a) Experience and the Rule of Logic
-naturally and logically tends to establish a fact in
b) The Rational or Logical Relevancy Test
-whether there is a logical or rational connection
between the fact which is sought to be proved
c) The Logical Connection Test in Collateral
-whether evidence is admissible to show collateral
fact or where proffered evidence is relevant to a
collateral issue.
d) The Admiralty and maritime courts of the bulldozed and destroyed by Edgardo Espinosa. Despite
world and their seals; no opposition to their application for free patent, it was
e) The political constitution and history of the obstructed because of the existence TCT under the
Philippines; name of Peltan Devt. From a fictitious OCT.
RTC- Rey and Araujo not real party in interest,
f) The Official acts of the legislative, dismissed complaint
executive and judicial departments of the CA- reversed. SC reversed.
Philippines; CA failed to take judicial notice of “Margolles vs
CA” ruling( upheld the validity of OCT No. 4126).
Matters relating to the legislative department
-Bound to take judicial notice of the dates
when Congress begins and closes, its session, the RULING
number and functions, and privileges of its
members. Joint resolution of public character It is axiomatic nonetheless that a court has a
passed by the legislature must also be judicially mandate to apply relevant statutes and jurisprudence in
known. determining whether the allegations in a complaint
establish a cause of action. While it focuses on the
Matters relating to the executive department complaint, a court clearly cannot disregard decisions
-these include the organization of the material to the proper appreciation of the questions
before it. In resolving a motion to dismiss, every court
Executive Department and its principal officers,
must take cognizance of decisions this Court has
whether elected or appointed. rendered because they are proper subjects of
mandatory judicial notice as provided by Section 1 of
Matters relating to the SC courts of justice Rule 129 of the Rules of Court.
-SC has taken judicial notice of its record in
a previous case in connection with the conduct of The Court is well aware that a decision in Margolles
the litigant or witness on a similar matter. But vs. CA, rendered on 14 February 1994, upheld the
validity of OCT No. 4216 (and the certificates of title
the SC does not take judicial notice of derived therefrom), the same OCT that the present
proceedings in various courts of justice in the PH. complaint seeks to nullify for being "fictitious and
spurious." Respondent CA, in its assailed Decision dated
g) Laws of Nature; [ law on gravity, flow of 29 June 1994, failed to consider Margolles vs. CA. The
tides etc] Supreme Court promulgated Margolles ahead of the
h) Measure of Time; and assailed CA decision. It was incumbent upon Respondent
i) Geographical divisions CA to take judicial notice thereof and apply it in
resolving this case. That the CA did not is clearly a
reversible error.
(3) PEOPLE VS SEVILLENO [Territorial Jurisdiction]
(1) PEOPLE VS DOCUMENTO [ Territorial Bounds]
4/22/96(Ochoa Ave), and 10/15/95((brgy 7/22/95(10am) Accused Paulino Tamayowas
Antongalon) In Butuan Cuty, Minor 16 yo, carnal charged with rape with homicide of 9yo niece, Virginia.
knowledge.RA 7659 She was found dead in Sugarcane fields “Campo 9”.
- She was raped when 10yo, and gave birth in 1993. He pled guilty to rape and murder of a 9yo girl.
Pled Not Guilty- Changed to Guilty- then said was Due to Typhoon Pepang- Accused escaped detention.
coerced by Prosecutor Trial in Absentia ensued. Accused was recaptured.
Accused said he had consensual sexual relations with The testimony of Norma Baquia was disregarded for
AAA, and disowned the handwritten letters of apology to failure to establish that the incident happened in the
AAA’s parents. territorial jurisdiction of the court.
RTC- DEATH; CA-Reclusion Perpetua ISSUE: Is the failure to account Norma’s testimony on
Accused avers that there is no territorial jurisdiction account that it failed to establish that the offense
over the crime, and that the prosecution failed to happened in the territorial jurisdiction of the court
establish that the two counts of rape were done in proper?
Butuan City. CA pointed out that although “Butuan City” HELD. NO.
was not mentioned in the testimony, it was stated that The court below erred in disregarding the testimony
it happened in Ochoa Ave and Brgy Antongalan. of Norma Baquia "for the reason that her testimony
ISSUE: Did the prosecution fail to establish the failed to establish that the incident happened within the
territorial jurisdiction where the crime was allegedly territorial jurisdiction of this court." The court did not
committed? consider her testimony purportedly because she only
HELD. No. testified that her sister Virginia went with the accused
The inclusion of the two barangays in the City of to Guindali-an without specifying as to what
Butuan is a matter of Mandatory Judicial Notice by municipality or city it was part of. Again, this is error.
the trial court. Section 1, Rule 129 of the Rules of Court requires courts
(2) PELTAN DEVELOPMENT INC. VS CA [Jurisprudence] to take judicial notice, without the introduction of
evidence, of the existence and geographical divisions of
Facts our country.
Filed for “Cancellation of titles and damages. . There is only one Sitio Guindali-an, Brgy. Guadalupe,
197,527sqm, Bar. Tindig na Manga, Las Pinas.Rey had San Carlos City (Negros Occidental). ET
been occupying and cultivating for many years. Illegally
SEC 2. JUDICIAL NOTICE, WHEN DISCRETIONARY. 7/23/06- Viron Transit Corp ordered 14,000L of Diesel
Sec 2. Judicial Notice, When Discretionary. --A court worth P497,000 from United Oil Petroleum Phils owned
may take judicial notice of matters which are of public by Lao.
knowledge, or are capable of unquestionable Candelaria, a truck driver employed by Lao was
demonstration, or ought to be known to judges. dispatched to deliver the fuel.
Candelaria carnapped the lorry truck, plate no. PTA945.
a) Matters which are of Public Knowledge; CA- guilty on circumstantial evidence.
b) Matters capable of unquestionable
Demonstration; ISSUE: Can the courts take judicial notice to
c) Matters ought to be known to judges determine the value of the thing stolen?
because of their judicial Functions. HELD.
Gr. Foreign laws do not prove themselves nor can a The imposable penalty for the crime of Qualified
court take judicial notice of them, Like any other fact, Theft depends upon the value of the thing stolen. To
they must be alleged and proved prove the value of the stolen property for purposes of
fixing the imposable penalty under Articles 309 and 310
EXC. In certain decided cases however, judicial notice of the RPC, as amended, the Court explained in People
v. Anabe that the prosecution must present more than
has been taken of the laws of another country [C-
a mere uncorroborated "estimate."
(i) Common Law;
(ii) When a foreign law is part of a Published In the absence of independent and reliable
corroboration of such estimate, the courts may either
treatise, periodical, or pamphlet and the writer is
apply the minimum penalty under Article 309 or fix
recognized in his profession or calling as expert in the the value of the property taken based on the
subject, the court, may take judicial notice of the attendant circumstances of the case. In Merida v.
treatise; People (Merida), which applied the doctrine
(iii) Foreign statute Accepted by the government; enunciated in People v. Dator (Dator), the Court
(iv) those Generally WELL-KNOWN, is within the deemed it improper to take judicial notice of the selling
actual knowledge of the court , had been ruled upon I price of narra at the time of the commission of its
previous case before it and none of the parties claim theft, as such evidence would be "unreliable and
inconclusive considering the lack of independent and
otherwise; and
competent source of such information."
(v) Stipulation by the parties.
With the amendment changing the term “may” to September 5, 1997, he was working as a watch
“shall”, it appears that the intention is to make repairman near Gals Bakery in Mandaue City Market and
mandatory the hearing on the matter sought to be went home tired and sleepy at around 11:00 o’clock
taken judicial notice of, whether it be during pre-trial, that evening. On November 7, 1997, he claims he was at
trial, at any time before judgment and even on
appeal. Issue : Was it correct for the Court to take judicial
Note that generally , theories, issues and notice of Mary Ann’s age without a hearing?.
arguments not brought to the attention of the trial
court will not be considered by a reviewing court,
except when their factual bases would not require Held: No.
presentation of any further evidence by the adverse
party in order to enable him to properly meet the
With respect to other matters not falling within the
issue raised, such as when the factual bases of such mandatory or discretionary judicial notice, the court
novel theory , issue or argument is (a) subject of can take judicial notice of a fact pursuant to the
judicial notice; or (b) had already been judicially procedure in Section 3 of Rule 129 of the Rules of Court
admitted. (Borromeo v. Mina, G.R. No. 193747, June which requires that — SEC. 3. Judicial notice, when
5, 2013) hearing necessary. — During the trial, the court, on its
own initiative, or on request of a party, may announce
1. STAGES UPON WHICH THE COURT MAY TAKE its intention to take judicial notice of any matter and
JUDICIAL NOTICE OF A FACT allow the parties to be heard thereon. After the trial,
and before judgment or on appeal, the proper court, on
a) During Pre-trial (Revised Rules) its own initiative or on request of a party, may take
b) During trial; judicial notice of any matter and allow the parties to be
c) After trial and before judgment; or heard thereon if such matter is decisive of a material
d) Appeal issue in the case.
2. PURPOSE OF HEARING In this case, judicial notice of the age of the victim is
improper, despite the defense counsel's admission
-to afford the parties reasonable opportunity to
thereof, acceding to the prosecution's motion. As
present information relevant to the propriety of taking required by Section 3 of Rule 129, as to any other
such judicial notice or the tenor of the matter to be matters such as age, a hearing is required before courts
noticed. can take judicial notice of such fact. Generally, the age
of the victim may be proven by the birth or baptismal
3. JUDICIAL NOTICE DURING PRE-TRIAL OR TRIAL VS certificate of the victim, or in the absence thereof,
BEFORE JUDGMENT OR ON APPEAL upon showing that said documents were lost or
destroyed, by other documentary or oral evidence
sufficient for the purpose.
DURING PRETRIAL OR TRIAL, the court may announce
(2) PEOPLE VS LIBAN (Minority must be alleged)
its intention to take judicial notice of “ any matter”
and may hear the parties thereon. Facts
The Court here emphasizes that the severity, as -As a rule, it is -they are generally
well as the irreversible and final nature, of the penalty conclusive upon the disputable except when
of death once carried out makes the decision-making party making them elements of estoppel
process in capital offenses aptly subject to the most
are present
exacting rules of procedure and evidence.
It is to be recognized that, due to variable 2. REQUISITES [PCN]
circumstances, no two cases are really ever alike that, a) The same must be made by the Party to the
at times, may easily mislead one to perceive the Court case’
to be giving, albeit inaccurately, vacillating rulings. b) Admission must be made in the Course of
Relative particularly to the qualifying circumstance of the proceedings in the same Case; and
minority of the victim in incestuous rape cases, the c) There is not particular form for an
Court has consistently adhered to the idea that the admission--It may either be written or
victim's minority must not only be specifically alleged in
the information but must likewise be established
beyond reasonable doubt during trial. Neither the
obvious minority of the victim, nor the absence of any 3. WHAT NEED NOT TO BE PROVED
contrary assertion from the defense, can exonerate the a) Admission made in the course of the
prosecution from these twin requirements. proceedings
Judicial notice of the issue of age, without the b) Admissions in amended pleadings
requisite hearing conducted under Section 3, Rule - an amended pleading supersedes the pleading that it
129, of the Rules of Court, would not be considered amends. However, admissions in superseded pleadings
enough compliance with the law. The birth certificate
may be received in evidence against the pleader
of the victim or, in lieu thereof, any other documentary
evidence, like a baptismal certificate, school records c) Rule on Dismissed Pleadings
and documents of similar nature, or credible testimonial -merely extra judicial admissions
evidence, that can help establish the age of the victim
should be presented. While the declaration of a victim d) Rules on Pleadings not filed
as to her age, being an exception to the hearsay i. IF SIGNED BY THE PARTY, considered
proscription, would be admissible under the rule on EJC
pedigree, the question on the relative weight that may ii. IF SIGNED BY THE ATTY, not admissible
be accorded to it is another matter. Corroborative
“ An attorney has authority to make statements
evidence would be most desirable or even essential
when circumstances warrant. on behalf of hos client only in open court or in a
pleading actually filed.
Sec 4. Judicial admissions. -- An admission, verbal oral e) Admission made by counsel
or written, made by a party in the course of the GR. Admissions made by a counsel are binding upon
proceedings in the same case, does not require proof. the client.
The admission may be contradicted only by showing that EXC. In cases where reckless or gross negligence of
it was made through palpable mistake or that no such counsel deprives the client of due process of law, or
admission was made. the imputed admission was not, when its application will result in outright deprivation
in fact, made. of the client’s liberty or property, or where interest of
-the phrasing was changed by the Revised Rules on justice so require, relief is accorded to the client who
Evidence but the meaning remains the same. suffered by reason of the lawyer’s gross or palpable
mistake or negligence.
GR. A Judicial admission is conclusive upon the party
making it and does not require proof f) Implied admissions of Actionable
EXC. Documents
1. When it is shown that the admission was made g) Other cases of Judicial Admissions
through palpable mistake; and i. Failure to specifically deny the
2. When it is shown that no such admission was in fact allegations
made. ii. Negative pregnant
JUDICIAL ADMISSION EXTRA-JUDICIAL a) In case of a written judicial admission,
-admission, verbal or -those made out of MOTION OR OTHER WRITTEN INSTRUMENT
written, made by a court, or in a judicial CONTAINING SUCH ADMISSION;
party in the course of proceeding other than b) In case of an oral judicial admission,
the proceedings in the the one in COUNSEL IN OPEN COIRT MAY MOVE FOR THE
same case consideration EXCLUSION OF SUCH ADMISSION
-does not require proof -should be formally
otherwise will not be
-It is the party’s reaction to a statement or contained in a pleading are conclusive as against the
action by another person when it is reasonable to pleader. A party cannot subsequently take a position
treat the party’s reaction as an admission of contrary of or inconsistent with what was pleaded.
something stated or implied by the other person. (2) PEOPLE VS CASTILLO[ EJC]
Josefina filed an motion for intervention on the Accused-appellant Julian Castillo was convicted
Action for partition of Teresita, who claims to be the with Homicide and Illegal Possession of Firearms
surviving spouse. aggravated by Homicide.
Teresita testified that “While she did not know
Josefina personally, she knew that her husband had On November 14, 1995 at about 8:00 a.m., Rogelio
been previously married to Josefina and that the two Abawag was being closely pursued by Julian Castillo.
did not live together as husband and wife. She knew During the chase, Castillo pointed a gun at Abawag and
that Josefina left Jose in 1959. “ shot him.
