Team Aspiration Goal Creation Template
Team Aspiration Goal Creation Template
Team Aspiration Goal Creation Template
Our Objective:
To build a business which is people, purpose and profit-centric!
The business will be built as a vehicle to fulfil the dreams and aspirations
of the team members, customers and owners i.e. a Win-Win-Win
intention for all.
You may fill the below questions in two ways:
1. Being a Believer – Honestly, genuinely, transparently and thinking
deeply by introspecting and filling meaningful authentic answers.
2. Being Doubtful – You may also think, “How come my boss is asking
me to do this exercise? I don’t trust his/her intention of building a
Win-Win-Win business. I know him/her… they don’t care.”
If you choose being a believer – then thank you for joining us in the
journey of building a win-win-win business together!
If you choose to be doubtful – then thank you for giving us feedback. We
will allow you to trust us after testing whether the intention to building a
win-win-win business is meaningful or not!
Name of Team Member:
Current Role:
Current Pay: