Approximate Weights (LBS.) For 90° and 45° Elbows and 180° Long Radius Returns

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Approximate Weights (LBS.

) for 90° and 45° Elbows and 180° Long Radius Returns


90 Elbows 45 Elbows
Long Radius Short Radius 3 Radius Long Radius 3 Radius 180 Return Long Radius
½ 0.18 0.25 0.09 0.19 0.35
¾ 0.19 0.25 0.09 0.19 0.4 0.65
1 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.75 0.25 0.25 0.31 0.75 1
1¼ 0.6 0.9 1 1.38 0.4 0.38 0.5 1.25 1.75
1½ 0.9 1.15 1.8 1.5 0.56 0.75 0.4 0.69 1.88 2.39
2 1.6 2.2 3.25 3.5 1 1.5 3 4 0.81 1.19 1.5 2.1 3.23 4.4
2½ 3.25 4 5.13 7 2.13 2.8 6 8 1.75 2.13 3 4 6.5 8
3 5 6.5 8.5 11 3 4.25 10 13 2.63 3.5 5 7 10.25 13
3½ 6.75 8.35 16 4.5 6 13 18 3.5 4.5 7 9 13 16.75
4 9 13.5 18 20 6.25 8.5 18 25 4.5 6.1 9 13 18.5 25
5 15.5 22 32 36 9.6 14 29 43 7.5 10.75 15 22 30 44
6 24.5 35 57 65 18 23 45 70 12 17.5 23 35 50 70
8 50 71 120 118 34 47.5 90 140 23 35 45 70 95 142
10 88 107 260 58 70 159 218 43 53 80 109 117 215
12 125 160 450 80 104 233 310 62 84 117 155 230 320
14 160 205 572 105 140 298 400 80 100 149 200 325 400
16 206 276 132 174 390 520 100 135 195 260 412 550
18 260 340 167 219 495 660 126 167 248 330 510 690
20 320 420 210 275 610 810 160 206 305 405 640 830
22 394 520 735 980 197 260 368 490 787 1040
24 460 600 298 3.92 875 1170 238 300 438 585 890 1200
26 550 729 1030 1370 275 365 515 685
30 734 975 1370 1830 367 488 685 915
36 1062 1412 1970 2630 531 706 985 1315
Approximate Weights (LBS.) for 180o Short Radius Returns, Straight Tees, Lap Joint Stub Ends and

180 Returns Short Radius Straight Tees Lap Joint Stub Ends Caps
½ 0.35 0.45 0.36 0.24 0.32
¾ 0.45 0.6 0.58 0.34 0.44
1 0.5 0.75 0.88 1 1.25 0.75 1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
1¼ 0.8 1.3 1.6 2 2.5 1.1 1.25 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.75
1½ 1.13 1.5 2 2.25 3 3.38 1.25 1.74 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.9
2 2 3 3.5 4 5 6.25 2.25 3 0.6 0.75 1.25 1.5
2½ 4.25 5.6 6 7 8 10.5 3.5 4.5 0.9 1 1.75 2.5
3 6 8.5 7 8.5 10 13.5 4.75 6.75 1.5 1.75 2.9 4
3½ 9 12 9 12 18 5.5 7.75 2 2.5 6
4 12.5 17 12 15.8 25 25 7.25 9.5 2.5 3 5.9 7.5
5 19 28 21 26 55 40 11.8 17 4.5 5.5 10 12
6 35 46 34 40 62 68 15.5 21.5 6.5 9 15 18
8 68 100 55 75 110 120 23.5 32 12 16 31 30
10 115 140 85 105 260 36.5 53 20 25 57
12 155 218 120 160 480 47 62 30 36 95
14 210 275 165 240 60 80 36 45
16 260 340 195 280 70 93 40 54
18 330 430 249 332 94 124 54 72
20 410 550 342 480 105 138 75 86
22 414 550 94 125
24 590 780 528 610 126 167 96 130
26 770 875 119 159
30 1060 1200 172 229
36 1490 1700
Common Diameters and Wall Thicknesses
Wall Thickness
Nom Pipe Outside
Size Diameter Light WT STD XS XXS SCH 20 SCH 30 SCH 40 SCH 60 SCH 80 SCH 100 SCH 120 SCH 140 SCH 160 No. Pipe Size
½ 0.84 0.109 0.147 0.294 STD XS 0.188 ½
¾ 1.05 0.113 0.154 0.308 STD XS 0.219 ¾
1 1.315 0.133 0.179 0.358 STD XS 0.25 1
1¼ 1.66 0.14 0.191 0.382 STD XS 0.25 1¼
1½ 1.9 0.145 0.2 0.4 STD XS 0.281 1½
2 2.375 0.154 0.218 0.438 STD XS 0.344 2
2½ 2.875 0.203 0.276 0.552 STD XS 0.375 2½
3 3.5 0.216 0.3 0.6 STD XS 0.438 3
3½ 4 0.226 0.318 0.636 STD XS 3½
4 4.5 0.188 0.237 0.337 0.674 STD XS 0.438 0.531 4
5 5.562 0.258 0.375 0.75 STD XS 0.5 0.625 5
6 6.625 0.219 0.28 0.432 0.864 STD XS 0.562 0.719 6.00
8 8.625 0.219 0.322 0.5 0.875 0.25 0.277 STD 0.406 XS 0.594 0.719 0.812 0.906 8.00
10 10.75 0.219 0.365 0.5 1 0.25 0.307 STD XS 0.594 0.719 0.844 1 1.125 10.00
12 12.75 0.25 0.375 0.5 1 0.25 0.33 0.406 0.562 0.688 0.844 1 1.125 1.312 12.00
14 14 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.312 STD 0.438 0.594 0.75 0.938 1.094 1.25 1.406 14.00
16 16 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.312 STD XS 0.656 0.844 1.031 1.219 1.438 1.594 16.00
18 18 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.312 0.438 0.562 0.75 0.938 1.156 1.375 1.562 1.781 18.00
20 20 0.25 0.375 0.5 STD XS 0.594 0.812 1.031 1.281 1.5 1.75 1.969 20.00
22 22 0.375 0.5 STD XS - 0.875 1.125 1.375 1.625 1.875 2.125 22.00
24 24 0.25 0.375 0.5 STD 0.562 0.688 0.969 1.219 1.531 1.812 2.062 2.344 24.00
26 26 0.375 0.5 XS - - 26.00
28 28 0.375 0.5 XS 0.625 - 28.00
30 30 0.375 500 XS 0.625 - 30.00
32 32 0.375 0.5 XS 0.625 0.688 32.00
34 34 0.375 0.5 XS 0.625 0.688 34.00
36 36 0.375 0.5 XS 0.625 0.75 36.00
38 38 0.375 0.5 38.00
40 40 0.375 0.5 40.00
42 42 0.375 0.5 42.00
44 44 0.375 0.5 44.00
46 46 0.375 0.5 46.00
48 48 0.375 0.5 48.00

All dimensions given in inches.

Dimensions in accordance with ANSI B36.10 which does not establish inside diameter.
Wall thickness given is nominal and subject to mill tolerance.
Dimensions for Straight Fittings

