Comparative Study of Numerical Methods For Solving Non-Linear Equations Using Manual Computation

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Mathematics Letters

2019; 5(4): 41-46
doi: 10.11648/
ISSN: 2575-503X (Print); ISSN: 2575-5056 (Online)

Comparative Study of Numerical Methods for Solving

Non-linear Equations Using Manual Computation
Isaac Azure1, Golbert Aloliga2, Louis Doabil3
Department of Computer Science, Regentropfen College of Applied Sciences, Bolgatanga, Ghana
Mathematics Department, St. Vincent College of Education, Yendi, Ghana
Business School, Ghana Institute of Management & Public Administration, Accra, Ghana

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To cite this article:

Isaac Azure, Golbert Aloliga, Louis Doabil. Comparative Study of Numerical Methods for Solving Non-linear Equations Using Manual
Computation. Mathematics Letters. Vol. 5, No. 4, 2019, pp. 41-46. doi: 10.11648/

Received: June 30, 2019; Accepted: December 25, 2019; Published: January 8, 2020

Abstract: This paper aims at comparing the performance in relation to the rate of convergence of five numerical methods
namely, the Bisection method, Newton Raphson method, Regula Falsi method, Secant method, and Fixed Point Iteration
method. A manual computational algorithm is developed for each of the methods and each one of them is employed to solve a
root - finding problem manually with the help of an TI - inspire instrument. The outcome of the computations showed that all
methods converged to an exact root of 1.56155, however the Bisection method converged at the 14th iteration, Fixed Point
Iterative Method converged at 7th iteration, Secant method converged at the 5th iteration and Regula Falsi and Newton
Raphson methods converged at the 2nd iteration, suggesting that Newton Raphson and Regula Falsi methods are more efficient
in computing the roots of a nonlinear quadratic equation.
Keywords: Numerical Methods, Convergence, Root, Iteration, Manual Computation, Nonlinear Equations

matter of fact, the determination of any unknown appearing

1. Introduction implicitly in scientific or engineering formulas, gives rise to
When real life problems are modelled into mathematical root finding problem [3].
equations in an attempt to solve a problem, the equations are Some numerical methods for solving root -finding
often linear or nonlinear in nature. The roots of the equations problems include; Bisection method, Newton Raphson
give the final result to the problem under study. This means method, Regula Falsi method, Secant method and Fixed
that using the most efficient numerical method for root Point Iteration. The rate of convergence could be linear,
finding problems is very important in mathematical quadratic or otherwise. The higher the order, the faster the
computations since obtaining an accurate result is important method converges [6]. Several investigations have been
in problem solving. The Root - Finding Problem is the carried out by different authors all in an attempt to finding
problem of finding a root of the equation f(x) = 0, where f(x) the right methods of solving root – finding problems. One of
is a function of the single variable x. Given a function f(x) = 0 such researches by Ehiwario et al (2014), investigated the
and x = such that f( ) = 0, then is a root of f(x). Root - effectiveness of Newton Raphson, Bisection and Secant
Finding Problems arise in several fields of studies including methods in solving a root finding problems [6]. Prior to
Engineering, Chemistry, Agriculture, Biosciences and so on. Ehiwario et al (2014) investigation, Srivastava et al (2011)
This is as a result of the fact that unknown variables will carried out a comparative study between Bisection, Newton
always appear in problem formula involving real life Raphson and Secant methods to find out the method with the
problems. Relevant situations in Physics where such least number of iterations when applied to solve a single
problems are needed to be solved include finding the variable nonlinear equation [11]. Other numerical methods
equilibrium position of an object, potential surface of a field for solving root –finding problems such as Regula – Falsi and
and quantized energy level of confined structure [2]. As a Fixed Point Iteration methods have applied in other
researches to solve root – finding problems [5, 8]. The
42 Isaac Azure et al.: Comparative Study of Numerical Methods for Solving Non-linear
Equations Using Manual Computation

purpose of the study is to compare the number of iterations less than a certain threshold. Hence the relative error formula
needed by a given numerical method to reach a solution and is given by

