Unit 7 Arrhythmia
Unit 7 Arrhythmia
Unit 7 Arrhythmia
7.0 Objectives
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Premature Beats
7.3 Accelerated Automaticity
7.4 Atrial Flutter Fibrillation
7.5 Supraventricular Tachycardia
7.6 Ventricular Tachycardia and Fibrillation
7.7 Sinoatrial and Atrioventricular Blocks
7.8 Let Us Sum Up
7.9 Answers to Check Your Progress
After reading this unit, you should be able to:
• enlist the causes as a diagnostic criteria of premature beats and atrial flutter and atrial
• know the causes and ECG change in ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation; and
• describe the various degree of heart block and their ECG changes.
Arrhythmias (or dysrhythmias) are problems that affect the electrical system of the heart muscle,
producing abnormal heart rhythms. They can cause the heart to pump less effectively. ECG is the
best tool for diagnosis of arrhyhmias. Arrhythmias may be seen on 12-lead ECGs or on strips of
one or more leads. Some arrhythmias are obvious at first glance and don’t require intense
analysis; others require systematic analysis of surface ECG followed invasive evaluation in the
form of eletrophysiologic study for diagnosis.
Many arrhythmias have no known underlying cause. However, a number of factors can contribute
to arrhythmias. They include coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking,
excessive use of alcohol, drug abuse and stress. Certain substances, including some over-the-
counter and prescription medications, dietary supplements and herbal remedies are known to
cause arrhythmias in some people.
Bradyarrhythmia refers to any rhythm with rate less than 60 beats/minute. Tachyarrhythmia
means any rhythm with rate more than 100 beats/minute. Two important issues that are basic to
the understanding the rhythm disturbances are:
2) Ventricular
The supraventricular premature beats originate in the atria or the atrioventricular junction and
hence produce a narrow QRS complex unless they are conducted aberrantly in which case, there
is QRS widening. Ventricular prematures originate beyond the brancing of the conduction tissue
and hence prodce an abnormally prolonged QRS complex.
Atrial Premature Beats APB (Premature Atrial Complexes)
A premature atrial contraction results from an ectopic stimulus that arises from somewhere in
either the left or the right atrium, but not in the sinus node. The atria are depolarized from the
ectopic stimulus, but the remainder of the conduction is typically normal through the AV Node-
Junction and downward into the bundle branches (i.e. normal PR and QRS morphology and
intervals). APBs occur as single or repetitive events and have unifocal or multifocal origins.
Possible Causes
APBs are very common and may occur in persons with a normal heart or in persons with virtually
any type of organic heart disease. APBs do not imply that a person has cardiac disease and may
be seen with caffeine intake and with emotional stress. Other causes include:
APBs can have three different outcomes depending on the degree of prematurity (i.e., coupling
interval from previous P-wave), and the preceding cycle length.
1) Nonconducted (blocked), i.e., no QRS complex because the APB finds AV node still
refractory. This manifests on surface ECG as a pause. The most common cause of an
unexplained pause on ECG is non-conducted APB,
2) Conducted with aberration, i.e., APB makes it into the ventricles but finds one or more of the
conducting fascicles or bundle branches refractory. The resulting QRS is usually wide, and is
sometimes called an Ashman beat,
The pause after a APB is usually incomplete; i.e., the APB usually enters the sinus node and
resets its timing, causing the next sinus P to appear earlier than expected. (PVCs, on the other
hand, are usually followed by a complete pause because the PVC does not usually perturb the
sinus node).
The most unusual post-PVC event is when retrograde activation of the AV junction re-enters the
ventricles as a ventricular echo.
VPBs usually stick out like “sore thumbs”, because they are bizarre in appearance compared to
the normal complexes. However, not all premature sore thumbs are PVCs.
Check Your Progress 1
1) What is meant by the terms bradyarrhythmia and tachyarrhythmia?
