Asakura, 2002 PDF
Asakura, 2002 PDF
Asakura, 2002 PDF
keletal muscle contains myogenic progenitors called to myocytes but did not express Sca-1 or CD45 and never
satellite cells and muscle-derived stem cells that have formed hematopoietic colonies. Importantly, muscle SP
been suggested to be pluripotent. We further investigated cells exhibited the potential to give rise to both myocytes
the differentiation potential of muscle-derived stem cells and satellite cells after intramuscular transplantation. In
and satellite cells to elucidate relationships between these addition, muscle SP cells underwent myogenic specification
two populations of cells. FACS® analysis of muscle side after co-culture with myoblasts. Co-culture with myoblasts
population (SP) cells, a fraction of muscle-derived stem or forced expression of MyoD also induced muscle differ-
Myogenic satellite cells reside beneath the basal lamina of from their daughter myoblasts by both biochemical and bio-
adult skeletal muscle closely juxtaposed against skeletal muscle logical criteria (Seale and Rudnicki, 2000).
fibers and account for 2–5% of sublaminal nuclei in adult Satellite cells have long been considered monopotential
muscle. Satellite cells are normally mitotically quiescent, but stem cells with the ability to only give rise to cells of the
are activated (initiate proliferation) to mediate the postnatal myogenic lineage. However, recent experiments have identified
growth and regeneration of muscle (Seale and Rudnicki, the existence of adult stem cells present in most (if not all)
2000). The progeny of activated satellite cells, termed myo- tissues that appear to exhibit the ability to differentiate into
genic precursor cells, undergo multiple rounds of cell division many different cell types after reintroduction in vivo. This
before terminal differentiation. The number of quiescent work has raised important questions regarding the develop-
satellite cells in adult muscle remains relatively constant over mental potential of stem cells derived from diverse tissues
multiple cycles of degeneration and regeneration, suggesting including muscle, bone marrow, and brain (Seale et al.,
a capacity for self-renewal within the satellite cell compartment. 2001). For example, hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs),* in
Satellite cells express specific genes such as M-cadherin, addition to their ability to produce all blood cell lineages,
CD34, and Pax7, and after activation give rise to a large also exhibit developmental plasticity when introduced into
number of daughter myoblasts in addition to repopulating different tissues. HSCs can differentiate into hepatic cells
the satellite cell pool (Beauchamp et al., 1999, 2000; Seale et (Lagasse et al., 2000), cardiac muscle and vascular endothelium
al., 2000). Therefore, satellite cells represent a unique popu- (Jackson et al., 2001), and several epithelial cell types
lation of committed myogenic progenitors that are distinct (Krause et al., 2001) after transplantation. Therefore, many
or all tissues appear to contain a population of adult stem
Address correspondence to Michael A. Rudnicki, Molecular Medicine
Program, Ottawa Health Research Institute, 501 Smyth Rd., Ottawa,
*Abbreviations used in this paper: CMV, cytomegalovirus; HSC, hemato-
Ontario, K1H 8L6 Canada. Tel.: (613) 739-6740. Fax: (613) 737-8803. poietic stem cell; IL, interleukin; LTR, long-term repeat; MHC, myosin
E-mail: [email protected] heavy chain; MP, main population; SP, side population; TA, tibialis
Key words: stem cell; satellite cell; Pax7; hematopoiesis; Sca-1 anterior; WP, whole population.
into hematopoietic cells, we cultured single muscle fibers Figure 3. Muscle SP cells express Sca-1 and CD45 but do not
from heterozygous Myf5-nlacZ mice in Methocult M3434. express Myf5-nlacZ or MD6.0-lacZ. (A) FACS® fractionation of SP
The expression of Myf5-nlacZ recapitulates the expression of cells from bone marrow and muscle was used for the isolation of
the endogenous Myf5 mRNA both during embryogenesis adult stem cells by Hoechst dye exclusion. Both muscle and bone
marrow SP cells stained with Hoechst dye were sensitive to verapamil.
(Tajbakhsh et al., 1996) and in adult muscle (Beauchamp et (B) x- and y-axes indicate intensity of CD45-FITC and Sca-1-PE,
al., 2000). Isolated muscle fibers maintained in culture for respectively. The percentage of cells in each quadrant is indicated
14 d gave rise to colonies uniformly composed of Myf5- in the panel. (C) Unsorted (WP) or sorted cells prepared from
nlacZ–positive multinucleated, contractile myotubes (Fig. 2, Myf5-nlacZ or MD6.0-lacZ transgenic mouse muscle were stained
A–D). Importantly, hematopoietic colonies were never de- with X-gal. The error bars represent the SEM from three independent
experiments. At least a total of 1,000 cells were counted in
tected in these long-term cultures of isolated muscle fibers each fraction.
(Fig. 2 E; n 180 fibers). By contrast, 10–30 hematopoietic
colonies were formed after plating of 1 104 unfractionated
muscle cell suspension. The inability of satellite cells to un- Muscle SP cells in vitro undergo hematopoietic
dergo hematopoietic differentiation and the preferential dif- but not myogenic differentiation
ferentiation of Myf5-nlacZ–expressing cells into muscle (Fig. The expression of Myf5-nlacZ was readily detected in the
2 C) strongly support the hypothesis that satellite cells are re- nuclei of satellite cells on freshly isolated muscle fibers (Fig.
