Accepted Manuscript: Composite Structures
Accepted Manuscript: Composite Structures
Accepted Manuscript: Composite Structures
PII: S0263-8223(15)00687-X
Reference: COST 6708
Please cite this article as: Lee, H.G., Kang, M.G., Park, J-s., Fatigue failure of a composite wind turbine blade at its
root end, Composite Structures (2015), doi:
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Fatigue failure of a composite wind turbine blade at its root end
Hak Gu Lee*, Min Gyu Kang, Ji-sang Park
As blade failures at wind farms have increased, the structural safety of composite wind
turbine blades is ever more important. The recent implementation of considerably larger
blades has made the problem even more crucial. One of the critical failure modes is the
blade root failure, which can result in the blade being pulled out from its wind turbine
during operation. In this study, we experienced delamination failure at the blade root
during fatigue testing of a 3MW full-scale wind turbine blade according to international
standard IEC 61400-23: Full-scale structural testing of rotor blades. Comparing the
measured data with the FE analysis results, we simulated the situations the blade had
experienced, and then found what caused the delamination failure as well as the
problem of the conventional design approach. The bumping motions of the blade shell
caused by geometric complexities between the maximum chord and the root alter
significantly the load distribution at the end of the blade root. Therefore, to enhance the
structural safety of a large composite wind turbine blade, a more detailed FE analysis on
Corresponding author.
Tel.: +82-55-280-3261; fax: +82-55-280-3498.
E-mail address: [email protected] (H.G. Lee).
1. Introduction
With the recent trend toward large slender wind turbine blades, questions are being
raised regarding their reliability. In order to evaluate the static strengths and fatigue
lives of these larger blades, static and fatigue tests of full-scale prototype blades should
methodologies developed so far are well described in the two review papers of Malhotra
Previous studies pertaining to static strength of a full-scale wind turbine blade are as
follows. Jensen et al. [7] tested a 34 m composite wind turbine blade until its structural
collapse. Debonding of the outer skin was the initial failure mechanism, followed by
delamination buckling which led to the blade’s collapse. Jensen et al. believed the main
root cause was the Braizer effect of the shell structure due to bending. Overgaard et al.
[8-9] carried out a static flapwise bending test of a 25 m wind turbine blade to collapse.
The Brazier effect had a large influence on the local out-of-plane deflection, but its
influence on the longitudinal strain level in the primary load-carrying laminate was
insignificant. Overgaard et al. assert that the structural stability of the generic wind
turbine blade has been governed by buckling and the delamination phenomena. Yang et
al. [10] conducted a static test of a 40 m wind turbine blade under flapwise loading to
collapse. Yang et al. concluded the Brazier effect was not the dominant failure
mechanism, but debonding between the pressure-side and the suction-side aerodynamic
shells was the initial failure mechanism followed by its instable propagation which
leads to collapse.
Previous studies pertaining to fatigue of wind turbine blades are divided into two
categories: a material fatigue behavior and a structural fatigue behavior. The material
fatigue behavior has extensively studied with uni-axial, in-plane loading of balanced
and symmetrical, relatively thin laminates [11-12], but they are only remotely
representative for blade structures [13]. Tests with a full-scale wind turbine blade to
study the structural fatigue behavior are so expensive that few studies have been
conducted to date. Leeuwen et al. [14] had carried out fatigue tests of 37 wind turbine
blades 3.4 m in length as well as 35 coupons to compare fatigue strength from full-scale
blade tests with coupon-based predictions. Flapwise failures occurred at the tensile side,
but edgewise failures were the result of crack initiation starting in the bonding at the
trailing edge followed by further crack propagation in the laminate. Blade fatigue data
compared with coupon data fitted reasonably with flapwise tests, but they did not
compare well for edgewise tests. Marín et al. [15-16] inspected fatigue damage of a
300kW wind turbine blade, and then performed a FE analysis to reveal the root cause of
the fatigue damage. The crack initiated at the abrupt geometric-transient region between
the root zone and the aerodynamic zone had been propagated into the laminate. It
should be noted that the aforementioned studies dealt with small wind turbine blades
that have relatively higher fatigue margins than the large slender wind turbine blades
presently in development.
