Intrinsically Safe Windobserver Anemometer: User Manual

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Intrinsically Safe


User Manual

Doc No. 1360-PS-0001

Issue 07

Gill Instruments Limited

Saltmarsh Park,
67 Gosport Street,
SO41 9EG

Tel: +44 (0) 1590 613500

Fax: +44 (0) 1590 613501
E-mail: [email protected]
Gill Instruments Ltd

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Intrinsically Safe WindObserver Anemometer Page 2 Issue 07

Doc. No. 1360-PS-0001 October 2011
Gill Instruments Ltd



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Gill Instruments Ltd

1. FOREWORD ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
2. PACKING LIST................................................................................................................................................. 6
3. INSTALLATION............................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Mounting ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Alignment ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Sealing .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.4 Corrosion ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.5 Earthing ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
3.6 Cabling.......................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.7 General.......................................................................................................................................................... 7
4. SYSTEM OPERATION .................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Wind Measurement ...................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1.1 Measurement Sampling Rates and Averages ...................................................................................... 8
4.2 System Configuration .................................................................................................................................. 8
4.3 Default System Configuration .................................................................................................................... 8
5. CONNECTION TO A PC OR OTHER DEVICE ........................................................................................... 9
6. USING THE ANEMOMETER WITH A COMPUTER AND YOUR SOFTWARE.................................10
6.1 Digital Serial Output Formats ...................................................................................................................10
6.2 Digital Format Notes .................................................................................................................................13
6.3 Status Code .................................................................................................................................................13
7. ANEMOMETER SOFTWARE COMMANDS.............................................................................................15
7.1 Configuration Mode...................................................................................................................................15
7.2 Polled Operation ........................................................................................................................................15
7.3 Output Mode ..............................................................................................................................................15
7.4 Output Units ...............................................................................................................................................15
7.5 Measurement Average ...............................................................................................................................15
7.6 Output String Padding ...............................................................................................................................15
7.7 Baud Rate ...................................................................................................................................................16
7.8 Sample Period ............................................................................................................................................16
7.9 Parity ...........................................................................................................................................................16
7.10 Vertical Padding.......................................................................................................................................16
7.11 Unit Identification ....................................................................................................................................16
7.12 Diagnostics ...............................................................................................................................................16
8. DRAWINGS.....................................................................................................................................................17
1086-G-045 Anemometer Installation Details ...............................................................................................17
Drawing 1360-G-026 Issue 1, Type IIc I.S. Anemometer Dimensions .......................................................18
Drawing 1360-G-028 I.S. Issue 3, WindObserver II System Diagram Sheet 1 of 2 ...................................19
Drawing 1360-G-028 Issue 3, I.S. WindObserver II System Diagram Sheet 2 of 2 ...................................20
Drawing 1360-M-039 Issue 3, I.S.Terminal Arrangement ...........................................................................21
1360-G-043 I.S. PCI Unit ................................................................................................................................22
9.1 Anemometer Specification ........................................................................................................................23
9.1.1 I.S. Rating - European ........................................................................................................................23
9.1.2 Measurement Characteristics .............................................................................................................23
9.1.3 Temperature Characteristics ..............................................................................................................23
9.1.4 Anem. Electrical .................................................................................................................................23
9.1.5 Environmental .....................................................................................................................................23
9.1.6 EMC ....................................................................................................................................................23
9.1.7 Material ...............................................................................................................................................23
9.1.8 Serial Interface ....................................................................................................................................24
9.1.9 Physical ...............................................................................................................................................24
9.1.10 Connector ..........................................................................................................................................24
10. POWER AND COMMUNICATIONS INTERFACE.................................................................................25
10.1 PCI ............................................................................................................................................................25
10.1.1 External Connections .......................................................................................................................25

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10.1.2 Electrical Power Requirements........................................................................................................25

