Section - : Do-It - Yourself Maintenance

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’06 Rav4_U (L/O 0601)

Engine and Chassis
Checking the engine oil level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
Checking the engine coolant level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
Checking the radiator and condenser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
Checking brake fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
Checking tire inflation pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
Checking and replacing tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
Rotating tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
Installing snow tires and chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
Replacing wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
Aluminum wheel precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380


2005 RAV4 from Jan. ’06 Prod. (OM42620U)

’06 Rav4_U (L/O 0601)

Checking the engine oil level

Low level Full level
 Be careful not to spill engine oil on
Be careful not to touch the hot ex-
the vehicle components.
haust manifold.
 Avoid overfilling, or the engine
could be damaged.
NOTICE  Check the oil level on the dipstick
Be careful not to drop engine oil on once again after adding the oil.
the vehicle components.
Add oil O.K. Too full
If the oil level is below or only slightly
above the low level, add engine oil of
the same type as already in the engine.
With the engine at operating tempera-
ture and turned off, check the oil level Remove the oil filler cap and add engine
on the dipstick. oil in small quantities at a time, checking
the dipstick. We recommend that you use
1. To get a correct reading, the vehicle
a funnel when adding oil.
should be on level ground. After turning
off the engine, wait a few minutes for The approximate quantity of oil needed to
the oil to drain back into the bottom of raise the level between low and full on the
the engine. dipstick is indicated as follows:
2.4 L 4- cylinder (2AZ- FE) engine
2. Pull the dipstick out, hold a rag under
1.1 L (1.2 qt., 1.0 lmp. qt.)
the end and wipe it clean.
3.5 L V6 (2GR- FE) engine
3. Reinsert the dipstick—push it in as far 1.5 L (1.6 qt., 1.3 lmp. qt.)
as it will go, or the reading will not be
For the engine oil capacity, see “Service
specifications” on page 393 in Section 8.
4. Pull the dipstick out and look at the oil
When the level reaches within the correct
level while holding a rag under the
range, install the filler cap hand- tight.


2005 RAV4 from Jan. ’06 Prod. (OM42620U)

’06 Rav4_U (L/O 0601)


“Toyota Genuine Motor Oil” is used in SAE 5W- 30
your Toyota vehicle. Use Toyota approved
“Toyota Genuine Motor Oil” or equivalent
to satisfy the following grade and
Oil grade:
ILSAC multigrade engine oil
Recommended viscosity:
2.4 L 4- cylinder (2AZ- FE) engine
SAE 5W- 20 or 0W- 20
Outside temperature

Oil identification mark

The ILSAC (International Lubricant Stan-
SAE 5W- 30 is the best choice for good dardization and Approval Committee) Certi-
fuel economy and good starting in cold fication Mark is added to some oil con-
weather. tainers to help you select the oil you
If SAE 5W- 30 is not available, SAE should use.
10W- 30 may be used. However, it
should be replaced with SAE 5W- 30 at
Outside temperature the next oil change.

SAE 5W- 20 or 0W- 20 engine oil may be

used. However, SAE 0W- 20 is the best
choice for good fuel economy and good
starting in cold weather.


2005 RAV4 from Jan. ’06 Prod. (OM42620U)

’06 Rav4_U (L/O 0601)

Checking the engine coolant

Look at the see- through coolant reser- Coolant type selection
voir when the engine is cold. The cool- Use of improper coolants may damage
ant level is satisfactory if it is between your engine cooling system.
the “FULL” and “LOW” lines on the
reservoir. If the level is low, add the Only use “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant”
coolant. (For the coolant type, see or similar high quality ethylene glycol
“Coolant type selection” described be- based non- silicate, non- amine, non- nitrite,
low.) and non- borate coolant with long- life
hybrid organic acid technology. (Coolant
The coolant level in the reservoir will vary with long- life hybrid organic acid
with engine temperature. However, if the technology is a combination of low
level is below the “LOW” line, add cool- phosphates and organic acids.)
ant. Bring the level between the “FULL”
and “LOW” lines. For the U.S.A.—“Toyota Super Long Life
Coolant” is a mixture of 50% coolant and
If the coolant level drops within a short 50% deionized water. This coolant pro-
To ensure excellent lubrication perfor-
mance for your engine, “Toyota Genuine time after replenishing, there may be a vides protection down to about -35C
leak in the system. Visually check the (- 31F).
Motor Oil” is available, which has been
radiator, hoses, coolant reservoir cap and
specifically tested and approved for all For Canada—“Toyota Super Long Life
Toyota engines. drain cock and water pump.
Coolant” is a mixture of 55% coolant and
If you can find no leak, have your Toyota 45% deionized water. This coolant pro-
Please contact your Toyota dealer for fur-
ther details about “Toyota Genuine Motor dealer test the cap pressure and check vides protection down to about -42C
for leaks in the cooling system. (- 44F).