the rate of convergence of the methods. In order to achieve
the aim of this study, manual computational algorithms for (3)
each of the methods are used to find the root of a function.
A similar research conducted compared four iterative 2.1.3. Using Taylor Series
methods for solving non-linear equations that assist to Newton Raphson method can also be derived from Taylor
present a better performing method [9]. MATLAB results Series. This method has proven to be more useful in
were delivered to check the appropriateness of the best computations which has to do with error analysis since
method. With the help of the approximate error graph, the Taylor Series gives an easier approach to evaluation of
Newton’s method was the most robust for solving the approximation error.
nonlinear equation. Besides, Newton’s method gave a lesser When given a function , its updated value in Taylor
number of iterations compared to the others and it showed Series form is written as follows
less processing time. f( ) ≈ f( )+ ( − ) (4)
the point of intersection of the curve with the x−axis in figure
2. Numerical Methods 1, shows that the function = 0, hence equation (3)
2.1. Background of Newton Raphson Method becomes

Newton Raphson method can be derived using several f( )+ ( − )=0 (5)

procedures, notable amongst them are by using the concept
making xi+1 the subject in equation (4) results into Newton
of finding the slope of a function and using the Taylor series.
Raphson equation as shown below
2.1.1. Concept of Slope of a Function
Derivation of Newton Raphson method using the concept (6)
of slope of a function begins with an assumption that a
tangent to a curve that cuts the x - axis gives an idea leading 2.1.4. Algorithm for Newton Raphson Method
to the computation of likely solutions to the equation of the In order to apply Newton Raphson method to find the root
curve, as illustrated in the diagram below. of a nonlinear equation:
Step 1: Write the equation in the form f(x) = 0 and find

the range ( , ) in which the real root lies.

Step 2: Test for values of x using the function f(x) to obtain

Step 3: Select in step 2 as the initial value and solve for

f( and ( )
Step 4: Use values obtained in step 3 to compute h0, that is
and hence .
Step 5: Use the new value to repeat the process in steps
3 and 4 to obtain the value for . Stop when values for xn+1
in two different iterations are the same. That value is the real
root of the function f(x).
Figure 1. Diagram indicating slope of a curve

, , ,…,
( 2.1.5. Convergence of Newton Raphson Method
Assuming that is a sequence of

where lim $% | '| 0

From the figure above, the slope of is given by approximations to a root δ obtained by a numerical method,


Making xi+1 the subject in equation (1) results into the

| |
equation below, which represents Newton Raphson equation.

lim )
$% | | (

The method ensures that each iterative solution is updated for some p and some non-zero constant K, the numerical
at every point. method has an order of convergence p and K defines the
asymptotic error constant. The value of p is directly
2.1.2. Termination Condition for Newton Raphson Method
Discarding * and the higher power of n, we get
The iterative process of Newton Raphson method is proportional to the rate of convergence.
terminated at the point when approximate relative error is
Mathematics Letters 2019; 5(4): 41-46 43

) (7) Step 5: Go back to step 3.

Where 2.2.2. Convergence of Bisection Method
1 (') produces iterates that converge as lim →% = ' , if there
In the case of Bisection method, suppose that an algorithm

2 (') exists a sequence 9 that converges to zero and a positive

constant K, such that
=| − '| ≤ ;|9 |
| | | (')|
| | 2| (')| it implies that xn is said to converge with rate yn. Thus in the
Taking limit as , → ∞ of both sides of the equation above.
case of Bisection method

| − '| ≤ |< − =|
the function ( ) can be differentiated twice, and δ is a root
In the case of Newton Raphson method, we assume that

+' =
f(xn) and expanding (' + ) and (' + ) ) using
of the function. Substituting into the function Hence the Bisection method has a convergence rate of
with |b − a| as the asymptotic convergence constant, that K =
Taylor’s series about the point δ where f(δ) = 0 we get
|b − a|.
/ (') + (') + ⋯ 1
= − 2
(') + (') + ⋯
2.3. Background of Regular Falsi Method

Regula Falsi method is based on the rational of similar
/ + (') + ⋯ 1
= − 2
triangles. Its main novelty is that it can be used to compute

(') + (') + ⋯
both zeros and extrema through a single interpolation
formula generalized [7]. This method is based on the

