Microwave Cookbook WEB
Microwave Cookbook WEB
Microwave Cookbook WEB
4. Cover bowls, where indicated Cutlery Wooden mixing Kettle 0 Know your labels
in the recipes, with cling film, 6 1 Make your money count
plate or similar lid to prevent
splashing. Always remove 62 Online resources
cling film and lids carefully 63 Microwave cooking - Common misconceptions
as the steam trapped can 64 Microwave cooking - The healthy option
cause serious burns.
65 Microwave cooking - The economical option
66 Your Store Cupboard
Salt and pepper Pans Microwave
4 Quick and Easy Microwave Cooking Quick and Easy Microwave Cooking 5
Why cook seasonally?
Eating fruit and vegetables that are in season
is a good idea because:
Spring Recipes
• They will have travelled fewer miles therefore saving energy
and CO2 emissions.
• They have been grown in this country so will be fresher.
• Food grown here helps to support our farming and food growing
communities sustaining jobs and local business.
• They will taste better and have a greater nutritional value.
• It helps us understand the seasonal cycle and encourages
greater variety in our use of ingredients throughout the year.
Whether you buy from a local shop or a supermarket, food sold in the What’s in season?
EU must be labelled to show where it has come from. If in any doubt, Asparagus, new potatoes,
look for the Union Jack flag that tells you it has been grown in this
country. Additional information about the quality and origin of the food spinach, salad leaves,
that we buy is provided by other labels, a number of which are shown watercress, spring
on page 60. It is useful to be familiar with these when you go shopping onions and rhubarb.
so you know what you are buying.
Spring Recipes
Spring Recipes
supplemented by any seasonal vegetables you have. Using autumn by covering them with a thick layer of straw to
fresh herbs will add more flavour - you can buy herbs in protect them from frost. This eco-friendly way of storage
pots from your local supermarket and keep them on your means that the crop is kept fresh.
kitchen windowsill. Serves 6
Serves 4-6
2 medium carrots, grated or
finely for 2-3 minutes. Add carrots, lentils, cumin,
sprig of fresh thyme coriander and half of the
55g split red lentils
or a pinch of dried thyme Remove the sprig of stock. Cover and cook
1 tsp ground cumin
575ml hot vegetable stock thyme (if used), add the on FULL POWER for 10
tomatoes and beans to 1 tsp ground coriander minutes.
400g tin of tomatoes
the celery and onion, 850ml vegetable stock
400g tin of baked beans in
tomato sauce add the remaining black pepper Add the rest of the stock
stock, a few drops of and cook on FULL POWER
Worcestershire sauce
Worcestershire sauce for 3 minutes.
black pepper
and seasoning to taste.
chopped parsley, to
Heat on FULL POWER for
5 minutes.
Blend until smooth and
serve with some crusty
Tip 4
Puree until smooth. Serve
sprinkled with parsley.
If you don’t have celery you can
use two medium carrots or a
chopped leek.
Spring Recipes
Spring Recipes
25g butter
4 spring onions, finely
Put the butter and spring
onions in a bowl, cover
and cook on FULL POWER
250g risotto rice for 2 minutes.
900ml vegetable stock, may
need a little extra
150g fresh or frozen peas or a
mixture with broad beans
Add the rice and half
the stock to the bowl.
Cook uncovered on FULL
100g asparagus spears POWER for 10 minutes.
60g natural yogurt
Add the vegetables and
black pepper the rest of the stock.
Parmesan or mature Cook uncovered on FULL
Cheddar cheese (note POWER for 10 minutes or
that there are vegetarian
until the rice is cooked (if
options available)
it is too thick add some
extra stock).
Stir in the yoghurt and
pepper and add some
cheese to taste.
Serve with a crisp green
Spring Recipes
Spring Recipes
Serves 4
tbsp vegetable oil
medium onion, finely
Put the oil, onion and
garlic in a bowl, cover and
cook on FULL POWER for 2
spring onions chopped
garlic clove 1
Chop the garlic, put it
in a microwavable bowl
1 garlic clove, crushed minutes. 2 tbsp oil with the spring onions,
250g cooked sliced new sweet pepper and oil.
2 peppers, sliced
Add the other ingredients potatoes Cook on FULL POWER for
6 medium mushrooms, 2 minutes.