To prevent burning yourself, do not Do not use plain water alone.

remove the coolant reservoir cap
when the engine is hot.


2005 RAV4 from Jan. ’06 Prod. (OM42620U)

’06 Rav4_U (L/O 0601)

Checking the radiator and

condenser Checking brake fluid
If any of the above parts are extremely
dirty or you are not sure of their condi-
tion, take your vehicle to a Toyota dealer.


To prevent burning yourself, be care-

ful not to touch the radiator or con-
denser when the engine is hot.

To prevent damage to the radiator
Toyota recommends “Toyota Super Long
and condenser, do not perform the To check the fluid level, simply look at
Life Coolant”, which has been tested to
work by yourself. the see- through reservoir. The level
ensure that it will not cause corrosion nor should be between the “MAX” and
result in malfunction of your engine “MIN” lines on the reservoir.
coolant system with proper usage. “Toyota It is normal for the brake fluid level to go
Super Long Life Coolant” is formulated down slightly as the brake pads wear. So
with long- life hybrid organic acid be sure to keep the reservoir filled.
technology and has been specifically
designed to avoid engine cooling system If the reservoir needs frequent refilling, it
malfunction on Toyota vehicles. may indicate a serious mechanical prob-
Please contact your Toyota dealer for
further details. If the level is low, add SAE J1703 or
FMVSS No.116 DOT 3 brake fluid to the
brake reservoir.


2005 RAV4 from Jan. ’06 Prod. (OM42620U)

’06 Rav4_U (L/O 0601)

Checking tire inflation

Remove and replace the reservoir cap by Keep your tire inflation pressures
hand. Fill the brake fluid to the dotted at the proper level.
line. This brings the fluid to the correct
level when you put the cap back on.
The recommended cold tire inflation
pressures, tire sizes and the com-
Use only newly opened brake fluid. Once
bined weight of occupants and cargo
opened, brake fluid absorbs moisture from
(vehicle capacity weight) are de-
the air, and excess moisture can cause a
dangerous loss of braking.
scribed on page 392 and 397. They
are also on the tire and loading infor-
CAUTION mation label.
You should check the tire inflation
Take care when filling the reservoir pressure every two weeks, or at least
because brake fluid can harm your once a month. And do not forget the
hands or eyes. If fluid gets on your spare!
hands or in your eyes, flush the af-
fected area with clean water immedi-
ately. If you still feel uncomfortable
with your hands or eyes, go to the

If you spill some of the fluid, be sure
to wipe it off to prevent it from dam-
aging the parts or paintwork.


2005 RAV4 from Jan. ’06 Prod. (OM42620U)

’06 Rav4_U (L/O 0601)

The following instructions for 5. After completing the tire inflation

Tire pressure gauge
checking tire inflation pressure pressure measurement and ad-
should be observed: justment, apply soapy water to the
 The pressure should be valve and check for leakage.
checked only when the tires are 6. Install the tire valve cap.
cold. If your vehicle has been If a gauge and air pump are not avail-
parked for at least 3 hours and has able, have your vehicle checked by
not been driven for more than 1.5 your Toyota dealer.
km or 1 mile since, you will get
an accurate cold tire inflation pres- CAUTION
sure reading.
 Always use a tire pressure Be sure to reinstall the tire valve
gauge. The appearance of a tire caps. Without the valve caps, dirt
can be misleading. Besides, tire or moisture could get into the
inflation pressures that are even valve core and cause air leakage.
just a few pounds off can degrade 1. Remove the tire valve cap. If the caps have been lost, have
ride and handling. 2. Press the tip of the tire pressure new ones put on as soon as pos-
 Do not bleed or reduce tire gauge to the tire valve. sible.
inflation pressure after driving. 3. Read the pressure using the grad-
It is normal for the tire inflation uations of the gauge. Incorrect tire inflation pressure may
pressure to be higher after driving. 4. In case the tire inflation pressure waste fuel, reduce the comfort of driv-
 Never exceed the vehicle capac- is not within the prescribed range, ing, reduce tire life and make your ve-
ity weight. Passenger and lug- insert the compressed air from the hicle less safe to drive.
gage weight should be located so valve. In case of applying too If a tire frequently needs refilling,
that the vehicle is balanced. much air, press the center of the have it checked by your Toyota deal-
valve and release the air to adjust. er.


