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Effect of Stress On Damping Capacity of A Shape Memory Alloy Cuznal

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Effect of stress on damping capacity of a shape memory alloy CuZnAl

Article  in  Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials · February 2010

22 341

5 authors, including:

Nicanor Cimpoesu Sergiu Stanciu

Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi


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Effect of stress on damping capacity of a shape memory

alloy CuZnAl
Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, the “Gh. Asachi” Technical University from Iaşi,
Bd. D. Mangeron 61A, 700050 Iaşi, Romania
Netzsch GerätebauGmbH, Wittelsbacherstrasse 42, Selb /Bavaria 95100 Germany

A copper based shape memory alloy was obtained by classical melting method. Chemical analyze beside copper, zinc and
aluminum reveal small amounts of other chemical elements like iron, lead or nickel that can improve the damping capacity
of shape memory alloy. Starting from chemical composition the material was analyzed in deformed and tensioned state by
microstructure (SEM), dilatometry (DIL) or calorimetry (DSC) and mechanical-dynamic (DMA) point of view. Results present
a nice internal friction peak, in both cases, in transformation temperatures domain with possible practical applications.

(Received January 8, 2010; accepted February 18, 2010)

Keywords: shape memory effect, damping capacity, internal friction, storage modulus

1. Introduction SMA-based energy dissipation devices in passive structure

control. That research focused on three aspects: modeling
Damping materials has many applications in all for dynamic response of the structures with SMA devices,
domains connected to amortizations, energy dissipation or experimentally verifying the feasibility of the SMA
even structures rehabilitation. Discovering metallic devices and optimizing the SMA devices’ design in terms
materials with damping properties improve all the of vibration suppression using experimental and numerical
resistance properties of the materials all ready in use for methods.
amortization like polymers. High damping capacity has Several different scale prototypes of the devices were
been one of the most important properties of materials designed, implemented and tested. They showed that the
used in engineering structures where undesirable noise and proposed devices have characteristics of great versatility,
vibration are to be passively attenuated. Among the simplicity of functioning mechanism, self-centering
prevalent high damping metallic materials, shape memory capability, high stiffness for small displacements and good
alloys (SMAs) could be one of the most promising energy dissipation capability.
candidates due to their high damping capacity arising from
the reversible martensitic phase transition (MT) and the
stress induced reorientation of martensite variants [1,2]. 2. Experimental procedure
Shape memory alloys are special materials,
characterized by two important properties: shape memory To obtain the alloy was used a laboratory furnace with
effect and super elasticity, but in the last decade is graphite crucible using copper, zinc and aluminum high
analyzed a new unexploited property, damping capacity, purity materials with reduce percentage of iron, lead and
with many applications in civil construction field. It is nickel. Chemical composition was determined through
generally accepted that micro-structural defects should spark spectrometry analysis using Foundry Master
play a dominant role in the damping response of materials equipment and EDAX analysis as well. Microstructures,
[3–6]. From this fundamental concept, a variety of high deformed and tensioned states of material, was obtained
damping metals and alloys have been developed. From the with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) II LMH by
applications interest, the investigations about the influence Vega Tescan brand using a secondary electrons (SE)
factors on damping capacity are of importance. Nowadays, detector.
the effects of the temperature changing rate, the frequency To investigate the behavior of a material during
and the strain amplitude on the damping capacity have heating with respect for his physical dimension we use a
been systematically investigated [7,8]. dilatometer equipment type DIL 402, the measuring
The SMA energy dissipation devices have been seen system employs two high resolution inductive
in the forms of braces for framed structures [9], dampers displacement transducers; with its design using low-
for cable-stayed bridges or simply supported bridges, expansion invar and broad thermostatic control for highest
connection elements for columns and retrofitting devices accuracy, reproducibility and long term stability, it is
for historic buildings. Experiments or simulations or both capable of application temperatures up to 1873 K, the
have been carried out to explore the potentials of the horizontal instrument construction offers specific
Effect of stress on damping capacity of a shape memory alloy CuZnAl 387