(except tortillas). Stir well. 50g fresh, frozen or tinned
Cover and cook on FULL peas
1 tsp cumin Put the onion mixture in
POWER for 6-8 minutes. ½ sweet pepper, chopped
½ tsp chilli powder a round medium deep
25g frozen sweetcorn dish such as the lid of
½ tsp paprika Serve wrapped in
4 medium free range eggs a casserole dish. Layer
1 tsp turmeric warmed tortillas, with
salad. Parmesan (or mature sliced potatoes over
200g (half tin) chopped
cheddar) cheese onions and add peas
250g cooked chicken, sliced and sweetcorn. You can
also use any left overs
flour tortillas
or seasonal vegetables
such as spinach.
In a separate bowl, beat
together eggs and pour
over potatoes and onion
Tip mixture. Sprinkle with
Not sure if your eggs are still cheese. Cook on MEDIUM
edible? Do the water test – if an in 2 minute bursts until
egg sinks it’s really fresh and if it set. It can be browned
floats it needs to be chucked. If it under the grill for a few
tilts on the bottom or sits upright minutes.
it is slightly older but still usable.
Serve warm with salad
and crusty bread, or use
cold as a lunch box or
picnic treat.
12 Quick and Easy Microwave Cooking Spring 13
Sweet and Sour Chicken Veggie Shepherd’s Pie
Forget expensive takeaways, make your own – it’s quick Cooking cauliflower in a microwave preserves its nutrients
and tasty. and is really easy.
Serves 4-6 Serves 4-6
Spring Recipes
Spring Recipes
chunks dried thyme
Microwave, uncovered, Add the tin of lentils, including
1 small onion, roughly 400g tin chopped tomatoes
on FULL POWER for 8-10 their juice, then cover and
chopped 2 vegetable stock cubes
minutes until the chicken cook on FULL POWER for 8
2 red peppers, de-seeded 410g tin green lentils
is starting to cook and minutes until the carrots are
and cut into chunks
the sauce is sizzling. 1 medium cauliflower cooked and the lentils are
1 small tin pineapple pieces soft. Put to one side.
85g mature Cheddar, grated
in juice, drained
Stir in the pineapple black pepper to season To make the cauliflower
100g broccoli pieces and broccoli and mash, use 1 medium
handful salted, roasted return to the microwave cauliflower broken into florets.
cashew nuts, optional for another 3-5 minutes Place in a bowl with 4-5 tbsp
until the chicken is water. Cover and cook in the
completely cooked. microwave until soft. Drain
and mash/puree until smooth
Did you know
Leave to stand for a few
minutes, then stir in the Colour aside, cauliflower is a
close relative of Broccoli. In
with a small amount of butter
and milk. Season to taste.
cashews, if using, and Put the veg and lentil mixture
fact, during the earliest stages
serve with white rice. of growth, the two plants are into a dish and cover with
similar. the cauliflower mash. Sprinkle
with cheese and put under a
hot grill until golden.
Spring Recipes
Spring Recipes
2 tsp
self raising flour
brown sugar
ground cinnamon
Combine all the cake
ingredients. Put the mix
into a microwave safe
4 medium carrots, grated cake dish.
(approx 400g)
Cook for 10 minutes
100g plain chocolate Put chocolate and butter 85g raisins
on MEDIUM. Stand for
100g butter in a bowl and cook on 125ml vegetable oil
5 minutes.
100g brown sugar FULL POWER for 1 minute 2 medium free range eggs
100g self-raising flour or until chocolate has
40g walnuts Cool on rack.
2 tsp cocoa powder
2 medium free range eggs, Beat icing ingredients
Stir in other ingredients Icing ingredients
beaten together and pour over
and beat well. 60g cream cheese
½ tsp vanilla essence cake.
30g butter
100g walnuts, chopped Pour into a square dish
240g icing sugar Top with walnuts.
(you could use dried and cook on FULL POWER
cranberries instead of for 4-6 minutes or until 1 tbsp lemon juice
walnuts) firm to touch.
Spring Recipes
Spring Recipes
1 tsp ground cinnamon
Serve hot on top of
2 tbsp honey (or more to taste)
porridge or as a dessert
with yoghurt or egg
custard, or as a base for
a crumble.
Don’t over cook the rhubarb or it
will become very mushy.
Summer Recipes
from “happy hens”.
Spring Recipes
Serves 4-6
3 free range eggs
½ tsp vanilla essence
2 tbsp caster sugar
Heat the milk in a jug
on FULL POWER for 2-3
minutes (don’t boil).
What’s in season?