2005 RAV4 from Jan. ’06 Prod. (OM42620U)

’06 Rav4_U (L/O 0601)

Checking and replacing tires

CAUTION High tire pressure (overinfla- Tread wear indicator

Keep your tires properly inflated.  Poor handling
Otherwise, the following condi-
tions may occur and cause an ac-  Excessive wear
cident resulting in death or seri-  Uneven wear
ous injuries.  A greater possibility of tire
Low tire pressure (underinfla- damage from road hazards
 Excessive wear
 Uneven wear
 Possibility of blowouts from an Check the tire’s tread for tread
overheated tire wear indicators. If the indicators
 Poor sealing of the tire bead show, replace the tires. The loca-
tion of tread wear indicators is
 Wheel deformation and/or tire
shown by the “TWI” or “∆ ” marks,
etc., molded on the sidewall of
 A greater possibility of tire each tire.
damage from road hazards


2005 RAV4 from Jan. ’06 Prod. (OM42620U)

’06 Rav4_U (L/O 0601)

The tires on your Toyota have built- in If air loss occurs while driving, do not REPLACING YOUR TIRES
tread wear indicators to help you continue driving. Driving even a short When replacing a tire, use a tire of
know when the tires need replace- distance can damage a tire beyond the same size and construction,
ment. When the tread depth wears to repair. and the same or greater maximum
1.6 mm (0.06 in.) or less, the indica- Any tires which are over 6 years load as the originally installed
tors will appear. If you can see the old must be checked by a qualified tires. Also, on four- wheel drive
indicators in two or more adjacent technician even if damage is not models, all the tires must be the
grooves, the tire should be replaced. obvious. same brand and have the same
The lower the tread, the higher the tread patterns.
risk of skidding. Tires deteriorate with age even if they
have never or seldom been used. Using any other size or type of tire
The effectiveness of snow tires is may seriously affect handling, ride,
lost if the tread wears down below This applies also to the spare tire and
tires stored for future use. speedometer/odometer calibration,
4 mm (0.16 in.). ground clearance, and clearance be-
If you have tire damage such as tween the body and tires or snow
cuts, splits, cracks deep enough to chains.
expose the fabric, or bulges indi- Check that the maximum load of the
cating internal damage, the tire replaced tire is greater than 1/2 of the
should be replaced. Gross Axle Weight Ratings (GAWR)
If a tire often goes flat or cannot be of either the front axle or the rear
properly repaired due to the size or axle, whichever is greater. As for the
location of a cut or other damage, it maximum load of the tire, see the load
should be replaced. If you are not limit at maximum cold tire inflation
sure, consult with your Toyota dealer. pressure mentioned on the sidewall
of the tire, and as for the Gross Axle
Weight Ratings (GAWR), see the Cer-
tification Label.


2005 RAV4 from Jan. ’06 Prod. (OM42620U)

’06 Rav4_U (L/O 0601)

Rotating tires
For details about the side wall of the
tire and the Certification Label, see  Four- wheel drive models:
pages 289 and 292. Do not use tires of different
brands, sizes, construction or
CAUTION tread patterns, as this may
cause dangerous handling
Observe the following instruc- characteristics resulting in
tions. Otherwise, an accident loss of control.
may occur resulting in death or
serious injuries. Toyota recommends all four tires,
 Do not mix radial, bias belted, or at least both of the front or rear
or bias- ply tires on your ve- tires be replaced at a time as a set.
hicle, as this may cause dan- See “If you have a flat tire” on page With a spare tire of the same
gerous handling characteris- 325 in Section 4 for tire change proce- wheel type as the installed tires
tics resulting in loss of control. dure.
 Do not use tires other than the When a tire is replaced, the wheel
manufacturer’s recommended should always be balanced.
size, as this may cause danger- An unbalanced wheel may affect ve-
ous handling characteristics hicle handling and tire life. Wheels
resulting in loss of control. can get out of balance with regular
use and should therefore be balanced
When replacing a tubeless tire, the
air valve should also be replaced
with a new one.


2005 RAV4 from Jan. ’06 Prod. (OM42620U)

’06 Rav4_U (L/O 0601)

Installing snow tires and

To equalize tire wear and help ex- WHEN TO USE SNOW TIRES OR
tend tire life, Toyota recommends CHAINS
that you rotate your tires accord- Snow tires or chains are recommended
ing to the maintenance schedule. when driving on snow or ice.
(For scheduled maintenance infor- On wet or dry roads, conventional tires
mation, please refer to the “Sched- provide better traction than snow tires.
uled Maintenance Guide” or “Own- SNOW TIRE SELECTION
er’s Manual Supplement”.)
However, the most appropriate tim- If you need snow tires, select tires of
the same size, construction and load
ing for tire rotation may vary ac-
capacity as the originally installed tires.
cording to your driving habits and Also, on four- wheel drive models, all
road surface conditions. the tires must be the same brand and
With a spare tire of different See “If you have a flat tire” on page have the same tread patterns.
wheel type from the installed 325 in Section 4 for tire change proce- Do not use tires other than those men-
tires dure. tioned above. Do not install studded tires
When rotating tires, check for uneven without first checking local regulations for
wear and damage. Abnormal wear is possible restrictions.
usually caused by incorrect tire pres-
sure, improper wheel alignment, out- CAUTION
of- balance wheels, or severe braking.
Observe the following instructions.
Otherwise, an accident may occur re-
sulting in death or serious injuries.
 Do not use snow tires other than
the manufacturer’s recommended si-
ze, as this may cause dangerous
handling characteristics resulting in
loss of control.