advantages, especially for the dual sample arrangement: 72% Cu, 14-30% Zn, 4-8% Al. Temperatures MS inferiors
homogeneous heating of both samples, simple sample are obtain at compositions of 25-30% Zn, 4% Al, and the
insertion, safety during sample decomposition or melting, superiors at concentrations 14-19% Zn, 8% Al. Critical
and effective protection of the measuring system by gas points MS and AS can be calculated with some empirical
flow. Sample is on cylindrical form with 25.620 mm relations [10]:
diameter with perfect parallel ends for a temperature range MS = 2212 – 66.9 [1,355(%at. Al) + (%at .Zn)] °C
between 305 and 873 K domain of temperature complete AS = 2177 – 58.79 (%Zn) – 149.64 (%Al) °C
for a nice characterization by the physical dimensions As can be observe, the aluminum concentration
change with temperature. influence powerful critical transformation points. We have
The DMA – dynamic mechanical analyzer 242 C to mention that aside from alloying elements concentration
operates in the broad temperature range of -170 to 600°C. important influence on critical transformation points are
The low-temperature range is achieved with the proven, generally for a good quality influence the elaboration
low-consumption CC 200 L liquid nitrogen cooling technology, plastic deformation and thermal treatment.
system. The minimal temperature gradient over a sample Metallic charge components used at elaboration are
length of up to 60 mm in the bending mode is unique. An Cu, Zn and Al all with high purity, minimum 99.99%. To
intelligent purge gas system provides for a defined sample improve the assimilation efficiency of zinc and aluminum
atmosphere and protects the measurement electronics from can be use pre-alloy (CuZn and CuAl) with standard
any gases evolving from the sample as well. Frequencies composition but obtain also from pure elements. For alloys
from 0.01 to 100 Hz can be selected and combined with melting was respected next order: Cu, Al, Zn and after
defined stress of up to 16 N and deformation amplitudes of cooper melting we introduce the aluminum and a part of
between 0.1 and 240 µm. [10]. Tests was realize in pre-alloy solid cooper CuAl to decrease smelting super-
conditions of Cu54.9Zn26.5Al6.44 shape memory alloy heating caused by alumina-thermal reaction between
mechanically prepared with dimensions 20x7,95x0,55 mm aluminum and oxygen.
and as parameters heaving heating regime 0,5 to 0,5 K, at Melting temperature is limited at maximum 1200 °C
work frequency 1 Hz and 303 to 573 K range temperature. because of evaporation looses and gases solve
The material is in melting shape and a water quenched encouragement. A very important implication on alloy
state obtains with a thermal treatment at 800 °C. quality has the interaction chemical reactions between
The phase angle δ is the phase difference between the metal bath and furnace atmosphere gases. For shape
dynamic stress and the dynamic strain in a viscoelastic memory alloy elaboration is used vacuum melting [11] and
material subjected to a sinusoidal oscillation. The phase she is executing under pressing or gravitationally to obtain
angle is expressed in radians (rad). The loss factor tan δ is ingots for plastic deformation or to obtain mono crystals.
the ratio of loss modulus to storage modulus. It is a Melting temperature is adopted function of alloy
measure of the energy lost, expressed in terms of the composition using equilibrium phases diagram and does
recoverable energy, and represents mechanical damping or not have to go upon 50-100 °C past liquids temperature.
internal friction in a viscoelastic system. The loss factor Casting of shape memory alloys type Cu-Zn-Al must be
tan δ is expressed as a dimensionless number. A high tan δ done by methods that assure a calm flow, without
value is indicative of a material that has a high, anelastic lathering. Can be used filtration procedures as well with
strain component, while a low value indicates one that is filters “en mousse de céramique” which retard
more elastic [12]. micrometrics inclusions [12].
A shape memory alloy from copper-zinc-aluminum
system was obtain by melting classical method and
3. Experimental results chemical composition determined by EDAX analysis,
result presented in table 1, and confirm in large line with a
Chemical composition of shape memory brasses is spark spectrometer type Foundry Master.
choose function of Ms wanted value between limits: 62-

Table 1 Chemical composition of investigated shape memory alloy.

