Astm D-5324 - 1998 PDF
Astm D-5324 - 1998 PDF
Astm D-5324 - 1998 PDF
D 5324
D 1475 Test Method for Density of Liquid Coatings, Inks, D 3925 Practice for Sampling Liquid Paints and Related
and Related Products3 Pigmented Coatings3
D 1554 Terminology Relating to Wood-Base Fiber and D 3928 Method for Evaluation of Gloss or Sheen Unifor-
Particle Panel Materials7 mity5
D 1640 Test Methods for Drying, Curing, or Film Forma- D 3960 Practice for Determining Volatile Organic Com-
tion of Organic Coatings at Room Temperature3 pound (VOC) Content of Paints and Related Coatings3
D 1729 Practice for Visual Evaluation of Color Differences D 4017 Test Method for Water in Paints and Paint Materials
of Opaque Materials3 by Karl Fischer Method3
D 1736 Test Method for Efflorescence of Interior Wall D 4060 Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Organic
Paints5 Coatings by the Taber Abraser3
D 1849 Test Method for Package Stability of Paint5 D 4062 Test Method for Levelling of Paints by Draw-Down
D 2064 Test Method for Print Resistance of Architectural Method5
Paints5 D 4213 Test Method for Scrub Resistance of Paints by
D 2196 Test Methods for Rheological Properties of Non- Abrasion Weight Loss5
Newtonian Materials by Rotational (Brookfield) Viscom- D 4214 Test Methods for Evaluating the Degree of Chalk-
eter3 ing of Exterior Paint Films3
D 2197 Test Method for Adhesion of Organic Coatings by D 4287 Test Method for High-Shear Viscosity Using the ICI
Scrape Adhesion3 Cone/Plate Viscometer3
D 2243 Test Method for Freeze-Thaw Resistance of Water- D 4400 Test Methods for Sag Resistance of Paints Using a
Borne Coatings5 Multinotch Applicator5
D 2244 Test Method for Calculation of Color Differences D 4585 Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings
from Instrumentally Measured Color Coordinates3 Using Controlled Condensation3
D 2369 Test Method for Volatile Content of Coatings3 D 4707 Test Method for Measuring of Paint Spatter Resis-
D 2370 Test Method for Tensile Properties of Organic tance During Roller Application5
Coatings3 D 4828 Test Method for Practical Washability of Organic
D 2486 Test Method for Scrub Resistance of Interior Latex Coatings5
Flat Wall Paints5 D 4946 Test Method for Blocking Resistance of Architec-
D 2574 Test Method for Resistance of Emulsion Paints in tural Paints5
the Container to Attack by Microorganisms3 D 4958 Test Method for Comparison of the Brush Drag of
D 2805 Test Method for Hiding Power of Paints by Reflec- Latex Paints5
tometry3 E 70 Test Method for pH of Aqueous Solutions with the
D 3168 Practice for Qualitative Identification of Polymers Glass Electrode8
in Emulsion Paints3 E 105 Practice for Probability Sampling of Materials9
D 3258 Test Method for Porosity of Paint Films5 E 1347 Test Method for Color and Color Difference Mea-
D 3359 Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape surement of Object-Color Specimens by Tristimulus (Fil-
Test3 ter) Colorimetry3
D 3450 Test Method for Washability Properties of Interior 2.2 U.S. Federal Test Method Standard No. 141:10
Architectural Coatings5 2112 Application by Roller
D 3456 Practice for Determining by Exterior Exposure 2131 Application of Sprayed Films
Tests Susceptibility of Paint Films to Microbiological 2141 Application of Brushed Films
Attack3 3011 Condition in Container
D 3719 Test Method for Quantifying Dirt Collection on 4541 Working Properties and Appearance of Dried Film
Coated Exterior Panels5 6301 Wet Adhesion (Tape Test)
D 3723 Test Method for Pigment Content of Water Emul-
sion Paints by Low-Temperature Ashing3 3. Terminology
D 3730 Guide for Testing High-Performance Interior Archi- 3.1 For definitions of terms in this guide refer to Terminol-
tectural Wall Coatings5 ogy D 16 and D 1554.
D 3792 Test Method for Water Content of Water-Reducible
Paints by Direct Injection into a Gas Chromatograph3
D 3793 Test Method for Low-Temperature Coalescence of 8
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.05.
Latex Paint Films5 9
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4, Section D,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.10. 700 Robins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.
D 5324
TABLE 1 List of Standards in Sectional Order
D 5324
TABLE 1 Continued
ASTM Federal Test Method
Property (or related test) Section
Standard Standard 141
Water content 11.4 D 3792, D 4017
Pigment content 11.5 D 3723
Pigment analysis 11.6 D 215 7261
Nonvolatile vehicle identification 11.7 D 3168
Equivalent only to Method B of Test Method D 522.
Except for scrub medium..
