An-Nasihah 122 PDF
An-Nasihah 122 PDF
An-Nasihah 122 PDF
Commentary on the Qur’ân……………………………………………… 3
Conviction Upon the Qur’ân Sharîf and Holding Firm to 5
the Sunnats of Nabî ………………………………………………
Have you taken your vitamins today? 11
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Verily those who conceal that which Allâh has revealed viz. the book
(Qur’ân), selling it for a paltry sum; these people only fill their bellies
with fire. Allâh will not speak to them on the Day of Judgement,
neither will He purify them. And they will receive a most painful
chastisement. These are the ones who barter error for the price of
guidance; and punishment for that of forgiveness. However will they
endure the fire? This is because verily Allâh has revealed the book
(Qur’ân) with truth, and those who created differences in the Book
are most certainly gone far away in opposition
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The Advice
some worldly gain. Hadrat Ibn Abbâs says that this verse
was revealed with regard to the leaders and scholars of the
Banû Isrâîl. They used to accept gifts from the people in
exchange for passing rulings in religion.
They also entertained the hope that the final Nabî would be
from amongst them. However, when Rasûlullâh was sent
amongst the Arabs, these people changed his description in
the Taurah. They substituted the description of Rasûlullâh
with other descriptions so that the public may not believe in
him. This they did in order to preserve their dominance over
the people and to continue receiving bribes from them.
Those who are involved fill their bellies with the gains of this
world, which will serve to fill the same with the flaming
coals of Jahannam. In reality, they do not consume the
things of this world, but the fire of Jahannam. What sort of
punishment can be more painful than the fact that the fire
will not only encompass their external bodies, but will also
permeate their inner selves, and that the True beloved
(Allah) will be displeased with them? Furthermore, they will
never ever attain salvation from this pathetic punishment.
We seek refuge from Allah.
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Spiritual Illnesses
When a person is cured from his spiritual sicknesses, then
many physical sicknesses will also be cured. Doctors
maintain that one’s health is controlled by the brain, by
one’s mental state. The mental state, the emotions are
controlled by the heart. The Qur’ân Sharîf gives the cure
from the roots. The stronger one’s connection is with Allâh
, the stronger will he be in every aspect. These are the
things which we have to develop. Today, we as Muslims
would like to rule the world, but we cannot rule our own
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using all the loopholes. Muslims want to rule the world, but
we do not have the ability to do so. Where are we going to
rule the world? First bring Islam into our lives by living
according to the Qur’ân Sharîf. Just by reading the Qur’ân
Sharîf, even without understanding, will bring practice of
the Qur’ân Sharîf into our lives. Let us ask ourselves, how
much of Qur’ân are we reciting? The Du’â which is read
after recitation of Qur’ân is
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And grant me the ability to recite it during the day and during the night
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Ponder over the Ahâdîth below and you shall well realize
just how powerful this pill is and how much of harm we
have done to ourselves by not having included it in our
spiritual diet already.
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and carries more virtue than the spending of gold and silver
for the pleasure of Allâh or taking part in Jihâd and
slaying or being slain in the path of Allâh .” The Sahâbah
begged to be informed of such an act. Rasûlullâh
replied, “It is the Zikr of Almighty Allâh .” (Musnad Ahmed)
Hadrat Mu’âz ibn Jabal has said, “The last words with
which I departed from Rasûlullâh was that I asked,
“Which action is the most beloved to Allâh?” The Rasûlullâh
of Allâh replied, “That you depart from the world in the
condition that your tongue is wet with the Zikr of Allâh .”
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Asmâ’ul Husnâ
Al-wahhâb (The Being who Grants Favours)
Al Wahhâb (The Bountiful Giver)
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At his moment, in the heart of Zakariyya , the perception
of Allâh ’s power came in a strange manner, and he
thought to himself that Allâh who gave Maryam fruits
out of season, can also remove the barrenness from my
wife and grant us a child.
Every Muslim should ask only and only Allâh . Allâh ’s
close and chosen servants, the Ambiyâ , whenever faced
with any need, would only turn to Allâh . The verses of the
Qur’ân teach us that until Qiyâmah, no matter how difficult
and outwardly impossible anything may seem, one should
only ask Allâh who is Al-Wahhâb , the giver of
everything. Whatever anyone has received, Allâh has
granted. Whatever is by anyone, is not actually his, but has
been granted by Him .