stricted in their developmental potential within the mesen- 2 A; Beauchamp et al., 2000). A similar expression profile of
chymal range of cell lineages. lacZ within myonuclei and satellite cell nuclei was also ob-
Published October 14, 2002
ate into satellite cells based on their location after intrave- CD45-positive (CD45 mSP). Bone marrow HSCs cannot
nous injection into irradiated mice (Gussoni et al., 1999). be cultured under the conditions used in this work as re-
Furthermore, fetal liver and bone marrow cells have a poten- ported previously (Traycoff et al., 1996). By contrast, mus-
tial to differentiate into satellite cells based on the location cle cells with hematopoietic potential are readily cultured in
after injection into busulphan-treated neonatal mice (Fukada myoblast medium and have been suggested to maintain their
et al., 2002). Here, we demonstrate that muscle SP cells have hematopoietic potential for at least 5 d in vitro (Jackson et
the potential to differentiate into satellite cells after intra- al., 1999). HSCs express several surface markers such as
muscular injection into regenerating muscle. These satellite Sca-1 and c-kit (Goodell et al., 1997; Gussoni et al., 1999).
cells express satellite cell markers Myf5-nlacZ, Pax7, and Moreover, although freshly isolated muscle SP cells express
desmin, and are proliferative in vitro, suggesting that muscle Sca-1, they do not express c-kit (Gussoni et al., 1999). Fur-
SP cells can differentiate into functional satellite cells. The in thermore, we failed to detect any muscle differentiation of
vivo potential of muscle SP cells that give rise to satellite cells bone marrow SP cells after co-culture with primary myo-
supports our hypothesis that at least some portion of satellite blasts. Therefore, marker expression and biological assays
cells originates from muscle-derived stem cells. However, it suggest some important differences between HSCs and mus-
remains unclear whether both CD45 mSP and CD45 cle-derived cells with hematopoietic potential. In any case,
mSP have the potential to give rise to satellite cells after in- these results strongly suggest that skeletal muscle is an adult
tramuscular transplantation. In addition, it remains to be organ containing a resident population of adult stem cells
elucidated whether Pax7 is required for muscle SP cells to with hematopoietic potential. Recent bone marrow trans-
differentiate into satellite cells after intramuscular transplan- plantation experiments have been interpreted to suggest that
tation. We are currently investigating these questions. hematopoietic progenitors in muscle have a bone marrow
An important outstanding question concerns the location origin (Kawada and Ogawa, 2001). However, a clear under-
with 2% FCS, 10 mM Hepes, 5 g/ml Hoechst 33342 (Sigma-Aldrich), and experiments as described previously (Sabourin et al., 1999). Cultures were
with or without 50 M verapamil (Sigma-Aldrich) at 37C for 90 min. After maintained for 4 d in myoblast growth medium on collagen-coated dishes.
Hoechst staining, immunostaining was performed by using antibodies re-
active to Sca-1 or CD45 conjugated with phycoerythrin or FITC (PharMin- Hematopoietic colony assays
gen), respectively. Hoechst dye was excited at 351 nm by UV laser and its Cells prepared from muscle, bone marrow, peripheral blood, and isolated
fluorescence was detected at two wavelengths using 424/44 (Hoechst muscle fibers were cultured in Methocult M3434 or M3630 (StemCell
blue) and 675/LP (Hoechst red) filters. FITC or phycoerythrin was excited Technologies) for 10–14 d. The number of colonies consisting of 50 cells
at 488 nm by argon laser and its fluorescence was detected at FL1 (530/40) were scored using an inverted microscope (Axiovert 25; Carl Zeiss Micro-
or FL2 (580/30) filter, respectively. Dead cells and debris were excluded Imaging, Inc.). Hematopoietic cells were identified by May-Grunwald’s
from the plots based on propidium iodide staining (2 g/ml; Sigma- Giemsa (Sigma-Aldrich) and by immunohistochemistry with Mac1 and
Aldrich). Sorted cells were characterized by X-gal staining or immunohis- Gr1 antibodies (PharMingen) for detection of granulocyte/monocyte or
tochemistry on slide glass. B220 antibodies (PharMingen) for detection of pre-B cells followed by
Vectastain ABC kit (Vector Laboratories).
Cell culture
Single muscle fibers and dissociated muscle cells (muscle-derived cells)
We thank Stephen J. Tapscott and Shahragim Tajbakhsh for providing
were isolated from hindlimb skeletal muscles prepared from 2-month-old
MD6.0-lacZ and Myf5-nlacZ strains of mice, respectively. We thank J. Ish-
heterozygous Myf5-nlacZ or MD6.0-lacZ transgenic mice by digestion in
ibashi for making retrovirus. We also thank Sophie Charge for critical read-
0.4% collagenase type A (Roche) as described previously (Beauchamp et
ing of the manuscript.
al., 2000). Isolated muscle fibers were immediately fixed or cultured in
This work was supported by grants to M.A. Rudnicki from the National
Methocult M3434 (StemCell Technologies Inc.). 5 103–104 FACS® frac-
Institutes of Health, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Muscu-
tionated TgN(GFPU)5-Nagy (GFP)–, ROSA26-, or Myf5-nlacZ–muscle SP
lar Dystrophy Association, and the Canada Research Chair Program. A.
cells were cultured or co-cultured with equal numbers of either primary
Asakura is supported by a development grant from the Muscular Dystro-
myoblasts (Sabourin et al., 1999), C2C12 myoblasts, or C3H10T1/2 fibro-
phy Association. P. Seale holds a pre-doctoral fellowship from the Cana-
blasts. Conditioned medium was obtained from growing primary myo-
dian Institutes of Health Research. M.A. Rudnicki holds the Canada Re-
blasts cultured for 4 d. Muscle SP cells were also purified from 2-week-old
search Chair in molecular genetics and is an international scholar of the
Pax7/ and Pax7/ mice. pHAN-puro retrovirus vector was used as a
Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
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