4. Conditions Affecting Water-Reducible Coatings and Table 2 cover practically all of the properties of water-
4.1 Interior and Exterior Coatings: reducible coatings but all of them are not required with each
4.1.1 Substrate Type—The substrate to be painted can affect type. Coatings intended for exterior use only or both exterior
not only the application properties of a coating, such as gloss and interior use require certain properties not relevant to those
and uniformity, but is also a factor in determining the type of for interior use only. Selection of the methods to be followed
coating to use. For instance, a primer-sealer may be required must be governed by experience and the requirements in each
for porous substrates, such as new drywall, bare plaster, new individual case, together with agreement between the pur-
wood or porous masonry. Other factors are the type and quality chaser and the seller.
of metal, wood or wood composite (plywood, particle board or 5.2 The purchaser should first determine the properties a
hardboard), the type, quality and alkalinity of concrete, plaster coating should have and then select only those test methods
and joint cement systems, and the type and condition of any that measure or evaluate those properties. After selecting the
previous coatings. desired tests, the purchaser should then decide which proper-
4.1.2 Substrate Conditions—Conditions such as porosity ties are the most important and establish the requirements or
and hardness determine the kind of coating that can be applied. specifications accordingly. Since coating properties frequently
The condition of previously painted substrates, such as degree tend to oppose each other, such as low sheen versus good
of chalk, presence of grease, dirt, mold, and water-soluble or cleansability, some properties may need to be less emphasized
oily contaminants, film adhesion and porosity, all influence the if others are to be accentuated. This balance of properties must
performance of coatings. Smoothness of the substrate affects be considered when selecting the tests and establishing the
the spreading rate, final appearance, and texture. requirements. The significance of the tests and the normal
4.1.3 Preparation of previously painted substrates including range of values are presented in the different sections, in most
cleaning, solvent cleaning, and sanding. cases.
4.1.4 Type and quality of primer or undercoat and time of 5.3 This guide does not indicate relative importance of the
drying before topcoating. various tests nor does it recommend specific test values
4.1.5 The application properties, even of interior water- because properties very important to one purchaser may be less
reducible coatings, are affected by temperature and humidity at so to another.
the time of application and during drying. As these materials 6. Sampling
contain water, surfaces do not have to be completely dry before 6.1 Prior to sampling, the condition of the container should
application. However, low temperature during drying may be established since damage to it may cause evaporation,
cause poor film formation. skinning, or other undesirable effects on the coating.
4.2 Exterior Finishes: 6.2 Sample in accordance with Practice D 3925. Determine
4.2.1 Substrate Weathering—Weathering of wood before the density in pounds per gallon (kilograms/litre) in accordance
painting will probably adversely affect the performance of with Test Method D 1475. Continue sampling and determining
exterior coatings. Some weathering of masonry surfaces may density until successive results agree within 0.1 lb (45 g) or as
have beneficial effects on the performance. agreed upon between the purchaser and seller. Then take
4.2.2 Substrate Aspects of the Building—If construction samples for testing.
defects or defects due to age are such that excessive moisture 6.3 Specify the amount required for a representative sample,
from the inside or the outside makes its way through the the package sizes, and an identification code. A1-U.S. gal (or
substrate or if the substrate is in direct contact with damp 4-L) sample is usually sufficient for the recommended tests, but
ground, blistering, flaking or peeling may result. for guidance in selecting a sampling plan consult Practice
4.2.3 Environmental conditions after application, both gen- E 105.
eral for the area and specific, such as under eaves, behind
shrubbery, northside and southside exposure. 7. Liquid Coating Properties
7.1 Condition in Container—Thickening, pigment settling,
5. Selection of Tests and liquid separation are undesirable and objectionable if
5.1 Because the conditions to which a coating is subjected material that has been stored cannot be readily reconditioned
vary with (a) the surface type: wall, floor, ceiling, and (b) the and made suitable for application with a reasonable amount of
service environment: exterior or interior, specialized types of stirring. The referenced method covers procedures for deter-
water-borne coatings have been developed for the different mining changes in properties after storage and lists character-
locations. The recommended test methods presented in Table 1 istics that are undesirable and objectionable in a stored paint.
D 5324
Determine condition in the container in accordance with unpleasant or irritating odor as agreed upon between the
Method 3011 of Federal Test Method Standard No. 141. (See purchaser and seller, taking adequate precautions to ensure the
also 7.10 Package Stability.) safety of the operator. Test Method D 1296 may be suitable as
7.2 Coarse Particles and Foreign Matter—Liquid coatings the basis for a test.
must be free of coarse particles and foreign matter to be able to 7.6 Colorant Acceptance—Tintability of white bases with
form uniform films of good appearance, a typical maximum colorants of standardized tinting strength is a trade require-
being 0.5 weight % of the total material. The referenced ment. If tinting colors are not adequately compatible with tint
method with a 325-mesh (45-µm) screen gives the percent of bases, lighter, darker, or nonuniform shades of colors are
these particles. Determine content of coarse particles and produced. Suitable test methods should be agreed upon be-
foreign matter in accordance with Test Method D 185. tween the purchaser and the seller.
7.2.1 Another test method used in industry to determine
7.7 pH—Latex paints with low (acidic) pH may corrode
whether coarse particles are present in the dry film of a
metal containers. To avoid this problem, the pH is normally
low-gloss finish is to scrape the surface of the film with a
stabilized within the range from about 5 to 10, depending upon
spatula or metal edge of a ruler. Any particles larger than 325
the type of latex used and the general formulation. The pH does
mesh can be clearly seen after the surface has been scraped.
not determine the quality of a latex paint and should be used
7.3 Density or Weight per Gallon—The density measured in
only to ensure product uniformity. However, a change in pH
pounds per gallon (kilograms per litre 5 g/ml) is used to
ensure product uniformity from batch to batch, provides a during storage may indicate poor stability and an unacceptable
check against the theoretical weight calculated from the change in the properties of a latex paint. Determine pH in
formula, and is useful for determining the similarity of two accordance with Test Method E 70.