= + 3( * )
assumption that the graph of y = f(n) in the small interval [an,
bn] can be represented by the chord joining (an, f(an)) and (bn,

lim = lim
|4 | 6 (2)6
f(bn)). This implies that at the point x = xn = an + hn, at which
→% |4 |5 →% | (2)|
the chord meets the x - axis, we obtain two intervals [an, xn]
and [xn, bn], one of which must contain the root α, depending
If xn → δ as n → ∞. Hence for the root δ, Newton Raphson upon the condition f(an) f(xn) < 0 and f(xn)f(bn) < 0.
method has second order - quadratic convergence and an The general Regula Falsi method recurrence relation is
6 (2)6 given by:
| (2)|
=< − (< − = )
asymptotic error constant of . This means that the
| ( |
6 ( ) | (8 )|6
square of the previous error n is proportional to the (8)
subsequent error .
2.3.1. Algorithm for Regula Falsi Method
2.2. Background of Bisection Method
Step 1: Find point an and bn such that an < bn and f(an)f(bn)
The concept of Bisection method is based on Bolzano’s < 0.
theorem on continuity. Given a function f(x) = 0 such that its Step 2: Take the interval [an, bn] and determine the next

Step 3: If ( )= 0 then xn is an exact root, else if f(xn) f(bn)

root lies in [a, b]. If f(x) is real and continuous and f(a). f(b) value of xn.
< 0, then there is at least one root between a and b. This
method is classified under bracketing methods because two < 0 then let an = xn, else if f(an)f(xn) < 0, then let bn = xn.
initial guesses for the root are required. As the name implies, Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until f(xn) = 0 or |f(xn| ≤ β,
these guesses must “bracket,” or be on either side of, the root. where β is the degree of accuracy.
The particular methods described herein employ different 2.3.2. Convergence of Regula Falsi Method
strategies to systematically reduce the width of the bracket
Given an interval (an, bn) such that the function f(x) in the
and, hence, home in on the correct answer [10].
equation f(x) = 0 has its root, then one of the points an or bn is

where an is fixed, then the function ( ) is approximated by

2.2.1. Algorithm for Bisection Method always fixed and the other point varies with n [8]. In the case
Step 1: Choose a and b as the initial guesses such that
f(a)f(b) < 0. a straight line which will pass through the points (an, f(xn))

7 =
and (xn, f(xn)), for n = 1, 2,...
Step 2: Compute the midpoint of a and b such that
From the error equation
Step 3: Find f(a)f(xm) if f(a)f(xm) < 0, then a = a; b = xm =)
if f(a)f(xm) > 0, then a = xm; b = b
Step 4: Find 7 =
if f(a)f(xm) = 0 then the root of the function = xm
44 Isaac Azure et al.: Comparative Study of Numerical Methods for Solving Non-linear
Equations Using Manual Computation

6 2 6
| 2 |
equation (10) above, we obtain
4 4 ? 2 4
And = ' is independent of K. Hence we can write 2 4 2 4 ?

) Using Taylor’s series to expand ' + ) and '+

Where ) )
about the point δ, where f(δ) = 0 we obtain
is the asymptotic error constant.
4 4 ? /4 2 2 ⋯1
Therefore, the Regula Falsi Method has a linear rate of 5
4 4 ? 2 5 5
@4 4 ? A 2 ⋯
convergence (Hassan, 2016).

1 (')
2.4. Background of Secant Method
B + E
2 1 (')
(') + ⋯ C1 + ( + ) + ⋯D
2 (')
One critical challenge Newton Raphson method is faced
with, which serves as a de-motivation for its usage is the fact
that the derivative of the function given must always be
and this can be written as
found before proceeding to find the root of the function. In
some cases, there are functions where finding their (12)
derivatives is either extremely difficult (if not impossible) or

time consuming [4]. The only way to avoid such problems is where the higher order of n is discarded and the error constant
to approximate the derivative by knowing the values of the . With the definition of convergence in mind, we
function at point and the previous approximation. Hence
knowing f(xn) and f(xn−1), the derivative of f(xn) which is want a relation which is in the form:

can be approximated as: G

(9) where D and j are to be computed. If can be written as
in equation (13), then we can equally write

