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Homework 2 Problem 1: Special Matrices

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Math Chem

Homework 2 due date: Oct. 16, 2019

Problem 1: Special Matrices

In problem set 1, A and B are square matrices if the problem does not specify its dimensions.
 
1 2 2
(1.1) Verify that A = 13  2 1 −2 is orthogonal.
−2 2 −1
(1.2) If A is an anti-symmetric matrix and A2 + I = Z, where Z is a zero matrix, then show
that A is orthogonal.

(1.3) If A and B are Hermitian matrices, show that AB + BA is Hermitian and AB − BA

is anti-Hermitian.

(1.4) If A is Hermitian and B is anti-Hermitian, show that both A + iB and A − iB are


(1.5) Show that every square matrix can be expressed as P+iQ, where P and Q are Hermitian

(1.6) If AB = A and BA = B, show that A and B are idempotent.

(1.7) Show that if A is an orthogonal matrix, then AT and A−1 are also orthogonal.

(1.8) Prove that a non-singular idempotent matrix is an identity matrix.

1 1+i
(1.9) Prove that is a unitary matrix.
3 1 − i −1

(1.10) Show that the inverse of a unitary matrix is unitary.

Math Chem
Homework 2 due date: Oct. 16, 2019

Problem 2: Commutator and Trace

(2.1) If P is a non-singular matrix and P−1 AP and P−1 BP are diagonal, show that A and
B commute.

(2.2) If A commutes with B, show that A commutes with B−1 also.

(2.3) Verify the Jacobi identity [A, [B, C]] = [B, [A, C]] − [C, [A, B]]

(2.4) Show that (A + B)(A − B) = A2 − B2 if and only if A and B commute.

(2.5)A and B are two symmetric matrices of the same order. Show that AB is symmetric if
and only if A and B commute.

(2.6) Show that the product of two Hermitian matrices is Hermitian if and only if they

(2.7) Show that [A, B−1 ] = −B−1 [A, B]B−1 .

(2.8) Show that Tr(ABC) = Tr(CAB)

(2.9) For any square matrix A and any invertible matrix P with the same dimensions, show
that Tr(P−1 AP) = Tr(A)

(2.10) If A is symmetric and B is anti-symmetric, then tr(AB) = 0

Math Chem
Homework 2 due date: Oct. 16, 2019

Problem 3: Determinant and Inverse

(3.1) Let A be a 3×3 matrix, each of whose entries is 1 or 0. What is the largest possible
value for det(A)?

(3.2) Prove: If A is an n × n matrix, the det[adj(A)]=[det(A)]n−1

(3.3) Indicate how det(A) will be affected if

(a) the ith and jth rows of A are interchanged.
(b) the ith row of A is multiplied by a nonzero scalar c.
(c) c times the ith row of A is added to the jth row.

(3.4) Let  
1 3 1 1
2 5 2 2

3 8 9
1 3 2 2

(a) Evaluate A−1 using the adjoint and determinant of the matrix.
(b) Evaluate A−1 using Gauss-Jordan elimination.

(3.5) Show that an orthogonal matrix is non-singular

 
2 −1 2
(3.6) Find the value of x for which the following matrix is singular:−3 1 −5 .
1 0 x
(3.7) If AB = Z, Show that either A and B are both singular or one of them is a Zero
1 2
(3.8) For the matrix A = verify the theorem A(adj A)=(adj A)A = |A|I, and find
3 5
the inverse of A.
 
2 1 −1
(3.9) Find the adjoint and the inverse of the matrix A = 0 1 0 .
1 3 −1
 
1 2 2
(3.10) If A = 2 1 2 show that A2 − 4A − 5I = Z. Use this result to find A−1 .
2 2 1

Math Chem
Homework 2 due date: Oct. 16, 2019

Problem 4: Rank and Systems of Linear Equations

(4.1) Find the rank of each of the following matrices:
 
  −2 −1 −3 −1
0 1 0  1 2 3 −1
(a) 1 0
 0 (b) 
 1

0 1 1
0 0 1
0 1 1 −1

(4.2) (a) Show that there exist a non-trivial solution of A~x = ~0 if and only if detA = 0.
(b) Show that A is singular (not invertible) if and only if det A = 0.
(c) Show that, for a n×n square matrix A, its rank r satisfies r < n, if and only if det A = 0.

(4.3) Find the rank of the coefficient matrix (A matrix for A~x = ~b), solve the following
systems of linear equations, and list the homogeneous solutions and the non-homogeneous
solutions if the solutions exist:

a) x + 2y − z = 3 b) x + y + w = 6
3x − y + 2z = 1 17x − y − 2z + 3w = −2
2x − 2y + 3z = 2 17x − 8y + 5z − 4w = −2
x − y + z = −1 5x + 2y − z = −2

(4.4) Find the rank of the coefficient matrix (A matrix for Ax = b) and solve the following
systems of linear equations:

a) 2x − 3y + z = 0 b) x + y − z + w = 0
x + 2y − 3z = 0 x − y + 2z − w = 0
4x − y − 2z = 0 3x + y + w = 0

(4.5) Investigate for what values of λ, µ the system

x+y+z =6
x + 2y + 3z = 10
x + 2y + λz = µ

has (a) a unique solution, (b) no solution, (c) an infinite number of solutions.

