Arnsten 2011
Arnsten 2011
Arnsten 2011
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The symptoms of schizophrenia involve profound dysfunction of the prefrontal cortex (PFC). PFC net-
Received 3 September 2010 works create our “mental sketch pad”, and PFC dysfunction contributes to symptoms such as cognitive
Received in revised form 2 February 2011 deficits, thought disorder, delusions and hallucinations. Neuropathological studies of schizophrenia have
Accepted 3 February 2011
shown marked loss of dendritic spines in deep layer III, the sublayer where PFC microcircuits reside. The
microcircuits consist of recurrent excitatory pyramidal cell networks that interconnect on spines, and
excite each other via NMDA receptor signaling. The pyramidal cell persistent firing is sculpted by lateral
Prefrontal cortex
inhibition from GABAergic basket and chandelier cells, thus creating tuned, persistent firing needed for
accurate representational knowledge (i.e., working memory). The strength of pyramidal cell network
cAMP connections is markedly and flexibly altered by intracellular signaling pathways in dendritic spines, a
DISC1 process called dynamic network connectivity (DNC). DNC proteins such as HCN channels are concen-
RGS4 trated on dendritic spines in deep layer III. Under optimal conditions, network inputs to pyramidal cells
Working memory are strengthened by noradrenergic alpha-2A inhibition of cAMP–HCN channel signaling, and sculpted by
dopamine D1-cAMP–HCN channel weakening of inappropriate inputs. However, with stress exposure,
high levels of cAMP–HCN channel signaling produces a collapse in network firing. With chronic stress
exposure, spines reduce in size and are lost, and this process involves increased PKC signaling. Impor-
tantly, molecules that normally strengthen PFC networks connections and/or reverse the stress response,
are often genetically altered in schizophrenia. As exposure to stress is a key factor in the precipitation
of schizophrenic symptoms, these dysregulated signaling pathways in deep layer III may interact with
already vulnerable circuitry to cause spine loss and the descent into illness.
© 2011 ISDN. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fig. 3. Recordings from PFC neurons indicate that network inputs from neurons
7. Chronic stress: sustained weakening of PFC network
with similar vs. dissimilar tuning characteristics are modulated differently. Nora-
drenergic stimulation of ␣2A-AR strengthens delay-related firing for a neuron’s connections leads to spine loss
preferred direction, suggesting that these receptors modulate network inputs from
neurons with shared stimulus properties (e.g., as shown in this example, strengthen- While acute stress induces a transient, physiological weakening
ing inputs from other 90◦ neurons). In contrast, dopamine D1 signaling can weaken of PFC network connections, exposure to chronic stress additionally
network connections from neurons with dissimilar characteristics, (e.g., weakening
inputs from a 45◦ neuron). We have proposed that D1 receptor stimulation may also
induces architectural changes in PFC pyramidal cells. Chronic stress
weaken network inputs from other cortical areas, (e.g., visual feature information causes dendritic retraction and loss of spines, and these structural
arriving from area 45), thus determining the breadth of network inputs. changes are associated with impaired PFC function (Radley et al.,
Based on Arnsten et al. (2009). 2008), including severe working memory loss (Hains et al., 2009).
Weakened PFC connectivity has even been seen in humans under-
going a mild, sustained stress (Liston et al., 2009). Spine loss can
6. Dopamine D1 receptor stimulation: the double-edged also be induced in PFC through chronic exposure to corticosterone,
sword and is associated with reduced NMDA receptors and BDNF levels
(Gourley et al., 2009), suggesting that some aspects of the stress
Dopamine D1 receptors are localized on dendritic spines near response may be mediated through this hormone. In normal sub-
excitatory network inputs in the primate dorsolateral PFC (Smiley jects, these architectural changes in animals and humans reverse
et al., 1994). For over 20 years, it has been appreciated that once the stressor is removed (Liston et al., 2009). However, environ-
D1 receptor stimulation produces an inverted U dose response, mental and genetic insults can reduce resilience to stress exposure.
whereby either too little or too much impairs working memory For example, in studies of rodent PFC, architectural changes have
performance (Arnsten and Goldman-Rakic, 1990; Arnsten et al., been observed in the adult offspring of mothers who were stressed
2009). Total blockade of D1 receptors appears to reduce all neuronal during pregnancy (Murmu et al., 2006).
