A Practical Attempt To Improve Performance of Heat Exchanger
A Practical Attempt To Improve Performance of Heat Exchanger
A Practical Attempt To Improve Performance of Heat Exchanger
Article in International Journal Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education · March 2017
4 1,152
4 authors, including:
Nirajkumar Mehta
ITM Universe
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All content following this page was uploaded by Nirajkumar Mehta on 04 March 2017.
Heat Exchanger is a device used intensively for heat transfer form fluid. Thus all various type of heat
exchanger .Our concentration is on shell and tube type heat exchanger .We will design the heat
exchanger by bell delware method to increase heat transfer by using various material and geometries.
Shell-and-tube heat exchangers are widely used in many industrial areas, and more than 35–40% of heat
exchangers are of this type due to their robust geometry construction, easy maintenance, and possible
Heat exchangers are devices that provide the transfer of thermal energy between two or more fluids at
different temperatures. Shell and tube heat exchangers are the most versatile type of heat exchangers. They are used
in the process industries, in conventional and nuclear power stations and they are proposed for many alternative
energy applications. The enhancement in heat transfer rate between two or more fluids in heat exchanger is mainly
achieved by optimizing the design of heat exchanger and operational parameters.
Optimizing the operational parameters play a key role in the enhancement of heat transfer rate after the
design of heat exchanger. The transfer of heat to and from process fluids is an essential part of most chemical
processes. The most commonly used type of heat-transfer equipment is the ubiquitous shell and tube heat exchanger;
the design of which is the main subject of this report. The word “exchanger” really applies to all types of equipment
in which heat is exchanged but is often used specifically to denote equipment in which heat is exchanged between
two process streams. Exchangers in which a process fluid is heated or cooled by a plant service stream are referred
to as heaters and coolers. If the process stream is vaporized the exchanger is called a vaporizer if the stream is
essentially completely vaporized; a reboiler if associated with a distillation column; and an evaporator if used to
concentrate a solution. The term fired exchanger is used for exchangers heated by combustion gases, such as boilers,
other exchangers are referred to as “unfired exchangers”.
Heat exchangers with only one phase on each side can be called one-phase or single-phase heat exchangers.
As we start pump water with start flowing through shell and another fluid which need to be cooled flow in to pipe,
as a result heat transfer with each other.
2. Philippe Wildi-Tremblay in his paper explains the procedure for minimizing the cost of a shell-and-tube
heat exchanger based on genetic algorithms (GA). The global cost includes the operating cost (pumping
power) and the initial cost expressed
3. in terms of annuities. He took some geometrical parameters of the shell-and-tube heat exchanger as the
design variables and the genetic algorithm is applied to solve the associated optimization problem. It is
shown that for the case that the heat duty is given, not only can the optimization design increase the heat
exchanger effectiveness significantly, but also decrease the pumping power dramatically.
5. A.Pignotti in his paper established relationship between the effectiveness of two heat exchanger
configurations which differ from each other in the inversion of either one of two fluids. This paper provides
the way by which if the effectiveness of one combination is known in terms of heat capacity rate ratio and
NTUs then the effectiveness of the other combination can be readily known.
6. V.K. Patel and R.V. Rao explores the use of a non-traditional optimization technique; called particle swarm
optimization (PSO), for design optimization of shell-and-tube heat exchangers from economic view point.
Minimization of total annual cost is considered as an objective function. Three design variables such as
shell internal diameter, outer tube diameter and baffle spacing are considered for optimization. Two tube
layouts viz. triangle and Square are also considered for optimization. Four different case studies are
presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and accuracy of proposed algorithm. The results of optimization
using PSO technique are compared with those obtained by using genetic algorithm (GA).
7. W.J.Marner, A.E.Bergles and J.M. Chenoweth studied the tubular enhanced surfaces used in shell-and-tube
heat exchangers. As an initial step, the subject is limited to single-phase pressure drop and heat transfer;
however, both tube side and shell side flows are taken into consideration. A comprehensive list of
commercial augmented tubes which may be considered for use in shell-and-tube exchangers is given, along
with a survey of the performance data which are available in the literature. They discussed the standardized
data format which uses the inside and outside envelope diameters as the basis for presenting the various
geometrical, flow, and heat transfer parameters for all tubular enhanced surfaces.
8. G.N. Xie, Q.W. Wang , M. Zeng, L.Q. Luo carried out an experimental system for investigation on
performance of shell-and-tube heat exchangers, and limited experimental data is obtained. The ANN is
applied to predict temperature differences and heat transfer rate for heat exchangers. BP algorithm is used
to train and test the network. It is shown that the predicted results are close to experimental data by ANN
3.1 Components selected for the project has the following specifications
Shell diameter (ds) 0.2m
Tube inside diameter (di) 0.016m
Tube outside diameter (do) 0.01924m
Pitch (pt) 0.03m
Length of shell (ls) 0.8m
Length of tube (lt) 0.825m
Length of baffle (lb) 0.2m
Number of baffles (nb) 4
Number of tubes (nt) 18
Number of shell passes (ns) 1
Number of tube passes (nt) 2
Clearance (c) 0.01076m
Bundle to shell diametrical clearance (δb) 0.028m
Shell to baffle diametrical clearance (δsb) 0.0254m
Tube to baffle diametrical clearance (δtb) 0.0005m
Mass flow rate 0.035 kg/s
Shell: Temperature At inlet 30.6
Shell: Temperature At outlet 33.5
Tube: Temperature At inlet 54.4
Tube: Temperature At outlet 34.6Refrigerant used: R-134a
The shell and tube heat exchanger is analyzed using Bell Delaware methods and heat transfer coeffient,
Reynold’s number, pressure drops are calculated. Also the shell side pressure increase rapidly with
increasing flow rate and this increase is again more in Bell Delaware method as compared to others. Since
in a baffled heat exchanger, there is a obstruction to flow, drop in the pressure is definitely more when
compared to the heat exchanger without baffles.
[1] D. Q. Kern, “Process Heat Transfer”, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Int. ed. 1965.
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[5] Indian Standard (IS: 4503-1967): Specification for Shell and Tube Type Heat Exchangers, BIS 2007, New Delhi.
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