Blf177 HF Pa
Blf177 HF Pa
Blf177 HF Pa
3.1 General
3.2 Output circuit
3.2.1 Load impedance
3.2.2 Output transformer
3.2.3 The tapped choke
3.2.4 Tuning of the output circuit
3.3 Input circuit
3.3.1 Input impedance
3.3.2 Input matching circuit
3.3.3 Input transformer
3.3.4 Tuning of the inputcircuit
5.1 Single tone measurements
5.2 Two tone measurements
1998 Mar 23 2
Philips Semiconductors
This report gives a description of a wideband push-pull amplifier for the frequency range 1.6 − 28 MHz.
The amplifier has been designed around 2 MOS transistors BLF177 which operate in class-AB at VDS = 50 V and
IDQ = 0.5 A/transistor.
The main properties at PO = 300 W are:
Powergain: 22 to 23 dB
Efficiency: 52.5 to 61%
Return losses input: ≤ −15.5 dB
2nd harmonics: ≤ −25 dB
3rd harmonics: ≤ −16 dB
IMD at PO = 300 W PEP: ≤ −33 dB.
The BLF177 is an RF Power MOS transistor for the HF and VHF range in a 4 leads flange SOT121 encapsulation. For
the frequency range 1.6 − 28 MHz a wideband push-pull power amplifier has been developed with 2 × BLF177 having
an output power of 300 W PEP at an intermodulation distortion level below −30 dB.
The transistors operate in class-AB at VDS = 50 V and a quiescent current of 0.5 A each.
The two balance to unbalance transformers are applied to split the single ended input into 2 out of phase driving ports
and to add the 2 out of phase output ports into one single ended output. The transformers have an impedance
transformation ratio of 4 : 1 and match the low-ohmic in- and output impedance of the transistors to the 50 Ω system
impedance. At the input a special circuit takes care of a good input matching and a flat powergain over the whole
1998 Mar 23 3
Philips Semiconductors
1998 Mar 23 4
Philips Semiconductors
handbook, halfpage 10 nF
50 Ω
6.25 Ω 8 16
240 pF
6.25 Ω
Replacing the transistors by resistors of 6.25 Ω the return loss can be measured at the 50 Ω side. Figure 11 gives the
return losses of the parallel combination of the two transformers before and after the correction.
handbook, halfpagedrain 1
drain 2
Between both drains the impedance for the even harmonics depends on the coupling factor between both windings. If
the coupling factor amounts to 1 both drains will be short circuited for the even harmonics.
Because the voltage over one winding is equal to half of the voltage between both drains, the total inductance between
both drains is 4 times the inductance of one winding.
The reactance of the shunting inductance at 1.6 MHz has been chosen at 4 times 12.5 Ω = 50 Ω.
1998 Mar 23 5
Philips Semiconductors
So the inductance between both drains is 5 µH, this means for one winding an inductance of 1.25 µH. According to the
Philips Data Handbook “MA01 on soft ferrites of 1996, the effective permeability” of a rod with 1/d = 5 and µr = 250 is
appr. 20.
The number of turns can be calculated with:
n = SQR(L.1/(µo × µr × A))
n = SQR(1.25E − 6 × 50E − 3/(4πE − 7 × 20 × 1⁄4π(10E − 3)2) = 5.6 turns. In practice 6 twisted turns of the primary and
secondary windings have been wound around the rod. Figure 8 shows the tapped choke. To increase the coupling factor
each winding consists of 2 enamelled copper wires (0.8 mm) in parallel. The measured inductance is 1.275 µH.
6.25 Ω VD
10 nF
50 Ω
100 nF
220 VD
6.25 Ω
10 nF
The measured return losses should be as low as possible by changing the correction capacitors. Figure 12 shows the
return losses of the output before and after tuning. For optimum results the capacitance across the primary winding of
the output transformer has been reduced from 240 to 150 pF and the low frequency correction capacitor of 10 nF at the
output has been changed to an inductance of 100 nH. The last change can be explained as follows:
1. The low frequency compensation is taken over by the coupling capacitors between the drain choke and the
impedance transformer
2. The function of the transformer is not only impedance matching but also transfer from balanced to unbalanced. The
latter makes that the interwinding capacitance has more influence. This is so much that a series inductance at the
output is needed for high frequency compensation.
