Каталог A
Каталог A
Каталог A
*69 47 62 87
0 WD615.69 336ps engine
0 WD615.47 371ps engine
0 WD615.62 266ps engine
0 WD615.87 290ps engine
1 61500010344 6 6 6 6 Liner
2 81500010125 2 2 2 2 Stop washer
3 81500010046 7 7 7 7 Shell pin
4 614,010,134 2 2 2 2 Gasket
5 61500010100 1 l 1 1 Gasket rear
6 61460070011 l 1 1 l Screw
7 612600070083 1 l l l Pipe
8 614,010,120 2 2 2 2 Sleeve
14 90003098086 l 1 1 1 Joint
20 188,250,083 22 22 22 22 Circlip
А1-3 WD615 OIL FILLING PIPE/加油管及油标尺
No Number ofpart Description Designation
69 47 62 87
l 612600010267 l l 1 1 Oil Separator
2 61500010174 l I l l Hose
3 612G00040038 l l l 1 Rubber hose
4 609E110049 l l l l Clamp
5 9000380232l l 1 l l M6×16 D00933 Screw
6 90003813447 l l l l M8×35 D00939 Stud
6a 90003813470 2 2 2 2 M8×60 D00939 Stud
岛 90003813429 3 3 3 3 M8×22 I)00939 Stud
7 90003871252 6 6 6 6 M8DIN934 Nut
8 90003009303 l l l l 30×53×1 D71511 Joint
9 90003936101 l l 1 l A6.4 D0902l J0int
10 90003932023 8 8 8 8 B8DIN137 Spring washer
1l 90003989336 2 2 2 2 22/16 N05074 Hose clamp
12 90003931082 l 1 l l B6D00127 Spring washer
13 90003179784 1 1 1 l φ10x1 Thermoplastic
14 90003989336 2 2 2 2 22/16 N05074 tubing
Hose clamp
15 90003862427 2 2 2 2 M8×20D00912 Screw
N0 Number of part Description Designation
69 47 62 87
1 61500020071 1 l Crank shaft C
61560020029 l l Crank shaft C
61500020012 1 1 Crank shaft
61200020024 1 l Crank shaft
2 61500020046 9 9 9 9 Screw
3 61560020017 1 1 l Belt pulley
3 61560020016 l Belt pulley
4 615600200lO l 1 1 l φ280 Vibration damper
5 61560020041 l 1 1 l Fly wheel C
6 81400020015 l 1 1 1 Ring gear
7 90003802558 8 8 8 8 M10×70 Screw
8 9∞03871305 2 2 2 2 M10 D0934 Nut
9 90003813571 2 2 2 2 M10×90 Stud
10 90,003,311,416 1 l 1 1 63052RSD00625 Ball bearing
11 900039343lO 1 i 1 l 62x2 Circlip
12 61500020070 1 l 1 1 Flange
13 614,020,038 1 l 1 l Crank shaft
14 90003961504 6 6 6 6 lOh8×10 wheel
Cylinderical pin
No Number of part Description Designation
69 47 62 87
1 61500040058 6 6 6 6 Cylinder head
2 61500040049 6 6 6 6 Joint
3 61560040032 12 12 12 12 Scraper
4 6150060045 1 1 l 1 Connecting piece
5 61200040023 5 5 5 5 Clip
6 61500040012 2 2 2 2 Clip
7 61500040009 5 5 5 5 Clip
8 61200040027 2 2 2 2 Clip
9 61560040039 6 6 6 6 Joint
10 615000401023 24 24 24 24 Screw
ll 61200040034 21 21 21 21 Nut
12 61500040102 1 l l 1 Pipe
13 614,040,065 6 6 6 6 Cover
14 614,010,388 2 2 2 2 Screw
15 90003800466 24 24 24 24 M8X60 D00931 Screw
16 90003932023 24 24 24 24 B8D00137 Spring washer
17 90003871252 12 12 12 12 M8D00934 Nut
18 90003871252 12 12 12 12 M8×70 D00939 Stud
23 61560040057 6 6 6 6 Ring
24 61560040051 12 12 12 12 Valve guide
25 406,060,010 6 6 6 6 Gasket
