Appendix 5-WPS Office

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Appendix 5

Line 3

Di Net Play ini kalian juga bakalan ngikutin banyak aktifitas seru bisa

kalian ikutan Quiz, nge-share playlist dan vote chart

In the Utterance above, the presenter mixed Indonesia sentence and

English word "Share" he added prefix "nge-" before the English word

"share" to form an active sentence. The sentence explain that the


Line 6

Form the Utterance above, the presenter mix Indonesia sentence with

English word, she adapted suffix " -nya" after word " koreografi". This

Utterance inform that the koreografi is outcool and the clothes full of glint.

Line 7

It can bee seen from the Utterance that the presenter mix English word

within Indonesia sentence. He added prefix "nge-" before English word

"hits". This utterances if the song( tidak kalah populer/ terkenal).

Appendix 1 ( Intra lexical code mixing )

Line 4

"Ini lagunya enak didengerin kalau lagi summer. Apalagi loe dengerin

sambil liat music video-nya"

From the utterance above, the presenter asks her audience if the song is

easy to listen in the summer while watching the video. She put suffix "-

nya" after "video" word. The presenter mix English word within Indonesia


Line 19

"Ok, gue akan nge-share my own summer playlist"

It can bee seen in the Utterance that the presenter mixed her code in to

English. She adapted Indonesia's prefix "nge-" before "share". The

sentence above informed. That the presenter will share has own Summer


Line 29

"Dan pastinya kita nggak boleh lewatkan live performance-nya di wtm"

Form the Utterance above, the presenter mix Indonesia sentence with

English word. She adapted suffix " -nya" after word " performance". This

Utterance tells that the audience have to see the live performance in

WTM. .

Appendix 2

Line 12

"Gue suka banget sama video-nya"

It can bee seen from the Utterance that the presenter mix Indonesia word

with Indonesia sentence. She adapted suffix "-nya" after word "clip". This

Utterance tells that the presenter like the video clip.

Appendix 3

Line 12

"This sound to be old tapi banyak banget dari kalian yang nge-request

"cake by the ocean"

In the Utterance above, the presenter mix English sentence and

Indonesia. She added prefix "nge-" before the English word "request" to

form an active sentence. The sentence explain that the song is old but

there are still many who like the song" cake by the ocean".

Line 15

"Guys di nomor 3,2,1 itu semua personil-nya one direction loh"

It can bee seen from the Utterance that the presenter mix English word

with Indonesia sentence. She adapted suffix "-nya" after word "personil".

This utterance tell that the video clip from number 3,2 and 1 is all personel

from one direction.

Appendix 4

Line 1
"Kita akan ngumpulin lagu-lagu yang lagi nge-hits siapa aja sih di nomor


In the Utterance above, the presenter mixed Indonesia sentence and

English word "hits" he added prefix "nge-" before the English word "hits".

The sentence explain that the presenter.

(Intra sentential code mixing)

Appendix 4

Data 1 "lagunya sudah keluar dan sudah masuk chart kita congratulation"

It can bee seen from the utterance that the song is already entered in the

playlist. The mixing are "chart" and "congtatulation" word within Indonesia

sentence "lagunya sudah keluar dan sudah masuk" dan "kita"

Data 10 "dinomor 14 ada lagu favoite gue saat ini"

Form the Utterance above, the presenter mix Indonesia sentence with

English word. She adapted suffix " -nya" after word " performance". This

Utterance tells that the audience have to see the live performance in


Appendix 5

Data 1 : "Dan nggak ketinggalan juga kita bakal kasih update musik-musik

favorite kalian"
From the utterance above, there were English word "update" and

"favoritrle". When there mixed code of another language in one sentence

in the base language. It can be said that there is a code mixing.

It categorize as intro-sentential code mixing because the mixing code

occuring in the middle of the base language, and they are in the form of

phrase and words. The utterance explains about the speakers (boy/sheila)

will update the favorite music from the audience.

Data 2 "Bener banget tapi sebelum kita kasih tau dulu kalau di Net ada

yang baru nih guys namanya Net Play."

Data 4 "next kita masuk di nomor 10 sampai 5

In the utterance, there was a word of English "Next" within Indonesia

sentence, kita masuk di nomor 10 sampai 5.

Base on the types of code mixing, it defines as intra sentential mixing

because the speaker try to mix English word within Indonesia sentence.

The utterance explain that the speaker will inform the video clip from

number ten to five.

Appendix 3

Data 5 "ok my turn di nomor 15 sampai 11 dan di nomor 15 ada DJ

Shaled "I'm the one"

From the utterance, there were phrase or my turn and " i'm the one". So it

defines as intro sentential code mixing because the English phrase and

Indonesia phrase in one sentence. The utterance by the speaker to inform

that the number five there is a song from DJ Shaled with the title "I'm the


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