Possible Causes
• Normal cardiac response to demands for increased oxygen need during pain, fever, stress,
dehydration and exercise
Fig. 7.3: Accelerated Junctional Rhythm
fusion beats (ventricular activation partly due to the normal sinus activation of the ventricles and
partly from the ectopic focus). It is usually benign, short lasting, and not requiring any treatment.
Check Your Progress 2
What are the ECG features of multifocal atrial tachycardia?
Atrial Flutter is a dysrhythmia, which is the result of a flawed reentry circuit within the atria. It is
often described as resembling a sawtooth or picket fence. These flutter waves should not be
confused for P-waves. The AV node is a wonderful protective mechanism. Imagine the atria
depolarizing at a rate of 250 to 350 bpm. If all of these atrial depolarizations were conducted
down into the ventricle, the patient’s ventricles would likely begin to fibrillate. Think of the AV
node as the central train station where numerous train tracks merge. The central station only lets
some of the trains through to avoid congestion. The AV node helps to protect the ventricles by
only allowing some of the atrial depolarizations to conduct down through the bundle of His into
the bundle branches and on to the ventricles. When the ventricular rate is < 100 bpm, we call this
“controlled atrial flutter”. If the ventricular rate is > 100 bpm, it is labeled “uncontrolled atrial
flutter”. Since the ventricles always have more time to fill during diastole when the HR is <100,
our goal is to have controlled atrial flutter. This can often be accomplished with drug therapy. In
the setting of atrial flutter, coordinated contraction of the atria is absent. The patient has therefore,
lost their atrial kick with potential loss of cardiac output and lower blood pressure.
• Acute or chronic cardiac disorder, mitral or tricuspid valve disorder, cor pulmonale,
5) QRS Width: < 0.12 seconds.
Atrial Fibrillation
Atrial fibrillation (often called “a. fib” or “atrial fib”) may result from multiple areas of re-entry
within the atria or from multiple ectopic foci. The atrial electrical activity is very rapid
(approximately 400 bpm), but each electrical impulse results in the depolarization of only a small
islet of atrial myocardium rather than the whole atrium. As a result, there is no contraction of the
atria as a whole. Since there is no uniform atrial depolarization, there is no P-wave. The chaotic
electrical activity does produce a deflection on the ECG, referred to as a fibrillatory wave.
Fibrillatory waves vary in size and shape and are irregular in rhythm. Fibrillatory waves look
different from the sawtooth waves of atrial flutter. Transmission of these multiple atrial impulses
into the AV node is thought to occur at random, resulting in an irregular rhythm. Some impulses
are conducted into but not through the AV node (they are blocked within the AV node).
Remember that the ventricular rhythm is always irregular in atrial fibrillation.When the
ventricular rate is < 100 bpm, we call this “controlled atrial fibrillation”. If the ventricular rate is
>100 bpm, it is labeled “uncontrolled atrial fibrillation”. Since diastolic filling is enhanced when
the HR is <100, our goal is to have controlled atrial fibrillation. This can often be accomplished
with drug therapy.
Possible Causes
• Post cardiac surgery (usually transient)
ECG Criteria
1) Heart Rate: Atrial rate 350-400 bpm. Ventricular rate is variable
2) Rhythm: Ventricular rate is irregular (one of the hallmark signs of atrial fibrillation)
3) P-waves: Absent. Only atrial fibrillatory waves (or small looking bumps) are seen
4) PR Interval: Not applicable
5) QRS Width: < 0.12 seconds
On the ECG, AF is described by the replacement of consistent P-waves by rapid oscillations or
fibrillatory waves that vary in size, shape, and timing, associated with an irregular, frequently
rapid ventricular response when atrioventricular (AV) conduction is intact. The ventricular
response to AF depends on electrophysiological properties of the AV node, the level of vagal and
sympathetic tone, and the action of drugs. Regular RR intervals are possible in the presence of
AV block or interference due to ventricular or junctional tachycardia. In patients with electronic
pacemakers, diagnosis of AF may require temporary inhibition of the pacemaker to expose atrial
fibrillatory activity. A rapid, irregular, sustained, wide-QRS-complex tachycardia strongly
suggests AF with conduction over an accessory pathway or AF with underlying bundle-branch
block. Extremely rapid rates (over 200 bpm) suggest the presence of an accessory pathway. The
picture below shows AF with fast ventricular rate.