10.1.3 Internal Supply..................................................................................................................................25
10.1.4 External Supply ................................................................................................................................25
10.1.5 Anemometer RS422 Interface .........................................................................................................25
10.1.6 User RS422 and RS232 Interface. ...................................................................................................25
10.1.7 Cable Requirements .........................................................................................................................26
10.1.8 Environmental...................................................................................................................................26
10.1.9 Material .............................................................................................................................................26
10.1.10 EMC ................................................................................................................................................26
10.1.11 Physical ...........................................................................................................................................26
APPENDIX 1 .......................................................................................................................................................27
SUMMARY OF ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS MANUAL .............................................................27
APPENDIX 2 .......................................................................................................................................................30
PRODUCT APPROVALS ..............................................................................................................................30
SIRA CERTIFICATION .............................................................................................................................30
ELECTRICAL CONFORMITY .................................................................................................................39

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Gill Instruments Ltd

This manual refers to the Gill Instruments Ltd Intrinsically Safe WindObserver ultrasonic
anemometer. It is an extremely sophisticated instrument and to achieve optimum
performance we recommend that you read the whole of this manual before proceeding
further with use.

The Solent range is in continuous development and so specifications may be subject to

change without prior notice.


 Intrinsically Safe 2 axis anemometer

 Mounting kit
 This manual
 Intrinsically Safe Power & Communications Interface
 Anemometer Connector 20 way
 3m Anemometer Test Cable

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Gill Instruments Ltd

The unit must be installed in accordance with the Control Drawing
1360-G-028, Section 8. Note that the PCI box is mounted in the Safe

3.1 Mounting
The Anemometer should be mounted on a suitable surface as defined in drawing 1086-G-
045 shown in Section 8, using the mounting kit supplied and described in the Packing
List. The anemometer does not require any adjustment.
Do NOT remove the black “rubber” transducer caps. Take care not to knock the
four transducer arms. All the time the WindObserver is not in its final location, it
should be protected from damage by keeping it in its original packaging, treating it
as a delicate instrument.
Warranty is void if the case is removed.

3.2 Alignment
The anemometer should be set to point North, see drawing 1360-G-026 as shown in
Section 8, (or to some other known reference direction). This is facilitated by slots in the
base for the mounting screws, which allow rotation of the anemometer for fine alignment.

3.3 Sealing
The connector area at the base of the anemometer should not be directly exposed to
moisture or solvents, as whilst the connectors are sealed when mated, the anemometer is
vented to air at the base to avoid pressure build up. Therefore use the gasket provided
in the mounting kit.

3.4 Corrosion
Careful note should be taken of the possibility of galvanic corrosion by incorrect
mounting. It is vital that only stainless steel fixings are used and that the instrument is
insulated from the mounting surface with the rubber gasket. This will ensure that the
anemometer will provide long service under extreme conditions.

3.5 Earthing
The system must be earthed in accordance with local or national regulations. Intrinsically
safe operation will be affected if incorrectly earthed.

3.6 Cabling
Ensure that strain relief measures are employed when installing the cables. Do not allow
the whole weight of the cable to be applied to the connector (see also Para 10.1.6).

3.7 General
DO NOT attempt to remove or unscrew any fixing. Any unauthorised adjustment of the
unit could affect intrinsic safety and will void the warranty.

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Gill Instruments Ltd

There are two modes of operation, as follows:
Wind measurement Normal operating mode
System configuration Used to reconfigure system. See Section 7.

4.1 Wind Measurement

This is the normal operating mode. Data is output once per second or four times per

4.1.1 Measurement Sampling Rates and Averages

There are two sampling rates:
1) One output per second - 50ms sample rate - block average of 19
measurements / output.
2) Four outputs per second - 50ms sample rate - block average of 4
measurements / output.

The block averages of 19 and 4 measurements are due to the last sample period being
required for measurement scaling and output formatting.

4.2 System Configuration

This mode will allow the user to configure the anemometer via the RS422 interface. It is
entered and exited by transmitting control characters to the anemometer, see Section 7.
The system will then expect a single character and number sequence which will change
mode, wind speed output etc. No security will be included in this mode, but only valid
user entries will be accepted. See Section 7 for the full list of commands.

4.3 Default System Configuration

The anemometer is factory configured as follows:

P1: 1 output per second

G1: Averaging Off
M2: ASCII Polar Continuous
U1: m/s
B3: Baud rate set to 9600
F1: 8 data bits, no parity
NA: Poll address 'A'
O1: Comma Separated Variable output
V1: Vertical Padding Disabled

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Connection to a PC or other device requires the use of:

1) An Intrinsically Safe Power and Communications Interface (PCI) – MUST BE USED

2) PCI to PC / Other device cable - Digital RS232 9 way “D Type” connector.

