T.T .. T ... tt.1 : I I I I !
T.T .. T ... tt.1 : I I I I !
T.T .. T ... tt.1 : I I I I !
The degree of a polynomial function identifies the number of roots that it will have. However, not all of
the roots of the function have to be real roots. It is possible that some of the roots will be imaginary.
Consider the two functions that follow to answer the given questions. Answer each question addressing
both functions,.f{x) and g(x).
fix) If the graph is shifted up or Based on the maximum number
: : : : 1 : : t : : down, what is the maximum of zeros that the graph could
,........+········("""' . ....... ······+··5· ...... ......+······-t-····..·i·······+·······!
number of zeros that the graph have, what type of function is
i : !
i. i i i I !
.. ...•..•.•...j .................j••••••••••••••••• :
I i 1
could have? graphed?
i l 1 I 1 l - : ! l I l
··· · · ··· · · ·· · ·· ·
: : : : ·:- i4
·r· · ·T. . . . °'-�)UwY\U�
i i : : : :
i ·· ·· 1 ! i 1........ti ...!)·- ......L....... L......l ........L......L ......l
r- · -r 1 i l i 1 i
'........ , ...... ..' ........ , ........ '........ !_5, ······'········'········'········'········'········'
g(x) Based on the graph, identify the State the left and right end
number of positive, negative, behavior of each function.
zero and imaginary roots of the
function. � ).'*,-Q.4 ) +�.-,-a:,,
;........, ........;......... ,........j ........ !···i··+······•········i·······"········•········•········' � 'X. .=, �J �('/..) ..,, 00.
� 'X. � -o,) 3(-,.)., _ 00
� 'X�t)O) �o.) +- C)O,
Based on the degree and the end Based on the graph, what What are the domain and range
behavior, is the leading coefficient of factor(s) is/are guaranteed to be ofj{x) and g(x)?
the equation positive or negative? factor(s) of the equations ofj{x)
and g(x)? 6--) � 0 ·. (-QO ,ti;,)
�(� � 'Pe�:,.\;�
�(;,.) � ( X. ,t �) R '. (_ -�, W\)
('1-) � tJ �d,� �)� o: c-�, s:.0)
(_-,.) � (�-t� �
(�-3) R: (-�Js]
The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra
L_.__,..,.�� �St �aJ"MO.O
QOO Y"'\ ;, J'\.0'1)�
..L • ---z, -
Roots of a polynomial function are �t>C»�.\,"2..,. , o.*\�
How many of the roots can be�USITIV-and NEGATIVE?
Rene Descartes was a mathematician of his time to whom much of modem mathematics is accredited.
One such concept that carries his name is Descartes' Rule of Signs.
er the function given by the equationp(x)=2x 4 +%3 -Sx 2 +2x+3. ,Find the equation ofp(-x).
?(-�) =- "-.C-�)� + c-�)3- 8(--x)� -1-*?C.)-t 3
f(-� x. � - �3 - � X � - ;2. ')( -+ -3
Descartes' Rule of Signs is dependent upon the number of times the signs of the terms in the equation
change signs. In the boxes below, write both the equation ofp(x) and the equation ofp(-x). Then, count
the number of times that the signs of the terms change.
The number of sign changes in p(x) determine the MAXIMUM number of �QSIIIYF real roots that the
function COULD have.
The number of sign changes in p(-x) determine the MAXIMUM number ofNEGATIVE real roots that
the function COULD have.
®'he function can have this maximum number of positive or negative roots or any multiple of two less
than this maximum. For example, if a function can have a maximum of 4 positive roots, then it could also
possible have 2 or O positive roots. If a function can have a maximum of 3 positive roots, then it could
also have 1 positive root. If a function can have a maximum of 2 positive roots, then it could also have 0
positive roots.
For the functionp(x) = 2x 4 +x 3 -8x 2 +2x+3, how many POSITIVE roots are possible? � Q( Q
For the function p( x) =2x 4 + x 3 -8x 2 + 2x + 3, how many NEGATIVE roots are possible? � or 0
How many of the roots can be ZBRO?