Substituting equation (8) above into the general Newton
Raphson equation (6), we will get (14)

≈ ?
(10) and

=F ⁄G ⁄G
Therefore the Secant method can be expressed as: (15)

(11) Substituting equations (14) and (15) into equation (12), we


) ( )
= )F
G ( I
? (16)
Comparing the powers of n in both sides of equation (16),
2.4.1. Algorithm for Secant Method wec get

J =1+
Step 1: Write the equation in the form f(x) = 0
Step 2: Test for values of x using the function f(x) to obtain
the interval (xn, xn−1) in which the real root lies.
Step 3: Compute f(xn) and f(xn−1) which can be expressed as
Step 4: Substitute result of step 3 into
j2 − j − 1 = 0 (17)

Solving for the root of j from equation (17) using the

general quadratic formula

−< ± √< − 4=N

and find hn

Step 5: Substitute result from step 4 into

where a = 1, b = −1 and c = −1, we get J = (1 ± O5)

and find the approximated value of xn+1
dicarding the negative sign, we obtain the rate of
Step 5: Repeat steps 3 and 4 new values of xn+1 until xn+1 =
convergence for the Secant Method to be j = 1.618.
x n.
2.5. Background of Fixed Point Iteration Method
2.4.2. Convergence of Secant Method

' + into
In the case of the Secant method, lets assume that δ is the The Fixed Point Iteration Method is another root - finding
root of the function f(x) = 0. Substituting numerical method used to approximate solutions the equation
Mathematics Letters 2019; 5(4): 41-46 45

f(x) = 0. To start with, we rewrite the above function in the sequence defined by
= U( − 1)
form x = φ(x), this way any solution of the function f(x) = 0
with a fixed point φ can also be considered as a solution of x
= φ(x). Hence the general recursive iterative process for converges to the unique fixed point x in [a, b].
Fixed Point Iteration Method is given by
xn+1 = φ(x), n = 0, 1, 2,... (18) 3. Results and Discussion
2.5.1. Algorithm for Fixed Point Iteration Method The solution of the equation + − 4 = 0 using

∈ R=, <S
To find the fixed point of φ in an interval [a, b], given the Bisection method, Newton Raphson method, Regula Falsi
equation x = φ(x) with an initial guess method, Secant method and Fixed Point Iteration method is

given equation in the form ( ) = 0 as shown below

Step 1: Write the equation in the form f(x) = 0 computed using the preamble which starts with writing the
Step 2: Intialize with guess x0 at n = 0
( )= + −4
Step 4: If | − | > , set n = n + 1 and go to step 3.
Step 3: Set xn+1 = φ(xn)
Step 5: Stop when xn = xn+1 This implies that
2.5.2. Convergence of Fixed Point Iteration Method ( )=2 +1 (20)

∈ [a, b]. Suppose in addition that, U exists on (a, b) and

Given that φ ∈ C [a, b] such that φ(x) ∈ [a, b], for all x

(1) = −2, (1.5) = −0.25, (1.6) = 0.16 , implying that

Testing for the possible roots of equation (19), we have
that a constant 0 < K < 1 exist with
|U ( )| ≤ )
the real root of equation (19) lies between 1.5 and 1.6, which
are adopted as initial guesses for the rest of the computations.

for all x ∈ (a, b) Then, for any number in [a, b] the

Table 1. Root of Equation (19) Using Newton Raphson Method.

X YX Z(YX ) Z (YX ) [X = − YX = YX + [X
Z(YX )
Z (YX ) \
0 1.5 -0.25 4 0.00625 1.5625
1 1.5625 0.003906 4.125 -0.000947 1.56155
2 1.56155 -0.000012 4.1231 0.000003 1.56155

Table 1, shows output results of equation (19) when Newton Raphson method is used. The method converged to an exact
solution of 1.56155 after the 2nd iteration.

Table 2. Root of Equation (19) Using Bisection Method.