300ml milk
Beat together eggs, sugar Peas, tomatoes, peppers,
grated nutmeg
and vanilla. beetroot, carrots, broad
Pour milk onto egg beans and French beans,
mixture and beat garlic, courgettes,
together. cucumber, broccoli,
strawberries, raspberries
Pour mixture into a
bowl or into 6 individual
and currants.
ramekins. Sprinkle with
Serve with poached
fruit such as rhubarb or
Summer Recipes
Summer Recipes
Serves 4-6 Jan, Linthorpe
250g peas, fresh, tinned or
Add the courgettes and
200ml of stock. Cover and
700ml vegetable stock
cook on FULL POWER for
black pepper 4 minutes.
20g fresh mint, chopped
200g natural yoghurt
Add peas, mint, the rest
of the stock and season
with pepper. Cover and
cook on FULL POWER for
3 minutes.
Blend until smooth,
adding yoghurt.
Summer Recipes
Summer Recipes
the supermarket.
Serves 2-4
vegetable oil
medium onion, chopped
garlic clove, chopped
Put the oil, onion, garlic,
carrot and sugar in a
bowl. Cover and cook
1 medium carrot, peeled on FULL POWER for 5
and chopped minutes.
1 tsp sugar
Add the other ingredients,
450g fresh tomatoes, chopped
Cover and cook on FULL
or 400g tin chopped
POWER for 8 minutes.
450ml hot vegetable stock Blend and serve.
2 tbsp fresh basil chopped
2 tsp lemon juice
2 tbsp tomato puree
Summer Recipes
Summer Recipes
large red peppers, halved
and de-seeded
tin chopped tomatoes,
Arrange pepper halves in
a microwave safe baking
dish. Cover dish with cling
700g leeks, finely sliced
3 tbsp vegetable oil 1
Put the leeks in a dish
with oil. Cover and cook
with liquid film. Poke a few holes in 2 tbsp wholegrain mustard for 3 minutes.
5 tbsp pre-cooked brown rice the cling film for vents and 2 tbsp clear honey
2 tbsp hot water Whisk together oil,
cook on FULL POWER in the juice of half a lemon
2 spring onions, thinly sliced mustard, honey and
microwave for 6 minutes, or 250g cherry tomatoes, halved
125g small tin of sweetcorn, lemon juice and season
until tender. 4 skinless salmon fillets with pepper.
In a medium bowl, mix (each approx. 175g)
½ tin kidney beans, drained
and rinsed tomatoes and their liquid, black pepper Scatter the tomatoes
¼ tsp crushed red chilli flakes rice and water. Cover with over the leeks and spoon
(to taste) cling film and cook on FULL over half the sauce.
60g grated/chopped POWER for 4 minutes.
mozzarella cheese Lay the salmon fillets on
Stir spring onions, top of vegetables and
1 tbsp grated Parmesan or sweetcorn, kidney beans
mature Cheddar cheese spoon over remaining
and red chilli flakes into the sauce. Cover and cook
tomato mixture. Cook on on FULL POWER for about
FULL POWER for 3 minutes. 6 minutes. Leave to stand
Spoon hot tomato mixture 2-3 minutes.
evenly into pepper halves
and cover with cling film. Serve with green
Did you know vegetables or a crunchy
Make a few holes in the
Botanically speaking, a tomato is salad.
plastic to vent steam and
a fruit. The government classified
it as a vegetable in the late
cook on FULL POWER for 6
1800s so it could be taxed under minutes.
custom regulations. Remove cling film, sprinkle
with mozzarella cheese
and Parmesan (or mature
cheddar) cheese and leave
to stand for 1 - 2 minutes
before serving with a crispy
26 Quick and Easy Microwave Cooking Summer 27
Savoury Flapjack Stir Fry Wrap
A change to the usual sweet flapjack. Serve as a snack or Tortilla wraps are a handy ‘package’ for a range of foods.
a lunch dish. Kids love them and they provide carbohydrates for energy.
Summer Recipes
Summer Recipes
medium onion, finely
medium red pepper, finely
Put oil, onion and peppers
into a bowl. Cover and
cook on FULL POWER for
medium onion, chopped
garlic clove chopped/
Finely chop the onion
and garlic. Place in
microwavable bowl with
chopped 3 minutes. crushed the oil and heat on FULL
POWER for 3 minutes.
