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Geochemical indicators for mapping of advanced argillic alteration and

related alterations in lithocaps

Conference Paper · December 2018


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1 author:

Atanas Hikov
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


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REVIEW OF THE BULGARIAN GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, vol. 79, part 3, 2018, p. 53–54
National Conference with international participation “GEOSCIENCES 2018”

Geochemical indicators for mapping of advanced argillic alteration

and related alterations in lithocaps
Геохимични индикатори за картиране на интензивната аргилизация
и придружаващите хидротермални изменения в литошапките
Atanas Hikov
Атанас Хиков
Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia; E-mail: [email protected]

Keywords: geochemical indicators, strontium, advanced argillic alteration, lithocaps, epithermal and porphyry deposits.

Introduction is marked by zones of sericitization and/or intermedi-

ate argillic alteration and propylitization.
Hydrothermal alterations are between the most impor- Our previous investigations of AAA in Bulgarian
tant criteria for prospecting for ore deposits because deposits (Hikov, 2004, 2014; Hikov et al., 2010) show
of close connection of alteration and ore mineraliza- that ААА zones characterize with geochemical fea-
tion being parts of the same magmatic-hydrothermal tures which are result of formation in extremely acid
system (Sillitoe, 2010). This close connection is a conditions and specific mineral composition – alunite,
key for understanding the evolution of magmatic- kaolinite, dickite, diaspore, pyrophyllite, APS min-
hydrothermal system. Upper parts of the system, so erals, zunyite, rutile, etc. Most of chemical elements
called “litho­caps”, are object of increasing interest be- (Rb, Cs, Mn, Ni, Co, Zn, Y, HREE, etc.) are very mo-
cause of big potential for epithermal mineralizations bile and are extracted from altered rocks, only Rb con-
(Hedenquist, Arribas, 2017) and for evaluation of centrate in sericite rocks. Other elements like Sr, to a
perspectives for development of porphyry deposit in lesser extent P, Pb, LREE, concentrate in AAA zones
depth (Cooke et al., 2017). The following hydrother- due to their including in alunite and APS minerals
mal alterations are typical for lithocaps: silification, (mainly svanbergite, svanbergite-woodhouseite solid
advanced argillic, intermediate argillic, sericite and solutions, woodhouseite, rarely florencite). Ti, V, Zr,
distal propylite. Analysis of mineralogy and geochem- Hf, Ga, Nb, Ta, Th, U, etc. are inert in these zones and
istry of advanced argillic alteration (AAA) and related take part in rutile and residual zirconium phases. All
hydrothermal alterations gives reason to propose some these minerals remain stable during weathering and
elements as geochemical indicators. They can be used allow trace elements to be used for geochemical pros-
for separation of AAA zones and together with other pecting. On the other hand the alunite geochemistry
geological data would give prospective for exploration (concentration of Sr, Pb, La, Ce, etc.) is known as a
of ore mineralization. vector to the mineralized center (Chang et al., 2011).

Geochemistry of advanced argillic Geochemical indicators

alteration zones It was established that the significant enrichment of
Over 30 occurrences of AAA are known in Bulgaria Sr concentration is characteristic feature of advanced
(Velinov et al., 2007) some of them associating with argillic alteration of volcanic rocks (Hikov, 2004).
porphyry copper and epithermal deposits. They con- At the same time Sr contents in transitional altera-
centrate in the Srednogorie zone, where host rocks are tion zones (propylite, intermediate argillic, sericite)
Upper Cretaceous intermediate volcanics and in the are low. Thus Sr can be used for separation of AAA
Eastern Rhodopes – related to Paleogene andesites and zones from the other hydrothermal alterations (Fig. 1).
latites. Most of these deposits show a well-expressed This is very important in cases with similar mineral
hydrothermal alteration zonality. Everywhere AAA is composition such as intermediate argillic and kaolinite
characterized by a well-developed alunite zone, com- AAA rocks especially if there were not found other ty-
bined in most cases with kaolinite-dickite and silicic pomorphic minerals. Differentiation of sericite rocks
zones, less commonly zones with pyrophyllite and di- from pyrophylite AAA rocks is also difficult due to
aspore. The transition toward unaltered volcanic rocks similar optic features of the two minerals. In these

Fig. 1. Schematic model of distribution of Sr and Rb/Sr ratio in typical zoning with advanced argillic alteration: AAA, advanced argillic alteration;
Q, monoquartz (massive silica, vuggy quartz) rocks

cases, Sr concentrations can be used as a “strontium References

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Conclusions Hikov, A. 2015. Behaviour of inert (immobile) elements in ex-
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models of geochemical dispersion around porphyry unite group minerals in advanced argillic altered rocks from
copper deposits (Halley et al., 2015) at their upper lev- the Asarel porphyry copper deposit, Central Srednogorie.
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Sillitoe, R. 2010. Porphyry copper systems. – Econom. Geol.,
somatic zoning and making correct model of magmat- 105, 3–41.
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vectors to potential ore mineralization and would give Secondary Quartzite Formation in Bulgaria. Sofia, Prof.
prospective for exploration. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, 198 p.


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