90° Elbows 45° Elbows 180° Returns

Long Rad. Short Rad. 3 Rad. LR 3 Rad Long Rad. Short Rad. Tees Lap Joint Stub Ends Caps
Size A A A B B O K O K C M F G R E
½ 1.5 0.62 3 1.88 1 1 3 1.38 0.12 1
¾ 1.5 0.75 3 2 1.12 1.12 3 1.69 0.12 1
1 1.5 1 0.88 3 2.19 2 1.62 1.5 1.5 4 2 0.12 1.5
1¼ 1.88 1.25 1 3.75 2.75 2.5 2.06 1.88 1.88 4 2.5 0.19 1.5
1½ 2.25 1.5 1.12 4.5 3.25 3 2.44 2.25 2.25 4 2.88 0.25 1.5
2 3 2 6 1.38 2.5 6 4.19 4 3.19 2.5 2.5 6 3.62 0.31 1.5
2½ 3.75 2.5 7.5 1.75 3.12 7.5 5.19 5 3.94 3 3 6 4.12 0.31 1.5
3 4.5 3 9 2 3.75 9 6.25 6 4.75 3.38 3.38 6 5 0.38 2
3½ 5.25 3.5 10.5 2.25 - 10.5 7.25 7 5.5 3.75 3.75 6 5.5 0.38 2.5
4 6 4 12 2.5 5 12 8.25 8 6.25 4.12 4.12 6 6.19 0.44 2.5
5 7.5 5 15 3.12 - 15 10.31 10 7.75 4.88 4.88 8 7.31 0.44 3
6 9 6 18 3.75 7.44 18 12.31 12 9.31 5.62 5.62 8 8.5 0.5 3.5
8 12 8 24 5 9.94 24 16.31 16 12.31 7 7 8 10.62 0.5 4
10 15 10 30 6.25 12.44 30 20.38 20 15.38 8.5 8.5 10 12.75 0.5 5
12 18 12 36 7.5 14.88 36 24.38 24 18.38 10 10 10 15 0.5 6
14 21 14 42 8.75 17.38 42 28 28 21 11 11 12 16.25 0.5 6.5
16 24 16 48 10 19.88 48 32 32 24 12 12 12 18.5 0.5 7
18 27 18 54 11.25 22.38 54 36 36 27 13.5 13.5 12 21 0.5 8
20 30 20 60 12.5 24.88 60 40 40 30 15 15 12 23 0.5 9
22 33 22 66 13.5 27.31 66 44 44 33 16.5 16.5 12 25.25 0.5 10
24 36 24 72 15 29.81 72 48 48 36 17 17 12 27.25 0.5 10.5
26 39 78 16 32.31 19.5 19.5 10.5
28 42 84 17.25 34.75 20.5 20.5 10.5
30 45 90 18.5 37.25 22 22 10.5
32 48 - 19.75 - 23.5 23.5 10.5
34 51 102 21 42.25 25 25 10.5
36 54 108 22.25 44.69 26.5 26.5 10.5
38 57 114 23.62 47.25 28 28 12
40 60 120 24.88 49.75 29.5 29.5 12
42 63 126 26 52.18 30 28 12
44 66 132 27.38 54.69 32 30 13.5
46 69 138 28.62 57.19 33.5 31.5 13.5
48 72 144 29.88 59.69 35 33 13.5

All dimensions given in inches. For common diameters and wall thicknesses.
Dimensions in accordance with ANSI B16.9 and B16.28.
Other sizes, schedules and wall thicknesses also available.
Dimensions of Reducing Fittings 36 x 18 through 48 x 22

Concentric Concentric
Nom. Pipe & Eccentric Nom. Pipe & Eccentric
Size Reducing Outlet Tees Reducers Size Reducing Outlet Tees Reducers
36x18 26.5 22.5 44x42 32 30 24
36x16 26.5 22 44x40 32 29.5 24
44x38 32 29 24
38x36 28 28 24 44x36 32 28.5 24
38x34 28 27.5 24 44x34 32 28.5
38x32 28 27 24
38x30 28 26.5 24 44x32 32 28
38x28 28 25.5 24 44x30 32 28
44x28 32 27.5
38x26 28 25.5 24 44x26 32 27.5
38x24 28 25 44x24 32 27.5
38x22 28 24.5 44x22 32 27
38x20 28 24 44x20 32 27
38x18 28 23.5
46x44 33.5 31.5 28
40x38 29.5 29.5 24 46x42 33.5 31 28
40x36 29.5 29 24 46x40 33.5 30.5 28
40x34 29.5 28.5 24 46x38 33.5 30 28
40x32 29.5 28 24 46x36 33.5 30
40x30 29.5 27.5 24 46x34 33.5 29.5
40x28 29.5 26.5
40x26 29.5 26.5 46x32 33.5 29.5
40x24 29.5 26 46x30 33.5 29
40x22 29.5 25.5 46x28 33.5 29
40x20 29.5 25 46x26 33.5 29
40x18 29.5 24.5 46x24 33.5 28.5
46x22 33.5 28.5
42x40 30 28 24
42x38 30 28 24 48x46 35 33 28
42x36 30 28 24 48x44 35 33 28
42x34 30 28 24 48x42 35 32 28
42x32 30 28 24 48x40 35 32 28
48x38 35 32
42x30 30 28 24 48x36 35 31
42x28 30 27.5
42x26 30 27.5 48x34 35 31
42x24 30 26 48x32 35 31
42x22 30 26 48x30 35 30
48x28 35 30
42x20 30 26 48x26 35 30
42x18 30 25.5 48x24 35 29
42x16 30 25 48x22 35 29

All dimensions given in inches. For common diameters and wall thicknesses.
Dimensions in accordance with ANSI B16.9.
Other sizes, schedules and wall thicknesses also available.
Dimensions of Reducing Fittings 20 x 18 through 36 x 24

90 o L.R. Concentric Concentric

Nom. Pipe Reducing & Eccentric Nom. Pipe & Eccentric
Size Elbows Reducing Outlet Tees Reducers Size Reducing Outlet Tees Reducers
20x18 30 15 14.5 20 30x28 22 21.5 24
20x16 30 15 14 20 30x26 22 21.5 24
20x14 30 15 14 20 30x24 22 21 24
20x12 30 15 13.62 20 30x22 22 20.5
20x10 30 15 13.12 30x20 22 20 24
20x8 15 12.75
30x18 22 19.5
22x20 16.5 16 20 30x16 22 19
22x18 16.5 15.5 20 30x14 22 19
22x16 16.5 15 20 30x12 22 18.62
22x14 16.5 15 20 30x10 22 18.12
22x12 16.5 14.62
22x10 16.5 14.12 32x30 23.5 23 24
32x28 23.5 22.5 24
24x22 36 17 17 20 32x26 23.5 22.5 24
24x20 36 17 17 20 32x24 23.5 22 24
24x18 36 17 16.5 20 32x22 23.5 21.5
24x16 36 17 16 20
24x14 36 17 16 32x20 23.5 21
24x12 36 17 15.62 32x18 23.5 20.5
24x10 17 15.12 32x16 23.5 20
32x14 23.5 20
26x24 19.5 19 24
26x22 19.5 18.5 24 34x32 25 24.5 24
26x20 19.5 18 24 34x30 25 24 24
26x18 19.5 17.5 24 34x28 25 23.5
26x16 19.5 17 34x26 25 23.5 24
26x14 19.5 17 34x24 25 23 24
26x12 19.5 16.62
34x22 25 22.5
28x26 20.5 20.5 24 34x20 25 22
28x24 20.5 20 24 34x18 25 21.5
28x22 20.5 19.5 34x16 25 21
28x20 20.5 19 24
36x34 26.5 26 24
28x18 20.5 18.5 24 36x32 26.5 25.5 24
28x16 20.5 18 36x30 26.5 25 24
28x14 20.5 18 36x26 26.5 24.5 24
28x12 20.5 17.62 36x24 26.5 24 24

All dimensions given in inches. For common diameters and wall thicknesses.
Dimensions in accordance with ANSI B16.9.
Other sizes, schedules and wall thicknesses also available.
Dimensions for Reducing Fittings 1/2 x 3/8 through 18 x 8

90° LR Concentric 90° LR Concentric

Reducing Reducing
Nom. Pipe Reducing & Eccentric Nom. Pipe Reducing & Eccentric
Size Elbows Outlet Tees Reducers Size Elbows Outlet Tees Reducers
½x3/8 1 1 5x4 7.5 4.88 4.62 5
½x¼ 1 1 5x3½ 7.5 4.88 4.5 5
5x3 7.5 4.88 4.38 5
¾x½ 1.12 1.12 1.5 5x2½ 7.5 4.88 4.25 5
¾x3/8 1 12 1.12 1.5 5x2 4.88 4.12 5
1x¾ 1.5 1.5 2 6x5 9 5.62 5.38 5.5
1x½ 1.5 1.5 2 6x4 9 5.62 5.12 5.5
6x3½ 9 5.62 5 5.5
1¼x1 1.88 1.88 2 6x3 9 5.62 4.88 5.5
1¼x¾ 1.88 1.88 2 6x2½ 5.62 4.75 5.5
1¼x½ 1.88 1.88 2
8x6 12 7 6.62 6
1½x1¼ 2.25 2.25 2.5 8x5 12 7 6.38 6
1½x1 2 25 2.25 2.5 8x4 12 7 6.12 6
1½x¾ 2 25 2.25 2.5 8x3½ 12 7 6 6
1½x½ 2.25 2.25 2.5
10x8 15 8.5 8 7
2x1½ 3 2.5 2.38 3 10x6 15 8.5 7.62 7
2x1¼ 3 2.5 2.25 3 10x5 15 8.5 7.5 7
2x1 3 2.5 2 3 10x4 8.5 7.25 7
2x¾ 2.5 1.75 3
12x10 18 10 9.5 8
2½x2 3.75 3 2.75 3.5 12x8 18 10 9 8
2½x1½ 3.75 3 2.62 3.5 12x6 18 10 8.62 8
2½x1¼ 3.75 3 2.5 3.5 12x5 10 8.5 8
2½x1 3 2.25 3.5
14x12 21 11 10.62 13
3x2½ 4.5 3.38 3.25 3.5 14x10 21 11 10.12 13
3x2 4.5 3.38 3 3.5 4x8 21 11 9.75 13
3x1½ 4.5 3.38 2.88 3.5 14x6 11 9.38 13
3x1¼ 3.38 2.75 3.5
16x14 24 12 12 14
3½x3 5.25 3.75 3.62 4 16x12 24 12 11.62 14
3½x2½ 5.25 3.75 3.5 4 16x10 24 12 11.12 14
3½x2 5.25 3.75 3.25 4 16x8 12 10.75 14
3½x1½ 3.75 3.12 4 16x6 12 10.38
3½x1¼ 4
18x16 27 13.5 13 15
4x3½ 6 4.12 4 4 18x14 27 13.5 13 15
4x3 6 4.12 3.88 4 18x12 27 13.5 12.62 15
4x2½ 6 4.12 3.75 4 18x10 27 13.5 12.12 15
4x2 6 4.12 3.5 4 18x8 13.5 11.75
4x1½ 4.12 3.38 4

