Average Monthly Household Income: Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

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Chapter IV


This chapter includes presentation, analysis and interpretation of data gathered in

the study about the acceptability of Solar Panel Operated Lantern as alternative to

Electric Operated Lantern. The data gathered will be the basis to give conclusions and


Graph 1: Average Monthly Household Income

Average Monthly Household Income


26% 10000 and Below

21000 and Above


Graph 1 presents the percentage of respondents’ average monthly household

income. It reveals that sixty-eight percent (68%) of the respondents believed that their

household earns Php 10 000 and below a month, twenty-six percent (26%) earns Php 11

000-20 000, while six percent (6%) have earnings of Php 21 000 and above. This only
means that most of the respondents has a minimum income of Php 10 000 and below a


Graph 2: Average Monthly Electric Consumption

Average Monthly Electric Consumption

500 and Below
45% 600-1000
1600 and Above

Graph 2 shows the average monthly electric consumption of the respondents. It

shows that forty-five percent (45%) of the respondents consumed a cost of Php 500 and

below a month which is the highest percentage. On the other hand, forty-two percent

(42%) used up an amount of Php 600-1 000, nine percent (9%) are Php 1 100-1 500, and

the least respondents which is four percent (4%) of them said that they consumed an

amount of Php 1 600 and above for electricity. This only means that most of the

respondents has low electric consumption and do not spend much.

Table 2: Mean Response on the Solar Panel Operated Lantern in terms of its


Attributes Mean (x) Verbal Interpretation

Appearance 3.49 Moderately Satisfied

Table 2 shows the mean response of the respondents on the Solar Panel Operated

Lantern in terms of its appearance. This reveals that the mean response of the respondents

on the appearance lies on 3.49, which means moderately satisfied. This only suggests that

the respondents are satisfied on the appearance of the Solar Panel Operated Lantern yet it

still needs improvement to gain higher satisfaction.

Table 3: Mean Response on the Solar Panel Operated Lantern in terms of its Ease

of Installation

Attributes Mean (x) Verbal Interpretation

Ease of Installation 3.20 Satisfied

Table 3 presents the mean response of the respondents on the Solar Panel

Operated lantern in terms of its ease of installation, which is wireless. It shows that the

ease of installation gained a mean of 3.20, which means that the respondents are satisfied.

This only means that the respondents are quite satisfied on its ease of installation but it

needs improvement to satisfy more.

Table 4: Mean Response on the Solar Panel Operated Lantern in terms of its Cost
Attributes Mean (x) Verbal Interpretation
Cost 2.94 Satisfied

Table 4 shows the mean response of the respondents on the Solar Panel Operated

lantern in terms of its cost. This reveals that the mean response of the respondents lies on

2.94, which means satisfied. This only means that the respondents are quite satisfied on

the cost of the product yet it gets a low rating. Therefore, the cost of the Solar Panel

Operated Lantern still needs enhancement for it to be more affordable or worth buying

for the consumers.

Table 5: Mean Response on the Solar Panel Operated Lantern in terms of its


Attributes Mean (x) Verbal Interpretation

Effectiveness 3.69 Moderately Satisfied

Table 5 presents the mean response of the respondents on the Solar Panel

Operated Lantern in terms of its effectiveness. It shows that the response of the

respondents lies on 3.69, which means that they are moderately satisfied. It only means

that the respondents are satisfied on the effectiveness of Solar Panel Operated Lantern but

it still need some improvements to be more effective and satisfy more customer.

Table 6: Mean Response on the Advantages of Solar Panel Operated Lantern

Statements Mean (x) Verbal

The Solar Panel Operated Lantern is: Interpretation
A money-saver than electric-operated lantern. 3.71 Moderately Agree
Environmental- friendly than electric-operated lantern. 3.71 Moderately Agree
Safe to use than electric-operated lantern. 3.54 Moderately Agree
Wireless and easy to operate. 3.63 Moderately Agree
TOTAL MEAN: 3.65 Moderately Agree

Table 6 shows the advantages of Solar Panel Operated Lantern than the common

Electric Operated Lantern in the market. It reveals that the statements “A money-saver

than electric-operated lantern.” and “Environmental- friendly than electric-operated

lantern.” both get a mean response that lies on 3.71, which is the highest. On the other

hand, the statement “Wireless and easy to operate.” got 3.63 while the least response lies

on 3.54 that states “Safe to use than electric-operated lantern.” All of them has a verbal

interpretation of moderately satisfied. This only means that the respondents are

moderately satisfied on the overall advantage of Solar Panel Operated Lantern yet it still

needs improvement to gain more advantages than the common Electric Operated Lantern

in the market.


