparation methods and not completely defined properties of properties of biopolymers and their components in solutions, electrode/
the components, and (iv) general problems with immobilization electrolyte interfaces, electrochemical processes, and the development
of antibodies on solid-state surfaces. of biosensors. She is the founder of elimination voltammetry, a novel
In our view, three main requirements have to be taken into electrochemical method.
account with probe immobilization and modification by NPs
because none of the immobilization techniques and NPs used are Petr Skládal is an Associated Professor in the Department of
nowadays optimal for this purpose. First, the immobilization and Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University. He received his
modification processes need to be stable and involve well-defined Ph.D. in the field of amperometric biosensors in 1992. After completing
probes (Ab’s), second, the probes (Ab’s) have to remain research stays (1991, 1993) at the University of Florence, Italy, with
functional, and third, they have to be in appropriate orientation Marco Mascini, he continued to investigate biosensors at Masaryk
and configuration. From the physicochemical point of view, the University. He currently heads the Nanobiotechnology Laboratory at
perspective future can also be supported by the improved the Central European Institute of Technology in Brno. His research is
knowledge of involved transport properties, kinetics of focused on enzyme and immunochemical biosensors using electro-
interactions, reaction mechanism of the used systems, and last chemical and piezoelectric transducers, affinity kinetics with surface
but not least interactions between molecules of antibodies and plasmon resonance systems, and applications of atomic force
nanoparticles. microscopy in life sciences.
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