1998 Mar 23 6
Philips Semiconductors
By adding a gate-source resistor of 6.25 Ω the power gain reduces from 29.8 to 23.3 dB at 28 MHz.
IG RG Ci Rgs
1998 Mar 23 7
Philips Semiconductors
Ci represents the input capacitance of the BLF177 and can be calculated from the input impedance of Table 1.
For 7 MHz: Ci = 1/(2π × 7E + 6 × 30.58) = 744 pF.
Across this capacitor a constant voltage versus frequency from 1.6 up to 28 MHz has to be developed. Provided Ci is an
ideal capacitance the dimensioning of this network is as follows:
RG = Rgs must be appr. 6 Ω to obtain low I.M. distortion and good stability. This appeared during the development of the
narrow band testcircuit as given in the BLF177 publication data. To judge whether this value is also acceptable for
wideband operation we calculate the product:
Wc × Ci × Rgs in which ωc is the maximum angular frequency.
Doing so we find:
2π × 28E + 6 × 744E − 12 × 6.25 = 0.818
Rgs has been chosen 6.25 Ω for the ease of transformation. Comparing the value of this product with the one given in
Ref.2 we see that with a double π-section we can easily reach a bandwidth of 50 MHz. Therefore we have simplified the
network as described above. Continuing the calculation we find:
L = 0.997 RG/ωc = 35.4 nH (So L1 = L2 = 17.7 nH)
With the computer model mentioned in Section 3.3.1 a gain of 22.3 dB has been calculated with Rgs = 6.25 Ω.
Starting from this 22.3 dB gain, L1 = L2 = 17.7 nH and Rgs = 6.25 Ω the input VSWR and gain deviation have been
calculated (see Table 2).
Initial results
Rs = 6.250 Ω; Gs = 22.300 dB
Par.LR: L = 17.700 nH; R = 6.250 Ω
Ser.Ind.: L = 17.700 nH
Before optimization the maximum VSWR = 1.28 and the gain = 22.7 dB ± 0.37 dB. To achieve a maximally flat gain and
a low input VSWR a computer optimization program has been used. This optimization results in a gain of 23.3 dB with a
maximum ∆Gain = ±0.09 dB and a VSWR ≤1.09, see Table 3. For these results L1 has been changed from 17.7 nH to
9 nH and L2 from 17.7 nH to 21.1 nH. the Rgs has been decreased from 6.25 Ω to 5.7 Ω.
Final results
Rs = 6.250 Ω; Gs = 23.300 dB
Par.LR: L = 21.079 nH; R = 5.749 Ω
Ser.Ind.: L = 8.950 nH
1998 Mar 23 8
Philips Semiconductors
20 10 6.25 Ω
≈15 pF 220 pF
6.25 Ω
1998 Mar 23 9
Philips Semiconductors
The transformer has been corrected with parallel capacitors for the higher frequencies and a series capacitor for the
lower frequencies. Figure 13 gives the return losses before and after the correction.
5.1 Single tone measurements
Figures 16 to 20 show at a constant outputpower of 300 W at 2 heatsink temperatures the gain, efficiency, input return
losses, 2nd and 3rd harmonics at the output as a function of the frequency. In the range 1.6 to 28 MHz the gain is
22 to 23 dB, the efficiency 52.5 to 61%, the input return losses are below −15.5 dB, the second harmonics better then
−25 dB and the third harmonics below −16 dB.
At a heatsink temperature of 70 °C the gain decreases about 1.5 dB. The heatsink temperature has only little influence
on the other parameters. Figures 21 to 23 shows at 4 frequencies the output power as a function of the input power and
the gain and efficiency versus outputpower.
Above 10 MHz the efficiency decreases about 6%. At 20 MHz the gain decreases above PO = 200 W. At other
frequencies this decrease starts at PO = 300 W.
1998 Mar 23 10
Philips Semiconductors
As shown in Table 4 there is a certain amount of unbalance between both drain currents at RF operation. It is possible
to improve this by using baluns in front of the input transformer and after the output transformer.
f ID1 ID2
(MHz) (A) (A)
1.6 5.2 4.8
5 5.1 4.75
10 5.25 4.8
15 5.3 4.95
20 5.7 5.3
25 6.2 5.25
30 5.85 5.15
This report shows that it is possible to design a wideband push-pull amplifier with 2 BLF177 MOS transistors having a
very good performance.
