KEWASNET - NRC - Candidate Pack - FINAL
KEWASNET - NRC - Candidate Pack - FINAL
KEWASNET - NRC - Candidate Pack - FINAL
Appointment Brief
January 2020
Key working
Background Job Summary relationships How to Apply
and Purpose and logistical
The Kenya Water and Sanitation Civil Societies Network (KEWASNET) is a national membership The research is a collaboration between the Partnership for African Social and Governance Research
organization formed in 2007 consisting of Civil Society Organizations working towards universal (PASGR), Water Witness International, Water Integrity Network (WIN), WaterAid, Institute of
access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene for all Kenyans. KEWASNET links water and sanitation Development Studies (IDS), Oxfam, Shahidi wa Maji, and the Ethiopian Social Accountability
utilities, water resource managers and water users, facilitates partnership and dialogue between Programme (ESAP). As well as delivering ground-breaking multi-country research, we will initiate an
policymakers and stakeholders, and strives for equitable participation in governance and decision- innovative Research Fellowship to help professionals in civil society, government, academia and donor
making. organisations address the key questions they face and to develop practical solutions to improve
accountability performance.
Based on our experience we know that accountability and transparency across the water sector
are critical priorities for unlocking inclusive governance, improved WASH services and delivery of Having secured investment to deliver this initiative we are now seeking an exceptional individual to
the Sustainable Development Goals. With our partners, we are working to strengthen join the KEWASNET team in Nairobi to co-ordinate its effective delivery in Kenya.
accountability for water by: helping citizens understand and activate their rights; tracking budgets
to ensure effective investment, integrity and value for money; and supporting government, utilities
and authorities to understand and respond to the needs and concerns of water users.
This work is delivering positive results, but there are important questions which need to be
addressed to unlock its full potential. KEWASNET is therefore working as the Kenyan lead within
the international Accountability for Water Action and Research Programme to investigate the key
questions facing practitioners and policy makers working for stronger accountability throughout
the water sector.
The Role
The role will require competence in the design and delivery of interdisciplinary research, and thoughtful steering of research by a dispersed group of collaborating partners. The research addresses
priority questions facing practitioners and policy makers, with a focus on the ‘community dynamics’ of accountability (what stimulates and sustains citizen voice?), ‘duty bearer dynamics’ (when and
why is there an effective response?), and the ‘enabling environment’ (how can impact, legacy and countering of closing civic space be supported?). The goal is to generate and share knowledge which
will enable all stakeholders to harness accountability practice to accelerate delivery of the water related SDG’s, social justice, climate resilience and sustainable resource management. The National
Research Co-ordinator will be based at KEWASNET in Nairobi and will be required to regularly visit professional fellows and partners across Kenya, and to represent the team within regional and global
meetings. They will work closely with the CEO of KEWASNET and the Programme Management Team to ensure that the research programme is delivered effectively and efficiently and that it responds
to the needs of stakeholders. They will provide technical guidance and support for monitoring, evaluation and learning, and will lead external and internal communications and stakeholder liaison. The
person will support uptake of the research findings and will establish country level collaborations to support, learn from and use the research.
We are looking for someone who has exceptional organisational and communication skills, with the energy, research background and confidence to make the most of this opportunity for Kenya’s water
sector. The ability to establish and maintain effective relationships, and to ensure joint ownership and high-quality delivery of programmes with partners will be essential. This is an excellent
opportunity for a gifted individual to help shape research, policy and practice on accountability and advocacy in Kenya, and to build a legacy of wider impact through the next step in their career as a
leader for sustainable development and social justice.
1. Research co-ordination and Research Fellow support 2. Learning, communications, advocacy and uptake
Particular focus will be on coordinating recruitment and supporting Professional Research The post holder will be responsible for ensuring that:
Fellows working within partner organisations in Kenya who will undertake inquiry into • Learning is generated, synthesised and documented across the programme work in
accountability initiatives (social accountability monitoring work, budget tracking and analysis, Kenya;
evidence-based advocacy) and accountability mechanisms (statutory complaint and grievance • Programme monitoring, evaluation and learning plans are appropriate and
systems, public interest litigation etc.) and their influence on water security for vulnerable implemented;
communities. There will also be opportunities for the postholder to work directly with teams to • The work is communicated effectively to external parties, and that communication
design and deliver cross-cutting research. The success of the work will depend on the National internally to the team and professional fellows is efficient and effective;
Co-Ordinator’s ability to effectively manage the research partnerships, to meet the changing • That appropriate plans are in place to drive uptake of the research findings through
needs of research fellows and stakeholders. modified practice, policy or investment and that these are delivered on.
• Advocacy based on the results of the research programme has impact.