CA ruled that Josefina is the surviving spouse, based
on Teresita’s admission in her reply to the intervention.
The police then arrested Castillo on board a vessel
bound for Cebu. The police also found in his possession
Teresita avers that Teresita's statement in the a .38 caliber handmade revolver, three empty shells and
Reply-in-Intervention admitting knowledge of the three live ammunitions. Further inquiry revealed that
alleged first marriage, is without probative value for the accused owned the gun but he has no license to
being hearsay. possess it.
Private respondent, for her part, reiterates that For his defense, Castillo interposed the theory of
the matters involved in this case fall under Section 4, self-defense. Appellant impugned solely his conviction
Rule 129 of the Revised Rules of Evidence, and thus for illegal possession of firearm for which he was
qualify as a judicial admission which does not require sentenced to the supreme penalty of death.
ISSUE 1: Absent certificate of live birth, or the like, is the PRUNA DOCTRINE
presentation of the victim’s appearance admissible as
evidence to prove her age?
People v. Pruna, established a set of guidelines in
appreciating age as an element of the crime or as a
HELD 1: Yes. qualifying circumstance, to wit:
A person's appearance, where relevant, is admissible as 1. The best evidence to prove the age of the offended
object evidence, the same being addressed to the senses party is an original or certified true copy of the
of the court. certificate of live birth of such party.
There can be no question, therefore, as to 2. In the absence of a certificate of live birth, similar
the admissibility of a person's appearance in determining
4. In the absence of a certificate of live birth, authentic Physical evidence is a mute but eloquent
document, or the testimony of the victim's mother or manifestation of truth, and it ranks high in our
relatives concerning the victim's age, the complainant's hierarchy of trustworthy evidence. We have, on
testimony will suffice provided that it is expressly and many occasions, relied principally upon physical
clearly admitted by the accused. evidence in ascertaining the truth. Where the
physical evidence on record runs counter to the
5. It is the prosecution that has the burden of proving the testimonial evidence of the prosecution witnesses,
age of the offended party. The failure of the accused to we consistently rule that the physical evidence
object to the testimonial evidence regarding age shall not should prevail.
be taken against him. 3. RICALDE VS PEOPLE (No trace of Sperm in anus or
recent trauma)
Rule or the Original Document Rule, which is now 3. When the original is in the custody or under the
reflected in the amended rule. control of the party Against whom the evidence is
The first paragraph was amended to take into offered, and the latter fails to produce it after
account the revised definition of a documentary reasonable notice, or the original cannot be obtained
evidence, that includes recordings, photographs or by local judicial processes or procedures;
other records. 4. When the original consists of Numerous accounts or
Paragraph (a) was amended to reflect a present other documents which cannot be examined in court
tense. without great loss of time and the fact sought to be
Paragraph (b) was amended to reflect the rule established from them is only the general result of the
that the notice may be in the form of a motion for whole;
the production of the original or made in open court 5. Irrelevant evidence (as amended by Revised Rules
in the presence of the adverse party or via a of Evidence)
subpoena duces tecum, provided that the party in
custody of the original has sufficient time to produce NOTE: Non-production of an original document,
the same. When such party has the original of the UNLESS falling within the exception, will give rise to
writing and does not voluntarily offer to produce it or PRESUMPTION OF SUPPRESSION OF EVIDENCE adverse
refuses to produce it, secondary evidence may be to the part who withholds it.
admitted. (Bayani Magdayao v. People, G.R. No.
152881, August 17, 2004)
No change in paragraphs (c), and (d). 2. APPLICABILITY OF BER
Paragraph (e) is a new insertion. It means that Only when the terms of writing are in issue.
secondary evidence may be admitted if the original CASES
documentary evidence is not closely-related to a 1. CONSOLIDATED BANK AND TRUST CORP V. DEL
controlling issue in the case. This paragraph appears MONTE MOTOR WORKS (Duplicate of Original
to pertain to irrelevant evidence. However, by Promissory Note; ISSUE IS NOT THE TERMS)
definition, evidence, to be admissible, must be
relevant. Here, it contemplates an irrelevant
Petitioner Solidbank filed before RTC Manila a
document or evidence. There is no need to produce complaint for the recovery of sum of money against
the original of an irrelevant document. The issue now respondent corporation, and impleading Sps Morales,
is, if it is irrelevant then it would not have been alleging that it extended a loan of P1,000,000 as
admitted in the first place. It appears that this evidenced by a Promissory Note.
paragraph contemplates a situation where there is Under the promissory note, respondents Del Monte
an irrelevant document or evidence that was Motor Works, Inc. (respondent corporation) and Morales
nevertheless admitted in evidence (lack of bound themselves jointly and severally to pay petitioner
the full amount of the loan through 25 monthly
objection/admitted by the court). In such a situation,
installments, to which they defaulted.
the original thereof need not be produced. Petitioner attached to its complaint as Annexes A, B,
and C, respectively, a photocopy of the promissory note
1. ORIGINAL DOCUMENT RULE (ODR) supposedly executed by respondents, a copy of the
- Formerly known as the BEST EVIDENCE RULE demand letter it sent respondents dated 20 January
(BER) 1983, and statement of account pertaining to
-is that which requires the highest grade of respondents loan.
evidence obtainable to prove a disputed act. Respondent Corporation alleged that the promissory
note is void for want of consideration.
In requiring the production of the best evidence
Respondent Morales averred that he never signed the
applicable to each particular fact, it means that no PN attached to the complaint in his personal capacity,
evidence shall be received which is merely that the PN is ineffective, unenforceable and void for
substitutionary in nature, so long as the original lack of consideration.
evidence can be had. As the original copy of Exhibit A could no longer be
“BEST” = “ORIGINAL” OR “PRIMARY EVIDENCE” ≠ found, petitioner instead sought the admission of the
Respondents averred the exclusion of such evidence
and filed separate MTD. RTC dismissed the complaint.
GR: ODR (BER) states that when the subject of
CA affirmed on the ground of Best Evidence Rule.
inquiry is the contents of a document, the best
evident is the original document itself and no other ISSUE: Does the Best Evidence Rule apply in this case?
evidence is admissible.
1. When the original is a Public record in the custody The rule finds no application to this case. It should
of a public officer or is recorded in a public office; be noted that respondents never disputed the terms and
conditions of the promissory note thus leaving us to
2. When the original has been is lost or destroyed, or
conclude that as far as the parties herein are
cannot be produced in court, without bad faith on the concerned, the wording or content of said note is clear
part of the offeror; enough and leaves no room for disagreement.
In their responsive pleadings, respondents principal Branch and delivered such to RICKY OLVIS for payment
defense rests on the alleged lack of consideration of the of his obligation in the amount of P600,000, which was
promissory note. In addition, respondent Morales also dishonored when presented due to insufficient funds.
claims that he did not sign the note in his personal Olvis alleged that when he initially filed a complaint
capacity. These contentions clearly do not question the in Sept 4, 1992, Bayani offered to pay Olvis with two
precise wording of the promissory note which should checks, retrieving the dishonored check. Bayani failed
have paved the way for the application of the best to make goof with his promise.
evidence rule. It was, therefore, an error for the Court
of Appeals to sustain the decision of the trial court on
The prosecution offered in evidence the photocopy
this point.
of PNB Check No. 399967, which the court admitted.
Besides, the best evidence rule as stated in our
Revised Rules of Civil Procedure is not absolute. As Bayani did not attend court hearings. Bayani filed an
quoted earlier, the rule accepts of exceptions one of Omnibus Supplemental Motion and to Allow Him to
which is when the original of the subject document is in Adduce Evidence alleging, inter alia, that due to the
the possession of the adverse party. As pointed out by absence of the original and only a xerox copy of the PNB
petitioner in its motion to inhibit, had it been given the check, which he allegedly paid already.
opportunity by the court a quo, it would have
sufficiently established that the original of Exhibit A was
Prosecution averred that the original check was
in the possession of respondents which would have
already returned to petitioner. It also pointed out that
called into application one of the exceptions to the best
the petitioner failed to object to the presentation of
evidence rule.
the photocopy of the dishonored check.
Significantly, Respondents failed to deny specifically
the execution of the promissory note. This being the
case, there was no need for petitioner to present the RTC convicted him of violation of BP 22. CA
original of the promissory note in question. Their affirmed.
judicial admission with respect to the genuineness and
execution of the promissory note sufficiently established
their liability to petitioner regardless of the fact that
petitioner failed to present the original of said note.
DOCTRINE: RATIONALE OF BER ISSUE: Is the photocopy of the check inadmissible as
evidence due, applying the Best Evidence Rule?
According to McCormick, an authority on the rules of
evidence, the only actual rule that the best evidence HELD.
phrase denotes today is the rule requiring the
production of the original writing the rationale being:
When original document is in adverse party’s
custody or control. If the document is in the custody or
(1)that precision in presenting to the court under the control of the adverse party, he must have
the exact words of the writing is of more than average reasonable notice to produce it. If after such notice and
importance, particularly as respects operative or after satisfactory proof of its existence, he fails to
dispositive instruments, such as deeds, wills and produce the document, secondary evidence may be
contracts, since a slight variation in words may mean a presented as in the case of its loss.
great difference in rights,
The mere fact that the original of the writing is in
(2) that there is a substantial hazard of the custody or control of the party against whom it is
inaccuracy in the human process of making a copy by offered does not warrant the admission of secondary
handwriting or typewriting, and evidence. The offeror must prove that he has done all in
his power to secure the best evidence by giving notice
to the said party to produce the document. The notice
(3) as respects oral testimony purporting to
may be in the form of a motion for the production of
give from memory the terms of a writing, there is a
the original or made in open court in the presence of
special risk of error, greater than in the case of
the adverse party or via a subpoena duces tecum,
attempts at describing other situations generally. In the
provided that the party in custody of the original has
light of these dangers of mistransmission, accompanying
sufficient time to produce the same. When such party
the use of written copies or of recollection, largely
has the original of the writing and does not voluntarily
avoided through proving the terms by presenting the
offer to produce it or refuses to produce it, secondary
writing itself, the preference for the original writing is
evidence may be admitted.
of the best evidence rule.
In 1975, Ambrosia Lelina, married to Aquilino Lelina,
conveyed 1/2 of a 1,600sqm land to Roberto Rodolfo,
The petitioner, however, never produced the her son, through a Deed of Absolute Sale.
original of the check, much less offered to produce the In 1995, Anita Lorenzana claims that she is now the
same. The petitioner deliberately withheld the original owner of the entire 1,600sqm land by virtue of a Deed
of the check as a bargaining chip for the court to grant of Final Conveyance, after the land was foreclosed due
him an opportunity to adduce evidence in his defense, to the debt of Aquilino Lelina.
which he failed to do following his numerous unjustified RTC ruled in favor of Rodolfo and cancelled the
postponements as shown by the records. Deed of Final Conveyance because the land was entitled
only to Ambrosia, excluding Aquilino. CA affirmed.
Anita questions the ruling, averring that Rodolfo’s
There was no longer a need for the prosecution to
sole basis of claim is a Deed of Absolute Sale, to which
present as witness the employee of the drawee bank
he cannot produce the original thereof. Only a
who made the notation at the dorsal portion of the
photostatic copy of the Deed was produced.
dishonored check to testify that the same was
dishonored for having been drawn against insufficient
ISSUE: Should the Best Evidence Rule apply?
3. JOSEF V. PEOPLE (EXCEPTION TO BER; ORIGINAL IN The best evidence rule requires that when the
THE POSSESSION OF RESPONDENT AND ESTOPPEL) subject of inquiry is the contents of a document, no
evidence is admissible other than the original document
FACTS itself except in the instances mentioned in Section 3,
From June -Aug 1991, Petitoner Albino Josef, a Rule 130 of the Revised Rules of Court. As such, mere
Marikina-based manufacturer and seller of shoes, photocopies of documents are inadmissible pursuant to
purchased materials from respondent Agustin Alarilla, a the best evidence rule. Nevertheless, evidence not
seller of leather products from Meycauayan, Bulacan, objected to is deemed admitted and may be validly
for which he issued 26 post dated checks against his considered by the court in arriving at its
account, which was dishonored due to closed accounts. judgment. Courts are not precluded to accept in
Josef issued new checks and retrieved the dishonored evidence a mere photocopy of a document when no
checks, but retained photocopies of such. The new objection was raised when it was formally offered.
checks were also dishonored. In order to exclude evidence, the objection to
As a result, the private respondent filed criminal admissibility of evidence must be made at the proper
complaints against petitioner for violation of BP 22. time, and the grounds specified. Objection to evidence
RTC convicted petitioner on all counts. CA affirmed. must be made at the time it is formally offered.
Petitioner admits having issued the 26 dishonored In case of documentary evidence, offer is made
checks, but interposed that such checks were paid in after all the witnesses of the party making the offer
cash, and applying the Best Evidence Rule, the have testified, specifying the purpose for which the
photocopies of the original checks are inadmissible, evidence is being offered. It is only at this time, and not
until after he had been given reasonable notice to at any other, that objection to the documentary
produce the original. evidence may be made. And when a party failed to
interpose a timely objection to evidence at the time
ISSUE: Is the Best Evidence Rule applicable in this they were offered in evidence, such objection shall be
case? considered as waived. This is true even if by its nature
HELD. No. the evidence is inadmissible and would have surely been
Having admitted, albeit impliedly, that the rejected if it had been challenged at the proper time.
photostatic copies of the checks admitted in evidence Moreover, grounds for objection must be specified in
by the Court a quo were the faithful reproduction of the any case. Grounds for objections not raised at the
original copies in his possession, the Petitioner was thus proper time shall be considered waived, even if the
estopped from invoking Section 3, Rule 130 of the evidence was objected to on some other ground. Thus,
Revised Rules of Evidence. even on appeal, the appellate court may not consider
We agree with the Court of Appeals. By admitting any other ground of objection, except those that were
that the originals were in his possession and even raised at the proper time.
producing them in open court, petitioner cured In this case, the objection to the Deed of Absolute
whatever flaw might have existed in the prosecutions Sale was belatedly raised. Respondent submitted his
evidence. The fact that these originals were all Formal Offer of Evidence on February 12, 2003 which
stamped account closed merely confirmed the included the Deed of Absolute Sale as Exhibit A. While
allegations of the respondent that the checks were petitioner filed a Comment and Objection on
dishonored by reason of the account being closed. February 21, 2003, she only objected to the Deed of
Because they were entirely consistent with its main Absolute Sale for being self-serving. In the
theory, the prosecution correctly adopted these Order dated February 27, 2003, the RTC admitted the
originals as its own evidence. In addition, by petitioners Deed of Absolute Sale, rejecting the objection of
own admission, five of the original checks were lost, petitioner. Having failed to object on the ground of
thus rendering the photocopies thereof admissible as inadmissibility under the best evidence rule,
exceptions to the Best Evidence Rule. petitioner is now deemed to have waived her
objection on this ground and cannot raise it for the
4. ANITA LORENZANA V. RODOLFO LELONA first time on appeal.
(Photocopy of Deed of Absolute Sale; WAIVER OF BEST 5. PEOPLE V. GENARO CAYABYAB (Rape 6yo; Birth
PUBLIC RECORD IN CUSTODY OF A PUBLIC OFFICER) of the prosecution, does not prove the victim's minority,
for said photocopy does not qualify as competent
FACTS evidence for that purpose.
