Prelim Tech Specs

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1.1 Description: The Contractor shall provide all labor and equipment costs necessary to move personnel,
equipment, supplies and incidentals to and from the Project Site, establish offices, buildings, and other
facilities necessary for the Work, obtain bonds, required insurance and any other pre-construction
expenses necessary to perform the Work. This section shall exclude the cost of construction materials.

1.2 Arbitrary Mobilization by Contractor: The Owner shall pay for only one mobilization and demobilization
effort. Should the Contractor demobilize prior to completing the Work, subsequent remobilization shall
be performed at no cost to the Owner.

1.3 Ratio of Mobilization (60%) and Demobilization (40%) Effort: Sixty percent (60%) of the
mobilization/demobilization lump sum price will be paid to the Contractor upon complete mobilization to
the Project Site. The remaining forty percent (40%) will be paid to the Contractor upon final acceptance
of the Work and removal of all equipment and unused materials and return property to original condition
or better.

1.4 Justification of Costs: In the event the unit cost does not bear a reasonable relation to the amount of work
for mobilization and demobilization in the Contract, the Engineer may require the Contractor to produce
cost data to justify the unit cost in the Bid. Failure to justify such cost to the satisfaction of the Engineer
will result in payment of actual mobilization costs, as determined by the Engineer at the completion of
mobilization, and actual demobilization cost at the completion of the demobilization, and payment of the
remainder of this item in the final payment under this contract. The determination of the Engineer is not
subject to appeal.

1.5 Measurement and Payment: Payment for mobilization and demobilization shall be paid for at the contract
lump sum price for Bid Item No. 1, “Mobilization and Demobilization”. Payment shall constitute full
compensation for moving personnel, equipment, supplies and incidentals to and from the job site and
establishing offices, buildings and other facilities for the Work, obtaining bonds, insurance and any other
associated expenses. No payment will be made to the Contractor for final demobilization until the
accepted As-Built surveys have been approved by the Engineer as required in TS-2.

2.1 Scope: The Contractor shall furnish all of the materials, labor and equipment necessary
to dredge Bayou Lafourche and transport the material into the approved Disposal Areas
in accordance with these specifications and in conformity to the lines, grades, elevations,
and tolerances shown on the Plans. This specification shall apply to the entire project
area. The material must be hydraulically or mechanically excavated in such a manner to
insure that negative impacts caused by the project are minimized.

2.2 Hydraulic Dredging

2.2.1 Equipment: The dredge equipment used for the Work shall be cutter head dredge
type only. The use of any other type of dredge is prohibited. The Contractor shall
determine and select the most appropriate size of the dredge with the highest
priority being given to maximizing retention time in disposal areas. The dredge
discharge pipe shall be a maximum of 18” in diameter to reduce flow rates. Other
factors to be considered shall include safety, the environment, depth of draft, etc.
The dredge shall be in satisfactory operating condition, capable of efficiently
performing the Work as set forth in the Plans and these Specifications. The dredge
shall be subject to inspection by the Engineer or Resident Project Representative
at all times. A Dredge Data Sheet which provides a complete description of the
dredge (size, horsepower, production rate, draft, etc.) shall be submitted in the Bid
and included in the Work Plan. Mechanical excavation equipment will be allowed for debris and/or

structural clearing, provided it is on approved flotation equipment such as
flexi-floats. No marsh buggies shall be allowed in Bayou Lafourche. Such
equipment shall be operated within the boundaries of the Channel Right-
of-way unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.

2.2.2 Access: Flotation access of equipment to Bayou Lafourche shall be via the access
or boat ramp locations shown in the plans only. The equipment shall remain
floating at all times during the work and transit to the Project Site. The navigable
channel shall not be impaired except as allowed by applicable laws or regulations.
The Contractor shall obtain NOAA Nautical Charts and/or other charts to become
familiar with the depths in the vicinity of the Project Site.

2.2.3 Materials: The materials to be dredged will consist of organic soils, silt, clay, and
muck. Boring logs for the dredge areas are available upon request. Additional
materials such as logs, stumps, snags, tires, scrap and other debris which are
encountered shall be removed and properly disposed of by the Contractor in
accordance with the LaDOTD Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges,
2006 edition or as described in other sections of the plans.
2.2.4 Channel Construction: Channel dredging shall begin at the locations specified in
the plans and progress southerly. Any material that is removed from the channel
as a result of flotation dredging shall be swept into the channel and pumped into
the disposal areas by the cutter head dredge. All trees, vegetation, and debris
located within the mandatory dredge zone shown on the plans shall be removed
and disposed of by the Contractor in accordance with Section 201 of the
“Louisiana Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges,” 2006 Edition. The
Contractor shall NOT impact wooded bank lines outside of the mandatory
clearing zones. The channel bottom shall be dredged to the elevations shown in the plans
with a tolerance of ± 0.5’.