2005 RAV4 from Jan. ’06 Prod. (OM42620U)

’06 Rav4_U (L/O 0601)

 Four- wheel drive models: Side chain

Do not use snow tires of different
If the wrong combination of tire and
brands, sizes, construction or tread
chain is used, the chains could dam-
patterns, as this may cause danger-
age the vehicle body.
ous handling characteristics result-
ing in loss of control.
Cross chain
SNOW TIRE INSTALLATION Install the chains on the front tires as
tightly as possible. Do not use tire
Snow tires should be installed on all chains on the rear tires. Retighten
wheels. chains after driving 0.5—1.0 km
Installing snow tires on the front wheels (1/4—1/2 mile).
only can lead to an excessive difference When installing chains on your tires, care-
in road grip capability between the front TIRE CHAIN SELECTION fully follow the instructions of the chain
and rear tires, which could cause loss of manufacturer.
vehicle control. Use the tire chains of correct size.
For 215/70R16, 225/65R17 and 235/55R18 If wheel covers are used, they will be
When storing removed tires, you should scratched by the chain band, so remove
store them in a cool dry place. tires, use the following type chains.
the covers before putting on the chains.
Mark the direction of rotation and be sure mm (in.)
to install them in the same direction when A Diameter of side chain 3 (0.12)
replacing. B Width of side chain 10 (0.39)
C Length of side chain 30 (1.18)
D Diameter of cross chain 4 (0.16)
E Width of cross chain 14 (0.55)
F Length of cross chain 25 (0.98)
 Do not drive with the snow tires
incorrectly inflated. Regulations regarding the use of tire
chains vary according to location or
 Never drive over 120 km/h (75 mph)
type of road, so always check local reg-
with any type of snow tires.
ulations before installing chains.


2005 RAV4 from Jan. ’06 Prod. (OM42620U)

’06 Rav4_U (L/O 0601)

Replacing wheels
WHEN TO REPLACE YOUR WHEELS Replacement with used wheels is not rec-
CAUTION ommended as they may have been sub-
If you have wheel damage such as
bending, cracks or heavy corrosion, the jected to rough treatment or high mileage
 Do not exceed 50 km/h (30 mph) or and could fail without warning. Also, bent
wheel should be replaced.
the chain manufacturer’s recom- wheels which have been straightened may
mended speed limit, whichever is If you fail to replace a damaged wheel, have structural damage and therefore
lower. the tire may slip off the wheel or cause should not be used. Never use an inner
loss of handling control.
 Drive carefully avoiding bumps, tube in a leaking wheel which is designed
holes, and sharp turns, which may WHEEL SELECTION for a tubeless tire.
cause the vehicle to bounce. When replacing wheels, care should be
 Avoid sharp turns or locked- wheel taken to ensure that the wheels are re- CAUTION
braking, as use of chains may ad- placed by ones with the same load ca-
versely affect vehicle handling. pacity, diameter, rim width, and offset. Observe the following instructions.
Otherwise, an accident may occur re-
 When driving with chains installed, Correct replacement wheels are available
sulting in death or serious injuries.
be sure to drive carefully. Slow at your Toyota dealer.
down before entering curves to  Do not use wheels other than the
A wheel of a different size or type may
avoid losing control of the vehicle. manufacturer’s recommended size,
adversely affect handling, wheel and bear- as this may cause dangerous han-
Otherwise an accident may occur. ing life, brake cooling, speedometer/odom- dling characteristics resulting in
eter calibration, stopping ability, headlight
loss of control.
aim, bumper height, vehicle ground clear-
ance, and tire or snow chain clearance to  Four- wheel drive models:
the body and chassis. Do not use wheels of different
brands, sizes and types, as this
may cause dangerous handling
characteristics resulting in loss of


2005 RAV4 from Jan. ’06 Prod. (OM42620U)

’06 Rav4_U (L/O 0601)

Aluminum wheel precautions

 When installing aluminum wheels,
check that the wheel nuts are tight
after driving your vehicle the first 1600
km (1000 miles).
 If you have rotated, repaired, or
changed your tires, check that the
wheel nuts are still tight after driving
1600 km (1000 miles).
 When using tire chains, be careful not
to damage the aluminum wheels.
 Use only Toyota wheel nuts and
wrench designed for your aluminum
 When balancing your wheels, use only
Toyota balance weights or equivalent
and a plastic or rubber hammer.
 As with any wheel, periodically check
your aluminum wheels for damage. If
damaged, replace immediately.


2005 RAV4 from Jan. ’06 Prod. (OM42620U)

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