�-- J:F 'X
X� 0 , �
Graph each of the functions below on the graphing calculator and draw what you see.
"' "'
f(x) = x3 +x 2 -2x g(x) = x -' -3x2 h(x) =x -' +x 2 -4x-4
4 4
3 3
--4 -3 :l 3 4 X -4 -3 3 4 :t
-4 \V
Rewrite the function in Rewrite the function in Rewrite the function in
completely factored form. completely factored form. completely factored form.
:,.):.. X('X'l..+7'-�J
6') � ,- ( � -i) htr-)� ,.2( 'X-t 0-��-t�
)��-IX'X�� t � :.. �-\- \)('X'l._�
Based on the factors, how many Based on the factors, how many Based on the factors, how many
times is x = 0 a root of the times is x = 0 a root of the times is x = 0 a root of the
function? How is this visible in function? How is this visible in function? How is this visible in
the graph? the graph? the graph?
�-=-0 i � o... re,Dt i -tdll'A.l- ?(:. 0 it. o.. � , � � � )(-::. 0 ; � o...i'"fti( D
J.. ,
Consider the quadratic function.f{x) =\x + 2x + 2 whose graph is
- --
iliiI� �JIII:I
pictured to the right. Notice that the graph does not show an;:ueros,)but
since.f{x) is quadratic, then there MUST be two roots.
1. Find the value of b 2 - 4ac. What does this result tell you about the
roots of.f{x).
b 1.-� l 1 I I l i l : : .
l l 1 1 l
i. . . . i. . . . l. . . . i. . . . i:�.
Sl'""-L- 'o�-4.Q.c..�OJ � � °{ -
X:. - b � [b 1...-1.{�5:
-fuc-')� ��·
2. Use the quadratic formula to find the roots off{x).
'X-= :t J-�
-� - -�:!: �\.. -- - \ "!. L
�( \)
Ro�: -\-+ L ON1... -\ -L
Now, you have gathered all the information needed in order to determine the possible combinations of
different types of roots. Draw a table below that summarizes the possibilities of the types of roots for
h(x). Then, graph the function on the calculator and put a star by the combination that is correct.
1. j(x) = -2x 5 + 2x4 - 3x3 + 2x2
?es·. 3 er- i
j6 �f..Si ��
-e-t.n> � �
�-i):. -'-l.:X)rs.+J.(-x) -3(--x)"+�?.f
-�:.. �'>'Ii � 'i -+ 3��-\" �-x. :r�: ��,or-O
� �Y-0 -:x:
3 D
*' 0
3 .i 0
* :i i. 0 \
\ �, 2.,'W"O
N tJ
\ \ \ 3 \ 0
\ 0
Suppose that a oolvnomial function, lt(x), has roots of x = -1 and x = 2i.
What type of function is h(x)? Give a reason for your answer.
1� 'X-:. .,._ l. is � \.�� '6 r"'8-»+, ��-.!ti.. o..1&.o i � A..
ro ct . n Ge.) � °"- 1) .:re� � roc-\-s" ?(:. -\ J 2�, �
\.\(x) � (x -lt
h(:,..) : ..,._ � ;- 4 )'.. + ><. '). -+ �
(y.) :.. � '?, -t )<. '2. + "\ )( +- ij
Suppose that a polynomial function, g(x), has roots of x = 1, which has a multiplicity of 2 and
X = 3 + i,
What type of function is g(x)? Give a reason for your answer.
:C.. .f- X:.. ; .+ L 1 � CA.. ..-o e +.) � "X.:.. S - � \ � o 0... \'"OE>+--, cJ.s Al�"
��i l" Cl. roe)* +,.,.,,iu w�� � '-�-'-A.� J.\,
rt)�� � �c.�) � �cu-he_ �-h�.
Find an equation with,�coefficients, for g(x).
�) ::.
X'-' - � 3 -t \ � :l. _ � -t \�.l._ � X + 'l:'2. - � -'r \0
Bue) -:.. .x "' -s -t" .23 x � -:i (o x -+ 1 61
Name__'-�-�-�--�------------Date_________ Period___
· · · · · · I
Given the graph of the function h(x) pictured to the right, answer questions I - 2.
