Transformer Protection RET670: Operator's Manual

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Relion® 670 series

Transformer protection RET670

Operator's manual
Document ID: 1MRK 504 114-UEN
Issued: December 2012
Revision: D
Product version: 1.2

© Copyright 2012 ABB. All rights reserved

This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written
permission from ABB, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third
party, nor used for any unauthorized purpose.

The software and hardware described in this document is furnished under a license
and may be used or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.

ABB and Relion are registered trademarks of the ABB Group. All other brand or
product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective holders.

Please inquire about the terms of warranty from your nearest ABB representative.

Substation Automation Products
SE-721 59 Västerås
Telephone: +46 (0) 21 32 50 00
Facsimile: +46 (0) 21 14 69 18
The data, examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for the concept
or product description and are not to be deemed as a statement of guaranteed
properties. All persons responsible for applying the equipment addressed in this
manual must satisfy themselves that each intended application is suitable and
acceptable, including that any applicable safety or other operational requirements
are complied with. In particular, any risks in applications where a system failure and/
or product failure would create a risk for harm to property or persons (including but
not limited to personal injuries or death) shall be the sole responsibility of the
person or entity applying the equipment, and those so responsible are hereby
requested to ensure that all measures are taken to exclude or mitigate such risks.

This document has been carefully checked by ABB but deviations cannot be
completely ruled out. In case any errors are detected, the reader is kindly requested
to notify the manufacturer. Other than under explicit contractual commitments, in
no event shall ABB be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting from
the use of this manual or the application of the equipment.
This product complies with the directive of the Council of the European
Communities on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC Directive 2004/108/EC) and concerning
electrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive
2006/95/EC). This conformity is the result of tests conducted by ABB in
accordance with the product standards EN 50263 and EN 60255-26 for the EMC
directive, and with the product standards EN 60255-1 and EN 60255-27 for the low
voltage directive. The product is designed in accordance with the international
standards of the IEC 60255 series.
Table of contents

Table of contents

Section 1 Introduction.....................................................................11
Introduction to the operator’s manual...............................................11
About the complete set of manuals for an IED............................11
About the operator’s manual.......................................................12
Intended audience.......................................................................13
Related documents......................................................................13
Revision notes.............................................................................14

Section 2 Safety information..........................................................15


Section 3 Overview........................................................................17
Operator overview............................................................................17
Identify the IED.................................................................................17

Section 4 Understand the IED local human-machine

Key activated screens......................................................................23
The Help screen..........................................................................23
The Reset screen........................................................................24
Status indication LEDs................................................................25
Indication LEDs...........................................................................25
Local HMI setup ...............................................................................26
How to navigate................................................................................26
Change .......................................................................................26

Section 5 Understand the HMI tree................................................29

Menu-tree for RET670.................................................................29

Section 6 Read measured values..................................................31


Operator's manual
Table of contents

View analog primary values..............................................................32

View analog secondary values.........................................................32
View analog mean values.................................................................33
mA input module MIM............................................................33
Signal matrix for mA inputs SMMI..........................................33
View monitoring values.....................................................................33
Service values CVMMXN............................................................33
Current phasors CMMXU............................................................33
Voltage phasors VMMXU/VNMMXU...........................................34
Current sequence component CMSQI........................................34
Voltage sequence component VMSQI........................................34
View metering values.......................................................................34
Pulse counter logic PCGGIO.......................................................34
Function for energy calculation and demand handling

Section 7 Event list.........................................................................37

View events......................................................................................37

Section 8 Handle disturbances.......................................................39

Identify a disturbance.......................................................................39
View disturbance record details........................................................39
View general information.............................................................39
View disturbance indications.......................................................39
View event recordings.................................................................39
View trip values...........................................................................40
Trigger a disturbance report manually..............................................40

Section 9 Read and change settings.............................................41

System time and synchronization.....................................................41
System time.................................................................................41
Time synchronization...................................................................41

Operator's manual
Table of contents

General settings...............................................................................43
Power system..............................................................................43
Primary values........................................................................43
Remote communication..........................................................43
SPA, LON and IEC 60870–5–103 settings.............................44
Station communication...........................................................45
Ethernet configuration............................................................46
Analog and I/O modules..............................................................47
Analog modules......................................................................47
I/O modules............................................................................48
Screen ...................................................................................48
Change lock ..........................................................................49
Differential protection...................................................................49
Transformer differential protection, two winding
Transformer differential protection, three winding
Apparatus control...................................................................50
Control commands.................................................................51
Synchrocheck and energizing check SESRSYN ...................52
Service values CVMMXN.......................................................52
Current phasors CMMXU.......................................................53
Voltage phasors VMMXU/VNMMXU......................................53
Current sequence components CMSQI ................................53
Voltage sequence components VMSQI ................................53
Disturbance report DRPRDRE...............................................54
Generic measured value MVGGIO........................................54
Event function ........................................................................54
Logical signal status report BINSTATREP.............................55
IEC 60870–5–103 ..................................................................55

Operator's manual
Table of contents

Pulse counter logic PCGGIO..................................................55
Function for energy calculation and demand handling
ETPMMTR .............................................................................55
Setting group N.................................................................................56
Differential protection...................................................................56
Transformer differential protection, two winding
T2WPDIF ...............................................................................56
Transformer differential protection, three winding
T3WPDIF ...............................................................................56
Restricted earth fault protection REFPDIF ............................56
High impedance differential protection HZPDIF ....................57
Impedance protection..................................................................57
Full-scheme distance protection, mho characteristic
ZMHPDIS ..............................................................................57
Distance protection zones, quadrilateral characteristics
ZMQPDIS, ZMQAPDIS..........................................................57
Distance protection zones, quadrilateral characteristics
for series compensated lines ZMCPDIS, ZMCAPDIS............58
Distance protection zone, quadrilateral characteristic,
separate settings ZMRPDIS, ZMRAPDIS..............................58
Fullscheme distance protection, quadrilateral for earth
faults ZMMPDIS, ZMMAPDIS ...............................................58
Faulty phase identification with load enchroachment
FMPSPDIS ............................................................................58
Phase selection, quadrilateral characteristic with fixed
angle FDPSPDIS....................................................................59
Phase selection, quadrilateral characteristic with
settable angle FRPSPDIS......................................................59
Phase preference logic PPLPHIZ ..........................................59
Directional impedance quadrilateral ZDRDIR .......................59
Directional impedance element for mho characteristics
ZDMRDIR ..............................................................................59
Directional impedance quadrilateral, including series
compensation ZDSRDIR .......................................................59
Additional distance protection directional function for
earth faults ZDARDIR ............................................................60
Mho impedance supervision logic ZSMGAPC.......................60
Pole slip protection PSPPPAM ..............................................60
Power swing detection ZMRPSB ..........................................60
Power swing logic ZMRPSL ..................................................60
Current protection........................................................................60

Operator's manual
Table of contents

Breaker failure protection CCRBRF ......................................61
Broken conductor check BRCPTOC .....................................61
Capacitor bank protection CBPGAPC....................................61
Directional over-power protection GOPPDOP ......................61
Directional under-power protection GUPPDUP .....................61
Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection PHPIOC ..........61
Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection EFPIOC ........62
Negativ sequence time overcurrent protection for
machines NS2PTOC..............................................................62
Four step directional negative phase sequence
overcurrent protection NS4PTOC..........................................62
Four step phase overcurrent protection OC4PTOC ..............62
Pole discordance protection CCRPLD...................................62
Four step residual overcurrent protection EF4PTOC ............62
Sensitive directional residual over current and power
protection SDEPSDE ............................................................63
Thermal overload protection, one time constant LPTTR .......63
Thermal overload protection, two time constants
TRPTTR ................................................................................63
Voltage protection........................................................................63
Loss of voltage check LOVPTUV ..........................................63
Overexcitation protection OEXPVPH ....................................64
Two step overvoltage protection OV2PTOV .........................64
Two step residual overvoltage protection ROV2PTOV .........64
Two step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV ........................64
Voltage differential protection VDCPTOV .............................64
Frequency protection...................................................................64
Overfrequency protection SAPTOF .......................................65
Rate-of-change frequency protection SAPFRC ....................65
Underfrequency protection SAPTUF .....................................65
Multipurpose protection...............................................................65
General current and voltage protection CVGAPC..................65
Scheme communication..............................................................66
Current reversal and weak-end infeed logic for residual
overcurrent protection ECRWPSCH .....................................66
Scheme communication logic for residual overcurrent
protection ECPSCH ...............................................................66
Secondary system supervision....................................................66

Operator's manual
Table of contents

Current circuit supervision CCSRDIF ....................................66

Fuse failure supervision SDDRFUF.......................................67
Synchrocheck and energizing check SESRSYN ...................67
Tap changer control and supervision, 6 binary inputs
Tap changer control and supervision, 32 binary inputs
TCLYLTC ..............................................................................67
Automatic voltage control for tapchanger, single control
TR1ATCC ..............................................................................67
Automatic voltage control for tapchanger, parallel
control TR8ATCC ..................................................................68
Event counter CNTGGIO.......................................................68
Tripping logic SMPPTRC ......................................................68
Trip matrix logic TMAGGIO....................................................68
Activate setting group.......................................................................69

Section 10 Diagnose IED status.......................................................71

Read internal events.........................................................................71
Find available functions....................................................................71

Section 11 Test the IED...................................................................73

IED test mode...................................................................................74
View binary input values...................................................................74
Binary Input Module BIM........................................................74
Signal matrix for binary input SMBI........................................75
View binary output values.................................................................75
Binary Output Module BOM...................................................75
Signal matrix for binary outputs SMBO..................................75
Function test modes.........................................................................75

Operator's manual
Table of contents

Differential protection ..................................................................75

Impedance protection..................................................................76
Current protection........................................................................76
Voltage protection .......................................................................76
Frequency protection...................................................................76
Multipurpose protection ..............................................................76
Scheme communication .............................................................76
Secondary system protection .....................................................76
Control ........................................................................................77
Function status.................................................................................77
Differential protection...................................................................77
Transformer differential protection, two winding
T2WPDIF ...............................................................................77
Transformer differential protection, three winding
T3WPDIF ...............................................................................78
Restricted earth fault protection, low impedance
REFPDIF ...............................................................................78
High impedance differential protection HZPDIF ....................78
Impedance protection..................................................................78
Full-scheme distance protection, mho characteristic
Distance protection zone, quadrilateral characteristic
ZMQPDIS, ZMQAPDIS..........................................................78
Distance protection zone, quadrilateral characteristic
ZMCPDIS, ZMCAPDIS...........................................................79
Distance protection zone, quadrilateral characteristic,
separate settings ZMRPDIS, ZMRAPDIS..............................79
Fullscheme distance protection, quadrilateral for earth
faults ZMMPDIS, ZMMAPDIS ...............................................79
Faulty phase identification with load enchroachment
FMPSPDIS ............................................................................80
Phase selection with load encroachment FDPSPDIS............80
Phase selection, quadrilateral characteristic with
settable angle FRPSPDIS......................................................80
Phase preference logic PPLPHIZ...........................................80
Directional impedance ZDRDIR ............................................80
Directional impedance element for mho characteristic
Directional impedance quadrilateral, including series
compensation ZDSRDIR........................................................81
Additional distance protection directional function for
earth faults ZDARDIR ............................................................81

Operator's manual
Table of contents

Mho Impedance supervision logic ZSMGAPC.......................81

Pole slip protection PSPPPAM ..............................................81
Power swing detection ZMRPSB ..........................................81
Power swing logic ZMRPSL...................................................81
Current protection........................................................................82
Breaker failure protection CCRBRF.......................................82
Broken conductor check BRCPTOC......................................82
Capacitor bank protection CBPGAPC....................................82
Directional over-power protection GOPPDOP.......................82
Directional under-power protection GUPPDUP......................82
Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection PHPIOC...........82
Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection EFPIOC.........83
Negative sequence time overcurrent protection for
machines NS2PTOC..............................................................83
Four step directional negative phase sequence
overcurrent protection NS4PTOC..........................................83
Four step phase overcurrent protection OC4PTOC...............83
Pole discordance protection CCRPLD...................................83
Four step residual overcurrent protection EF4PTOC.............83
Sensitive directional residual over current and power
protection SDEPSDE.............................................................84
Thermal overload protection, one time constant LPTTR........84
Thermal overload protection, two time constants
Voltage protection........................................................................84
Loss of voltage check LOVPTUV...........................................84
Overexcitation protection OEXPVPH.....................................84
Two step overvoltage protection OV2PTOV..........................85
Two step residual overvoltage protection ROV2PTOV..........85
Two step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV.........................85
Voltage differential protection VDCPTOV..............................85
Frequency protection...................................................................85
Overfrequency protection SAPTOF........................................85
Rate-of-change frequency protection SAPFRC.....................86
Underfrequency protection SAPTUF......................................86
Multipurpose protection...............................................................86
General current and voltage protection CVGAPC..................86
Scheme communication..............................................................86
Current reversal and weak-end infeed logic for residual
overcurrent protection ECRWPSCH......................................86
Scheme communication logic for residual overcurrent
protection ECPSCH................................................................87
Secondary system supervision....................................................87
Current circuit supervision CCSRDIF.....................................87

Operator's manual
Table of contents

Fuse failure supervision SDDRFUF.......................................87

Apparatus control...................................................................87
IEC61850 generic communication I/O functions
Synchrocheck and energizing check SESRSYN ...................92
Tap changer control and supervision TCMYLTC/
Automatic voltage control for tapchanger, single and
parallel control TR1ATCC/TR8ATCC ....................................93
Logical signal status report BINSTATREP.............................93
Disturbance report DRPRDRE...............................................93
Event counter CNTGGIO.......................................................93
Generic measured value MVGGIO........................................94
Global positioning system......................................................94
IEC61850 generic communication I/O functions 16
inputs SP16GGIO...................................................................94
Measured value expander block RANGE_XP........................94
IEC61850 generic communication I/O functions
Boolean 16 to Integer conversion B16IFCVI, B16I.................95
Integer to Boolean 16 conversion IB16FCVB, IB16...............95
Tripping logic SMPPTRC ......................................................95
Trip matrix logic TMAGGIO....................................................95
Logic gate...............................................................................95
Logic SR/RS memory.............................................................96
Logic timer set........................................................................96
Remote communication..........................................................96
Station communication...........................................................96
Setting groups.............................................................................97
Test .............................................................................................97
LED Test ..........................................................................................97
Line differential test..........................................................................98

Section 12 Control and supervise the bay........................................99

Read measured values and check apparatus status...................99
Locating and using the single line diagram.................................99

Operator's manual
Table of contents

Control screen messages..........................................................101

Section 13 Reset............................................................................103
Reset guide for IED........................................................................103
Reset counters..........................................................................103
Circuit breaker SXCBR.........................................................103
Circuit switch SXSWI............................................................103
Reset event counter CNTGGIO...........................................103
Reset pulse counter PCGGIO..............................................103
LDCM clear counters............................................................103
Function for energy calculation and demand handling
Tap changer control and supervision TCMYLTC,
Reset disturbances and event list DRPRDRE...........................104
Reset LEDs...............................................................................104
Start and trip LEDs...............................................................104
All indication LEDs...............................................................104
Reset lockout SMPPTRC .........................................................105
Reset process eventlist.............................................................105
Reset temperature functions.....................................................105

Section 14 Authorization................................................................107
Principle of operation......................................................................107
LogOn or logOff..............................................................................109
Authorization handling in the IED...................................................109
Internet Protocol ports security guideline.......................................110

Section 15 Glossary.......................................................................113

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 1

Section 1 Introduction

About this chapter

This chapter is an introduction to the operator’s manual, its purpose and usage.

1.1 Introduction to the operator’s manual

1.1.1 About the complete set of manuals for an IED

The user’s manual (UM) is a complete set of five different manuals:

deinstalling & disposal

Planning & purchase




Installation and
Commissioning manual

Operator’s manual

Application manual

Technical reference
IEC09000744 V1 EN

The Application Manual (AM) contains application descriptions, setting

guidelines and setting parameters sorted per function. The application manual
should be used to find out when and for what purpose a typical protection function
could be used. The manual should also be used when calculating settings.

The Technical Reference Manual (TRM) contains application and functionality

descriptions and it lists function blocks, logic diagrams, input and output signals,
setting parameters and technical data sorted per function. The technical reference

Operator's manual
Section 1 1MRK 504 114-UEN D

manual should be used as a technical reference during the engineering phase,

installation and commissioning phase, and during normal service.

