Liberalism and Nationalism in Italy and Germany

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Liberalism and Nationalism in Italy and Germany

Time Line of Events for Both Countries

Jun 1815 Congress of Vienna concludes

Jul 1831 Giuseppe Mazzini founds Young Italy
Jun 1846 Pius IX becomes pope
Jan 1848 Revolution begins in Italy
Feb 1848 Revolution begins in Germany
Mar 1849 Victor Emmanuel II becomes the king of Piedmont
Mar 1850 Erfurt Union of German-states formed
Nov 1852 Cavour becomes prime minister of Piedmont
Jul 1858 Plombieres Agreement between Cavour and Napoleon III of France
Jan 1861 Wilhelm I becomes King of Prussia
Mar 1861 Victor Emmanuel becomes king of Italy
Sep 1862 Bismarck appointed prime minister of Prussia
Jun 1866 Austro-Prussian War begins
Jul 1870 Franco-Prussian War begins
Jan 1871 German Empire established

For the Key Question below, summarize the information under each bullet point.


What were the main problems of nationalists in Germany and Italy?

• The post- Congress of Vienna Settlement of Germany -

Formeed into 39 seperate states that ran through Austria and Prussia.
The post- Congress of Vienna Settlement of Italy- Austrian had control over the northern parts of Italy,
Savoy had Sardinia, the papal had the Papal states, and Bourbon had Naples.
• Regionalism – Germany
North German states tended to be Protestant, while south German states were Catholic
• Regionalism – Italy
For the most part, the majority of Italians were Catholic, but the language spoken varied throughout
each region
• Different ideas of nationalism – Germany
Nationalism was associated with Napoleon's rule, and had a negative viewpoint, amongst German
leaders. The German people had liberal viewpoint on their form of nationalism, which was inspired by
Goethe and Hegel.
• Different ideas of nationalism - Italy
Those that like Mazzini believed in a more liberal outlook for Italy that would lead to total unification of
all Italian people. Cavour's ideas on the other hand, sided for a monarchy with a limited form of unity.

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