The main properties are:
• Bandwidth: 1.6 to 28 MHz
• VDS: 50 V
• IDQ: 1 A
• Gain at PO = 300 W: 22 to 23 dB
• Efficiency at PO = 300 W: 52.5 to 61%
• Return losses input at PO = 300 W: ≤−15.5 dB
• 2nd harmonics output at PO = 300 W: ≤−25 dB
• 3rd harmonics output at PO = 300 W: ≤−16 dB
• IMD at PO = 300 W PEP: ≤−33 dB.
G. Lukkassen
Application report NCO8602
A wideband power amplifier (25 to 110 MHz) with the MOS transistor BLF245.
1998 Mar 23 11
Philips Semiconductors
handbook, halfpage
n1 = 8 turns
copper foil
PTFE foil
n2 = 16 turns
enam. copper wire
handbook, halfpage
handbook, halfpage
1998 Mar 23 12
Philips Semiconductors
handbook, halfpage
transformer only
with compensation
0 10 20 30 40 50
f (MHz)
handbook, halfpage
original compensation
additional compensation
0 10 20 30 40 50
f (MHz)
1998 Mar 23 13
Philips Semiconductors
handbook, halfpage
(dB) transformer only
with compensation
0 10 20 30 40
f (MHz)
input L7 output
50 Ω 50 Ω
T1 L3 T2 T3
C1 C2 C3
L2 C10
L5 L6
VB = +50 V
C3 R4 R5 R6 C6 C7 C8
1998 Mar 23 14
Philips Semiconductors
Table 5 Parts list of the wide band push-pull amplifier with 2 × BLF277 (1.6 to 28 MHz); note 1
C1 5 − 60 pF film dielectric trimmer ( 2222 809 08003)
C2 30 pF multilayer chip capacitor; note 2
C3 2 × 100 nF multilayer chip capacitor ( 2222 852 47104)
C4 = C5 3 × 100 nF metallized film capacitor ( 2222 368 21104)
C6 = C7 100 nF multilayer chip capacitor ( 2222 852 47104)
C8 10 µF (63 V) electrolytic capacitor ( 2222 030 28109)
C9 = C10 4 × 10 nF metallized film capacitor ( 2222 368 51103)
C11 2 × 75 pF multilayer chip capacitor; note 2
L1 = L2 ≈ 9 nH, printed inductance; l = 47 and w = 6 mm
L3 = L4 35 nH, 3 turns enamelled Cu-wire (0.7 mm) int.dia.: 3 mm, l = 2.35 mm
L5 = L6 2.2 µH, 1 turns through modified Ferroxcube choke grade 3B ( 4312 020 36642); see Fig.10
L7 100 nH, 5 turns enamelled Cu-wire (0.8 mm) int.dia.: 5 mm, 1 = 6.1 mm
R1 = R2 5.9 Ω; 4 metal film resistors of 23.7 Ω (0.4 W) in parallel ( 2322 151 72379)
R3 1 kΩ, metal film resistor (0.4 W) ( 2322 151 71002)
R4 1 MΩ, metal film resistor (0.4 W) ( 2322 151 71005)
R5 500 Ω, Cermet potentiometer (0.75 W)
R6 5.6 kΩ, metal film resistor (1 W) ( 2322 153 55622)
T1 input transformer:
npr = 20 turns enamelled Cu-wire (0.5 mm)
nsec = 10 turns copper foil (width 2 mm), thickness 0.05 mm) wound around toroidal core, grade 4C6,
dimensions: 14 × 9 × 5 mm ( 4322 020 97181) see Fig.9
T2 drain choke: 6 turns of twisted pairs of 0.8 mm Cu-wires (each winding consists of 2 wires in parallel)
wound on a Ferroxcube rod, grade 4B1, dimensions 10 × 50 mm, see Fig.8
T3 npr = 8 turns copper foil (width 6 mm, thickness 0.05 mm)
nsec = 16 turns of 2 enamelled Cu-wires (0.6 mm) in parallel wound around toroidal core, grade 4C6,
dimensions: 36 × 23 × 15 mm ( 4322 020 97201) see Fig.7; 2 of these transformers in parallel
