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Baby Binky Bunny Pattern

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Baby Binky Bunny
© Copyright 2009 mmmcrafts.
This pattern is intended for personal use only. = Right side
Please do not sell dolls made from this pattern.

= Wrong side

Pattern Pieces: Read Before You Cut 1) disappearing marker

1) All pattern pieces are actual size. All pattern

pieces have seam allowance included EXCEPT for
the legs and arms (see below). Print all the pattern
pieces on cardstock and cut them out.

As you trace onto your fabric, take a minute to

mark all the placement indicators for the limbs,
tabs, and ears.

For the LEGS and ARMS, you will trace the pieces
using disappearing ink onto folded fabric that is
RST*, leaving 1/2 inch space in between each
piece. Pin. DON’T CUT OUT YET.

For the rest of the pattern pieces: trace them on

your fabric, which should be RST* where noted, 2)
and cut out the number indicated. Be sure to pin
any layers of fabric together before cutting to
prevent the fabric from shifting.

*RST = Right Sides Together. This is essential to

making any asymmetrical pieces match up for

Sew The Ears, Arms And Legs


2) Pin one FABRIC A EAR piece and one FABRIC B

EAR piece RST (right sides together) and sew
around 3 sides, leaving the base of the ears
unsewn. Trim seam and clip curves. Turn and press.

Topstitch all around close to the edge of the ears.

Fold the back of the ear toward the front, meeting
in the middle as shown. Pin, then baste across the
very bottom. 3)

3) For the legs and arms, make sure the fabric is

pinned together and sew directly on your ink lines.
Leave a gap in each as indicated on the pattern so
you can stuff later. Back stitch at the beginning and
end to secure your stitches.

Cut the arms and legs out of the fabric with 1/8
inch allowance around them. Clip the curves, turn
and press. Don’t stuff!

Baby Binky Bunny
© Copyright 2009 mmmcrafts.
This pattern is intended for personal use only. = Right side
Please do not sell dolls made from this pattern.

= Wrong side
Sew The Head And Torso
4) Align two DIAPER TAB pieces RST, pin and sew,
leaving straight side unsewn. Trim seams and
clip curves. Turn and press. Repeat with the other
two pieces. Place the TABS on top of one DIAPER
piece, following placement guide on the pattern,
and pin in place. Edge stitch. Trim the excess tab
flush with the DIAPER piece.

If your bunny recipient is over 3 years of age, you

can sew on two buttons where marked. If not, Cut out this template and poke
you can embroider circles on them instead. holes in it to assist with
embroidery transfer.

5) 6)
5) Place the felt EYE circles and TUMMY in posi-
tion on a HEAD/TORSO piece, using the pattern
piece as a reference for placement. To help with
placement, print an extra pattern piece and cut
the eyes and tummy out of it with a craft knife.
Then lay the template over your fabric and mark
the placement. Pin or tack the felt pieces in place
with fabric glue. Edge stitch.

6) Draw on the eyes, nose and mouth with a

disappearing marker, using the pattern piece as
a reference. If you don’t want to wing it, you can
print an extra pattern piece and cut out the area
7) 8)
indicated by a dashed line on the pattern piece.
Poke holes along the lines of the eyes and
mouth with a large pin and cut out the nose
with a craft knife. Then place that piece as a
template over your fabric and use a disappear-
ing marker to dot in the holes. Embroider the
face using all six strands of floss. (See pg. 8 if you
want your bunny to look awake)

7) Align the HEAD/TORSO piece that has the face

RST with the DIAPER piece that has the tabs,
aligning the raw edges. Pin and sew. Press the
seam. Repeat with the other HEAD/TORSO and
DIAPER pieces. (If you want to embroider a
name on the bunny’s fanny, now is a good time.
Leave room for the bunny’s tail!)

8) Pin and baste the ears, arms, and legs to the

front of the HEAD/DIAPER piece as shown. They
will be sandwiched in between the two body
pieces when it is all sewn together. 3
Baby Binky Bunny
© Copyright 2009 mmmcrafts.
This pattern is intended for personal use only. = Right side
Please do not sell dolls made from this pattern.

= Wrong side
9) Place the back piece RST with the front piece
and carefully pin all the way around, aligning the 9) 10)
diaper seams and neck. Make sure the limbs and
ears are clear of the seam. I also find it very
helpful to draw my 1/4 in. seam on with a disap-
clip carefully all
pearing marker, since this is all curves. It’s not the way around
necessary, but it does help me sew more accu-
rately and quickly.

Sew all the way around, leaving the space

between the legs open. Be sure to back stitch at snip point of
the beginning and end so your stitches are neck

secure. It’s also a good idea to double stitch the

areas where the limbs and ears attach.

10) Don’t turn it yet, this step is very important

for a nice looking softie – carefully trim the 11)
seams and clip the curves all the way around,
tack together
every quarter inch or so. Clip almost to the here
stitches, but be careful not to cut them. The
more of this you do, the nicer your curves will be.
Snip the corners at the neck.

11) Turn the bunny right side out through the

opening between the legs. Stuff the limbs and
the body, using small balls of stuffing for the
best result. After the desired firmness is reached,
hand sew the openings closed on the limbs and
the diaper with matching thread.

If you’d like, tack the bunny’s ears together

where shown with matching thread.

