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The Phasor Simulation of Wind Turbines with Double Fed Induction Generator

Research · January 2016

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1525.3524

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1 author:

Nedzmija Demirovic
University of Tuzla


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7th Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion
7-10 November 2010, Agia Napa, Cyprus (Paper No. MED10/150)

The Phasor Simulation of Wind Turbines with

Double Fed Induction Generator
Nedzmija Demirovic, Amir Tokic and Nerdina Mehinovic

up value.
Wind farm has six wind turbines with 1.5 MW each, and
Abstract-- In recent years the production of wind power is it is connected on the distributed network via power lines
becoming increasingly important due to growing demand for which length is 30 km, and transport power to the
clean energy and utilizing of existing wind resources in most transmission system. The paper discusses wind turbine
countries. Due to the growing penetration of wind power, it is
response on the wind speed change, and then observes
necessary to devote the same attention to the analysis their
behavior in different situations similar to the conventional impact of the fault near the wind farm on the network and
power plants. In this paper the author focused mainly on the wind farm.
model with double fed asynchronous generator and its The failure is simulated as a single phase fault at the 25
response in the case of fault near the wind farm and sudden kV bus, which occurs at t=5 s, and lasts 9 periods. It is
change of wind speed and explores the possibilities matlab- shown that if the turbine is in the voltage regulatory mode
based model wind farm to disconnect the wind turbine in the
then voltage drop at the output terminals of the turbine
case of the under voltage protection response.
This paper presents the working principles of wind farm with occurred, but remains within the allowable value, so under
double fed asynronous generator, which is connected to the voltage protection does not react. Wind farm in that case
network via three-phase AC/ DC/ AC converter to the rotor remains on. However, if it is found in VAR regulatory mode,
and the network side. with the reference reactive power Qref=0, voltage falls below
Index Terms— double fed asynchronous generator, phasor the allowable value and under voltage protection turn off
simulation, pitch control, wind turbine,
wind farm. After approximately 40 seconds, pitch angle
mechanism reacts, which increases the speed of turbines and
the process continues.
T HIS paper presents the working principles of wind farm
with double fed asynronous generator, which is
connected to the network via three-phase AC/ DC/ AC II. THE PHASOR SIMULATION METHOD
Converter to the rotor and the network side. There are
control system to enable power control of wind turbine, DC This method is used primarily for the study of
voltage control and reactive power control, which generates electromechanical oscillations in power system with large
a pitch angle and voltage signals Vr and Vgc to the rotor and generators and motors. However, this method is not strictly
the network side. limited only to the transient stability of the machine.
Output electric power measured at the network terminals of Moreover it can be applied to a linear system, where for
wind turbines has been added to the total power losses example we want to follow the change of amplitude of
(mechanical and electrical) and compared with a reference voltage or current after the switching manipulation. In this
power which is obtained from the turbine track case, it is not necessary to solve differential equation in the
characteristics, i.e. it’s power in relation to the wind speed. space state as usual, [1].
Voltage and reactive power of the network is regulated by Instead, it solves a set of algebraic equations that connect
the reactive current inflow in the rotor side converter. Wind the phasor voltages and currents. Hence the name of this
turbine has the ability to work in two modes and these are method. Therefore, this method calculates the phasor
reactive power and voltage mode. When wind turbine is in voltages and currents, which are complex values. They can
the reactive power mode then reactive power is regulated by be represented by the perpendicular or polar coordinates.
the var regulator, and if it is in the voltage mode then voltage Given that the electrical state is neglected, then phasor
is set up at the reference value until current is inside the set simulation is faster to solve. It is therefore not a long time
consuming simulation as they would otherwise be. However
N.Demirovic is with Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tuzla, it is necessary to keep in mind that the faster way to solve
University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina (e-mail: gives the solution only at one particular frequency.
[email protected]).
The phasor model of wind turbine presented in the paper
A. Tokic is with Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tuzla, University of
Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina (e-mail: [email protected]). is better for long time simulations of the electromechanical
N. Mehinovic is with Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tuzla, oscillations during long periods. Sinusoidal voltages and
University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina (e-mail: currents are replaced by phasor values at the nominal system
[email protected]).
frequency (which may be 50 or 60 Hz).