Alpha Jane was born on November 26, 1994, she was However, there are other exceptions to the 'best
six years and nine months old when the rape was evidence rule as expressly provided under Section 3,
committed on August 7, 2001. Rule 130 of the Rules of Court.
6:00 p.m., Alpha Jane was at home taking care of Without doubt, a certificate of live birth is a
her younger siblings. Her mother went to buy kerosene, public record in the custody of the local civil registrar
while her father was out. On the guise of teaching who is a public officer. Clearly, therefore, the
arithmetic, GENARO CAYABYAB went to the victim's presentation of the photocopy of the birth certificate of
house and asked her to lie down on her father's bed. Alpha Jane is admissible as secondary evidence to prove
When she refused, appellant removed her clothes and its contents. Production of the original may be
his own clothes, then forced her to lie down on the bed dispensed with, in the trial court's discretion, whenever
and laid on top of her and inserted his penis into her in the case at hand the opponent does not bona fide
vagina. Alpha Jane shouted in pain which startled the dispute the contents of the document and no other
appellant who sprayed her with tear gas and left. useful purpose will be served by requiring production.
On August 10, 2001, appellant was charged with rape In the case at bar, the defense did not dispute the
before the RTC Pasay. contents of the photocopied birth certificate; in fact it
RTC found Cayabyab guilty of Rape under Art 335, admitted the same. Having failed to raise a valid and
and sentenced him with Death Penalty. timely objection against the presentation of this
secondary evidence the same became a primary
ISSUE: Should the photocopy of the certificate of live evidence, and deemed admitted and the other party is
birth be inadmissible as evidence to prove her age, bound thereby.
applying Best Evidence Rule? In fine, we find that the prosecution sufficiently proved
Held. No. that Alpha Jane was only six-years-old, being born on
To paraphrase Pruna, the best evidence to prove November 26, 1994, when the rape incident happened
the age of a person is the original birth certificate or on August 7, 2001.
certified true copy thereof; in their absence, similar 6. HEIRS OF PRODON V. HEIRS OF ALVAREZ ( BER
authentic documents may be presented such as Exceptions; Original Title in Register of Deeds)
baptismal certificates and school records. If the original
or certified true copy of the birth certificate is not FACTS
available, credible testimonies of the victim's mother or In a complaint for quieting of title and damages
a member of the family may be sufficient under certain against Margarita Prodon, Heirs of Alvarez averred hat
circumstances. In the event that both the birth their parents were the registered owners of the subject
certificate or other authentic documents and the parcel of land. They said that they could not locate
testimonies of the victim's mother or other qualified their duplicate copy of the title, but the original was
relative are unavailable, the testimony of the victim with RD Manila.
may be admitted in evidence provided that it is
expressly and clearly admitted by the accused.
Heirs of Alvarez contends that the original copy
In Pruna, no birth certificate or any similar
contained an entry stating that the property had been
authentic document, such as the baptismal certificate
sold to defendant Prodon subject to the right of
of the victim was presented to prove her age. The trial
repurchase; and that the entry had been maliciously
court based its finding that Lizette was 3 years old when
done by Prodon because the deed of sale with right to
she was raped on the Medico-Legal Report, and the fact
repurchase covering the property did not exist.
that the defense did not contest her age and questioned
Consequently, they prayed that the entry be cancelled,
her qualification to testify because of her tender age. It
and that Prodon be adjudged liable for damages.
was however noted that the Medico-Legal Report never
mentioned her age and only the testimony of her
mother was presented to establish Lizette's age. The Custodian of the records of the property attested
Court found that there was uncertainty as to the that the copy of the deed of sale with right to
victim's exact age, hence, it required that corroborative repurchase could not be found in RD Manila.
evidence, such as her birth certificate, baptismal
certificate or any other authentic document should be
RTC ruled that there was a “right of repurchase” ,
introduced in evidence in order that the qualifying
although the deed itself could not be presented as
circumstance of 'below seven (7) years old is
evidence in court, its contents could nevertheless be
proved by secondary evidence in accordance with
Unlike in Pruna, the trial court in this case made
Section 5, Rule 130 of the Rules of Court, upon proof of
a categorical finding that Alpha Jane was only 6 years
its execution or existence and of the cause of its
old at the time she was raped, based not only on the
unavailability being without bad faith.
testimonies of the complainant and her mother, but
also on the strength of the photocopy of Alpha Jane's
birth certificate. It is well to note that the defense The RTC concluded that the original copy of the
did not object to the presentation of the birth deed of sale with right to repurchase had been lost, and
certificate; on the contrary it admitted the same 'as that earnest efforts had been exerted to produce it
to fact of birth. before the court.
We are not unaware of our ruling in People v.
Mantis that a mere photocopy of the birth certificate, in
the absence of any showing that the original copy was ISSUE: Is the Best Evidence Rule applicable?
lost or destroyed, or was unavailable, without the fault
GARCI” Tapes circulated, giving cloud to the 2004 phone and communicated with the other suspects,
Presidential elections, whereby PGMA won over FPJ. resulting in an entrapment operation.
Intervenor Sagge alleges violation of his right to Enojas, along with several other defendants, was
due process considering that he is summoned to attend charged with murder in 2006 before the Las Pinas
the Senate hearings without being apprised not only of Regional Trial Court.
his rights therein through the publication of the Senate
Rules of Procedure Governing Inquiries in Aid of ISSUE: Are the text messages admissible as evidence
Legislation, but also of the intended legislation which against Enojas?
underpins the investigation. HELD.Yes
Respondents justify their non-observance of the As to the admissibility of the text messages, the
constitutionally mandated publication by arguing that RTC admitted them in conformity with the Court's
the rules have never been amended since 1995 and, earlier Resolution applying the Rules on Electronic
despite that, they are published in booklet form Evidence to criminal actions.
available to anyone for free, and accessible to the Text messages are to be proved by the testimony
public at the Senate’s internet web page. of a person who was a party to the same or has personal
Respondent invokes RA No. 8782, or the knowledge of them. Here, PO3 Cambi, posing as the
Electronic Commerce Act. accused Enojas, exchanged text messages with the
other accused in order to identify and entrap them. As
Issue: Whether or not publication of the Rules of the recipient of those messages sent from and to the
Procedures Governing Inquiries in Aid of Legislation mobile phone in his possession, PO3 Cambi had personal
through the Senate’s website, satisfies the due knowledge of such messages and was competent to
process requirement of law. testify on them.
The Court found that the text messages were
Held: No. properly admissible because the police officer, posing
The publication of the Rules of Procedure in the as Enojas, had personal knowledge of the messages
website of the Senate, or in pamphlet form available at and was competent to testify about them.
the Senate, is not sufficient under the Tañada v.
Tuvera ruling which requires publication either in the (3) MAIKSI VS COMELEC [ PRINTED OUT BALLOT
Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general IMAGES]
circulation. The Rules of Procedure even provide that
the rules "shall take effect seven (7) days after FACTS
publication in two (2) newspapers of general During the 2010 Elections, the Municipal Board of
circulation," precluding any other form of publication. Canvassers proclaimed Saquilayan the winner for the
Publication in accordance with Tañada is mandatory to position of Mayor of Imus, Cavite.
comply with the due process requirement because Maliksi, the candidate who garnered the second
the Rules of Procedure put a person’s liberty at risk. A highest number of votes, brought an election protest in
person who violates the Rules of Procedure could be the RTC IMUS in Imus alleging irregularities in the
arrested and detained by the Senate. counting of votes in 209 clustered precincts.
The invocation by the respondents of the RTC held a revision of the votes, and, based on the
provisions of R.A. No. 8792, otherwise known as the results of the revision, declared Maliksi as the duly
Electronic Commerce Act of 2000, to support their claim elected Mayor of Imus commanding Saquilayan to cease
of valid publication through the internet is all the more and desist from performing the functions of said office.
incorrect. R.A. 8792 considers an electronic data Saquilayan appealed to the COMELEC. In the meanwhile,
message or an electronic document as the functional the RTC granted Maliksi’s motion for execution pending
equivalent of a written document only for evidentiary appeal, and Maliksi was then installed as Mayor.
purposes. In other words, the law merely recognizes the In resolving the appeal, the COMELEC First
admissibility in evidence (for their being the original) of Division, without giving notice to the parties, decided to
electronic data messages and/or electronic recount the ballots through the use of the printouts of
documents. It does not make the internet a medium for the ballot images from the CF cards. Thus, it issued an
publishing laws, rules and regulations. order dated March 28, 2012 requiring Saquilayan to
Given this discussion, the respondent Senate deposit the amount necessary to defray the expenses for
Committees, therefore, could not, in violation of the the decryption and printing of the ballot images.
Constitution, use its unpublished rules in the legislative ISSUE: Whether the ballot images in the CF cards are
inquiry subject of these consolidated cases. The conduct mere secondary evidence that should only be used
of inquiries in aid of legislation by the Senate has to be when the physical ballots are not available
deferred until it shall have caused the publication of the HELD. No.
rules, because it can do so only "in accordance with its
duly published rules of procedure."
We have already ruled that the ballot images in
(2) PEOPLE VS HINGPIT (TEXT MESSAGES) the CF cards, as well as the printouts of such images,
are the functional equivalent of the official physical
FACTS ballots filled up by the voters, and may be used in an
The defendant, taxi driver Enojas was asked by election protest.
police officers to accompany them to the police station.
Enojas agreed. On the way, the officers stopped at a In the recent consolidated cases of Vinzons-Chato
7/11 to use the restroom. Returning to the police car, v. House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal and
he found that Enojas had fled the scene. Later, the Panotes and Panotes v. House of Representatives
police searched his abandoned taxi car and found Electoral Tribunal and Vinzons-Chato, the Court ruled
Enojas’ phone. They monitored the messages on the that "the picture images of the ballots, as scanned and
recorded by the PCOS, are likewise 'official ballots' that physical ballots are electronically and instantaneously
faithfully capture in electronic form the votes cast by generated by the PCOS machines once the physical
the voter, as defined by Section 2 (3) of R.A. No. ballots are fed into and read by the machines." Hence,
9369." The Court declared that the printouts of the the ballot images are not secondary evidence. The
ballot images in the CF cards "are the functional official physical ballots and the ballot images in the CF
equivalent of the paper ballots filled out by the voters cards are both original documents. The ballot images in
and, thus, may be used for purposes of revision of votes the CF cards have the same evidentiary weight as the
in an electoral protest." In short, both the ballot images official physical ballots. HDIATS
in the CF cards and the printouts of such images have
the same evidentiary value as the official physical
The Court notes that Maliksi did not raise any
ballots filled up by the voters.
allegation that the use of the ballot images falls under
any of the exceptions under Section 2, Rule 4 of A.M.
Hence, the COMELEC First Division did not gravely No. 01-7-01-SC that would make their use inadmissible
abuse its discretion in using the ballot images in the CF as original ballots.
(2) BARTOLOME VS MARANAN [Court Stenographer;
Maliksi further alleged that the ballot images in TEXT MESSAGES; EPHEMERAL ELECTRONIC
the CF cards should merely be considered as secondary COMMUNICATIONS]
evidence and should be resorted to only when the
physical ballots are not available or could not be FACTS
produced. Ella Bartolome filed a case against Rosalie Maranan,
Court Stenographer III, Regional Trial Court (RTC),
Branch 20, Imus, Cavite with charging her with
Maliksi is mistaken. extortion, graft and corruption for asking for P200,000
to facilitate the filing of an annulment of marriage. She
Rule 4 of A.M. No. 01-7-01-SC is clear on this issue. It attached in her complaint the transcript and sim card
states: containing their conversation.
It may be proven by the testimony of a person who enacting the Electronic Commerce Act of 2000, Congress
was a party to the communications or has personal intended virtual or paperless writings to be
knowledge thereof. the functional equivalent and to have the same legal
In the present case, we have no doubt regarding the function as paper-based documents.Further, in a virtual
probative value of the text messages as evidence in or paperless environment, technically, there is no
considering the present case. The complainant, who was original copy to speak of, as all direct printouts of the
the recipient of the text messages and who therefore virtual reality are the same, in all respects, and are
has personal knowledge of these text messages, considered as originals. Ineluctably, the law's definition
identified the respondent as the sender through of "electronic data message," which, as aforesaid, is
cellphone number 09175775982. The respondent herself interchangeable with "electronic document," could not
admitted that her conversations with the complainant have included facsimile transmissions, which have
had been thru SMS messaging and that the cellphone anoriginal paper-based copy as sent and a paper-based
number reflected in the complainant's cellphone from facsimile copy as received. These two copies are
which the text messages originated was hers. She distinct from each other, and have different legal
confirmed that it was her cellphone number during the effects. While Congress anticipated future
entrapment operation the Imus Cavite Police conducted. developments in communications and computer
(3) MCC INDUSTRIAL SALES CORP VS SAANGYONG CORP technology when it drafted the law, it excluded the
(FAX; NOT ELECTRONIC DATA MESSAGE) early forms of technology, like telegraph, telex and
FACTS telecopy (except computer-generated faxes, which is a
MCC Industrial Sales (MCC), a domestic corporation newer development as compared to the ordinary fax
engaged in the business of importing and wholesaling machine to fax machine transmission), when it defined
stainless steel products and one of its supplier the term "electronic data message."
