72 Climate-Change Can
72 Climate-Change Can
72 Climate-Change Can
A. Warm-Up Questions
B. Vocabulary Preview
2. carbon footprint b) a type of gas that contributes to the trapping of heat in the earth’s atmosphere
5. cover-up e) something that prevents others from seeing the truth
8. time-sensitive h) to convince other people to question something they thought was true
9. undeniable i) the amount of greenhouse gases contributed by a single person or group
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Climate Change
Discussion Starters
Ignoring Mother Nature’s warnings
1. The majority of scientists around the world agree that humans are “If you really think
largely to blame for the warming of our planet. Over the past 50 years, the environment is
temperatures on Earth have increased at a higher rate than ever
recorded. In order to prevent excess greenhouse gases from trapping
less important than
heat in our atmosphere, we need to change our lifestyles. By reducing the economy, try
our carbon footprint and switching to clean forms of energy, there is holding your breath
a chance we will be able to extend our stay on our planet.
while you count
2. Despite freakish weather like heat waves, droughts, and hurricanes, your money.”
tackling climate change has not been a priority for some world
—Guy McPherson,
leaders. As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump said he was not
American climate scientist
a big believer in man-made climate change. Some of his supporters,
including a handful of scientists, were even accused of taking part in
a climate cover-up. Those who benefit financially from oil, gas, and
coal industries often deny the need for clean energy alternatives. By
Beware of an
casting doubt on science, a few skeptics have caused a large number
Irregular Verb
of people to question whether man‑made climate change even exists.
Ignoring a time-sensitive topic like the environment creates a vicious The verb “to cast” is irregular.
The past tense of “cast” is “cast,”
cycle. If the public doesn’t rate the environment as a major concern,
NOT “casted.”
world leaders won’t either.
3. Environmentalists always said that the first place humans would see
undeniable evidence of global warming would be in the Arctic. In
2012, the summer sea ice in the Arctic was at a record low. Ice experts
have warned that sea ice in the Arctic will likely be nonexistent within
a few years. Instead of being concerned by these dangerous signs
of global warming, some business thinkers are already considering
potential opportunities. After all, open waters will lead to new
shipping channels. We’ll need stronger sunscreen products, too.
4. Climate change affects the whole planet, yet the world’s leaders can’t
agree on what to do about it. Many leaders from have-not countries
think they should be off the hook. They don’t believe their people
contributed to the problem, and they want wealthy nations to fix it.
Developed nations aren’t always as wealthy as they look. They’re in
debt, at war, and addicted to consumption. On May 24, 2019, hundreds
of thousands of students walked out of schools around the world in
a global climate strike protesting inaction by their governments.
Will today’s youth spark a climate revolution?
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Climate Change
Discussion Starters
Discuss these questions in pairs, and write the answers in your notebook.
2. What examples of freakish weather are mentioned? Can you think of any others?
3. Why would some people want to ignore or even deny man-made climate change?
Vocabulary Review
Complete each sentence with the correct word from the vocabulary list
on page 1. You may need to change the word forms.
1. The company reduced its by replacing business trips with online meetings.
3. Please send me a list of all concerns by the end of the day.
5. Due to the freakish snowstorm, the school bus driver was for the field trip.
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Climate Change
Discussion Starters
Grammar Review
A. Describing Unexpected Situations
There are a few different English words and expressions for describing
unexpected situations. Some are followed by a noun. Others are followed
by subject, verb, object (SVO). Read the dialogues with a partner. Take
turns being A and B. Can you find a pattern in the comma placement?
A: Despite the fact that forest fires are destroying California, climate
deniers say wildfires are all natural.
B: Not only that. In spite of the fact that this is the longest period without
rain on record, they say droughts like this are natural too.
A: Even though superstorms are A: Though I now have an electric A: The city talks so much about
becoming an annual thing in car, my husband still uses a the importance of recycling
our area, my dad still thinks truck that runs on diesel. although they aren’t interested
climate change is a hoax. in a composting program.
B: He must really love that truck.
B: Are you serious? B: That’s ridiculous!
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Climate Change
Discussion Starters
Use the word in parentheses to rewrite the sentences below. Work with a
partner to form the sentences orally, and then write the sentences on the
lines below. Experiment with placement. Can you think of other ways to
describe these unexpected results?