The Installation and Commissioning Manual (ICM) contains instructions on

how to install and commission the protection IED. The manual can also be used as
a reference during periodic testing. The manual covers procedures for mechanical
and electrical installation, energizing and checking of external circuitry, setting and
configuration as well as verifying settings and performing directional tests. The
chapters are organized in the chronological order (indicated by chapter/section
numbers) in which the protection IED should be installed and commissioned.

The Operator’s Manual (OM) contains instructions on how to operate the

protection IED during normal service once it has been commissioned. The
operator’s manual can be used to find out how to handle disturbances or how to
view calculated and measured network data in order to determine the cause of a fault.

The Engineering Manual (EM) contains instructions on how to engineer the IEDs
using the different tools in PCM600. The manual provides instructions on how to
set up a PCM600 project and insert IEDs to the project structure. The manual also
recommends a sequence for engineering of protection and control functions, LHMI
functions as well as communication engineering for IEC 61850 and DNP3.

1.1.2 About the operator’s manual

Use the operator’s manual for instruction on how to perform common tasks during
normal service.

The operator’s manual contains the following chapters:

• The chapter “Safety information” presents warnings and notices, which the
user should pay attention to.
• The chapter “Overview” describes operations an operator may perform on a
daily basis or when the need arises.
• The chapter “Understand the local human-machine interface” describes how
to use the human-machine interface.
• The chapter “Understand the HMI tree” describes the different menu trees.
• The chapter “Read measured values” describes how to locate and identify
available measurement data.
• The chapter “Event list” describes the location and nature of recorded events.
• The chapter “Handle disturbances” describes how to retrieve disturbance
information and reset alarms.
• The chapter “Read and change settings” describes how to locate, and change
settings and parameters.
• The chapter “Diagnose IED status” describes the location and use of available
diagnostic tools.
• The chapter “Test the IED” describes the tests applicable to the IED.
• The chapter “Control and supervise the bay” describes how to use the Single
Line Diagram to open and close primary apparatuses.

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 1

• The chapter “Reset” describes resetting procedures.

• The chapter “Authorization”describes user categories and password procedures.
• The chapter “Glossary” describes words and acronyms used in the literature
describing the IED.

This manual does not contain any instructions for commissioning or testing.

1.1.3 Intended audience

The operator’s manual addresses the operator, who operates the IED on a daily basis.

The operator must be trained in and have a basic knowledge of how to operate
protection equipment. The manual contains terms and expressions commonly used
to describe this kind of equipment.

1.1.4 Related documents

Documents related to RET670 Identity number
Operator’s manual 1MRK 504 114-UEN
Installation and commissioning manual 1MRK 504 115-UEN
Technical reference manual 1MRK 504 113-UEN
Application manual 1MRK 504 116-UEN
Product guide customized 1MRK 504 117-BEN
Product guide pre-configured 1MRK 504 118-BEN
Product guide IEC 61850-9-2 1MRK 504 104-BEN
Sample specification SA2005-001283

Connection and Installation components 1MRK 513 003-BEN

Test system, COMBITEST 1MRK 512 001-BEN
Accessories for 670 series IEDs 1MRK 514 012-BEN
670 series SPA and signal list 1MRK 500 092-WEN
IEC 61850 Data objects list for 670 series 1MRK 500 091-WEN
Engineering manual 670 series 1MRK 511 240-UEN
Communication set-up for Relion 670 series 1MRK 505 260-UEN

More information can be found on

Operator's manual
Section 1 1MRK 504 114-UEN D

1.1.5 Revision notes

Revision Description
B Minor corrections made
C Minor corrections made
D Maintenance updates, PR corrections

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 2
Safety information

Section 2 Safety information

About this chapter

This chapter lists warnings and cautions that must be followed when handling the

2.1 Warnings

Do not touch circuitry during operation. Potentially lethal voltages

and currents are present.

Always connect the IED to protective earth, regardless of the

operating conditions. This also applies to special occasions such as
bench testing, demonstrations and off-site configuration. Operating
the IED without proper earthing may damage both IED and
measuring circuitry and may cause injuries in the event of an accident.

Never remove any screw from a powered IED or from a IED

connected to powered circuitry. Potentially lethal voltages and
currents are present.

Always avoid touching the circuitry when the cover is removed.

The product contains electronic circuitries which can be damaged if
exposed to static electricity (ESD). The electronic circuitries also
contain high voltage which is lethal to humans.

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 3

Section 3 Overview

About this chapter

This chapter presents a general overview of the Operator's manual.

3.1 Operator overview

The Local human-machine interface (LHMI) on the IED provides an ideal

mechanism for the day to day operation and even advanced use of the IED. The
keypad, LCD and LEDs on the front of the IED are what constitute the LHMI.
Troubleshooting, apparatus control, monitoring, setting and configuring are all
possible via this interface. Through the screens and menu elements available, as
well as the keypad, the user is able to navigate throughout the menu structure and
move from screen to screen. This document is, to a great extent, arranged in the
same way as the IED software is structured and describes all aspects of operation
via the LHMI.

The operator can document disturbances so that their causes can be analyzed and
evaluated for future reference. For example, the fault currents and voltages at the
time of the fault can be documented. The operator can also retrieve data about
protected objects, providing further information for fault analysis. This implies
viewing the mean value of current, voltage, power and frequency or primary and
secondary measured phasors. The operator can check the IED status at any time.

In some cases the operator may need to change the way the IED operates. This
might include changing the active setting group or a parameter value. This must
always be done strictly according to applicable regulations because un-authorized
changes may lead to severe damage of the protected object especially if a fault is
not properly disconnected.

3.2 Identify the IED

To identify the IED, open the diagnostics menu. The identity of the IED along with
other data is found under:

Main menu/Diagnostics/IED status/Product Identifiers

When the Product identifiers submenu is opened, the user sees the following screen:

Operator's manual
Section 3 1MRK 504 114-UEN D

IED10000336 V1 EN

Figure 1: Typical example of product identifier screen on local HMI

IEDProdType is the Relion 670 series product type (REB,

REC, RED, REG, REL, RET and so on)
ProductDef specifies the version of the product, in the
following order: major version. minor version.
major revision. minor revision ( for

Both IEDProdType and ProductDef are visible in the PCM600 tool, under Properties:

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 3

IEC10000337 V1 EN

Figure 2: Typical example of IED product type and version properties in


FirmwareVer Specifies the version of the product firmware

IEDMainFunType Specifies the main IED functionality, in
accordance to IEC60870-5-103 numbering:

• REL - 128, compatible range

• REC - 242, private range
• RED - 192, compatible range
• RET - 176, compatible range
• REB - 207, private range
• REG - 150, private range
• REQ – 245, private range

OrderingNo Are production identifiers

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 4
Understand the IED local human-machine interface

Section 4 Understand the IED local human-

machine interface

About this chapter

This chapter describes the display, its keys (buttons) and LEDs that make up the
local HMI on the IED. How the keys are used to navigate the HMI, how to
interpret the graphic information on the LCD and, what the LEDs indicate is
explained in the sections that follow.

4.1 Overview

The human machine interface is used to monitor and to some extent control the
way the IED operates. The configuration designer can add functions that alert to
events requiring the attention of the operator.

IEC08000098 V1 EN

Figure 3: 1/2 x 19” case with small LCD

Operator's manual
Section 4 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Understand the IED local human-machine interface

IEC08000084 V1 EN

Figure 4: 1/1 x 19” case with medium LCD

4.2 Keypad

The keypad is used to monitor and operate the IED. The keypad has the same look
and feel in all IEDs. LCD screens and other details may differ but the way the keys
function is identical.

IEC05000153 V1 EN

Figure 5: The HMI keypad.

Table 1 describes the HMI keys that are used to operate the IED.

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 4
Understand the IED local human-machine interface

Table 1: HMI keys on the front of the IED

Key Function

Press to close or energize a breaker or disconnector.

IEC05000101 V1 EN

Press to open a breaker or disconnector.

IEC05000102 V1 EN

Press to open two sub menus: Key operation and IED information.
IEC05000103 V1 EN

Press to clear entries, cancel commands or edit.

IEC05000104 V1 EN

Press to open the main menu and to move to the default screen.
IEC05000105 V1 EN

Press to set the IED in local or remote control mode.

IEC05000106 V1 EN

Press to open the reset screen.

IEC05000107 V1 EN

Press to start the editing mode and confirm setting changes, when in editing mode.
IEC05000108 V1 EN

Press to navigate forward between screens and move right in editing mode.
IEC05000109 V1 EN

Press to navigate backwards between screens and move left in editing mode.
IEC05000110 V1 EN

Press to move up in the single line diagram and in the menu tree.
IEC05000111 V1 EN

Press to move down in the single line diagram and in the menu tree.
IEC05000112 V1 EN

4.3 Key activated screens

4.3.1 The Help screen

The help screen is activated by pressing the Help key on the front panel of the IED.
It includes the submenu listed below:

• General operation

The General Operation submenu provides information about the IED keypad.

Operator's manual
Section 4 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Understand the IED local human-machine interface

The I and O keys are used to open (OFF) and close (ON) breakers and
disconnectors when using the Single Line Diagram (SLD) in direct control situations.

4.3.2 The Reset screen

The reset screen is activated by the Reset key on the front panel of the IED or via
the main menu. The reset screen includes the submenus listed below:

• Reset LEDs
• Reset lockout
• Reset counters
• Reset temperature functions

The Reset LEDs submenu consists of two lower level menus which are the “Start
and trip LEDs” and “All indication LEDs” submenus. To reset a counter, the actual
counter must first be selected. The submenus and their structures are discussed in
the “Reset” chapter of this document.

4.4 LCD

4.4.1 Small
The small sized HMI is available for 1/2, 3/4 and 1/1 x 19” case. The LCD on the
small HMI measures 32 x 90 mm and displays 7 lines with up to 40 characters per
line. The first line displays the product name and the last line displays date and
time. The remaining 5 lines are dynamic. This LCD has no graphic display potential.

4.4.2 Medium
The following case sizes can be equipped with the medium size LCD:

• 1/2 x 19”
• 3/4 x 19”
• 1/1 x 19”

This is a fully graphical monochrome LCD which measures 120 x 90 mm. It has 28
lines with up to 40 characters per line. To display the single line diagram, this LCD
is required.

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 4
Understand the IED local human-machine interface

4.5 LED

4.5.1 Introduction
The LED module is a unidirectional means of communicating. This means that
events may occur that activate a LED in order to draw the operators attention to
something that has occurred and needs some sort of action.

4.5.2 Status indication LEDs

The three LEDs above the LCD provide information as shown in the table below.
LED Indication Information
Steady In service
Flashing Internal failure
Dark No power supply
Steady Dist. rep. triggered
Flashing Terminal in test mode
Steady Trip command issued

4.5.3 Indication LEDs

The LED indication module comprising 15 LEDs is standard in 670 series. Its main
purpose is to present an immediate visual information for protection indications or
alarm signals.

Alarm indication LEDs and hardware associated LEDs are located on the right
hand side of the front panel. Alarm LEDs are located on the right of the LCD
screen and show steady or flashing light.

• Steady light indicates normal operation.

• Flashing light indicates alarm.

Alarm LEDs can be configured in PCM600 and depend on the binary logic.
Therefore they can not be configured on the local HMI.

Typical examples of alarm LEDs

• Bay controller failure

• CB close blocked
• Interlocking bypassed
• Differential protection trip
• SF6 Gas refill
Operator's manual
Section 4 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Understand the IED local human-machine interface

• Position error
• CB spring charge alarm
• Oil temperature alarm
• Thermal overload trip
• Bucholtz trip

The RJ45 port has a yellow LED indicating that communication has been
established between the IED and a computer.

The Local/Remote key on the front panel has two LEDs indicating whether local or
remote control of the IED is active.

4.6 Local HMI setup

The contrast and other settings of the LCD can be adjusted from the local HMI
menu tree. The contrast and other factory settings for the local HMI can be
adjusted as follows:

Settings/General settings/HMI/Screen

4.7 How to navigate

4.7.1 Read
To read values and access information about the objects being monitored the
operator must navigate the menu tree using the arrow keys. The active submenu or
value is highlighted.

Navigation is as follows:

• Press the right arrow key to move to the main menu.

• Press the down arrow key to move from the Single line diagram to the desired
• Use the right arrow key to move downwards in the HMI tree until the desired
parameter is displayed.
• Press C and the down arrow key simultaneously to see the next page in the
parameter screen.
• Press C and the up arrow key simultaneously to return to the previous
parameter screen.
• Use the left arrow key to navigate back up the menu tree.

4.7.2 Change
To change a parameter setting the following steps should be followed:

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 4
Understand the IED local human-machine interface

1. Navigate to the desired parameter or quantity using the arrow keys.

2. Press the E key when the parameter to be changed is highlighted.
3. Move between digits or letters using the left and right arrow keys.
4. Use the up and down arrow keys to change the digit or letter concerned.
5. Press the E key once the desired changes have been made.
6. Press the left arrow key to move up a level in the HMI tree.
7. You will be prompted to confirm the changes, use the left and right arrow keys
to toggle between yes and no in the pop up window and press the E key to
confirm your choice.
8. Press the left arrow key to move up to the next level in the HMI tree.

4.7.3 Control
The HMI offers the operator the opportunity to exercise direct local control over
breakers and other apparatuses in the bay using the graphic display and designated
keys on the front panel of the IED.

By pressing the L/R key until the uppermost of the two LEDs next to the key lights
up, local operator control can be exercised from the HMI.

An apparatus is selected using the up and down arrow keys. The active apparatus is
highlighted in the display.

The Open or Close commands are issued by pressing the O or I keys;

The user is requested to confirm the command in a pop-up window.

E confirms a command; C cancels it.

Interlocking or synchrocheck conditions may cause other query windows to pop-up.

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 5
Understand the HMI tree

Section 5 Understand the HMI tree

About this chapter

This chapter describes the structure of the HMI. The main menu includes
submenus such as Measurements, Events, Disturbance Report, Settings,
Diagnostics, Test and Reset. These branch out into a typical tree structure.

5.1 Overview

The local HMI has the following main menu:

• Control
• Measurements
• Events
• Disturbance records
• Settings
• Diagnostics
• Test
• Reset
• Authorization
• Language

Each main menu item can have several other submenus.

5.1.1 Menu-tree for RET670

Main menu Sub menu Sub-sub menu
Control Single line diagram
Measurements Analog primary values
Analog secondary values
Analog mean values
Disturbance records Manual trig
Settings Time
Table continues on next page

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Section 5 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Understand the HMI tree

Main menu Sub menu Sub-sub menu

General settings Power system
Analog modules
I/O modules
Differential protection
Current protection
Voltage protection
Setting group N Differential protection
Impedance protection
Current protection
Voltage protection
Frequency protection
Multipurpose protection
Scheme communication
Secondary system
Activate setting group
Diagnostics Internal events
IED status
Test IED test mode
Binary input values
Binary output values
Function test modes
Function status
LED test
Line differential test
Reset Reset counters
Reset internal eventlist
Reset LEDs
Reset lockout
Reset temperature

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 6
Read measured values

Section 6 Read measured values

About this chapter

This chapter describes measurement categories and how to locate them using the
HMI. Each measurement category has a section of its own that includes a general
description of the type of quantity being measured and the path in the local HMI to
the measurement.

6.1 Overview

The measurement menu contains primarily analog measurement data. External

signals can also be viewed as they are or as they appear in the Signal Matrix Tool
(SMT). These signals are a virtual representation of the hard wired signals on the
various inputs and outputs. SMT is only accessible via PCM600 and is intended to
simplify the configuration of the IED. It allows hardware changes to be made
without having to reconfigure the internal logic. Signals that can be used in SMT
are indicated with the Suffix SMT.

The functions available under measurements are outlined below.

1. Analog primary values are the quantities measured on the primary side of the
current and voltage transformers (CTs and VTs).
2. Analog secondary values are the quantities measured on the secondary side of
the current and voltage transformers. These are the quantities measured on the
Transformer module (TRM) inputs.
3. Analog mean values are the quantities measured at the inputs of the
milliampere module (MIM).
4. Under Monitoring a number of submenus are available. These include Service
values, Current phasors, Voltage phasors, Current sequence components and
Voltage sequence components.
5. Metering displays the pulse counter and energy calculation and demand
handling functions. The measurements available for pulse counter show pulse
counter status data.

All measurement descriptions in this document reflect the maximum number of

hardware units possible in any application. In reality the hardware in the IED will
be chosen according to a particular application. For example, it is possible to equip
a 1/1 x 19” case IED with 14 I/O modules. In reality fewer I/O modules may be
installed. In the measurements menu the operator will only see data from the
hardware and software installed.

