Hospital Information System World Wide Web
Hospital Information System World Wide Web
Hospital Information System World Wide Web
The Server
3. Master Patient Index (MPI) The server is responsible for
The software of this healthcare handling the request sent from the
information system is aimed at client. This can either be a local
connecting patient records more than one accessible resource or the server
database. The MPI contains records for can request the resource from
any patient registered at a healthcare another server in which case the
organization. MPI, as the name suggests, first server temporarily turns into a
creates an index all the records for that client.
Hypertext Transport Protocol HTTP
4. Patient Portals The client sends of the user
This information system lets patients request to a WWW server using
peruse their health data. They are able to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol
access: appointment information, (HTTP). This is a typical client-
medications they may be receiving, and server application based on a
their lab results via the internet. stateless connection between the
client requesting the URI and the
server handling the request.