2.2.5 Disposal Areas: All material dredged from Bayou Lafourche shall be deposited
within the disposal areas shown on the Plans. Placement in any other location is
prohibited without prior written approval from the Engineer. Logs, stumps, snags,
debris and other obstructions which are encountered shall not be disposed of in
the nourishment disposal areas. No direct payment will be made for disposal of
logs, stumps, snags, debris, or other obstructions. The route of the dredge discharge pipe from the dredge to the disposal
area shall be kept within the limits of the pipeline right-of-ways shown in
the plans up to the point nearest the limits of the target disposal area. The
dredge discharge pipe outfall shall be located in non-vegetated, open water
areas within Bayou Lafourche or as directed by the Engineer in the field.
The discharge pipe shall be relocated periodically to maintain compliance
with the specified tolerances. The Contractor shall ensure that a sufficient
distance is maintained from the discharge pipe to the edge of the
containment dikes in order to prevent erosion. Construction access routes may be created to move labor and equipment to
relocate the discharge pipes. These routes shall be limited to the right of
ways shown in the plans. Operation of tracked equipment shall be limited
to these right of way corridors The Contractor shall be responsible for the
restoration of any damages caused by unnecessary and/or careless
operation during construction. All unnecessarily disturbed wetlands shall
be returned to pre-construction conditions at the expense of the
2.2.6 Measurement and Payment: Payment for this item will be made at the contract
price per cubic yard for Bid Item No. S-002, “Hydraulic Dredging” upon
acceptance of surveys and volume calculations as specified in 740-01. Payment
shall be made for materials and Work specified for furnishing all plant, labor,
materials, and equipment for hydraulic channel excavation, excavation for dredge
flotation, transportation and placement of material in disposal areas; debris
removal and disposal; final grading; environmental protection measures; and, all
other appropriate costs in connection therewith or incidental thereto this Work,
shall be included in this item. All costs associated with the dewatering operations
and maintaining spill-box and weir structures shall be included in this bid item.

2.3 Mechanical Dredging

2.3.1 Equipment: The proposed excavation shall be mechanically excavated using a
bucket dredge, barge mounted drag-line or approved equal. The use of “Flexi
Float” type sectional barges for flotation of equipment is acceptable. Such
equipment shall be operated within the boundaries of the Channel Right-of-way
unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall use any
environmentally acceptable and approved method that will complete the Work in
accordance with the Plans. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer for review
and approval the method and equipment intended to be used to complete dredging
of the new Conveyance Channel in the Work Plan.
2.3.2 Marsh buggy type excavation equipment shall not be allowed in Bayou
2.3.3 Access: Flotation access of equipment to Bayou Lafourche shall be via the access
or boat ramp locations shown in the plans only. The equipment shall remain
floating at all times during the work and transit to the Project Site. The navigable
channel shall not be impaired except as allowed by applicable laws or regulations.
The Contractor shall obtain NOAA Nautical Charts and/or other charts to become
familiar with the depths in the vicinity of the Project Site.
2.3.4 Channel Construction: Channel dredging shall begin at the locations specified in
the plans and progress southerly. Any material that is removed from the channel
as a result of flotation dredging shall be swept into the channel and pumped into
the disposal areas by the cutter head dredge. All trees, vegetation, and debris
located within the mandatory dredge zone shown on the plans shall be removed
and disposed of by the Contractor in accordance with Section 201 of the
“Louisiana Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges,” 2006 Edition. The
Contractor shall NOT impact wooded bank lines outside of the mandatory
clearing zones. The channel bottom shall be dredged to the elevations shown in the plans
with a tolerance of ± 0.5’.
2.3.5 Disposal Areas: All material dredged from Bayou Lafourche shall be deposited
within the disposal areas shown on the Plans. Placement in any other location is
prohibited without prior written approval from the Engineer. Logs, stumps, snags,
debris and other obstructions which are encountered shall not be disposed of in
the nourishment disposal areas. No direct payment will be made for disposal of
logs, stumps, snags, debris, or other obstructions. The route of the dredged material shall be hauled via dump trucks using
the access routes shown in the plans. Contractor shall be responsible for
all damages to any roads, bridges, etc. during construction. Construction access routes may be created to move labor and equipment to
relocate the dredged material once placed in the disposal areas. These
routes shall be limited to the right of ways shown in the plans. Operation
of tracked equipment shall be limited to these right of way corridors The
Contractor shall be responsible for the restoration of any damages caused
by unnecessary and/or careless operation during construction. All
unnecessarily disturbed wetlands shall be returned to pre-construction
conditions at the expense of the Contractor.
2.3.6 Measurement and Payment: Payment for this item will be made at the contract
price per cubic yard for Bid Item No. S-002, “Mechanical Dredging” upon
acceptance of surveys and volume calculations as specified in 740-01. Payment
shall be made for materials and Work specified for furnishing all plant, labor,
materials, and equipment for hydraulic or mechanical channel excavation,
excavation for dredge flotation, transportation and placement of material in
disposal areas; debris removal and disposal; final grading; environmental
protection measures; and, all other appropriate costs in connection therewith or
incidental thereto this Work, shall be included in this item. All costs associated
with the dewatering operations and maintaining spill-box and weir structures shall
be included in this bid item.

