Economic Impacts of The Research Collaboratory For Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB) Protein Data Bank
Economic Impacts of The Research Collaboratory For Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB) Protein Data Bank
Economic Impacts of The Research Collaboratory For Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB) Protein Data Bank
Kevin P. Sullivan
Peggy Brennan-Tonetta, Ph.D.
Lucas J. Marxen
May 2017
Economic Impacts of the
Research Collaboratory for Structural
Bioinformatics (RCSB) Protein Data Bank
Kevin P. Sullivan1
Peggy Brennan-Tonetta, Ph.D.2
Lucas J. Marxen3
May 2017
Assistant Director, Statistical Analysis, Office of Research Analytics, NJAES
Director, Office of Research Analytics, NJAES; Associate VP for Economic Development, ORED; Associate Director,
Associate Director, Research Technologies, Office of Research Analytics, NJAES
The authors wish to acknowledge the individuals at the RCSB-PDB who contributed information,
guidance and data to this study - Dr. Stephen Burley, Director; Christine Zardecki, Deputy Director;
and Dr. Helen Berman, Founding Director.
The Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank (RCSB-PDB), the US data center
for the Worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB) archive, manages and provides large-scale data of experimental
3D structures of biological macromolecules. RCSB-PDB provides wwPDB data and other unique services freely
as an open data resource that is utilized by researchers (from structural biologists to computational biologists),
educators, and students all over the world. RCSB-PDB operates at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
and the University of California San Diego/San Diego Supercomputer Center.
The results of an analysis examining the value and economic impact of the RCSB-PDB and its work are presented
below. Sources of data for this analysis include website analytics (RCSB-PDB user numbers and levels of use)
and RCSB-PDB operational expenditures. The authors of this analysis also applied several key factors and
conclusions drawn from a 2016 study of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory- European Bioinformatics
Institute (EMBL-EBI), the site of PDB Europe.
Key Findings
The analysis revealed that RCSB-PDB data and services are utilized extensively, provide a significant value to its
user community and creates significant societal economic impact far beyond its user community.
• RCSB-PDB Users: The RCSB-PDB is regularly and widely accessed, and it is estimated that there are more
than 1 million unique users annually. However, for purposes of this study, a conservative estimate based on
the average monthly unique users was utilized in calculating the economic impacts. Using this methodology,
during fiscal year 2016, the RCSB-PDB website at supported an estimated 295,465 unique users.
Users hailing from 100+ countries logged more than 7 million sessions and more than 32 million page views.
• Replacement Value: While the costs of data creation and deposition are unknown, a reasonable estimate to
replicate the RCSB-PDB data archive is $12 billion (assuming $100,000 avg. cost to replicate each entry).
• Investment Value: RCSB-PDB’s operational costs, including the costs of data creation and deposition,
annotating and adding value to the data, and other expenses total $6.9 million per year.
• Economic Impacts to the State Economy: Economic impact analysis reveals a total economic impact to
New Jersey of $8.5 million (including multiplier effects), approximately 42 jobs created with annual wages
of $4.7 million, and estimated tax revenues (to local, state, and federal governments) of $1 million annually.
• Access Value: The value of time and money users spend obtaining RCSB-PDB data and services represents
the economic value of their investment. The access value of RCSB-PDB data and services is estimated to be
$43.7 million annually.
• Use Value: Use value represents the value (cost) of the time spent accessing and working with RCSB-PDB
data. The use value of RCSB-PDB data and services is estimated at $5.5 billion annually, 800 times greater
than RCSB-PDB’s direct operating cost.
• Contingent Valuation: Contingent valuation involves estimating the value users place on a freely provided
service. Utilizing the average contingent value gleaned from a study of EMBL-EBI, the contingent value of
the RCSB-PDB data and services is estimated to be $2,573 per user, $760 million in total, 110 times greater
than RCSB-PDB’s direct operating cost.
• Efficiency Impacts: Efficiency impacts (i.e., productive time researchers gain from the efficiency associated
with using RCSB-PDB data and services) allow researchers more time to do other work-related activities.
The value of RCSB-PDB’s efficiency impact is estimated at $2.5 billion annually.