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Section 6 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Read measured values

6.2 View analog primary values

6.2.1 Overview
The analog primary values are analog quantities measured on the primary side of
the TRM and reflect the actual current or voltage on the primary side of the VTs
and CTs. The ratio is adjusted under settings and also depends on the rating of the
TRM. 24 primary values and phase angles are displayed in this view.

The analog primary values are values on the input (primary

equipment side) of the merging unit (MU) when IEC 61850-9-2LE
process bus communication is used. These values are scaled
according to a fixed "universal" scaling of 1 mA per LSB and 10
mV per LSB and transmitted to the IED via IEC 61850-9-2LE

Main menu/Measurements/Analog primary values

Displays the quantities measured by the transformer module (TRM) or received via
IEC 61850-9-2 LE process bus. For each channel used the amplitude of the voltage
or current and its phase angle is shown. If the amplitude is to low for calculation,
the angle will be indicated with "- - -". The status of the module is always shown
and channels not in use are indicated with "- - " . Data from TRMs and LDCMs as
well as Merging Units can be viewed. All currents and voltages are given in RMS

6.3 View analog secondary values

6.3.1 Overview

Analog secondary values shows secondary CT currents and VT voltages. These are
the actual current and voltage values at the TRM inputs.

For analog values received from Merging Units, no analog secondary values are

Main menu/Measurements/Analog secondary values

Displays up to 24 channels with secondary CT and VT data. RMS values are shown.

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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 6
Read measured values

6.4 View analog mean values

6.4.1 Overview
Measurements from the Milliampere Input Module (MIM) are found in this part of
the measurements menu. Data from either the hard wired mA module or Signal
Matrix Tool mA modules are shown here. mA input module MIM

Main menu/Measurements/Analog mean values/mA modules/MIM:x

Displays input data from the milli-ampere module which has six inputs. Each input
has a range of +/- 20 mA. The value displayed on the screen is however dependant
on the settings for the Milli-ampere Module. In the menu for settings, the range and
a transformation factor can be adjusted to suit the application. This means that an
input 3 mA may be displayed as temperature of 45 degrees. The output values
shown are without units. Signal matrix for mA inputs SMMI

Main menu/Measurements/Analog mean values/SMT mA modules/Instance:x

Displays the input signals coming into the Milli-ampere Module. Each module has
six physical inputs with an input tolerance of +/- 20mA. The value displayed
depends on the settings applied to this board which may for example cause an input
of 3mA to show a value 30. The SMT mA modules are the virtual representation of
MIMs in Signal Matrix Tool.

6.5 View monitoring values

6.5.1 Service values CVMMXN

Main menu/Measurement/Monitoring/ServiceValues(MMXN)/CVMMXN:x
Displays up to three instances of CVMMXN with measured values for S, P, Q, PF,
U, I, ILead, ILag and F.

6.5.2 Current phasors CMMXU

Main menu/Measurement/Monitoring/CurrentPhasors(MMXU)/CMMXU:x
All three phase currents and their phase angles are displayed here.

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Section 6 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Read measured values

6.5.3 Voltage phasors VMMXU/VNMMXU

Main menu/Measurements/Monitoring/VoltagePhasors(MMXU)/Phase -
Phase to phase voltages and phase angles are displayed here.

Main menu/Measurement/Monitoring/VoltagePhasors(MMXU)/Phase - Earth/

Phase to earth voltages and phase angles are displayed here.

6.5.4 Current sequence component CMSQI

Main menu/Measurements/Monitoring/CurrentSequenceComponents(MSQI)/
The current sequence component under monitoring displays the positive (I1),
negative (I2) and zero sequence (I0) current values for a three phase line, both
magnitude and phase angle for each component are displayed. These indicate how
well balanced a system is. In an ideal balanced system the zero sequence current
should be zero, the positive sequence current should be equal to the current of each
phase with the same phase angle (relative to GPS) as the L1 phase signal and the
negative sequence current should be zero.

6.5.5 Voltage sequence component VMSQI

Main menu/Measurements/Monitoring/VoltageSequenceComponents(MSQI)/
The Voltage sequence component displays the positive (U1), negative (U2) and
zero (U0) sequence components in the system, and includes the magnitude and
phase angle of each component.

6.6 View metering values

6.6.1 Pulse counter logic PCGGIO

Main menu/Measurements/Metering/PulseCounter(PCGGIO)/PCGGIO:x
The output data generated from the pulse counter function include data about the
status of the counter and counter values.

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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 6
Read measured values

6.6.2 Function for energy calculation and demand handling

Main menu/Measurements/Metering/ThreePhEnergMeas(MMTR)/
The output data generated from the energy measuring function includes active
forward/reverse energy and reactive forward/reverse energy.

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 7
Event list

Section 7 Event list

About this chapter

This chapter describes how to find and read the event list.

7.1 View events

7.1.1 Overview
Events displays recorded events such as trips and breaker opened or closed.

Main menu/Events
Displays a list of events in chronological order and where each event has a time
stamp. The latest event is at the top of the list.

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 8
Handle disturbances

Section 8 Handle disturbances

About this chapter

This chapter describes disturbance detection and handling. This includes resetting
LED alarms, triggering disturbance reports and the viewing of several fault indicators.

8.1 Identify a disturbance

A disturbance record can be generated manually by using the Manual Trig

functionality in the HMI menu. Other disturbance records are generated
automatically in the system dependant on the settings made. Disturbance reports
generate a disturbance sequence number and are time tagged. The fault location
and fault loop are among the data generated in a fault record. Under each fault
report there are five categories of information available. These are described in the
sections that follow.

8.2 View disturbance record details

8.2.1 View general information

By choosing General information after selecting a disturbance record in the list of

disturbance records the screen generated displays information about the
disturbance such as its sequence number, time of occurrence, trig-signal, fault
location and fault loop. The path in the HMI is shown below.

Main menu/Disturbance records/Manual trig

8.2.2 View disturbance indications

The Indications section of a disturbance record displays the recording number and,
the time and date of the disturbance. The path in the HMI is shown below.

Main menu/Disturbance records/Record xx/Indications

8.2.3 View event recordings

The Event recording section in the Disturbance report shows the recording number.
The path in the HMI is shown below.

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Section 8 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Handle disturbances

Main menu/Disturbance records/Record xx/Event recording

8.2.4 View trip values

In the Trip values section of a disturbance recording both the pre-fault and the fault
values for current, voltage and phase angle can be viewed. The recording number
and Trig time are also displayed. The path in the HMI is shown below.

Main menu/Disturbance records/Record xx/Trip Values

8.3 Trigger a disturbance report manually

Using the manual trigger generates an instant disturbance report. Use this function
to get a snapshot of the monitored line. Follow the path below and answer yes in
the Execute manual trig dialog box.

Main menu/Disturbance records/Manual trig

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 9
Read and change settings

Section 9 Read and change settings

About this chapter

This chapter describes how to find and change settings and parameters. The chapter
is divided into two sections which match the way the two categories of settings are
divided up in the HMI. The General settings group consists of those parameters
that cause an automatic restart of the IED. The Setting group N consists of six
groups of settings with default values for all parameters. These do not require or
cause a restart once they have been changed. Time, synchronization and the
activation of setting groups are also dealt with here.

It takes a minimum of three minutes for the IED to save the new
settings, during this time the DC supply must not be turned off.

Do not perform a setting change at the same time as a hardware

reconfiguration. Doing so might cause the IED to malfunction.

9.1 System time and synchronization

9.1.1 System time

Main menu/Settings/Time/System time
Under System time, the system clock date and time are set.

9.1.2 Time synchronization Overview

The synchronization settings are divided into categories Time synch, Time synch
BIN, Time synch SNTP, Time synch DST Begin, Time synch DST End, Time
synch time zone and Time synch IRIG-B. The settable parameters are found under
each category. TimeSynch

Main menu/Settings/Time/Synchronization/TIMESYNCHGEN:x/General

Operator's manual
Section 9 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Read and change settings

Here the parameters FineSyncSource, CourseSyncSrc and SyncMaster are

switched on or off.

Main menu/Settings/Time/Synchronization/TIMESYNCHGEN:x/

The synchronization parameters for IEC 61850-9-2LE process bus communication

are set here. TIMESYNCHBIN

Main menu/Settings/Time/Synchronization/SYNCHBIN:x
Binary input synchronization settings available here are the position of the of the
module, the number of the binary input and the detection mode. DSTBEGIN

Main menu/Settings/Time/Synchronization/DSTBEGIN:x
The starting point for Daylight Savings Time is set here. DSTEND

Main menu/Setttings/Time/Synchronization/DSTEND:x
The end point of Daylight Savings Time is set here. SYNCHIRIG-B

Main menu/Settings/Time/Synchronization/SYNCHIRIG-B:x
The type of input, time domain, type of encoding and time zone for IRIG-B are set

Main menu/Settings/Time/Synchronization/SYNCHSNTP:x
Here the IP addresses for the Simple Network Time Protocol servers are set. TIMEZONE

Main menu/Settings/Time/Synchronization/TIMEZONE:x
The time zone according to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is set here.

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 9
Read and change settings

9.2 General settings

Parameters under General settings that are changed will cause the IED to restart.
This occurs automatically and requires no manual intervention.

The IED must be in setting group 1 before changing settings in

General settings

9.2.1 Power system Overview

Under Power system in General settings there are four parameter categories. These
are Identifiers, Primary values, three phase analog group and three phase analog
sum group. Identifiers

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Power system/Identifiers

Displays list with Station Name, Station Number, Object Name, Object Number,
Unit Name and Unit Number. Primary values

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Power system/Primary values

Displays the system frequency.

9.2.2 Communication Overview

The parameter settings for communications are found under General Settings
\Communications. Communication settings cover network interfaces, protocol,
remote communication and reception of interlocking information. Remote communication

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Communication/LDCM configuration/


Operator's manual
Section 9 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Read and change settings

Displays settings for Remote Binary Communication (CRB) and for Remote Multi
Communication (CRM). The multi communication block can send both binary and
analog data whereas the binary can only send binary data.

Each instance of CRB has several settable parameters where the channel mode can
be set on or off, terminal numbers can be entered, synchronization can be set to
master or slave and opto power can be set high or low.

Each instance of CRM has several settable parameters. These include those above
and others such as transmission delay and transmission current. SPA, LON and IEC 60870–5–103 settings

Rear optical LON port

The menu for the rear optical LON port has five submenus for various settings
affecting LON parameters. The HMI paths to these submenus and their contents
are described below.

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Communication/SLM configuration/

Rear optical LON port/General
In the General submenu there are three settings. These are for the Subnet address,
the Node address and the NeuronID.

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Communication/SLM configuration/

Rear optical LON port/ServicePinMessage
In this submenu a Service pin message can be generated. This is similar to a “ping”
in traditional networks. This sends a signal to another node in the system which is
then made aware of the Neuron ID of LON port and can respond to that port.

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Communication/SLM configuration/

Rear optical LON port/ADE
The Application Data Event (ADE) menu is where operation of LON is set on or
off and where the data exchange speed can be set. If LON is used primarily to send
event data then the appropriate setting is slow. Should LON be used, for example,
as a channel for TRIP signals then the setting fast would be appropriate.

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Communication/SLM configuration/

Rear optical LON port/SPA
Settings for SPA over LON are made here. The operation setting is used to switch
the function on or off and the slave address setting is where the slave address is

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Communication/SLM configuration/

Rear optical LON port/Horizontal communication
This setting is used to activate or deactivate horizontal communication.

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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 9
Read and change settings

Rear optical SPA-IEC-DNP port

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Communication/SLM configuration/
Rear optical SPA-IEC-DNP port
In this submenu SPA or IEC is chosen and the necessary settings for the respective
communication protocols are made.

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Communication/SLM configuration/

Rear optical SPA-IEC-DNP port/Protocol selection
SPA and IEC cannot run at the same time and in this submenu one of the options is

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Communication/SLM configuration/

Rear optical SPA-IEC-DNP port/SPA
When SPA is chosen the baud rate and slave address are set here.

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Communication/SLM configuration/

Rear optical SPA-IEC-DNP port/IEC60870–5–103
When IEC 60870–5–103 is used the settings Slave address, Baud rate, RevPolarity
and CycMeasRepTime are done here. Station communication

DNP3.0 for TCP/IP and EIA-485 communication protocol

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Communication/Station communication/

The DNP 3.0 related parameters are found here.

GOOSE Binary receive

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Communication/Station communication/
Includes available instances of GOOSE binary receive (GOOSEBINRCV) where
setting Operation can be set On or Off.


Main menu/Settings/General settings/Communication/Station communication/

Includes settings for the IED name,Operation (On/Off) and GOOSE.

Multicommand send

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Section 9 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Read and change settings

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Communication/Station communication/

Includes available instances of Multicommand send settings allowing the user to
adjust the maximum and minimum cycle time.

Multicommand receive
Main menu/Settings/General settings/Communication/Station communication/
Includes available instances of Multicommand receive settings allowing the user to
adjust the maximum and minimum cycle time, the pulse duration and mode of
operation. The mode of operation is either steady or pulsed.

Horizontal communication via GOOSE for interlocking

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Communication/Station communication/
Includes available instances of GOOSEINTLKRCV for horizontal communication
via GOOSE. Each instance or set can be switched On or Off via the Operation On
and Off parameter. Ethernet configuration

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Communication/Ethernet configuration/

Front port
The IP Address and IP mask for the ethernet port on the front panel of the IED are
set here. These are generally used when connecting a PC directly to the IED.
Remember that this is a static IP address and that the appropriate network settings
must also be made in the PC.

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Communication/Ethernet configuration/

Rear OEM-Port AB
The IP address, IP mask and Mode for the IEC 61850-8-1 communication using the
Optical Ethernet Module (OEM) at the rear of the IED are set here.

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Communication/Ethernet configuration/

Rear OEM-Port CD
The IP address (with different IP address when a second channel is used), IP mask
and Mode for the Optical Ethernet Module (OEM) at the rear of the IED are set
here. The CD port is used for IEC 61850-9-2LE communication.

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Communication/Ethernet configuration/

Rear OEM - Redundant PRP
Redundant station bus communication IEC61850-8-1 are set here.

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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 9
Read and change settings

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Communication/Ethernet configuration/

If a gateway is used to access the system the address to that gateway is entered here.

9.2.3 Analog and I/O modules Overview

Under Analog modules in the General settings menu there are settings for Analog
inputs and I/O modules. Within each instance of analog input there are settings for
all 12 channels that include the name of the channel, star point of the CT circuit,
the primary and secondary values from the measuring transformers (CTs and VTs).
The channel type and ratings are shown but cannot be changed.

The settings for binary inputs and outputs even include the milliampere input
modules. A mix of up to 14 instances of BIM, BOM and IOM is possible
depending on the physical configuration of the IED. Operation ON or OFF can be
set for all of these and for the BIMs oscillation release and oscillation block
settings are available. These settings are on board level and apply to all binary
inputs or outputs on a board. Analog modules

Main menu/Settings/General Settings/Analog modules/AnalogInputs

Displays all variations of analog input modules with parameters. The analog input
modules have different combinations of current and voltage inputs. Each channel
has parameters where the type of channel is set, the primary and secondary values
from VTs and CTs and for Current Transformers the star point location (line side
or busbar side) is set.

Main menu/Settings/General Settings/Analog modules/MergingUnit

Displays parameters for the merging units. For the MU channels, no primary or
secondary values need to be set, due to the fixed standardized scaling of 1 mA/10
mV per LSB

Main menu/Settings/General Settings/Analog modules/3PhaseAnalogGroup/

Here, settings for the Fourier filters, the minimum system voltage required to
measure frequency, the item designation of CTs or VTs, and the system voltage are
set. These settings are required by the preprocessing blocks and are usually only
adjusted during the initial engineering phase.

Main menu/Setting/General Settings/Analog modules/


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Section 9 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Read and change settings

Here is where the settings for the summation block are done. The summation type,
Fourier filter reference frequency, minimum voltage for frequency measurement
and the system voltage are some of the parameters that can be set here.

Settings/General Settings/Analog modules/Reference channel service values

The phase angle reference is set here. I/O modules

Main menu/Settings/General Settings/I/O Modules

Settings for binary inputs and outputs (BIM, BOM, IOM), and under each binary
module there are one or more adjustable parameters. In the I/O modules folder
there is also a “reconfigure” setting that starts a dialog box prompting the user to
confirm or cancel the command. Since only I/O modules installed in the IED are
shown, the parameters available for setting depend on the physical configuration of
the IED. All I/O modules include the operation parameter which enables the
operator to switch the module on or off.