All dimensions given in inches. For common diameters and wall thicknesses.
Dimensions in accordance with ANSI B16.9.
Other sizes, schedules and wall thicknesses also available.
Approximate Weight (LBS.) for 14 x 12
through 30 x 16 90o LR Red. Elbows,
Red. Outlet Tees and Concentric &
Eccentric Reducers
Nom. Pipe Concentric & Eccentric
Size Reducing Outlet Tees Reducers
14x12 160 237 60 80
14x10 158 233 59.25 79.25
14x8 155 225 58.5 78.5
14x6 115 218 58 78

16x14 194 275 71 91

16x12 191 270 70 90
16x10 186 266 69.5 89
16x8 180 260 68.5 88.5
16x6 173 255

18x16 241 321 85 115

18x14 236 315 84 114
18x12 230 307 83 113
18x10 222 296 82 112
18x8 211 281

20x18 340 477 125 170

20x16 338 475 124 169
20x14 336 472 122 168
20x12 334 469 120 167
20x10 332 466
20x8 330 463

22x20 412 547 142 186

22x18 410 544 138 182
22x16 408 541 131 173
22x14 406 538 123 163
22x12 404 535
22x10 402 532
Approximate Weight (LBS.) for 8 x 6 through 12 x 5 90o LR Red. Elbows, Red. Outlet
Tees and Concentric & Eccentric Reducers

90 o L.R. Reducing Elbows Reducing Outlet Tees Concentric & Eccentric Reducers
Nom. Pipe
8x6 39.2 59.4 54 74 108 118 13.25 18.75 31 36
8x5 35.5 52.9 53 73 106 116 12 18 27.25 35
8x4 32.4 48.2 51.75 71.75 102 114 11 17 23.5 33
8x3½ 50.75 70.75 113 11 16.5 32
10x8 71.2 101.25 84.5 109 250 22 29.5 57.5
10x6 61.25 85.8 83 108 240 21.5 29.5 54
10x5 56.75 77.75 81 106 220 21 28 52
10x4 80 104 200 20 25.5 50
12x10 111.5 149.1 119 184 365 34 43.5 96
12x8 96.5 134.7 117 175 350 32 42 87
12x6 84.75 116 114 165 330 31 40 83
12x5 110 160 320 30 39 80

                               For unlisted sizes, weights available on request.

- - g
½” 13UNC 30 1/2" 122
5/8” 11UNC 54 5/8” 189
¾” 10UNC 88 3/4" 227

7/8” 9UNC 135 7/8” 264

1” 8UNS 193 1” 303

1-1/8” 8UNS 269 1 1/8” 341

1-1/4” 8UNS 357 1 1/4" 379
1-3/8” 8UNS 463
1-1/2” 8UNS 595 1 1/2" 454
1-5/8” 8UNS 736
1 3/4" 531
2” 606
2 1/4" 682
2 1/2" 758
Material Specifications
Body Materials (degrees F) Bolts Nuts
Cast Iron -20 to 410 ASTM A307 Gr B ASTM A307 Gr 7

Ductile Iron -20 to 650 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 2H

Carbon Steel (Grade
WCB) -20 to 800 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 2H
Carbon Steel (Grade
LCB) -50 to 650 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 2H

-20 to 800 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 2H

Carbon Moly (Grade

WC1) 801 to 850 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 7

-20 to 800 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 2H

1¼Cr-½Mo (Grade WC6) 801 to 1000 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 7

-20 to 800 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 2H

801 to 1000 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 7

2¼Cr-1Mo (Grade WC9) 1001 to 1050 ASTM A193 Gr B16 ASTM A194 Gr 7

-20 to 800 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 2H

801 to 1000 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 7

5Cr-½Mo (Grade C5) 1001 to 1100 ASTM A193 Gr B16 ASTM A194 Gr 4

-20 to 800 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 2H

801 to 1000 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 7

9Cr-1Mo (Grade C12) 1001 to 1100 ASTM A193 Gr B16 ASTM A194 Gr 4
-425 to 100 ASTM A320 Gr B8 ASTM A194 Gr 8

Type 304 (Grade CF8) 100 to 1500 *ASTM A193 Gr B8 *ASTM A194 Gr 8

-425 to 100 ASTM A320 Gr B8 ASTM A194 Gr 8

Type 347 (Grade CF8C) 100 to 1500 *ASTM A193 Gr B8 *ASTM A194 Gr 8
-325 to 100 ASTM A320 Gr B8 ASTM A194 Gr 8

Type 316 (Grade CF8M) 100 to 1500 *ASTM A193 Gr B8M *ASTM A194 Gr 8M
-150 to –50 ASTM A320 Gr L7 ASTM A194 Gr 4

-50 to 650 ASTM A193 Gr B7 With Charpy Test or 8M

3½Ni (Grade LC3) ASTM A194 Gr 2H

3000# NPT 1/8” 1/4" 3/8” 1/2" 3/4" 1” 1 1/4"