X ]X (−^_) `X (+^_) YX \ = Z(YX \ )

] X `X
0 1.5 1.6 1.55 -0.0475
1 1.55 1.6 1.575 0.055625
2 1.55 1.575 1.5625 0.003906
3 1.55 1.5625 1.5525 -0.037244
4 1.5525 1.5625 1.5525 -0.016694
5 1.5575 1.5625 1.56 -0.0064
6 1.56 1.5625 1.56125 -0.0001248
7 1.56125 1.5625 1.56188 -0.001349
8 1.56125 1.56188 1.56157 -0.000071
9 1.56125 1.56157 1.56141 -0.000589
10 1.56141 1.56157 1.56149 -0.000259
11 1.56149 1.56157 1.56153 -0.000094
12 1.56153 1.56157 1.56155 -0.000012
13 1.56155 1.56157 1.56156 -0.00003
14 1.56155 1.56156 1.56156 -0.00003

Table 2 indicates results obtained when the Bisection method is used to solve the nonlinear equation (19). It gave a final
output exact root of 1.56156 but converged after the 14th iteration.

Table 3. Root of Equation (19) Using Regula Falsi Method.

X ]X (+^_) `X (−^_) Z(]X ) Z(`X ) [X YX \ Z(YX \ )
0 1.5 1.6 -0.25 0.16 0.060976 1.56098 -0.002361
1 1.56098 1.6 -0.002361 0.16 0.000567 1.56155 -0.000012
2 1.56155 1.6 -0.000012 0.16 0.000003 1.56155 -0.000012

Table 3 shows results after Regula Falsi method was used to find the root of equation (19). It converged to the solution
1.56155 just as Newton Raphson method. The method converged after the 2nd iteration.
46 Isaac Azure et al.: Comparative Study of Numerical Methods for Solving Non-linear
Equations Using Manual Computation

Table 4. Root of Equation (19) Using Secant Method.

X YX \ YX Z YX \ Z YX [X YX \ YX [X Z YX \
1 1.5 1.6 -0.25 0.16 0.022222 1.57778 0.06717
2 1.6 1.57778 0.16 0.06717 0.016078 1.4951 -0.269576
3 1.57778 1.4951 0.006717 -0.269576 -0.066188 1.56129 -0.001084
4 1.4951 1.56129 -0.269576 -0.001085 0.000267 1.56156 0.00003
5 1.56129 1.56156 -0.001084 0.00003 0.000007 1.56155 -0.000012
6 1.56156 1.56155 0.000003 -0.000012 -0.000003 1.56155 -0.000012

Table 4 is results obtained after Secant method was used to iteration.

compute the root of equation (19). The method converged
after the 6th iteration and gave a final output of 1.56155. 4. Conclusion
Table 5. Root of Equation (19) Using Fixed Point Iteration Method.
X YX YX \ ∅ YX
From the results obtained in the computations above, it
was observed that using manual computation, Newton
0 1.5 1.58114 Raphson and Regula Falsi methods will converge faster to
1 1.58114 1.55527
2 1.55527 1.56356
the solution of the function compared to the other methods.
3 1.56356 1.56091 This was clearly seen in the number of iterations taken by
4 1.56091 1.56176 each of the methods to converge to the solution. These
5 1.56176 1.56149 findings contradicts the findings of some authors who placed
6 1.56149 1.56157
7 1.56157 1.56155 the Secant method ahead of Newton Raphson method in
8 1.56155 1.56155 terms of efficiency [6, 11]. Whilst on the other hand, some
other authors findings agree with these papers [5, 8].
Table 5 in the other hand, shows results obtained using the Findings and conclusions of other authors who have equally
Fixed Point Iteration method to solve the nonlinear equation researched in this area, is summarized together with
(19). It converged to an exact root of 1.56155 after the 8th conclusion of this research as shown below
Table 6. Summary of Conclusions on Comparison of Methods by Authors.

cde dfe > ge > fhie > je

Author Conclusion (Most Efficient Method) Tool Used

cde > ge > dfe > je

This paper Manual with IT – inspire instrument

cde > dfe > je

(Moheuddin, et al., 2019) MATLAB

ge > cde > je

(Ebelechukwu, 2018) Not stated

cde > ge > dfe

(Abdul - Hassan, 2016) MATLAB 2009a

ge > cde > je

(Ahmed, 2015) MATLAB 7.8

ge > cde > je

(Ehiwario, et al., 2014) Mathematica 9.0
(Srivastava, et al., 2011) C language

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