Elements Na Series Net [wt.%] [norm. wt.%] [norm. at.%] error in %

Oxygen 8 K-series 3170 7,997291 2,23962 20,01709 0,392909
Aluminum 13 K-series 6697 4,694356 5,349608 6,967403 0,279036
Copper 29 K-series 135543 66,91326 69,57384 42,16825 1,691617
Zinc 30 K-series 29473 16,66711 15,08805 10,20729 0,793381
Lead 73 L-series 8999 6,539313 2,919772 1,447239 0,613761
Nickel 28 L-series 342 2,028704 1,836503 0,436299 1,00442
Iron 26 L-series 424 0,732828 3,543673 0,368373 1,00354
Sum: 110,4656 100 100
388 N. Cimpoeşu, S. Stanciu, M. Mayer, I. Ioniţă, R. Hanu Cimpoeşu

The material present a small loss of zinc amount after Microstructure of the material realized with a
the deformation and tension processes applied and reach scanning electron microscope (SEM)–Secondary Electrons
with a 2.23 wt% of oxygen. Detector in deformed and tensioned states, presented in
The alloy Cu69.57Zn15.09Al5.35 present a high percent of figure 2, reveal a begin of reorientation of the martensitic
other elements in composition, like Pb-2.919%, Fe-3.54%, variants to force applied direction but note yet coherent.
Ni-1.83%, elements that contribute to modification of the The microstructure of alloy was made on 250x250 μm
thermal characteristics especially the dynamic mechanic areas with evidence of martensitic variants, characteristic
behavior improving the damping capacity of the material. of shape memory alloys. In figure 2 b) can be observed the
After the dynamic-mechanical behavior analysis of martesite variants induced by tension.
the melted and homogenized alloy realized in [13] we
investigate the material characteristics in deformed and
tensioned states following the [14] investigations.
The deforming process was realized by hot forging at
1073 K and recovered by heat treatment, heating to 1073
K, maintaining 20 minutes and water cooling. For tension
behind the forged samples were prepare laminate sample
on a laboratory roller. The tensioned state was obtained on
a tension equipment type INSTRON 3382. The
elongation-tension variations for different states of
materials, for different heat treatments applied, are
presented in Fig. 1.
The material behavior under tension is presented in
figure 1 with the heat treatments influences on laminate or
forged material.


Fig. 1 Summary of elongation-tension variation of the

copper based material a) for forged and laminated states,
b) laminated and c) forged with different heat treatments
applied like recovered or water quenched.

From Fig. 1 is observed that samples present a Fig. 2. SEM realized microstructure of shape memory
superelastic behavior characterize by tension plateaus at alloy Cu54.9Zn26.5Al6.44 ;(a) deformed by forging state;
(b) tensioned state.
heating and cooling, phenomena meet at reversible
martensitic transformations induce by tension. Can be also
observe, from figure 1 a) that forged sample is more Doing a dimensional analyze of shape memory alloy
ductile then laminate one, heat treatments, recovered and grains and martensite variants between material structure
water quenched treatment on laminate sample manifest in these two states we observe that, concerning the grains,
similar on tension and for forged sample the water they change form under tension but didn’t modify
quenched improve the ductile properties and increase the dimensions, remaining around 250 µm result made from
mechanical hysteresis and internal friction comparing to average of 50 measurements , in martensite variants
recovered sample.
Effect of stress on damping capacity of a shape memory alloy CuZnAl 389