90 0.2 0.33 0.61 0.92 1.47 2.33 2.98
TEE 0.31 0.45 0.78 1.2 1.87 2.95 3.92
45 0.29 0.25 0.5 0.76 1.23 1.87 2.29
CROSS 0.54 0.52 1.02 1.54 2.27 3.68 4.98
STREET 90 0.22 0.2 0.45 0.89 1.33 2.45 3.04
COUPLING 0.08 0.1 0.14 0.29 0.42 0.83 1.58
REDUCER 0.11 0.16 0.32 0.5 0.98 1.87 2.41
0.04 0.05 0.11 0.15 0.21 0.41 0.79
CAP 0.05 0.08 0.11 0.23 0.38 0.7 1.28
0.02 0.03 0.06 0.11 0.18 0.35 0.6
0.05 0.05 0.09 0.16 0.27 0.48 0.95
HEX BUSHING 0.05 0.1 0.16 0.25 0.4 0.72 1.17
UNIONS 0.4 0.38 0.52 0.73 1.19 1.66 2.66
3000# SW 1/8” 1/4" 3/8” 1/2" 3/4" 1” 1 1/4"
90 0.2 0.17 0.24 0.482 0.68 1.06 1.72
TEE 0.25 0.22 0.31 0.62 0.88 1.3 2
45 0.26 0.24 0.18 0.401 0.55 0.89 1.23
CROSS 0.47 0.4 0.35 0.73 0.96 1.53 2.32
COUPLING 0.09 0.11 0.14 0.28 0.4 0.65 1.05
0.09 0.11 0.14 0.28 0.4 0.65 1.05
CAP 0.05 0.09 0.13 0.34 0.35 0.52 1.01
REDUCER 0.18 0.16 0.29 0.5 0.7 1.39 1.61
UNIONS 0.4 0.38 0.52 0.73 1.19 1.66 2.66
6000# NPT 1/8” 1/4" 3/8” 1/2" 3/4" 1” 1 1/4"
90 0.35 0.68 0.95 1.72 2.76 3.79 6.66
TEE 0.44 0.91 1.36 2.21 3.57 5.11 8.25
45 0.28 0.57 0.86 1.41 2.25 2.81 5.28
CROSS 0.54 1.14 1.71 2.67 4.38 5.92 10.15
STREET 90 0.22 0.44 0.99 1.06 1.74 3.16 3.94
COUPLING 0.18 0.23 0.4 0.69 0.95 1.9 2.27
REDUCER 0.29 0.44 0.73 1.02 2.06 2.58
0.15 0.17 0.2 0.35 0.48 0.95 2.02
CAP 0.13 0.19 0.34 0.55 0.78 1.62 1.92
0.02 0.03 0.06 0.11 0.18 0.35 0.6
0.05 0.05 0.09 0.16 0.27 0.48 0.95
HEX BUSHING 0.05 0.1 0.16 0.25 0.4 0.72 1.17
UNIONS 0.48 0.56 0.75 1.35 2.01 3.17 3.92
6000# SW 1/8” 1/4" 3/8” 1/2" 3/4" 1” 1 1/4"
90 0.37 0.32 0.6 0.92 1.52 2.42 3.18
TEE 0.44 0.41 0.81 1.18 1.93 3.1 4.22
45 0.25 0.24 0.48 0.71 1.25 2.03 2.17
CROSS 0.5 1.12 1.55 1.35 2.29 3.67 5.2
COUPLING 0.09 0.11 0.14 0.28 0.4 0.65 1.05
0.28 0.4 0.65 1.05
CAP 0.13 0.17 0.27 0.43 0.58 1.18 1.41
REDUCER 0.18 0.16 0.29 0.5 0.7 1.39 1.61
UNIONS 0.48 0.56 0.75 1.35 2.01 3.17 3.92
9000# SW 1/8” 1/4" 3/8” 1/2" 3/4" 1” 1 1/4"
90 1.73 2.91 4.15 6.79
TEE 2.33 3.81 5.41 7.63
45 1.41 2.28 3.04 4.52
CROSS 3 4.84 0.7 9.31
COUPLING 0.76 1.39 1.9 2.86
0.76 1.39 1.9 2.86
CAP 0.74 1.34 1.87 2.82
REDUCER 0.18 0.16 0.29 0.5 0.7 1.39 1.61

1 1/2" 2” 2 1/2" 3” 4”
5.72 6.53 11.03 18.83 24.04
7.35 7.58 14.61 22.82 28.02
4.6 5.5 7.84 13.52 19.35
8.68 8.57 16.66 27.9 33.28
8.68 8.57 16.66 27.9 33.28
2.16 2.99 4.75 6.51 12.37
3.71 5.92 10.13 11.98 14.71
1.09 2.38 3.33 4.02 6.16
1.58 2.25 4.22 6.38 11.13
0.82 1.36 2.21 3.47 8.64

1.32 2.23 3.87 4.75 13

1.64 3.04 5.13 7.13 13.25
3.42 5.36 9.12 12.58
1 1/2" 2” 2 1/2" 3” 4”
2.33 3.88 7.34 11.61 22.47
2.99 4.6 8.49 13.85 27.14
1.76 3.02 7.62 12.49 19.34
3.59 5.5 14.98 17.56 30.84
1.23 2.05 3.12 3.83 7.13
1.23 2.05 3.12 3.83 7.13
1.13 2.03 2.79 4.43 7.86
2.58 4.74 6.36 8.86 18.35
3.42 5.36 9.12 12.58
1 1/2" 2” 2 1/2" 3” 4”
8.39 13.74 23.24 36.22
10.46 17.54 30.65 49.5
6.16 10.04 15.63 30.54
11.65 21.71 36.82 54.83
4.11 6.17 9.25 13.65 22.13
4.42 7.27 10.01 16.07 36.65
2.55 3.8 5.2 7.54 15.19
3.07 4.53 7.37 11.32 23.01
0.82 1.36 2.21 3.47 8.64

1.32 2.23 3.87 4.75 13

1.64 3.04 5.13 7.13 13.25
6.6 10.12 14
1 1/2" 2” 2 1/2" 3” 4”
6.23 7.27 12.06 21.16 27.21
7.59 8.7 15.09 25.24 32.51
2.39 5.11 8.37 12.02 21.76
9.26 9.03 18.28 29.07 38.28
1.23 4.74 3.12 3.83 7.13
1.23 2.05 3.12 3.83 7.13
2.16 3.69 5.24 7.71 14.94
2.58 4.74 6.36 8.86 18.35
6.6 10.12 14
1 1/2" 2” 2 1/2" 3” 4”
8.96 12.39 19.78 37.73
10.88 15.48 23.22 50.92
6.51 10.44 18.75 30.78
12.62 19.01 31.57 50.73
4.62 7.54 10.67 12.07 16.21
4.62 7.54 10.67 12.07 16.21
4.5 7.02 10.96 14.03 20.68
2.58 4.74 6.36 8.86 18.35
Material Reference

Material Code Classification ASTM Ref. Temp. C Temp. F

WCB 0 Cast Carbon A216 Grade WCB -29 to 425 -20 to 800
LCB 6 Cast Carbon A352 Grade LCB -46 to 350 -50 to 650
LCC Cast Carbon A352 Grade LCC -46 to 350 -50 to 650
LC3 Cast Carbon A352 Grade LC3
WC 6 Chromium Moly, 1.25% Cr, 0.5% Mo A217 Grade WC6 -29 to 590 -20 to 1100
WC 9 Chromium Moly, 2.25% Cr, 1% Mo A217 Grade WC9 -29 to 590 -20 to 1100
C5 Chromium Moly5% Cr, 0.5% Mo A217 Grade C5 -29 to 650 -20 to 1200
C12 Chromium Moly9% Cr, 1% Mo A217 Grade C12
A105 Forged Carbon Steel ASTM A105
LF2 Forged carbon steel ASTM A350 LF2

CF8M(316) Stainless 18% Cr, 1 0% Ni, 2% Mo A351 Grade CF8M -29 to 593 -20 to 1100
CF8(304) Stainless 18% Cr, 1 0% Ni, 2% Mo A351 Grade CF8 -29 to 593 -20 to 1100
CF3M(316L) Low Carbon StainlessCr18Ni10Mo2 A351 Grade CF3M -29 to 454 -20 to 850
CF3(304L) Low Carbon StainlessCr18Ni10 A351 Grade CF3 -29 to 427 -20 to 800
A20 Cast Alloy 20 / Cr19Ni29 A351 Gr. CN7M -29 to 425 -20 to 800
MO Cast NiCu (Monel*) A296 Gr. M35
F5 Forged Alloy 5%Cr 0.5%Mo ASTM A182 F5
F6a Stainless A182 Gr. F6a
F11 Forged Alloy 1.25%Cr 0.5%Mo ASTM A182 F11
F22 Forged Alloy 2.25%Cr 1%Mo ASTM A182 F22
F304 Forged Stainless A182 Gr. F304
F316 Forged Stainless A182 Gr. F316
F321 Forged Stainless A182 Gr. F321

CI Cast Iron ASTM A126-B

DI Cast Ductile Iron ASTM A395

C86700 Brass ASTM B584 C86700

C85200 Brass ASTM B584 C85200
BZ Bronze ASTM B61

* Monel is a registered trademark of International Nickel Company

Steam, water, oil, oil vapor, gas and general service
Low temperature

Cast low temp 3.5% Nickel steel

High Temperature

Corrosive / erosive oil refinery service

low temp

High and low temperature corrosion resistance

Corrosion resistance
Corrosion resistance

Stem Material

Stem Material
Stem Material


Pipe Valves Flanges Weld Fittings Screwed and Socket Fittings

A-335 P-1 A-217 WC-6 A-182 F-1 A-234 WP-1 A-182 F-1
A-335 P-12 A-217 WC-6 A-182 F-12 A-234 WP-12 A-182 F-12
A-182 F-11
A-335 P-11 A-182 F-11 A-234 WP-11 A-182 F-11
A-217 WC-6
A-182 F-22
A-335 P-22 A-182 F-22 A-234 WP-22 A-182 F-22
A-217 WC-9
A-182 F-5
A-335 P-5 A182 F-5 A-234 WP-5 A-182 F-5
A-217 WC-5
A-182 F-7
A-335 P-7 A-182 F-7 A-234 WP-7 A-182 F-7
A-217 WC-12
A-182 F-9
A-335 P-9 A-182 F-9 A-234 WP-9 A-182 F-9
A-217 WC-12
A-335 P-91 A-182 F-91 A-234 WP-91 A-182 F-91
A-182 F-6
A-268 T-410 A-182 F-6 A-234 WP-419 A-182 F-6
A-351 CA-15