simulation for the blade. Kong et al. [17-18] designed a 750 kW wind turbine blade,
factoring in its fatigue life of 20 years based on the well-known S-N linear damage
equation, the load spectrum, and Spera’s empirical equations. Shokrieh et al. [19]
performed a case study with a 23 m wind turbine blade. Using its FE shell model with a
stochastic approach on fatigue loads, the fatigue life was bounded between 18.66 years
and 24 years as lower and upper limits. Toft et al. [20] estimated the reliability of a wind
turbine blade for a single failure mode, considering statistical uncertainties.
Despite such contributions by many researchers, about 30 blade failures are occurring
per year throughout the world, and the number of blade failure are increasing over time
[21]. There have been blade failures not observed in previous studies which have
occurred in the field at Eclipse wind farm and Ocotillo wind farm in 2013. In these
instances, the wind turbine blades were pulled out from the wind turbines due to
delamination at the root. The authors of this paper have also experienced a similar
phenomenon during fatigue testing of a 3MW full-scale wind turbine blade. To find a
root cause of the phenomenon, loading conditions calculated by its FE shell model were
applied to the more detailed FE solid model of the root subcomponent. Comparing the
analysis results with measured strain data of the T-bolt, we adjusted loading conditions
of the FE solid model to simulate deformations and stress distributions of the blade root.
Based on the simulation results, this study has found one of the plausible root causes
The test blade is a 3MW glass/epoxy composite blade as shown in Fig. 1. Blade length
and weight are 56 m and 14.5 ton, respectively. It has been developed as a result of a
R&D project funded by Korean government. After mounting the test blade on a stand
fixture like a horizontal cantilever beam, the fatigue test setups including an
aerodynamic fairing, two additional masses, a flapwise exciter, and an edgewise exciter
were attached on the test blade. Then we carried out a dual-axis resonance fatigue test of
the blade using two different resonance frequencies according to international standard
IEC 61400-23 [1]. The tip motion of the test blade during dual-axis resonance fatigue
testing is shown in Fig. 2. After flapwise 510,000 cycles under the equivalent amplitude
of 5,352 kNm and the mean of 5,970 kNm and edgewise 780,000 cycles under the
equivalent amplitude of 4,454 kNm and the mean of 0 kNm at the end of the blade root,
Strain values of the T-bolt, located as shown in Fig. 4, were measured during the fatigue
testing. The shape and specification of the T-bolt are represented in Fig. 5 and Table 1.
The graphs in Fig. 6 are the measured strain values of the two different strain gages
attached at the same cross section of the T-bolt. In each graph the amplitude of tensile
strains larger than that of compressive strains means separation of the T-bolt joint has
larger than that of strain gage 1 means bending of the T-bolt. Separation and bending of
the T-bolt joint are unexpected phenomena that must be avoided in the design stage.
Before going into the detailed root cause analysis, the conventional approach for a blade
root design will be explained in the next section to understand why the approach failed
Fig. 7 represents a schematic diagram of a blade root part including a pitch bearing
assembled by T-bolts and nuts. The blade root is a very thick composite laminate able to
enclose T-bolts and cross nuts, its thickness being about 100 mm. Thus, blade designers
have believed that, compared with blade shell sandwich structures whose thickness are
less than about 30 mm, a blade root is so stiff that the stress distribution in it is similar
to that of a hollow circular cylinder structure when subjected to bending. Based on this
presumption, the distributions of local moments and axial stresses or forces have been
calculated as shown in Fig. 7. This conventional approach for the test blade gives 14
kNm for the maximum local moment and 267 kN for the maximum axial force at each
T-bolt joint. The axial force is much smaller than the pretension 340 kN for the T-bolts
in Table 1. Thus the separation and bending of the T-bolt cannot be observed during the
fatigue testing based on this calculation. The presumption regarding the blade root had
worked well before wind turbine blades became larger and more slender. However, the
current trend is requiring a more detailed analysis on the blade root part.
A flowchart of the root cause analysis carried out in this study is represented in Fig. 8.
