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97. Atank in an ice plant is to contains 3,000 liters of brine. It is constructed to be 4 mong and 1.5 wide. Find the height of the tank. A.0.3 B04 C.0.5 0.0.6 V=LxWxH; 3m? =4x1.SxH; H=——==0.5 98. The eccentricity of the hyperbola having the rectangular equation 3x?-4y2 2dx+16y+20=0 is A112 B. 1.22 1.32 D. 1.42 SOLUTION; 3x? -4y—-24x+16y+20=0 3(x? — 8x = 16) —4(y?-46y+64) =16+64-20 c=1.32 99.Find the equation of the parabola whose vertex is the origin and whose focus is the point (0,2) A. x2=10y B. x?=8y ©. x2=-10y D. x?=-8y ra [oo 4(6- $x) xax = 561.6 or 562 93. A lady gives a dinner party for six guests. In how many ways the be selected from among 10 friends? A. 110 8. 220 105 D. 210 SOLUTION: 10€6=210 94, For a complex number 2=2=2(sqrt of 3) i, The modulus is. A.2 B.3 a4 D.5 SOLUTION: r = {ots ovahea 95.Which of the following has no middle term? A. (x-2y)f B, (xtyy? ©. (ey) D. (x#2y)! 96. A sports car 2 m long overtakes a 12 m van which is traveling at the rat of 36 kph. How fast must the car travel to overtake the van in 3 seconds if their rear ends are aligned initially? A. 46 kph B. 47 kph C.48 kph D. 49 kph SOLUTION: 16 12 x=48

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