Entrance Age 21 years old 21 years old 18 years old 21 years old 20 years old
Retirement age 56 years old 50 years old 60 years old 60 years old 55 years in service
Commissioner of Police Director
Highest Rank Police Director General Superintendent Commisioner
Columbia/National Police General
Baccalaureate High school Baccalaureate Degree
Minimum Qualification school graduate and Tertiary Education
Degree Holder Graduate/College Graduate Holder
university Graduates
Australia Federal
Organizational Cuerpo National Indian Police Service
Police (AFP) Afghanistan National Police Sri Lanka Police
Name Police (CNP) (IPS)
Ministry of defense,
Federal Bureau of North Atlantic Treaty Cuerpo Superior De India Police Agency
Agency Public Security, Law
Narcotic Australia Organization(NATO) Policia (CSP) (IPC)
and order
Entrance Age 21 years old 18 years old 22 years old 18 years old 21 years old
Retirement age 57 years old 58 years old 58 years old 67 years old 60 years old
Minimum Rank Probation Constable Sergeant Police Constable Rank4 Private Police Constable (PC)
Minimum Qualification Bachelor’s Degree Baccalaureate High School Graduate Secondary Education Bachelor Degree
Organizational Royal Malaysia Police Hongkong Police Force Pakistan National Police
Royal Thai Police Carabeneros de Cheli
Name (RMP) (HKPF) (PNP)
Malayan Union Police Security Bureau of Thailand National Police Ministerio de Defensa Federal Investigation
Force (MUPF) Hongkong Department (TNPD) Nacional Agency
Entrance Age 20 years old 18 years old 20 years old 15 years old 20 years old
Retirement age 58 years old 60 years old 50 years old 49 years old 60 years old
Aspiranti a Official
Minimum Rank Constable Police constable (PC) Constable/Police (Officer Aspirant) Constable
Organizational Police Federal of Indonesia National Police Royal Brunei Police Laos National National Police France
Name argentine (PFA) Force Police (Police Nationale de France)
Under Secretary for Public Polis Diraja Brunei Ministry of
Agency Policia de Buenos aires Ministry of Interior
Diplomacy and Public Affairs (PDRB) Defense
Entrance Age 21years old 18 years old 18 years old 21 years old 17 years old
Retirement age 55 years old 45 years old 60 years old 60 years old 60 years old
Second Bhayangkara/
Gardien de la paix (Keeper
Minimum Rank Candidate or Cadet bhayangkara Corporal Private
of the peace)
Dua (Bharada)
Directeur general de la
Superintendent General Police General/Jenderal Polisi
Highest Rank Inspector General General police nationale (Derictor
or Commissioner General (Jend.Pol.)
required to posses
voluntary military service; 2years
atleast the Brunei French Baccalaureate
Minimum Qualification University Degree conscript service obligation to age Bachelor Degree
Junior Certificate of Degree
45;Indonesia citizens only
Organizational National Police of Federal Police of Abu Dhabi Police National Police
Metropolitan Police Service
Name Uruguay Germany (ADP) Agency
Entrance Age 21 years old 16 years old 18 years old 18 years old 18 years old
Retirement age 54 years old 60 years old 60 years old 62 years old 60 years old
High school
Complete college
Minimum Qualification /College High School Degree Bachelor’s Degree High School Graduate
Must be proficient in
Secondary School
English High School Bachelors Degree of Accredited
Minimum Qualification Certificate Bachelor’s Degree
Examination Minimum 3 GCE’O’ Graduate University
Entrance Age level
18 credited
years old
High School Graduate