samples. The referenced method gives a procedure for mea- 7.8 Package Stability—Since paints are normally not used
suring the density of the coating at a specified temperature. immediately after manufacture, they must remain stable in the
Most paints have densities of about 10 to 12 lb/gal (1.2 to 1.4 can for some time. At normal temperatures most water-borne
kg/L). Determine density in accordance with Test Method coatings can be stored for over a year with little change in
D 1475, using a calibrated weight per gallon cup. properties. However, exposure in uninsulated warehouses or
7.4 Fineness of Dispersion—Generally, the more finely a during shipping to high temperatures in the summer or to low
pigment is dispersed the more efficiently it is being utilized. temperatures in the winter may cause unacceptable changes in
One method for measuring the degree of dispersion (commonly these products. Other unsatisfactory conditions that may occur
referred to as“ fineness of grind”) is to draw the liquid coating during storage are excessive settling and microbiological
down a calibrated tapered groove varying in depth from 4 to 0 attack.
mils (100 to 0 µm) (0 to 8 Hegman units). The depth at which 7.8.1 Heat Stability—Exposure in service to high tempera-
continuous groupings of particles or agglomerates, or both, tures can be used to test for the stability of a packaged coating
protrude through the surface of the wet film is taken as the that frequently encounters such conditions in service, or as an
fineness of dispersion value. Higher readings in Hegman units accelerated test to predict stability when stored at temperatures
or lower readings in mils or micrometres indicate finer disper- above freezing. Although indications of long term package
sion. Most interior semigloss and gloss latex coatings have a stability can usually be obtained in several days or weeks at an
fineness of about 1.5 to 0.3 mils (5 to 7.5 Hegman or 40 to 7 elevated temperature, such as 125°F (50°C) or 140°F (60°C),
µm) while lower gloss finishes do not generally require a occasionally the results of the accelerated test do not agree with
dispersion finer than 3 to 2.5 mils (2 to 3 Hegman). Some those at prolonged normal storage conditions. In the referenced
interior flat latex paints have finenesses as low as 3.5 mils (1 method the changes in consistency and certain other properties
Hegman or 90 µm). Determine fineness of dispersion in of the accelerated aged material are compared to those occur-
accordance with Test Method D 1210. ring in a control kept at normal temperatures for a longer
7.4.1 The referenced method was designed primarily for period. When testing for heat stability, as such, changes in
coatings with good fineness of dispersion, such as high gloss viscosity, flow, gloss, pH, foam resistance, color uniformity,
finishes. Some interior flat paints contain pigments so coarse and wet adhesion are usually checked. Determine heat stability
that it is impractical to measure the fineness with a grindgage in accordance with Test Method D 1849.
because the agglomerates are carried along by the scraper.
7.8.2 Freeze-Thaw Stability—Water-borne coatings may be
NOTE 3—The fast drying of latex paints makes it difficult to make subjected to freezing conditions during shipping and storage.
measurements of this type. Suitably stabilized products can resist several cycles of freez-
7.5 Odor—One of the advantages of latex paints is that they ing and thawing without showing deleterious changes such as
contain little if any organic solvent. Thus interior latex paints coagulation, graininess (seeding), or excessive viscosity in-
do not have odors characteristic of solvent-borne coatings. crease. Many latex paints that increase in viscosity can still be
However, other ingredients, such as ammonia, may be used considered usable, if other properties that may be affected by a
that might also be objectionable in confined spaces. Hence, higher viscosity, such as levelling and brushability, are satis-
interior latex paints should be tested for odor acceptability. factory. Determine freeze-thaw stability in accordance with
Although there is no specific ASTM test method for evaluating Test Method D 2243.
odor of water-borne coatings, the industry does attempt to 7.8.3 Settling—Modern coatings are generally resistant to
measure this property. Determine whether the paint has an hard settling, but do at times show separation and soft settling.
D 5324
The referenced method covers the degree of pigment suspen- applied can be determined by the density of the spatter. In the
sion in and ease of remixing of a shelf-aged specimen to a referenced method a specially designed notched spool is rolled
homogeneous condition suitable for the intended use. Deter- through a film of the test material that has been applied to a
mine settling in accordance with Test Method D 869. plastic panel. Any spatter generated falls upon a catch paper
7.8.4 Microorganism Resistance—Microorganisms in a and after drying is rated against photographic standards. This
water-borne coating can cause gassing, putrefactive or fermen- procedure eliminates the influence of the roller cover, thus
tative odors, and loss of viscosity. Determine if the paint determining the spattering characteristics of the paint alone.
contains living bacteria and if it is resistant to attack by bacteria Determine spatter resistance in accordance with Test Method
in accordance with Test Method D 2574. D 4707.
8.1.3 Spray Application—Architectural coatings are some-
8. Coating Application and Film Formation
times applied by spray. Both air and airless spray are used on
8.1 Application Properties—Application or working prop- commercial work. Determine spray application properties in
erties of a paint are generally compared to a standard or accordance with Method 2131 of Federal Test Method Stan-
described by requirements in the product specification. Deter- dard No. 141. Manual application is very subjective and should
mine working properties in accordance with Method 4541 of be performed only by an individual skilled in the art of using
Federal Test Method Standard No. 141. spray equipment.