Pipe Valves Flanges Weld Fittings Screwed and Socket Fittings

A-105 A-105
A-53 A-105, A-181 Grade 2 A-234 WPB
A-216 WCB A-181 Grade 2
A-105 A-105 A-105 Grade 2
A-106B A-234 WPB
A-216 WCB A-181 Grade 2 A-181 Grade 2
A-106C A-105 A-234 WPC A-105


Pipe Valves Flanges Weld Fittings Screwed and Socket Fittings

A-350 LF-2
A-333 Grade 1 A-350 LF-2 A-420 WPL 6 A-350 LF-2
A-352 LCB
A-350 LF-2
A-333 Grade 6 A-350 LF-2 A-420 WPL 6 A-350 LF-2
A-352 LCB
A-350 LF-3
A-333 Grade 3 A-350 LF-3 A-420 WPL-3 A-350 LF-3
A-352 LCS


Pipe Valves Flanges Weld Fittings Screwed and Socket Fittings

A-182 F-304
A-312 T304 A-182 F-304 A-403 WP-304 A-182 F-304
A-351 CF8
A-182 F-304L
A-312 304L A-182 F304L A-403 WP-304L A-182 F-304L
A-296 CF3
A-182 F-316
A-312 T316 A-182 F316 A-403 WP-316 A-182 F-316
A-351 CF8M
A-182 F-316L
A-312 316L A-182 F-316L A-403 WP-316L A-182 F-316L
A-296 CF3M
A-182 F-321
A-312 321 A-182 F-321 A-403 WP-321 A-182 F-321
A-351 CF8C
A-182 F/347
A-312 347 A-182 F-347 A-403 WP-347 A-182 F-347
A-312 347 A-182 F-347 A-403 WP-347 A-182 F-347
A-351 CF8CMO
H Bolt Stud Bolt :
a. Material Alloy Steel (ASTM A193 GR B.7M)
. .
. .
b. Material Alloy Steel (ASTM A193 GR B.7M)

c. Material Stainles Steel (ASTM A193 GR B.8)

d. Material Stainless Steel (ASTM A 193 GR B 8M)

e. Material Alloy Steel (ASTM A 320 GR L.7)

f. Material Alloy Steel (ASTM A 320 GR B8)

.... ASTM - .... AE
High Temperature : ( 3000 C - 4000 C ) 700 ton / thn
Ukuran Diameter : 3/8" – 2 ½" .. . .
. . .
High Temperature : ( 3000C - 4000 C ) 100 ton / thn
Ukuran Diameter : 1/2" – 2 ½"

High Temperature : ( 5500C-6500C ) 150 ton / thn

Ukuran Diameter : 1/2" – 2 ½"

High Temperature : ( 6500 C – 7500C ) 75 ton / thn

Ukuran Diameter : 1/2" – 2 ½"

Low Temperature : ( -1000C - -2000C) 50 ton/tahun

Ukuran Diameter : 1/2" – 2 ½"