1 tbsp vegetable oil 1 tbsp oil
Add tomatoes and herbs
400g tin chopped tomatoes 80g mushroom
to mixture and cook Slice the peppers and
1 tbsp dried mixed herbs 1½ red/yellow pepper, thinly
on FULL POWER for 2 sliced mushrooms and add
170g porridge oats
minutes. with the remainder of
60g grated mature Cheddar 40g fresh or tinned sweet
the ingredients to the
cheese corn
Add the rest of softened onion. Stir well
cayenne or chilli powder ingredients (keeping a 40g fresh or tinned peas
and heat on FULL POWER
to taste small amount of cheese ½ tsp chilli spice (or to taste)
for 6-8 minutes.
to sprinkle on the top) 1 tsp mixed herbs
and mix well. Press the
mixture into a dish so
that it is about 1cm thick.
2 tsp soy sauce
Leave to stand for
2 minutes.
Sprinkle on remaining
cheese. 4
Heat each wrap for
10 seconds.
for 7-8 minutes. When 5
Add a large spoonful of
the mixture to the centre
Did you know cooked it should be firm of the wrap, turn in the
Oats contain more fibre than on the top. edges and roll up.
5 6
other grains and this helps to
keep you feeling fuller for longer. Cut into squares and Serve on own or with
serve warm with some fresh salad.
salad as a tasty lunch
or to go with some
homemade soup.
28 Quick and Easy Microwave Cooking Summer 29
Fruity Flapjack Banana and Walnut Cake
Oats are high in dietary fibre and are a slow release energy Tea time treat for anytime of year. This is great for using up
food, so keep you feeling fuller for longer. those overripe bananas in the fruit bowl.
Summer Recipes
Summer Recipes
soft brown sugar 1
Use a 12.5 x 23cm dish. 115g
soft brown sugar
butter 1
Put the brown sugar and
55g butter into a bowl and
Put the butter, sugar and 3 ripe medium bananas cook for about 2 minutes,
3 tbsp honey or golden syrup
syrup in a bowl and cook 115g soft margarine or butter stirring once, until the butter
350g porridge oats
for 1-2 minutes, until the 115g caster sugar has melted. Pour into a deep
bananas or chopped 2 medium free range eggs 23cm flan dish and tip to coat
sugar has dissolved.
apple, pear, berries or any
2 tbsp milk the base.
seasonal or dried fruit
Add the oats and stir well. 115g self-raising flour Cut the bananas into thick
50g broken walnuts, roughly slices and arrange on the
Tip half the mixture into chopped butter and sugar mixture.
the dish and press down
Put the 115g soft margarine
firmly. Cover with a layer
or butter, caster sugar, eggs
of fruit, add the rest of
and milk into a bowl and sift
the oat mixture being
the flour over. With a wooden
sure to cover all of fruit.
spoon or electric mixer, beat
Press down evenly.
until smooth and light. Stir
Cook on FULL POWER for in the walnuts. Spoon the
5-6 minutes until firm to mixture over the bananas
the touch. and level the surface.
Cool completely before Bananas are a good source of cake beneath is cooked.
lifting out of the dish. potassium, an essential mineral Leave to stand for at least 5
for maintaining normal blood minutes. Slip a knife around
pressure and heart function. the edge of the cake and turn
it over on to a warm serving
Cut into wedges.
30 Quick and Easy Microwave Cooking Summer 31
Fruit Cheesecake
There are many versions of cheesecake across the world,
some baked, some not. It is believed that some form of
Summer Recipes
Autumn Recipes
cheesecake has been eaten since the time of the ancient
Serves 4-6
2 tsp lemon juice
Put biscuit mixture into a
2 tbsp icing sugar
flat dish and press down What’s in season?
1 tsp vanilla flavouring with a spoon. Put in the Butternut squash,
seasonal fruit to decorate fridge to set.
(or use frozen fruit) pumpkin, leeks, celery,
Mix cream cheese,
yoghurt, lemon juice,
icing sugar and vanilla
cauliflower, onions,
potatoes, apples, pears
and blackberries.
together until smooth.
Put the cheese mixture
on top of the biscuit base
and smooth it down until
level. Put in the fridge to
Tip chill.
Some grated lemon or orange
zest in the mixture adds some
nice texture. 5
Decorate the cheesecake
with fresh strawberries,
raspberries or
blackcurrants or frozen
Autumn Recipes
An unusual soup that’s tasty and satisfying.
Autumn Recipes
Serves 4-5
juice of ½ a lemon
Add the rest of the
1 tsp ground cumin
ingredients and approx
1 tbsp parsley, fresh chopped (or 800ml of the remaining
1 tsp dried)
stock. Cover and cook on
black pepper to taste MEDIUM POWER for 8-10
minutes then check that
the lentils are cooked.