The PCI supplies power to the anemometer electronics and provides conversion of the
RS422 signal sent by the anemometer to the RS232 signal required by the PC. The PCI
requires connection to the mains; for more details refer to Section 10. Computers other
than IBM PCs or other compatibles may require a customised cable for connection to the

The anemometer outputs wind data through a single 20 way circular connector in the
base. Details of the pin allocations can be found in Section 9. Data is provided in Digital

Baud rate options are:

1) 1200
2) 2400
3) 4800
4) 9600
5) 19200
6) 38400

Three serial data formats are available:

1) 1 start, 8 data, odd parity, 1 stop
2) 1 start, 8 data, even parity, 1 stop
3) 1 start, 8 data, no parity, 1 stop

The selection of different baud rates and data formats require the user to confirm the
selection so that the interface between the device and the anemometer cannot be set in a
mode that is not valid for both units.

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The user need not necessarily use a terminal emulator to store and analyse data being sent
by the anemometer. This section describes the modes and format of the data output by the
anemometer so that you can write your own software.

6.1 Digital Serial Output Formats

There are five wind data modes in ASCII format, one in Binary format and one network
identification response available from the serial output of the anemometer as follows:

Mode 1
ASCII, UV, Continuous
<STX> - Start of string character (ASCII value 2)
<ID> - Anemometer IDentification (A-Z)
±UUU.UU - ‘U’ axis velocity (*1)
±VVV.VV - ‘V’ axis velocity (*2)
U - Units (M=m/s, N=knots, P=mph, K=kph, F=fpm)
SS - Status data
<ETX> - End of string character (ASCII value 3)
CC - Checksum of all Characters between <STX> and <ETX>
(HEX byte)
<CR><LF> - Carriage Return and LineFeed

Mode 2
ASCII, Polar, Continuous
<STX> - Start of string character (ASCII value 2)
<ID> - Anemometer IDentification (A-Z)
DDD - Direction in degrees
MMM.MM - Wind Magnitude (*3)
U - Units (M=m/s, N=knots, P=mph, K=kph, F=fpm)
SS - Status data
<ETX> - End of string character (ASCII value 3)
CC - Checksum of all Characters between <STX> and <ETX>
(HEX byte)
<CR><LF> - Carriage Return and LineFeed

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Mode 3
ASCII, UV, Polled
<STX> - Start of string character (ASCII value 2)
<ID> - Anemometer IDentification (A-Z)
±UUU.UU - ‘U’ axis velocity (*1)
±VVV.VV - ‘V’ axis velocity (*2)
U - Units (M=m/s, N=knots, P=mph, K=kph, F=fpm)
SS - Status data
<ETX> - End of string character (ASCII value 3)
CC - Checksum of all Characters between <STX> and <ETX>
(HEX byte)
<CR><LF> - Carriage Return and LineFeed

Mode 4
ASCII, Polar, Polled
<STX> - Start of string character (ASCII value 2)
<ID> - Anemometer IDentification (A-Z)
DDD - Direction in degrees
MMM.MM - Wind Magnitude (*3)
U - Units (M=m/s, N=knots, P=mph, K=kph, F=fpm)
SS - Status data
<ETX> - End of string character (ASCII value 3)
CC - Checksum of all Characters between <STX> and <ETX>
(HEX byte)
<CR><LF> - Carriage Return and LineFeed

(*1 ) In Feet Per Minute output mode, the string changes to ±UUUU.U
(*2 ) In Feet Per Minute output mode, the string changes to ±VVVV.V
(*3 ) In Feet Per Minute output mode, the string changes to MMMM.M

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Mode 5
ASCII, UV, Polled, No Tri-State

<STX> - Start of string character (ASCII value 2)
<ID> - Anemometer IDentification (A-Z)
±UUU.UU - ‘U’ axis velocity (*1)
±VVV.VV - ‘V’ axis velocity (*2)
U - Units (M=m/s, N=knots, P=mph, K=kph, F=fpm)
SS - Status data
<ETX> - End of string character (ASCII value 3)
CC - Checksum of all Characters between <STX> and <ETX>
(HEX byte)
<CR><LF> - Carriage Return and LineFeed