Ssangyong Corporation (Ssangyong), conducted business Clearly then, the IRR went beyond the parameters
through telephone calls and facsimile or telecopy of the law when it adopted verbatim the UNCITRAL
transmissions. Model Law's definition of "data message," without
Ssangyong would send the pro forma invoices considering the intention of Congress when the latter
containing the details of the steel product order to MCC; deleted the phrase "but not limited to, electronic data
if the latter conforms thereto, its representative affixes interchange (EDI), electronic mail, telegram, telex or
his signature on the faxed copy and sends it back to telecopy." The inclusion of this phrase in the IRR offends
Ssangyong, again by fax. a basic tenet in the exercise of the rule-making power
On April 13, 2000, Ssangyong Manila Office sent, of administrative agencies. After all, the power of
by fax, a letter addressed to Gregory Chan, MCC administrative officials to promulgate rules in the
Manager [also the President of Sanyo Seiki Stainless implementation of a statute is necessarily limited to
Steel Corporation], to confirm MCC's and Sanyo Seiki's what is found in the legislative enactment itself. The
order of 220 metric tons (MT) of hot rolled stainless implementing rules and regulations of a law cannot
steel under a preferential rate of US$1,860.00 per MT. extend the law or expand its coverage, as the power to
Chan, on behalf of the corporations, assented and amend or repeal a statute is vested in the
affixed his signature on the conforme portion of the Legislature.Thus, if a discrepancy occurs between the
letter. basic law and an implementing rule or regulation, it is
Ssangyong then filed, on November 16, 2001, a the former that prevails, because the law cannot be
civil action for damages due to breach of contract broadened by a mere administrative issuance—an
against MCC for breach of their contract. administrative agency certainly cannot amend an act of
RTC rendered its Decision on March 24, 2004, in Congress.
favor of Ssangyong. CA Affirmed, and ruling that Pro Had the Legislature really wanted ordinary fax
Forma Invoice Nos. ST2-POSTS0401-1 and ST2- transmissions to be covered by the mantle of the
POSTS0401-2 were admissible in evidence, although Electronic Commerce Act of 2000, it could have easily
they were mere facsimile printouts of MCC's steel orders lifted without a bit of tatter the entire wordings of the
Issue: Whether or not the Court of Appeals erred in Incidentally, the National Statistical Coordination
sustaining the admissibility in evidence of the pro- Board Task Force on the Measurement of E-
forma invoices despite the fact that the same were Commerce,on November 22, 2006, recommended a
mere photocopies of facsimile printouts. working definition of "electronic commerce," as "[a]ny
Held: YES commercial transaction conducted through electronic,
The definitions under the Electronic Commerce Act optical and similar medium, mode, instrumentality and
of 2000, its IRR and the Rules on Electronic Evidence, at technology. The transaction includes the sale or
first glance, convey the impression that facsimile purchase of goods and services, between individuals,
transmissions are electronic data messages or electronic households, businesses and governments conducted over
documents because they are sent by electronic means. computer-mediated networks through the Internet,
The expanded definition of an "electronic data message" mobile phones, electronic data interchange (EDI) and
under the IRR, consistent with the UNCITRAL Model Law, other channels through open and closed networks." The
further supports this theory considering that the Task Force's proposed definition is similar to the
enumeration "xxx [is] not limited to, electronic data Organization of Economic Cooperation and
interchange (EDI), electronic mail, telegram, telex Development's (OECD's) broad definition as it covers
or telecopy." And to telecopy isto send a document from transactions made over any network, and, in addition, it
one place to another via a fax machine. adopted the following provisions of the OECD definition:
Accordingly, in an ordinary facsimile transmission, (1) for transactions, it covers sale or purchase of goods
there exists an original paper-based information or data and services; (2) for channel/network, it considers any
that is scanned, sent through a phone line, and re- computer-mediated network and NOT limited to
printed at the receiving end. Be it noted that in Internet alone; (3) it excludes transactions
received/placed using fax, telephone or non-interactive which are the subject of inquiry is inaccurate since a
mail; (4) it considers payments done online or offline; secondary document would also have its contents as
and (5) it considers delivery made online (like the subject of inquiry.
downloading of purchased books, music or software The definition was also revised to include any
programs) or offline (deliveries of goods).
We, therefore, conclude that the terms
counterpart of an original document intended to
"electronic data message" and "electronic document," have the same effect as the original document by
as defined under the Electronic Commerce Act of the person executing or issuing it. (See paragraph b)
2000, do not include a facsimile transmission. The revision also includes the definition of an original
Accordingly, a facsimile transmission cannot be document, which contemplates either the negative or
considered as electronic evidence. It is not the print of the photograph. The definition also adopted
functional equivalent of an original under the Best the definition used for an original of an electronic
Evidence Rule and is not admissible as electronic document in that if the data is stored in a computer
Since a facsimile transmission is not an "electronic data
or similar device, “any printout or other output
message" or an "electronic document," and cannot be readable by sight or other means, shown to reflect
considered as electronic evidence by the Court, with the data accurately” is an original.
greater reason is a photocopy of such a fax transmission However, while the definition adopted the
not electronic evidence. In the present case, therefore, phrasing of an original of an electronic document, it
Pro Forma Invoice Nos. ST2-POSTS0401-1 and ST2- appears that definition of a document under the
POSTS0401-2 (Exhibits "E" and "F"), which are mere revised rules does not contemplate an electronic
photocopies of the original fax transmittals, are not document. This is because under Section 1(h) of the
electronic evidence, contrary to the position of both the
trial and the appellate courts.
Rules on Electronic Evidence, the electronic document
refers to those that are “received, recorded,
transmitted, stored processed, retrieved or produced
electronically”. The revised rule, only states that if
(a) The original of a document is one the contents of the document or data is stored in a computer or other
which are the subject of inquiry. similar device, any printout or other output readable
(b) When a document is in two or more copies by sight or other means, shown to reflect the data
executed at or about the same time, with identical accurately, is considered as its original.
contents, all such copies are equally regarded as Under the amendment, the phrase “duplicate is
originals. a counterpart produced by the same impression as
(c) When an entry is repeated in the regular course the original”, may still encompass the definition
of business, one being copied from another at or near
the time of the transaction, all the entries are likewise
under the original paragraph (b).
equally regarded as originals. A duplicate produced by photography, such as
(a) An “original” of a document is the for instance, a screen shot, is still considered the
document itself or any counterpart intended to original, given that by definition, a photograph is a
have the same effect by a person executing or documentary evidence.
issuing it. An "original" of a photograph includes Enlargements, miniatures, mechanical or
the negative or any print therefrom. If data is electronic re- recording, or by chemical reproduction,
stored in a computer or similar device, any or by other equivalent techniques which accurately
printout or other output readable by sight or reproduce the original cover the expanded definition
other means, shown to reflect the data of the document, meaning that an enlargement of an
accurately, is an "original." x-ray film, for instance, is considered the duplicate
(b) A “duplicate” is a counterpart produced thereof, and hence, the original. An electronic re-
by the same impression as the original, or from recording can pertain to a re-recorded audio or video,
the same matrix, or by means of photography, such as a CCTV footage.
including enlargements and miniatures, or by Note, however, that consistent with the ruling in
mechanical or electronic recording, or by National Power Corporation v. Codilla, Jr., G.R. No.
chemical reproduction or by other equivalent 170491, April 3, 2007, a reproduction of a paper based
techniques which accurately reproduce the document with the use of a photocopy machine, would
original. not make the copy produced thereby an original
(c) A duplicate is admissible to the same document. It is still secondary to the original paper
extent as an original unless (1) a genuine based that was photocopied, similar to MCC Industial
question is raised as to the authenticity of the Sales Corp. v. Ssangyong Corp., G.R. No. 170633,
original, or (2) in the circumstances, it is unjust October 17, 2007, where it was held that the facsimile
or inequitable to admit the duplicate in lieu of copy is not an original but secondary evidence, there
the original. being a paper based original thereof.
-Señga notes- The new paragraph (c) became necessary such
It appears that the term “original” is defined in that the foregoing duplicates shall not be admissible
its ordinary sense as the original of the document as original if:
itself. It may be because defining the “original (1) a genuine question is raised as to the
document” under the old rule as one the contents of authenticity of the original; or
(2) CAPITAL SHOES FACTORY VS TRAVELER KIDS evidence were mere photocopies.
( Carbon copy; Invoice Slips) The TSNs further reveal that after the comparison, the
photocopies were the ones retained in the records.
In 2000, Capital Shoes Factory Ltd., (CSFL) and
Traveler Kids, Inc. (TKI) entered into an agreement
where TKI would pay 30% of purchase price by way of
credit, and the balance of 70% by way of telegraphic
transfers. They failed to pay the agreed payments.
During trial, CSFL through its witness, identified
several sales invoices and order slips it issued as
evidence of its transactions with TKI.
TKI objected to the identification, pointing out
that the documents being presented were mere
CA erred in not admitting the invoices and order
slips which were duplicate originals.
Section 4(b), Rule 130 of the Rules of Court reads:
Sec. 4 . Original of document. —
(b) When a document is in two or more copies
executed at or about the same time, with identical
contents, all such copies are equally regarded as
In Trans Pacific Industrial Supplies v. The Court of
Appeals and Associated Bank, it was stressed that
duplicate originals were admissible as evidence:
“It is undisputed that the documents presented
were duplicate originals and are therefore admissible
as evidence. Further, it must be noted that respondent
bank itself did not bother to challenge the
authenticity of the duplicate copies submitted by
petitioner. In People vs. Tan, (105 Phil. 1242
[1959]), we said:
When carbon sheets are inserted between two or
more sheets of writing paper so that the writing of a
contract upon the outside sheet, including the signature
of the party to be charged thereby, produces a facsimile
upon the sheets beneath, such signature being thus
reproduced by the same stroke of pen which made the
surface or exposed impression, all of the sheets so
written on are regarded as duplicate originals and either
of them may be introduced in evidence as such without
accounting for the non-production of the others.”
The transcripts of stenographic notes (TSNs)
clearly show that Chiu convincingly explained that CSFL
usually prepared two (2) copies of invoices for a
particular transaction, giving one copy to a client and
retaining the other copy.
The Court combed through her testimony and found
nothing that would indicate that the documents offered
were mere photocopies.
The Court sees no reason why Section 4(b), Rule
130 of the Rules of Court should not apply. At any rate,
those exhibits can be admitted as part of the testimony
of Chiu.
The Court went over the RTC records and the TSNs
and found that, contrary to the assertion of TKI, the
duplicate originals were produced in court and
compared with their photocopies during the hearing
before the trial court.
The transcripts bare all of these but were missed
by the appellate court, which believed the assertion of
TKI that what were produced in court and offered in
offeror must prove the following: (1) the existence or original TCT was lost. Hence, the filing of this petition.
due execution of the original; (2) the loss and
destruction of the original or the reason for its non-
It was alleged that CA erred in giving weight to the
production in court; and (3) on the part of the
photocopy of the owner’s duplicate of TCT, as a
offeror, the absence of bad faith to which the
secondary evidence, as basis of the order for the
unavailability of the original can be attributed. The
reconstitution of the title.
correct order of proof is as follows: existence,
execution, loss, and contents.
ISSUE:Should the photocopy of the title be admissible
as secondary evidence?
In the case at bar, Lagman mentioned during HELD.NO.
the direct examination that there are actually four
(4) duplicate originals of the 1990 Bond: the first is
Section 3 of R.A. No. 26, “AN ACT PROVIDING A
kept by the NFA, the second is with the Loan Officer
of the NFA in Tarlac, the third is with Country
Bankers and the fourth was in his possession.
which has been quoted by the trial court in its decision,
enumerates the sources-documents-bases of a
A party must first present to the court proof of reconstitution of a transfer certificate of title. To
loss or other satisfactory explanation for the non- repeat, they are, in the following order:
production of the original instrument. When more
than one original copy exists, it must appear that all
1. the owner’s duplicate of the title
of them have been lost, destroyed, or cannot be
produced in court before secondary evidence can be
given of any one. A photocopy may not be used 2. the co-owner’s mortgagee’s, or lessee’s
without accounting for the other originals. duplicate of the title
Spouses Lorenzo and Feliciana Mateo filed a As the immediately quoted provision of the Rules
Petition for the Reconstitution of the Original Copy as directs, the order of presentation of secondary evidence
well as the Owner‘s Duplicate Copy of Transfer is: existence, execution, loss, contents. The order may,
Certificate of Title (TCT) No. T-38769 issued by the however, be changed if necessary in the discretion of
Registry of Deeds of Bataan in the name of Jose Tan. the court. The sufficiency of the proof offered as a
The property under the said title was purchased by the predicate for the admission of an allegedly lost
Spouses Mateo from Jose Tan. Nevertheless, the original document lies within the judicial discretion of the trial
copy of the said TCT was deemed lost and cannot be court under all the circumstances of the particular
located in the Registry of Deeds. case.
The Regional Trial Court of Balanga denied the Assuming that the existence and execution of the
petition and the Motion for Reconsideration. On appeal, original of the TCT has been satisfactorily shown, and
the Court of Appeals reversed the lower court‘s decision that it was taken in 1973 by the Department of Justice
and held that Mateo satisfactorily proved that the and the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) in
connection with the investigation of the judge on whose
order the OCT from which the TCT was transferred,
which OCT was also taken by said government agencies, (1) the existence or due execution of the original;
there is no satisfactory showing that the TCT has been
(2) the loss and destruction of the original or the
reason for its nonproduction in court; and
In fine, the Mateos have not satisfactorily shown
that the original of the TCT has been lost or is no longer
(3) on the part of the offeror, the absence of bad
available. On this score alone, the Mateos’ petition for
faith to which the unavailability of the original can be
reconstitution fails.
attributed. The correct order of proof is as
In any event, even assuming that the original of the TCT follows: existence, execution, loss, and contents. At
was lost or is no longer available, not only is the the sound discretion of the court, this order may be
photocopy of the alleged owner’s duplicate copy thereof changed if necessary.