26 81560040037 6 6 6 6 for outlet Valve-seat ring
27 61560040049 6 6 6 6 Nozzle holder
28 61500040040 6 6 6 6 Cylinder head
29 61500040014 6 6 6 6 Spring base
30 90003989277 6 6 6 6 12/8 N05564 Cover plug
31 90003989721 6 6 6 6 22/8 N05564 Cover plug
32 90003989725 6 6 6 6 25/8 N05564 Cover plug
33 90003989294 24 24 24 24 30/8 N05564 Cover plug
No Number of part Description Designation
69 47 62 87
1 614 050058C 12 12 Push rod
1 81500060070 12 12 Push rod
2 90003871252 2 2 2 2 Nut
3 90003932023 3 3 3 3 Spring washer
4 90003813414 2 2 2 2 Stud
4a 90003862419 l 1 l l Screw
5 614,050,133 1 1 l l Flange
6 614,050,053 1 1 1 1 Camshaft gear
7 615000500∞ 1 1 Camshaft
7 61500050096 1 1 Camshaft
8 614,050,079 l 1 Driver
8 90003901409 1 1 1 1 Pin
9 61500050032 12 12 12 12 Push rod
lO 61500050002 12 12 12 12 Outer valve
11 61500050001 12 12 12 12 spring
Inner valve
12 81500050021 24 24 24 24 spring
Valve cone
12 61500050025 ValVe cone
13 614,050,017 6 6 6 6 Spring base
14 61500050109 12 12 12 12 spring base
15 61460050007 6 6 6 6 Intake Valve
15 61560050042 Intake valve
16 61560050041 6 6 6 6 Exhaust valve
17 614,050,048 6 6 6 6 Rocker arm
18 614,050,049 6 6 6 6 Rocker arm
19 614,050,010 12 12 12 12 Screw
20 2130050065 12 12 12 12 Nut
24 61560050044 1 1 l l Idle gear shaft
No N11Iuber of part Designation Designation
69 47 62 87
l 61500060124 1 1 1 1 Bolt pulley
2 61500060234 l 1 l 1 Homing
3 61500060249 1 l l l Bottom roller
6 61200062034 1 1 1 1 Joint
7 61500060251 l 1 l l Pipe
8 612600060192 1 l l 1 Butter cup
10 90003934311 l 1 1 1 62×3DDIN472 assembly
11 90003311179 l 1 1 1 6206RSC 3DIN625 NV 2206E D05412/TGP Ball bearing
12 90003320110 1 l 1 l Cyl roller bear
13 61500060248 1 l 1 l Shaft
A1-11 WD615 61400060161、61560060069 ROLL WHEEL C/张紧轮总成
No Number of part Description Designation
69 47 62 87
10 61560060070 l 1 1 l Tension pulley
11 61560060071 l 1 1 1 Pin
12 61560060072 l I l l Cover
13 61560060073 l 1 l 1 Spacer
14 61560050074 l 1 1 l Ring
15 90093310067 l l l l Ball bearing
A1-12 WD615 OIL PUMP,OIL HLTER I/机油泵和机油滤清器(工)
No Number of part Description Designation
69 47 62 87
l 61500070082 1 1 1 1 Suction pipe
2 614,070,055 1 1 l 1 Gasket
3 614,070,061 1 1 1 1 Idler gear
4 6,140,756 1 1 1 1 Axle
5 614,070,155 1 1 l l O—ring
6 6,140,749 1 1 1 1 Ring
7 6,140,778 1 1 l 1 Joint
8 9000380055l 1 l 1 1 M10×55 DIN931 Screw
9 90003802527 l l 1 1 M10x 30DIN933 Screw
10 90003802578 l l 1 l M10x 95DIN933 Screw
1l 90003802523 2 2 2 2 M10x25 DIN933 Screw
12 90003931122 2 2 2 2 B10 DIV127 Washer
13 90003934732 1 1 1 1 47x1.75DIN984 Circlip
14 90003311410 2 2 2 2 6303 DIN625 Ball bearing
15 AZl500070021 1 1 1 l tooth width 44.98 Oil pump
39097 61500070029 1 1 l 1 Front cover