All narrow QRS (duration<120msec) tachycardias are invariably supraventricular tachycardias.
The following flow chart helps in understanding the differential diagnosis of narrow QRS
If the RR intervals are irregular then arrhythmia could be one of the following:
1) Atrial fibrillation;
2) Multifocal atrial tachycrdia; and
3) Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia or atrial flutter with varying block.
All regular narrow QRS tachycardias are broadly classified into two groups based on the
relationship of RP and PR interval as short and long RP tachycardias. Short RP tachycardias
include AVNRT, AVRT and atrialtachycardias. If no P-waves or evidence of atrial activity is
apparent and the RR interval is regular, then AVNRT is most commonly the mechanism. P-wave
activity in AVNRT may be only partially hidden within the QRS complex and may deform the
QRS to give a pseudo–R-wave in lead V1 and/or a pseudo–S wave in inferior leads. If a P-wave
is present in the ST-segment and separated from the QRS by 70 ms, then AVRT is most likely.
The long RP tachycardias are typical AVNRT, permanent form of junctional reciprocating
tachycardia (PJRT) and atrial tachycardias. Responses of narrow QRS-complex tachycardias to
adenosine or carotid massage may aid in the differential diagnosis . A 12-lead ECG recording is
desirable during use of adenosine or carotid massage. If P waves are not visible, then the use of
esophageal pill electrodes can also be helpful. Very rarely what appears to be a narrow RQS
tachycardia is a fascicular VT or high septal origin VT.
Fig. 7.8: Mechanisms of AVNRT
AV Reciprocating Tachycardia (Extranodal Bypass Pathway): This is the second most common
form of PSVT and is seen in patients with WPW syndrome. The WPW ECG, shows a short PR,
delta wave, and somewhat widened QRS.
This type of PSVT can also occur in the absence of manifest WPW on a preceding ECG if the
accessory pathway only allows conduction in the retrograde direction (i.e., concealed WPW).
Like AVNRT, a PAC that finds the bypass track temporarily refractory usually initiates the onset
of PSVT. The PAC conducts down the normal AV pathway to the ventricles, and reenters the
atria retrogradely through the bypass track. In this type of PSVT retrograde P-waves appear
shortly after the QRS in the ST-segment (i.e., RP’ < 1/2 RR interval). Rarely the antegrade limb
for PSVT uses the bypass track and the retrograde limb uses the AV junction; the PSVT then
resembles a wide QRS tachycardia and must be differentiated from ventricular tachycardia.
This condition causes widening of QRS complex. QRS complex represents a fusion between two
ventricular activation fronts.
Early ventricular activation in region of the accessory AV pathway (Bundle of Kent) and
ventricular activation through the normal AV junction, bundle branch system. ECG criteria
include all of the following:
1) Short PR interval (<0.12s);
2) Initial slurring of QRS complex (delta wave) representing early ventricular activation
through normal ventricular muscle in region of the accessory pathway;
3) Prolonged QRS duration (usually >0.10s); and
4) Secondary ST-T changes due to the altered ventricular activation sequence.
The cartoon above shows the cardiac abnormality and consequent ECG changes in WPW
syndrome. QRS morphology, including polarity of delta wave depends on the particular location
of the accessory pathway as well as on the relative proportion of the QRS complex i.e. due to
early ventricular activation (i.e., degree of fusion). Delta waves, if negative in polarity, may
mimic infarct Q-waves and result in false positive diagnosis of myocardial infarction.