firing, likely due to the loss of fundamental excitatory influences The signaling events that underlie stress-induced spine loss are
(reviewed in Arnsten et al., 2009). However, D1 receptors also beginning to be explored. Sustained elevation of protein kinase C
have powerful effects on PFC network inputs. Recent studies show (PKC) signaling may contribute, as increased PKC activity has been
that DA D1 receptor stimulation weakens network inputs via observed in PFC in response to stress exposure (Birnbaum et al.,
increased cAMP signaling (Vijayraghavan et al., 2007). Under opti- 2004). In vitro studies of hippocampal pyramidal cells have shown
mal conditions during a spatial working memory task, D1 receptor that sustained activation of PKC induces spine loss through phos-
stimulation weakens the neuron’s response to nonpreferred spatial phorylation of MARCKS, unanchoring MARCKS from the membrane,
directions, and thus reduces “noise” and sharpens spatial tuning which in turn leads to collapse of the spine’s actin cytoskeleton
(Vijayraghavan et al., 2007). In vitro recordings from PFC slices in (Calabrese and Halpain, 2005) (schematically illustrated in Fig. 4).
both rat (Gorelova et al., 2002) and monkey (Kroner et al., 2007) Similar results were observed in vivo in the rat PFC, where inhibition
indicate that sculpting actions may also arise from D1 activation of PKC signaling prevented spine loss and protected working mem-
of fast-spiking interneurons, and possible reductions in presynap- ory performance during chronic stress exposure (Hains et al., 2009).
tic glutamate release (Gao et al., 2001). All of these mechanisms Sustained elevations in PKC signaling also induce actin collapse in
may combine to restrict neuronal firing. Thus, inadequate D1 recep- growth cones (Torreano et al., 2005) and microspikes (Yokoyama
tor stimulation leads to noisy neuronal firing, with PFC neurons et al., 1998), the latter via pMARCKS as well.
firing during the delay to the memory of all spatial directions Preliminary evidence indicates that inhibition of cAMP signal-
(Vijayraghavan et al., 2007). However, under conditions of very high ing may also protect PFC structure and function from chronic stress
levels of D1 receptor stimulation – as occurs during stress expo- (Arnsten, unpublished). It is not known how sustained elevation
sure (Murphy et al., 1996) – all PFC networks are disconnected, of cAMP signaling leads to spine loss rather than enlargement
and all memory-related firing is suppressed (Vijayraghavan et al., in PFC. Like PKC, increased cAMP-PKA signaling can defibrillize
2007). Neuronal firing patterns are restored via inhibition of cAMP actin in microspikes (Fleming et al., 2004), perhaps through unan-
signaling (ibid). These powerful D1 actions may contribute to the choring actin via FAK (Serrels et al., 2010). The findings that
rapid loss of dorsolateral PFC functions with exposure to even mild, elevated PKC and cAMP signaling may cause defibrillation of actin
uncontrollable stressors. in both microspikes and PFC spines during stress exposure suggests
Although spatial working memory for a small region of visu- these very different cellular processes may share some essen-
ospace benefits from D1 sculpting actions, other PFC cognitive tial regulatory processes (although PKA reduces actin filaments
operations that rely on broad network inputs can actually be in microspikes by inhibiting RhoA signaling (Fleming et al., 2004),
harmed by dopamine D1 receptor actions (Arnsten et al., 2009). while activation of RhoA signaling causes spine loss in hippocampal
A.F.T. Arnsten / Int. J. Devl Neuroscience 29 (2011) 215–223 219
Fig. 4. RGS4 inhibition of PKC signaling may protect PFC gray matter from the detrimental effects of chronic stress exposure. (A) RGS4 is abundant in PFC neurons, and is
localized near synapses in dendritic spines in monkey dorsolateral PFC (Paspalas et al., 2009). (B) A possible signaling mechanism whereby RGS4 inhibits Gq-PKC signaling
in spines. Sustained increases in PKC signaling are known to cause collapse of the actin cytoskeleton and spine loss via phosphorylation of MARCKS, which in turn unanchors
actin from the membrane (see text). (C) Exposure to chronic stress induces working memory deficits and spine loss from layer III PFC pyramidal cells in rats. Inhibition of
PKC signaling during stress exposure protects working memory and dendritic spines, and there is a significant correlation between these measures. Thus, loss of RGS4 in
schizophrenia may leave patients more vulnerable to spine loss. Black, control conditions; red, saline treatment during chronic stress exposure; blue, PKC inhibition under
control conditions, green, PKC inhibition during chronic stress exposure. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of the article.)