8.1.1 Brush Application—Brushed films should be smooth 8.2 Touch-Up Uniformity—Coatings applied to large, flat
and free of seeds and on vertical surfaces should show no surfaces may exhibit localized areas of noticeably different
sagging, color streaking, nor excessive brush marks. Brush appearance due to variation in film thickness, different methods
drag should not be excessive although some degree of drag of application, or localized damage in service. With a coating
may be desirable for adequate film thickness application. Wall of suitable touch-up properties, additional material of the same
finishes are tested on vertical surfaces and floor coatings on batch or lot can be applied only to these localized areas to
horizontal surfaces, although evaluation of the latter on vertical provide uniformity of color, gloss, and levelling over the entire
surfaces may be necessary to determine performance on stair surface. Determine touch-up properties in accordance with Test
risers, railings, posts, etc. The referenced method covers a Method D 3928.
means for the determination of the brushing properties of a 8.3 Low-Temperature Coalescence—If a latex paint is ap-
coating. Even though the test is subjective, someone experi- plied at too low a temperature it will not form a coherent film.
enced in the art can produce quite consistent results. Determine The referenced test method determines how well the latex
brushing properties in accordance with Method 2141 of Fed- particles fuse together or coalesce to form a continous film at
eral Test Method Standard No. 141. low temperatures. Determine low-temperature coalescence of a Brush Drag—As the brush drag (resistance encoun- series of coatings or reformulations in accordance with Test
tered when applying a coating by brush) increases, any natural Method D 3793.
tendency of the painter to overspread the paint is reduced. All
other factors being constant, increased brush drag results in NOTE 4—Because of the poor reproducibility of this method with
greater film thickness with consequent improvements in hiding numerical values, it cannot be used to compare such results from different
laboratories. Interlaboratory agreement is improved significantly when
and film durability. Conversely, increasing brush drag too rankings are used.
much can cause difficulties in spreading the paint easily and
uniformly, leading to excessive sagging, prolonged drying time 8.4 Rheological Properties:
and, in highly pigmented latex paints, possibly to “mud- 8.4.1 Consistency (Low-Shear Viscosity)—Consistency is
cracking” due to excessive thickness. The referenced method important, relating to application and flow, and should fall
covers the determination of relative brush drag of a series of within a stated range for satisfactory reproduction of a specific
coatings applied by brush by the same operator. It has been formula. While consistency is an important property it does not
established that the subjective ratings thus obtained correlate determine the quality of a coating and should be used mainly
well with high shear viscosities obtained instrumentally using to ensure product uniformity. In the referenced method, con-
Test Method D 4287 (see 8.4.2), provided that the paints differ sistency is defined as the load in grams to produce a specified
in viscosity by at least 0.3 poise (0.03 Pa·s). Determine brush rate of shear. The load value is frequently converted to Krebs
drag ratings in accordance with Test Method D 4958. Units (KU) and the Stormer consistency reported on that basis.
8.1.2 Roller Application—Both wall and floor coatings are Although the consistency of most latex paints is about 150 to
frequently applied by roller. This type of application tends to 300 g/100 revolutions, a much wider range is possible because
produce some stipple pattern. The referenced method covers of the great variation that may occur in the rheological
the evaluation of a material’s characteristics when applied by properties of these paints. Two paints of the same consistency
roller. Since foaming often occurs when water-borne coatings may have quite different rheological properties during appli-
are roller applied, the amount of foam produced, and the cation. Determine consistency in accordance with Test Method
number of craters that remain after the bubbles have broken D 562.
should be determined during the test. Determine roller coating 8.4.2 Rheological Properties of Non-Newtonian
properties in accordance with Method 2112 of Federal Test Materials—Rheological properties are related to application
Method Standard No. 141. and flow characteristics of the liquid coating. The referenced Some coatings spatter more than others when ap- methods cover the determination of rheological properties and
plied by roller. The degree to which a paint spatters when roller are particularly suited for coatings that display thixotropic
D 5324
characteristics. However, they measure viscosity under differ- covers the spectral, photometric, and geometric characteristics
ent shear rates. In Test Method D 4287 there is only one rate of light source, illuminating and viewing conditions, sizes of
but it is similar to that occurring during brush application so specimens, and general procedures to be used in the visual
that the measured viscosity is related to brush drag, spreading evaluation of color differences of opaque materials relative to
rate and film build. Test Method D 2196 includes procedures their standards. Determine color difference in accordance with
for measuring viscosity at several shear rates to determine the Practice D 1729.
amount of shear thinning and the viscosity change at low shear 9.1.3 Color Differences Using Instrumental
rates. The results can be used to evaluate sag resistance and Measurements—The difference in color between a product and
levelling ability. Determine rheological properties in accor- its standard can be measured by instrument. Generally the
dance with Test Methods D 2196 or D 4287 or both. tolerance is agreed upon by the purchaser and seller and may
8.4.3 Sag Resistance—Some coatings sag and form curtains also be required if a product specification is involved. Color
before the film sets. Resistance to this type of flow is an measuring instruments provide numerical values that can be
important property particularly for semigloss and gloss finishes compared to subsequent measurements. The referenced
because of the unsightly film appearance. Determine sag method covers the calculation of instrumental determinations
resistance in accordance with Test Method D 4400. of small color differences observable in daylight illumination
8.4.4 Levelling Properties—Levelling is an important prop- between nonfluorescent, nonmetameric, opaque surfaces such
erty when smooth, uniform surfaces are to be produced, as coated specimens. If metamerism is suspected, visual
because it affects hiding and appearance. Brush marks and evaluation (9.1) should be used to verify the results. Calculate
imperfections are much more conspicuous in semigloss and in accordance with Test Method D 2244 the color differences
gloss finishes than they are in low gloss materials. In the that have been measured instrumentally.