The milliampere modules (MIMs) are also found in the I/O Modules folder.
Parameters possible to set here are dead band settings and various current threshold

9.2.4 HMI Overview

Under HMI in General settings there are submenus for LEDs, Screen, Functions,
Reference channel service values and the Change lock function. In the LED
submenu there are settings for operation, illumination times, and sequence types
for the LEDs on the IED front panel. In the Screen submenu Contrast level, Default
screen, Auto repeat and Timeout display can be set. In the Functions submenu the
Event list sorting order and Distance presentation can be set. LEDs

Settings/General settings/HMI/LEDs
Parameters such as Operation, tRstart, tMax and 15 instances of SeqTypeLED can
be set here. The SeqTypeLED offers several options for the type of illumination
sequence the LEDs should follow. Screen

Main menu/Settings/General Settings/HMI/Screen

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 9
Read and change settings

Local HMI setting parameters such as Language, Contrast level and Default menu
can be set here. Functions

Main menu/Settings/General Settings/HMI/Functions

The settings here are used to determine the way information is presented in the HMI. Change lock

Main menu/Settings/General settings/HMI/Change lock

The operation of the Change lock function can be activated or deactivated here.

9.2.5 Differential protection Overview

This group of settings covers differential protection of transformers. The system

needs rated data to function properly. If the protection object is for example, a
transformer, the rated current and voltage per winding as well as other relevant data
will be needed. The submenus under differential protection contain many other
settable parameters such as connection type (line side or busbar side), tap positions,
CT ratings etc. The data required depends on the protected object. Transformer differential protection, two winding T2WPDIF

Main menu/Settings/GeneralSettings/Differential protection/

Parameters for available instances of T2WPDIF can be set here. These include the
rated voltages and currents for windings, the connection types, the current
transformer ratings and various other parameters. Transformer differential protection, three winding T3WPDIF

Main menu/Settings/General settings/ Differential protection/

Parameters for T3WPDIF can be set here. These include rated voltages and
currents, connection types (Y, D), current transformer ratings and various other

Operator's manual
Section 9 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Read and change settings

9.2.6 Control Apparatus control

Under Control in General settings, parameters for Apparatus control can be
adjusted. These are the parameters for among others Bay control, Switch controller,
Reservation input, Circuit breakers and Circuit switches. The parameters include
delay times, dependencies, pulse times and characteristics.

Bay control QCBAY

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Control/ApparatusControl/
Displays up to six instances of the bay control function QCBAY with a setting that
gives the local operator priority over the remote operator or vice versa.

Bay reserve QCRSV

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Control/ApparatusControl/
Displays up to four instances of the bay reserve function QCRSV with nine
parameter settings. The first is for setting the supervision time to cancel a
reservation and the other eight are for the reservation of the own bay only at the
selection of an apparatus.

Circuit breaker SXCBR

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Control/ApparatusControl/
Displays available instances of the circuit breaker function with parameter settings
SXCBR for various time limits and pulse lengths. For example, different circuit
breakers may require different pulse lengths to react. The setting tOpenPulse is
used to set the length of the pulse required to open a breaker.

Circuit switch SXSWI

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Control/ApparatusControl/
Displays available instances of the circuit switch function SXSWI with a number
of settable parameters per instance for time and pulse settings, output reset and
switch type.

Local/Remote switch LocalRemote, LocRemControl

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Control/ApparatusControl/

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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 9
Read and change settings

Displays available instances of the local/remote function LocalRemote,

LocRemControl that permit the user to set the control mode.

Reservation input RESIN

Main menu/Settings/General Settings/Control/Apparatus Control/
Displays available instances of the Reservation input function RESIN with one
settable parameter per function for future use.

Switch controller SCSWI

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Control/ApparatusControl/
Displays instances of the switch controller function SCSWI with eight settable
parameters. These are settings for the control model, position dependency and
various threshold times. Control commands

Automation bits, command function for DNP3.0 (AutomationBits)

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Control/Commands/Automation bits/
A parameter to enable or disable the function is available.

Single command SINGLECMD

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Control/Commands/SingleCommand/
The mode for single command is set here.

Logic rotating switch SLGGIO

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Control/Commands/
A number of selector switches SLGGIO can be configured in the system. These are
substitutes for rotating physical switches. The parameter setting StopAt Extremesis
used to disable or enable the end position of the switch.

Versatile switch VSGGIO

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Control/Commands/VersatileSwitch/
Parameters such as control model according to IEC61850 and operation mode for
the versatile switch is set here.

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Tap changer control and supervision TCMYLTC

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Control/TransformerTapControl(YLTC,
Tap changer parameters such as tap positions for low and high voltage and type of
code conversion are set here.

Tap changer control and supervision TCLYLTC

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Control/TransformerTapControl(YLTC,
Tap changer parameters such as tap positions for low and high voltage and type of
code conversion are set here.

Automatic voltage control for tapchanger, parallel control TR8ATCC

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Control/
Transformer voltage control parameters such as transformer name, transformer
reactance and selections for alarm and block functions are set here.

Automatic voltage control for tapchanger, single control TR1ATCC

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Control/TransformerVoltage
Transformer voltage control parameters such as transformer name, transformer
reactance and selections for alarm and block functions are set here. Synchrocheck and energizing check SESRSYN

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Control/Synchronizing(RSYN,25)/

Displays available instances of the synchrocheck function SESRSYN with several
settings per instance. There are settings for operation, voltage differences and
limits, time delays etc.

9.2.7 Monitoring Overview

Under monitoring there are parameters for setting Service values, current phasors,
Voltage phasors, Disturbance reports and the Measured value expander block. Service values CVMMXN

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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 9
Read and change settings

Main menu/Settings/General Settings/Monitoring/ServiceValues(MMXN)/

Displays available instances of CVMMXN. Current phasors CMMXU

Main menu/Settings/General Settings/Monitoring/CurrentPhasors(MMXU)/

Displays available instances of the current phasor function CMMXU with output
regarding current amplitude, current range, phase angle, zero sequence current
magnitude and negative sequence current magnitude. Voltage phasors VMMXU/VNMMXU

Main menu/Settings/General Settings/Monitoring/VoltagePhasors(MMXU)/

Displays available instances of the voltage phasor function VMMXU with output
data for phase to phase voltage, (amplitude, phase angle). The setting parameters
for supervision levels, deadband etc. are set here

Main menu/Settings/General Settings/Monitoring/VoltagePhasors(NMMXU)/

Displays available instances of the voltage phasor function VNMMXU with output
data for phase to earth voltage, (amplitude, phase angle). The setting parameters for
supervision levels, deadband etc. are set here. Current sequence components CMSQI

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Monitoring/Current sequence

The current sequence components are where the user sets the limits and deadband
settings for current sequence components. The designation for zero sequence
current is 3I0, for positive sequence current it is I1 and for negative sequence
current it is I2.

There are sets of settings with some categories of parameter settings per set
instance of CMSQI. Voltage sequence components VMSQI

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Monitoring/

The voltage sequence components are where the user sets the limits and deadband
settings for voltage sequence components. The designation for zero sequence

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Section 9 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Read and change settings

voltage is 3U0, for positive sequence voltage is U1 and for negative sequence
voltage is U2.

There are sets of settings with some categories of parameter settings per set
instance of VMSQI Disturbance report DRPRDRE

Main menu/Settings/General Settings/Monitoring/Disturbance Report/

Displays available settings.

Binary signals
Main menu/Settings/General settings/Monitoring/Disturbance report/Binary
signals(RBDR)/Channel xx-yy
There are some groups of several channels with several binary outputs per channel.
Each channel has some settable parameters. These are operation, trig level,
indication MA and set LED.

Analog signals
Main menu/Settings/General settings/Monitoring/Disturbance report/Analog
signals(RADR)/Channel xx-yy
There are some groups of a number of channels with a number of analog signals
per channel. Each signal has some settable parameters such as operation, Nominal
value and trig values. Generic measured value MVGGIO

Main menu/Settings/General Settings/Monitoring/

Displays available instances of settings for the Measured value function MVGGIO
with a number of settable parameters. These settings are used to define the range of
values used in the function block and to set the threshold values. This is a generic
function and therefore the input values depend on the application. Event function

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Monitoring/EventFunction/EVENT:x

The Event function menu consists of several sets of settable parameters EVENT
where the SPA channel mask, LON channel mask, Event mask and minimum
repetition interval can be set.

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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 9
Read and change settings Logical signal status report BINSTATREP

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Monitoring/BinarySignalStatusReport/

The Binary signal status report BINSTATREP settings consist of some sets of
settable parameters with one settable parameter per instance. IEC 60870–5–103

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Monitoring/IEC 60870–5–103

The IEC 60870–5–103 part of the settings menu is divided into two separate
submenus. These are Measurements and Disturbance report. In the Measurements
menu there are four sets of measurement settings, one with standard settings and
three with user defined settings. The standard settings include some standard
service value thresholds.

In the Disturbance report menu Binary signal parameters on up to 96 channels are


9.2.8 Metering Overview

Under metering there are settings for the Pulse counter function. There are some
instances of the Pulse counter function. Each instance can be switched on or off
and a number of parameters can be adjusted. Pulse counter logic PCGGIO

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Metering/PulseCounter(PCGGIO)/

In the Pulse counter PCGGIO folder there are a number of instances of the pulse
counter function PCGGIO. Each instance has a setting and some settable
parameters. The setting Operation is used to turn the function on or off. The
parameters are adjusted to change cycle times, pulse counter criteria and the like. Function for energy calculation and demand handling ETPMMTR

Main menu/Settings/General settings/Metering/ThreePhEnergMeas(MMTR)/

Parameters for activating the function, activate accumulation of energy values,
selection of time interval for energy calculation and forward/reverse pulse
quantities for accumulated energy values are found here.

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9.3 Setting group N

9.3.1 Overview
There are some default setting groups. Under general settings, parameters in these
groups can be changed to suit the needs of an application. The default settings have
been chosen according to established practice in the industry but will usually
require a certain amount of adjustment to suit the requirements of individual

9.3.2 Differential protection Overview

The settings available for differential protection in Setting group N are not the
same as those under General settings. The main difference is that settings in the
Setting group N category can be changed on the fly without the IED requiring a
restart. A dialog box appears when attempting to make changes to setting group N.
Choose OK to proceed, or cancel to abort. Transformer differential protection, two winding T2WPDIF

Main menu/Settings/Setting group N/Differential protection/

There are a number of possible settings for T2WPDIF . These are used to adjust the
limits on the curve determining the operation of the function. The slope of the
curve in section two and section three of the curve can be adjusted and the end
points of section one and section two can be set along the Ibias axis. The slope of
the curve in sections two and three can also be adjusted. The unrestrained limit for
the operation of the protection can be set as a multiple of rated current for winding
one. The cross blocking function that enables a blocking condition on one phase to
prevent a trip even if a trip signal is generated by another phase, can be set on or off. Transformer differential protection, three winding T3WPDIF

Main menu/Settings/Setting group N/Differential protection/

Displays available instances of T3WPDIF with a number of settings each. The
settings for this function are identical to "Transformer differential protection, two
winding T2WPDIF" Restricted earth fault protection REFPDIF

Main menu/Settings/Setting group N/Differential protection/


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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 9
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Displays available instances of REFPDIF with some settings per instance. These
are for the Current transformer ratios, operation, rated current Ibaseoperate angle
of the zero sequence directional feature and Idmin which is a percentage of Ibase
and is the current threshold in section one of the characteristic slope. High impedance differential protection HZPDIF

Main menu/Settings/Setting group N/Differential protection/

Displays available instances of HZPDIF with settings for operation, the alarm
voltage level [V] on the CT secondary side, the time delay to activate the alarm, the
operating voltage level [V] on the secondary side of the CT and the value of the
series resistor in [Ω].

9.3.3 Impedance protection Overview

Under Impedance protection there are settings for Distance zones, Phase selection,
directional impedance, Power swing detection, and Automatic switch onto fault
protection. Each instance of a function can be switched on or off with the operation
parameter and the remaining parameter settings like rated current and voltage are
data required for the function to operate. Full-scheme distance protection, mho characteristic ZMHPDIS

Main menu/Settings/Setting group N/Impedance Protection/

Displays available adjustable parameters. These include the impedance and timer
settings. Distance protection zones, quadrilateral characteristics ZMQPDIS,


Main menu/Settings/Setting group N/Impedance protection/

Main menu/Settings/Setting group N/Impedance protection/
Displays available adjustable parameters. These include the [Ω] per phase for
resistive and reactive reach as well as the [Ω] per loop for phase to phase, and
phase to earth fault resistance. Zones can also be set on or off.

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Section 9 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Read and change settings Distance protection zones, quadrilateral characteristics for series

compensated lines ZMCPDIS, ZMCAPDIS

Main menu/Settings/Setting group N/Impedance protection/

Main menu/Settings/Setting group N/Impedance protection/
Displays available adjustable parameters. These include the ohm per phase for
resistive and reactive reach as well as the ohm per loop for phase to phase, and
phase to earth fault resistance. Zones can also be set on or off. Distance protection zone, quadrilateral characteristic, separate


Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Impedance protection/

DistanceZones(PDIS, 21)/ZMRPDIS:1
Displays instance of ZMRPDIS for zone 1 with a large number of settings per

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Impedance protection/

DistanceZones(PDIS, 21)/ZMRAPDIS:x
Displays instances of ZMRAPDIS for zone 2-5 of with a large number of settings
per instance. Fullscheme distance protection, quadrilateral for earth faults


Main menu/Setting/Setting Group N/Impedance protection/

Main menu/Setting/Setting Group N/Impedance protection/
Displays available adjustable parameters. These include the resistive and reactive
reach, fault resistance, minimum operate current and timer setting. Faulty phase identification with load enchroachment FMPSPDIS

Main menu/Settings/Setting group N/Impedance protection/

Includes current and voltage level settings.

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Read and change settings Phase selection, quadrilateral characteristic with fixed angle


Main menu/Settings/Setting group N/Impedance protection/

Displays available settings including minimum operating current for both phase-
phase and phase-earth fault loops. Phase selection, quadrilateral characteristic with settable angle


Settings/Setting Group N/Impedance protection/PhaseSelections(PDIS,21)/

Displays instances of FRPSPDIS. Phase preference logic PPLPHIZ

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Impedance protection/

Parameters such as operation mode, voltage and current levels as well as timer
setting are found here. Directional impedance quadrilateral ZDRDIR

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Impedance protection/

DirectionalImpedance (RDIR)/ZDRDIR:x
Includes settings for base current, voltage and impedance direction angles. Directional impedance element for mho characteristics ZDMRDIR

Main menu/Settings/Setting group N/Impedance protection/Directional

Includes settings for base current, voltage and impedance direction angles. Directional impedance quadrilateral, including series compensation


Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Impedance protection/

Includes the impedance and angle settings.

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Section 9 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Read and change settings Additional distance protection directional function for earth faults


Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Impedance protection/

Includes settings for minimum operate currents, polarizing mode and angles for
directional measurement. Mho impedance supervision logic ZSMGAPC

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Impedance protection/

Parameters for current and voltage change levels are set here. Pole slip protection PSPPPAM

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Impedance protection/PoleSlip(PPAM,

Measurement mode, impedance settings and other pole slip protection parameters
are found here. Power swing detection ZMRPSB

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Impedance protection/

Includes settings for operation, reactive and resistive boundaries, various timers,
base settings for current levels and several others. Power swing logic ZMRPSL

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Impedance protection/

Timers are set here.

9.3.4 Current protection Overview

Under Current protection there are settings for Instantaneous phase overcurrent,
Phase overcurrent four step, Instantaneous residual overcurrent, Residual
overcurrent four step, Thermal overload with one time constant, Thermal overload
with two time constants, Pole discordance and Breaker failure. There are several
instances of each function with parameter settings for rated data, operation and

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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 9
Read and change settings

many others. The thermal overload functions have temperature threshold settings
as well as many others necessary for adapting the function to a particular application. Breaker failure protection CCRBRF

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Current protection/

Displays some instances of CCRBRF with several settings per instance. Settings
include operation, base current, function mode, operation mode of retrip logic, time
delays and several others. Broken conductor check BRCPTOC

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Current protection/

Includes current and timer settings. Capacitor bank protection CBPGAPC

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Current protection/

Displays some instances of CBPGAPC. Directional over-power protection GOPPDOP

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Current protection/

Includes power, angle and calibration factor settings. Directional under-power protection GUPPDUP

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Current protection/

Includes power, angle and calibration factor settings. Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection PHPIOC

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Current protection/

Displays some instances of PHPIOC with some settable parameters per instance.
Operation mode, operate current multiplier, operation on or off, operate phase
current level as a percentage of IBase, and IBase itself are the settable parameters
available here.