Adapted from Hains et al. (2009).
neurons (Sfakianos et al., 2007). Interestingly, microspikes forma- of these genes have been confirmed by GWAS, the working model
tion relies on CDC42 signaling, a molecule that is reduced in layers indicates how even rare genetic alterations may produce a similar
III–VI in the dorsolateral PFC of patients with schizophrenia (Hill phenotype if they also weaken key PFC networks.
et al., 2006; Ide and Lewis, 2010). It is possible that reductions in NMDA receptor signaling – PFC network firing during work-
CDC42 interact with DNC stress pathways in layer III to contribute ing memory depends on glutamate actions at NMDA receptors on
to preferential spine loss in layer III in patients. pyramidal cell spines (Arnsten et al., 2010 and Wang and Arn-
Spine loss may also occur through reductions in NMDA receptor sten, unpublished). The reduction in NMDA receptor signaling in
actions. Stress-like neurochemical conditions markedly suppress schizophrenia is widely discussed, and may arise from a number of
neuronal firing in the monkey PFC (Birnbaum et al., 2004; factors, including genetic insults to such NMDA regulatory proteins
Vijayraghavan et al., 2007). If these conditions are sustained in as NRG1 and dysbindin (reviewed in Krystal et al., 2003; Ross et al.,
chronic stress, large reductions in network firing would lead to 2006; Javitt, 2010; Kristiansen et al., 2010). Reduced NMDA recep-
reduced glutamate stimulation of NMDA receptors. Recent stud- tor signaling can lead to spine shrinkage and loss (Hayashi-Takagi
ies have shown that decreases in NMDA signaling lead to spine et al., 2010), suggesting that both functional and architectural dys-
shrinkage via DISC1 sequestration of Kalirin-7 in the synapse and function can arise from these insults (see above). NMDA receptors
inhibition of rac1 signaling (Hayashi-Takagi et al., 2010). It is likely have also been reported on GABAergic interneurons, although this
that multiple, interacting pathways lead to spine loss during stress, may only occur during adolescence (Wang and Gao, 2009). Thus,
and understanding these molecular events will be key to rescuing the impact of altered NMDA signaling on GABAergic interneuronal
gray matter loss in patients with schizophrenia. function may only contribute during a discrete but important time
period (Belforte et al., 2010).
8. Genetic insults to “molecular brakes” on stress pathways Nicotinic ␣7 receptors – nicotinic ␣7 receptors are depolarizing,
in schizophrenia cation channels that have been localized on dendritic spines in the
rat PFC, in addition to their traditional presynaptic location (Duffy
A variety of signaling events can strengthen PFC network con- et al., 2009). Behavioral studies have shown that stimulation of ␣7
nections and/or provide brakes on the stress response to restore receptors strengthens the working memory and attention functions
PFC network connectivity. A remarkable number of these molecules of the PFC, e.g., (Levin et al., 2006; Boess et al., 2007; Chan et al.,
have been associated with genetic insults in schizophrenia (shown 2007), including reversal of cognitive deficits induced by NMDA
in purple in Fig. 2), which would lead to weakened network con- receptor blockade (Buccafusco and Terry, 2009). Our recent data
nections and dysregulation of the stress response. Although not all show that stimulation of ␣7 receptors in PFC strengthens memory-
220 A.F.T. Arnsten / Int. J. Devl Neuroscience 29 (2011) 215–223
related firing, while blockade of this receptor markedly reduces 9. Dopamine actions in schizophrenia
PFC network firing in monkeys performing a working memory task
(Yang et al., 2010). Genetic alterations of the ␣7 receptor have been Dopamine is dysregulated in schizophrenia. A long and consis-
linked to attentional gating deficits in patients with schizophre- tent history has shown excessive DA stimulation of D2 receptors in
nia for many years (Leonard and Freedman, 2006; Martin and caudate (Wong et al., 1986; Seeman et al., 1989; Laruelle et al., 1996;
Freedman, 2007; Severance and Yolken, 2008). It is possible that the Kegeles et al., 2010), and more recent work suggests reduced DA in
high prevalence of smoking in patients with schizophrenia arises PFC post-mortem, at least at later ages (Akil et al., 1999). As there is
from their need to increase nicotine stimulation of ␣7 receptors likely increased DA innervation of layer III in the PFC during adoles-
to strengthen PFC network connections. Nicotinic a7 agonists are cence (Rosenberg and Lewis, 1995), there may be a hyperDA state
currently being developed as potential cognitive enhancers that during this key time period, which rapidly erodes with advanc-
may be especially useful in patients with schizophrenia (Hajós and ing age. As shown in Fig. 1A, the dysregulation of DA in PFC and
Rogers, 2010; Thomsen et al., 2010). caudate is likely secondary to insults in PFC circuits that normally
RGS4 and PI/PKC signaling – RGS4 inhibits Gq signaling, and control DA activity (Lewis and Gonzalez-Burgos, 2006). Dopamine
thus can reduce a number of cellular actions, including IP3 cal- dysregulation would likely have multiple consequences.