Ex. Though there was damage from Hurricane Sandy, most New Yorkers voted in the election. (despite)
Despite the flooding and power outages from Hurricane Sandy, most New Yorkers voted in the election.
Most New Yorkers voted in the election despite the flooding and power outages from Hurricane Sandy.
1. There is scientific evidence of man-made climate change, but there are still skeptical people. (although)
2. Regardless of the time-sensitive nature of the president’s flight, it was delayed until Monday. (even though)
3. Even though people understand the dangers of climate change, they still buy gas-guzzlers. (despite)
4. Polar bears aren’t listed as endangered although the ice is melting in the Arctic. (in spite of the fact that)
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Climate Change
Discussion Starters
1. Should government leaders be more
worried about the economy or the environment?
4. In 2019, editors of The Guardian began using the phrase “climate crisis”
in place of “climate change.” Do you think everyone should start
using this more urgent term, including teachers, media outlets,
and scientists? Why or why not?
Critical Thinking
Discuss and debate one of these issues as a class.
The Paris Agreement
1. D
onald Trump has openly denied climate change. As president, he The Paris Agreement is a
withdrew the US from the Paris Agreement and vowed to end the joint, long-term goal signed
Environmental Protection Agency in the US. Why is the US response by 195 countries to combat
to climate change so important for the rest of the world? Do you think climate change and limit global
the US can maintain its status as a world leader if its administration warming to below 2°C above
pre-industrial levels.
refuses to make climate change a priority?
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Climate Change
Discussion Starters
Fill in the blanks as you listen to the recording.
Ignoring Mother Nature’s warnings
1. The majority of scientists around the world 3. Environmentalists always said that the first place
agree that humans are largely to blame for the humans would see
warming of our planet. Over the past 50 years, evidence of global warming would be in the Arctic.
temperatures on Earth have increased at a higher In 2012, the summer sea ice in the Arctic was at
rate than ever recorded. In order to prevent excess a record low. Ice experts have warned that sea
from trapping heat in ice in the Arctic will likely be nonexistent within
our atmosphere, we need to change our lifestyles. a few years. Instead of being concerned by these
By reducing our and dangerous signs of global warming, some business
switching to clean forms of energy, there is a thinkers are already considering potential
chance we will be able to extend our stay on opportunities. After all, open waters will lead
our planet. to new shipping channels. We’ll need stronger
products, too.
2. Despite weather like
heat waves, droughts, and hurricanes, tackling 4. Climate change affects the whole planet, yet the
climate change has not been a priority for some world’s leaders can’t agree on what to do about
world leaders. As a presidential candidate, Donald it. Many leaders from have-not countries think
Trump said he was not a big believer in man-made they should be .
climate change. Some of his supporters, including They don’t believe their people contributed to
a handful of scientists, were even accused of the problem, and they want wealthy nations to
taking part in a climate cover-up. Those who fix it. nations aren’t
benefit financially from oil, gas, and coal industries always as wealthy as they look. They’re in debt,
often deny the need for clean energy alternatives. at war, and addicted to consumption. On May 24,
By on science, a few 2019, hundreds of thousands of students walked
skeptics have caused a large number of people out of schools around the world in a global climate
to question whether man‑made climate change strike protesting inaction by their governments.
even exists. Ignoring a time-sensitive topic like the Will today’s youth spark a climate revolution?
environment creates a vicious cycle. If the public
doesn’t rate the environment as a major concern,
world leaders won’t either.
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Climate Change
Discussion Starters
Answer Key
Students read a short article about climate change. They learn TIME: 1–2 hours
and discuss why governments around the world are denying
environment, climate change, global warming,
or delaying the issue of climate change. The lesson includes
Earth, Earth Day, discussion, irregular verb, despite
vocabulary review exercises and discussion questions.
Pre-Reading Comprehension
Reading (and/or Listening) like the environment a top priority, the public won’t rate it as
an important issue. Leaders don’t tackle issues that the public
Read individually, in small groups, or as a class. Discuss the quote. doesn’t consider important. This is a vicious cycle when you
You can also play the listening as your students read along. A gap- have a time-sensitive issue like climate change.
fill version of the reading is available on page 7. Help your students 5. The reading mentions sunscreen products because
with vocabulary and expressions that they are unfamiliar with. some business-oriented people are already thinking
about how they can cash in on global warming.
Vocabulary Review
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Climate Change
Discussion Starters
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