Low Temperature : (-460C - -1000C) 50 ton / thn

Ukuran Diameter : 1/2" – 2 ½"
Pipe Properties for ½" Through 36"
Square Square
Weight of Weight of Feet Feet
Outside Wall Inside Water Kg Water per Outside Inside
Diameter Designati Thicknes Diameter Weight Kg per Meter of Weight Foot of Surface Surface
Pipe Size (D) on s (d) per m Pipe per Foot Pipe per Foot per Foot
10S 0.083 0.67 1.00 0.23 0.671 0.155 0.22 0.1764
Std 40 0.109 0.622 1.27 0.20 0.85 0.1316 0.22 0.1637
1/2" 0.84 XS 80 0.147 0.546 1.62 0.15 1.087 0.1013 0.22 0.1433
160 0.187 0.466 1.95 0.11 1.31 0.074 0.22 0.122
XXS 0.294 0.252 2.55 0.03 1.714 0.0216 0.22 0.066
10S 0.083 0.884 1.28 0.40 0.857 0.266 0.275 0.2314
Std 40 0.113 0.824 1.68 0.34 1.13 0.2301 0.275 0.2168
3/4" 1.05 XS 80 0.154 0.742 2.19 0.28 1.473 0.1875 0.275 0.1948
160 0.218 0.614 2.89 0.19 1.94 0.128 0.275 0.1607
XXS 0.308 0.434 3.63 0.09 2.44 0.0633 0.275 0.1137
10S 0.109 1.097 2.09 0.61 1.404 0.409 0.344 0.2872
Std 40 0.133 1.049 2.50 0.56 1.678 0.374 0.344 0.274
1” 1.315 XS 80 0.179 0.957 3.23 0.46 2.171 0.3112 0.344 0.252
160 0.25 0.815 4.25 0.34 2.85 0.2261 0.344 0.2134
XXS 0.358 0.599 5.45 0.18 3.659 0.1221 0.344 0.157
10S 0.109 1.442 2.69 1.05 1.806 0.708 0.434 0.3775
Std 40 0.14 1.38 3.38 0.96 2.272 0.6471 0.434 0.362
1 1/4" 1.66 XS 80 0.191 1.278 4.46 0.83 2.996 0.5553 0.434 0.3356
160 0.25 1.16 5.61 0.68 3.764 0.4575 0.434 0.3029
XXS 0.382 0.896 7.77 0.41 5.214 0.2732 0.434 0.2331
10S 0.109 1.682 3.11 1.43 2.085 0.963 0.497 0.4403
Std 40 0.145 1.61 4.05 1.31 2.717 0.882 0.497 0.4213
1 1/2" 1.9 XS 80 0.2 1.5 5.41 1.14 3.631 0.7648 0.497 0.3927
160 0.281 1.337 7.24 0.91 4.862 0.6082 0.497 0.2903
XXS 0.4 1.1 9.54 0.61 6.408 0.4117 0.497 0.2903
10S 0.109 2.157 3.93 2.36 2.638 1.583 0.622 0.5647
Std 40 0.154 2.067 5.44 2.16 3.652 1.452 0.622 0.5401
2” 2.375 XS 80 0.218 1.939 7.48 1.91 5.022 1.279 0.622 0.5074
160 0.343 1.689 11.10 1.44 7.45 0.97 0.622 0.4422
XXS 0.436 1.503 13.45 1.15 9.029 0.769 0.622 0.3929
10S 0.12 2.635 5.26 3.52 3.53 2.36 0.753 0.69
Std 40 0.203 2.469 8.62 3.09 5.79 2.072 0.753 0.6462
2 1/2" 2.875 XS 80 0.276 2.323 11.41 2.73 7.66 1.834 0.753 0.6095
160 0.375 2.125 14.91 2.29 10.01 1.535 0.753 0.5564
XXS 0.552 1.771 20.39 1.59 13.69 1.067 0.753 0.4627
10S 0.12 3.26 6.45 5.39 4.33 3.62 0.916 0.853
API 0.125 3.188 6.73 5.36 4.52 3.6 0.916 0.851
API 0.156 3.188 8.31 5.15 5.58 3.46 0.916 0.835
API 0.188 3.125 9.91 4.97 6.65 3.34 0.916 0.819
Std 40 0.216 3.068 11.28 4.77 7.57 3.2 0.916 0.802
3” 3.5
API 0.25 3 12.93 4.56 8.68 3.06 0.916 0.785
API 0.281 2.938 14.37 4.38 9.65 2.94 0.916 0.769
XS 80 0.3 2.9 15.27 4.26 10.25 2.86 0.916 0.761
160 0.438 2.624 21.33 3.49 14.32 2.34 0.916 0.687
XXS 0.6 2.3 27.67 2.68 18.58 1.8 0.916 0.601
10S 0.12 3.76 7.40 7.16 4.97 4.81 1.047 0.984
API 0.125 3.75 7.72 7.13 5.18 4.79 1.047 0.982
API 0.156 3.688 9.55 6.90 6.41 4.63 1.047 0.966
API 0.188 3.624 11.48 6.67 7.71 4.48 1.047 0.95
3 1/2" 4 Std 40 0.226 3.548 13.57 6.38 9.11 4.28 1.047 0.929
API 0.25 3.5 14.92 6.21 10.02 4.17 1.047 0.916
API 0.281 3.438 16.64 5.99 11.17 4.02 1.047 0.9
XS 80 0.318 3.364 18.63 5.73 12.51 3.85 1.047 0.88
XXS 0.636 2.728 34.04 3.77 22.85 2.53 1.047 0.716
10S 0.12 4.26 8.36 7.72 5.61 5.18 1.178 1.115
API 0.125 4.25 8.70 9.16 5.84 6.15 1.178 1.113
API 0.156 4.188 10.78 8.89 7.24 5.97 1.178 1.096
API 0.188 4.124 12.75 8.64 8.56 5.8 1.178 1.082
API 0.219 4.062 14.92 8.37 10.02 5.62 1.178 1.063
Std 40 0.237 4.026 16.07 8.21 10.79 5.51 1.178 1.055
4” 4.5
Pipe Properties for ½" Through 36"
Square Square
Weight of Weight of Feet Feet
Outside Wall Inside Water Kg Water per Outside Inside
Diameter Designati Thicknes Diameter Weight Kg per Meter of Weight Foot of Surface Surface
Pipe Size (D) on s (d) per m Pipe per Foot Pipe per Foot per Foot
4” 4.5 API 0.25 4 16.91 8.12 11.35 5.45 1.178 1.049
API 0.281 3.938 18.87 7.85 12.67 5.27 1.178 1.031
API 0.312 3.876 20.85 7.63 14 5.12 1.178 1.013
XS 80 0.337 3.826 22.31 7.42 14.98 4.98 1.178 1.002
120 0.438 3.624 28.30 6.66 19 4.47 1.178 0.949
160 0.531 3.438 33.66 5.99 22.6 4.02 1.178 0.9
XXS 0.674 3.152 41.02 5.03 27.54 3.38 1.178 0.826
10S 0.134 5.295 11.57 14.21 7.77 9.54 1.456 1.386
API 0.156 5.251 13.44 13.99 9.02 9.39 1.456 1.375
API 0.188 5.187 16.09 13.64 10.8 9.16 1.456 1.358
API 0.219 5.125 18.63 13.32 12.51 8.94 1.456 1.342
Std 40 0.258 5.047 21.78 12.90 14.62 8.66 1.456 1.321
API 0.281 5.001 23.62 12.69 15.86 8.52 1.456 1.309
5” 5.563
API 0.312 4.939 26.08 12.38 17.51 8.31 1.456 1.293
API 0.344 4.875 28.58 12.05 19.19 8.09 1.456 1.276
XS 80 0.375 4.813 30.95 11.72 20.78 7.87 1.456 1.26
120 0.5 4.563 40.37 10.55 27.1 7.08 1.456 1.195
160 0.625 4.313 49.09 9.41 32.96 6.32 1.456 1.129
XXS 0.75 4.063 57.42 8.37 38.55 5.62 1.456 1.064
12 Ga. 0.104 6.417 10.80 20.88 7.25 14.02 1.734 1.68
10S 0.134 6.357 13.84 20.41 9.29 13.7 1.734 1.66
8 Ga. 0.164 6.297 16.88 20.11 11.33 13.5 1.734 1.649
API 0.188 6.249 19.26 19.83 12.93 13.31 1.734 1.639
6 Ga. 0.194 6.237 19.87 19.74 13.34 13.25 1.734 1.633
API 0.219 6.187 22.37 19.44 15.02 13.05 1.734 1.62
API 0.25 6.125 25.35 19.07 17.02 12.8 1.734 1.606
API 0.277 6.071 28.09 18.69 18.86 12.55 1.734 1.591
6” 6.625
Std 40 0.28 6.065 28.26 18.63 18.97 12.51 1.734 1.587
API 0.312 6.001 31.35 18.26 21.05 12.26 1.734 1.571
API 0.344 5.937 34.39 17.87 23.09 12 1.734 1.554
API 0.375 5.875 37.39 17.50 25.1 11.75 1.734 1.54
XS 80 0.432 5.761 42.56 16.82 28.57 11.29 1.734 1.51
120 0.562 5.501 54.22 15.34 36.4 10.3 1.734 1.47
160 0.718 5.189 67.47 13.64 45.3 9.16 1.734 1.359
XXS 0.864 4.897 79.18 12.12 53.16 8.14 1.734 1.28
12 Ga. 0.104 8.417 14.11 35.90 9.47 24.1 2.26 2.204
10 Ga. 0.134 8.357 18.11 35.45 12.16 23.8 2.26 2.188
10S 0.148 8.329 19.96 35.15 13.4 23.6 2.26 2.18
8 Ga. 0.164 8.297 22.09 34.85 14.83 23.4 2.26 2.172
API 0.188 8.249 25.17 34.56 16.9 23.2 2.26 2.161
6 Ga. 0.194 8.237 26.04 34.41 17.48 23.1 2.26 2.156
API 0.203 8.219 27.26 34.41 18.3 23.1 2.26 2.152
API 0.219 8.187 29.25 34.11 19.64 22.9 2.26 2.148
3 Ga. 0.239 8.147 31.91 33.66 21.42 22.6 2.26 2.133
20 0.25 8.125 33.36 33.51 22.4 22.5 2.26 2.127
30 0.277 8.071 36.79 33.07 24.7 22.2 2.26 2.115
8” 8.625 API 0.312 8.001 41.29 32.47 27.72 21.8 2.26 2.095
Std 40 0.322 7.981 42.53 32.17 28.55 21.6 2.26 2.09
API 0.344 7.937 45.28 31.88 30.4 21.4 2.26 2.078
API 0.375 7.875 49.30 31.43 33.1 21.1 2.26 2.062
60 0.406 7.813 53.18 30.98 35.7 20.8 2.26 2.045
API 0.438 7.749 57.09 30.39 38.33 20.4 2.26 2.029
XS 80 0.5 7.625 64.63 29.49 43.39 19.8 2.26 2.006
100 0.593 7.439 75.82 28.00 50.9 18.8 2.26 1.947
120 0.718 7.189 90.41 26.22 60.7 17.6 2.26 1.882
140 0.812 7.001 100.99 24.87 67.8 16.7 2.26 1.833
XXS 0.875 6.875 107.87 23.98 72.42 16.1 2.26 1.8
160 0.906 6.813 111.27 23.53 74.7 15.8 2.26 1.784
12 Ga. 0.104 10.542 17.62 56.30 11.83 37.8 2.81 2.76
10 Ga. 0.134 10.482 22.66 55.71 15.21 37.4 2.81 2.74
Pipe Properties for ½" Through 36"
Square Square
Weight of Weight of Feet Feet
Outside Wall Inside Water Kg Water per Outside Inside
Diameter Designati Thicknes Diameter Weight Kg per Meter of Weight Foot of Surface Surface
Pipe Size (D) on s (d) per m Pipe per Foot Pipe per Foot per Foot
8 Ga. 0.164 10.422 27.65 55.11 18.56 37 2.81 2.73
10S 0.165 10.42 27.78 54.96 18.65 36.9 2.81 2.73
API 0.188 10.374 31.46 54.66 21.12 36.7 2.81 2.72
6 Ga. 0.194 10.362 32.61 54.52 21.89 36.6 2.81 2.71
API 0.203 10.344 34.05 54.37 22.86 36.5 2.81 2.71
API 0.219 10.31 36.64 53.92 24.6 36.2 2.81 2.7
3 Ga. 0.239 10.272 41.78 53.47 28.05 35.9 2.81 2.69
20 0.25 10.25 41.75 53.47 28.03 35.9 2.81 2.68
10” 10.75 API 0.279 10.192 46.47 52.58 31.2 35.3 2.81 2.66
30 0.307 10.136 51.00 52.13 34.24 35 2.81 2.65
API 0.344 10.062 56.99 51.39 38.26 34.5 2.81 2.63
Std 40 0.365 10.02 60.30 50.79 40.48 34.1 2.81 2.62
API 0.438 9.874 71.91 49.45 48.28 33.2 2.81 2.58
XS 60 0.5 9.75 81.54 48.11 54.74 32.3 2.81 2.55
80 0.593 9.564 95.92 46.32 64.4 31.1 2.81 2.5
100 0.718 9.314 114.69 43.94 77 29.5 2.81 2.44
120 0.843 9.064 132.86 41.56 89.2 27.9 2.81 2.37
XXS 140 1 8.75 155.21 38.88 104.2 26.1 2.81 2.29
160 1.125 8.5 172.78 36.64 116 24.6 2.81 2.22
12 Ga. 0.104 12.542 21.00 79.84 14.1 53.6 3.34 3.28
10 Ga. 0.134 12.482 26.96 78.94 18.1 53 3.34 3.27
8 Ga. 0.164 12.422 32.92 78.20 22.1 52.5 3.34 3.25
10S 0.18 12.39 36.05 77.75 24.2 52.2 3.34 3.24
6 Ga. 0.194 12.362 38.73 77.45 26 52 3.34 3.23
API 0.203 12.344 40.51 77.45 27.2 52 3.34 3.23
API 0.219 12.312 43.64 77.01 29.3 51.7 3.34 3.22
3 Ga. 0.239 12.272 47.66 76.41 32 51.3 3.34 3.21
20 0.25 12.25 49.75 76.41 33.4 51.3 3.34 3.12
API 0.281 12.188 55.71 75.37 37.4 50.6 3.34 3.19
API 0.312 12.126 61.81 74.62 41.5 50.1 3.34 3.17
12”* 12.75 30 0.33 12.09 65.24 74.03 43.8 49.7 3.34 3.16
API 0.344 12.062 67.77 74.03 45.5 49.7 3.34 3.16
Std 0.375 12 73.88 72.84 49.6 48.9 3.34 3.14
40 0.406 11.938 79.84 72.24 53.6 48.5 3.34 3.13
API 0.438 11.874 85.65 71.79 57.5 48.2 3.34 3.11
XS 0.5 11.75 97.41 69.86 65.4 46.9 3.34 3.08
60 0.562 11.626 109.03 68.52 73.2 46 3.34 3.04
80 0.387 11.376 131.97 65.54 88.6 44 3.34 2.98
100 0.843 11.064 160.87 61.96 108 41.6 3.34 2.9
XXS 120 1 10.75 186.93 58.54 125.5 39.3 3.34 2.81
140 1.125 10.5 208.53 55.86 140 37.5 3.34 2.75
160 1.312 10.126 239.81 51.98 161 34.9 3.34 2.65
10 Ga. 0.134 13.732 29.79 95.63 20 64.2 3.67 3.59
8 Ga. 0.164 13.672 35.75 94.73 24 63.6 3.67 3.58
6 Ga. 0.194 13.612 43.20 93.99 29 63.1 3.67 3.56
API 0.21 13.58 46.17 93.54 31 62.8 3.67 3.55
API 0.219 13.562 47.66 93.24 32 62.6 3.67 3.55
3 Ga. 0.239 13.522 52.13 92.80 35 62.3 3.67 3.54
10 0.25 13.5 55.11 92.50 37 62.1 3.67 3.54
API 0.281 13.438 61.07 91.60 41 61.5 3.67 3.52
20 0.312 13.375 68.52 90.56 46 60.8 3.67 3.5
14”* 14 API 0.344 13.312 74.48 89.82 50 60.3 3.67 3.48
Std 30 0.375 13.25 81.92 88.92 55 59.7 3.67 3.47
40 0.438 13.124 93.84 87.14 63 58.5 3.67 3.44
XS 0.5 13 107.24 85.50 72 57.4 3.67 3.4
60 0.593 12.814 126.61 83.26 85 55.9 3.67 3.35
80 0.75 12.5 159.38 76.26 107 51.2 3.67 3.27
100 0.937 12.125 195.12 74.48 131 50 3.67 3.17
120 1.093 11.814 224.91 74.48 151 50 3.67 3.17
140 1.25 11.5 254.70 67.03 171 45 3.67 3.01
14”* 14