• Return on Public Investment in R&D: A wider, more comprehensive measure of long-term societal impacts
stemming from RCSB-PDB derives from the impact of publicly funded research that utilizes RCSB-PDB data
and services. The estimated and conservative long-term value of the research and development using RCSB-
PDB data is $1.1 billion annually. Over the next 30 years, the estimated return on investment is conservatively
$8.0 billion in net present value.
Established in 1971 (with 7 entries) as the first open access digital resource for biological data, the
Worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB) is now the single global archive of experimental 3D structures
of biological macromolecules with more than 125,000 entries at the end of 2016. These biological
macromolecules are critical to biomedical research; indeed, the users of wwPDB data are researchers
from all over the world, from structural biologists to computational biologists and beyond. The Research
Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank (RCSB-PDB), the US data center for the
wwPDB archive, provides PDB data at no charge to users through the RCSB-PDB website. RCSB-PDB
operates at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey and the University of California San Diego/San
Diego Supercomputer Center.
Through a unique agreement, PDB data are also provided by other Worldwide Protein Data Bank
partners (including the Protein Data Bank Europe, Protein Data Bank Japan, and the Biological Magnetic
Resonance Bank). However, the RCSB-PDB team (operating at Rutgers University and the University
of California San Diego), serves as the wwPDB archive keeper, and is also responsible for data integrity
and disaster recovery.
The full economic benefits of the RCSB-PDB are extensive, but are not well understood. To add to
public understanding of its economic benefits, the RCSB-PDB commissioned the Rutgers Office of
Research Analytics to examine the economic impacts of the RCSB-PDB, including the value of the
research conducted with RCSB-PDB data and services. Presented here are the results of a quantitative
study of the economic impacts of the RCSB-PDB.
The Office of Research Analytics team conducted a quantitative study of the economic impacts of the
RCSB-PDB, which are complementary to other types of impact measures (e.g., impacts on human health,
scholarly citations, patents, etc.). In this section, study methods and data sources utilized in the study
are described.
Study Methods
In 2016, Beagrie and Houghton (2016) released a study of the economic impacts of the European
Molecular Biology Laboratory- European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), home of the PDB
Europe. Because of the similarities between the data provided by EMBL-EBI and RCSB-PDB (the PDB
data archive is identical), the Beagrie and Houghton (2016) study provides a reasonable methodological
path for this study. However, it should be noted there are differences between the RCSB-PDB and the
EMBL-EBI, most notably in the types of services offered. In addition, given the time constraints to
conduct this impact assessment, a survey of RCSB-PDB users could not be administered, as was done
in the Beagrie and Houghton (2016) study. Therefore, the team relied primarily on web analytics from
the RCSB-PDB website, in addition to utilizing key factors from the Beagrie and Houghton (2016) study.
Analytical techniques intended to capture the full extent of impacts of open research data services are
still evolving. Nonetheless, Beagrie‘s prior work on measuring impacts of “free and open data and
services” (Beagrie and CSES 2012) has been cited as a particularly good example of an accepted method
in the measurement of such impacts (Technopolis 2013). Following Beagrie’s approach (Beagrie and
CSES 2012, Beagrie and Houghton 2016), a range of methods for exploring the value and impact of
RCSB-PDB’s research data and services were utilized in this study. Given the similarity between the
RCSB-PDB and the EMBL-EBI, and the desire to apply best practices in measuring value and economic
impact of major research data services, the utilization of certain factors from the Beagrie and Houghton
(2016) study is justified. To account for the level of uncertainty in the estimates due to the distinctive
differences between the two programs, a range of low and high estimates for a number of the economic
impacts were also calculated.
Similar to Beagrie and Houghton (2016), the following economic indicators were estimated for the
RCSB-PDB: access value and use value (value of time and money users spend obtaining and using the
product or service), contingent value (value of non-market goods and services), efficiency value
(characterizes the relationship between costs and output), and return on public investment. In addition,
an economic impact assessment was conducted of RCSB-PDB operations on the economy of New Jersey
through input-output modeling. With the input-output model approach, expenditure and employment
data from operations are used to estimate the direct and indirect impacts of public expenditures on
the regional economy. This study estimates the direct and indirect impacts of RCSB-PDB expenditures
on the New Jersey economy (in terms of jobs, wages, and output), and on overall tax revenues (i.e., local
and state taxes, and federal taxes).