dimensions appearing a change consist of decreasing them largely equivalent to the tabulated figures quoted in DIN
from 1.75 in deformed state to 0.75 µm in tensioned state 53457 [15]. In the same ISO standard, the loss modulus
most of this change being attribute to tensioned induced E´´ is defined as being proportional to the energy
martensite variants appearance. dissipated during one loading cycle. It represents, for
Thinking about the internal friction of a material example, energy lost as heat, and is a measure of vibration
dependence on temperature, [12] the material must be energy that has been converted during vibration and that
analyzed by heating-cooling behavior point of view. cannot be recovered. According to [16], modulus values
Because of a clearly dependence of internal friction are expressed in MPa, but N/mm2 is sometimes used. The
peak appearance in transformation temperatures domain, real part of the modulus may be used for assessing the
based on transition internal friction part, first we have to elastic properties, and the imaginary part for the viscous
determine the martensitic transformation range and properties [17-18].
transformations temperature points of the deformed Concerning the internal friction values of material in
material during heating. martensitic or α equilibrium state can be observed a small
The dilatogram result, presented in figure 3 is a decrease of damping capacity, from 0.02 to 0.01, with the
specific one for shape memory materials, with a temperature increasing.
contraction of the metallic material during heating that
represented the transformation temperatures range. After a
normal increasing of physical dimension the martensitic
transformation start with a peak of variation at 339 K, with
increasing of temperature the material start reduce his
linear dimension with almost 20 µm at 369 K.
Conforming to source [13] in this temperatures range
the internal friction will exhibit a peak. After 373 K the
material exhibit other inflexions of variation, all of them
with reduce manifestations, presenting a low interest for
practical applications.

Fig. 4. Internal friction tand, storage modulus E’and

amortization modulus E’’ variations with temperature

Dynamic elasticity modulus E’ (storage modulus)

decrease from a value of 67000 MPa at room temperature
until a value of 47554.41 MPa at 369 K, just before the
internal friction peak, and increasing until a value of 78
000 MPa at 573 K. The link between the maximal value of
internal friction and the minimum value of elasticity
modulus is the common causes that produce them [19].
Fig. 3 Variations with temperature of relative thermal E” “loss modulus” represent an amortization term
expansion (dL/ L0 with solid line), relative thermal describing the energy dissipation capacity in heat when a
expansion in time d(dL/ L0) dt) and thermal expansion material is deform and appear named imaginary modulus
coefficient (α), on the dilatometry recorded during as a part of complex elasticity modulus, E=E’+E”.
heating to 600 K of a lamella cut from as-cast SMAs In the storage modulus variation with temperature
alloy Cu69.57Zn15.09Al5.35 after the decreases that appear with internal friction
variations we can observe some other manifestations at
503 or 543 K connected to variations observed on
The other variations appear on diagram from Fig. 3
dilatometry result.
are not attribute to martensitic transformation.
After analyze of deformed state of shape memory
The dynamic mechanical behavior of the material in
alloy investigated, tensioned 4% samples was obtain for
deformed state is analyzed using DMA equipment.
thermal investigations, differential scanning calorimetry
The result presented in figure 4, reveal that an internal
for temperatures martensite transformation points and
friction peak appears having a nice value of 0.11635 at
dynamic-mechanical behavior for internal friction
temperature 362.73028 K, placed in the transformation
variation manifestation.
temperatures range determined early by dilatometry.
As can be observed, from DSC result presented in
According to ISO 6721-1 the storage modulus E´
represents the stiffness of a viscoelastic material and is figure 4, the martensitic transformation is considered
proportional to the energy stored during a loading cycle. It completely reversible, being observe at cooling as well
is roughly equal to the elastic modulus for a single, rapid presenting a move to lower temperatures from the peak
stress at low load and reversible deformation, and is thus exhibit at 325.4 K at heating characterize by an
390 N. Cimpoeşu, S. Stanciu, M. Mayer, I. Ioniţă, R. Hanu Cimpoeşu