referenced method a series of ridges is produced using a 9.2 Directional Reflectance—This property is a measure of
levelling rod and after drying they are compared to levelness the appearance of lightness of a coating. It is usually assigned
standards. Determine levelling in accordance with Test Method a value in specifications for white and pastel shades, a typical
D 4062. range being 76 to 92 % for white finishes. In the referenced
8.5 Drying Properties—The drying time of a coating is method the directions of illumination and viewing are specified
important in determining when a freshly painted room, floor or so as to eliminate the effect of gloss. Determine daylight
stair can be put back in use. Slow drying may result in dirt or directional reflectance in accordance with Test Method E 1347.
insect pickup causing a poor appearance or, if on an exterior
9.3 Gloss—This property is a measure of the capability of a
surface, rain or dew may cause a nonuniform appearance. The
coating surface to reflect light in a mirror-like (specular)
drying time of a coating is determined by its composition and
manner, that is, light strikes the surface and is reflected at the
by atmospheric conditions during drying. Most latex paints dry
equal but opposite angle. In the referenced method the numeri-
to touch in 1 to 2 h when the water has evaporated from the
cal gloss units are the ratio of light reflected by a specimen to
film. Low gloss finishes can usually be recoated from within a
that reflected by the primary black glass that is assigned a gloss
few hours to 18 h. Because of the glycols present in semigloss
value of 100. The gloss of some coatings varies greatly with the
and gloss latex coatings it is prudent not to recoat before at
angle of incidence so that a complete description of their gloss
least 18 h drying. Curing to obtain the ultimate properties may
would require measurements over a wide range of angle. In
take only a few days for some latex paints while others may
practice, the gloss of architectural finishes is adequately
require 1 to 2 weeks, depending upon the composition. Any
characterized by measurements at 60° or 85°, or both, from a
one of the several methods for determining the various stages
line perpendicular (normal) to the surface. The 85° angle is a
of film formation in the drying or curing of organic coatings
very low “grazing” angle (5°) of illuminating and viewing the
may be used. For example, if two coats are specified the
surface and the gloss at this angle is called“ sheen”. Attempts
determination of “dry-to-recoat” time is important. Determine
to standardize the levels of gloss associated with the several
appropriate drying time(s) in accordance with Test Method
descriptive terms have not been very successful since the gloss
D 1640.
scale is continuous with no distinct boundaries. Hence, there is
9. Appearance of Dry Film some overlap at the ends of some classifications in common
9.1 Color Difference: usage.
9.1.1 The appearance of color is greatly influenced by 9.3.1 Gloss, 60°—Semigloss finishes are particularly sensi-
several factors. A color next to a yellow wall looks different tive to poor enamel hold-out of primers and undercoats. Low or
than the same color next to a blue wall. The visual appearance uneven gloss readings are indicative of this defect. Low gloss
of a colored object illuminated by incandescent light, fluores- finishes range from 0 to 20 while exterior latex house paints
cent light, and natural light differs because the spectral com- may vary from 5 to 60. A range from 20 to 40 is typical of
position of the incident lights vary. Gloss also affects color water-borne floor finishes after drying for a few days. Interior
appearance. Low and high gloss coatings frequently look semiglosses vary from 35 to 70 but measurements taken shortly
different in color, even though instrumentally their colors may after drying should be repeated after one week because the
be identical. gloss can drop considerably in the first few days of drying.
9.1.2 Color Differences by Visual Comparison—Visual Determine the 60° gloss in accordance with Test Method
comparison of colors is fast and often acceptable although D 523.
numerical values are not obtained. The referenced method 9.3.2 Sheen (85° Gloss)—Although low-gloss paints with
D 5324
good uniformity of appearance at low angles of viewing often Method D 2370 is a much more discriminating method.11
have little sheen while those with good cleansability usually Determine flexibility in accordance with Test Methods D 522
have moderate sheen, this is not always the case so that sheen or elongation with D 2370.
should not be used as a measure of other paint properties. The 10.1.5 Resistance to Household Chemicals—An important
referenced method, using the 85° geometry, is useful in property of some finishes is their ability to resist spotting,
characterizing the low-angle appearance of low-gloss coatings. softening or removal when subjected to household chemicals
Nominally flat wall paints have a sheen of 1 to 10 whereas or strong cleaners. Determine resistance to these chemicals in
velvets or eggshells range from 15 to 35. Determine the sheen accordance with Test Method D 1308.
(85° gloss) in accordance with Test Method D 523. 10.1.6 Efflorescence from the Film—Salt formation is pro-
9.4 Hiding Power—Hiding power is a measure of the ability duced by specific conditions of temperature and humidity if a
of a coating to obscure the substrate and is usually expressed as paint contains sufficient solid water-soluble material to cause a
the spreading rate for a specified level of opacity. It is, noticeable deposit on the film. However, because of the
however, dependent on uniformity of film thickness, which in improvements in latex and latex paint formulations few interior
practical applications is influenced by flow, levelling and latex paints effloresce. The referenced method measures efflo-
application properties of the coating. Test Method D 2805 is rescence that comes from the paint itself, not from the
precise and gives an absolute rather than a comparative result. substrate. Determine efflorescence resistance in accordance
Paint is applied with an applicator bar to minimize the effects with Test Method D 1736.