Blend soup and season.
Add the remaining stock
as needed for preferred
Tasty food can be cooked Cooking the vegetables using
just a small amount of stock
and prepared quickly speeds up the cooking process.
Amarjit , Gresham
Autumn Recipes
cheese. It works well with any strong flavoured cheese.
Autumn Recipes
12-16 servings
Serves 4-5
Beetroot is a vegetable that is Tahini paste is commonly used
classed as a super food, valuable in Middle Eastern cookery and Blend soup and season.
for combating chronic fatigue is made from ground sesame
syndrome. It also helps to add
oxygen to the blood to help with
seeds. You can purchase it in
the health food section of the
supermarket or at a health food
Garnish with parsley and
serve with crusty bread.
Autumn Recipes
each Halloween. Don’t just carve them and throw the flesh
Autumn Recipes
Serve as a tasty one pot
Check before cooking that your
bowl fits in the microwave and
can rotate. You could leave bacon
out and serve as a vegetarian
dish (made with vegetable stock).
Autumn Recipes
A hearty and tasty dish for the shortening days of autumn. or ham instead of tuna or try adding a layer of sliced
Autumn Recipes
350g pumpkin (flesh only), Add pumpkin, sweet cheese minutes.
cubed - any type of 3-4 mushrooms, chopped
potato and half of the
squash can be used
stock. Cover and cook 100g frozen peas/sweetcorn Stir in flour. Gradually add
1 large sweet potato, peeled milk and stir well. Cook on
on FULL POWER for 10 1 150/160g tin of tuna,
and cubed FULL POWER for 3 minutes
minutes. drained
250ml vegetable stock and stir well. Add peas
150g frozen peas
50g creamed coconut,
Add peas, chickpeas,
coconut and the rest of
the stock. Stir, cover and
and cook for a further
3 minutes (the sauce
should be thick).
400g tin chickpeas, drained and cook on FULL POWER for
1 tbsp cornflour
4 minutes.
Add the mustard, tuna,
pasta and most of the
Mix the cornflour with
a little cold water and
stir into the curry. Cook
cheese, keeping a little for
the top. Stir well together.
Serve with rice and/or
4 minutes. Serve with a
green salad.
Autumn Recipes
Delicious cake with a hidden vegetable! Try hiding grated
Autumn Recipes
100ml vegetable oil
sultanas, chopped Place the apple in a zest of 1 orange mix over the mixture.
apricots, dates or mixed coffee cup, a small dish
dried fruits 225ml boiling water and juice of In another bowl, mix
with sides or a small 1 orange
apple juice together flour, baking
175g wholewheat flour powder, cocoa, cinnamon,
mixed spice or cinnamon
to taste
chopped nuts (optional) 3
Combine the fruit with
the spice and fill the hole
in the apple with this
1½ tsp baking powder
60g unsweetened cocoa
nuts and fruit. Add to the
beetroot mixture and stir
mixture. Sprinkle some
outside the core as
1 tsp cinnamon
50g dried fruit
50g chopped nuts
Line the bottom of a bowl
with greaseproof paper,
pour in the mixture and
cook on FULL POWER for
Pour a little apple juice about 10-12 minutes until
over the mixture. the edges are firm but
the centre is just setting
Cook on FULL POWER for
i.e. still moist.
4–6 minutes for 2 apples.
Increase cooking time
for more apples (4 mins 4
Leave stand for 5-10
minutes in the bowl.
for one, 6 mins for two
apples). 5
Remove from the bowl
and place on a wire rack
to cool.
Serve with low fat yoghurt
or crème fraîche.
Autumn Recipes
A dessert using some wonderful autumn produce with
Autumn Recipes
Add lemon zest, biscuits,
almonds and oats to the
melted margarine/butter
If you want pears to ripen faster and stir together.
put them next to bananas in the
fruit bowl ! Put alternate layers of the
pear and biscuit mixture
in either one large bowl
or individual bowls. Chill in
the fridge before serving.
Serve with natural
yoghurt, cream and flaked
chocolate as a topping.
