Homework 2 Problem 1: Special Matrices
Homework 2 Problem 1: Special Matrices
Homework 2 Problem 1: Special Matrices
(1.5) Show that every square matrix can be expressed as P+iQ, where P and Q are Hermitian
(1.7) Show that if A is an orthogonal matrix, then AT and A−1 are also orthogonal.
Math Chem
Homework 2 due date: Oct. 16, 2019
(2.3) Verify the Jacobi identity [A, [B, C]] = [B, [A, C]] − [C, [A, B]]
(2.5)A and B are two symmetric matrices of the same order. Show that AB is symmetric if
and only if A and B commute.
(2.6) Show that the product of two Hermitian matrices is Hermitian if and only if they
(2.9) For any square matrix A and any invertible matrix P with the same dimensions, show
that Tr(P−1 AP) = Tr(A)
Math Chem
Homework 2 due date: Oct. 16, 2019
(3.4) Let
1 3 1 1
2 5 2 2
3 8 9
1 3 2 2
(a) Evaluate A−1 using the adjoint and determinant of the matrix.
(b) Evaluate A−1 using Gauss-Jordan elimination.
Math Chem
Homework 2 due date: Oct. 16, 2019
(4.2) (a) Show that there exist a non-trivial solution of A~x = ~0 if and only if detA = 0.
(b) Show that A is singular (not invertible) if and only if det A = 0.
(c) Show that, for a n×n square matrix A, its rank r satisfies r < n, if and only if det A = 0.
(4.3) Find the rank of the coefficient matrix (A matrix for A~x = ~b), solve the following
systems of linear equations, and list the homogeneous solutions and the non-homogeneous
solutions if the solutions exist:
a) x + 2y − z = 3 b) x + y + w = 6
3x − y + 2z = 1 17x − y − 2z + 3w = −2
2x − 2y + 3z = 2 17x − 8y + 5z − 4w = −2
x − y + z = −1 5x + 2y − z = −2
(4.4) Find the rank of the coefficient matrix (A matrix for Ax = b) and solve the following
systems of linear equations:
a) 2x − 3y + z = 0 b) x + y − z + w = 0
x + 2y − 3z = 0 x − y + 2z − w = 0
4x − y − 2z = 0 3x + y + w = 0
x+y+z =6
x + 2y + 3z = 10
x + 2y + λz = µ
has (a) a unique solution, (b) no solution, (c) an infinite number of solutions.
Math Chem
Homework 2 due date: Oct. 16, 2019
(5.5) Find the least squares quadratic fit y = a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 to the following data points,
(a) (2, 0), (3, −10), (5, −48), (6, −76) (b) (1, −2), (0, −1), (1, 0), (2, 4)
(5.6) Find the orthogonal projection of |ui on the subspace of R3 spanned by the vectors |v1 i
and |v2 i.
1 −1 2
|ui = −6 ; |v1 i = 2 , |v2 i = 2
1 1 4
Math Chem
Homework 2 due date: Oct. 16, 2019
where used by Pauli in the non-relativistic theory of electron spin. These are called Pauli
spin matrices. Show that
(a) σi2 = I, (b) σi σj = iσk , i, j, k being in cyclic order, (c)σi σj + σj σi = 2δij I.
(6.2) One description of spin 1 particles in quantum mechanics uses the matrices
0 1 0 0 −i 0 1 0 0
1 1
Mx = √ 1 0 1 , My = √ i 0 −i , Mz = 0 0 0 .
2 0 1 0 2 0 i 0 0 0 −1
Show that
(a) Mx , My , Mz are Hermitian. (b) [Mx , My ] = iMz , [My , Mz ] = iMx , [Mz , Mx ] = iMy .
(c) M2 ≡ Mx 2 + My 2 + Mz 2 = 2I (d) [M2 , Mx ] = [M2 , My ] = [M2 , Mz ] = 0
If L± = Mx ± iMy , then
(e)[L+ , L− ] = 2Mz (f) [Mz , L± ] = ±L±
Math Chem
Homework 2 due date: Oct. 16, 2019
In the second stage, the intermediate axes, ξηζ, are rotated about the ξ axis counterclockwise
by an angle θ to produce another intermediate set, the ξ 0 η 0 ζ 0 axes: ξ 0 = Cξ,
1 0 0
C = 0 cos θ sin θ .
0 − sin θ cos θ
Finally, the ξ 0 η 0 ζ 0 axes are rotated counterclockwise by an angle ψ about the ζ 0 axis to produce
the desired x0 y 0 z 0 system of axes: x0 = Bξ 0 ,
cos ψ sin ψ 0
B = − sin ψ cos ψ 0 .
0 0 1
Hence, the matrix of the complete transformation, x0 = Ax, is the product of the successive
matrices, A = BCD.
(a) Write matrix A explicitly.
(b) Find the determinant and inverse of A.
(c) Prove that the two vectors x and x0 have the same norm, thus A is an orthogonal matrix.
(d) If we fixed rotation B and C, and rotate D twice with different angle D(α) and D(β).
Prove D(α + β) = D(α)D(β).
(e) Use the result of (d) to find A−1 and compare it to the result you got in (b).