Team Aspiration Goal Creation Template

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Team Aspiration Goals

Our Objective:
To build a business which is people, purpose and profit-centric!

The business will be built as a vehicle to fulfil the dreams and aspirations
of the team members, customers and owners i.e. a Win-Win-Win
intention for all.

The First Step:

The first step is to understand the aspirations of every team member for
their life.
This gives the management the direction to start working on how to build
the business in a manner that the objective of building a Win-Win-Win
business is fulfilled over a period of time.

You may fill the below questions in two ways:
1. Being a Believer – Honestly, genuinely, transparently and thinking
deeply by introspecting and filling meaningful authentic answers.
2. Being Doubtful – You may also think, “How come my boss is asking
me to do this exercise? I don’t trust his/her intention of building a
Win-Win-Win business. I know him/her… they don’t care.”

If you choose being a believer – then thank you for joining us in the
journey of building a win-win-win business together!
If you choose to be doubtful – then thank you for giving us feedback. We
will allow you to trust us after testing whether the intention to building a
win-win-win business is meaningful or not!
Name of Team Member:
Current Role:
Current Pay:

1. What are the things I want to do for myself and my family?

2. Why are these goals important to me?

3. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest and 1 being lowest, rate the

importance of each goal mentioned above?

4. By achieving these goals, what will it make me feel about myself?

5. Why is feeling this feeling about myself important for me?

6. Who do I want to be or become in my life?

7. What do I want earn from the next year?

8. What do I feel I need to do / contribute to deserve this pay?

9. What skills and knowledge do I need to develop to be able to

contribute at the next level?

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