12) Follow the instructions in the diagram to

make a pom-pom tail from coordinating yarn.
Hand sew the tail to the back of the diaper. 12)
Wrap yarn about 80 –120 times Slip off fingers. Fluff. Use scissors to trim uneven
around two fingers (not too tight!). Tie a tight knot. ends until it looks like a ball. The more
Your Baby Binky Bunny is done! Number of times depends on yarn wt. Snip all the loops. you trim, the more dense the ball gets.

Continue on with the next page if you would like to

make your bunny a patchwork binky to nap with.
Trim the knot tails to the
Thread a piece of yarn same length as the rest.
between your fingers and
around the bundle. Cinch
it around the yarn. 4
Baby Binky Bunny
© Copyright 2009 mmmcrafts.
This pattern is intended for personal use only. = Right side
Please do not sell dolls made from this pattern.

= Wrong side
Make A Binky For Bunny! 13)

13) Cut out the following pieces:

• twelve 5 inch squares of fabric (pattern piece

for this included). This can be twelve different
fabrics, including a square each of Fabric A and B,
or you could keep things simple and make a
two-tone checkerboard with all Fabric A and B.

• one 15 x 19 in. rectangle of backing fabric in

the color of your choice. If you are using really 14) 15)
lightweight fabrics, you may need to iron on a
piece of fusible interfacing to the wrong side of
the rectangle to give the binky more body. If you
will be making several binkies, it’s a good idea to
make yourself a 15 x 19 in. pattern piece for the

14) Plan the layout of your fabric squares for the

binky front. Line up all twelve of your 5 inch
squares in a rectangle that is three squares
across and four down.

15) Pin and sew your first row of three squares

together RST with a 1/4 inch seam. Accuracy 16) 17)
counts here! Press your seams. The middle
square will now look a little skinnier than the
other two. This is fine!

Now repeat those steps with the other three

rows of squares. Now you have four rows of

16) Pin and sew each of the four rows together

RST with a 1/4 inch seam, being careful to align
the seams. Press. Take a minute now to check
that the whole piece is truly rectangular and trim
edges that aren’t.
17) Pin the completed binky front RST to the
backing fabric. Trim the excess backing off to
match the front.

18) Pin and sew 1/4 inch seam all the way leave an opening
around, leaving about 3 inches open. Clip the
corners and turn right side out. Press, turning
under the 1/4 inch allowance in the opening. 5
Baby Binky Bunny
© Copyright 2009 mmmcrafts.
This pattern is intended for personal use only. = Right side
Please do not sell dolls made from this pattern.

= Wrong side
19) Edge stitch about 1/8 in. all the way around, 19)
which will also sew your opening closed.

20) Now it’s time to tie the binky together. Mark

the middle of the squares with a disappearing
marker. Pin the binky together at intervals so the
two layers of fabric don’t shift around. Don’t be
stingy with the pins.

Thread an embroidery needle with a long

doubled strand of coordinating embroidery
floss, all six strands. Don’t knot. 20)

Take a 1/4 inch diagonal stitch in the middle of

the first square, catching both layers of fabric.
Pull through until about 2 inches or so of floss is
left, then cut the floss on the other side of the
stitch about the same length.

You are left with two double tails of floss that

you will now tie in a snug square knot and trim
off the ends to about a half inch. Knot number
one, done!

square knot:
Now follow that same procedure to make knots
in all the centers of the squares, and also wher-
ever the seams cross.

Your binky is finished!

Leave this unsewn ARM
for stuffing
cut 4, RST This Piece:
EAR No Seam
fabric A
cut 2 fabric A Allowance
cut 2 fabric B Included
See Instructions

cut 2 from
felt TUMMY
cut 1 from
contrasting felt

Ear Placement Ear Placement

baby binky bunny

© Copyright 2009 mmmcrafts.
This pattern is intended for personal use only.
Please do not sell dolls made from this pattern.

Leave this unsewn

for stuffing
for a boy bunny,
omit the eyelashes

cut 4, RST
This dotted outline is the
cutting guide for your
fabric A
embroidery transfer template
This Piece:
cut 2 Allowance
fabric A See Instructions

arm placement arm placement

baby binky bunny
© Copyright 2009 mmmcrafts.
This pattern is intended for personal use only.
Please do not sell dolls made from this pattern.

Flap and optional

button placement.
For children under 3,
omit the buttons

cut 2
fabric C

leg placement leg placement

5 in. x 5 in.
cut 12 from various fabrics
For a bunny who looks awake:
Instead of embroidering the sleeping face in step 6, use this alternate face. You
will do the same steps to embroider it on, except for the eyes: cut 4, RST
fabric C
For the eyes, cut out the pattern piece A for a guide, then trace it twice onto
felt using a disappearing marker (flip it over for the second piece). Cut out the
felt pieces and secure them to the felt eye circles with dots of fabric glue. Use
two strands of a six-strand length of matching embroidery floss to sew the
eyes on using a backstitch, staying very close to the edge. Then use all six
strands in a contrasting color and backstitch an outline around the eyes with
an extra stitch at each corner, as shown. Last step is to use white floss to add
one french knot highlight in each eye.

backstitch an outline
around eye A
french knot

backstitch matching
thread to secure felt

extra stitch
at each corner

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