Pipe Properties for ½" Through 36"

Square Square
Weight of Weight of Feet Feet
Outside Wall Inside Water Kg Water per Outside Inside
Diameter Designati Thicknes Diameter Weight Kg per Meter of Weight Foot of Surface Surface
Pipe Size (D) on s (d) per m Pipe per Foot Pipe per Foot per Foot
160 1.406 11.188 283.01 63.45 190 42.6 3.67 2.93
10 Ga. 0.134 15.732 34.26 125.56 23 84.3 4.19 4.12
8 Ga. 0.164 15.672 41.71 124.52 28 83.6 4.19 4.1
6 Ga. 0.194 15.612 49.15 123.63 33 83 4.19 4.09
API 0.219 15.532 55.11 122.88 37 82.5 4.19 4.07
3 Ga. 0.239 15.522 59.58 122.14 40 82 4.19 4.06
10 0.25 15.5 62.56 122.29 42 82.1 4.19 4.06
API 0.281 15.438 70.01 120.95 47 81.2 4.19 4.04
20 0.312 15.375 77.45 119.31 52 80.1 4.19 4.03
API 0.344 15.312 84.90 119.16 57 80 4.19 4.01
16” 16
Std 30 0.375 15.25 93.84 117.82 63 79.1 4.19 4
API 0.438 15.124 108.73 116.48 73 78.2 4.19 3.96
XS 40 0.5 15 123.63 113.95 83 76.5 4.19 3.93
60 0.656 14.688 160.87 109.33 108 73.4 4.19 3.85
80 0.843 14.314 204.06 103.82 137 69.7 4.19 3.75
100 1.031 13.938 245.77 98.31 165 66 4.19 3.65
120 1.218 13.564 287.47 93.24 193 62.6 4.19 3.55
140 1.438 13.124 333.65 87.28 224 58.6 4.19 3.55
160 1.593 12.814 364.93 83.26 245 55.9 4.19 3.35
10 Ga. 0.134 17.732 38.73 159.53 26 107.1 4.71 4.64
8 Ga. 0.164 17.672 46.17 158.33 31 106.3 4.71 4.63
6 Ga. 0.194 17.612 55.11 157.29 37 105.6 4.71 4.61
3 Ga. 0.239 17.522 67.03 155.65 45 104.5 4.71 4.59
10 0.25 17.5 70.01 155.80 47 104.6 4.71 4.58
API 0.281 17.438 72.99 154.91 49 104 4.71 4.56
20 0.312 17.375 87.88 152.67 59 102.5 4.71 4.55
API 0.344 17.312 96.82 151.93 65 102 4.71 4.53
STD 0.375 17.25 105.75 150.74 71 101.2 4.71 4.51
18”* 18 API 0.406 17.188 113.20 149.84 76 100.6 4.71 4.5
30 0.438 17.124 122.14 148.21 82 99.5 4.71 4.48
XS 0.5 17 123.63 146.27 83 98.2 4.71 4.45
40 0.562 16.876 156.40 144.78 105 97.2 4.71 4.42
60 0.75 16.5 205.55 137.78 138 92.5 4.71 4.32
80 0.937 16.126 254.70 131.82 171 88.5 4.71 4.22
100 1.156 15.688 309.82 124.67 208 83.7 4.71 4.11
120 1.375 15.25 363.44 117.97 244 79.2 4.71 3.99
140 1.562 14.876 409.61 112.16 275 75.3 4.71 3.89
160 1.781 14.438 460.26 105.75 309 71 4.71 3.78
10 Ga. 0.134 19.732 41.71 197.51 28 132.6 5.24 5.17
8 Ga. 0.164 19.672 52.13 196.32 35 131.8 5.24 5.15
6 Ga. 0.194 19.612 61.07 195.12 41 131 5.24 5.13
3 Ga. 0.239 19.522 74.48 193.34 50 129.8 5.24 5.11
10 0.25 19.5 78.94 193.64 53 130 5.24 5.11
API 0.281 19.438 87.88 191.55 59 128.6 5.24 5.09
API 0.312 19.374 98.31 190.81 66 128.1 5.24 5.08
API 0.344 19.312 107.24 189.17 72 127 5.24 5.06
Std 20 0.375 19.25 117.67 187.68 79 126 5.24 5.04
20” 20 API 0.406 19.188 126.61 186.78 85 125.4 5.24 5.02
API 0.438 19.124 137.03 186.34 92 125.1 5.24 5.01
XS 30 0.5 19 156.40 182.91 105 122.8 5.24 4.97
40 0.593 18.814 183.21 179.34 123 120.4 5.24 4.93
60 0.812 18.376 248.75 171.14 167 114.9 5.24 4.81
80 1.031 17.938 311.31 162.95 209 109.4 5.24 4.8
100 1.281 17.438 381.31 154.01 256 103.4 5.24 4.56
120 1.5 17 442.38 146.42 297 98.3 5.24 4.45
140 1.75 16.5 509.41 137.93 342 92.6 5.24 4.32
160 1.968 16.064 564.52 130.93 379 87.9 5.24 4.21
8 Ga. 0.164 21.672 56.60 238.17 38 159.9 5.76 5.67
6 Ga. 0.194 21.612 67.03 236.83 45 159 5.76 5.66
3 Ga. 0.239 21.522 83.41 234.89 56 157.7 5.76 5.63
Pipe Properties for ½" Through 36"
Square Square
Weight of Weight of Feet Feet
Outside Wall Inside Water Kg Water per Outside Inside
Diameter Designati Thicknes Diameter Weight Kg per Meter of Weight Foot of Surface Surface
Pipe Size (D) on s (d) per m Pipe per Foot Pipe per Foot per Foot
API 0.25 21.5 86.39 234.45 58 157.4 5.76 5.63
API 0.281 21.438 96.82 233.11 65 156.5 5.76 5.61
API 0.312 21.376 107.24 231.77 72 155.6 5.76 5.6
API 0.344 21.312 119.16 230.43 80 154.7 5.76 5.58
22” 22
Std 40 0.375 21.25 129.59 228.94 87 153.7 5.76 5.56
API 0.406 21.188 140.01 227.74 94 152.9 5.76 5.55
API 0.438 21.124 150.44 226.26 101 151.9 5.76 5.53
XS 30 0.5 21 171.29 223.72 115 150.2 5.76 5.5
60 0.845 20.25 294.92 207.93 198 139.6 5.76 5.3
80 1.125 19.75 373.86 197.81 251 132.8 5.76 5.17
100 1.375 19.25 451.32 187.98 303 126.2 5.76 5.04
8 Ga. 0.164 23.672 62.56 284.20 42 190.8 6.28 6.2
6 Ga. 0.194 23.612 72.99 282.71 49 189.8 6.28 6.18
3 Ga. 0.239 23.522 90.86 280.62 61 188.4 6.28 6.16
10 0.25 23.5 93.84 281.52 63 189 6.28 6.15
API 0.281 23.438 105.75 278.54 71 187 6.28 6.14
API 0.312 23.376 117.67 278.39 79 186.9 6.28 6.12
API 0.344 23.312 129.59 275.56 87 185 6.28 6.1
Std 20 0.375 23.25 141.50 273.77 95 183.8 6.28 6.09
API 0.406 23.188 151.93 272.73 102 183.1 6.28 6.07
24”* 24 API 0.438 23.124 163.85 271.24 110 182.1 6.28 6.05
XS 0.5 23 186.19 269.60 125 181 6.28 6.02
30 0.562 22.876 210.02 265.88 141 178.5 6.28 5.99
40 0.687 22.626 254.70 259.47 171 174.2 6.28 5.92
60 0.968 22.064 354.50 246.96 238 165.8 6.28 5.78
80 1.218 21.564 442.38 235.64 297 158.2 6.28 5.65
100 1.531 20.938 546.65 222.38 367 149.3 6.28 5.48
120 1.812 20.376 639.00 210.62 429 141.4 6.28 5.33
140 2.062 19.876 720.92 200.19 484 134.4 6.28 5.2
160 2.343 19.314 807.31 189.17 542 127 6.28 5.06
10S 0.312 29.376 147.46 437.47 99 293.7 7.85 7.69
STD 0.375 29.25 177.25 433.74 119 291.2 7.85 7.66
30” 30 20XS 0.5 29 235.34 426.30 158 286.2 7.85 7.59
30 0.625 28.75 291.94 419.00 196 281.3 7.85 7.53
40 0.75 28.5 348.54 412.00 234 276.6 7.85 7.46
10 0.312 35.376 177.25 634.68 119 426.1 9.42 9.26
STD 0.375 35.25 213.00 630.21 143 423.1 9.42 9.23
36” 36 20XS 0.5 35 283.01 621.27 190 417.1 9.42 9.16
30 0.625 34.75 351.52 612.33 236 411.1 9.42 9.1
40 0.75 34.5 420.04 603.69 282 405.3 9.42 9.03
STD 0.375 41.25 248.75 862.87 167 579.3 10.99 10.8
20XS 0.5 41 330.67 852.44 222 572.3 10.99 10.73
42" 42
30 0.625 40.75 411.10 842.16 276 565.4 10.99 10.67
40 0.75 40.5 491.54 831.74 330 558.4 10.99 10.6
STD 0.375 47.25 284.49 1132.02 191 760 12.57 12.37
48” 48
XS 0.5 47.5 378.33 1144.09 254 768.1 12.57 12.44