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Section 9 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Read and change settings Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection EFPIOC

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Current protection/

Displays some instances of EFPIOC with settable parameters per instance. The
settable parameters are operation (On or Off), base setting for current magnitude,
the threshold current as a percentage of IBase, and the multiplier for the current
threshold level. Negativ sequence time overcurrent protection for machines NS2PTOC

Main menu/Settings/Setting group N/Current protection/

Displays instances of NS2PTOC. Four step directional negative phase sequence overcurrent

protection NS4PTOC

Main menu/Settings/Setting group N/Current protection/

Displays instances of NS4PTOC. Four step phase overcurrent protection OC4PTOC

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Current protection/

Displays some instances of OC4PTOC each with several settings. The settings
range from base current and voltage settings to parameters for customer
programmable curves. Pole discordance protection CCRPLD

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Current protection/

Displays instances of CCRPLD with some settings per instance. The settings are
for operation, base current, trip time delay, contact function selection, current
function selection, asymmetrical magnitude of current and current release threshold. Four step residual overcurrent protection EF4PTOC

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Current protection/


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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 9
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Displays some instances of EF4PTOC with a large number of settings per instance.
Typical settings are those for harmonic restraint, minimum fundamental frequency
current level, base settings for current and voltage and several others. Sensitive directional residual over current and power protection


Main menu/Settings/Setting group N/Current protection/

Includes voltage, current, operation mode and timer settings. Thermal overload protection, one time constant LPTTR

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Current protection/

Displays available instances of LPTTR with a number of settings per instance.
Typical settings are the hysteresis for start temperature, pulse length for operate
output, ambient temperature settings and so forth. Thermal overload protection, two time constants TRPTTR

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Current protection/

Displays some instances of TRPTTR with several settable parameters per instance.
Typical settings are length of pulse for trip signal, reference current as a percentage
of the base system current and several other related settings.

9.3.5 Voltage protection Overview

For Voltage protection there are settings for Under-voltage, Over-voltage, Residual
over-voltage and Overexcitation protection. There are three instances of parameters
in each category except in the case of Overexcitation which has two instances.
Each instance consists of a number of parameters that make it possible to switch
the function On or Off, set rated quantities or make other adjustments necessary for
the fine tuning of the function itself. Loss of voltage check LOVPTUV

Main menu/Setting/Setting Group N/Voltage protection/LossOfVoltage(PTUV,

Parameters for voltages and timers are set here.

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Section 9 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Read and change settings Overexcitation protection OEXPVPH

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Voltage protection/

Displays settable parameters for operation, rated current and voltage, time delays
for user designed curves and several other related settings. Two step overvoltage protection OV2PTOV

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Voltage protection/

Displays several settable parameters including settings for IDMT curves and other
function related settings. Two step residual overvoltage protection ROV2PTOV

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Voltage protection/

Displays up to several settable parameters for characteristics and many related
parameters. Two step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Voltage protection/

Displays available settable parameters. The operation mode, the operate voltage as
percentage of Ubase are examples of the settings available here. Voltage differential protection VDCPTOV

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Voltage protection/VoltageDiff(PTOV,

Includes settings for voltage difference and timers.

9.3.6 Frequency protection Overview

For Frequency protection there are settings for Underfrequency, Overfrequency

and Rate of change of frequency. Each category has some instances of parameters.
All functions can be set On or Off and have a number of other settable parameters
such as rated voltage and time delay before tripping.

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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 9
Read and change settings Overfrequency protection SAPTOF

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group/Frequency protection/

Displays available instances of SAPTOF with a number of settings per instance.
The settings are operation, start frequency, base voltage setting, internal blocking
level, operate time delay and reset time delay. For the Overfrequency function to
operate correctly the Operation setting must be On. Rate-of-change frequency protection SAPFRC

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Frequency protection/

Displays available instances of SAPFRC with some settings per instance. The
settings include parameters such as operation, base voltage setting, start frequency,
internal blocking level, time delay to trip and frequency restoration. Underfrequency protection SAPTUF

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Frequency protection/

Displays available instances of SAPTUF with a number of settings per instance.
These include parameters like operation, base voltage, and start frequency. To
ensure the proper operation of the Underfrequency function the Operation setting
must be On.

9.3.7 Multipurpose protection Overview

Under Multipurpose protection there are several instances of General current and
voltage parameters. This function has current and voltage inputs. The parameters
available are based on the data from these inputs. Within each instance operation
for the included functions can be set to On or Off and a large number of parameters
can be set. General current and voltage protection CVGAPC

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Multipurpose protection/

Displays available instances of CVGAPC with several settable parameters per
instance. These settings are available for the user defined functions configured with
the help of the Multipurpose protection function.

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Section 9 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Read and change settings

9.3.8 Scheme communication Overview

Under Scheme communication there are settings for Zone scheme communication,
Zone current reversal, Local acceleration logic, EF Scheme communication and EF
Current reversal weak end infeed. In each category the function can be switched
On or Off and time delays, ratings and parameters can be set. Current reversal and weak-end infeed logic for residual overcurrent
protection ECRWPSCH

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Scheme communication/

Displays available settable parameters including operation, rated values, time data
and other related settings. Scheme communication logic for residual overcurrent protection


Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Scheme communication/

Displays setting parameters for operation, scheme type and coordination time.

9.3.9 Secondary system supervision Overview

Under Secondary circuit supervision there are settings for Current circuit
supervision and Fuse failure. There are five instances of Current circuit supervision
with parameters for minimum operation current, rated current and operation. There
are six instances of Fuse failure supervision parameters for setting rated current,
voltage, operation mode and several other parameters. Current circuit supervision CCSRDIF

Main menu/Settings/Setting group N/Secondary system supervision/

Displays available instances of CCSRDIF with some settings per instance. There
are settings for operation, base current setting, blocking of function, and minimum
threshold for current differential.

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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 9
Read and change settings Fuse failure supervision SDDRFUF

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Secondary system supervision/

Displays available instances of SDDRFUF with several settings per instance. There
are parameters for operation, various thresholds and base values.

9.3.10 Control Overview

Under Control in the Setting group N menu settings for Synchrocheck, are
available. Some instances of settings are available meaning that the settings for all
available apparatuses can be made here. The synchrocheck settings include the
selection of voltage from busses or lines and the configuration parameters for
circuit breakers. Synchrocheck and energizing check SESRSYN

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Control/Synchronizing(RSYN,25)/

Displays available instances of the synchrocheck function SESRSYN with several
settings per instance. There are settings for operation, voltage differences and
limits, time delays etc. Tap changer control and supervision, 6 binary inputs TCMYLTC

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Control/TransformerTapControl(YLTC,

Parameters such as base current, tap changer time out and raise/lower command
pulse duration are set here. Tap changer control and supervision, 32 binary inputs TCLYLTC

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Control/TransformerTapControl(YLTC,

Parameters such as base current, tap changer time out and raise/lower command
pulse duration are set here. Automatic voltage control for tapchanger, single control TR1ATCC

Settings/Setting Group N/Control/TransformerVoltageControl(ATCC,90)/


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Section 9 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
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Parameters for current and voltage levels, deadbands, timers and alarm levels are
found here. Automatic voltage control for tapchanger, parallel control TR8ATCC

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Control/

Parameters for current and voltage levels, deadbands, timers and alarm levels are
found here.

9.3.11 Monitoring Overview

Event counter settings are found under Monitoring in the Setting Group N menu. Event counter CNTGGIO

Main menu/Setting/Setting group N/Monitoring/EventCounter(GGIO)/

Here the function can be set on or off.

9.3.12 Logic Overview

Under Logic there are settings for Trip logic, Trip matrix, Logic gate, Logic SR
memory and Logic timer set. Under each of these function categories there are a
number of instances, each with a parameter set. Tripping logic SMPPTRC

Main menu/Settings/Setting group N/Logic/TripLogic(PTRC,94)/SMPPTRC:x

Displays available instances of the trip logic function SMPPTRCwith some settable
parameters per instance. The settable parameters include operation, tripping order,
trip lockout and minimum duration of trip output signal. Trip matrix logic TMAGGIO

Main menu/Settings/Setting group N/Logic/TripMatrix(GGIO)/TMAGGIO:x

Displays available instances of the trip logic function TMAGGIO, each with
settable parameters for operation, selections, delay times, and pulse times.

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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 9
Read and change settings LogicGate

Main menu/Settings/Setting group N/Logic/LogicGate/GATE:x

Displays parameter settings for Operation (On or Off). LogicRSMemory

Main menu/Settings/Setting group N/Logic/LogicRSMemory/RSMEMORY:x

Displays setting parameters for operating mode of memory function. LogicSRMemory

Main menu/Settings/Setting group N/Logic/LogicSRMemory/SRMEMORY:x

Displays setting parameters for operating mode of memory function. LogicTimerSet

Main menu/Settings/Setting Group N/Logic/LogicTimerSet/TIMERSET:x

Displays settable parameters for Operation (On or Off) and delay for settable timer.

9.4 Activate setting group

Main menu/Settings/Activate setting group

Available setting groups can be configured in PCM600. Under activate setting
group one of these setting groups can be chosen for the application at hand.

9.5 Language

Under the language part of the main menu the language options available in the
HMI are located. These vary depending on the configuration ordered.

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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 10
Diagnose IED status

Section 10 Diagnose IED status

About this chapter

This chapter describes where in the HMI tree to find the cause of an internal IED
failure and information about the IED as such.

10.1 Read internal events

Main menu/Diagnostics/Internal events

Internal events in the diagnostics menu of the HMI tree shows a time stamped list
of events. These are events internal to the IED and can be used as reference when
troubleshooting the system.

10.2 Find available functions

Under general in IED status the functional readiness and status of cards and
applications can be viewed.

Main menu/Diagnostics/IED status/General

Messages such as On, Ready and Fail indicate the status of each item on the list.

To identify the type of IED you are confronted with, navigate to identifiers using
the keypad. The path to identity parameters is shown below.

Main menu/Diagnostics/IED status/Product identifiers

Under product identifiers, information about the type of IED, the IED main
function, the serial number of the IED, its order number and production date are found.

By following the menu path below the configuration of all hardware in the IED is
displayed as a list.

Main menu/ Diagnostics/IED status/Installed HW

The list includes the slot number, the module name (Card) and its article number.

By following the menu path below the status signals of the merging units are listed.

Main menu/Diagnostics/IED status/Merging units/MergingUnit:x

The list includes all the status signals of each merging unit.

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Section 10 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Diagnose IED status

Main menu/ Diagnostics/Communication/Front port

Displays various communication status signals for front port communication.

Main menu/ Diagnostics/Communication/Rear OEM - port AB

Displays various communication status signals for rear AB port communication.

Main menu/ Diagnostics/Communication/Rear OEM - port CD

Displays various communication status signals for rear CD port communication.

Main menu/ Diagnostics/Communication/Redundant PRP

Displays communication status for redundant station bus communication.

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 11
Test the IED

Section 11 Test the IED

About this chapter

This chapter describes the tests that can be performed in the test section of the HMI.

11.1 Overview

The test part of the tree view in the HMI has a number of submenus for test and
viewing activities. When the IED Testmode is set to On, the functions are
deactivated and no signals are transmitted during testing. Under Function test
modes individual functions can be activated. The LED test is also activated here.

The submenus for binary inputs and outputs as well as the submenu titled Function
status are used to view data generated by the system. These categories of data are
outlined below.

1. Binary output values has two submenus. These are Binary output modules
(BOM) and SMT binary outputs. Under these the status of binary outputs and
SMT outputs is displayed.
2. Binary input values has two submenus. These are Binary input modules (BIM)
and SMT binary inputs. These screens show the state of all the inputs on the
Binary input modules (BIM). These are represented as digits but may also be a
number if the input is being used to receive pulses for power measurement.
3. Differential Protection displays a choice of differential functions available to
the operator. Function related measurements can be viewed by navigating to
the screen for each individual function.
4. Distance protection displays a choice of functions available to the operator.
Function related measurements can be viewed by navigating to the screen for
each individual function.
5. Current protection displays a choice of functions. To view data related to these
functions it is necessary to choose one from the list and navigate to the screen
for the function in question.
6. Voltage protection displays a choice of functions available to the operator.
Function related measurements can be viewed by navigating to the screen for
each of the four functions available. Data shown here is mainly trip and start
7. Frequency protection includes measurements from frequency functions.
Measurements show trip, start and similar data.
8. Multipurpose protection includes measurements showing data regarding trip
signals, start signals, current and voltage values.
9. Secondary system supervision displays a choice of functions, Current circuit
supervision and Fuse failure. Current circuit measurements include fail and
alarm signals, and fuse failure measurements consist of start data.

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Section 11 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Test the IED

10. Control displays the Synchrocheck, and Apparatus control functions. The
Synchrocheck functions include a number of function related measurements
such as calculated differences. Apparatus control includes up to 19 functions
each with their own set of measurement data regarding interlocking, breaker
and isolator conditions.
11. Scheme communication includes functions that display trip and other signals
used when interzone communication is deployed.
12. Logic displays a choice of functions available to the operator. These are Trip
logic, Event counter, Logic gate, Logic memory and Logic timer set each with
their own set of measurements.
13. Monitoring displays a choice of functions available to the operator. Function
related measurements can be viewed by navigating to the screen for each
individual function. One of the submenus shows the status of the LEDs on the
14. Communication displays submenus for Remote communication and Station
communication including Receiving interlock information.

All measurement descriptions in this document reflect the maximum number of

hardware units possible in any application. In reality the hardware in the IED will
be chosen according to a particular application. For example, it is possible to equip
a 1/1 x 19” case IED with 14 I/O modules. In reality fewer I/O modules may be
installed. In the measurements menu the operator will only see data from the
hardware and software installed.

11.2 IED test mode

Main menu/Test/IED test mode

Displays a setting which is used to activate and deactivate functions so that tests
can be performed without endangering system stability and a setting with which
events can be enabled or disabled.

11.3 View binary input values

11.3.1 Overview
Binary input values display the state of each individual input in the Binary input
modules (BIM). These are indicated with a 1 or 0 depending on whether a signal is
present or not. Binary input modules with enhanced pulse counting capabilities can
receive pulses used for power measurement. The number of pulses received is used
to measure power. Binary Input Module BIM

Main menu/Test/Binary input values/Binary input modules

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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 11
Test the IED

Displays available binary input modules with several binary values per module. Signal matrix for binary input SMBI

Main menu/Test/Binary Input Values/SMT binary inputs/Instance:x

Displays available instances of SMT binary inputs with several inputs per instance.

11.4 View binary output values

11.4.1 Overview
Binary output values show the status of each individual output in the Binary output
module (BOM). If the signal matrix tool is used binary outputs are depicted as
virtual outputs. Note, that only modules installed in the IED are shown in the HMI. Binary Output Module BOM

Main menu/Test/Binary output values/Binary output modules

Displays available binary output modules BOM. The status and name of each
binary outputs that each module has are displayed here. The name of each output is
user defined string. The names of binary outputs are changed in the setting menu. Signal matrix for binary outputs SMBO

Main menu/Test/Binary output values/SMT binary outputs

Displays available sets of binary output values. Each set or instance of binary
outputs displays the status of all individual binary outputs.

11.5 Function test modes

11.5.1 Overview
With the IED, in test mode the different protections (except line differential
protection) can be individually released for test here. Events can be disabled or

11.5.2 Differential protection

Main menu/Test/Function test modes/Differential protection
Test of the low and high impedance restricted earth fault protection as well as
transformer differential protection testing.

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Section 11 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Test the IED

11.5.3 Impedance protection

Main menu/Test/Function test mode/Impedance protection
Test of switch onto fault logic, distance protection zones one to five, local
acceleration logic, power swing detection and phase selection with load

11.5.4 Current protection

Main menu/Test/Function test modes/Current protection
Test of breaker failure protection, phase overcurrent protection,residual overcurrent
protection instantaneous phase overcurrent protection,pole discordance
protection,instantaneous residual overcurrent protection, thermal overload

11.5.5 Voltage protection

Main menu/Test/Function test modes/Voltage protection
Test of two step overvoltage, two step undervoltage and two step residual
overvoltage protection as well as overexcitation protection.

11.5.6 Frequency protection

Main menu/Test/Function test modes/Frequency protection
Test of up to six instances of rate of change of frequency.

11.5.7 Multipurpose protection

Main menu/Test/Function test modes/MultipurposeProtection
Test of up to twelve instances of the general current and voltage function CVGAPC.

11.5.8 Scheme communication

Main menu/Test/Function test modes/Scheme communication
Test of scheme communication logic, for residual overcurrent protection and
distance protection, as well as current reversal and weak end infeed logic, for
distance protection and residual overcurrent protection.