Fig. 7.10: Short PR interval and delta Wave
Typical accessory pathways are extra nodal pathways that connect the myocardium of
the atrium and the ventricle across the AV groove. Delta waves detectable on an ECG
have been reported to be present in 0.15 per cent to 0.25 per cent of thegeneral
population. Pathway conduction may be intermittent.
A higher prevalence of 0.55 per cent has been reported in first degree relatives of
patients with accessory pathways. Accessory pathways can be classified on the basis of
their location along the mitral or tricuspid annulus; type of conduction (decremental [i.e.,
progressive delay in accessory pathway conduction in response to increased paced
rates] or nondecremental); and whether they are capable of anterograde conduction,
retrograde conduction, or both. Accessory pathways usually exhibit rapid,
nondecremental conduction, similar to that present in normal His-Purkinje tissue and
atrial or ventricular myocardium. Approximately 8 per cent of accessory pathways
display decremental anterograde or retrograde conduction.
The term “permanent form of junctional reciprocating tachycardia” is used to refer to a
rare clinical syndrome involving a slowly conducting, concealed, usually posteroseptal
(inferoseptal) accessory pathway. This syndrome is characterized by an incessant SVT,
usually with negative P-waves in leads II, III, and aVF and a long RP interval (RP more
than PR). Accessory pathways that are capable of only retrograde conduction are
referred to as “concealed,” whereas those capable of anterograde conduction are
“manifest,” demonstrating pre-excitation on a standard ECG. The degree of pre-
excitation is determined by the relative conduction to the ventricle over the AV node. His
bundle axis versus the accessory pathway. In some patients, anterograde conduction is
apparent only with pacing close to the atrial insertion site, as, for example, for left-
lateral–located pathways. Manifest accessory pathways usually conduct in both
anterograde and retrograde directions. Those that conduct in the anterograde direction
only are uncommon, whereas those that conduct in the retrograde direction are
common. The diagnosis of WPW syndrome is reserved for patients who have both pre-
excitation and tachyarrhythmias. Among patients with WPW syndrome, AVRT is the
most common arrhythmia, accounting for 95 per cent of re-entrant tachycardias that
occur in patients with an accessory pathway. Atrioventricular re-entry tachycardia is
further subclassified into orthodromic and antidromic AVRT. During orthodromic AVRT,
the re-entrant impulse conducts over the AV node and the specialized conduction
system from the atrium to the ventricle and utilizes the accessory pathway for conduction
from the ventricle to the atrium.
During antidromic AVRT, the re-entrant impulse travels in the reverse direction, with
anterograde conduction from the atrium to the ventricle occurring via the accessory
pathway and retrograde conduction over the AV node or a second accessory pathway.
Antidromic AVRT occurs in only 5 per cent to 10 per cent of patients with WPW
syndrome. Pre-excited tachycardias can also occur in patients with AT, atrial flutter, AF,
or AVNRT, with the accessory pathway acting as a bystander (i.e., not a critical part of
the tachycardia circuit). Atrial fibrillation is a potentially life-threatening arrhythmia in
patients with WPW syndrome. If an accessory pathway has a short anterograde
refractory period, then rapid repetitive conduction to the ventricles during AF can result
in a rapid ventricular response with subsequent degeneration to VF. It has been
estimated that one-third of patients with WPW syndrome also have AF. Accessory
pathways appear to play a pathophysiological role in the development of AF in these
patients, as most are young and do not have structural heart disease. Rapid AVRT may
play a role in initiating AF in these patients. Surgical or catheter ablation of accessory
pathways usually eliminates AF as well as AVRT.
The incidence of sudden cardiac death in patients with the WPW syndrome has been
estimated to range from 0.15 per cent to 0.39 per cent over 3 to 10 year follow-up. It is
unusual for cardiac arrest to be the first symptomatic manifestation of WPW syndrome.