Using the test setup and the loading conditions aforementioned in section 2, a static
analysis with the FE shell model for the test blade was conducted to calculate the
plausible amplitudes of an axial force and a local moment at each T-bolt. The calculated
values do not represent the real situation during the fatigue testing because the clamped
boundary conditions used in the FE shell model does not match with the separation of
the T-bolt joint observed. The axial force and the local moment were applied to the
subcomponent FE solid model for the test blade root, and then we modified them,
comparing the calculated T-bolt strains with the measured strains during the fatigue
testing. After several modifications, stress distributions at the end of the blade root were
The information on the FE shell model for the test blade is in Fig. 9 and Table 2. The
shell model reflects the shape of the test blade and laminating sequences of composites.
We used a commercial FE solver, ABAQUS 6.13, and its 4 node shell element, S4R. The
number of the elements is 57,969. The boundary condition was the clamped condition at
the end of the blade root, and the loading conditions were the flapwise and the edgewise
test bending moment distributions along the positive y- and x-directions, where the
positive y means a chord direction toward the trailing edge in the pitch zero section and
the positive x means the cross product of the positive y with the pitch axis.
Properties of unidirectional glass NCF/epoxy composites used in this study are in Table
4. Four properties were measured from coupon tests: E1 of 40.14 GPa, E2 of 12.30 GPa,
v12 of 0.26, and G12 of 3.40 GPa, where the subscripts 1, 2, 3 mean the fiber direction,
22, the ratio of 1.48 between two Poisson’s ratios v12 and v23. Then G23 can be
calculated from equation (1), resulting in 4.44 GPa, and the other properties E3, v13, and
The information on the subcomponent FE solid model for the test blade root is in Fig.
10 and Table 3. ABAQUS 6.13 was also used as the FE solver for the subcomponent
model, which was constructed with the 8 node solid element, C3D8I. The number of the
element was 53,629. The boundary conditions used in the model were the axially
symmetric and symmetric condition along the hoop direction, the fixed condition along
the blade length (spanwise) direction on the positions of two bearing ball arrays, and the
contact conditions with the friction coefficient of 0.3 on the several contact surfaces of
the T-bolt and the nuts. The loading conditions were the axial force and the local
moment calculated by the FE shell model, which were applied to the cross section of the
blade root part along the spanwise direction and the hoop direction, respectively.
Equivalent orthotropic properties of the blade root laminate whose stacking sequence is
[45/0/-45]n were generated for the convenience of FE modeling with solid elements.
Classical laminated plate theory (CLPT) cannot calculate whole equivalent orthotropic
properties because even interlaminar stresses at the interface of two laminae are
discontinuous [23]. CLPT gives us only in-plane laminate properties such as Ex, Ey, vxy,
and Gxy and through-thickness Poisson’s ratios such as vxz and vyz, which are calculated
= (2)
= (3)
̅ !" +
= ∑'( ̅ !" + $
̅ !"$ % & ( i = 1, 2, 6 ) (4)
of the transformed compliance matrix in the k-th lamina, the i, j component of the
transformed reduced stiffness matrix in the k-th lamina, the thickness of the k-th lamina,
and the total thickness of the laminate, respectively. The six properties were calculated
using Table 4 and the stacking sequence [45/0/-45]s, in which the thicknesses of 45/-45
lamina and 0 lamina were 0.15 mm and 0.60 mm, respectively. The large staking
number of the unsymmetric laminate [45/0/-45]n makes its properties converge into
sequence instead of the unsymmetric one. The remaining three properties, Ez, Gxz, and
Gyz were calculated from a FE cube model whose stacking sequence is [45/0/-45]10s. By
applying normal forces or shear forces to the cube surfaces, we obtained a pertinent
deformation value at each case. From the deformation value and loading conditions, the
cube stiffness was calculated at each case. Table 5 shows the calculated equivalent
orthotropic properties of the blade root laminate.