11.5.9 Secondary system protection

Main menu/Test/Function test modes/Secondary system supervision

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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 11
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Test of current circuit supervision and fuse failure supervision.

11.5.10 Control
Main menu/Test/Function test modes/Control
Test of synchrocheck and energizing check function.

11.5.11 Monitoring
Main menu/Test/Function test modes/Monitoring
Test of monitoring functions such as event counter and disturbance report.

11.5.12 Logic
Main menu/Test/Function test modes/Logic
Test of trip logic and event counter functions.

11.6 Function status

11.6.1 Overview
In the Function status section of the Test menu, data useful to the user in Test mode
can be found. The information available here is not limited to test applications
alone and provides information about the system as a whole.

11.6.2 Differential protection

The quantities and measurements for differential protections are accessed via the
HMI paths provided below. The measurement outputs shown here include various
trip and start signals. The magnitude of the differential currents are shown here. Transformer differential protection, two winding T2WPDIF

Main menu/Test/Function status/Differential protection/

Displays available instances of T2WPDIF with several measured values each. The
data available here ranges from the general common trip signal to the magnitude of
the bias current. The magnitude of the second and fifth harmonic differential
current for all phases, block signals and start signals make up the bulk of the data
presented in this view.

Operator's manual
Section 11 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Test the IED Transformer differential protection, three winding T3WPDIF

Main menu/Test/Function status/Differential protection/

Displays up to two instances of T3WPDIF with several measured values each. The
data output here is identical to that shown in section "Transformer differential
protection, two winding T2WPDIF" of this document. Restricted earth fault protection, low impedance REFPDIF

Main menu/Test/Function status/Differential protection/LowImpREF(PDIF,

Displays available instances of REFPDIF with several measurements per instance.
The data available for this function includes Trip by the restricted earth fault
protection function, start, operation of directional criteria due to internal fault,
block due to second harmonic, start of switch onto fault, activation of second
harmonic analysis, various fault detection indicators and the magnitude various
current values. High impedance differential protection HZPDIF

Main menu/Test/Function status/Differential protection/

Displays available instances of HZPDIF with some measurements per instance.
These are the trip signal, the alarm signal and the measured RMS voltage on the
secondary side of the CT.

11.6.3 Impedance protection

Impedance protection values are viewable in the submenus of the Impedance
protection folder in the HMI. Information such as trip and start signals, trip output,
trip categories etc. is provided. Full-scheme distance protection, mho characteristic ZMHPDIS

Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance Protection/MhoDistance(PDIS,

Displays the output data of the selected ZMHPDIS instance. Distance protection zone, quadrilateral characteristic ZMQPDIS,


Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance Protection/DistanceZones(PDIS,


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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 11
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Displays instances of ZMQPDIS for zone 1. The output quantities shown here
indicate trip and start signal status.

Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance Protection/DistanceZones(PDIS,

Displays available instance of ZMQAPDIS for zones 2-5. The output quantities
shown here indicate trip and start signal status. Distance protection zone, quadrilateral characteristic ZMCPDIS,


Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance Protection/DistanceZones(PDIS,

Displays instances of ZMCPDIS .

Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance Protection/DistanceZones(PDIS,


Displays instances of ZMCAPDIS . Distance protection zone, quadrilateral characteristic, separate


Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance protection/DistanceZones(PDIS,

Displays instance of ZMRPDIS for zone 1 with a large number of settings per

Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance protection/DistanceZones(PDIS,

Displays instances of ZMRAPDIS for zones 2-5 of with a large number of settings
per instance. Fullscheme distance protection, quadrilateral for earth faults


Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance protection/

Displays the output data of ZMMPDIS for zone 1.

Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance protection/

Displays the output data of ZMMAPDIS for zone 2-5.

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Section 11 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Test the IED Faulty phase identification with load enchroachment FMPSPDIS

Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance protection/PhaseSelection(PDIS,

Includes current and voltage level settings. Phase selection with load encroachment FDPSPDIS

Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance Protection/PhaseSelection(PDIS,

Displays one instance of FDPSPDIS with a number of measurements. These
measurements show faults detected per phase as well as start conditions. Phase selection, quadrilateral characteristic with settable angle


Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance protection/PhaseSelection(PDIS,

Displays instances of FRPSPDIS. Phase preference logic PPLPHIZ

Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance protection/

Displays the output data of PPLPHIZ. Directional impedance ZDRDIR

Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance protection/

Displays one instance of ZDRDIR showing one measurement indicating the status
of start signals. Directional impedance element for mho characteristic ZDMRDIR

Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance Protection/

Displays instances of ZDMRDIR .

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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 11
Test the IED Directional impedance quadrilateral, including series compensation


Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance Protection/

Displays instances of ZDSRDIR . Additional distance protection directional function for earth faults


Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance protection/

Displays the output data of ZDARDIR function. Mho Impedance supervision logic ZSMGAPC

Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance protection/

Displays the output data of ZSMGAPC function. Pole slip protection PSPPPAM

Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance protection/PoleSlip(PPAM,78)/

Displays the output data of PSPPPAM . Power swing detection ZMRPSB

Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance protection/

Displays one instance of ZMRPSB with three measurements. These indicate a
power swing and show the measured impedances for the inner and outer impedance
boundaries. Power swing logic ZMRPSL

Main menu/Test/Function status/Impedance protection/

Displays the output data of ZMRPSL.

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11.6.4 Current protection

Viewable data under Current protection consists mainly of trip status data under the
various categories of current protection which include overcurrent protection,
thermal overload, pole discordance and variations of these. Breaker failure protection CCRBRF

Main menu/Test/Function status/Current protection/BreakerFailure(RBRF,

Displays an application dependent number of instances of CCRBRF with some
measurements per instance. The measurement outputs include trip status and faulty
circuit breaker alarm. Broken conductor check BRCPTOC

Main menu/Test/Function status/Current protection/BrokenConductor(PTOC,

Displays the output data of BRCPTOC. Capacitor bank protection CBPGAPC

Main menu/Test/Function status/Current protection/

Displays output data of CBPGAPC. Directional over-power protection GOPPDOP

Main menu/Test/Function status/Current protection/

Displays the output data of GOPPDOP. Directional under-power protection GUPPDUP

Main menu/Test/Function status/Current protection/

Displays the output data of GUPPDUP. Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection PHPIOC

Main menu/Test/Function status/Current protection/


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Displays available instances of PHPIOC with a number of measurements per

instance showing the trip status in general and per phase. Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection EFPIOC

Main menu/Test/Function status/Current protection/

Displays available instances of EFPIOC with one trip value per instance. Negative sequence time overcurrent protection for machines


Main menu/Test/Function status/Current protection/

Displays output data of NS2PTOC. Four step directional negative phase sequence overcurrent

protection NS4PTOC

Main menu/Test/Function status/Current protection/

Displays output data of NS4PTOC. Four step phase overcurrent protection OC4PTOC

Main menu/Test/Function status/Current protection/

Displays available instances of OC4PTOC with several measurements per instance.
These measurements are primarily trip and start signal indications from each phase
and from the various steps in the protection scheme. Pole discordance protection CCRPLD

Main menu/Test/Function status/Current protection/PoleDiscordance(RPLD,

Displays up to two instances of CCRPLD with two measurements per instance
which contain trip and start data. Four step residual overcurrent protection EF4PTOC

Test/Function status/Current protection/ResidualOverCurrent4Step(PTOC,


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Section 11 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
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Displays available instances of EF4PTOC with a number of measurements per

instance. The measurements indicate trip and start signal status as well as the 2nd
harmonic block signal status. Sensitive directional residual over current and power protection


Main menu/Test/Function status/Current protection/

Displays the output data of SDEPSDE. Thermal overload protection, one time constant LPTTR

Main menu/Test/Function status/Current protection/

Displays available instances of LPTTR with a number of measurements per
instance. The measurements show temperature data, trip status, lockout and time to
lockout. Thermal overload protection, two time constants TRPTTR

Main menu/Test/Function status/Current protection/

Displays available instances of TRPTTR with a number of measurements per
instance. The measurements show trip data, start signal status, time to reset, alarm
signals and others.

11.6.5 Voltage protection

The viewable data available under voltage protection are mainly trip related and
comprise data regarding undervoltage, overvoltage, residual overvoltage and
overexcitation. Loss of voltage check LOVPTUV

Main menu/Test/Function status/Voltage protection/LossofVoltage(PTUV,27)/

Displays the output data of LOVPTUV. Overexcitation protection OEXPVPH

Main menu/Test/Function status/Voltage protection/Overexcitation(PVPH,24)/


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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 11
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Displays available instances of OEXPVPH with a number of measurements per

instance. These measurements indicate whether values are out of the measuring
range (ERROR) and if the overexcitation function has caused a trip (TRIP). The
thermal status as a percentage of the trip level and the calculated time to trip are
among the other outputs available here. Two step overvoltage protection OV2PTOV

Main menu/Test/Function status/Voltage protection/OverVoltage2Step(PTOV,

Displays available instances of OV2PTOV with several measurements per
instance. The measurements include operate and start signal data. Two step residual overvoltage protection ROV2PTOV

Main menu/Test/Function status/Voltage protection/

Displays available instances of ROV2PTOV with some measurements per instance.
The measurements include operate/trip and signal data. Two step undervoltage protection UV2PTUV

Main menu/Test/Function status/Voltage protection/

UnderVoltage2Step(PTUV, 27)/UV2PTUV:x
Displays available instances of UV2PTUV with several measurements per
instance. The measurement data includes operate signals and start signals. Voltage differential protection VDCPTOV

Main menu/Test/Function status/Voltage protection/VoltageDiff(PTOV,60)/

Displays the output data of VDCPTOV.

11.6.6 Frequency protection

The measurements generated by the Underfrequency, Overfrequency and Rate-of-
change of frequency functions are available under the paths outlined below. Overfrequency protection SAPTOF

Main menu/Test/Function status/Frequency protection/


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Displays available instances of SAPTOF with some measurements per instance

consisting of trip and start signal status. The start duration as percentage of the total
trip time and a blocking indication as a result of low voltage. Rate-of-change frequency protection SAPFRC

Main menu/Test/Function status/Frequency protection/

Displays available instances of SAPFRC with measurement data for trip and start
signals. There is also a restore signal for load restoring purposes, a start duration
time and a blocking indication caused by a drop in voltage. Underfrequency protection SAPTUF

Main menu/Test/Function status/Frequency protection/

Displays available instances of SAPTUF with some measurements indicating status
of trip, start, restore signals and showing possible blocking due to low amplitude as
well as the start duration as a percentage of the total operation time.

11.6.7 Multipurpose protection

The data generated by the multipurpose function comprises various trip and start
signals, block of second harmonic detection, various measured current values and
the angle between current and voltage. General current and voltage protection CVGAPC

Main menu/Test/Function status/Multipurpose protection/

Displays available instances of CVGAPC with a number of output quantities per
instance. These include error signals from overcurrent functions, trip and start
signals from overcurrent, undercurrent, overvoltage and undervoltage. There is a
block signal caused by second harmonic detection. The directional mode of OC1
and OC2 is shown as is low voltage for directional polarization. The current and
voltage as well as measured current multiplied by cos Phi and the angle between
voltage and current are also shown here.

11.6.8 Scheme communication Current reversal and weak-end infeed logic for residual overcurrent
protection ECRWPSCH

Main menu/Test/Function status/Scheme communication/


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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 11
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Displays one instance of ECRWPSCH with four measurements per instance. Scheme communication logic for residual overcurrent protection


Main menu/Test/Function status/Scheme communication/

Displays available instances of ECPSCH with some measurements indicating
carrier and trip status.

11.6.9 Secondary system supervision

Values for Current circuit supervision and Fuse failure supervision are found under
Secondary circuit supervision. Fail and alarm detection information is available
together with various start and current data. Current circuit supervision CCSRDIF

Main menu/Test/Function status/Secondary system supervision/

Displays available instances of CCSRDIF with a number of measurements per
instance indicating the detection of current circuit failure and alarm operation. Fuse failure supervision SDDRFUF

Main menu/Test/Function status/Secondary system supervision/

Displays available instances of SDDRFUF with some measurements per instance
indicating start status.

11.6.10 Control
There are large amounts of output data from the control functions. The main
categories of data are found under Synchrocheck, and Apparatus control.
Apparatus control has by far the largest amount of data since this includes all the
interlocking information for several different breaker arrangements. Apparatus control

Interlocking SCILO
Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Apparatus control/Interlocking/

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Section 11 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Test the IED

Displays available instances of the function with an open and a close parameter for
each disconnection device. The enable open (EN_OPEN) parameter will have the
output value one if an open operation is allowed and a zero output if an open
operation is not allowed. The conditions for an open operation are if the device is
closed, intermediate or in a bad state as defined in IEC61850. The enable close
(EN_CLOSE) parameter is subject to similar conditions.

Interlock busbar earth switch BB_ES

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Apparatus control/
The information shown here indicates whether or not switching of the earth switch
is permitted and also indicates whether the earth switch QCis in the open or closed

Interlock bus section breaker A1A2_BS

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Apparatus control/
Displays the interlocking conditions that apply to the various switches and breakers.

Interlock bus section disconnect A1A2_DC

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Apparatus control/
Displays conditions for CB opening and closing and the position of the disconnector.

Interlock bus coupler bay ABC_BC

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Apparatus control/
Displays available measurements that indicate conditions for breakers,
disconnectors and earthing switches in the bay

Interlock, one and a half circuit breaker connection BH_CONN

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Apparatus control/
Displays available measurements per CB arrangement IKx showing the conditions
applicable to breakers disconnectors and earth switches in the one and half CB

Interlock, one and a half circuit breaker line A BH_LINE_A

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Apparatus control/

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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 11
Test the IED

Displays available measurements per breaker arrangement (instances of

BH_LINE_AIL). The measurements show the states of the various disconnectors,
breakers and earthing switches.

Interlock one and a half circuit breaker line B BH_LINE_B

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Apparatus control/
Displays available measurements per arrangement (instance of BH_LINE_B)
showing conditions for breakers, disconnectors and earthing switches in the
arrangement. For example QA1CLREL with boolean output 1 means that the
closing of breaker QA1 is permitted. (REL=release, ITL=interlock, OPTR=opened
transmission, CLTR=closed transmission)

Interlock, double circuit breaker bus A DB_BUS_A

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Apparatus control/
The outputs from this function show when closing of disconnectors and breakers is
allowed and when it is not. It also shows whether QB1 is opened or closed and
indicates the validity of its switch status. There are several output values.

Interlock, double circuit breaker bus B DB_BUS_B

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Apparatus control/
The outputs from this function show when closing of disconnectors and breakers is
allowed and when it is not. It also shows whether QB1 is opened or closed and
indicates the validity of its switch status. There are several output values.

Interlock, double circuit breaker line DB_LINE

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Apparatus control/
There are some instances of this function with some outputs per instance showing
whether switching of disconnectors QB9, QC3 and QC9 is permitted.

Interlock line bay ABC_LINE

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Apparatus control/InterlLineBay/
Displays available instances of the function IF with several boolean outputs per
instance. These indicate for which disconnect devices closing and switching of is
allowed and also indicate the status and validity of devices. For example, the
measurement named QB12OPTR indicates whether or not QB1 and QB2 are in the
open position. If the output for this measurement is 1 then QB1 and QB2 are in the
open position. A zero indicates that they are closed.

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Interlock, transformer bay AB_TRAFO

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Apparatus control/
Shows available instances of the function with several measurements per instance.
The measurements indicate which breakers and disconnectors are permitted to open
and/or close, the status of the disconnect devices and switch status validity. For
example, the measurement named VPQB2TR indicates with output value 1 that the
switch status of disconnector QB2 is valid.

Switch controller SCSWI

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Apparatus control/
Displays available instances of the function SCSWI with several measurements per
instance. Apart from position indication and the latest value of the error indication
during command, the majority of the measurements provide boolean output data
indicating the state of processes and devices.

Circuit breaker SXCBR

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Apparatus control/
Displays available instances of the function SXCBR with several measurements
per instance. Apart from apparatus position (POSITION), truck position
(TR_POS), operation counter (CNT_VAL), latest value of error indication
(L_CAUSE) and error indication during command (CAUSE) which have integer
values as outputs, the measurement values are boolean and provide status
information about processes and devices.

Circuit switch SXSWI

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Apparatus control/
Displays available instances of the function with several measurements per
instance. Apart from apparatus position indication (POSITION), the value of the
operation counter (CNT_VAL), the latest value of the error indication during
command (L_CAUSE) and error indication during command (CAUSE) which have
integer outputs, the measurement outputs have boolean values indicating the status
of processes and devices.