Data and Assumptions
Presented below is a discussion of the sources of data, key factors, and assumptions used to calculate
estimates of value and economic impact. Table 1 below summarizes the key factors and their sources
utilized in this study.
Website analytics data was utilized to estimate the number of users of the RCSB-PDB and the average
time spent by users of the website. As reported in the EMBL-EBI study (Beagrie and Houghton, 2016),
there are potential difficulties when relying on website analytics data to estimate the number of unique
users of a website or service. Most website analytics attempt to distinguish “unique visitors” by
examining a user’s IP address and cookies stored on the web browser. However, this approach has been
shown to overestimate visitors (Fomitchev 2010) due to the dynamic nature of IP addresses (multiple
users behind a single IP address and a single user having multiple IP addresses), the number of devices
used by individual users, and the multiple locations used to access the website. RCSB-PDB’s own
internal analysis of website data showed that examining unique visitor data on a monthly basis
minimized the effect of these factors and provided a conservative estimate of the number of unique
RCSB-PDB website users.
Website analytics data from Google Analytics were captured for the time period July 1, 2015 through
June 30, 2016 (Fiscal Year 2016). Monthly unique visitor data were compiled and the mean calculated
to estimate the annual unique user count (295,465 users). It should be noted that this estimate of unique
users is conservative, as the RCSB estimates that there are more than 1 million unique users annually.
To calculate the total annual usage, the annual number of sessions and page-views were summed
(7,120,959 and 32,786,301 respectively). Sessions per user were then calculated by taking the total
number of sessions annually and dividing it by the estimated annual unique user count (24.1
session/user). The unadjusted mean session duration was arrived at by averaging the monthly average
session duration as calculated by Google Analytics (6:19 minutes). The raw session duration data was
analyzed to determine the potential impact of outliers on the average session duration estimate. It was
determined that the number of small outliers far outweighed large outliers; therefore, the unadjusted
mean provides a conservative estimate of session duration.
The monetary assumptions (i.e., willingness to pay, mean hourly cost) were taken from the EMBL-EBI
study and were converted to US dollars from British pounds at the May 22, 2015 exchange rate, and
adjusted to 2016 price levels using the consumer price index from US Department of Labor, Bureau of
Labor Statistics (all urban consumers, US City Average). Based on labor assumptions in the Beagrie
and Houghton (2016) study, it is estimated that users of the RCSB-PDB data and services (researchers
and educators from around the world) work on average 34 hours per week, spend about 20% of that time
using PDB data (6.8 hours/wk), and work 47 weeks per year.
To account for uncertainty associated with some of the above factors and differences in the programs, a
sensitivity analysis was performed by providing a range of economic impacts. A low, middle, and
high economic impact estimate is provided by changing the following factors in the formulas:
• mean time of access (+/- 20%)
• mean willingness to pay (+/- 20%)
• efficiency impact factor (+/- 20%)
• mean time with RCSB-PDB data (+/- 20%)
• average return to R&D (20% for low estimate, 60% for high estimate).
For proper context, all estimates are expressed as an annual value in current prices and at current levels
of activity (i.e., 2016).
Investment Value
Investment value includes RCSB-PDB’s operational costs, costs of data creation and deposition (from
contributors), costs of annotating and adding value to the data (from collaborators), etc. While the costs
of data creation and deposition are unknown, a reasonable estimate to replicate the RCSB-PDB data
archive is $12 billion (assuming $100,000 average cost to replicate each entry). The annual operating
costs of the RCSB-PDB are approximately $6.9 million per year ($5.1 million spent on operations in
New Jersey and $1.8 million spent in California). These operating costs include all operating expenses
(e.g., equipment, maintenance, supplies, salary and fringe, etc.). The operating costs can be considered
the minimum annual investment value needed to keep RCSB-PDB archive available for public use. The
annual operating costs in New Jersey of $5.1 million are used to estimate the economic impact to the
New Jersey economy (presented below).