Mode 6
ASCII, NMEA, continuous
‘$’ - Start of string character
‘II’ - Integrated instrument
‘MWV’ - Mean wind direction and velocity
Wc1 - Wind component 1
‘R’ - Relative wind measurement
Wc2 - Wind component 2
Units - Units ident
Valid - Valid flag
‘*’ - Checksum delimiter
cc - Checksum

Wind Component Fields

Wc1 Direction in degrees (DDD)
Wc2 Wind speed (MMM.MM)

Units Field
Value Units
M m/s
N Knots
K kph

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Gill Instruments Ltd

Valid Field
‘A’ Valid measurement
‘V’ Invalid measurement

Checksum Field
Exclusive OR of all characters between ‘$’ and ‘*’ reported as ASCII hex.

6.2 Digital Format Notes

1) If wind speed is too low to calculate direction (below 0.05m/s) then the direction
parameter DDD, in ASCII modes, will remain blank in CSV mode. In fixed field
mode, direction freezes at last valid direction.

2) The checksum is the EXCLUSIVE OR of the 8 data bits of each character between
and excluding <STX> and <ETX>. The HEX value of the most significant and least
significant four bits of the result are converted to 2 ASCII characters for transmission.

3) If the anemometer detects a checksum error in the non-volatile memory, the following
ASCII string is output in place of the normal output:

4) In fixed field mode an error will result in value +99.999 for UV and Magnitude and
999 for direction being reported.

6.3 Status Code

A two character ‘Status code’ will be transmitted in the serial string. This value will
denote the system and measurement status. The codes are:

Code 00 - O.K.
This indicates that the system is operating correctly. The transducers signals are within
the required limits and no memory faults have occurred.

Code 01 - Transducer Pair 1 Failed.

This error occurs when there is a blockage in the path of transducer pair one, or when a
transducer has failed.

Code 02 - Transducer Pair 2 Failed.

This error occurs when there is a blockage in the path of transducer pair two, or when a
transducer has failed.

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Code 04 - Transducer Pairs 1 and 2 Failed.

This error occurs when there is a blockage in the path of transducer pairs one and two, or
when transducers have failed.

Code 08 - Non-Volatile Memory Checksum Error.

The non-volatile memory (EEPROM) holds the user set up, internal system parameters
and calibration data. If the internal checksum programmed in production does not match
the one calculated by the system during operation, then this status code will be flagged.
An EEPROM error could be caused by a faulty read/write cycle or a complete chip

Code 09 - Volatile Memory Checksum Error.

The volatile memory (SRAM) holds the data, which is used during the vector calibration
codes. If the internal checksum programmed in production does not match the one
calculated during system operation then this status code is flagged. The unit is operating
in uncalibrated mode.

Code 10 - System Gain at Maximum.

This indicates that an ultrasonic signal has been received but the receive gain had to be
set to maximum to recover the pulse. This is normally due to partially blocked transducer
paths. The wind velocity reported could be in error.

Code 50 - Marginal System Gain Condition.

This indicates that an ultrasonic signal has been received but a high receive gain was
required to recover the pulse. This code is asserted during high wind velocities. It may
also be caused by partially blocked transducer paths or partially failed transducers (low
efficiency). The wind velocity reported will be correct.

Code 51 - Measurement Average Building.

This code is set before the average period selected (3, 5,10 or 15 seconds) has been
reached. The reported velocities during this period are only the average calculated for the
length of time that the unit has been operational. This code only occurs after a power on
or exit from configuration mode.

NOTE Should any of these status codes other than code 00 appear consistently then the
unit will need to be returned to the manufacturer for repair.