— Exh. “1” partly illegible. When, where and under
what circumstances the photocopy was taken and where LOSS OF THE ORIGINALS AND REASONABLE DILIGENCE
it was kept to spare it from being also “lost” were not IN THE SEARCH FOR THEM, NOT ESTABLISHED IN CASE
even shown. These, not to mention the conduct by the AT BAR. — In the present case,the existence of the
Department of Justice and NBI of an investigation original sales invoices was established by the
behind the issuance of the OCT and TCT caution and photocopies and the testimony of Hernandez.
lead this Court to rule against the sufficiency of the Petitioner, however, failed to prove that the originals
Mateos’ evidence and propriety of a grant of their had been lost or could not be produced in court after
petition for reconstitution. reasonable diligence and good faith in searching for
them. Indeed, the loss of the originals and reasonable
CITIBANK VS TEODORO diligence in the search for them were conditions that
were not met, because the sales invoices might have
been found by Equitable. Hernandez, testifying that he
FACTS had requested the originals from Equitable, failed to
show that he had subsequently followed up the request.
Respondent Efren S. Teodoro was one of the
cardholders of the petitioner Citibank, N.A. Mastercard.
On January 25, 1995, respondent's obligations stood at
P191,693.25, inclusive of interest and service charges.
more than one original copy exists, it must appear
Thus, petitioner filed a complaint for collection.
that all of them have been lost, destroyed, or cannot
be produced in court before secondary evidence can be
During the hearing, petitioner presented several given of any one. A photocopy may not be used without
photocopies of sales invoices or charge slips to the total accounting for the other originals. In Santos v.
amount of P24,388.36. Santos the Court upheld the pronouncement of the CA
that before the appellees therein could be allowed to
adduce secondary evidence to prove the contents of the
The Court of Appeals ruled that that the original, they had to prove - with the requisite quantum
photocopies of the sales invoices or charge slips were of evidence - the loss, the destruction or the
incompetent proofs of the obligation of respondent. unavailability of all original copies of the document.
Hence, this petition for review.
Sec 6. When original document is in adverse
party’s custody or control. -- If the document is
HELD: NO. in the custody or control of the adverse party, he
or she must have reasonable notice to produce it.
The original copies of the sales invoices are the best If after such notice and after satisfactory proof of
evidence to prove the alleged obligation. Photocopies its existence, he or she fails to produce the
thereof are mere secondary evidence. As such, they are document, secondary evidence may be presented
inadmissible because petitioner, as the offeror, failed to as in the case of its loss.
prove any of the exceptions provided under Section 3 of
Rule 130 of the Rules of Court, as well as the conditions
of their admissibility. Because of the inadmissibility of (1) ENGR. BAYANI VS PEOPLE
the photocopies in the absence of the originals,
respondent's obligation was not established. [ Original is in the custody of the adverse party]
REQUISITES BEFORE A SECONDARY EVIDENCE MAY BE Under Section 3(b), Rule 130 of the said Rules,
PRESENTED. — Applying Sec. 5, Rule 130 of the Rules of secondary evidence of a writing may be admitted when
Court to the present case, before a party is allowed to the original is in the custody or under the control of the
adduce secondary evidence to prove the contents of the party against whom the evidence is offered, and the
original sales invoices, the offeror must prove the latter fails to produce it after reasonable notice. To
following: warrant the admissibility of secondary evidence when
the original of a writing is in the custody or control of
Rule 130, however, a party to a contract may prove the of the Rules of Court holds that when the terms of an
existence of any separate oral agreement as to any agreement have been reduced into writing, it is
matter which is not inconsistent with its terms. This considered as containing all the terms agreed upon and
may be done if, from the circumstances of the case, the there can be, between the parties and their successors
court believes that the document dies not convey in interest, no evidence of such terms other than the
entirely the whole of the parties’ transaction. contents of the written agreement. It, however, admits
(7) SPS TRINIDAD VS IMSON [True Intention] of exceptios such as when the parties subsequently
modify the terms of their original agreement.”
CA ruled in favor of respondents after considering SAVINGS AND TRUST CO.
the records of payment of purchase price through
personal checks, acknowledgment of payment by way of FACTS
affidavit and receipts, and respondent’s exercise of acts Yujuico contends that the suretyship agreement
of ownership prove that she is the owner of the disputed does not bind him, the same being a mere formality.
condominium unit and, thus is entitled to the possession
thereof. RULING.
Petitioners content that since the former owners, as The Suretyship Agreement signed by petitioner
well as respondent, are all parties to the Deed of Yujuico binds him. The terms clearly show that he
Assignment and transfer of Rights, they are bound by agreed to pay jointly and severally with RTMC.
the said Deed and they cannot allege terms
which are not found within the said agreement.
“Under this Rule (PER), the terms of a contract are
rendered conclusive upon the parties and evidence
ISSUE: Should the Parol Evidence Rule be applied to
aliunde is not admissible to vary or contradict a
bar evidence adduced by respondents?
complete and enforceable agreement embodied in a
document. We have carefully examined the Suretyship
CA correctly held that the existence and due
Agreement signed by Yujuico and found no ambiguity
execution of these the Deed of Assignment and Transfer
therein, Documents must be taken as explaining all the
of Rights and Deed of Absolute Sale are not in issue The
terms of the agreement between the parties when there
presumption of truth of the facts stated in notarized
appears to be no ambiguity in the language of said
documents is merely prima facie, which means that this
documents nor any failure to express the true intent and
presumption can be overcome by clear and convincing
agreement of the parties.”
evidence. Hence, the truth of the facts stated in the
disputed Deed of Assignment and Transfer of Rights as 4. INTERPRETATION OF DOCUMENTS
well as the Deed of Absolute Sale may be rebutted by [SECTION 10-19 11-20]
The provisions on the Interpretation of
In the present case, what is being asserted by Documents under the amended rule are contained
respondent is that the above documents do not embody under Sections 11-20.
the true intent and agreement of the parties to this The comparable provisions are exactly the same,
end, respondent submitted sufficient proof to refute the except for: (1) Section 13 (now Section 14) and Section
contents of the documents and to establish the real 17 (now Section 18), which contain amendments to
intent of the parties. address gender sensitivity; and (2) the renumbering of
INDUSTRIES [ Modification of the Terms of the Original
-evidence elicited from the mouth of a witness GR. All persons who can perceive, and perceiving,
as distinguished from real and documentary can make known their perception to others, may be
evidence. witnesses.
-viva voce evidence, meaning “living voice” or Religious or political belief, interest in the
by word of mouth outcome of the case, or conviction of a crime shall
not be a ground for disqualification.
Based on jurispridence, Testimonial evidence has
the least weight, if incredible.
EXCEPTIONS. The following are prohibited by law or
REASON: Man’s memory is being relied upon. rules to testify:
Moreover, both parties and their witnesses will recall
1. Those disqualified under Sections 21 22 to
only those favorable to them and deliberately for get
24 of Rule 130 { Disqualified by reason of mental
those which are adverse
incapacity, by reason of marriage, by reason of
death or insanity of adverse party, or by reason of
1.QUALIFICATION OF WITNESSES privileged communication};
Sec. 20. 21. Witnesses; their qualifications. -- Except 2. Art 821 of the Civil Code disqualifies those:
as provided in the next succeeding section, all 3. Section 17, Rule 119 of the RoC requires
persons who can perceive, and perceiving, can make
that the accused sought to be discharged to be state
known their perception to others, may be witnesses.
witness has not at any time been convicted of any
offense involving MORAL TURPITUDE. The same
Religious or political belief, interest in the outcome requirement is provided for a state witness under
of the case, or conviction of a crime unless otherwise
R.A 6981 or the Witness Protection, Security and
provided by law, shall not be a ground for
disqualification. Benefit Act.
The provision referring to the original Section 21 2. A lawyer shall avoid testifying in behalf of his
was deleted. The originally deleted provision, in client, EXCEPT. (FS)
referring to the now deleted original Section 21 meant (1) On FORMAL MATTERS, such as the mailing,
that: authentication or custody of an instrument, and the
(a) those whose mental condition at the time of like; or
their production for examination, is such that they are
(2) On SUBSTANTIAL MATTERS, in cases where his
incapable of intelligently making known their
testimony is essential to the ends of justice, in
perception to others; and
which event he must, during his testimony entrust
(2) children whose mental maturity is such as to
the trial of the case to another counsel.
render them incapable of perceiving the facts
respecting which they are examined and of relating QUALIFICATIONS OF A WITNESS
them truthfully, cannot be witnesses. A prospective witness must show that he has
It is submitted that reference to the foregoing the following abilities: (ORRR)
was deleted because:
1. those with mental condition that cannot make (a) To OBSERVE- the testimonial quality of
known their perception is already encompassed in the perception;
definition of those qualified to testify. The definition (b) To REMEMBER- the testimonial quality of
in the original Section 20, now Section 21, states that memory;
qualified witnesses are those who can perceive and
can make known their perceptions. Thus, if one (c) To RELATE - the testimonial quality of
cannot make known his perception due to a mental narration; and
condition, then the witness is disqualified. The (d) To RECOGNIZE a duty to tell the truth - The
deletion was probably to remove redundancy. testimonial quality of sincerity.
2. The disqualification on the child witness is no
3. COMPETENCY OF WITNESS means the legal fitness
longer relevant with the Rule on Examination of Child
or ability of a witness to be heard on trial of a cause.
Witness, which provides that every child is presumed
qualified to be a witness (Rule on Examination of Child CASE LAW
Witness, Sec. 6)
-refers to a person who testifies in a case or
gives evidence before judicial tribunal.
2. PEOPLE VS UMALI (Drug Addict witness) ISSUE: Did the pendency of a criminal case against a
Mariano disqualify him from becoming a witness?
Francisco Manalo, was investigated by operatives Clearly, the mere pendency of a criminal case
of the Tiaong, Quezon Police Department and for which against a person does not disqualify him from becoming
a case for violation of the Dangerous Drug Act was filed a witness. As a matter of fact, conviction of a crime
does not disqualify such person from being presented as a witness must be assayed and scrutinized in exactly the
a witness unless otherwise provided by law. same way the testimony of other witnesses must be
examined for its relevance and credibility. None of the
cases cited by the appellants militates against this
4. PEOPLE VS DE LEON (Previously Convicted) Oscar Cagod did not dispute his prior conviction for
murder when he was only twelve (12) years old. Because
of his minority, instead of being imprisoned, he was
FACTS: placed under the custody of Judge Boligor and her late
2/6/86, 8pm, on the eve of the "snap" presidential husband, who was then Chief of Police of Sinacaban.
election, appellant Prudencio Dominguez (Mayor of Cagod lived with the for eighteen (18) or nineteen (19)
Sinacban, Misamis Occidental, and affiliated with KBL, years until Judge Boligor was slain. During that period of
and working for the reelection of Pres. Marcos) and his time, Cagod had no record of any bad or socially
brother Roger C. Dominguez went to visit their second destructive behavior. He had in fact been of much help
cousin, Judge Purita A. Boligor, who was promoting the around the Boligors' house and had in fact worked for
candidacy of Mrs Corazon Aquino. appellant Mayor Dominguez himself as a motorcar
Mayor Dominguez and Roger arrived at Judge driver. His testimony was not in favor of an accused
Boligor's house in an Integrated National Police ("INP") "comrade," and Oscar Cagod, moreover, was obviously
jeep, and met with Judge Boligor and her brother not a hardened criminal. Taking account of these
Luther Avanceña who was then the UNIDO Chairman in circumstances, the Court considers that Oscar Cagod's
Sinacaban, Misamis Occidental. credibility was not put in doubt by reason alone of
About ten (10) minutes later, Rodolfo Macalisang conviction of a crime when he was twelve (12) years
entered Judge Boligor's house with an M-16 armalite old.
automatic rifle and bursts of gunfire were heard. Shortly
thereafter, Mayor Dominguez and Roger ran out of the 5. PEOPLE VS ALEMAN (DEAF MUTE: Urinating
house, got into the jeep which had been waiting for Witness, Fat man killed)
them and sped away.
Prosecution's case rested mainly on the testimony
of Oscar Cagod who witnessed the above sequence of
events from a store across the street. FACTS:
The defense, for its part, attacked the credibility Mark, witness, was 14 yo when he testified, deaf-
and the testimony of Oscar Cagod on the following mute and assisted by a licensed sign language
grounds: interpreter from the Phil. Registry of Interpreters for
First, Cagod was not a disinterested witness, Deaf, who has been teaching since 1990.
having lived in the house of Judge Boligor for eighteen 2/10/03, 7pm, Mark went out of his to play
(18) to nineteen (19) years and having treated the Judge basketball. When he went to urinate he saw a fat man
like his own mother; talking on his phone while being followed by 2 men who
Second, Cagod waited for four (4) months stabbed the fat man repeatedly.
after the slaying of Judge Boligor and Luther Avanceña He followed them to where they burried the knife,
before he executed his sworn statement; and to another place where the culprits uncovered their
Third, Cagod, according to the defense, faces.
executed his sworn statement only after the police Accused-appellant also attempted to show
authorities had arrested him and promised him that the eyewitness, Mark, failed to identify him during
immunity from prosecution. the police line-up. He further stated that Mark failed to
His testimony therefore came from a polluted identify accused-appellant during the police line-up.
source and should be received only with utmost caution.
Fourth, Cagod had been convicted, when he was ISSUE: Whether or not Mark, being a deaf-mute, is
twelve (12) years old, of murder, a crime involving qualified to be a witness.
moral turpitude and accordingly his testimony
deserved no credence.Last, the defense assailed the HELD: The mere fact that Mark is a deaf-mute does not
testimony of Cagod as being incredible in itself. render him unqualified to be a witness. The rule is that
"all persons who can perceive, and perceiving, can make
ISSUE: WON the prior conviction of a crime of Oscar known their perception to others, may be witnesses."
Cadot would discredit him as a witness. A deaf-mute may not be able to hear and speak
but his/her other senses, such as his/her sense of sight,
remain functional and allow him/her to make
HELD. NO. observations about his/her environment and
Rule 130 of the Revised Rules of Court provides as experiences.
follows: Sec. 20. Witnesses; their qualifications. — . . . The inability to hear and speak may prevent a
[C]onviction of a crime unless otherwise provided by deaf-mute from communicating orally with others but
law, shall not be a ground for disqualification. . he/she may still communicate with others in writing or
through signs and symbols and, as in this case,
In Cordial v. People, this Court echoed the above sketches. Thus, a deaf-mute is competent to be a
cited provision of law stating that even convicted witness so long as he/she has the faculty to make
criminals are not excluded from testifying in court so observations and he/she can make those observations
long as, having organs of sense, they "can perceive and known to others.
perceiving can make known their perceptions to others.