cium release (Fig. 2) and PKC signaling (Fig. 4). RGS4 protein and D1 receptor signaling in PFC: PET imaging studies have shown
mRNA are greatly reduced in the PFC of patients with schizophre- increased D1 receptor binding in PFC in schizophrenia that cor-
nia (Mirnics et al., 2001; Erdely et al., 2006; Volk et al., 2010), and relates with cognitive deficits (Abi-Dargham et al., 2002). The
several genetic studies have found links between RGS4 and mental upregulation in D1 receptors is thought to be a compensatory
illness (Chowdari et al., 2002; Morris et al., 2004; Fallin et al., 2005). response to reduced DA stimulation (Guo et al., 2003). Given that
Loss of RGS4 would disinhibit Gq signaling, potentially amplifying optimal DA D1 receptor stimulation in PFC requires rapid, dynamic
the effects of alpha-1, 5HT2 and mGluR1/Gq signaling in the spine changes based on cognitive demands, it is likely that D1 recep-
and reducing PFC network activity (Fig. 2B and D). Recent stud- tor stimulation is often suboptimal in patients with schizophrenia,
ies have also observed an increase in mGluR1a mRNA in the PFC with
of patients with schizophrenia (Volk et al., 2010), further driving
Gq signaling and reducing neuronal firing. As shown in Fig. 4, loss a) inadequate D1 receptor stimulation under basal conditions,
of RGS4 would also disinhibit PKC signaling, which could aggra- leading to noisy firing and inappropriate network connections,
vate spine loss (Hains et al., 2009). In support of this hypothesis, perhaps contributing to loose associations, and
polymorphisms in RGS4 are associated with PFC gray matter loss, b) excessive D1 receptor stimulation suppressing all firing under
reduced connectivity and reduced BOLD signals in patients with conditions such as mild stress when there is increased DA
schizophrenia (Prasad et al., 2005; Buckholtz et al., 2007). release onto upregulated D1 receptors (Vijayraghavan et al.,
DISC1 and cAMP signaling – a translocation in the gene encoding 2007; Fig. 1A).
for DISC1 has been associated with high rates of mental illness in
a large Scottish pedigree (Millar et al., 2000, 2005). Genetic insults These data suggest that patients with schizophrenia would have
to DISC1 likely contribute to altered cortical development (Ishizuka narrowed inverted U’s with a limited range of optimal modulation,
et al., 2006), and may also lead to weakened network connectivity. and thus be especially vulnerable to stress (Arnsten et al., 2009).