Winter Recipes
Serves 4
fruit – sultanas/raisins/ Put them in a microwave
apricots/cranberries safe container. February
200ml apple juice
½ tsp mixed spices Add the spice, apple juice What’s in season?
and dried fruit. Celeriac, cabbage, swede
‘crunchy’ breakfast cereal
Cover and microwave and turnip, parsnips,
on FULL POWER for 4-5 carrots, sprouts, kale,
minutes or until soft, then shallots, onions and
stand for 2 minutes. cauliflower.
Sprinkle on crunchy
cereal as a topping and
serve with low fat yoghurt,
custard or ice cream.
Winter Recipes
Winter Recipes
500g celeriac, peeled and
chopped into small pieces Add the celeriac,
400g tin chopped tomatoes tomatoes and stock
700ml stock
together with cayenne
pepper to taste. Cover
2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
and cook on FULL POWER
2 tbsp chopped fresh mint, plus for 8 minutes or until the
a few sprigs to garnish
celeriac is tender.
grated zest of half a
cayenne pepper 3
Leave to stand for 2
minutes, then add the
parsley, mint and grated
lemon zest. Liquidise with
a food processor/blender
until creamy.
You can use celeriac raw in a
Serve garnished with
sprigs of mint.
Winter Recipes
Winter Recipes
and diced
1 garlic clove, chopped Coarsely chop the
850ml vegetable stock Add potatoes. Cover and
450g large flat mushrooms, mushrooms, then add to
cook on FULL POWER for trimmed and cleaned the onion and garlic. Stir
5 minutes.
black pepper 1 tbsp fresh thyme or ½ tsp in the thyme and season
chopped parsley dried with pepper.
Add half of the stock.
Cover and cook on FULL freshly ground black
Cover and cook on FULL
pepper to taste
POWER for 5 minutes or POWER for 3 minutes
until the potatoes are optional 1-2 tbsp sherry or
or until the mushrooms
soft. red wine
have softened.
Blend until smooth,
adding the rest of the
stock and some milk
Stir in the optional sherry
or wine. Cook uncovered
on FULL POWER, stirring
for extra creaminess. occasionally, until most of
Season with pepper and the liquid has evaporated,
serve with a sprinkle of approx. 6-9 minutes.
chopped parsley.
You can use tinned chestnut
Add the mixture to the
ground chestnuts and
mix until thoroughly
puree for this recipe, just check combined. Refrigerate
they are not sweetened. when cool. The spread
can be stored in a fridge
for 2-3 days or frozen.
Serve as a starter to a
meal or as a sandwich
50 Quick and Easy Microwave Cooking Winter 51
Cheese and Leek Bread
This wartime favourite makes a tasty main course for all
Winter Recipes
Winter Recipes
leeks, chopped and rinsed
onion, chopped
1 tbsp vegetable oil
Put onion, leeks and oil in
a bowl and cook on FULL
POWER for 5 minutes.
100g wholemeal bread, cut into
small pieces Mix the bread with milk,
butter, eggs, herbs and
350ml semi skimmed or soya
half of the cheese.
50g butter/margarine, melted Add the leeks and onion
3 medium free range eggs, to the bread mixture and
beaten put into a lightly buttered
1 tsp dried mixed herbs straight-sided dish.
100g strong flavoured cheese Sprinkle on the remaining
such as Cheddar cheese.
Tip 4
Cook, uncovered on
MEDIUM POWER for 10-12
minutes or until just firm.
This is a great dish for using up
any stale bread that you have.
You could also experiment with
speciality breads like olive, rye or
Serve hot with seasonal
vegetables or crispy
salad. Nice served with a
fresh tomato sauce.
Winter Recipes
Winter Recipes
Serves 4-6
2 eating apples, cored and 3 tbsp balsamic or red wine
sliced Add all the other vinegar 10-12 minutes or until
2 tsp brown sugar
ingredients except the 2 garlic cloves, finely lentils are soft. Drain and
almonds. Mix well, cover chopped or crushed allow to cool. If using
50g dried cranberries
and cook on FULL POWER tinned lentils, rinse and
2 tbsp balsamic or red wine ½ tsp ground cumin
for 10-12 minutes or until drain well.
vinegar 1 small red onion, finely
cabbage has softened.
¼ tsp ground cinnamon diced
Whisk together the oil,
50g flaked almonds, toasted Stir in the almonds just 1 medium red pepper, de-
vinegar, oregano, cumin,
before serving. seeded and finely diced
garlic and season with
3 tbsp fresh mint, chopped
black pepper.
170g Feta cheese, diced
black olives
Mix the lentils together
with the dressing, mint,
pepper and onion. Leave
to stand for 10 minutes.