The fact of prior criminal conviction alone does When a deaf-mute testifies in court, “the manner in
not suffice to discredit a witness; the testimony of such which the examination should be conducted is a matter
to be regulated and controlled by the trial court in its would not be prudent to admit the deaf-mute's
discretion, and the method adopted will not be testimony as interpreted by the teacher.
reviewed by the appellate court in the absence of a
showing that the complaining party was in some way
injured by reason of the particular method adopted.
DOCTRINE: A Mental Retardate who can make her that she is no longer a virgin and were inflicted more
perception made to others can testify. than seven (7) days prior to the examination.
Dr. Celeste Peña-Vista, a resident physician at the
FACTS: Liliosa Gargantilla, a mental retardate,filed a National Center for Mental Health, conducted a
complaint for rape against Calixto Raga alias "Calix" and psychiatric examination of Mary Grace and found that
Leonardo Gerones alias "Nanding or Narding". Mary Grace was retarded with a mental age of a seven-
DEFENSE: the complaint did not give jurisdiction to the year-old. She was perceptive but had difficulty in
trial court the same having been signed by a mentally interpretation. She could tell what happened but found
incompetent woman. Initially, a complaint was filed it difficult to know the meaning of things.
with the barangay captain by Francisco Gargantilla, the
victim's father. ISSUE: Whether or not the testimony of a mental
Rule 110, Section 5 also provides that in the case retardate may be given probative value.
of a deceased or incapacitated person, the State may
initiate the criminal action in her behalf. The HELD: YES. Although Mary Grace was mentally retarded,
information filed by the Provincial Prosecutor, the her testimony cannot be discredited. All persons who
complaint initiated by the father, and the complaint can perceive, and perceiving can make known their
filed by the offended party herself sufficiently confer perception to others, may be witnesses. Mere
jurisdiction on the trial court. intellectual weakness of a witness is not a ground to
disqualify, or at the very least discredit, a witness.
ISSUE: Whether or not an incompetent's testimony may The intellectual weakness of Mary Grace does not
be given credence. make her incompetent as a witness if, at the time she
testified, she had the mental capacity to distinguish
HELD: YES. Determination of the competency of between right and wrong, understand the nature and
witnesses to testify in the hands of the trial court. obligation of an oath, and give a fairly intelligent and
The records show that the victim managed to reasonable narrative of the matters about which she
communicate her ordeal to the court clearly and testifies. Her narration as to how the rape was
consistently. The trial court found Liliosa to have the committed, in the court's view, was straightforward,
mental capacity of a ten year old. We are convinced despite her mental weakness.
that a ten year old girl can adequately narrate facts A perusal of said testimony would readily show that
which show that she has been raped. Thus, the trial Mary Grace despite her mental deficiency was able to
court observed: ". . . In the overall, she was able to testify clearly and persuasively. The psychiatrist who
communicate that the man who is not blind and the man examined her testified that Mary Grace was capable of
without eyes helped each other in deflowering her thru being receptive and perceptive. She could tell what
force and intimidation. Her narration was crude but she happened but found difficulty in interpreting things.
managed to communicate the traumatic incident". Mary Grace's credibility commands great weight and
Moreover, while the psychiatry report states that respect.
the victim cannot be expected to be a capable witness,
at the same time it admitted that Liliosa can
comprehend the nature of her acts under a limited
extent. The same report concludes that she is verbally
productive although she talks in incomplete sentences
at times. What is required by the rules merely is that FACTS: Sometime in September 1996, victim Josephine
the witness is able to make her perception known to Deauna who was 19 years old at that time, was at their
others. house in Litex Village San Jose, Montalban, Rizal. She
Considering the foregoing, we agree with the trial was lying down while her sister Jasmin was already
court that Liliosa Gargantilla is a competent witness. sleeping when a man suddenly held her hand. She
What is decisive in the rape charge is the recognized the man to be her father, appellant Richard
complainant's positive identification of the accused- Deauna, who thereafter raped her.
appellants as the malefactors. The victim was even able Richard Deauna was convicted two counts of the
to testify that only one actually had sexual intercourse rape of his daughter Josephine Deauna.
with her and that was the blind, man while the other The defense presented the testimonies of two
man who was not blind held her and pointed a knife at medical officers in the National Center for Mental
her while the former was raping her. Health, one of which noted that the subject Josephine
was insane because her thought processes were loose,
there was derailment in the words used, and
depersonalization (a strange sense of the personal self
or the body) was evident.
DOCTRINE: Mere Intellectual weakness of a witness is
not a ground to disqualify a witness, or at the very ISSUE: Is Josephine, a credible witness?
least discredit a witness.
"Iniyot ako ni Mario, Fernan and Dondon." That The accused may be convicted on the basis of the
statement uttered by mental Retardate Mary Grace lone uncorroborated testimony of the rape victim,
Labatete to her sister Werlinia upon seeing Fernan provided that her testimony is clear, credible,
Pervera. convincing and otherwise consistent with human nature
Mario Hamto was convicted of rape of Mary Grace. and the normal course of things. When a rape victim’s
Dr. Ma. Cristina Freyra, Medico-legal Officer of the testimony is straightforward, unflawed by any material
Philippine National Police Crime Laboratory, confirmed or significant inconsistency, it deserves full faith and
that Mary Grace had deep-healed lacerations indicating credence and cannot be discarded.
N.B. Applies to all criminal proceedings and non- (1) PEOPLE VS ESUGON (5yo Muymoy; Robbery)
criminal proceedings involving child witnesses. DOCTRINE: Every child is presumed qualified to be a
witness. The party challenging the competency of a
2. “CHILD WITNESS” child as a witness has the burden of substantiating his
-any person who at the time of giving testimony challenge.
is below the age of 18 years.
In child abuse cases, a child includes one over 18 years Carl or Muymoy, (5 yo) son of victim Josephine
but is found by the court as: Castro testified that he saw “Nonoy” enter their house
while everyone was sleeping and stabbed his mother.
a) Unable to fully take care of himself because of a Muymoy was peeping through a chair. Carl identified the
physical or mental disability or condition; or appellant as the neighbor who often goes to their house.
Muymoy admitted that he did not see very well the
b) Unable to protect himself from abuse, neglect, perpetrator because there was no light.
cruelty, exploitation because of a physical or
mental disability or condition. DEFENSE: Muymoy’s testimony is filled with
inconsistencies, thus not credible.
3. DETERMINATION: made at the time of giving the
ISSUE: Is Muymoy a credible witness?
HELD. Yes.
That the witness is a child cannot be the sole reason
- a person appointed by the court to pose questions to for disqualification.The dismissiveness with which the
a child. testimonies of child witnesses were treated in the past
has long been erased.
-the facilitator may be a :
Under the Rule on Examination of a Child Witness,
(1) Child Psychologist; every child is now presumed qualified to be a witness.
(2) Psychiatrist; To rebut this presumption, the burden of proof lies on
the party challenging the child’s competency.
(3) Social worker;
Only when substantial doubt exists regarding the
(4) Guidance counselor; ability of the child to perceive, remember,
communicate, distinguish truth from falsehood, or
(5) Teacher; appreciate the duty to tell the truth will the court,
motu proprio or on motion of a party, condct a case, the trial judge’s evaluation will not be disturbed
competency examination. on review,UNLESS it is clear from the record that his
judgment is erroneous.
Appellant did not object to Carl’s competency as a
witness. He did not attempt to adduce evidence to This conclusion is in accord with the spirit and
challenge such competency by showing that the child letter of the Rule on Examination of Child Witness
was incapable of perceiving events and of which became effective last December 15,2000.
communicating his perceptions, or that he did not
posses the basic qualifications of a competent witness. SEC 21. DISQUALIFICATION BY REASON OF MENTAL
FACTS Sec 21. Disqualification by reason of mental
8/29/04 in Bulacan, Wilfredo Atendido was invited by
incapacity or immaturity. -- The following persons
Afredo to a drinking session with Jesus and Edwin. cannot be witnesses:
Rachel, 10 yo Wilfredo’s daughter, was underneath (a) Those whose mental condition, at the time
the house of a neighbor, 3 meters away from the place of their production for examination, is such that
where he saw his father get murdered. they are incapable of intelligently making known
DEFENSE: Rachel was a mere child who was only able to their perception to others;
study up to 1st grade and could barely read and did not (b) Children whose mental maturity is such as
know how to tell time. to render them incapable of perceiving the facts
respecting which they are examined and of
ISSUE: Is Rachel’s testimony credible? relating them truthfully.
There is no showing that her mental maturity The original Section 21 was deleted, to remove
rendered her incapable of testifying and of relating the redundancy.
incident truthfully.
Petitioner’s flimsy objections to Rachel’s lack of
education and inability to read and tell time carry no 1. PEOPLE VS OBOGNE (AAA, 12 yo)
weight and cannot overcome the clear and convincing FACTS
testimony of Rachel as to who killed her father.
JERRY OBOGNE was charged of the crime of rape a
(3) PEOPLE VS RAMA (5yo Roxanne; Biscuit) 12 year old mentally retarded person, AAA.
DOCTRINE: Trial court’s assessment of credibility of Obogne argues that the testimony of AAA deserves
child witness will not be disturbed on review. no credence because she was incapable of intelligently
making known her perception to others by reason of her
mental disability.
Roger Rama was convicted of kidnapping an infant
ISSUE: Should AAA’s testimony be disregarded due to
child, Joyce Ann Cabiguin, based on the testimony of 5
her mental disability?
yo Roxanne.
Roxanne testified that in the evening of January 1,
1998, while she was playing with her relatives, Rama AAA is totally qualified to take the witness stand
called Roxanne and told her that if she would bring her notwithstanding her mental condition. She was able to
beautiful cousin to him, he would give him a biscuit. recall what had happened to her.
Accused gave her 1 biscuit. Roxanne carried Joyce Ann
Mental retardation per se does not affect a witness’
to the accused who ran away with little Joyce Anne.
credibility. A mental retardate may be a credible
Roger claims that Roxanne’s testimony does not witness.
deserve credit and that he was convicted based on
single eye witness account. 2. DULLA VS CA (3 year old Andrea)
3. ADMISSIONS AND CONFESSIONS any liability, and are not admissible in evidence
SEC 26. 27. ADMISSIONS OF A PARTY against the offeror. This new addition is subject to
SEC 26. 27. The act, declaration or omission of a the EXCEPTION: that evidence otherwise discoverable
party as to a relevant fact may be given in or offered for another purpose, such as proving bias or
evidence against him or her. prejudice of a witness, negativing a contention of
undue delay, or proving an effort to obstruct a
criminal investigation or would be admissible.
CASES prosecution would be admissible.
SAN VICENTE V. PEOPLE The new rule adds that the rule also now covers
and makes inadmissible any statement made in the
course of plea bargaining with the prosecution,
which does not result in a plea of guilty or which
results in a plea of guilty later withdrawn. This should
PEOPLE VS CARITATIVO also be read in connection with Section 5, Rule 116 on
withdrawal of improvident plea of guilty.
Sec 27. 28. Offer of Compromise Not
— In civil cases, an offer of compromise is not
an admission of any liability, and is not admissible
in evidence against the offeror. Neither is PAL INC VS PAL EMPLOYEES SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOC,
evidence of conduct nor statements made in INC
compromise negotiations admissible, except
evidence otherwise discoverable or offered for
another purpose, such as proving bias or CRIMINAL CASES
prejudice of a witness, negativing a contention CASES
of undue delay, or proving an effort to obstruct PEOPLE VS DE JOYA
a criminal investigation or prosecution.
In criminal cases, except those involving
quasi-offenses (criminal negligence) or those SAN MIGUEL CORP VS KALALO
allowed by law to be compromised, an offer of
compromise by the accused may be received in PEOPLE VS MANUEL
evidence as an implied admission of guilt.
A plea of guilty later withdrawn or an PEOPLE VS MANGAT
unaccepted offer of a plea of guilty to a lesser
offense is not admissible in evidence against the BRICENIO VS PEOPLE
accused who made the plea or offer. Neither is
any statement made in the course of plea PEOPLE VS DE GUZMAN
bargaining with the prosecution, which does not
result in a plea of guilty or which results in a
plea of guilty later withdrawn, admissible. PEOPLE VS PRADES
An offer to pay, or the payment of medical,
hospital or other expenses occasioned by an injury PEOPLE VS ERGUIZA
, is not admissible in evidence as proof of civil or
criminal liability for the injury . PEOPLE VS BAYANI
The old and new rule are the same insofar as it
provides that in civil cases, an offer of compromise is SEC 28. 29. ADMISSION BY THIRD PARTY
not an admission of any liability, and is not RES INTER ALIOS ACTA, PART ONE
admissible in evidence against the offeror. Sec 28. 29. Admission by Third Party. — The
However, the new rule adds that evidence of rights of a party cannot be prejudiced by an act,
conduct and statements made in compromise declaration, or omission of another, except as
negotiations are also not considered as admission of hereinafter provided.
Sec 32. 33. Admission by Silence. PEOPLE VS GUTING
- An act or declaration made in the presence
and within the hearing or observation of a party PEOPLE VS SISON
who does or says nothing when the act or
declaration is such as naturally to call for action
or comment if not true, and when proper and PEOPLE VS MARRA
possible for him or her to do so, may be given in
evidence against him or her. PEOPLE VS SUAREZ
Sec 33. 34. Confession. — The declaration of an LADIANA VS PEOPLE
accused acknowledging his or her guilt of the
offense charged, or of any offense necessarily
included therein, may be given in evidence
against him or her.
The old Section 23 was also known as the “Dead REQUISITES: (PA-CB) (amended by the new rules)
Man's Statute”, which provides that if one party to the 1. The witness is a PARTY or assignor of a party to a
alleged transaction is precluded from testifying by case or persons in whose behalf a case is prosecuted;
death, insanity, or other mental disabilities, the
surviving party is not entitled to the undue advantage 2. The action is AGAINST an executor or administrator
of giving his own uncontradicted and unexplained or other representative of a deceased person or person
account of the transaction. But before this rule can be of unsound mind;
successfully invoked to bar the introduction of 3. The subject-matter of the action is a CLAIM or
testimonial evidence, it is necessary that: demand against the estate of such deceased person or
1. The witness is a party or assignor of a party to against person of unsound mind; and
a case or persons in whose behalf a case is prosecuted.