39128 AZl500070015 1 l l 1 Housing
39156 61500070024 1 l 1 1 Rear covet
15_4 90003800441 1 l 1 1 M8×45 DIN931 Screw
15_5 90003901420 4 4 4 4 8m6×20 DIN7 Pin
39248 90003800458 4 d 4 4 4M8×70 DIN93l Screw
39278 90003800465 l l 1 l M8×80DIN931 Screw
15-1l AZl500070019 1 1 1 l Gear
15-Dec AZl500070020 1 1 l 1 Gear
24 61500070099 1 l l 1 Release valve C
24-Jan 61500070098 1 1 l l Valve body
24—2 614,070,130 l 1 l 1 Valve c∞e
24-Mar 614 07013l 1 l l l Valve spring
24.4 681 270027 1 1 l 1 Washer
24-May AZ9003930011 1 l l l Circlip
A1-13 WD615 OIL PUMP.OIL FILTER 1I/机油泵和机油滤清器(Ⅱ)
No Number of part Description Designation
69 47 62 87
l 61500070051 1 l l 1 Filter head
2 6l000070005 2 2 2 2 Filter elemevot
3 61500010334 1 1 l l al radiator
4 81400010032 2 2 2 2 J0int
5 614,070,069 l l 1 1 Valve cone
6 614,070,068 l l 1 l Spring
7 90003802455 8 8 8 8 M8×55 DIN933—8·& Zn Screw
8 90003932023 4 4 4 4 B8 DINl37Zn Spring Washer
9 90003862443 2 2 2 2 M8×40 DIN912—8·8Zn Screw
10 900,038,152,482 2 2 2 2 M8×90 DIN912—8·& Zn Screw
ll 9000343026l 8 8 8 8 A8.4 DINl25Zn Gasket
12 90003098086 1 l 1 1 A30 X 36 DIN7603Cu Gasket
13 9000396205l 1 l 1 1 CM30×1.5DIN7604 5·8Zn Screw
14 AZl500070097 1 l 1 1 Control valve C
14_l AZl500070096 l l l 1 Valve body
14-Feb 407,070,032 l l l l Piston
14_3 407,070,034 l 1 l 1 Spring sopport
14-Apr 4139070059 l 1 1 1 Spring
14-May AZ90003930012 l 1 1 l Circlip
No Number of part Description Designation
69 47 62 87
1 61560080278—1 1 1 1 1 Injection pipe
2 61560080278—2 l 1 1 1 Injection pipe
3 61560080278—3 1 l 1 1 Injection pipe
4 61560080278—4 l 1 1 1 Injection pipe
5 61560080278—5 1 1 1 l Injection pipe
6 61560080278—6 1 1 l 1 Injection pipe
7 61560080302 l Injection
7 612600082115 1 pipe with
pipe with pump
7 612600081075 1 Injection
7 612600083075 InjectionC pump
7 612600087075 Injection pump
l 8156008027l 8 8 8 8 Washer
2 81560080273 8 8 8 8 Bush
5 AZl56008000l 1 1 1 1 Screw
7 61560080219 12 12 12 12 Clamp
9 61560080275 1 1 1 1 spacer
1 614,090,067 1 1 l 1 Temperature
2 61500090029 1 1 1 l Starter
3 61200090043 l 1 1 1 Altenator
9 61500090018 l l 1 1 Screw
13 614,090,050 1 1 1 1 Connecting
16 90003888452 1 l 1 1 VMlODIN00980·8 Not
1 AZl500090132 1 l 1 1 Temperature
2 61200090163 l 1 l 1 Solenoid valve
11 81560080327 2 2 2 2 Pipe
12 99014280016 2 2 2 2 Plug—insleeve
13 99012360441 1 l 1 l Angle
16 9c003930261 1 l l 1 Washer
20 90003559462 2 2 2 2 Adaptor
31 AZl500080155 1 l 1 l Hose
2 612600113227 l 1 1 1 Turbochager
3 61560110120 l 1 l 1 Exhaust
manifold front
4 61260110162 4 4 4 4 Ring
5 61560110111 6 6 6 6 Casket
5 61560110111 6 6 6 6 Casket
6 61560110222 l 1 l l Exhaust
manifold rear
7 61560110104 ll 1l 11 1l Screw