Working with the partners including Water Witness and the Partnership for African Social and
Governance Research (PASGR), the postholder will be the primary point of contact for the 3. Partnership development and stakeholder support
programme in Kenya and will ensure that: The success of this initiative will depend on effective collaboration between a diverse set of
• An efficient process for recruitment, training and provision of ongoing technical local, regional and global partners. The Co-ordinator will have primary responsibility for
assistance to Professional Research Fellows is in place and operational, including via establishing and maintaining constructive relationships with these partners including via:
online and telephone support, meetings and national events; • Planning, delivery, management and write up of regional and national meetings,
• Research is designed and delivered using robust and ethical methodologies, that trainings and workshops;
effective documentation takes place, and that lessons are effectively captured, • Acting as the secretariat of the National Advisory Group which meets quarterly
packaged and shared to maximise their uptake; including taking minutes and ensuring actions are delivered;
• Relevant permissions and clearance are in place for the research, and that the • Prompt and comprehensive reporting to and liaison with the Programme Management
programme complies with the law at all times; Team and KAWASNET;
• Opportunities are seized to undertake cross-cutting research such as large n- • Support for and active participation in regional and global meetings, conferences and
questionnaire surveys and Key Informant Interviews; events.
• That problems are solved and risks managed pro-actively and efficiently;
• That the legacy of the programme is strong, and that options for scaling the work are The post-holder will maintain the flexible approach needed within a small network organisation
scoped and secured where appropriate. and will deputise for others to undertake other duties as required.
In order to deliver these duties, the post holder will undertake a wide range of programme co-
ordination activities including:
- Planning and reporting against programme budgets and workplans
Person Specification
The successful applicant will be able to demonstrate the following: • A successful track record of converting research and evidence into high impact advocacy
materials and communication campaigns.
Experience and qualifications: • Proven advocacy skills to influence at the highest levels and with multiple stakeholders and
key decision makers
• Master’s degree in international development, water, or governance related fields.
• At least 3 years’ experience in programme coordination, monitoring, evaluation and Skills and attributes:
research preferably in a research focused organisation or initiative. Essential
• Technical knowledge and experience of the water resource management and/or • Excellent written and verbal communications skills in English and Swahili, and an ability to
WASH sectors, gender and/or accountability, advocacy and governance research for design, deliver and disseminate core research and evaluation findings to a variety of
sustainable development in Kenya audiences
• Understanding of inclusive approaches, gender and key trends in international • Demonstrated interpersonal skills, including the ability to collaborate effectively in networks
development. and communities of practice
• Demonstrable experience in supporting research and coordinating implementation of • A flexible and resourceful attitude with the ability to manage and prioritize an unpredictable
research programmes. workload.
• A track record of publication, and a demonstrated ability to effectively communicate • Proven analytical and problem-solving skills in order to understand the range and content of
complex concepts to a wide range of audiences. accountability for water work and provide practical solutions to operational challenges.
• Evidence of working in effective regional and national partnerships with senior level • Proven data analysis and report writing skills including documentation and editing with
and technical staff, and of supporting networks of stakeholders. proficiency in data analysis software.
• Experience and understanding of the strategies, challenges and opportunities for • A high degree of competence in using IT tools, platforms and programmes.
translating research and evidence into use, policy and practice for sustainable and • Exceptional organisational skills, professional diligence and ethical conduct.
inclusive development. • Must be dynamic, creative, and passionate about delivering positive change in the world.
• A proven team player, able to mentor, organise events, facilitate workshops, deliver • Familiar with current concepts and approaches within accountability and advocacy and /or
training and collaborate within a multi-cultural and dispersed team of mixed water resource management, climate resilience and WASH.
capabilities and experience. Desirable
Desirable • Familiarity and competence in media, communications, infographics, publishing and the use
• Design and management of knowledge and learning networks in Africa. of social media.
• Experience of multi-country, multi-partner, interdisciplinary research initiatives.
How to apply
Equality Statement
All correspondence should be sent to with ‘National Research Co-ordinator’
in the subject line. Please provide a CV and cover letter in ONE single document. The cover letter KEWASNET is committed to equal opportunities for all, and to welcoming people from a wide
should be no more than two pages long, must explain why you want to work in this position, and diversity of backgrounds, cultures and experience. On this occasion only those with an existing
should clearly set out how your skills and experience make you a good fit. The CV should contain right to work and live in Kenya should apply.
email addresses and telephone numbers of two professional referees. Please also attach to your
email a SINGLE example of your written work which best demonstrates your writing capabilities. Selection Process
This should be a recent, pre-existing report or paper of which you are the primary author.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Please assume that you have not been shortlisted if
Applications which do not meet these specifications will not be considered. you have not heard from us within 1 week of the closing date. Shortlisted candidates may be
required to undertake an additional assessment prior to the interview.