This chapter includes summary, conclusions and recommendations regarding the

study about the acceptability of Solar Panel Operated Lantern as an alternative to Electric

Operated Lantern in the market.


This study aimed to determine the acceptability of Solar Panel Operated Lantern

as an alternative to Electric Operated Lantern in the market. Specifically, it sought

answers to the following questions. First, are the respondents’ demographic profile in

terms of: (1.1.) Socio-Economic Status, (1.2.) and Home’s Electric Consumption.

Second, are the perception of respondents on the features of Solar Panel Operated

Lantern in terms of: (2.1.) Appearance, (2.2.) Ease of Installation (Wireless), (2.3.) Cost,

(2.4.) and Effectiveness. Lastly, are the perceived advantages of the respondents on using

Solar Panel Operated Lantern than the typical electric-operated lantern.

The researchers purposively chose the Grade 11 students as the respondents. The

researchers gathered the needed data from thirty-five (35) students to determine the

acceptability of Solar Panel Operated Lantern as an alternative to Electric Operated

Lantern in the market using a researchers-made questionnaire. Likewise, percentage and

weighted mean were used to interpret the data gathered statistically.

Summary of Findings

Based on the gathered data, the following findings were drawn:

1. The percentage of respondents’ average monthly household income results

are that sixty-eight percent (68%) of the respondents believed that their household

earns Php 10 000 and below a month, twenty-six percent (26%) earns Php 11 000-

20 000, while six percent (6%) have earnings of Php 21 000 and above.

2. The average monthly electric consumption of the respondents results are

that forty-five percent (45%) of the respondents consumed a cost of Php 500 and

below a month, which is the highest percentage. On the other hand, forty-two

percent (42%) used up an amount of Php 600-1 000, nine percent (9%) are Php 1

100-1 500, and the least respondents which is four percent (4%) of them said that

they consumed an amount of Php 1 600 and above for electricity.

3. The mean response of the respondents on the Solar Panel Operated

Lantern in terms of its appearance lied on 3.49, which means moderately satisfied.

4. The mean response of the respondents on the Solar Panel Operated lantern

in terms of its ease of installation, which is wireless gained a mean of 3.20, which

means that the respondents are satisfied.

5. The mean response of the respondents on the Solar Panel Operated lantern

in terms of its cost lied on 2.94, which means satisfied.

6. The mean response of the respondents on the Solar Panel Operated

Lantern in terms of its effectiveness lied on 3.69, which means that they are

moderately satisfied.
7. In terms of the advantages of Solar Panel Operated Lantern than the

common Electric Operated Lantern in the market, the statements “A money-saver

than electric-operated lantern.” and “Environmental- friendly than electric-

operated lantern.” both get a mean response that lies on 3.71, which is the highest.

On the other hand, the statement “Wireless and easy to operate.” got 3.63 while

the least response lies on 3.54 that states “Safe to use than electric-operated

lantern.” All of them has a verbal interpretation of moderately satisfied.


Based on the findings, conclusions were provided as follows:

1. Most of the respondents has a minimum income of Php 10 000 and below

a month.

2. Most of the respondents has low electric consumption and do not spend


3. The respondents are satisfied on the appearance of the Solar Panel

Operated Lantern yet it still needs improvement to gain higher satisfaction.

4. The respondents are quite satisfied on the ease of installation of the Solar

Panel Operated Lantern but it needs improvement to satisfy more.

5. The respondents are quite satisfied on the cost of the product yet it gets a

low rating. Therefore, the cost of the Solar Panel Operated Lantern still needs

enhancement for it to be more affordable or worth buying for the consumers.

6. The respondents are satisfied on the effectiveness of Solar Panel Operated

Lantern but it still need some improvements to be more effective and satisfy more


7. The respondents are moderately satisfied on the overall advantage of Solar

Panel Operated Lantern yet it still needs improvement to gain more advantages

than the common Electric Operated Lantern in the market.


After providing conclusions, the following recommendations were given:

1. Future researchers may conduct a parallel study to this one using

respondents with another socio-economic status.

2. Future researchers may find respondents that are consuming more

electricity if they want to pursue the same topic.

3. Businessmen/women or aspiring entrepreneurs may do a market research

that is parallel to this one.

4. Businessmen/women may apply the concept of using solar panel as the

source of power for lanterns and improves its quality.

5. Industrial Arts students may find an inspiration within this topic and create

another solar panel operated material other than lanterns.

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