2. The action is against an executor or 4. The subject matter of the testimony refers to any
administrator or other representative of a deceased matter of fact which occurred BEFORE the death of
person or a person of unsound mind; such deceased person or before such person became of
3. The subject-matter of the action is a claim or unsound mind.
demand against the estate of such deceased person or SEC 38. 40. DECLARATION AGAINST INTEREST
against person of unsound mind; Sec 38. 40. Declaration against interest. — The
4. His testimony refers to any matter of fact declaration made by a person deceased, or unable
which occurred before the death of such deceased to testify , against the interest of the declarant,
person or before such person became of unsound if the fact is asserted in the declaration was at
mind. (Sunga- Chan v. Chua, G.R. No. 143340, August the time it was made so far contrary to
15, 2001) declarant's own interest, that a reasonable man
The presence of the foregoing requisites under person in his or her position would not have
the old Section 23 renders the testimonial evidence made the declaration unless he or she believed it
inadmissible. to be true, may be received in evidence against
Under the new rule, with the foregoing himself or herself or his or her successors in
requisites, any statement of the deceased or the interest and against third persons. A statement
person of unsound mind, may now be received in tending to expose the declarant to criminal
evidence, provided that: liability and offered to exculpate the accused is
(1) the statement was made upon the personal not admissible unless corroborating
knowledge of the deceased or the person of circumstances clearly indicate the
unsound mind; trustworthiness of the statement.
(2) it was made at a time when the matter had The new rule adds a second sentence, not
been recently perceived by him or her, and while present under the old rule. It provides that a
his or her recollection was clear. statement against interest tending to expose the
Such statement, however, is inadmissible if made declarant to criminal liability and offered to exculpate
under circumstances indicating its lack of the accused (which is presumably different from the
trustworthiness. declarant) is not admissible unless corroborating
circumstances clearly indicate the trustworthiness of
the statement.
(Survivorship Disqualification Rule)
-Parties or assignor of parties to a case, or
persons in whose behalf a case is prosecutedm against
an executor or administrator or other representative
of a deceased person, or against a person of unsound SEC 39. 41. ACT OR DECLARATION ABOUT PEDIGREE
mid, upon a claim or demand against the estate of Sec 39. 41. Act or declaration about pedigree.
such deceased person or against such person of — The act or declaration of a person deceased,
unsound mind, cannot testify as to any matter of fact or unable to testify, in respect to the pedigree of
occurring before the death of such deceased person or another person related to him or her by birth,
before such person became of unsound mind. adoption, or marriage or, in the absence
REASON: (1) If the death has closed the lips of thereof, with whose family he or she was so
one party, the policy of law is to close the lips of the intimately associated as to be likely to have
other.; (2) Temptation to falsehood and concealment accurate information concerning his or her
in such cases is considered too great to allow the pedigree, may be received in evidence where it
surviving party to testify in his own behalf. occurred before the controversy, and the
relationship between the two persons is shown by
evidence other than such act or declaration. The thereto, under the stress of excitement caused
word "pedigree" includes relationship, family by the occurence with respect to the
genealogy, birth, marriage, death, the dates circumstances thereof, may be given in evidence
when and the places where these facts occurred, as part of res gestae. So, also, statements
and the names of the relatives. It embraces also accompanying an equivocal act material to the
facts of family history intimately connected with issue, and giving it a legal significance, may be
pedigree. received as part of the res gestae
The new rule makes clear that the statements
CASES made must be under the stress of excitement caused
HERRERA VS ALBA by the occurrence, although even without such
revision, this qualification was recognized under the
Sec 40. 42. Family reputation or tradition PEOPLE VS LOBRIGAS
regarding pedigree. — The reputation or tradition
existing in a family previous to the controversy, in CAPILA VS PEOPLE
respect to the pedigree of any one of its
members, may be received in evidence if the PEOPLE VS PALANAS
witness testifying thereon be also a member of
the family, either by consanguinity or affinity; or PEOPLE VS PALMONES
adoption. Entries in family bibles or other family
books or charts, engravings on rings, family TALIDANO VS FALCON MARITIME & ALLIED
portraits and the like, may be received as SERVICES INC
evidence of pedigree.
The old rule under Section 43 requires the Sec 45. 47. Commercial lists and the like. —
following requisites to be present: Evidence of statements of matters of interest to
1. The person who made the entry must be dead, persons engaged in an occupation contained in a
outside the country or unable to testify; list, register, periodical, or other published
2. The entries were made at or near the time of compilation is admissible as tending to prove the
the transactions to which they refer; truth of any relevant matter so stated if that
3. The entrant was in a position to know the facts compilation is published for use by persons
stated in the entries; engaged in that occupation and is generally used
4. The entries were made in his professional and relied upon by them therein.
capacity or in the performance of a duty, whether
legal, contractual, moral or religious; and
5. The entries were made in the ordinary or Manila Electric Co. v. Quisumbing, G.R. No. 127598
regular course of business or duty (Canque v. Court of (Resolution), February 22, 2000
Appeals, G.R. No. 96202, 13 April 1999)
Under the amended rule, it is no longer required SEC 46. 48 LEARNED TREATISES
that the person who made the entry must be dead, Sec 46. 48. Learned treatises. — A published
outside the country or unable to testify. treatise, periodical or pamphlet on a subject of
Also, under the revised rule, the entries are not history, law, science, or art is admissible as
only just made at or near the time of the tending to prove the truth of a matter stated
transactions to which they refer. Now, they refer to therein if the court takes judicial notice, or a
memorandum, report, record or data compilation of witness expert in the subject testifies, that the
acts, events, conditions, opinions, or diagnoses, made writer of the statement in the treatise, periodical
by writing, typing, electronic, optical or other similar or pamphlet is recognized in his or her profession
means at or near the time of or from transmission or or calling as expert in the subject.
supply of information.
Similar to the old rule, it is made by a person Paje, et al., v. Casiño, et al., G.R. Nos. 207257-76, 207282 &
with knowledge thereof. 207366, February 3, 2015
It must also be kept in the regular course or
conduct of a business activity, and such was the SEC 47. 49 TESTIMONY OR DEPOSITION AT A FORMER
regular practice to make the memorandum, report, PROCEEDING
record, or data compilation by electronic, optical or Sec 47. 49. Testimony or deposition at a former
similar means. proceeding. — The testimony or deposition of a
All of the foregoing must be shown by the witness deceased or out of the Philippines or
testimony of the custodian or other qualified who cannot, with due diligence, be found
therein, or is unable or otherwise unable to
witnesses, to be excepted from the rule on hearsay
testify, given in a former case or proceeding,
evidence. judicial or administrative, involving the same
parties and subject matter, may be given in
evidence against the adverse party who had the
LBP VS MONET’S EXPORT AND MANUFACTURING CORP opportunity to cross-examine him or her.
The new rule adds the deposition of a witness out
SECURITY BANK & TRUST CO VS GAN of the Philippines or who cannot, with due diligence,
be found therein or is unavailable, in addition to one
who is unable to testify.
Sec 44. 46. Entries in official records. — Entries
in official records made in the performance of his Ilao-Quianay, et al., v. Mapile, G.R. No. 154087, October 25,
or her duty by a public officer of the Philippines, 2005
Ambray, et al., v. Tsourous, et al., G.R. No. 209264, July 5,
or by a person in the performance of a duty
specially enjoined by law, are prima facie
evidence of the facts therein stated.
Sec 50. Residual Exception.
-A statement not specifically covered by any
CASES of the foregoing exceptions, having equivalent
DST MOVERS CORP VS PEOPLE’S GENERAL circumstantial guarantees of trustworthiness, is
INSURANCE CORP admissible if the court determines that
(a) the statement is offered as evidence of a
(b) the statement is more probative on the
DIMAGUILA VS SPS MONTEIRO point for which it is offered than any other
evidence which the proponent can procure
through reasonable efforts; and
The absentee shall not be considered dead for former marriage, these rules shall govern in the
the purpose of opening his succession till after an absence of proof to the contrary:
absence of ten years. If he disappeared after the (1) A child born before one hundred eighty
age of seventy-five years, an absence of five years (180) days after the solemnization of the
shall be sufficient in order that his succession may subsequent marriage is considered to have been
be opened. conceived during the former such marriage,
The following shall be considered dead for all provided even though it be born within the three
purposes including the division of the estate hundred days after the termination of the former
among the heirs: marriage; and
(1) A person on board a vessel lost during a (2) A child born after one hundred eighty days
sea voyage, or an aircraft with is missing, who has following the celebration of the subsequent
not been heard of for four years since the loss of marriage is considered to have been conceived
the vessel or aircraft; during such marriage, even though it be born
(2) A member of the armed forces who has within the three hundred days after the
taken part in armed hostilities, and has been termination of the former marriage.
missing for four years; (ee) That a thing once proved to exist
(3) A person who has been in danger of death continues as long as is usual with things of the
under other circumstances and whose existence nature;
has not been known for four years; (ff) That the law has been obeyed;
(4) If a married person has been absent for (gg) That a printed or published book,
four consecutive years, the spouse present may purporting to be printed or published by public
contract a subsequent marriage if he or she has authority, was so printed or published;
well-founded belief that the absent spouse is (hh) That a printed or published book,
already dead. In case of disappearance, where purporting contain reports of cases adjudged in
there is a danger of death the circumstances tribunals of the country where the book is
hereinabove provided, an absence of only two published, contains correct reports of such cases;
years shall be sufficient for the purpose of (ii) That a trustee or other person whose duty
contracting a subsequent marriage. However, in it was to convey real property to a particular
any case, before marrying again, the spouse person has actually conveyed it to him or her
present must institute a summary proceedings as when such presumption is necessary to perfect
provided in the Family Code and in the rules for the title of such person or his successor in
declaration of presumptive death of the interest;
absentee, without prejudice to the effect of (jj) That except for purposes of succession,
reappearance of the absent spouse. when two persons perish in the same calamity,
(x) That acquiescence resulted from a belief such as wreck, battle, or conflagration, and it is
that the thing acquiesced in was conformable to not shown who died first, and there are no
the law or fact; particular circumstances from which it can be
(y) That things have happened according to inferred, the survivorship is determined from the
the ordinary course of nature and ordinary nature probabilities resulting from the strength and the
habits of life; age of the sexes, according to the following rules:
(z) That persons acting as co-partners have 1. If both were under the age of fifteen years,
entered into a contract of co-partneship; the older is deemed to have survived;
(aa) That a man and woman deporting 2. If both were above the age sixty, the
themselves as husband and wife have entered into younger is deemed to have survived;
a lawful contract of marriage; 3. If one is under fifteen and the other above
(bb) That property acquired by a man and a sixty, the former is deemed to have survived;
woman who are capacitated to marry each other 4. If both be over fifteen and under sixty, and
and who live exclusively with each other as the sex be different, the male is deemed to have
husband and wife without the benefit of marriage survived, if the sex be the same, the older;
or under void marriage, has been obtained by 5. If one be under fifteen or over sixty, and
their joint efforts, work or industry. the other between those ages, the latter is
(cc) That in cases of cohabitation by a man deemed to have survived.
and a woman who are not capacitated to marry (kk) That if there is a doubt, as between two
each other and who have acquired property or more persons who are called to succeed each
through their actual joint contribution of money, other, as to which of them died first, whoever
property or industry, such contributions and their alleges the death of one prior to the other, shall
corresponding shares including joint deposits of prove the same; in the absence of proof, they
money and evidences of credit are equal. shall be considered to have died at the same
(dd) That if the marriage is terminated and time.
the mother contracted another marriage within There appears to be a typographical error under
three hundred days after such termination of the the first item. The old rule is based on and is exactly
the same as Article 168 of the Family Code. Under the Criminal Cases. – If a presumed fact that
old rule and the Family Code, the child born before establishes guilt, is an element of the offense
180 days after the solemnization of the subsequent charged, or negates a defense, the existence of
marriage is considered to have been born during the the basic fact must be proved beyond
former marriage. reasonable doubt and the presumed fact must
Under the new rule, it is considered to have been be proved beyond reasonable doubt and the
conceived during such subsequent marriage. The presumed fact follows from the basic fact
revised rule cannot modify or amend substantive beyond reasonable doubt.
law. Also, the phrase “even though it be born within This is a new insertion that deals with presumed
300 days after the termination of the former facts that establish guilt in that the existence of the
marriage” under the first item seems to be incorrect basic fact must be proved beyond reasonable doubt
since the same first item under paragraph 1 of the old and the presumed fact follows from the basic fact
rule and the Family Code states instead “provided it beyond reasonable doubt.
be born within 300 days after the termination of the
former marriage”. It is respectfully submitted that this
must be a typographical error.
cannot be recalled without leave of the court. The court This is a new insertion. A witness may now be
will grant or withhold leave in its discretion, as the impeached by evidence that the witness was
interests of justice may require. previously convicted by final judgment involving:
(1) a punishable penalty exceeding 1 year,
People v. Ortillas y Gamlanga, G.R. No. 137666, May 20, 2004 regardless of whether the crime involves moral
Zaldivar v. People, G.R. No. 197056 (Resolution), March 2,
turpitude, or
People v. Leodones, G.R. No. 138735, November 22, 2000 (2) a crime of moral turpitude, regardless of the
Sec 10. Leading and misleading questions. — A
question which suggests to the witness the answer which
the examining party desires is a leading question. It is Sec 12. 13. Party may not impeach his or her
not allowed, except: own witness. — Except with respect to witnesses
(a) On cross examination; referred to in paragraphs (d) and (e) of Section 10
(b) On preliminary matters; of this Rule, the party presenting the producing
(c) When there is a difficulty is getting direct and a witness is not allowed to impeach his or her
intelligible answers from a witness who is ignorant, or a credibility.
child of tender years, or is of feeble mind, or a deaf- A witness may be considered as unwilling or
hostile only if so declared by the court upon
(d) Of an unwilling or hostile witness; or
(e) Of a witness who is an adverse party or an adequate showing of his adverse interest,
officer, director, or managing agent of a public or unjustified reluctance to testify, or his or her
private corporation or of a partnership or association having misled the party into calling him or her to
which is an adverse party. the witness stand.
A misleading question is one which assumes as The unwilling or hostile witness so declared, or
true a fact not yet testified to by the witness, or the witness who is an adverse party, may be
contrary to that which he has previously stated. It is not impeached by the party presenting him or her in
all respects as if he or she had been called by the
adverse party, except by evidence of his or her
bad character. He or she may also be impeached
and cross-examined by the adverse party, but
Dulla v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 123164, February 18, 2000
Rule on Examination of a Child Witness, A.M. No. 004-07-SC, such cross-examination must only be on the
December 15, 2000 subject matter of his or her examination-in-chief.