The economic impact analysis that follows is based on a typical year of RCSB-PDB operations. In
performing an economic impact analysis for the RCSB-PDB, 2016 expenditures of $5.1 million was
used. Note that there are additional RCSB-PDB operations in California (approximately, $1.8 million in
expenditures) which have local impacts to the California economy; however for purposes of this study,
the research team focused only on the impacts to New Jersey. Table 2 shows the annual economic
impacts to the New Jersey economy from the RCSB-PDB operations. The RCSB-PDB generates a total
of $5.1 million in economic output annually, resulting in a total economic impact to New Jersey of
$8.5 million (including multiplier effects). Twenty-four employees are directly employed by the RCSB-
PDB in New Jersey and earn $2.7 million annually (including fringe benefits). The total number of jobs
created (directly and through multiplier effects) is estimated to be approximately forty-two jobs with
annual wages of $4.7 million.
Table 3 summarizes the tax impacts associated with the economic activity of RCSB-PDB’s New Jersey
operations. It is estimated that state and local tax impacts are $395,000 annually and the federal tax
impact $630,000 annually. Thus, the total tax impact of RCSB-PDB operations is an estimated $1
Access Value
Access value and use value (presented in the next section) represent the value of time and money users
spend obtaining and using the product or service. Estimates of the economic value of the investment
made by users in access and use reveal the minimum value that the product or service is worth to them.
As previously stated, web analytics data reveal that the average time users spend accessing RCSB-PDB
services is 6.3 minutes. Annual accesses to RCSB-PDB data and services in 2016 totaled 7.1 million.
Assuming a mean hourly cost of $58.50, the access value of RCSB-PDB data and services is estimated
to be $43.7 million annually (with a range of $34.7 – $52.7 million) (Table 4). The estimated access
value of RCSB-PDB data and services is 6 times greater than RCSB-PDB’s direct operating cost
of $6.9 million.
Use Value
Use value can be estimated by the cost of the time that users spend accessing and using a product or
service. The number of users and their average time spent accessing and working with RCSB-PDB data
are the drivers of the use value estimate. It is assumed that 295,465 RCSB-PDB users spend 6.8 hours
per week (on average) accessing and working with RCSB-PDB data. Based on this data, the use value
of RCSB-PDB data and services is estimated at $5.5 billion annually (Table 5). Varying the hours
per week users access and work with RCSB-PDB data +/- 20% yields use value estimates ranging from
$4.4 to $6.7 billion annually. The estimated use value of RCSB-PDB data and services is 800 times
greater than RCSB-PDB’s direct operating cost.
Utilizing the mean contingent value of $2,573 from Beagrie and Houghton (2016) as the average
willingness to pay for RCSB-PDB data and services among users (295,465), the contingent value of
the RCSB-PDB data and services is estimated at $760.2 million (with a range of $608.1 – $912.4
million) (Table 6). This estimated contingent value is 110 times greater than RCSB-PDB’s direct
operating cost.
Efficiency Impacts
Efficiency characterizes the relationship between costs and output (or profit in the case of private
industry). As an example, a researcher producing the same level of output at lower costs due to access
to a new resource has achieved an efficiency gain. The RCSB-PDB data and services allow researchers
and educators to do their work more efficiently, freeing up their time to do other work-related activities.
The RCSB-PDB’s efficiency impact can be estimated by measuring the value of the efficiency gains
enjoyed by RCSB-PDB users (i.e., the value of time saved or the costs avoided by not having to create
the data themselves or obtain it elsewhere). To calculate this impact, it is assumed that RCSB-PDB
users are 45% more efficient (Beagrie and Houghton 2016) during the time they spend working with
RCSB-PDB data. Analysis estimates the efficiency impact of the RCSB-PDB to be $2.5 billion
annually (Table 7). Changing the efficiency impact factor of RCSB-PDB data +/- 20%, yields efficiency
impact estimates ranging from $2 to $3 billion annually. The estimated efficiency value of RCSB-
PDB data and services is 360 times greater than RCSB-PDB’s direct operating cost.