Conversely, in about half of the cardiac arrest cases in WPW patients, it is the first
manifestation of WPW. Given the potential for AF among patients with WPW syndrome
and the concern about sudden cardiac death resulting from rapid pre-excited AF, even
the low annual incidence of sudden death among patients with the WPW syndrome is of
note and supports the concept of liberal indications for catheter ablation. Studies of
WPW syndrome patients who have experienced a cardiac arrest have retrospectively
identified a number of markers that identify patients at increased risk. These include 1) a
shortest pre-excited R-R interval less than 250 ms during spontaneous or induced AF, 2)
a history of symptomatic tachycardia, 3) multiple accessory pathways, and 4) Ebstein’s
anomaly. A high incidence of sudden death has been reported in familial WPW. This
familial presentation is, however, exceedingly rare.
2) What is meant by the term R on T ventricular premature beats and what is the significance?
3) What are the features of the Wolff Parkinson white (WPW) syndrome?
• Myocardial irritability
• Acute MI
• Drug toxicity
• Electrolyte imbalance
• Heart failure
ECG Criteria
• Bizarre frontal plane QRS axis (i.e. from +150 degrees to –90 degrees or NW quadrant)
suggests ventricular tachycardia.
• If all the QRS complexes from V1 to V6 are in the same direction (positive or negative),
ventricular tachycardia is likely.
spread over both ventricles in a similar fashion to the spread of intraventricular beats
thereby causing a narrow QRS VT.
10) If in doubt, in patients with structural heart disease it is safer to diagnose VT and this usually
proves to be correct. The ECG below shows a regular wide QRS tachycardia which was
diagnosed as VT. Two examples of VT.
• Acute MI
• Untreated ventricular tachycardia
• Underlying heart disease
• Acid-base imbalance
3) P-waves: None
Torsades de Pointes
• additional ECG features that may be present include prominent U-wave, abnormal contour of
T or TU-waves, T-wave alternans, subnormal spontaneous sinus rate (especially in children)
and sinus pauses.
• Standard ECG recordings and analysis of QTc duration and T-wave morphology are the most
useful tests in diagnosing LQTS. The prolongation of the QTc interval is defined based on
age-specific and sex-specific criteria. The QTc, corrected for heart rate, is calculated by
dividing the measured QT by the square root of the R-R interval, both of which are measured
in seconds. QTc prolongation greater than 0.46 seconds indicates a high likelihood of LQTS
diagnosis. However, approximately 10-15 per cent of gene-positive patients with LQTS
present with QTc duration within the reference range.
Adult females >0.46 0.45-0.46 <0.45
• In patients with suggested LQTS with borderline QTc values (or even values within the
reference range) in standard ECG, the analysis of dynamic behavior of QTc duration during
exercise ECG testing or long-term Holter monitoring may reveal maladaptation of the QT
interval duration to the changing heart rate, with evident QTc prolongation at a faster heart
rate. Ventricular arrhythmias rarely are observed during exercise testing or Holter recordings
in patients with LQTS.
• Detection of visible T-wave alternans in patients with LQTS indicates increased risk of
cardiac arrhythmias (i.e, torsade de pointes and ventricular fibrillation).
• Detection of microvolt T-wave alternans has low sensitivity and high specificity in
diagnosing LQTS. The prognostic value of microvolt T-wave alternans has not been studied
The following picture shows torsades.
Causes of Long QT
• Non-cardiac drugs. Following have been associated with long QT and torsades:
— phenothiazines especially thioridazine
— tricyclic and occasionally tetracyclic antidepressants
— H1 blockers (e.g. terfenadine and astemizole; former particularly in association with
• Metabolic and electrolyte disorders
— hypokalaemia
— hypomagnesemia
— appears to be synergistic effect between these electrolyte disorders and type 1a drugs
• Bradycardia. VT is a complication of severe bradycardia
• CNS lesions
— intracranial disease, especially subarachnoid haemorrhage, occasionally produces
torsades. Probably due to the influence of autonomic nervous system on ventricular
• Cardiac lesions
— mitral valve prolapse and cardiac ganglionitis may be associated with long QT
Clinical Features
• may present in childhood with syncope due to torsades. Often precipitated by heightened
sympathetic tone
• sudden death may occur but frequency of this complication seems to vary considerably from
family to family (< 5% to 80 per cent)
• VT may evolve into VF but unlike VF associated with coronary or structural heart disease
often resolves spontaneously to sinus rhythm
Acquired long QT
• principal clinical features are syncope and pre-syncope, often accompanied by palpitations
• sudden death may occur
3) What is the Brugada algorhythm for the evaluation of a broad QRS tachycardia?
hard to differentiate. Furthermore, the differentiation is electrocardiographically
interesting but not clinically important.