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7.1 Configuration Mode
On, Modes M1, M2 *
On, Modes M3, M4 *x (Where x is polling identifier A-Z)
Off Q

7.2 Polled Operation

Request Identification &
Disable Polled Output !
Enable Polled Output ?
Anemometer Poll A-Z

The unit will only accept the following commands when in configuration mode:

7.3 Output Mode

ASCII, UV, Continuous M1
ASCII, Polar, Continuous M2
ASCII, UV, Polled M3
ASCII, Polar, Polled M4
ASCII, UV, Polled, No Tri-State M5
ASCII, NMEA, Continuous M6

7.4 Output Units

m/s U1
Knots U2

7.5 Measurement Average

Off G1
3 Second G2
5 Second G3
10 Second G4
15 Second G5

7.6 Output String Padding

Off Comma Separated Variable O1
On Fixed Field O2

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7.7 Baud Rate

2400 B1
4800 B2
9600 B3
19200 B4
38400 B5
1200 B6

7.8 Sample Period

1 Sample Per Second P1
4 Samples Per Second P2

7.9 Parity
8 Data, No Parity F1
8 Data, Even Parity F2
8 Data, Odd Parity F3

7.10 Vertical Padding

V1 - Vertical Padding with Zero Disabled
V2 - Vertical Padding with Zero Enabled

The following are only applicable in modes 3&4.

7.11 Unit Identification

Set Identification to ‘x’ Nx

7.12 Diagnostics
Read Serial Number and Type D1
Read S/W Version D2
Read System Configuration D3


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1086-G-045 Anemometer Installation Details

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Drawing 1360-G-026 Issue 1, Type IIc I.S. Anemometer Dimensions

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Drawing 1360-G-028 I.S. Issue 3, WindObserver II System Diagram

Sheet 1 of 2
Hazardous Area
Safe Area

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Drawing 1360-G-028 Issue 3, I.S. WindObserver II System Diagram

Sheet 2 of 2

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Drawing 1360-M-039 Issue 3, I.S.Terminal Arrangement

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1360-G-043 I.S. PCI Unit



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9.1 Anemometer Specification
9.1.1 I.S. Rating - European
For use in Zone 0, 1 and 2 Areas.
Rating EEx ia (BS EN 50 020)
Gas Group IIC
Temp Class T4
Dust Group IIIC

9.1.2 Measurement Characteristics

Measurement velocity range 0 to 70m/s
Velocity resolution 0.01m/s
Velocity accuracy ±5% RMS
Direction resolution 1 degree
Direction accuracy ± 4 degrees
o o
Note: Accuracy specification applies from 5 C to 35 C and for wind incidence within
±10o of horizontal.

9.1.3 Temperature Characteristics

o o
Ambient Operating -30 C to +70 C
o o
Storage -50 C to +75 C

9.1.4 Anem. Electrical

Supply 6 to 12V DC
Current 30mA Peak
All circuits protected to 0.8 Joule

9.1.5 Environmental
Altitude 0 to 3000m
Humidity 0 to 100% RH
Moisture ingress IP66

9.1.6 EMC
Emissions EN 61000-6-4:2007
Immunity EN 61000-6-1:2007

9.1.7 Material
316 Stainless Steel

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9.1.8 Serial Interface

One Tx RS422 channel
One Rx RS422 channel
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 and 38400 baud
Parity error check available (odd or even)
Serial output rate 1 per second or 4 per second

9.1.9 Physical
Size 380mm x 210mm
Weight 2kg

9.1.10 Connector
Hirose, 20 way socket
Connector pin Designation
1 Not Used
2 RS422_TXB (+)
3 RS422_TXA (-)
4 RS422_RXB (+)
5 RS422_RXA (-)
6 Supply V+
7 Not Used
8 Not Used
9 Not Used
10 Not Used
11 Not Used
12 Not Used
13 Not Used
14 Supply V-
15 Not Use
16 Not Used
17 Not Used
18 Not Used
19 Not Used
20 Not Used

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The Intrinsically Safe anemometer must be operated with the intrinsically safe power and
communications interface (PCI).
NOTE, the PCI box is mounted in the Safe Area.

10.1 PCI
For use with single intrinsically safe anemometers.

10.1.1 External Connections

Earth Post
Mains Connector
Anemometer Connector
RS232 Connection
RS422 Connection

10.1.2 Electrical Power Requirements

1) 100Vac - 120Vac, 10VA for the 115V switch position.
2) 200Vac - 250Vac, 10VA for the 230V switch position.