Did you know
Lentils are loaded with
potassium, a key mineral that
helps to keep blood pressure at
Serve garnished with the
Feta cheese and olives.
Winter Recipes
Winter Recipes
spring onions, shredded
Put the oil, sprouts and
garlic in a bowl. Cover
and cook on FULL POWER
100g butter
100g caster sugar 1
Beat the butter and sugar
together until creamy and
2 medium free range eggs
150g peeled chestnuts, roughly for 3 minutes. 100g self raising flour Beat the eggs together
2-3 tbsp milk and add to the butter and
50g dried cranberries Add the other ingredients.
sugar mixture a little at
1 clove garlic, chopped
Stir well. Cover and cook
Choice of fillings: a time beating well. If the
on FULL POWER for 6-8
1 tbsp oil mixture separates, beat in
minutes (sprouts should Cooked apples
2 tsp honey a tablespoon of the flour.
be soft but not soggy). Summer fruits
1 tsp lemon juice
Serve with noodles or
rice, or you could serve
Cooked plums
Dried fruit and spice 3
With a spoon, add the
flour and mix together
gently. Add milk.
Tip Pear and walnuts
with sliced turkey.
Boiling the chestnuts for 5 Put the filling choice
minutes and cooling will mean in the bottom of a
you can peel them more easily. microwave safe bowl. Put
the sponge mixture on
top of filling and spread
out evenly.
for 4 minutes or until it
appears set.
Use seasonal fruits in this recipe
for best value. The sponge does
Put a plate on the top of
provide carbohydrates for energy, the bowl, turn both over
but should not be consumed together and tap the bowl
too often as it contains fats and to cause the sponge to
sugars. drop onto the plate. Serve
with custard, ice cream
or yoghurt.
Winter Recipes
Winter Recipes
Serves 4
Add the melted chocolate
to the yoghurt and stir
together. Fold the egg
whites into the mixture
until combined.
Put into individual dishes
and decorate with fruit.
Put in the fridge to chill
and set.
LEAF Marque
This standard developed by LEAF (Linking Environment And
Farming), is based on environmentally responsible farming
principles which support farmers to produce good food, with
care and to high environmental standards.
60 Quick and Easy Microwave Cooking Quick and Easy Microwave Cooking 61
Online resources Microwave cooking
Local food
www.growingmiddlesbrough.org.uk Common misconceptions
There are many misconceptions about microwave ovens, including:
www.durhamlocalfood.org.uk • Microwave energy changes the chemical composition of food.
Not true! The only changes experienced are those caused by
Organic food fast cooking. There is no evidence of poisonous or dangerous
compounds created by microwave cooking.
Fairtrade food • Eating food cooked in the microwave exposes you to radiation.
Not true! As soon as the oven is switched off, there are no longer
Making the most of the food you buy any microwaves in the oven or the food.
england.lovefoodhatewaste.com • Microwave energy is radioactive.
www.sainsburyfoodrescue.co.uk Not true! It uses the same form of energy as your mobile phone.
Foodbank Microwave energy can’t make the oven, food or anything else
www.middlesbrough.foodbank.org.uk radioactive. Extensive research has provided no conclusive
Growing your own, allotments and community gardens evidence that microwave exposure, at any level, either causes or
www.rhs.org.uk/Advice/Grow-Your-Own/Vegetables promotes cancer.
Advice, training, events
www.facebook.com/stokesleyfarmersmarket @stokfarmmarket
www.facebook.com/SaltburnFarmersMarket @saltyfarmmarket
www.facebook.com/eatseasonably @EatSeasonably
www.facebook.com/LoveFoodHateWasteCommunity @LFHW_UK
www.facebook.com/slowfooduk @slowfooduk
www.facebook.com/OnePlanetMiddlesbrough @OnePlanetMbro
www.facebook.com/menvcity @Menvcity
Love Food Hate Waste (iphone and android)
MSC Seafood Finder (android)
Riverford Veg Recipes (iphone)
Grow Your Own Magazine (iphone)
62 Quick and Easy Microwave Cooking Quick and Easy Microwave Cooking 63
Microwave cooking Microwave cooking
The healthy option The economical option
Cooking from scratch, where you have control of the ingredients and • Microwave cooking works by heating up the water molecules
additives which go into your food is always the healthiest option. within foods rather than the heat having to pass through a hob
Using a microwave can make this simpler and more convenient. and pan. This results in using up to 75% less energy compared
There are other benefits too: with conventional cooking,
• According to extensive research by e.g. Harvard School of • Time is money! Microwave cooking takes substantially less time,
Medicine, microwave cooking is acknowledged to be the best way typically 25/30% of the time taken using conventional cooking.
to maintain the maximum nutrients in cooked food. This is the • The cookware you need is also inexpensive. Plastic, ceramic and
result of the speed of cooking and the reduced amount of liquid glass containers can be used to cook and to serve your dishes –
used. also saving on washing up!