Type I (SA Wenckebach): the following three rules represent the classic rules of Wenckebach,
which were originally described for Type I AV block. The rules are the result of decremental
conduction where the increment in conduction delay for each subsequent impulse gets smaller
until conduction failure finally occurs. This declining increment results in the following findings:
1) PP intervals gradually shorten until a pause occurs (i.e., the blocked sinus impulse fails to
reach the atria);
2) The pause duration is less than the two preceding PP intervals; and
3) The PP interval following the pause is greater than the PP interval just before the pause.
Differential Diagnosis: sinus arrhythmia without SA block.
Type II SA Block: 1) PP intervals are fairly constant (unless sinus arrhythmia present) until
conduction failure occurs. 2) The pause is approximately twice the basic PP interval.
Atrio-Ventricular (AV) Block
Possible sites of AV block:
AV node (most common)
His bundle (uncommon)
Bundle branch and fascicular divisions (in presence of already existing complete bundle branch
1st Degree AV Block: The following are the ECG criteria:
In “classic” Type I (Wenckebach) AV block, the PR interval gets longer (by shorter increments)
until a nonconducted P-wave occurs. The RR interval of the pause is less than the two preceding
RR intervals, and the RR interval after the pause is greater than the RR interval before the pause.
These are the classic rules of Wenckebach (atypical forms can occur).
In Type II (Mobitz) AV block the PR intervals are constant until a nonconducted P-wave occurs.
There must be two consecutive constant PR intervals to diagnose Type II AV block (i.e., if there
is 2:1 AV block we can’t be sure if its type I or II). The RR interval of the pause is equal to the
two preceding RR intervals. Type I AV block is almost always located in the AV node, which
means that the QRS duration is usually narrow, unless there is preexisting bundle branch disease.
Type II AV block is almost always located in the bundle branches, which means that the QRS
duration is wide indicating complete block of one bundle; the nonconducted P-wave is blocked in
the other bundle.
This is not synonymous with 3rd degree AV block, although AV block is one of the causes. May
be complete or incomplete. In complete AV dissociation the atria and ventricles are always
independent of each other. In incomplete AV dissociation there is either intermittent atrial capture
from the ventricular focus or ventricular capture from the atrial focus.
There are three categories of AV dissociation (categories 1 and 2 are always incomplete AV
Fig. 7.20: Incomplete AV dissociation (usurpation) due to accelerated ventricular rhythm
F = fusion beat
Fig. 7.21: Incomplete AV dissociation due to sinus slowing (default) with junctional escapes (arrows)
Intraventricular Blocks
Right Bundle Branch Block (RBBB):
“Complete” RBBB has a QRS duration > 0.12s. Close examination of QRS complex in various
leads reveals that the terminal forces (i.e., 2nd half of QRS) are oriented rightward and
anteriorly because the right ventricle is depolarized after the left ventricle. This means the
1) Terminal R’-wave in lead V1 (usually see rSR’ complex) indicating late anterior forces;
2) Terminal S-waves in leads I, aVL, V6 indicating late rightward forces; and
3) Terminal R-wave in lead aVR indicating late rightward forces.
