Gas Expander
Gas Expander
Gas Expander
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 3 Issue 8, August 2016
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2015) - 4.332
The gas distribution network have several “Town inlet and outlet temperature are assumed 3 deg C for
Border Stations” (TBS) at various localities within simulation. The preheated gas temperature at inlet of
the city where the gas pressure is also reduced to turbine is 71.3 deg C and its output power is 1367
about 10 to 20 psig from 100 to 150 psig. However, Kw[4].
the volume of gas is usually very small usually less Ramin Taheri Seresht, focus on the waste
than 1 MMscfd, so, it is not feasible to produce recovery in oil, gas and petrochemical industries in
useful work using turbo expanders. which large amount of energy is wasted. In this
paper, it has been suggested to use expansion Turbine
2. Literature Review for achieving pressure reduction, as well as energy
Previously work done in this field has recovery goals. In this regard, Tehran City Gate
mainly emphasized on the recovery of wasted energy Station No.2 which is one of the large natural gas
at the regulating stations / city gate stations / sale pressure reducing stations in Iran (both from capacity
metering stations. Here, the summary of the different and inlet pressure perspectives), has been selected as
researchers is elaborated in detail. a case study. In first step waste of energy was
calculated by using energy analysis and in second
Mehdi Taleshian presents a model for turbo-
step, by using expansion turbines that are used
expander to reduce the gas pressure and recover the
parallel in the station for achieving the goals of gas
wasted energy. They proposed a model which utilizes
reduction pressure and power recovery was simulated
an online calculation method is more efficient and
in four scenarios by Thermoflow1 software. The
simpler than the older offline model which surmounts
results show undeniable fact that the Energy loss at
the need for making complicated lookup tables prior
this station has been 38,443,578 KWh for a year. As
to calculation. Because of instantaneous varying of
a result of using turbo expander , the energy recovery
domestic consumptions, environment temperature
will be 96% [5].
and other effective parameters, turbo-expander inlet
Bryan Lehman and Ernst Worrell, Give an overview
gas pressure and mass flow-rate vary with time and
of expansion turbines and their use. In this paper,
consequently the extracted power has time variant
three cases were analyzed and estimate the potential
specification. and causes some power quality issues
for expansion turbine use in the U.S. and find that
such as voltage flicker, voltage sag, etc. So, this
expansion turbines have the potential to generate a
system is simulated and power quality issues are
theoretical maximum of 21 TWh in industrial and
investigated for a fault occurring at the point of
utility settings, recovering 11% of natural gas
common coupling (PCC)[3].
transport energy as electricity. Two case studies
Jaroslav Pozivil , use the expansion turbine in place
were performed in the Netherlands, and one in Japan.
of throttle valve for the recovery of wasted energy. In
One of the projects in the Netherlands uses a gas
this paper Velke Nimcice transmitting station data is
pressure drop to generate power for the utility grid,
used for simulation and to avoid the hydrate zone and
while the other generates power for onsite use. The
dew point inlet gas to turbine is preheated. Gas
project in Japan utilizes the pressure and temperature
condition, flow rate 51 MMscfd (60000 Nm3/h), the
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 3 Issue 8, August 2016
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2015) - 4.332
drop of expanding gas in a district heating and place of the throttle valve. The energy in the gas can
cooling facility both to generate power and to cool be used to produce electricity. The work the gas
water [6]. performs is gained from its enthalpy and the gas
Shoaib Khan Mohammadi, This paper deals with cools rapidly in the turbine. From thermodynamics
thermodynamic modeling, parametric analysis and relations involving enthalpy, entropy and also by
optimization of a novel integrated system to recover using the first law of thermodynamic [8].
energy from pressure reduction in city gate station Sepehr Sanaye and Amir Mohammadi Nasab ,
(CGS). This research cover thermodynamic modeling present in their paper that, for longer distances,
of a hybrid system includes a turbo expander, an natural gas is transported through transit pipeline at
organic Rankine cycle (ORC) and a Proton Exchange high pressures. In a place of consumption or at
Membrane (PEM) electrolyzer to produce electricity passing into a lower pressure pipeline, the pressure of
and hydrogen. The pressure of natural gas in the gas must be reduced. In Iran, the common
transmission pipeline in Iran gas system is high about procedure of reducing pressure in natural gas station
7MPa. Since, near the cities pipeline pressure should is using expansion valves, which causes the waste of
be reducing to 1.7 MPa, there is a great potential to large amount of energy. Combined heat and power
recover energy to produce electricity and other (CHP) systems have many economic and
energy products. In the proposed integrated system in environmental benefits. In this paper a CHP system
this paper, a comprehensive parametric analysis which its prime components are boiler, expander,
include the effect of main parameters such as natural pump, heat exchanger and gas engine, is used in a
gas preheat temperature, the natural gas pressure inlet pressure reduction station to produce electricity. A
to turbo expander, the heater mass fuel flue rate and new and relatively quick method for selecting the
high temperature of ORC on the system performance number of each type of prime component, and
is investigated [7]. determining their nominal power and their efficiency
Ebrahim Khalili Ardali and Esmaeil Heybatian, in is also presented [9].