of flow and levelling, film thickness is rigorously measured, 10.1.7 Efflorescence from the Substrate—Cementitious sub-
and film opacity is determined instrumentally. Test Method stances may contain sufficient solid water-soluble materials to
D 344 is a practical test in which paint is applied with a brush, cause a surface deposit through leaching and evaporation.
wet-film thickness is approximately controlled by spreading Currently there is no adequate test method published by
rate, and hiding power is evaluated visually by comparison ASTM.
with a standard paint, but results are affected by flow and 10.2 Interior Finishes:
levelling of the materials. Determine hiding power in accor- 10.2.1 Block Resistance—This property is important for
dance with Test Methods D 344 or D 2805. interior semigloss and gloss finishes since it governs the
resistance of surfaces of dried coatings to sticking together
10. Properties of the Dry Film when stacked or placed in contact with each other. An interior
finish often comes in contact with itself, especially on doors,
10.1 Interior and Exterior Coatings: windows and drawers where it sometimes sticks to itself
10.1.1 Abrasion Resistance—Abrasion resistance is a mea- (blocks) depending on the hardness of the coating, the pressure,
sure of the ability of a dried film to withstand wear from foot temperature, humidity, and time that the surfaces are in contact.
traffic and marring from objects rolled or pulled across the The referenced method covers an accelerated blocking resis-
surface. In the referenced methods, dry abrasive is applied to a tance procedure developed especially for architectural coat-
coated panel using the force of gravity or a jet blast for ings. Determine blocking resistance in accordance with Test
free-flowing abrasive or a weighted wheel for abrasive embed- Method D 4946.
ded in a resilient rubber matrix. Determine dry abrasion 10.2.2 Print Resistance—The ability of a coating to resist
resistance in accordance with Test Methods D 658, D 968 or printing is important because its appearance is adversely
D 4060. (See for wet abrasion resistance.) affected if the surface texture is modified by contact with
another surface, particularly one with a pattern. Interior gloss
NOTE 5—Because of the poor reproducibility of abrasion test methods,
testing should be restricted to only one laboratory when numerical
and semigloss systems on window sills and other horizontal
abrasion resistance values are to be used. Interlaboratory agreement is surfaces often have flower pots placed on them that may tend
improved significantly when rankings are used in place of numerical to leave a permanent impression from the pressure. This
values. tendency for a paint film to “print” is often a function of the
hardness of the coating, the pressure, temperature, humidity,
10.1.2 Adhesion—Adhesion, the ability of a film to resist
and time that the two surfaces are in contact. Test for print
removal from the substrate, is an important property of a
resistance in accordance with Test Method D 2064.
coating. Determine adhesion in accordance with Test Method
10.2.3 Film Porosity—The more porous a paint film is, the
D 2197 or D 3359 or both.
worse its cleansability and enamel holdout. In the referenced
10.1.3 Wet Adhesion—It is essential that a finish adhere method a special, colored penetrating medium is applied to the
tightly to a given substrate or primer under the wet conditions coating and the change in reflectance indicates the degree of
of washing or scrubbing. There is no adequate test method porosity. Determine film porosity in accordance with Test
published by ASTM. Determine the wet adhesion of exterior Method D 3258.
latex paints in accordance with Method 6301 of Federal Test 10.2.4 Washability and Cleansability—The capability of
Method Standard No. 141. satisfactorily removing marks without damaging the film is
10.1.4 Flexibility—Elongation is a measure of the flexibility essential for good performance of interior finishes. A coating
of a coating film. Most semigloss and full gloss water-borne
coatings can be bent over a 1⁄8-in. (3.2-mm) mandrel without
affecting the film. However, interior flat and eggshell finishes 11
Ashton, H. E., “Flexibility and its Retention in Clear Coatings Exposed to
usually pass at 1⁄4-in. (6.4-mm). For exterior coatings Test Weathering,” Journal of Coatings Technology, Vol 51, No. 653, June 1979, p. 41.
D 5324
may be washable, that is, unaffected by the detergent solution, and then removed rapidly by pulling back upon itself.
but may not have good cleansability. Frequently the difference Method 6301 of Standard 141 describes a similar method but
between the two terms, “cleansability” and “washability” is not includes water exposure.
clearly understood so that there is confusion as to what is really 10.3.2 Dirt Pickup—Low-gloss exterior latex paints gener-
being tested; for example, the title of Test Method D 3450. ally have good resistance to dirt pickup. Gloss or semigloss
Cleansability is evaluated by applying one or more stains and latex paints may be more subject to this type of disfigurement.
soils and determining how readily they are removed. Wash- Exterior exposure, particularly under an overhang (soffit),
ability is evaluated by determining the resistance of the film to should indicate in a relatively short time (about 1 year) a
wet erosion either by visual assessment or measured film loss. paint’s tendency to this defect. Determine degree of dirt
In general, the precision of both types of test is poor because collection in accordance with Test Method D 3719.