form the complete outputtransformer
1. PC-board: double Cu-clad, 1/16” epoxy fibre glass (εr = 4.5)
2. American Technical Ceramics type 100B or capacitor of same quality.
1998 Mar 23 15
Philips Semiconductors
C5 C8 +VB
R3 R4 C7
strap BLF177
C3 L6
rivet C9 T3
R1 L7
T1 C2 T2 C11
rivet C10
strap BLF177 L5 C6
1998 Mar 23 16
Philips Semiconductors
handbook, halfpage
Th = 25 °C
Th = 70 °C
0 10 20 30 40
f (MHz)
2 × BLF177
VDS = 50 V
IDQ = 1A
PO = 300 W
handbook, halfpage
Th = 70 °C
Th = 25 °C
0 10 20 30 40
f (MHz)
2 × BLF177
VDS = 50 V
IDQ = 1A
PO = 300 W
1998 Mar 23 17
Philips Semiconductors
return halfpage
Th = 25 °C Th = 70 °C
0 10 20 30 40
f (MHz)
2 × BLF177.
VDS = 50 V.
IDQ = 1A.
PO = 300 W.
handbook, halfpage
(dB) Th = 70 °C
Th = 25 °C
0 10 20 30 40
f (MHz)
2 × BLF177.
VDS = 50 V.
IDQ = 1A.
PO = 300 W.
1998 Mar 23 18
Philips Semiconductors
handbook, halfpage
(dB) Th = 70 °C
Th = 25 °C
0 10 20 30 40
f (MHz)
2 × BLF177.
VDS = 50 V.
IDQ = 1A.
PO = 300 W.
handbook, halfpage
f = 28 MHz 10 MHz
0 100 200 300 400
Pout (W)
2 × BLF177.
VDS = 50 V.
IDQ = 1A.
1998 Mar 23 19
Philips Semiconductors
handbook, halfpage
10 MHz
20 MHz
f = 1.6 MHz
28 MHz
0 100 200 300 400
Pout (W)
2 × BLF177.
VDS = 50 V.
IDQ = 1A.
handbook, halfpage
f = 1.6 MHz
28 MHz
20 MHz
10 MHz
0 1 2 3 4
Pin (W)
2 × BLF177.
VDS = 50 V.
IDQ = 1A.
1998 Mar 23 20
Philips Semiconductors
handbook, halfpage
Po = 300 W 200 W
100 W
30 W
0 10 20 30
f (MHz)
2 × BLF177.
VDS = 50 V.
IDQ = 1A.
fp − fq = 1 kHz.
handbook, halfpage
Po = 300 W
200 W
100 W
30 W
0 10 20 30
f (MHz)
2 × BLF177.
VDS = 50 V.
IDQ = 1A.
fp − fq = 1 kHz.
1998 Mar 23 21
Philips Semiconductors
handbook, halfpage
Po = 100 W PEP
300 W PEP 200 W PEP
30 W PEP
0 10 20 f (MHz) 30
2 × BLF177.
VDS = 50 V.
IDQ = 1A.
fp − fq = 1 kHz.
handbook, halfpage
(dB) Po = 300 W PEP 30 W PEP
100 W PEP
200 W PEP
0 10 20 f (MHz) 30
2 × BLF177.
VDS = 50 V.
IDQ = 1A.
fp − fq = 1 kHz.
1998 Mar 23 22
Philips Semiconductors
handbook, halfpage
f = 10 MHz 20 MHz
1.6 MHz
28 MHz
0 100 200 300 400
Po (W) PEP
2 × BLF177.
VDS = 50 V.
IDQ = 1A.
fp − fq = 1 kHz.
handbook, halfpage
f = 20 MHz
10 MHz 28 MHz
1.6 MHz
0 100 200 300 400
Po (W) PEP
2 × BLF177.
VDS = 50 V.
IDQ = 1A.
fp − fq = 1 kHz.
1998 Mar 23 23
Philips Semiconductors
handbook, halfpage
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
2 × BLF177. Idq (A)
VDS = 50 V.
fp − fq = 1 kHz.
fp = 20 MHz.
PO = 30 W PEP.
1998 Mar 23 24
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