5. Analysis results
The analysis result of the FE shell model shows that the maximum values of the axial
force and the local moment per each T-bolt are greater than those of the conventional
model. As shown in Fig. 11(a), the blade root end near 110 degrees from the leading
edge receives severe tension, 387 kN, even larger than pretension of the T-bolt, 340 kN,
resulting in the separation of the T-bolt joint. The local moment and the axial force in
the FE shell model greater than those in the conventional model in Fig. 11 come from
the inward bumping motion in Fig. 12, and the lower values come from the outward
bumping motion. The strangest location for these differences is the trailing edge. The
location is expected to move inward because the flapwise and the edgewise bending
moment are applied along the positive y- and the positive x-direction. However, it
moved outward, as shown in Fig. 12, resulting in a small axial force and a small local
moment. This opposite moving direction at the trailing edge may be caused by the
geometric complexities from the maximum chord of the blade to the root. In the same
cross section of the blade, the alleviation of the axial force and the local moment in
some location incurs an increase of the axial force and the local moment in another
location. Thus the bumping motions of the blade are thought to be the main reason of
The subcomponent FE solid model simulated well the T-bolt joint when applying 100%
of the axial force and 73% of the local moment at the location of 90 degrees. The
measured and calculated strain values at the top and bottom positions of the T-bolt are
shown in Fig. 13; the measured strain value at the top position was extrapolated based
on the two measured data of different strain gages. The simulation shows us partial
separation between the blade root and the pitch bearing as shown in Fig. 14.
Furthermore, the interlaminar shear stress, σ23, and the peel stress, σ33, are very severe
when the partial separation occurs. The positons of the two severe stresses are well
matched with the observed delamination positions as shown in Fig. 15. Therefore, we
conclude that the delamination at the end of the blade root due to partial separation
followed by crack propagation into the root laminate, as shown in Fig. 16, would bring
about the failures in which blades are pulled out from their wind turbines.
6. Conclusion
In this study we have experienced delamination failure at the end of the blade root
during its full-scale fatigue testing. To find what caused the failure, FE analyses were
carried out using a subcomponent FE solid model as well as a full-scale FE shell model.
The analysis results reveal that for a slender and large wind turbine blade the real load
distribution at the root is very different from that calculated by the conventional
approach, which assumes the blade root has enough stiffness to be modeled as a
bending of a hollow circular cylinder. The bumping motions of the blade shell alter load
distribution at the end of the blade root, resulting in the alleviation of load in some
locations and the increase of load in other locations. The severe increase of load incurs
partial separation of the T-bolt joints followed by delamination at the end of the root,
which may lead to pulling of the blade out from its wind turbine during operation.
Therefore, detailed analyses on the blade root should be carried out to enhance its
structural safety especially for a slender and large wind turbine blade.
This work was supported by the New & Renewable Energy of Korea Institute of Energy
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Fig. 1 3MW test blade 56 m in length.
Fig. 3 Failure at the end of the blade root.
Fig. 4 Location of the T-bolt where bolt strains were measured.
(a) (b)
Fig. 6 Strain values measured by two different strain gages attached at the same cross
section of the T-bolt: (a) strain gage 1 and (b) strain gage 2.
Fig. 8 Flowchart of the root cause analysis taking the fatigue testing conditions into
Fig. 9 FE shell model used in this study.
(a) (b)
Fig. 11 Comparison between the results of the FE shell model and those of the
conventional approach: (a) axial force distribution and (b) local moment distribution.
Fig. 12 Bumping motion of the blade shell during the fatigue testing.
Fig. 13 Comparison between the measured and the calculated strain ranges.
Fig. 14 Partial separation between the blade root and the pitch bearing.
Fig. 15 Stress distributions that incur delamination at the end of the blade root.
Fig. 16 Schematic diagram of the blade root failure caused by delamination followed by
crack propagation.
Table 1 Specifications of the M36 T-bolt used in this study
Min. diameter Pretension Prestress Min. yield strength
[mm] [kN] [MPa] [MPa]
10.9 28 340 552 940
Table 4 Properties of the glass NCF/epoxy unidirectional lamina
E1 E2 E3 G12 G13 G23
v12 v13 v23
[GPa] [GPa] [GPa] [GPa] [GPa] [GPa]
40.14 12.30 12.30 0.26 0.26 0.38 3.40 3.40 4.44