10.1.3 Internal Supply

Supply to the interface circuit 5V, 50mA

10.1.4 External Supply

Supply via the intrinsically safe barrier 10.5V, 50mA
Internal fuse 100mA

10.1.5 Anemometer RS422 Interface

Standard RS422 interface drivers are connected to the anemometer via zener barriers or
galvanic isolation. One is used for the TX pair and the other for the RX pair.

For Connector Pin and Cable Assignments please refer to Section 8, Drawing 1360-G-

10.1.6 User RS422 and RS232 Interface.

Standard RS422 and RS232 drivers are provided for the user to connect and communicate
with the Anemometer for Wind data or change its configuration. For connection details
refer to Section 8, Drawing 1360-G-028.

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10.1.7 Cable Requirements

The anemometer is supplied with a 3-Metre long, 3 pair, 24 AWG, screened, 9mm
diameter test cable.
The cable between the Anemometer and the PCI should be a 3 pair screened and / or
armoured, and have a minimum of 0.75mm cross sectional area and a maximum of
2.5mm cross sectional area.
The cable should meet the requirements of the Sira Certificate on Page 32 and Cable
Do not attach the screen of the anemometer to earth at the junction box; it must be
attached to terminals 19 and 20 of the PCI via the field cable screen.
If armour cable is used the armour must be connected to earth. DO NOT join to the cable

10.1.8 Environmental
Humidity 5 to 90% RH
Moisture Ingress IP65
o o
Ambient Operating -30 C to +40 C
o o
Storage -50 C to +75 C

10.1.9 Material
316 Stainless Steel

10.1.10 EMC
Emissions EN 61000-6-4:2007
Immunity EN 61000-6-1:2007

10.1.11 Physical
Size 32.5cm x 31.5cm x 17.5cm
Weight 9.5kg

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AC Alternating Current

ANEM Anemometer

ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange

CR Carriage Return

CSV Comma Separated Variable

CSA Cross Sectional Area

CTS Clear To Send

DC Direct Current

DCD Data Carrier Detect

DDD Direction parameter


DSR Data Set Ready

DTR Data Terminal Ready

EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

EMC Electro-Magnetic Compatibility

ETX End of string character

FPM Feet Per Minute


HEX Hexadecimal

HZ Hertz

IP65 Ingress Protection Classification

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I.S Intrinsic Safety

K Kilometres per hour

Knots Nautical Measurement of speed

KM KiloMetre

KPH KiloMetres Per Hour

LF Line Feed

M3 Operating Mode 3

M4 Operating Mode 4

mA MilliAmperes

MPH Miles Per Hour

mm MilliMetres

ms MilliSecond

m/s Metres per Second

pc IBM PC or compatible computer

PCI Power and Communications Interface

POR Power On Reset

PROCOMM Terminal emulator software package

RH Relative Humidity

RMS Root Mean Squared

RS232 Communications standard

RS422 Communications standard

RTS Request To Send

RI Ring Initiate

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RX Receive


SRAM Static Random Access Memory

STX Start of string character

S/W SoftWare

TX Transmit

UV Cartesian Co-ordinate System

V Volts

V+ positive Voltage

V- negative Voltage

VA VoltAmperes

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1. Certificate Number; Sira 00ATEX2217 for the IS WindObserver Power Supply

Unit 1360
2. Certificate Number: Sira 00ATEX2218 for the model 1360 IS WindObserver

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Doc. No. 1360-PS-0001 October 2011
Gill Instruments Ltd

Intrinsically Safe WindObserver Anemometer Page 35 Issue 07

Doc. No. 1360-PS-0001 October 2011
Gill Instruments Ltd

Intrinsically Safe WindObserver Anemometer Page 36 Issue 07

Doc. No. 1360-PS-0001 October 2011
Gill Instruments Ltd

Intrinsically Safe WindObserver Anemometer Page 37 Issue 07

Doc. No. 1360-PS-0001 October 2011
Gill Instruments Ltd

Intrinsically Safe WindObserver Anemometer Page 38 Issue 07

Doc. No. 1360-PS-0001 October 2011
Gill Instruments Ltd


Intrinsically Safe WindObserver Anemometer Page 39 Issue 07

Doc. No. 1360-PS-0001 October 2011

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