* 12" Standard and Extra Strong do not correspond to any schedule number
Approximate Weight (LBS.) for 1/2 x 3/8 through 6 x 2-1/2 90o LR Red. Elbows, Red.
Outlet Tees and Concentric & Eccentric Reducers
Nom. Pipe
Size 90 o L.R. Reducing Elbows Reducing Outlet Tees Concentric & Eccentric Reducers
½x3/8 0.25 0.28
½x¼ 0.25 0.28
¾x½ 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.15 0.17 0.22 0.28
¾x3/8 0.5 0.5 0.75 0.15 0.2 0.24
1x¾ 0.93 1 1.13 1.25 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.8
1x½ 0.88 1 1.13 1.25 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.75
1¼x1 1.5 1.75 2 2.63 0.5 0.5 0.65 1
1¼x¾ 1.5 1.75 2 2.5 0.4 0.5 0.65 1
1¼4x½ 1.5 1.75 2 2.38 0.4 0.5 0.6 1
1½x1¼ 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.38 0.7 0.78 0.95 1.5
1½x1 2.18 2.5 2.75 3.25 0.62 0.75 0.8 1.5
1½x¾ 2.13 2.5 2.75 3.13 0.54 0.7 0.75 1.38
1½x½ 2 2.5 2.75 3 0.5 0.65 0.73 1.25
2x1½ 1.3 1.8 3.75 4.25 5.5 6 0.9 1.2 1.6 2.38
2x1¼ 1.2 1.65 3.6 4.13 5.25 5.75 0.84 1.15 1.5 2.25
2x1 1.1 1.5 3.5 4.1 5.13 5.38 0.76 1.1 1.5 2.15
2x¾ 3.25 4 5 5.13 0.7 1 1.45 2
2½x2 2.45 3.25 6 7.19 7 9.5 1.5 2 2.5 4
2½x1½ 2.2 2.9 5.5 7.13 6.88 9.25 1.38 1.9 2.25 3.9
2½x1¼ 2.1 2.75 5.25 7.06 6.75 8.75 1.25 1.85 2.25 3.6
2½x1 5 7 6.5 8.5 1.25 1.75 2.2 3.5
3x2½ 4.15 5.5 6.75 8.25 9.5 13 2 2.75 3.7 6
3x2 3.5 4.7 6.5 8 9.25 12.75 1.8 2.6 3.4 5
3x1½ 3.2 4.3 6.25 7.5 9.15 12.5 1.7 2.5 3.2 4.9
3x1¼ 6.15 7.6 9.25 12 1.6 2.4 3.1 4.75
3½x3 6 8.2 8.8 12.6 16 3.15 4 8
3½x2½ 5.4 7.25 8.5 12.2 15.5 2.88 3.5 8
3½x2 4.5 6.3 8.3 11.8 15 2.75 3.5 7
3½x1½ 8 11.5 14 2.5 3.25 7
3½x1¼ 2.4 3.25 7
4x3½ 8.2 11.3 11.8 15.6 24 3.5 4.75 9
4x3 7.5 10.4 11.6 15.25 21 23.25 3.38 4.5 6.4 9
4x2½ 10.5 9.3 11.3 15 20.75 22.5 3.25 4.38 5.5 8.5
4x2 5.95 8.25 11.15 15.5 20.5 21.5 3 4.25 5.4 8.25
4x1½ 11.25 15.25 20 20 2.88 4 5.25 8
5x4 13.1 18.4 21 25.5 37 38 6 8.25 12.5 16
5x3½ 12.2 17.1 20.5 25 37 5.75 7.75 15
5x3 11.4 16 20 24.5 36 36 5.5 7.5 11 14.5
5x2½ 10.5 14.7 19.5 24 35 35 5.25 7 10.5 13.75
5x2 19 23.5 34 34 5 6.5 10 14
6x5 20.75 30.5 34.5 40 31 58 8.5 12 18.75 23
6x4 18.4 26.9 33.5 39.25 60 57 8.25 11.5 16.5 22
6x3½ 17.35 25.4 33 38.25 56 8.25 11 21
6x3 16.4 24 32.5 37 58 55 8 10.5 15.5 20
6x2½ 32 36 57 54 7.25 10 15 19

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