The frontal plane QRS axis in RBBB should be in the normal range (i.e., - 30 to + 90 degrees). If
left axis deviation is pre cent, think about left anterior fascicular block, and if right axis deviation
is present, think about left posterior block in addition to the RBBB. “Incomplete” RBBB has QRS
duration of 0.10 - 0.12second with the same terminal QRS features. This is often a normal
variant. The “normal” ST-T-waves in RBBB should be oriented opposite to the direction of the
terminal QRS forces; i.e., in leads with terminal R or R’ forces the ST-T should be negative or
downwards; in leads with terminal S forces the ST-T should be positive or upwards. If the ST-T-
waves are in the same direction as the terminal QRS forces, they should be labeled primary ST-T
wave abnormalities.
Left Bundle Branch Block (LBBB)
“Complete LBBB” has a QRS duration > 0.12second. Close examination of QRS complex in
various leads reveals that the terminal forces (i.e., 2nd half of QRS) are oriented leftward and
posteriorly because the left ventricle is depolarized after the right ventricle.
Fig. 7.23: Bifascicular Block
bundle branch or fascicular blocks not met Causes of nonspecific IVCD’s include:
6) What are the criteria for right bundle branch block?
intermittent conduction failure will result IInd degree heart block and complete conduction heart
failure is know as IIIrd degree heart block.
Polymorphic: frequent changes of QRS morphology and/or axis. If sustained changes must
occur at least every 1-2 second.
3) Step 1: Absence of RS complex in all leads V1-V6?
Step 4 Are there morphologic criteria for VT present both in leads V1 and V6?
Additional ECG features that may be present include prominent U wave, abnormal contour
of T or TU waves, T wave alternans, subnormal spontaneous sinus rate (especially in
children) and sinus pauses .
7) QTc prolongation greater than 0.46 seconds indicates a high likelihood of LQTS diagnosis.
• Acquired: largely iatrogenic disease with most cases being due to drugs
• Antiarrhythmics
— type 1a and type 3 drugs associated with torsades
— class Ic drugs may also prolong QT interval
• Non-cardiac drugs. Following have been associated with long QT and torsades:
— phenothiazines especially thioridazine
— tricyclic and occasionally tetracyclic antidepressants
— H1 blockers (eg terfenadine and astemizole; former particularly in association with
Electrolyte changes
• hypokalemia
• hypomagnesemia.
2) The following are the ECG criteria:
1) PR interval > 0.20 sec,
2) All P waves conduct to the ventricles.
3) In “classic” Type I (Wenckebach) AV block, the PR interval progressively gets longer until
a nonconducted P wave occurs.
4) In Type II (Mobitz) AV block the PR intervals are constant until a nonconducted P wave
5) Complete (3rd Degree) AV Block
Usually there is complete AV dissociation because the atria and ventricles are each
controlled by separate pacemakers.No sequential atrio ventricular activity. Narrow QRS
rhythm suggests a junctional escape focus for the ventricles with block above the pacemaker
focus, usually in the AV node.
Wide QRS rhythm suggests a ventricular escape focus (i.e., idioventricular rhythm).
6) “Complete” RBBB has a QRS duration >0.12s.The terminal forces (i.e., 2nd half of QRS) are
oriented rightward and anteriorly because the right ventricle is depolarized after the left
ventricle. This means the following:
1) Terminal R’ wave in lead V1 (usually see rSR’ complex) indicating late anterior forces,
2) Terminal S waves in leads I, aVL, V6 indicating late rightward forces
Terminal R wave in lead aVR indicating late rightward forces.
7) “Complete” LBBB” has a QRS duration >0.12s. The terminal forces (i.e., 2nd half of QRS)
are oriented leftward and posteriorly because the left ventricle is depolarized after the right
1) Terminal S waves in lead V1 indicating late posterior forces
2) Terminal R waves in lead I, aVL, V6 indicating late leftward forces; usually broad,
monophasic R waves are seen in these leads.
3) The “normal” ST-T waves in LBBB should be oriented opposite to the direction of the
terminal QRS forces; i.e., in leads with terminal R or R’ forces the ST-T should be
downwards; in leads with terminal S forces the ST-T should be upwards.