3.1 Scope: The Contractor shall furnish all of the materials, labor, and equipment necessary to construct and
maintain the containment dikes, silt screen fences, etc. in accordance with the specifications and in
conformity to the lines, grades, elevations, and tolerances shown in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Plan (SWPPP) (Appendix D). All requirements within the SWPPP shall be maintained by the Contractor
until the excavation of Bayou Lafourche is complete and accepted by the Engineer accordance to the
Plans and these Specifications.

3.2 Materials: The materials used to construct containment shall be in compliance with the SWPPP and shall
be furnished by the contractor.

3.3 Construction: The Contractor shall construct the containment dikes or silt screen fences and any other
requirements according to the alignment and cross sections shown in the plans and specifications. The
containment for each disposal area must be constructed, and accepted prior to pumping material into that
area. The containment shall be maintained until approved by the project engineer. Containment shall be
degraded to match elevations of the adjacent land at the time the work is completed and accepted, unless
directed otherwise by the Engineer.

3.4 Equipment: Containment dikes shall only be constructed and maintained using a track hoe or equipment
that does not interfere with land owner use of surrounding land.

3.5 Dewatering: Spill boxes shall be used for controlled dewatering of the disposal areas. Removal of
dewatering structures will not be allowed to occur until approved by the Engineer after pumping
operations are complete in order to allow settling to occur. The location of spill boxes and proposed
water discharge routes shall be included in the Work Plan and approved by the Engineer prior to

3.6 Weirs: Weirs shall be designed by the Contractor to retain the maximum amount of volume possible in
each disposal area in order to provide the maximum amount of detention time. Weirs shall be designed to
only allow flow at the maximum fill elevation stated on the plans. The shop drawings and calculations for
the design of the weirs shall be included in the Work Plan.

3.7 Access: All containment dikes shall be accessed from within the boundaries of the nourishment disposal
area to the greatest extent possible. Access through any areas located outside of the ones indicated in the
plans is prohibited unless approved by the Engineer.

3.8 Measurement and Payment: Payment for this item will be made at the contract price Lump Sum for Bid
Item No. S-003, “Erosion Control” Price and payment shall constitute full compensation for furnishing all
labor, materials, and equipment for construction and maintenance of all required containment and
performing all work specified herein.

4.1 Scope: The Contractor shall furnish all of the materials, labor, and equipment necessary to construct and
maintain the access site improvements. in accordance with the specifications and in conformity to the
lines, grades, elevations, and tolerances shown in the plans.

4.2 Materials: The materials used to construct the access site improvements shall be furnished by the

4.3 Construction: The Contractor shall construct the access site improvements according to the plans and
specifications. Contractor shall improve access locations only if required by his construction methods.
Access location right of ways have been acquired by engineer to facilitate the contractor in construction
of the project in a timely manner. Louisiana Department of Transportation permits have been obtained by
engineer and are included in Appendix “B” for contractor review. If additional permits or required by
contractor he shall obtain permission from engineer and at his expense obtain necessary permits at his
expense. All aspects of improvements either shown in the plans, specifications, and DOTD permits shall
comply with the Louisiana Blue Book for Roads and Bridges, 2006 Edition.

4.4 Equipment: Contractor shall use the necessary equipment to construct the access site improvements so
long as it does not interfere with vehicular traffic or commerce.

4.5 Measurement and Payment: Payment for this item will be made at the contract price Lump Sum for Bid
Item No. S-004, “Access Site Improvements” Price and payment shall constitute full compensation for
furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment for construction and maintenance of all required
containment and performing all work specified herein.

5.1 Scope: The Contractor shall furnish all of the materials, labor, and equipment necessary to excavate
disposal site drainage ditches and haul excavated material offsite to an approved disposal facility. In
accordance with the specifications and in conformity to the lines, grades, elevations, and tolerances
shown in the plans.

5.2 Materials: The materials used to sweep ditches and haul material offsite shall be furnished by the

5.3 Equipment: Contractor shall use the necessary equipment to sweep ditches and haul material offsite so
long as it does not reasonably interfere with land owner use of access roadways and does not damage

5.4 Measurement and Payment: Payment for this item will be made at the contract price Linear Foot for Bid
Item No. S-005, “Sweep Ditches and Haul Offsite” Price and payment shall constitute full compensation
for furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment for construction and maintenance of all required
excavation and transportation of material for all work specified herein.

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