several properties, such as hardness, water and detergent 10.3.3 Fume Resistance—Some paints exhibit a change in
resistance, cohesion and adhesion, are involved and the end- appearance (usually color) when subjected to air containing
point, except for the wet abrasion method, is rather indefinite. certain sulfur compounds, notably hydrogen sulfide and sulfur Washability (Also referred to as Scrubbing or Wet dioxide. This type of atmosphere may be present near indus-
Abrasion Resistance)—The scrubbing method, Test Method trial or other polluted areas and can cause a paint to yellow or
D 2486, developed for interior latex flat wall paints can be darken in as little time as overnight. There are no ASTM or
applied to coatings of almost any type. In it the coating is Federal test methods for evaluating this color change, but one
applied to a black plastic panel that, during scrubbing with a procedure used by the industry is as follows:
nylon brush and abrasive cleaning agent, is raised by a narrow Apply a sufficient number of coats of the paint to
shim to concentrate the test area. The number of back-and-forth two glass plates to hide the surface completely, allow to dry for
strokes (cycles) required to remove the film over the shim is 6 h and expose one in a moist atmosphere of hydrogen sulfide
determined. Interior latex flat paints can vary in scrub resis- for 18 h. Compare the color with the unexposed plate. The
tance from less than 100 to more than 1000 cycles. The color difference should not exceed that between plates that
wet-abrasion method, Test Method D 4213, is similar except have been coated with a paint made with titanium dioxide
that a sponge is used in place of the bristle brush while the shim pigment, lead-free zinc oxide, raw or refined linseed oil, and
is not used. This method also provides for the use of a sufficient cobalt added for drying, and similarly treated.
nonabrasive medium with paints having very low abrasion 10.3.4 Blister Resistance—Blister resistance is the ability of
resistance. The weight or volume loss per 100 cycles to erode a dry film on wood to resist the formation of blisters caused by
the film almost to exposure of the black substrate is the water from the wood substrate. In practice water can come
measure of scrub resistance. Evaluate washability, as just from either the interior of a home or from the structural defects
described, in accordance with Test Methods D 2486 or D 4213. that permit entry of exterior water behind the wood. Moisture Cleansability—The older referenced method, Test blister resistance can be qualitatively evaluated in a laboratory
Method D 3450, is similar to the wet-abrasion method, Test test. Determine resistance to moisture blistering in accordance
Method D 4213, except that the sponge is used with either the with Practice D 4585.
nonabrasive or abrasive cleaning agent to remove a carbon NOTE 6—Latex paints are frequently promoted on the basis of their
black-oil stain. The ability to remove the stain is expressed as ability to allow moisture to escape without causing blisters, so they should
the ratio (in percent relative) of the reflectance of the cleaned be tested for this property.
area to that of the area before application of the stain. In Test 10.3.5 Exposure Resistance—If the coating is intended for
Method D 4828, referred to as a “practical” test, numerous exterior use, evaluation of the resistance to weathering may be
staining and soiling agents found in service and commercial required. In conducting exterior exposures follow Practice
abrasive or nonabrasive cleaners as well as the standardized D 1006 for wood substrates or Test Method D 1014 for steel.
cleaning agents can be used. In the revised edition the films In establishing exterior performance on wood, use
may be cleansed manually or mechanically but only the latter the panels described in Specification D 358 or as agreed upon
is suitable for interlaboratory testing. Evaluate ease of remov- between the purchaser and the seller.
ability in accordance with Test Methods D 3450 or D 4828. Degree of Chalking—Determine the rating using
10.3 Exterior Coatings: Test Method D 4214.
10.3.1 Adhesion to Chalky Surfaces—Latex paints gener- Degree of Checking—Determine the rating using
ally have little ability to penetrate powder substrates. Conse- Test Method D 660.
quently, adhesion to previous coatings that have chalked is Degree of Cracking—Determine the rating using
poor unless the latex paint has been modified to penetrate and Test Method D 661.
bind the chalk layer to the old coating. However, certain latices Degree of Erosion—Determine the rating using
do exist that are designed to adhere well to chalky surfaces so Test Method D 662.
do not require modification. There are no directly applicable Degree of Flaking—Determine the rating using
ASTM or Federal Test Method Standard No. 141 test methods Test Method D 772.
for adhesion to chalky surfaces, although work is still going on. Mildew Resistance—Many exterior paints are sub-
The industry generally uses a pressure-sensitive tape to test for ject to microbiological discoloration on the surface with time.
this property. The tape is pressed firmly onto the dried latex This is especially true in warm, moist climates. Determine
film (fresh dry films do not adhere as well as aged dry films) mildew resistance in accordance with Practice D 3456.
D 5324 Fade Resistance—Exterior latex paints usually coatings, including interior latex gloss and semigloss paints.
have good color retention because of their good resistance to Since these paints may contain solvent such as coalescent and
chalking. However, the use of improper latex, pigment volume co-solvent wet-edge aids, it is essential that these products not
concentration, or pigments can lead to fading. There are no exceed the established VOC limits. Determine VOC content in
ASTM nor Federal test methods specifically designed for accordance with Practice D 3960.
evaluating fade resistance, but the change in color on exposure 11.4 Water Content—The amount of water may be required
can be measured in accordance with Test Method D 2244 (see in the calculation of the VOC of coatings. The referenced
9.2). methods cover the determination of the total water content of
10.3.6 Stain Resistance—There is neither an ASTM nor a water-borne coatings, one using gas-liquid chromatography
Federal test method available for evaluating stain resistance of and the other the Karl Fischer reaction. Determine water
exterior latex paints. There are, of course, different kinds of content in accordance with Test Methods D 3792 or D 4017.