8 61560110105 1 1 1 1 Screw
10 81560110152 1 l 1 l Joint
11 61560070001 l 1 1 1 Pipe
13 188,250,083 4 4 4 4 Circlip
14 81560110187 6 6 6 6 Stud
15 609E110050 l 1 l l Joint
16 61260110048 l l l l J0int
17 61560110210 l 1 1 1 J0int
18 6146007∞14 2 2 2 2 Screw
19 61260007007l 1 l l l Hose
23 90003888470 6 6 6 6 Nut
24 90003559563 2 2 2 2 Ring
26 61560110241 4 4 4 4 Bolt
26 61560110241 4 4 4 4 Bolt
1 6126001105Q5 1 1 1 l Funnel
2 615600116227 1 1 1 l Turbochager
3 61560110131 l 1 l l Airintake
4 614 110064 4 4 4 4 hexagon bolt
6 190,320,035 1 l 1 l Glip
6a 6156110226 l 1 Clip
7 612600110824 l 1 1 1 Hose
8 61560110072 Lashing
9 6156011005l l 1 1 1 pipe
10 6156011002l 2 2 2 2 Strap
1l 209,190,017 2 2 2 2 Bolt
12 1700550013 2 2 2 2 Bolt
13 61500110024 6 6 6 6 Joint
23 609E110036 3 3 4 4 Washer
24 99100570015 l l l l Bracket
25 81560110220 1 1 1 l Hose
2 AZl560130063 1 1 l 1 Housing
7 AZl560130064 l 1 1 1 Ge8r
11 61500080167 l l L 1 Shaft C
11 612600130047 1 l l 1 Bush
12 61500130080 l 1 l 1 Gasket
13 61500080165 1 1 l 1 Cover
23 61560130012 l 1 l 1 Gear
24 409020045 1 1 l l Joint
29 192320002 1 l 1 1 Gasket
30 612600130073 1 1 1 1 Plate
30 612600130073 1 1 1 1 Plate
A1-22 WD615 OIL PAN/油底壳
3 614,150,046 12 12 12 12 Retainer
6 612600150106 1 l 1 1 Gasket
51 61800010118 1 Cover 端盖
65 61800060153 1 Bracket 支架
66 61800060152 1 Bracket 支架
67 61800060151 1 Bracket 支架
12 90003432025 12 Joint 垫片
8 61800030042 6 Piston 活塞
4 61800040076 l Pipe 管子
21 61560050045 1 Shim 垫片
9 61500060151 l Spacer 隔套
11 614,080,082 6 Washer 垫圈
16 61800080064 1 Pipe 管
23 61800080034 1 Gear 齿轮
26 61800080039 1 Bracket 托架
27 61800080040 2 An出 角架
11 81560080327 2 Pipe 管
12 99014280016 2 Bush 衬套
12 99974200 1 Plate 托板
7 81560110220 2 Hose 胶管
16 61560110226 1 Clip 夹子
6 61800130047 l Joint 垫片
11 61800130046 1 Gear 齿轮
No Number of part Quantity Description Designation 名称
*420X 420B
6 BZl560161113 6 √ √ Locker 锁片
2 19481 l Joint 衬垫
4 14310 1 Gasket 衬垫
5 18420 1 Cover 盖板
12 Q40316 2 Washer 垫圈
20 M12×22 8 Screw 螺钉
22 Q40316 6 Waster 垫圈
23 M16×1.5 6 Nut 螺母
25 8677 2 Bush 轴套
27 M8×12 4 Screw 螺钉
42 51016 1 Hose 软管
43 4425 2 Spring 弹簧
46 M10×32 6 Bolt 螺栓
1 M16×1.5x45 2 Bolt 螺栓
2 19668 2 Retainer 挡板
4 192309E 2 9G Bearing 轴承
4 370309Y 2 Bearing 轴承
14 102308E 2 Bearing 轴承
2 14283 2 Plate 平垫
2 150212K(81504) 1 Bearing 轴承
1 JSl30T-1702015 1 Cover 上盖
1 B19980 1 Cover 上盖
2 14918 l Gasket 衬垫
3 M10×35 2 Screw 螺栓
7 F96085 2 Spring 弹簧
7 F96084 l Spring 弹簧
9 1642 1 Gasket 衬垫
26 17179 1 Gasket 衬垫
28 17178 l Plug 螺塞
29 M10×32 14 Screw 螺栓
4 F99983 1 spring 弹簧
9 F99585 l Plug 拨头
13 F99672 1 Gasket 树垫
14 F99666 l Board 侧板
15 M8x12 4 Screw 螺钉
18 F96140 2 Gasket 衬垫
20 M8×12 4 Bolt 螺栓