1. �at o
� ��
? G v
e_ _.
for yo
:. �
, . . . . . .
· ! i : l !
r·· · · 1 · · · ·r· · · 1 · · · ·r· · · 1 · ·S·
c:: ·r: r:· :r:: :r: : r: :
Lt �
� �x:v�UW\.. � t � \,\(�) � ... ·+........!····..··+·· ····!········+........;
QI.. r-nc...fu�Cir\.t. .. .:l... .. ...Ji·. .· .·Jt·. ..·. ·i ·. · ·�.· :. ······t········!········t····· ··\········t········\
- l- ii-.lr. . . . . . . .lt. . . .i
� \4> �&t),s
2. What is the combination of positive, negative, imaginary and zero : ....... ..i........l..+
roots of h(x)? Give a reason for your answer. . k.., ;. : : : 1
i �� x::.-3 ha.sa...W\ul��·y
· · · i· · · · :· · · · · · · · ':
. . .Tt . . . jT'......1 4 $
: : ,
Ye)� __,
: . /"·;· · · · :
1 1
. . . l . . . .J . . . . 1 . . . . 1 . . . . [ . . .. J
� ......L ....• ..,
••••••.;••••••••j •••••••• ,Go••••••••j ••••••••-0, ••••••••:
� �\�"-?.
���� �,� .. , ..... '..
Answ�estions 3 - 9 about the function /(x) = 6x 4 -x 3 -34x 2 + l9x + 10.
3. How many sign change s are in the equation of 4. How many positive roots is/are po ssible for j(x)?
7. Is zero a p ble root off( . If so, how many 8. Create a table displaying the all of the possible
times is zero a root? Give a rea son why or why not. combinations of positive, negative, imaginary and
zero roots off(x).
s·,� � �� � +c.�) � N
o.. �c;�\ �MtS�
�e..('�, �
� fu� � "X..� �t 1
'k_ �,eJ._ ...J:_ , 'i{....,-,. I ',\'..:,. 0 L 0
\� � e>.-..ro& «.,....'). 0 0
9. Using a graphing calculator, sketch a graph ofj(x). Then, based on the graph, which combination from
your table in exercise 8. is the correct combination. Give a reason for your answer.
� - �
b\c. � ���
,..-�)(..\<, �
- O -o
crosw=>&-'Y\. M�
� �ck
� � �d,ve.
'?os\'t\vt IX.-��.
Given the graph of the function g(x) pictured to the right, answer questions 10 - 11.
: :-··"'f"···r ;•(""':"'·S· T. . ...r. ·r· . · ;--· ....
10. What type of function is g(x)? Give a reason for your answer. · · · · · .. .... ... ·· ······; ....
l : : : : ;
:::::: ::::::! . . :: : ::::· : ::: 1: :::-:-t : �� "f' r ; :
· -c. cl� \J...D' O'..- � . .. . -
.fi. ''W\V� :. . ., :
\1:\-l� � � )l v.J� """",�<OS�" 1.v.,�
- ct.� <. °'-.
W\A:Y-l ........ . ····· ··· ... '""'""
; ; : f j
.5. ···"+··· "·!··......;........, ........+.......,)
: :
: : : : : :
: : : :
12. Given the function below, create a chaii of all of 1 Given the function below, create a chart of all o
the possible numbers of positive, negative, imaginary the possible numbers of positive, negative, imaginary
and zero roots of the function. Show your analysis. and zero roots of the function. Show your analysis.
13. Using a graphing calculator, sketch a graph of 15. Using a graphing calculator, sketch a graph of
p(x). Then, based on the graph, which combination g(x). Then, based on the graph, which combination
from your table in exercise 12 is the correct from your table in exercise 14 is the correct
combination. Give a reason for your answer. combination. Give a reason for your answer.
\ - 2. - 0 - 0 b\c.. � \ - \ - 2. - 0 \;>\c.. �� ��
Ct"os.SU> � ?..-� \ � O't'\ bi
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