this research paper city gas station of Iran is consider Bronicki present in their paper that,An energy
for the potential of electrical energy recovery through recovery, pressure reducing system for reducing high
expansion turbine. Gas pressure reduction is pressure gas in a transmission pipeline to a low
accomplish through throttle valves, where the pressure gas in a consumer pipeline includes an
isenthalpic expansion takes place without producing expander system having at least one expander for
any energy. A non-negligible amount of pressure expanding the high pressure gas and producing work
energy is wasted in that irreversible process and and low pressure gas that is supplied to the consumer
throttling of natural gas lowers its potential energy. In pipeline, and a generator coupled to said expander for
this paper we have evaluated this work. One converting the work to electricity which is supplied
computer simulation was developed to study and to an electrical load. The system further includes
calculate the exact values of some parameters when apparatus including an on/off valve serially
an expansion turbine driving a generator is used in connected to a pressure regulating valve, the
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 3 Issue 8, August 2016
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2015) - 4.332
apparatus being connected in parallel with the remainder of gas fuel for combustion in a steam
expander system. The on/off valve has an open state generator[11].
for effecting transmission of gas through the pressure
regulating valve which has an adjustable flow control 3. Turbo Expander
opening for throttling high pressure gas and Turbo expanders are expansion turbines, rotating
producing low pressure gas when the on/off valve is machines similar to steam turbines. Commonly the
in its open state; and a closed state for preventing terms “Expansion turbines” and “turbo expanders”
transmission of gas through the pressure regulating specifically exclude steam turbines and combustion
valve. A control system is provided which is gas turbines. Turbo expanders can also characterized
responsive to flow through the expander system for as modern rotating devices that convert the pressure
controlling the size of the flow control opening and energy of a gas or vapor stream into mechanical work
the state of the on/off valve[10]. as the gas or vapor expands through the turbine. If
Bloom, This paper deals with a gas expander chilling the gas or vapor stream is the main objective,
based power plant system for generating electricity at the mechanical work so produced if often considered
a pressure reducing station of a gas transmission a byproduct. If pressure reduction is the main
pipeline is disclosed where gas at high pressure is objective, then the heat recovery from the expanded
being delivered to the distribution or gas utilization gas is considered a beneficial byproduct.
system; by means of pressure reduction with a gas In each case, the primary objective is the turbo
expander system capable of accommodating expander is to conserve the energy by recovering
fluctuating high pressure gas conditions and from cold gas or hot gases at temperature above 1000
maintaining desired lower pressure gas conditions, degrees.
which comprise the steps of generating steam,
condensing the steam in a heat exchanger and using 4. Turbo Expander for Energy
the heat of condensation of the steam to heat a Conservation
portion of high pressure gas in a controlled manner to
A considerable amount of energy can be recovered
maintain the required gas conditions of the lower
by using low grade waste heat, process gas or waste
pressure line throughout the range of operation, and
gas pressure letdown. Centrifugal turbo expanders are
passing the high pressure gas through a gas expander
well adapted to such energy conservation scheme.
to drive an electrical generator. In one embodiment of
For many years turbo expanders has been used in the
the system, a portion of the gas fuel supplied to a
cryogenic processing plants to provide low
steam generator is utilized as a motive gas supply for
temperature refrigeration. Power recovery has been
a gas ejector which creates a vacuum in the shaft
second importance. Turbo Expander are mainly used
sealing chamber of the gas expander, evacuates the
in low pressure air separation plants, expanding
leakage gas thereby preventing the release of gas to
down from 5 bar, and in hydrocarbon processing
the surrounding, and combines evacuated gas with
plants, expanding natural gas from as high as 200 bar.