21 Q40108 4 Washer 垫圈
22 Q61518 l Plug 螺塞
23 17179 l Gasket 衬垫
24 15900 2 Gasket 衬垫
30 M10×lx50 1 Bolt 螺栓
32 M10×l l Screw 螺母
34 F91353 1 Joint 衬垫
38 55518 1 Pipe 气管
39 55522 l Pipe 气管
40 F96036 1 Spring 弹簧
3 50118 l Beating 轴承
l 14897 3 Spring 弹簧
1 42307E 2 Beating 轴承
3 192310E 2 Learing 轴承
1 14335 1 Gasket 衬垫
3 17352 2 Gasket 衬垫
5 A-C09008 8 M10×32 螺钉
6 M10×50 5 螺钉
6 M10×45 14 螺钉
7 71813 l bearing 轴承
9 15532 l Gasket 衬垫
12 M10×70 5 螺栓
14 7992 l Bush 铜套
15 M10×70 5 螺栓
19 H16I]05 1 Gasket 铜垫
l M12×1.25×50 2 Screw 螺钉
3 1684 1 Gasket 衬垫
5 M10×32 l Screw 螺钉
8 14341 l Piston 活塞
12 M16×1.5 l Nut 螺母
16 X11511 1 Washer 垫圈
3 M10×55 2 Screw 螺钉
4 1684 1 Gasket 衬垫
6 M10×32 6 Screw 螺钉
l 55523 1 pipe
2 19779 2 clamp 夹子
_ 软管
4 55522 1 pipe
3 19670 l Element 滤芯
6 X14973 3 Plug 堵
3 190003179855 i Pipe 软管
7 199114362010 l Pipe 管路
7 199118362028 1 Pipe 管路
8 199014350012 1 Pipe 管路
9 19901428004l 2 Sleeve 衬套
12 190003559509 4 Nut 螺母
13 190003559558 4 Sleeve 卡套
15 190003559507 6 Nut 螺母
16 190D03559556 6 Sleeve 卡套
19 190003559516 1 Nut 螺母
20 190003559561 1 Sleeve 卡套
A4-19 Fuller SHIFTING TO CLUTCH BRAKE/Fuller离合器制动器操纵机构
1 199112240114 l Housing 壳体
3 1-99-976-035 1 Spring 弹簧
5 1-99-907-048 l Washer 垫片
6 19911240110 1 Sleeve 隔套
8 13809230034 2 Washer 垫圈
9 190003802527 2 Bolt 螺栓
10 199100860031 l Valve 阀
A4-20 Fuller AIR LINE FOR CLUTCH BRAKE/Fuller变速器离合器制动器气路
7 19000355956l 4 Sleeve 卡套
8 199014280016 4 Hose 衬套
1 F99983 1 spring 弹簧
3 F.96036 1 Spring 弹簧
5 C03038-1-l l Key 平键
19 F96037 1 Spring 弹簧
20 F99666 1 Housing cover 盖板
7 1,250,302,373 l Gasket 衬垫
2 1,268,308,003 1 Gasket 衬垫
18 1,238,308,201 1 Gasket 衬垫
2 1,250,306,182 l Gasket 衬垫
27 1,252,307,060 1 Gasket 衬垫
6 99012210065 l Hose 软管
14 1156302006 2 A1 Cotter 平键
77 635460010 , Ball 钢球
23 732041244 1 spring 弹簧
35 537006018 2 M8 Nut 螺母
3 1269331054 1 Housing 前壳
53 6300010512 1 15 Washer 垫圈
54 631701145 1 4×20 Spilt pin 开口销
13 1-99-916-002 1 Cover 盖板
36 1,880,250,069 1 Flange 凸缘
13 1-99-916-002 1 Cover 盖板
36 1,880,250,069 1 Flange 凸缘
17 199014250124 1 Piston 活塞
19 199014250136 l Cover 端盖
24 1,880,250,069 1 Flange 凸缘
17 199014250124 1 Piston 活塞
19 199014250136 l Cover 端盖
14 1,880,250,047 1 Washer 垫圈
32 L90003078776 l Seal 油封
37 190003074347 l 7 Seal 油封
43 199114250124 l W8sller 盖
14 1,880,250,047 l Washer 垫圈
3l 199114250012 l Washer 垫圈
32 190003078776 1 Seal 油封
43 199114250124 l Washer 盖
55 1-99-907-055 5 Washer 垫片
56 199114250015 10 Wa8her 垫圈
63 l-99-917-002 1 Circlip 挡圈
72 190003078681 1 Seal 油封
5 199014260007 2 Bush 隔套
5 199014260007 2 Bush 隔套
6 199014260012 2 Washer 垫圈
13 1,288,720,042 nb Washer 垫圈
1 1,680,180,025 l Bearer 支座
8 1,680,350,068 2 Washer 垫圈
23 1,680,360,199 l Clamp 夹子