transformation enthalpy of 5.89 j/g to a peak at 313.1 K of

5.826 j/g. It’s interesting to observe the transformation
temperatures range decrease comparing to deformed state
of material, in this sense the transformation range decrease
from 339-369 K values to 313-350 K. Comparing to
material behavior in melted state [13] or deformed state, in
tensioned state the transformation range get near to room
temperature exploiting the advantage of directly use of
Heating the material to 473 K temperature is avoided
the risk of martensite transformation loosing by reaching
the equilibrium α state. Even that the peak shape at heating
and cooling are different from geometrical shape point,
can be observe that the enthalpies are almost equal.
Fig. 6. Variation diagram of internal friction, tand and
Tensioned samples was investigated with DMA
storage elasticity modulus E’ of a shape memory alloy
(dynamic mechanical analyzer) under rectangular shape type Cu68,1 Zn13,2 Al4,85, with temperature first heating
30x10x0.5 mm by heating to 473 K during 2 cycles of cycle being represented with black color, cooling with
heating and one of cooling to observed the cyclic behavior blue and second heating cycle with red .
of the material under different solicitation.
In results diagram are presented internal friction
variation with temperature with dashed lines and storage On cooling cycle similar to DSC diagram the internal
modulus with filled lines. The calorimetric investigation, friction move’s to smaller temperatures reaching a higher
realized previously, contribute to dynamic-mechanical value of internal friction of 0.14 at 306,4 K. The peak
behavior temperature range, being in this case set from obtain is still a large one but continuously. Concerning the
223 to 473 K, the main domain being around 323 K. At the storage modulus in this case the decrease is not that big
first heating cycle internal friction exhibit a peak at 331,4 only until 28000MPa at an appropriate temperature, before
K, also form by two parts, as the calorimetric test show, a the internal friction peak appearance. Second heating
previous part at 326,6 K with a smaller value of 0.08 and present a bigger internal friction peak with 0.1607 values
near to first peak appearance, smoother and also thin.
the final peak with a value of 0.1. The higher values of
internal friction in martensitic domain can be also seen
comparing to austenitic state of the material, still with 4. Conclusions
reduce values, 0.04 respectively 0.008.
• A shape memory alloy from copper-zinc system
was obtaining by classical method, and after investigations
reveals nice shape memory effect and good damping
• Using combined equipments thermal behavior
was analyze for determination of a nice memory effect in
deformed and tensioned states.
• Small value of internal friction at room
temperature of the shape memory alloy characterizes the
martensitic state of the material. Contrarily the same alloy
present an important peak of internal friction around
temperature 363 K, in transformation points range, value
of 0.11635 for deformed point and 0.1607 in tensioned
state at 333.8 K which can be use for practical
Fig. 5. DSC thermogram recorded during a heating cooling • Critical transformation point’s domain move’s to
cycle up to 473 K of fragments cut from tensioned 4% sample the left on temperature ax with deformation and tension of
of CuZnAl shape memory alloy .
sample “taking” the internal friction peak appearance in
the same direction.
The storage modulus, E’ corresponding to first • Storage modulus variation exhibit a contrarily
heating cycle decrease very much in the transformation internal friction manifestation connects them to some
range, almost in the same time with the internal friction common causes.
peak earlier with 3.6 K, from 45000MPa to approximate
Effect of stress on damping capacity of a shape memory alloy CuZnAl 391

Acknowledgments [11] I. L. Pelegrina, M. Chandrasekaran, M. S. Andrade,

Acta metall. 36, 1111 (1988).
Financial support was obtained from Romanian [12] W. De Jonghe, R. De Batist, L. Delaey, M. De Bonte,
National University Research Council under the form of Internal Friction Measurements onCopper - Zinc
the PCE-IDEI grant 616, project 83/01.10.2007. Based Martensite, în " Shape Memory Effects in
Alloys" - editată de Jeff Perkins. Plenum Press, New
York - London, 1975.
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