Hospital Information System World Wide Web

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Hospital Information System World Wide Web

A hospital information system (HIS) is The World Wide Web is another way to

a computer system that can manage all describe the Internet, which is a network
the information related to health care of computers which are connected and
providers allowing them to do their job that share information and allow
effectively. communication around the world. An
example of the World Wide Web is
the Internet.
Tim Berners-Lee, a British
The idea of implementing a computerized
scientist, invented the World Wide
information-handling system in
Web (WWW) in 1989,
the hospital sphere came as early as
1965, when Lockheed Martin conducted
an information gathering project on the
It connected the world in a way that was not
feasibility of such a system
possible before and made it much easier for
people to get information, share and
A good HIS gives a number of benefits to a communicate. It allowed people to share their
hospital such as the delivery of quality patient work and thoughts through social networking
care and financial management. HIS should sites, blogs and video sharing. The world
be focused on patient and medical staff; wide web made it much easier for people to
above all else, it must be affordable and share information.
WWW includes
Types of HIS The Client
Health information systems include: The client is the user's interface to
the Internet. Whatever type of
1. Electronic Medical Record (EMR) service requested this interface
and Electronic Health Record (EHR) stays the same, so users do not
Electronic medical records replace paper need to understand the differences
patient records. Several companies between the many different access
provide such information systems. schemes in common use on the
Medical information on each patient must Internet. This principle is the same
now be collected and stored as is seen from other popular
electronically. These records would applications such as Microsoft
include patient health information, test Windows, Macintosh etc. where
results, doctor and specialist visits, the user is always presented to the
healthcare treatments. same GUI interface.

Uniform Resource Identifier URI

2. Practice Management Software The user initiates a request by
Such information systems assist specifying a Uniform Resource
healthcare facilities and personnel with Identifier or a "hyperlink". This link
the management of daily operations of can specify any accessible
the facility. This would include things like information or resource on the
scheduling of patients and medical Internet as long as it can be
services billing. uniquely identified as an object.
The word "Web" refers to the
combination of accessible objects
and the links pointing to them
throughout the Internet.

The Server
3. Master Patient Index (MPI) The server is responsible for
The software of this healthcare handling the request sent from the
information system is aimed at client. This can either be a local
connecting patient records more than one accessible resource or the server
database. The MPI contains records for can request the resource from
any patient registered at a healthcare another server in which case the
organization. MPI, as the name suggests, first server temporarily turns into a
creates an index all the records for that client.
Hypertext Transport Protocol HTTP
4. Patient Portals The client sends of the user
This information system lets patients request to a WWW server using
peruse their health data. They are able to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol
access: appointment information, (HTTP). This is a typical client-
medications they may be receiving, and server application based on a
their lab results via the internet. stateless connection between the
client requesting the URI and the
server handling the request.

Hypertext Markup Language HTML

5. Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) On a successful request, a data
This is also termed telehealth. RPM object is returned from the server
provides medical sensors that have the to the client. The object is written
ability to transmit patient data to in the Hypertext Markup Language
healthcare professionals who might very (HTML) which is a hypertext
well be halfway around the world. language with the possibility of
containing hyperlinks that the user
can follow.

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