ESTORNINOS Case4.1 Surgery
ESTORNINOS Case4.1 Surgery
ESTORNINOS Case4.1 Surgery
1. Present assessment.
As ordered yesterday, patient was admitted and must be monitored closely
especially the pain scale level and vital signs. Few hours after admission, patient showed
stable condition.
Currently, the patient is still hemodynamically stable however, the sudden rise of
temperature to 39.8C, increased abdominal pain, presence of involuntary muscle
guarding and rebound tenderness are impending signs and symptoms of abdominal
sepsis that must be prevented.
1. Schwartz 11th edition
2. Provided study material
3. Dhua, A.K., Joshi, M. An isolated duodenal perforation in pediatric blunt abdominal
trauma: a rare but distinct possibility. Burn Trauma 3, 4 (2015).