• The foods you can’t cook in a microwave are the ones we need to • Microwave cooking is also convenient. Using the timer means that
cut down on - fried foods and high fat pastry items. there is no need to ‘stand over’ the cooker whilst the food cooks.
• Protein foods don’t brown when cooked in a microwave. This
means that nutrients like vitamin A and E are less likely to be
• Potentially dangerous micro-organisms in food tend to thrive in
temperatures between 5°C and 60°C. When you use a microwave
oven, food can be thawed, cooked and served quickly so it spends
less time in the dangerous temperature zone.
• Over 90% of kitchens in the UK contain a microwave cooker.
They are seen to be simple to use, convenient, fast and most
importantly, people are familiar with the technology.
• Microwave cookers are a much safer option when getting children
involved in cooking. It can also be safer for busy parents, as they
do not have to ‘stand over’ the cooker whilst the food cooks.
64 Quick and Easy Microwave Cooking Quick and Easy Microwave Cooking 65
Your Store Cupboard Quick and Easy Microwave Cooking was funded as part of the One
Planet Middlesbrough: Creating Sustainable Communities project,
which is funded by the Big Lottery’s Communities Living Sustainably
Building up a well-stocked store cupboard and freezer will save time programme. We are also very grateful to the Thirteen Group for their
shopping but also means that you will be able to make a nutritious input and support.
meal at short notice. Essentials might include flour, butter, oil, pasta
and rice, some tinned tomatoes and beans, stock cubes, garlic and
spices for savoury dishes, caster sugar, baking powder and mixed
spice for sweet dishes.
www.menvcity.org.uk/opm www.menvcity.org.uk
The following is a comprehensive list of the ingredients used in these
recipes. They do not need to be bought all at once but probably better
built up over a period of time when experimenting with new cooking This book is available electronically on the Growing Middlesbrough
ideas and flavours. website:
Pasta, Grains and Flour Tins and Jars Dairy
• Flour (self-raising/plain • Tomatoes – plum or • Parmesan/Mozzarella/
and wholewheat) chopped Cheddar cheese
• Rice (risotto/long grain/ • Green lentils • Natural yoghurt
brown) • Passata • Butter/margarine
• Packets of pasta/ • Tomato puree
macaroni • Tuna Baking
• Olives • Baking powder
Pulses • Pineapple • Sugars (granulated/ Many thanks to all who have helped create this book including:
• Dried lentils (red) • Honey caster/muscovado/ David Malone and Wendy Marlowe. Real Food Works have had over
• Tinned beans (red icing)
kidney/lentils) Herbs and Spices • Golden syrup ten years experience and developed these recipes from a series of
• Baked beans • Mixed spice • Porridge oats workshops they delivered across Middlesbrough.
• Thyme • Cocoa powder Michael Marston (Federation of City Farms & Community Gardens),
Nuts and Seeds • Parsley • Plain chocolate
• Walnuts • Black pepper • Vanilla essence Differentia Design (design).
• Flaked almonds • Cumin
• Cashews • Curry powder Frozen Food
• Coriander • Peas
Dried Fruit • Nutmeg • Sweetcorn
• Apricots • Mint • Fruit (apples/
• Mixed dried fruit • Ginger raspberries/
• Cranberries • Cinnamon blackcurrants/rhubarb) ‘We’re committed to encouraging our residents to look after their health
• Raisins • Red chilli flakes
• Chilli powder/cayenne
and wellbeing and save energy and money at the same time.
Oils and Vinegar • Dried mixed herbs These cookbooks are really useful, not only because a microwave
• Vegetable/olive oil • Mustard costs less to run than an oven, but also because microwave cooking
• Balsamic/red wine • Wholegrain mustard
• Basil is faster and the food produced can be just as healthy as using other
• Malt vinegar • Turmeric cooking methods.’
• Paprika Ali Blakey, Thirteen’s Money Advice and Employability Team
• Worcestershire sauce
• Stock cubes
• Garlic
• Tomato ketchup