The air separation expanders are roughly divided into
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 3 Issue 8, August 2016
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2015) - 4.332
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 3 Issue 8, August 2016
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2015) - 4.332
operational requirement for time period table below shows the minimum flow rate of 10
under study. At this pressure, the MMscfd at night, 20 MMscfd at day time and 25
condensation temperature is about 4 MMscfd during the peak hours.
Deg. F. Therefore, the temperature at Table 2 Average Natural Gas Pressure at SMS WAH
the outlet of turbo expander should be
above 4 Deg. F. In this case study, it has Avg Gas Pressure Pressure (PSIG)
been found that, for the constant gas
flow and pressure reduction at the SMS, Average gas pressure at 75 - 80
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 3 Issue 8, August 2016
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2015) - 4.332
As the power extracted from turbo 73.68 Deg F, Pressure, 466.8 Psig and flow rate is
or electric generator load, the pressure Table 4-3 Inlet Parameters for Scenario -
drop (and hence temperature drop)
across the turbo expander is increased.
Whereas the gas flow rate across the Inlet Parameters Readings
turbo expander remains the same (as it Temperature 73.68 deg F
depends on the consumer requirement Pressure 466.8 Psig
in the distribution network and it varies Flow 19.0 MMscfd
throughout the day and becomes
minimum at night at few SMSs).The
Table 4-4 Output Parameters for
isentropic efficiency of the turbo Scenario-2
expander has been considered as 75 %
Output Parameters Readings
in the simulation.
Turbo Expander outlet 18.7 Deg F
Below are few snapshots of the
Recovered Power 200 Hp
simulation in Aspen HYSYS Dynamics,
showing effect of increasing power
extracted on inlet/outlet conditions
across the turbo expander,
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 3 Issue 8, August 2016
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2015) - 4.332
In the below simulation a scenario is discussed in Table 4-10 Output Parameters for Scenario-5
which 400 hp power is recovered at -8.2 deg F outlet Output Parameters Readings
temperature. The inlet parameters are; temperature, Turbo Expander outlet 500 Hp
73.68 deg F, Pressure, 466.8 Psig and flow rate is Temperature
19.0 MMscfd.
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 3 Issue 8, August 2016
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2015) - 4.332
1.2.6 Scenario-6
In the below simulation a scenario is discussed in
which 600 hp power is recovered at -35.0 deg F
outlet temperature. The inlet parameters are; Figure 4-7 PCV in Operation at WAH SMS
temperature, 73.68 deg F, Pressure, 466.8 Psig and
1.1. Turbo expander in
flow rate is 19.0 MMscfd.
parallel operation with
Table 4-11 Inlet Parameters for Scenario-6
PCV at SMS Wah
Inlet Parameters Readings During normal operation, the turbo expander cannot
Temperature 73.68 deg F be used independently because the gas flow keeps on
Pressure 466.8 Psig changing throughout the day with maximum gas flow
Flow 19.0 in the afternoon and minimum gas flow at mid night.
At SMS WAH, the average gas flow is 20 MMSCFD
Table 4-12 Output Parameters for Scenario-6
and the simulation of turbo expander in parallel
Output Parameters Readings operation with PCV, has been performed at the
Turbo Expander Outlet 600 Hp average gas load using Aspen HYSYS.
temperature 1.1.1. For 300 hp extracted from
Recovered Power -35.0 deg F Turbo expander
The gas temperature at outlet of turbo expander = 4.9
Deg. F
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 3 Issue 8, August 2016
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2015) - 4.332
1.1.2. For 250 hp extracted from Figure 4-11 Throttling valve at suction of Turbo Expander
Description Readings
Suction Valve Opening 20.11 %
Suction Gas Actual Flow 448.1 ACFM
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 3 Issue 8, August 2016
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2015) - 4.332
Description Readings
Suction Valve Opening 21.34 %
Figure 4-15 Suction Valve Opening at 24.15 %
Suction Gas Actual Flow 472.9 ACFM
rate 1.5 Conclusion
Suction Gas Molar Flow 6.03 MMscfd In this report, a preliminary study has been
Rate carried out to assess the potential of energy
Discharge Gas 12.4 deg F recovery at a city gate station of SNGPL
Temperature using dynamic simulation in Aspen HYSYS.
It has been observed that an electric power
of up to 180 kW (300hp
x0.746x0.80=180kW) based on 80 %
conversion efficiency can be produced by
installing a turbo expander at the city gate
station without any fiscal loss through
condensation of natural gas at the outlet of
Figure 4-14 Suction Valve opening at 21.34 %
turbo expander.
IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 3 Issue 8, August 2016
ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor (2015) - 4.332