Bay reserve QCRSV

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Apparatus control/
Displays available instances of the function QCRSV with several measurements
per instance. Apart from the measurement for exchange signals between different

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Test the IED

BayRes blocks the output values are all boolean and indicate the status of processes
and devices.

Reservation input RESIN

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Apparatus control/ReservationInput/
Displays available instances of the function RESIN with six measurements per
instance. Apart from the exchange measurement (EXCH_OUT), the measurement
outputs are all boolean and provide information about acknowledgements from
other bays, reservation requests form other bays (RE_RQ_B) and also validity
checks regarding requests (V_RE_RQ).

Bay control QCBAY

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/ApparatusControl/BayControl/
Displays available instances of the function QCBAY with three measurements per
instance. The operator place allocation (PSTO) measurement has an integer as
output data, whereas the Update of position is blocked (UPD_BLKD) and Function
is blocked for commands (CMD_BLKD) have boolean output data. Commands

In the commands menu it is possible to view three sets of values. These are found
under the submenus menucascade/uicontrol.

Automation bits, command function for DNP3.0 AutomationBits

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Commands/Automation Bits/
Displays the output data of the AutomationBits function.

Main menu/Test/Function Status/Control/Commands/IEC60870-5-103
Under this part of the HMI tree there are the following three submenus:

• IED Commands
• Function Commands
• User Defined Commands

Various IED, function and user defined command data can be viewed here.

Single command SINGLECMD

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Commands/SingleCommand/

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There are OUT signals under the Single command menu.

Selector switch SLGGIO

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Commands/SelectorSwitch(GGIO)/
An application dependent number of switches can be displayed here. The position
of each switch is indicated here. There are up to a number of possible switch
positions. The number of switches and switch positions is determined by the
configuration in the PCM configuration tool.

Selector mini switch VSGGIO

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Commands/VersatileSwitch/
Displays the output data of the VSGGIO function. IEC61850 generic communication I/O functions DPGGIO

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/DoubelPointIndication(DPGGIO)/

Displays the output data of the DPGGIO function. Synchrocheck and energizing check SESRSYN

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/Synchronizing(RSYN,25)/

Displays available instances of SESRSYN with a number of measurements per
instance. These include information about which lines and buses selected, various
voltage and frequency differences and feedback on synchronization status. Tap changer control and supervision TCMYLTC/TCLYLTC

Main menu/Test/Function status/Control/TransformerTapControl(YLTC,84)/

Main menuTestFunction statusControlTransformerTapControl(YLTC,

Displays data about available instances of tap changer parameters such as tap
positions for low and high voltage and type of code conversion.

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 11
Test the IED Automatic voltage control for tapchanger, single and parallel control

Settings/Test/Function status/Control/TransformerVoltageControl(ATCC,90)/
Settings/Test/Function status/Control/TransformerVoltageControl(ATCC,90)/

Displays parameters for current and voltage levels, deadbands, timers and alarm

11.6.11 Monitoring
Monitoring includes large amounts of viewable data including Disturbance report
data, Service values, Current phasors, Voltage phasors, Milliampere signal level
supervision, Binary signal status report, Events, MVGGIO, MVExpander and LEDs. Logical signal status report BINSTATREP

Main menu/Test/Function status/Monitoring/BinarySignalStatusReport/

Displays sets of output measurements with several outputs per set of measurements. Disturbance report DRPRDRE

Test/Function status/Monitoring/DisturbanceReport(RDRE)
Displays data about disturbance reports. The disturbance report can be switched
off, a disturbance report that has been initiated is indicated by a boolean number, as
are completed reports and cleared reports. The parameter MEM USED indicates
that more than 80% of the memory space available for disturbance report data has
been used and the need to clear the memory is pressing. The Memory USED
parameter generates an integer value showing the actual amount of memory used
by the disturbance record repository. The maximum number of incoming analog
channels is 40 and their Trig status is indicated here. The Fault number parameter
generates an integer indicating the number of faults recorded since the last clearing
of the memory. Event counter CNTGGIO

Main menu/Test/Function status/Monitoring/EventCounter(GGIO)/

Display the output data of the CNTGGIO function.

Operator's manual
Section 11 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Test the IED Generic measured value MVGGIO

Main menu/Test/Function status/Monitoring/GenericMeasuredValue(GGIO)/

Displays the analog output from the MVGGIO block. The value shown here
depends on the settings and the logical configuration of the preprocessing blocks.
The measurement displayed may be current, voltage, frequency, phase angle etc. Global positioning system

Main menu/Test/Function status/Monitoring/GPS

Displays the number of satellites supplying positioning and timing data to the GPS
module. IEC61850 generic communication I/O functions 16 inputs SP16GGIO

Main menu/Test/Function status/Monitoring/IndicationBits(GGIO)/

Displays the output data of the SP16GGIO function. LEDs

Main menu/Test/Function status/Monitoring/LEDs/Start and trip LEDs

Displays the status of start and trip LEDs.

Main menu/Test/Function status/Monitoring/LEDs/All indication LEDs

Shows new and accumulated indications and the status of the HMI indication LEDs. Measured value expander block RANGE_XP

Main menu/Test/Function status/Monitoring/MeasValExpander/

Displays available instances of the function block RANGE_XP. These show the
boolean values assigned to the integer values generated by analog inputs. IEC61850 generic communication I/O functions SPGGIO

Main menu/Test/Function status/Monitoring/SinglePointIndication(GGIO)/

Displays the output data of the SPGGIO function.

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 11
Test the IED

11.6.12 Logic
Under the Logic function folder there is viewable data for trip logic (showing
number of poles that have tripped and trip signal information), event counter
values, Logic gate outputs, Logic SR memory output states and Logic timer set
output states are also shown here. Boolean 16 to Integer conversion B16IFCVI, B16I

Main menu/Test/Function status/Logic/Bool16ToInt(FCVI)/B16IFCVI:x

Main menu/Test/Function status/Logic/Bool16ToInt/B16I:x
Displays the output data of the Bool16ToInt function. Integer to Boolean 16 conversion IB16FCVB, IB16

Main menu/Test/Function status/Logic/IntToBool16(FCVB)/IB16FCVB:x

Main menu/Test/Function status/Logic/IntToBool16/IB16:x
Displays the output data of the IntToBool16 function. Tripping logic SMPPTRC

Main menu/Test/Function status/Logic/TripLogic(PTRC94)/SMPPTRC:x

Displays available instances of the function SMPPTRC with some measurements
per instance. The output data from each measurement is boolean and indicates the
existence of various trip signals. For example, if the output from parameter TRL1
is one, this indicates that a trip signal from phase L1 has been generated. Trip matrix logic TMAGGIO

Main menu/Test/Function status/Logic/TripMatrix(GGIO)/TMAGGIO:x

Displays available instances of the function TMAGGIO with some boolean output
values per instance. The output signals from this function block are typically
connected to other logic blocks or directly to IED output contacts. Logic gate

Main menu/Test/Function status/Logic/LogicGate/GATE:x

Displays available instances of the gate output. The output data type is an integer
with a possible value from 0 to 255.

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Section 11 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Test the IED Logic SR/RS memory

Main memory/Test/Function status/Logic/LogicSRMemory/SRMEMORY:x

Main memory/Test/Function status/Logic/LogicRSMemory/RSMEMORY:x

Displays available instances of the function SRMEMORY/RSMEMORY. The

output data presented in the HMI is boolean and indicates whether or not a signal is
present. For example, an output of one from RSMEMORY1 OUT indicates that a
signal exists on that output. Logic timer set

Main menu/Test/Function status/Logic/LogicTimerSet/TIMERSET:x

Displays available instances of the function (TIMERSET). The output data type is
boolean and indicates whether the output from the timer pickup is delayed (ON) or
if the drop out (OFF) is delayed.

11.6.13 Communication
The communication output data available under Test includes remote
communication and station communication. Remote communication

Main menu/Test/Function status/Communication/Remote communication/

Displays an application dependent number of instances of CRB (Remote Binary
Communication) and CRM (Remote Multi Communication) with measurement data. Station communication

GOOSE binary receive

Main menu/Test/Function status/Communication/Station communication/
Available GOOSE binary signals can be viewed here. There are a number of signal
indications per set.

MultiCommand send
Main menu/Test/Function status/Communication/Station communication/
The MultiCommand Send indication is used to display data from the Local Optical
network (LON).

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 11
Test the IED

MultiCommand receive
Main menu/Test/Function status/Communication/Station communication/
The MultiCommand Receive indications displayed here show available sets of
output data. Each set of output data has a number of signals. Other information
displayed here shows whether there has been a change in data and whether data is

Horizontal communication via GOOSE for interlocking IntlReceive

Main menu/Test/Function status/Communication/Station communication/
The Receiving Interlock information available here indicates the state of various
apparatus such as whether they are in a closed or open position and if their status is
valid. Several apparatuses can be displayed. There are also indications of
reservation requests, reservation granted and the validity of data and communication.

11.6.14 Setting groups

Main menu/Test/Function status/Setting groups
Displays available setting groups and indicates which of them is in use.

11.6.15 Test

Main menu/Test/Function status/Test

Displays the parameters ACTIVE, OUTPUT and SETTING. The ACTIVE
parameter indicates whether the IED is in test mode or not, the OUPUT parameter
indicates whether test mode has been activated by a binary input and the SETTING
parameter indicates whether or not test mode has been activated by a setting. The
output data is binary (0 or 1).

11.6.16 Authorization
Main menu/Test/Function status/Authorization
Shows if any user is logged on and if any user is blocked by invalid password.

11.7 LED Test

Main menu/Test/LED test

Operator's manual
Section 11 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Test the IED

The Test LEDs menu enables the operator to activate LEDs manually. LEDs that
do not light up are defective. Defective LEDs are also logged in Disturbance
records under Monitoring.

11.8 Line differential test

Main menu/Test/Line differential test/LineDiffLogic

Settings used during test of line differential protection including test mode setting.
With the line differential protection in test mode, it can be tested locally without
causing unwanted operation in the remote end.

Main menu/Test/Line differential test/LDCMX

The scale factor for current sent to remote end IED to be echoed back to local IED
during test is set here.

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 12
Control and supervise the bay

Section 12 Control and supervise the bay

About this chapter

This chapter describes the various control and supervision functions available in
the HMI. In particular, how the single line diagram available on the display can be
used for this purpose. It also describes the Selector switch function available under
the control menu.

12.1 Overview

The control menu in the HMI includes the Single line diagram, Single command
and Selector switch functions.

The Single Line Diagram (SLD) is used to control and supervise the bay by
allowing the operator to close and open apparatuses using keys on the front panel
of the IED. This is primarily intended as a backup for higher level control systems.
If for example MicroSCADA were to malfunction, then bay level switches and
circuit breakers can be controlled directly from the HMI.

The Single command function is used to view LON interlocking data and is only
visible if LON is configured and used in the system.

The Selector Switch function is configured in the PCM600 tool and the switch
position can be changed in the HMI. The selector switch has the same function as a
rotating switch with up to 32 positions. Each position is configured in the PCM600
to match a certain application. Each position number corresponds to the equivalent
position of a rotating switch. It is only visible if it has been configured in the PCM600.

12.1.1 Read measured values and check apparatus status

In the single line diagram a number of measured quantities are displayed. These are
normally system voltage (U), system current (I), active power (P) and reactive
power (Q). They are displayed on the right hand side of the SLD graphic. The
quantities shown can be configured in PCM600 and may therefore not always have
the same appearance in different IEDs.

12.1.2 Locating and using the single line diagram

It is possible to navigate the SLD screen using the up and down keys on the IED
keypad. The apparatus under control is highlighted as the user moves from symbol
to symbol using the keypad. An apparatus is opened using the green Ored Close
key and closed using the red I key.

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Section 12 1MRK 504 114-UEN D
Control and supervise the bay

Main menu/Control/Single Line Diagram

This is the path to the single line diagram from the main menu.

The symbols used in the Single Line Diagram (SLD) are described in the table below
Symbol Description

IEC05000227 V1 EN


IEC05000229 V1 EN


IEC05000231 V1 EN

Circuit breaker

IEC05000232 V1 EN

Damping Coil

IEC05000233 V1 EN

Current Transformer

IEC05000234 V1 EN


IEC05000235 V1 EN

Feeder system

IEC05000236 V1 EN


IEC05000237 V1 EN


IEC05000238 V1 EN


IEC05000240 V1 EN


IEC05000241 V1 EN


IEC05000242 V1 EN

Table continues on next page

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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 12
Control and supervise the bay

Symbol Description
Surge arrestor

IEC05000243 V1 EN

Trafo 2 windings

IEC05000244 V1 EN

Trafo 3 windings

IEC05000245 V1 EN


IEC05000248 V1 EN

VT 2 windings

IEC05000247 V1 EN

12.1.3 Control screen messages

These messages appear at the bottom of the SLD screen and are in the form of a
prompt asking the user to confirm an action, such as the opening of a circuit
breaker. They can also warn the user as to conditions that are a hindrance to the
intended action, such as an interlocking condition. The user may be given the
choice to override certain conditions.

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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 13

Section 13 Reset

About this chapter

This chapter describes how to reset the IED and when this is necessary.

13.1 Reset guide for IED

13.1.1 Reset counters Circuit breaker SXCBR

The circuit breaker counter is reset under Reset counter in the HMI tree.

Main menu/Reset/Reset counters/CircuitBreaker(XCBR)/SXCBR:x

In the dialog box that appears, choose YES to reset. Circuit switch SXSWI

The circuit switch counter is reset under Reset counters in the HMI tree.

Main menu/Reset/Reset counters/CircuitSwitch(XSWI)/SXSWI:x

In the dialog box that appears, choose YES to reset. Reset event counter CNTGGIO

The event counter is reset under Reset counters in the HMI tree.

Main menu/Reset/Reset counters/EventCounter(GGIO)/CNTGGIO:x Reset pulse counter PCGGIO

The Pulse counter is reset under Reset counters menu in the HMI tree.

Main menu/Reset/Reset counters/PulseCounter(GGIO)/PCGGIO:x

In the dialog box that appears, choose YES to reset. LDCM clear counters

Main menu/Reset/Reset counters/LDCMCommunication/LDCMX

Operator's manual
Section 13 1MRK 504 114-UEN D

Activating Reset of LDCM counters sets the counter concerned to zero. A reset can
be performed by affirmation in the dialog box. This is done by pressing the E key
when YES is highlighted. Function for energy calculation and demand handling ETPMMTR

Main menuReset/Reset counters/ThreePhEnergMeas(MMTR)/ETPMMTR:x

Resetting accumulated energy values and the maximum demand values. Tap changer control and supervision TCMYLTC, TCLYLTC

Main menu/Reset/Reset counters/TransformerTapControl(YLTC,84)/

Main menu/Reset/Reset counters/TransformerTapControl(YLTC,84)/

Resetting the counter for number of tap changer operations and the contact life

13.1.2 Reset disturbances and event list DRPRDRE

Disturbances are reset under Reset menu in the HMI tree.

Main menu/Reset/Reset disturbances

The internal event list is reset under Reset menu in HMI tree.

Main menu/Reset/Reset internal eventlist

13.1.3 Reset LEDs Start and trip LEDs

By activating this reset, the colored LEDs above the LCD, if they are latched, will
be reset.

Main menu/Reset/Reset LEDs/Start and trip LEDs

In the dialog box that appears, choose YES to reset. All indication LEDs

Activating the Reset of indication LEDs will zero all fifteen LEDs to the right of
the LCD.

Main mnenu/Reset/Reset LEDs/All indication LEDs

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 13

In the dialog box that appears, choose YES to reset.

13.1.4 Reset lockout SMPPTRC

Objects that are considered at risk after a trip may be prevented from reconnecting
by a lockout condition. The reset lockout facility is used to undo a lockout
condition caused by a such a trip.

Main menu/Reset/Reset lockout/TripLogic(PTRC,94)/SMPPTRC:x

In the dialog box that appears, choose YES to reset.

13.1.5 Reset process eventlist

Main menu/Reset/Reset process eventlist

Local HMI setting for resetting the process eventlist.

13.1.6 Reset temperature functions

The Reset temperature function under the Reset counters menu offers the following
reset possibilities. These are outlined below.

Main menu/Reset/Reset temperature/ThermalOverload1TimeConstant(PTTR,

In the dialog box that appears, choose YES to reset.

Main menu/Reset/Reset temperature/ThermalOverload2TimeConstant(PTTR,

In the dialog box that appears, choose YES to reset.

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 14

Section 14 Authorization

About this chapter

This chapter describes password procedures and levels of access in the system.

14.1 Overview

To safeguard the interests of our customers, both the IED and the tools that are
accessing the IED are protected, by means of authorization handling. The
authorization handling of the IED and the PCM600 is implemented at both access
points to the IED:

• local, through the local HMI

• remote, through the communication ports

14.2 Principle of operation

There are different levels (or types) of users that can access or operate different
areas of the IED and tools functionality. The pre-defined user types are given in
Table 2.

Be sure that the user logged on to the IED has the access required
when writing particular data to the IED from PCM600.

The meaning of the legends used in the table:

• R= Read
• W= Write
• - = No access rights

Operator's manual
Section 14 1MRK 504 114-UEN D

Table 2: Pre-defined user types

Access rights System Protection Design User
Guest Super User SPA Guest
Operator Engineer Engineer Administrator
Basic setting possibilities (change R R/W R R/W R/W R/W R
setting group, control settings,
limit supervision)
Advanced setting possibilities (for R R/W R R R/W R/W R
example protection settings)
Basic control possibilities (process R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R
control, no bypass)
Advanced control possibilities R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R
(process control including interlock
Basic command handling (for R R/W R R/W R/W R/W R
example clear LEDs, manual trigg)
Advanced command handling (for R R/W R R R/W R/W R/W
example clear disturbance record)
Basic configuration possibilities (I/ R R/W R R R R/W R/W
O-configuration in SMT)
Advanced configuration R R/W R R R R/W R/W
possibilities (application
configuration including SMT, GDE
and CMT)
File loading (database loading - R/W - - - R/W R/W
from XML-file)
File dumping (database dumping - R/W - - - R/W R/W
to XML-file)
File transfer (FTP file transfer) - R/W - R/W R/W R/W R/W
File transfer (limited) (FTP file R R/W R R/W R/W R/W R/W
File Transfer (SPA File Transfer) - R/W - - - R/W -
Database access for normal user R R/W R R/W R/W R/W R/W
User administration (user R R/W R R R R R/W
management – FTP File Transfer)
User administration (user - R/W - - - - -
management – SPA File Transfer)

The IED users can be created, deleted and edited only with the IED User
Management within PCM600. The user can only LogOn or LogOff on the local
HMI on the IED, there are no users, groups or functions that can be defined on
local HMI.

Only characters A - Z, a - z and 0 - 9 should be used in user names

and passwords.
The maximum of characters in a password is 18.

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 14

At least one user must be included in the UserAdministrator group

to be able to write users, created in PCM600, to IED.

14.3 LogOn or logOff

The Authorization menu allows the user to logOn and, logOff. The HMI path is as

Main menu/Authorization

14.4 Authorization handling in the IED

At delivery the default user is the SuperUser. No Log on is required to operate the
IED until a user has been created with the IED User Management..

Once a user is created and downloaded to the IED, that user can perform a Log on,
introducing the password assigned in the tool.

If there is no user created, an attempt to log on will display a message box: “No
user defined!”

If one user leaves the IED without logging off, then after the timeout (set in Main
menu/Settings/General Settings/HMI/Screen/Display Timeout) elapses, the IED
returns to Guest state, when only reading is possible. The display time out is set to
60 minutes at delivery.

If there are one or more users created with the IED User Management and
downloaded into the IED, then, when a user intentionally attempts a Log on or
when the user attempts to perform an operation that is password protected, the Log
on window will appear.

The cursor is focused on the User identity field, so upon pressing the “E” key, the
user can change the user name, by browsing the list of users, with the “up” and
“down” arrows. After choosing the right user name, the user must press the “E”
key again. When it comes to password, upon pressing the “E” key, the following
character will show up: “$”. The user must scroll for every letter in the password.
After all the letters are introduced (passwords are case sensitive) choose OK and
press the “E” key again.

If everything is alright at a voluntary Log on, the local HMI returns to the
Authorization screen. If the Log on is OK, when required to change for example a
password protected setting, the local HMI returns to the actual setting folder. If the
Log on has failed, then the Log on window opens again, until either the user makes
it right or presses “Cancel”.

Operator's manual
Section 14 1MRK 504 114-UEN D

14.5 Internet Protocol ports security guideline

The Internet Protocol ports security guide line can not suggest concrete products
for a secure system setup. This must be decided along the specific project,
requirements and existing infrastructure. The required external equipment can be
separated devices or devices that combine firewall, router and secure VPN

To setup an Internet Protocol firewall the following table summarizes the Internet
Protocol ports used in the 670 series. The ports are listed in ascending order. The
column “Default state” defines whether a port is open or closed by default. All
ports that are closed by default are opened by configuration enabling.
Port Protocol Default state Service Comment
21 TCP open FTP File transfer protocol
102 TCP open IEC 61850 MMS communication
1024 UDP closed Reserved Filtered, no answer
7001 TCP open SPA Propriatory for PCM600
20 000 TCP closed DNP3 DNP3 DNP communication only
20 000 UDP closed DNP3 DNP3 DNP communication only

The 670 series supports two Ethernet communication protocols. These protocols
are IEC61850, and DNP3/TCP. These communication protocols are enabled by
configuration. This means that the Internet Protocol port is closed and not available
if the configuration of the 670 series doesn't contain a communication line of the
protocol. If a protocol is configured the corresponding Internet Protocol port is
open all the time.

Please refer to the 670 series technical reference manual and the
corresponding protocol documentation on how to configure a
certain communication protocol for the 670 series.

There are some restrictions and dependencies:

• The Internet Protocol port used for file transfer (default port 21) is fixed and
cannot be changed.
• The Internet Protocol port used for IEC61850 (default port 102) is fixed and
can not be changed.
• The Internet Protocol ports used for DNP3 are configurable. The
communication protocol DNP3 could operate on UDP (default port 20 000) or
TCP (default port 20 000). It is defined in the configuration which type of

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 14

Ethernet communication is used. Only one type is possible for a specific

• The PCM600 port for SPA (port 7001) is used for configuration and parameter
setting using the PCM600 tool and a proprietary protocol SPA and is fixed and
can not be changed.

These security drawbacks are acceptable in limited local networks. For wide area
networks in particular with connection to the Internet, the 670 series Ethernet
communication must be protected against illegal access. This protection must be
handled by external devices to setup a secure virtual private network (VPN).

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 15

Section 15 Glossary

About this chapter

This chapter contains a glossary with terms, acronyms and abbreviations used in
ABB technical documentation.

AC Alternating current
ACT Application configuration tool within PCM600
A/D converter Analog-to-digital converter
ADBS Amplitude deadband supervision
ADM Analog digital conversion module, with time synchronization
AI Analog input
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AR Autoreclosing
ArgNegRes Setting parameter/ZD/
ArgDir Setting parameter/ZD/
ASCT Auxiliary summation current transformer
ASD Adaptive signal detection
AWG American Wire Gauge standard
BBP Busbar protection
BFP Breaker failure protection
BI Binary input
BIM Binary input module
BOM Binary output module
BOS Binary outputs status
BR External bistable relay
BS British Standards
BSR Binary signal transfer function, receiver blocks
BST Binary signal transfer function, transmit blocks
C37.94 IEEE/ANSI protocol used when sending binary signals
between IEDs
CAN Controller Area Network. ISO standard (ISO 11898) for
serial communication
CB Circuit breaker

Operator's manual
Section 15 1MRK 504 114-UEN D

CBM Combined backplane module

CCITT Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and
Telephony. A United Nations-sponsored standards body
within the International Telecommunications Union.
CCM CAN carrier module
CCVT Capacitive Coupled Voltage Transformer
Class C Protection Current Transformer class as per IEEE/ ANSI
CMPPS Combined megapulses per second
CMT Communication Management tool in PCM600
CO cycle Close-open cycle
Codirectional Way of transmitting G.703 over a balanced line. Involves
two twisted pairs making it possible to transmit information
in both directions
COMTRADE Standard format according to IEC 60255-24
Contra-directional Way of transmitting G.703 over a balanced line. Involves
four twisted pairs, two of which are used for transmitting
data in both directions and two for transmitting clock signals
CPU Central processor unit
CR Carrier receive
CRC Cyclic redundancy check
CROB Control relay output block
CS Carrier send
CT Current transformer
CVT Capacitive voltage transformer
DAR Delayed autoreclosing
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (The US
developer of the TCP/IP protocol etc.)
DBDL Dead bus dead line
DBLL Dead bus live line
DC Direct current
DFC Data flow control
DFT Discrete Fourier transform
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DIP-switch Small switch mounted on a printed circuit board
DI Digital input
DLLB Dead line live bus

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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 15

DNP Distributed Network Protocol as per IEEE/ANSI Std.

DR Disturbance recorder
DRAM Dynamic random access memory
DRH Disturbance report handler
DSP Digital signal processor
DTT Direct transfer trip scheme
EHV network Extra high voltage network
EIA Electronic Industries Association
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
EMF (Electric Motive Force)
EMI Electromagnetic interference
EnFP End fault protection
EPA Enhanced performance architecture
ESD Electrostatic discharge
FCB Flow control bit; Frame count bit
FOX 20 Modular 20 channel telecommunication system for speech,
data and protection signals
FOX 512/515 Access multiplexer
FOX 6Plus Compact time-division multiplexer for the transmission of
up to seven duplex channels of digital data over optical fibers
G.703 Electrical and functional description for digital lines used
by local telephone companies. Can be transported over
balanced and unbalanced lines
GCM Communication interface module with carrier of GPS
receiver module
GDE Graphical display editor within PCM600
GI General interrogation command
GIS Gas-insulated switchgear
GOOSE Generic object-oriented substation event
GPS Global positioning system
GSAL Generic security application
GTM GPS Time Module
HDLC protocol High-level data link control, protocol based on the HDLC
HFBR connector Plastic fiber connector

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Section 15 1MRK 504 114-UEN D

HMI Human-machine interface

HSAR High speed autoreclosing
HV High-voltage
HVDC High-voltage direct current
IDBS Integrating deadband supervision
IEC International Electrical Committee
IEC 60044-6 IEC Standard, Instrument transformers – Part 6:
Requirements for protective current transformers for
transient performance
IEC 60870-5-103 Communication standard for protective equipment. A serial
master/slave protocol for point-to-point communication
IEC 61850 Substation automation communication standard
IEC 61850–8–1 Communication protocol standard
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEEE 802.12 A network technology standard that provides 100 Mbits/s
on twisted-pair or optical fiber cable
IEEE P1386.1 PCI Mezzanine Card (PMC) standard for local bus
modules. References the CMC (IEEE P1386, also known as
Common Mezzanine Card) standard for the mechanics and
the PCI specifications from the PCI SIG (Special Interest
Group) for the electrical EMF (Electromotive force).
IEEE 1686 Standard for Substation Intelligent Electronic Devices
(IEDs) Cyber Security Capabilities
IED Intelligent electronic device
I-GIS Intelligent gas-insulated switchgear
IOM Binary input/output module
Instance When several occurrences of the same function are
available in the IED, they are referred to as instances of that
function. One instance of a function is identical to another
of the same kind but has a different number in the IED user
interfaces. The word "instance" is sometimes defined as an
item of information that is representative of a type. In the
same way an instance of a function in the IED is
representative of a type of function.
IP 1. Internet protocol. The network layer for the TCP/IP
protocol suite widely used on Ethernet networks. IP is a
connectionless, best-effort packet-switching protocol. It
provides packet routing, fragmentation and reassembly
through the data link layer.
2. Ingression protection, according to IEC standard

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1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 15

IP 20 Ingression protection, according to IEC standard, level 20

IP 40 Ingression protection, according to IEC standard, level 40
IP 54 Ingression protection, according to IEC standard, level 54
IRF Internal failure signal
IRIG-B: InterRange Instrumentation Group Time code format B,
standard 200
ITU International Telecommunications Union
LAN Local area network
LIB 520 High-voltage software module
LCD Liquid crystal display
LDCM Line differential communication module
LDD Local detection device
LED Light-emitting diode
LNT LON network tool
LON Local operating network
MCB Miniature circuit breaker
MCM Mezzanine carrier module
MIM Milli-ampere module
MPM Main processing module
MVB Multifunction vehicle bus. Standardized serial bus
originally developed for use in trains.
NCC National Control Centre
NUM Numerical module
OCO cycle Open-close-open cycle
OCP Overcurrent protection
OEM Optical ethernet module
OLTC On-load tap changer
OV Over-voltage
Overreach A term used to describe how the relay behaves during a
fault condition. For example, a distance relay is
overreaching when the impedance presented to it is smaller
than the apparent impedance to the fault applied to the
balance point, that is, the set reach. The relay “sees” the
fault but perhaps it should not have seen it.
PCI Peripheral component interconnect, a local data bus
PCM Pulse code modulation

Operator's manual
Section 15 1MRK 504 114-UEN D

PCM600 Protection and control IED manager

PC-MIP Mezzanine card standard
PMC PCI Mezzanine card
POR Permissive overreach
POTT Permissive overreach transfer trip
Process bus Bus or LAN used at the process level, that is, in near
proximity to the measured and/or controlled components
PSM Power supply module
PST Parameter setting tool within PCM600
PT ratio Potential transformer or voltage transformer ratio
PUTT Permissive underreach transfer trip
RASC Synchrocheck relay, COMBIFLEX
RCA Relay characteristic angle
RFPP Resistance for phase-to-phase faults
RFPE Resistance for phase-to-earth faults
RISC Reduced instruction set computer
RMS value Root mean square value
RS422 A balanced serial interface for the transmission of digital
data in point-to-point connections
RS485 Serial link according to EIA standard RS485
RTC Real-time clock
RTU Remote terminal unit
SA Substation Automation
SBO Select-before-operate
SC Switch or push button to close
SCS Station control system
SCADA Supervision, control and data acquisition
SCT System configuration tool according to standard IEC 61850
SDU Service data unit
SLM Serial communication module. Used for SPA/LON/IEC/
DNP3 communication.
SMA connector Subminiature version A, A threaded connector with
constant impedance.
SMT Signal matrix tool within PCM600
SMS Station monitoring system

Operator's manual
1MRK 504 114-UEN D Section 15

SNTP Simple network time protocol – is used to synchronize

computer clocks on local area networks. This reduces the
requirement to have accurate hardware clocks in every
embedded system in a network. Each embedded node can
instead synchronize with a remote clock, providing the
required accuracy.
SPA Strömberg protection acquisition, a serial master/slave
protocol for point-to-point communication
SRY Switch for CB ready condition
ST Switch or push button to trip
Starpoint Neutral point of transformer or generator
SVC Static VAr compensation
TC Trip coil
TCS Trip circuit supervision
TCP Transmission control protocol. The most common transport
layer protocol used on Ethernet and the Internet.
TCP/IP Transmission control protocol over Internet Protocol. The
de facto standard Ethernet protocols incorporated into
4.2BSD Unix. TCP/IP was developed by DARPA for
Internet working and encompasses both network layer and
transport layer protocols. While TCP and IP specify two
protocols at specific protocol layers, TCP/IP is often used
to refer to the entire US Department of Defense protocol
suite based upon these, including Telnet, FTP, UDP and
TEF Time delayed earth-fault protection function
TNC connector Threaded Neill-Concelman, a threaded constant impedance
version of a BNC connector
TPZ, TPY, TPX, Current transformer class according to IEC
UMT User management tool
Underreach A term used to describe how the relay behaves during a
fault condition. For example, a distance relay is
underreaching when the impedance presented to it is
greater than the apparent impedance to the fault applied to
the balance point, that is, the set reach. The relay does not
“see” the fault but perhaps it should have seen it. See also
UTC Coordinated Universal Time. A coordinated time scale,
maintained by the Bureau International des Poids et
Mesures (BIPM), which forms the basis of a coordinated
dissemination of standard frequencies and time signals.

Operator's manual
Section 15 1MRK 504 114-UEN D

UTC is derived from International Atomic Time (TAI) by

the addition of a whole number of "leap seconds" to
synchronize it with Universal Time 1 (UT1), thus allowing
for the eccentricity of the Earth's orbit, the rotational axis
tilt (23.5 degrees), but still showing the Earth's irregular
rotation, on which UT1 is based. The Coordinated
Universal Time is expressed using a 24-hour clock, and
uses the Gregorian calendar. It is used for aeroplane and
ship navigation, where it is also sometimes known by the
military name, "Zulu time." "Zulu" in the phonetic alphabet
stands for "Z", which stands for longitude zero.
UV Undervoltage
WEI Weak end infeed logic
VT Voltage transformer
X.21 A digital signalling interface primarily used for telecom
3IO Three times zero-sequence current. Often referred to as the
residual or the earth-fault current
3UO Three times the zero sequence voltage. Often referred to as
the residual voltage or the neutral point voltage

Operator's manual
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