This document discusses the relationship between quantum theory and classical physics. It notes that some physicists believe new laws will be found that unify quantum and classical behavior at all scales, similar to advances made by Galileo and Newton. It also examines the view that classical behavior emerges from quantum behavior of small constituents, but finds this view is not entirely believable. The document warns that the relationship between the quantum and classical realms is controversial, with many viewpoints, and it will only present the author's perspective.
This document discusses the relationship between quantum theory and classical physics. It notes that some physicists believe new laws will be found that unify quantum and classical behavior at all scales, similar to advances made by Galileo and Newton. It also examines the view that classical behavior emerges from quantum behavior of small constituents, but finds this view is not entirely believable. The document warns that the relationship between the quantum and classical realms is controversial, with many viewpoints, and it will only present the author's perspective.
This document discusses the relationship between quantum theory and classical physics. It notes that some physicists believe new laws will be found that unify quantum and classical behavior at all scales, similar to advances made by Galileo and Newton. It also examines the view that classical behavior emerges from quantum behavior of small constituents, but finds this view is not entirely believable. The document warns that the relationship between the quantum and classical realms is controversial, with many viewpoints, and it will only present the author's perspective.
This document discusses the relationship between quantum theory and classical physics. It notes that some physicists believe new laws will be found that unify quantum and classical behavior at all scales, similar to advances made by Galileo and Newton. It also examines the view that classical behavior emerges from quantum behavior of small constituents, but finds this view is not entirely believable. The document warns that the relationship between the quantum and classical realms is controversial, with many viewpoints, and it will only present the author's perspective.
opinion-an opinion shared by a sizeable minority of physicists-that this
state of physical understanding cannot be other than a stop-gap, and we may well anticipate that the finding of appropriate quantum/classical laws that operate uniformly at all scales might herald a scientific advance of a magnitude comparable with that initiated by Galileo and Newton. The reader may, however, quite rightly question whether it is indeed the case that our standard understanding of quantum theory presents us with a quantum-level picture which does not also explain classical phenomena. Many would disclaim my contention that it does not, asserting that physical systems that are in some sense large or complicated, and acting entirely according to quantum-level laws, would behave just like classical objects, at least to a very high degree of accuracy. We shall try, first, to see whether this assertion-the assertion that the apparently 'classical' behaviour oflarge-scale objects follows from the quantum behaviour of their tiny constituents-is believable. And if we find that it is not, we shall try to see where to turn, in order to arrive at a coherent viewpoint that might make sense at all levels. I should warn the reader, however, that the entire question is fraught with much controversy. There are many different viewpoints, and it would be foolish for me to try to give a comprehensive summary of them all, let alone to argue in detail against all of those that I find implausible or untenable. I ask the reader's indulgence for the fact that the viewpoints that I present will be given very much from my own perspective. It is inevitable that I shall not be entirely fair to those whose viewpoints are too foreign to my own, and I apologize in advance for the injustices that I shall undoubtedly commit. There is a fundamental difficulty with trying to find a clear scale at which the quantum level of activity, characterized by the persistence of quantum superpositions of different alternatives, actually gives way-by the action of R-to the classical, at which such superpositions do not seem to occur. This results from an inherent 'slipperiness' in the procedure R, from the observational point of view, which prevents us from pinpointing any clear level at which it 'happens'-one reason that many physicists do not regard it as a real phenomenon at all. It seems to make no difference to experiments where we choose to apply R, so long as we do so at a level higher than that at which quantum interference effects have been observed, yet no higher than the level at which we can directly perceive that classical alternatives do take place, rather than being in complex linear superpositions (though, as we shall be seeing shortly, even at this end some would maintain that the superpositions persist). How can we decide at what level R actually takes place-if indeed it really takes place physically at all? It is hard to see how to answer such a question by physical experiment. If R is a real physical process, there is a vast range of possible levels at which it might occur, between tiny levels where quantum interference effects have been observed, and the much larger level at which classical behaviour is actually perceived. Moreover, these differences in 'level'
(Canto) P. C. W. Davies, J. R. Brown (Eds) - The Ghost in The Atom - A Discussion of The Mysteries of Quantum Physics-Cambridge University Press (2008) - 101-172-1-50 PDF