stain such as the water-soluble extractives in wood substrates, 11.5 Pigment Content—Pigment provides the hiding and
the formation of lead or mercury sulfides, and rundown from color and influences many other properties of a coating. The
metal surfaces of oxides that disfigure the surface. Different referenced method describes the procedure for the lowtempera-
kinds of test methods are required for water-soluble and ture ashing of water-borne coatings. Some of these coatings
insoluble stains. may contain ingredients that lose water of hydration or
decompose at the test temperature. Consequently, caution must
11. Coating Analysis be exercised in applying the method to materials containing
11.1 Chemical Analysis—If a specification requires certain unknown pigment compositions. If difficulties or disagree-
raw materials or certain components in a given amount then ments are encountered with this procedure, the pigment should
analysis is needed to determine whether the specified compo- be separated from the binder using a centrifuge. Determine the
nents are present and in what amounts. Analysis is primarily a pigment content in accordance with Test Method D 3723.
measure of uniformity and does not necessarily establish 11.6 Pigment Analysis—The analysis of pigment may be
quality that can also be greatly affected by manufacturing required if the product is covered by a specification or upon
techniques. No single schematic analysis is comprehensive agreement between the purchaser and seller. Analyze the
enough to cover the wide variety of paint compositions. Most pigment in accordance with selected test procedures from
ASTM analytical methods apply to solvent-borne coatings. Practice D 215 and appropriate ASTM methods.
However, some of them can be adapted to analysis of the 11.7 Identification of Nonvolatile Vehicle—The type of
water-reducible type. Select test procedures from Practice binder used in a coating has a great influence on its properties.
D 215 and ASTM methods that are pertinent to the components The referenced method covers the qualitative characterization
of water-borne coatings. or identification of the extracted vehicle by infrared spectros-
11.2 Volatile Content—The percent of volatile matter is a copy and pyrolysis of the paint followed by gas-liquid chro-
measure of the amount of a liquid coating lost as it dries. This matography. It is useful in detecting batch to batch uniformity
quantity is not necessarily indicative of the quality of the and the presence of major adulterants. Identify the nonvolatile
coating. It is useful, however, for determining the similarity of vehicle in accordance with Practice D 3168.
two batches. The referenced method covers the determination
of the volatile content by weight of solvent- and water- 12. Field Testing
reducible coatings. The quantity determined subtracted from 12.1 Although many of the recommended test methods
100 % gives the nonvolatile content of the coating. Determine attempt to simulate conditions under which water-reducible
the volatile content in accordance with Test Method D 2369. coatings are applied and used, it is not possible to duplicate
11.3 Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Content—Several accurately all possible conditions. Testing materials under field
local jurisdictions have adopted air pollution controls that conditions is recommended for the final evaluation of
severely limit the amount of VOC permitted in architectural suitability.
Federal Test
Property (or related test) Section Method
Standard 141
Abrasion Resistance 10.1.1 D 658, D 968, D 4060 6192
Adhesion 10.1.2 D 2197, D 3359
Adhesion to chalky surfaces 10.3.1 6301
Analysis, chemical 11.1 D 215
Application properties 8.1 4541
Blister resistance 10.3.4 D 4585
Block resistance 10.2.1 D 4946
Brush application 8.1.1 2141
Brush drag D 4958
Chalking D 4214
Checking D 660
Cleansability D 3450, D 4828 6141A
Coarse particles and foreign matter 7.2 D 185
D 5324
TABLE 2 Continued
Federal Test
Property (or related test) Section Method
Standard 141
Colorant acceptance 7.6
Color appearance 9.1.1 ...
Color differences by visual comparison 9.1.2 D 1729
Color differences using instrumental measurements 9.1.3 D 2244
Condition in container 7.1 3011
Consistency (Low-shear viscosity) 8.4.1 D 562
Cracking D 661
Density or weight per gal 7.3 D 1475
Dirt pick-up 10.3.2 D 3719
Drying properties 8.5 D 1640 4061
Efflorescence from the film 10.1.6 D 1736
Efflorescence from the film substrate 10.1.7
Erosion D 662
Exposure resistance 10.3.5 D 1006, D1014
Fade resistance D 2244
Film porosity 10.2.3 D 3258
Fineness of dispersion 7.4 D 1210
Flaking D 772
Flexibility 10.1.4 D 522, D 2370 6221B
Freeze-thaw stability 7.8.2 D 2243
Fume resistance 10.3.3 ...
Gloss 9.3
Gloss, 60° 9.3.1 D 523
Heat stability 7.8.1 D 1849
Hiding power 9.5 D 344, D 2805
Levelling properties 8.4.4 D 4062
Low-temperature coalescence 8.3 D 3793
Microorganism resistance 7.8.4 D 2574
Nonvolatile vehicle identification 11.7 D 3168
Odor 7.5 D 1296 4401
Package Stability 7.8 ...
pH 7.7 E 70
Pigment analysis 11.6 D 215 7261
Pigment content 11.5 D 3723
Reflectance, directional 9.2 E 1347
Resistance to household chemicals 10.1.5 D 1308
Rheological properties of non-Newtonian materials 8.4.2 D 2196, D 4287
Roller application 8.1.2 2112
Roller spatter D 4707
Sag resistance 8.4.3 D 4400 4494
Sampling 6.2 D 3925 1022
Settling 7.8.3 D 869
Sheen (85° gloss) 9.3.2 D 523
Spray application 8.1.3 2131
Stain resistance 10.3.6
Touch-up uniformity 8.2 D 3928
Volatile content 11.2 D 2369
Volatile organic content (VOC) 11.3 D 3960
Washability D 2486, D 4213
Water content 11.4 D 3792, D 4017
Wet adhesion 10.1.3 6301
Except for scrub medium.
Equivalent only to Method B of D 522.
13. Keywords
13.1 architectural coatings; coating tests; water-borne
D 5324
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