Math Chem
Homework 2 due date: Oct. 16, 2019

Problem 5: Least Square Method

(5.1) For a binary dataset {(x1 , y1 ), (x2 , y2 ), ..., (xn , yn )}, performing simple linear regression
2 ihyi−hxyihxi
y = a0 + a1 x will result in two coefficients a0 = hx hx 2 i−hxi2 and a1 = hxyi−hxihyi
hx2 i−hxi2
. Use the
knowledge you learned in linear algebra to prove this.

(5.2) Find the associated normal equation for

   
    2 −1 0   −1
1 −1   2 x1
x 3 1 2    0
3 1 = −1
  
(a) 2 (b) x = 
x2 −1 4 5 2 1
4 5 5 x3
1 2 4 2
(5.3) Find the least squares solution of the equation Ax = b,
   
    1 0 −1 6
2 −2 2 2 1 −2 0
(a) A =  1 1; b =−1 (b) A = 
; b = 
1 0 9
3 1 1
1 1 −1 3
(5.4) Find the least squares straight line fit y= ax + b to the following data points,
(a) (0, 0), (1, 2), (2, 7) (b) (0, 1), (2, 0), (3, 1), (3, 2)

(5.5) Find the least squares quadratic fit y = a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 to the following data points,
(a) (2, 0), (3, −10), (5, −48), (6, −76) (b) (1, −2), (0, −1), (1, 0), (2, 4)

(5.6) Find the orthogonal projection of |ui on the subspace of R3 spanned by the vectors |v1 i
and |v2 i.      
1 −1 2
|ui = −6 ; |v1 i =  2 , |v2 i = 2
1 1 4

Math Chem
Homework 2 due date: Oct. 16, 2019

Problem 6: Matrices and Quantum Angular Momentum

(6.1) The three matrices
0 1 0 −i 1 0
σ1 = , σ2 = , σ3 =
1 0 i 0 0 −1

where used by Pauli in the non-relativistic theory of electron spin. These are called Pauli
spin matrices. Show that
(a) σi2 = I, (b) σi σj = iσk , i, j, k being in cyclic order, (c)σi σj + σj σi = 2δij I.

(6.2) One description of spin 1 particles in quantum mechanics uses the matrices
     
0 1 0 0 −i 0 1 0 0
1 1
Mx = √ 1 0 1 , My = √  i 0 −i , Mz = 0 0 0  .
2 0 1 0 2 0 i 0 0 0 −1

Show that
(a) Mx , My , Mz are Hermitian. (b) [Mx , My ] = iMz , [My , Mz ] = iMx , [Mz , Mx ] = iMy .
(c) M2 ≡ Mx 2 + My 2 + Mz 2 = 2I (d) [M2 , Mx ] = [M2 , My ] = [M2 , Mz ] = 0
If L± = Mx ± iMy , then
(e)[L+ , L− ] = 2Mz (f) [Mz , L± ] = ±L±

Math Chem
Homework 2 due date: Oct. 16, 2019

Problem 7: Rotation Matrix and Euler Angle

(7.1) The most popular parameterization of orientation space has been in terms of Euler
angles, which are defined as the three successive angles of rotation. The sequence employed
here is started by rotating the initial system of axes, xyz, by an angle φ counterclockwise
about the z axis, and the resultant coordinate system is labeled the ξηζ axes: ξ = Dx,
 
cos φ sin φ 0
D = − sin φ cos φ 0 .
0 0 1

In the second stage, the intermediate axes, ξηζ, are rotated about the ξ axis counterclockwise
by an angle θ to produce another intermediate set, the ξ 0 η 0 ζ 0 axes: ξ 0 = Cξ,
 
1 0 0
C = 0 cos θ sin θ  .
0 − sin θ cos θ

Finally, the ξ 0 η 0 ζ 0 axes are rotated counterclockwise by an angle ψ about the ζ 0 axis to produce
the desired x0 y 0 z 0 system of axes: x0 = Bξ 0 ,
 
cos ψ sin ψ 0
B = − sin ψ cos ψ 0 .
0 0 1

Hence, the matrix of the complete transformation, x0 = Ax, is the product of the successive
matrices, A = BCD.
(a) Write matrix A explicitly.
(b) Find the determinant and inverse of A.
(c) Prove that the two vectors x and x0 have the same norm, thus A is an orthogonal matrix.
(d) If we fixed rotation B and C, and rotate D twice with different angle D(α) and D(β).
Prove D(α + β) = D(α)D(β).
(e) Use the result of (d) to find A−1 and compare it to the result you got in (b).

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