DISC1 is localized in dendritic spines in the primate PFC (Kirkpatrick One can speculate that this would be further aggravated in patients
et al., 2006), and interacts with the cAMP-catabolizing enzyme, with genetic insults in DISC1 and/or PDE4 signaling with dysreg-
PDE4 (Millar et al., 2007; Murdoch et al., 2007). DISC1 is thought to ulation of cAMP signaling (Arnsten et al., 2009). Exaggerated D1
activate PDE4s under conditions of high cAMP production to pro- receptor signaling also might contribute to spine loss during stress
vide negative feedback. Thus, loss of DISC1 function should lead to exposure.
increased cAMP in spines, as shown in Fig. 2. As described above, D2 receptor signaling in PFC: in contrast to D1 recep-
increased cAMP signaling in suppresses PFC neuronal firing, and tor modulation of delay-related firing, D2 receptors modulate
may also contribute to spine loss during chronic stress. Prelimi- response-related firing (Wang et al., 2004). Interestingly, some of
nary data from our lab show that knockdown of DISC1 in the rat the responses of PFC neurons occur during the motor response,
medial PFC lowers the threshold for stress-induced PFC dysfunc- and are thought to represent corollary discharge. D2 recep-
tion (Gamo et al., 2010). In this regard it is particularly interesting tor stimulation increases response-related firing, and speeds the
that a DISC1 polymorphism is associated with increased psychosis, response, while reduced D2 receptor stimulation slows and reduces
cognitive dysfunction, and PFC gray matter loss in patients with response-related firing (Wang et al., 2004). Alterations in either the
schizophrenia (Cannon et al., 2005; Szeszko et al., 2008). timing and/or the amplitude of corollary discharge may interfere
Interestingly, significant associations have been observed with the “mental tag” that denotes that a response is self-generated
between reduced PFC BOLD activity and single nucleotide poly- (Arnsten et al., 2009). In humans, D2 alterations in PFC may
morphisms in genes encoding for DISC1, NMDA, ␣7 nicotinic interfere with corollary discharge emanating from Broca’s area,
and ␣2A adrenergic receptors in an fMRI study of patients with contributing to auditory hallucinations (Ford et al., 2002).
schizophrenia performing an oddball task (Liu et al., 2009). Thus, D2 receptor signaling in caudate: as described above, exten-
this nonbiased study uncovered a set of DNC-associated proteins sive evidence documents increased DA D2 receptor stimulation in
needed for strong PFC function. the caudate of patients with schizophrenia. Dopamine D2 recep-
These data may explain why such a wide variety of genetic tor signaling normally serves to disinhibit the indirect pathways
insults can lead to a similar phenotype of weakened PFC net- through the basal ganglia, thus increasing motor, cognitive and
work firing. Although it is unlikely that treatments will be able to affective responses (Steiner and Gerfen, 1998). The caudate is
correct abnormalities in PFC circuit formation that have occurred the striatal structure mediating cognitive responses, and receives
during development, there is hope that we may be able to ame- extensive inputs from the association cortices (Alexander et al.,
liorate some of the genetic errors in DNC proteins that weaken 1986). Thus, excessive D2 receptor stimulation in caudate would
PFC circuits with targeted medications. The appropriate treatment magnify incoming cortical errors (Fig. 1A).
at key time periods, e.g., in adolescence, may slow the progres- Increased DA release during stress exposure could thus lead
sion of PFC network demise and the manifestation of schizophrenia to a constellation of detrimental actions: disconnection of PFC
symptoms. networks, inaccurate timing of corollary discharge from PFC, and
A.F.T. Arnsten / Int. J. Devl Neuroscience 29 (2011) 215–223 221
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the treatment of ADHD and related disorders. AFTA receives funds 2010. Psychophysiological prodromal signs of schizophrenic relapse: a pilot
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from Shire for research related to ␣2A noradrenergic signaling Duffy, A.M., Zhou, P., Milner, T.A., Pickel, V.M., 2009. Spatial and intracellular rela-
mechanisms, and performs consulting and speaking engagements tionships between the alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and the vesicular
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science 161, 1091–1103.
Marinus Pharmaceuticals for the development of the PKC inhibitor,
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Acknowledgements Fallin, M.D., Lasseter, V.K., Avramopoulos, D., Nicodemus, K.K., Wolyniec, P.S.,
McGrath, J.A., Steel, G., Nestadt, G., Liang, K.Y., Huganir, R.L., Valle, D., Pulver,
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1RL1AA017536 within U54RR024350, and a NARSAD Distinguished Fleming, Y.M., Frame, M.C., Houslay, M.D., 2004. PDE4-regulated cAMP degrada-
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Ford, J.M., Mathalon, D.H., Whitfield, S., Faustman, W.O., Roth, W.T., 2002.
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