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practice of Rasûlullâh , upon which he passed away, and
that which reached the scholars of Kufa.
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ﺷﻌﺒﺔ ﺷﻌﺒﺔu ` ﻳﻜﺘﺐ ﺤﻳﺪ
ﻳﺄﻣﺮ: ﻣﺎ ﺳﻤﻌﺖ ﺣﺪ ﺿﻌﻔﻪ ﻫﺬ ﺷﻌﺒﺔ ﺑﻦ ﺤﻟﺠﺎu ﺛﻘﺔ
“He is reliable (thiqah). I have not heard of anyone that has called him
weak. Shu’bah Ibn Hajjâj wrote to him, telling him to narrate Ahâdîth and
he would command the same, and Shu’bah is anyway, Shu’bah.”
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Those who, if We give them power in the land, establish Salâh and
pay the Zakâh and enjoin what is right and forbid evil. And with Allâh
rests the end of (all) matters. (Sûrah Hajj, verse 41)
The Qur’ân does not say that those whom We will teach how
to offer Salâh will establish the Islamic government, but
that power and rule is meant for paving the way for Salâh
so that there remained no excuse for neglect.
َ ُ َ ْ َ َ َ & َ ْْ َ َ َ ُ ُّ ُ ُ ِّ َ ُ َ َ ٌ َ ْ َ ُ َ َ & َ
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….Until fitnah is no more and the religion (worship) is all for Allâh
(alone) (Sûrah Anfâl, verse 39)
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Never imagine that those who preceded us were worthless
men, none of who understood Islam or tried to establish the
whole of it, in form as well as in spirit. Infact, they all were
doing their best to serve the cause of Islam. Someone was
giving sermons, someone was teaching Ahâdîth, someone
was issuing religious decrees and someone was writing
books. According to his aptitude and circumstances, every
one of them was engaged in the propagation and
preservation of Islam and moral and spiritual instruction of
the Muslims.
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Allâh guide us, save us and protect us from all evils, and
may He accept us for the service of His Dîn. Âmîn
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The Advice
position, and are sometimes found sitting on a branch in the
position of Rukû, sometimes flying upwards resembling the
position of Qiyâm and sometimes flying downwards as if in
the position of Sajdah. This changing of positions has been
made the Salâh of the birds (which we refer to by the term
‘Intiqâl’). The stars and planets continuously rotate around
their axes, moving through their fixed orbit. Once a cycle is
completed, it begins the next, moving through the very
same orbit. Thus the Salâh of the stars and planets is to
rotate until a cycle is completed and then begin a new cycle
running the same course. Jannah and Jahannam ask Allâh
to fill them with inhabitants. On the night of Me’râj,
Rasûlullâh heard Jannah making Du’â in the following
words: O my Rabb, send to me my inhabitants and grant
me what You have promised me! Plenty are my trees, my
different types of silk, my multi-coloured carpets, my
pearls, my gold and silver, my goblets, trays and pitchers,
my fruits, my honey, water, milk and wine. Grant me what
You have promised me!” Allâh then answers this
supplication by informing Jannah that it will soon be blessed
with its inhabitants, those who believed and did good
actions, at which Jannah expressed its happiness. Rasûlullâh
then heard Jahannam making the following Du’â: O my
Rabb, send to me my inhabitants and grant me what You
have promised me! Plenty are my chains, my yokes, my
blazing fire, my boiling water, my blood and my pus. My
depth is great and my heat is severe. Grant me what You
have promised me! Allâh them pacifies it by informing it
that it will soon be filled by the polytheists and sinners.
(Bazzâr) Thus the Salâh of Jannah and Jahannam is the
making of Du’â. From amongst the angels, there are some
who are always standing still in Qiyâm, some always in
Rukû, others always in Sajdah while there are some who
are always ascending up to the skies or descending into the
earth, either going up or down. Nabî had explained that
the sky is creaking as there is not a place therein where an
angel has not placed its head in Sajdah. (Tirmidhî) There are
angels of Allâh in the first sky standing humbly with their
heads lowered who will never lift their heads till the day of
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The Advice
Those who may have missed some Salâh simply need to sit
down, apply their minds and to the best of one’s ability
calculate the number of Salâh that were missed since
becoming bâligh. Thereafter on a daily basis one should
make up the missed Salâh. Once one has completed the
missed Salâh, one will Inshâ Allâh qualify to be a “Sâhib -e-