29 1,880,250,069 1 Flange 凸缘
31 199100280021 1 Bracket 托架
4 1990l4280016 1 Sleeve 衬套
l 1-21-729-090 1 Housing 壳体
4 -843 4 Counter.screw 螺钉
5 -753 2 Dowel pin 定位销
15 1-2l-729-l00 1 Screw 螺钉
16/17 32205 l Roller bearing 圆锥滚子轴承
25 -2l-729-02l 2 Plug 销
33 -2l-729-126 2 Screw 螺栓
34 -877 2 Screw 螺栓
35 -878 l Screw 螺栓
38 QH50-4211310 l Piston 活塞
49 QH50-A 1 Flange 法兰
52 -880 l Washer 垫圈
53 -2l-729-0131 l Screw 螺栓
16 199014280016 12 Sleeve 衬套
16 1,880,410,035 2 Bushing 衬套
34 L9900410114 2 Spacers 隔环
37 AZ9100410062 2 Washer 垫片
41 1,880,410,043 2 Cap 罩
44 1,880,410,100 2 Cap 盖
A9-2 8X 4 FRONTAXLE/8×4转向前轴
No Number of part Quantity Description Applicability I)esig~ation 名称 Remark
6 199000410001 1 STEYR first front axle Steering knuckle arm for 转向节臂
reinforced spy
6 19901441000l 1 STEYR reinforeed spring Steering knuckle arm 转向节臂 加强前板簧
16 1,880,410,035 4 Bashing 衬套
25a WG9112410019 2 for ABS in the secone front Ring gear for ABS ABS齿圈 Option
28 AZ9100410104 40 Wheel bolt 车轮螺栓
34 199000410114 4 Spacers 隔环
37 AZ91004l0062 4 Washer 垫片
41 1880410043 4 Cap 罩
44 1,880,410,100 4 Cap 盖
8 189000340068 56 Rivet 铆钉
24 1,880,340,022 2 Shim 垫圈
31 Q5101440 2 Pin 销轴
33 1,880,440,015 2 Spacers 隔套
59 199000340027 4 Roller 滚轮
A9-4 TIE ROD/刚性前桥转向横拉杆
12 AZ9100430218-12 2 Clip 卡箍
O A}17141.600103 1 i=6.72,flangeφ150 Plantetary type front axle 行星式前桥(i=6.72,凸缘φ150) for driver ight
O AH7141.600101 2 I=6.72,flangeφ150 Plantetary type front axle 行星式前桥(i=6.72,凸缘φ150)
18 199000420709 8 Screw 螺钉
24 199012320121 1 Ring 环
2 1,880,410,102 2 Pin—lock 锁销
3 1,880,410,109 2 Pipe 管
15 1,880,420,028 2 Loop 隔环
4 1,880,410,065 2 Washer 垫圈
41 199000410021 2 Cover 盖
28 Q41216 4 Washer 垫圈
34 1,880,340,037 4 Plug 堵头
43 1880440035 2 Adapter 接头
47 WG9l00340017 4 Bush 衬套
12 AZ910043002l-6 2 Clip 卡箍
6 181500010163 1 Screw 螺塞
12 169000330008 l Pin 销
12 169000330009 1 Pin 销
12 BZ9100330010 1 Pin 销
57 199012320121 l Ring 环
12 169000330008 1 PIn 销
12 169000330009 1 Pin 销
12 BZ9100330010 2 Pin 销
46 199014320175 1 Cover 端盖
47 18150()010163 1 Plug 螺塞
52 12,700,320,037 l Sleeve 衬套
60 161000060072 1 Sleeve 隔套
29 199012320023 l Lashing 弯板
25 199014320140 1 Ring 隔圈
60 199012320023 l Lashing 弯板
19 19911234000l 2 Cover 端盖
32 199012340077 10 Washer 垫圈
44 1,880,410,097 2 Washer 垫圈
12 189000340068 64 Rivet 铆钉
13 199000340064 4 Bolt 轴
21 1880440010 2 Washer 垫圈
23 18804400lO 2 Washer 垫片
l 24 WG9100340017 4 Bush 轴套
28 1880340022 2 Washer 垫圈
29 180320028 nB S=0.10 Shim 调整垫片
46 19000390366l 2 Bolt 销轴
1 AZ9100850003 l Hammer 手锤
9 1-99-907-030 12 Washer 垫圈
10 Q151B1665 4 Screw 六角头螺栓
12 190003937830 4 Washer 垫圈
3 199114512868 1 Plate 角板
3 199114512868 1 Plate 角板
10 1-99-907-063 8 washer 垫圈
15 1-99-907-063 12 Washer 垫圈