SEC 11. IMPEACHMENT OF ADVERSE PARTY’S Gomez v. Gomez-Samson, G.R. No. 156284, February 6, 2007
Ng Meng Tam v. China Banking Corp., G.R. No. 214054,
August 5, 2015
Sec 11. Impeachment of adverse party's witness. — A
witness may be impeached by the party against whom SEC 13. 14. HOW WITNESS IMPEACHED BY EVIDENCE
he or she was called, by contradictory evidence, by OF INCONSISTENT STATEMENTS.
evidence that his or her general reputation for truth, SEC 13. 14. How witness impeached by evidence of
honestly, or integrity is bad, or by evidence that he or inconsistent statements. — Before a witness can be
she has made at other times statements inconsistent impeached by evidence that he or she has made at
with his or her present testimony, but not by evidence other times statements inconsistent with his or her
of particular wrongful acts, except that it may be shown present testimony, the statements must be related to
by the examination of the witness, or the record of the him or her, with the circumstances of the times and
judgment, that he or she has been convicted of an places and the persons present, and he or she must be
offense. asked whether he made such statements, and if so,
allowed to explain them. If the statements be in writing
Civil Service Commission v. Belagan, G.R. No. 132164, they must be shown to the witness before any question
October 19, 2004 is put to him or her concerning them
SEC 12. IMPEACHMENT BY EVIDENCE OF People v. Doca, G.R. No. 126781, September 13, 2000
CONVICTION OF CRIME People v. Sambahon y Nueva, G.R. No. 182789, August 3,
Sec 12. Impeachment by Evidence of Conviction of 2010
Crime. – For the purpose of impeaching a witness, People v. Bajada y Bautista, G.R. No. 180507, November 20,
evidence that he or she has been convicted by final 2008
judgment of a crime shall be admitted if People v. Castillano, G.R. No. 139412, April 2, 2003
(a) the crime was punishable by a penalty in
(b) the crime involved moral turpitude regardless Sec 15. Exclusion and separation of witnesses.
of the penalty. —The court, motu proprio or upon motion,
However, evidence of a conviction is not shall order witnesses excluded so that they
admissible if the conviction has not been the subject cannot hear the testimony of other witnesses.
of an amnesty or annulment of the conviction. This rule does not authorize exclusion of
(a) a party who is a natural person, or she chooses, cross-examine the witness upon it and
(b) a duly designated representative of a may read it in evidence. So, also, A witness may also
juridical entity which is a party to the case, testify from such a writing or record, though he or she
retains no recollection of the particular facts, if he or
(c) a person whose presence is essential to
she is able to swear that the writing or record correctly
the presentation of the party’s cause, or stated the transaction when made; but such evidence
(d) a person authorized by a statute to be must be received with caution.
On any trial or hearing, the judge may exclude Borromeo v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-31342, L-31740,
from the court any witness not at the time under April 7, 1976
examination, so that he may not hear the Canque v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 96202, April 13, 1999
testimony of other witnesses. The court judge People v. Plasencia y Desamparado, G.R. No. 90198,
may also cause witnesses to be kept separate and November 7, 1995
to be prevented from conversing with one
another, directly or through intermediaries, RECORD GIVEN IN EVIDENCE, THE REMAINDER ADMISSIBLE
until all shall have been examined. Sec 17. When part of transaction, writing or record
The purpose of the rule remains the same, that given in evidence, the remainder admissible. — When
witnesses may be excluded so that they cannot hear part of an act, declaration, conversation, writing or
the testimony of other witnesses. However, the record is given in evidence by one party, the whole of
amended rule provides that the following shall not be the same subject may be inquired into by the other, and
excluded: when a detached act, declaration, conversation, writing
(a) a party who is a natural person; or record is given in evidence, any other act,
declaration, conversation, writing or record necessary
(b) a duly designated representative of a juridical to its understanding may also be given in evidence.
entity which is a party to the case;
(c) a person whose presence is essential to the
presentation of the party's cause; or People v. Rivera, G.R. No. 139180, July 31, 2001
(d) a person authorized by a statute to be People v. Kempis, G.R. No. 97169, May 10, 1993
present. Chan v. Chan, G.R. No. 179786, July 24, 2013
The foregoing exceptions were not present under
Likewise, it was directory or not mandatory for
Sec 18. Right to respect writing shown to
the court under the old rule to order exclusion of witness. — Whenever a writing is shown to a witness, it
witnesses, as the old rule used the word “may”. The may be inspected by the adverse party.
amended rule now mandates the court to exclude
witnesses, with the use of the word “shall”, subject to
the exceptions provided in the amended rule.
The second paragraph under the amended rule is
similar to the second sentence under the old rule, in
that apart from excluding the witnesses from trial or
hearing to prevent them from hearing the testimony of
other witnesses, the court may also order that they be
kept separate from each other to be prevent them
from conversing with one another. The amended rule
provides additionally that this may be done not only to
prevent the witnesses from conversing directly with
one another but also through intermediaries, until all
have been examined.
may be made by a secretary of the embassy or Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. v. Guerrero, G.R. No.
legation, consul general, consul, vice-consul, or 136804, February 19, 2003
consular agent or by any officer in the foreign Heirs of Spouses Arcilla v. Teodoro, G.R. No. 162886, [August
11, 2008
service of the Philippines stationed in the foreign
country in which the record is kept, and SEC 25. WHAT ATTESTATION OF COPY MUST STATE
authenticated by the seal of his or her office. Sec 25. What Attestation of Copy Must State. —
A document that is accompanied by a Whenever a copy of a document or record is attested for
certificate or its equivalent may be presented the purpose of evidence, the attestation must state, in
in evidence without further proof, the substance, that the copy is a correct copy of the
certificate or its equivalent being prima facie original, or a specific part thereof, as the case may be.
evidence of the due execution and genuineness The attestation must be under the official seal of the
attesting officer, if there be any, or if he or she be the
of the document involved. The certificate shall
clerk of a court having a seal, under the seal of such
not be required when a treaty or convention court.
between a foreign country and the Philippines
has abolished the requirement, or has Willamette Iron & Steel Works v. Muzzal, G.R. No. 42538, May
exempted the document itself from this 21, 1935
formality. Nedlloyd Lijnen B.V. Rotterdam v. Glow Laks Enterprises,
The first sentence of the old and revised rules Ltd., G.R. No. 156330, November 19, 2014
are the same. Sobejana-Condon v. Commission on Elections, G.R. No.
198742, August 10, 2012
A second paragraph was inserted, which refers to
and should be read in connection with the revised SEC 26. IRREMOVABILITY OF PUBLIC RECORD
Section 19 (c) of Rule 132, on Documents that are Sec 26. Irremovability of public record. — Any public
considered public documents under treaties and record, an official copy of which is admissible in
conventions which are in force between the evidence, must not be removed from the office in which
Philippines and the country of source. This it is kept, except upon order of a court where the
presupposes that the Philippines is a contracting party inspection of the record is essential to the just
to the treaty together with the foreign country determination of a pending case.
concerned. The treaty shall govern the form of the
certificate of its equivalent, subject to reciprocity
Sec 27. Public record of a private document. — An
granted to public documents originating from the authorized public record of a private document may be
Philippines. proved by the original record, or by a copy thereof,
The second sentence of the old rule may be attested by the legal custodian of the record, with an
compared with the third paragraph of the amended appropriate certificate that such officer has the
rule. This provision presupposes that the foreign custody.
country from where the document originates is not a
party to a treaty with the Philippines. Under the old Salas v. Sta. Mesa Market Corp., G.R. No. 157766, July 12,
rule, there was no distinction. However, as earlier 2007
mentioned, the Apostille Convention came into force
on 14 May 2019, hence this revision. Thus, the old Sec 28. Proof of lack of record. — A written statement
second sentence applies to foreign documents signed by an officer having the custody of an official
originating from countries not party to a treaty with record or by his deputy that after diligent search no
the Philippines. record or entry of a specified tenor is found to exist in
The last paragraph under the revised rule is a the records of his office, accompanied by a certificate
new insertion, and it makes clear that the document as above provided, is admissible as evidence that the
that is accompanied by a certificate or its equivalent records of his office contain no such record or entry.
may be presented in evidence without further proof,
Sevilla v. Cardenas, G.R. No. 167684, July 31, 2006
the certificate or its equivalent being prima facie
Abbas v. Abbas, G.R. No. 183896, January 30, 2013
evidence of the due execution and genuineness of the Kho v. Republic, G.R. No. 187462, June 1, 2016
document involved. However, the certificate shall not Vitangcol v. People, G.R. No. 207406, January 13, 2016
be required when a treaty or convention between a
foreign country and the Philippines has abolished the
requirement, or has exempted the document itself
from this formality. See Apostille Convention.
Sec 29. How judicial record impeached. — Any judicial
record may be impeached by evidence of: (a) want of
jurisdiction in the court or judicial officer, (b) collusion
between the parties, or (c) fraud in the party offering
Sec. 24. Proof of official record
the record, in respect to the proceedings.
Nedlloyd Lijnen B.V. Rotterdam v. Glow Laks Enterprises,
Ltd., G.R. No. 156330, November 19, 2014
Yucuanseh Drug Co., Inc., et al., v. National Labor Union,
G.R. No. L-9900, April 30, 1957
RULE 133. WEIGHT AND SUFFICIENCY OF EVIDENCE witness is received in evidence, the court has a wide
latitude of discretion in determining the weight to be
SEC 1. PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE given to such opinion, and for that purpose may
Sec 1. Preponderance of Evidence, How Determined. consider the ff:
— (a) Whether the opinion is based upon sufficient
In civil cases, the party having the burden of proof facts of data;
must establish his or her case by a preponderance of (b) Whether it is the product of reliable principles
evidence. In determining where the preponderance or and methods;
superior weight of evidence on the issues involved lies, (c) Whether the witness has applied the principles
the court may consider all the facts and circumstances and methods reliably to the facts of the case; and
of the case, the witnesses' manner of testifying, their (d) Such other factors as the court may deem
intelligence, their means and opportunity of knowing helpful to make such determination.
the facts to which they are testifying, the nature of the This is a new insertion. It provides that in case of
facts to which they testify, the probability or opinion of expert witness, the court has a wide
improbability of their testimony, their interest or want latitude of discretion in determining the weight of
of interest, and also their personal credibility so far as
the same may legitimately appear upon the trial. The
evidence to be given to such opinion. Even prior to
court may also consider the number of witnesses, this amendment, such rule was already settled by
though the preponderance is not necessarily with the jurisprudence.
greater number. The opinion of an expert witness or expert
evidence is admissible, but such testimony is merely
Ogawa v. Menigishi, G.R. No. 193089, July 9, 2012 persuasive and are not binding upon the courts.
Spouses Sevilla v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 150284, (Orense, Jr. v. Recasas, G.R. No. 199992 (Notice), 19
November 22, 2010 April 2017)
Ong v. Yap, G.R. No. 146797, February 18, 2005
Courts may place whatever weight they may
SEC 2. PROOF BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT choose upon such testimonies in accordance with the
Sec 2. Proof beyond reasonable doubt. –In a criminal facts of the case. The relative weight and sufficiency
case, the accused is entitled to an acquittal, unless his of expert testimony is peculiarly within the province
or her guilt is shown beyond reasonable doubt. Proof of the trial court to decide, considering the ability and
beyond reasonable doubt does not mean such a degree character of the witness, his actions upon the witness
of proof as, excluding possibility of error, produces stand, the weight and process of the reasoning by
absolutely certainty. Moral certainty only is required, or which he has supported his opinion, his possible bias in
that degree of proof which produces conviction in an favor of the side for whom he testifies, the fact that
unprejudiced mind.
he is a paid witness, the relative opportunities for
study and observation of the matters about which he
Amanquiton v. People, G.R. No. 186080, August 14, 2009 testifies, and any other matters which deserve to
Mahawan v. People, G.R. No. 176609, December 18, 2008 illuminate his statements. The problem of the
San Mateo v. People, G.R. No. 200090, March 6, 2013 credibility of the expert witness and the evaluation of
his testimony is left to the discretion of the trial court
SEC 3. EXTRAJUDICIAL CONFESSION, NOT SUFFICIENT whose ruling thereupon is not reviewable in the
GROUND FOR CONVICTION absence of abuse of discretion. (Tabao v. People, G.R.
Sec 3. Extrajudicial confession, not sufficient ground No. 187246, 20 July 2011)
for conviction.—An extrajudicial confession made by an
accused, shall not be sufficient ground for conviction,
With the incorporation of the foregoing
unless corroborated by evidence of corpus delicti. jurisprudential pronouncement, the revised rule also
provides for the factors for the court to consider in
determining the weight to be given to such opinion.
People v. Licayan y Sucano, G.R. No. 144422, February 28,
SEC 4. CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE, WHEN SUFFICIENT Sec 5.6. Substantial Evidence. – In cases filed before
Sec 4. Circumstantial evidence, when sufficient.- administrative or quasi-judicial bodies, a fact may be
Circumstantial evidence is sufficient for conviction if: deemed established if it is supported by substantial
(a) There is more than one circumstance; evidence, or that amount of relevant evidence which a
(b) The facts from which the inferences are derived reasonable mind might accept as adequate to justify a
are proven; and conclusion.
(c) The combination of all the circumstances is such
as to produce a conviction beyond reasonable doubt. Office of the Ombudsman v. Zaldarriaga, G.R. No. 175349,
Inferences cannot be based on other inferences. June 22, 2010
People v. Abdulah, G.R. No. 182518, January 20, 2009 SEC 6. 7. POWER OF THE COURT
Espineli v. People, G.R. No. 179535, June 9, 2014 TO STOP FURTHER EVIDENCE
Sec 6. 7. Power of court to stop further evidence. –
SEC 5. WEIGHT TO BE GIVEN The court may stop the introduction of further
OPINION OF EXPERT WITNESS testimony upon any particular point when the evidence
Sec 5. Weight to be Given Opinion of Expert Witness, upon it is already so full that more witnesses to the
How Determined. same point cannot be reasonably persuasive. This power
-In any case, where the opinion of an expert should be shall be exercised with caution.