Since return on investment impacts recur throughout the useful life of the data archive, return on
investment impacts over time are modeled to estimate the overall value of the returns. There is no dearth
of research on the economic impacts of public investment in research and development (Bernstein
(1991), Bonte (2003), Fraumeni and Okubo (2005), Nordhaus (2003), and Toole (2007)). Houghton,
J.W. and Sheehan, P. (2009) put forth 25% as a conservative estimate of the social return on public
investment of R&D, and suggest a range of 20-60% as reasonable. To provide a range of impacts, return
on investments of 20%, 40%, and 60% estimated results are provided in this report. It should be noted
that research using RCSB-PDB data is both publicly and privately funded; however, the distribution of
public vs private funding is unknown. The return on investment estimates below stem primarily from
publicly funded research that utilizes RCSB-PDB data. In an effort to be conservative, ROI impacts
estimated using a 20% return on investment rate are highlighted in the results.
As Table 8 shows, the conservative estimated value of public R&D using RCSB-PDB data is $1.1 billion
annually (range of $1.1 – $3.3 billion). The value of the returns from R&D is estimated at $8.0 billion
in net present value (over 30 years).4 While this value cannot be attributed 100% to RCSB-PDB, these
estimates give a measure of scale to the activities to which RCSB-PDB data and services make an
important contribution.
Table 8 – Return on Public Investment in R&D using RCSB-PDB Data and Services
Factor Low Mid High
Average return to R&D (%) 20% 40% 60%
Mean time/week with PDB data (hrs) 6.8 6.8 6.8
Mean hourly cost ($) $58.5 $58.5 $58.5
Estimated users 295,465 295,465 295,465
Return on R&D $1,104,838,000 $2,209,676,000 $3,314,515,000
Return on R&D = (mean time with PDB data per week * mean hourly cost * weeks pa * estimated users * average
return to R&D)
To calculate net present value, the value of the data is depreciated at a rate of 5% per year over 30 years (geometric
depreciation). The annual returns from each year’s impact are allocated over 15 years using a normal distribution. A
discount rate of 3.5% is applied to calculate net present value.
Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a type of cancer that starts in certain blood-forming cells of the
bone marrow. In 2001, Gleevec was released as a treatment for CML. However, resistance challenges
exist with Gleevec and many patients have an inferior response to Gleevec, either initially or over time
after a number of treatments. RCSB-PDB data were critical in understanding the molecular basis for the
effectiveness of Gleevec and instrumental in the development of two superior treatments, Sprycel and
Tasigna (released in 2006 and 2007, respectively). The 5-year survival of CML patients increased to
66.9% after the release of these two new treatments (versus 34.2% in 1995). In 2016, sales of
Sprycel/Tasigna were approximately $3.5 billion worldwide.
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a type of retrovirus that causes HIV infection and leads to
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). AIDS involves the progressive failure of the immune
system, allowing life-threatening infections and cancers to develop and thrive. RCSB-PDB data were
instrumental in the development of most of the current HIV treatments (i.e., Reverse Transcriptase and
Protease Inhibitors). These treatments have dramatically increased the life expectancy of HIV infected
persons (by more than 10 years), and resulted in remarkable improvements in quality of life. Moreover,
Reverse Transcriptase and Protease Inhibitors accounted for more than $18 billion in sales in 2015.
Given the time constraints to conduct this impact assessment, the study team was unable to administer a
survey to RCSB-PDB users. Relying on key factors in the Beagrie and Houghton (2016) study adds a
level of uncertainty to our estimates. To compensate for this uncertainty, a range (low and high) for
many impact measures were estimated. Thus, it is recommend that a survey of RCSB-PDB users be
administered in the future in order to verify key information and to update this impact assessment.
A summary of the estimated economic impacts of the RCSB-PDB are shown in Figure 1. As stated
previously, the estimates are driven mainly by RCSB-PDB user population (number of users and levels
of use), as well as key assumptions from the Beagrie and Houghton (2016) study. As such, the estimates
scale linearly with the number of users and their level of use. As large as the estimates are, they may be
just a fraction of the full economic impact associated with the RCSB-PDB data and services. For
example, the estimates do not directly link to the incalculable impact from the saved lives and improved
quality of life that results from medical research discoveries. The estimate of return on public investment
from expenditures on R&D is intended to capture some of this value. To illustrate this point, consider
the millions of lives saved by improved mortality from new treatments for cancer and other devastating
diseases over the past decades, as demonstrated in the two case studies. Overall, millions of people have
been able to continue with their lives and contribute to the economy as a result of medical research that
utilized the resources of the RCSB-PDB.
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