INDUCTION GENERATOR ωr- Rotational speed of rotor
Double Fed Induction Generator is based on an induction ωs-Rotational speed of the magnetic flux in the air-gap of
generator with a multiphase wound rotor and a multiphase the generator, this speed is named synchronous speed. It is
slip ring assembly with brushes for access to the rotor proportional to the frequency of the grid voltage and to the
windings. Double fed induction machine has several number of generator poles.
advantages over a conventional induction machine in wind J- Combined rotor and wind turbine inertia coefficient
power applications, [2]. Firstly, as the rotor circuit is
controlled by a power electronics converter, the induction
generator is able to both import and export reactive power.
This has important consequences for power system stability
and allows the machine to support the grid during severe
voltage disturbances (low voltage ride through, LVRT).
Secondly, the control of the rotor voltages and currents
enables the induction machine to remain synchronized with
the grid while the wind turbine speed varies. A variable
speed wind turbine utilizes the available wind resource more
efficiently than a fixed speed wind turbine, especially during
Fig.2. Power flows in DFIG connected to wind turbine
light wind conditions. Thirdly, the cost of the converter is
low when compared with other variable speed solutions The mechanical power and the stator electric power
because only a fraction of the mechanical power, typically output are computed as follows:
25-30 %, is fed to the grid through the converter, the rest
P.m = Tm ⋅ ω r
being fed to grid directly from the stator. The efficiency of (1)
the DFIG is very good for the same reason. The Fig. 1 Ps = Tem ⋅ ω s
presents working principle of a double fed induction The mechanical equation is:
generator connected to a wind turbine. Wind turbines use a dωr
J = Tm − Tem (2)
doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) consisting of a dt
wound rotor induction generator and an AC/DC/AC IGBT- In steady-state the following equations applies:
based PWM converter. The stator winding is connected Tm=Tem and Pm=Ps+Pr. It follow that:
directly to the network of grid’s frequency, while the rotor is
fed at variable frequency through the AC/DC/AC converter (ωs − ωr )
Pr = Pm − Ps = −Tm ωs = − sPs (3)
[3],[4]. (ωs )

where s presents slip of generator:

ω − ωr
s= s (4)
So the components of a doubly-fed induction generator
. wind turbine
. gearbox
. induction generator
. converters (sometimes called VSC)
This structure is depicted in the Fig.1.
The aim of the VSC shown in Fig. 1 is to provide the
Fig. 1 The Working principle of double fed induction generator connected rotor voltage.
to wind turbine
A. Control System
The power flow, illustrated in the Fig. 2 is used to The stator winding is connected directly to the grid with
describe the operating principle. The following parameters frequency 50 or 60 Hz (which depends of the system), while
are used: the rotor is fed at variable frequency through the AC/DC/AC
Pm- Mechanical power captured by the wind turbine and converter. The AC/DC/AC converter is divided into two
transmitted to the rotor components: the rotor-side converter (Crotor) and the grid-
Ps- Stator electrical power output side converter (Cgrid). Crotor and Cgrid are Voltage-Sourced
Pr- Rotor electrical power output Converters (VSC) that use forced-commutated power
Pgc-Grid electrical power output electronic devices to synthesize an AC voltage from a DC
Qs-Stator reactive power output voltage source. The rotor-side converter is used to control
Qr-Rotor reactive power output the wind turbine output power and the voltage (or reactive
Qgc-Grid reactive power output power) measured at the grid terminals. Rotor regulation
Tm-Mechanical torque applied to rotor block is given in the Fig. 3.
Tem-Electromagnetic torque applied to the rotor by the

high wind speeds. Blade rotation mechanism is powered by

hydraulic or electric drive. Thus controlled rotors are
prevalent in all major systems. The rotors are equipped with
this mechanism depends on the angle of rotation of the
blades corresponding outputs from the controller. This
mechanism is then used to limit the power and value
provided to limit the speed of rotation of the blades
depending on the speed and angle of wind blades
corresponding outputs from the controller.


A. Turbine Response to the Change in Wind Speed

Fig. 3 The rotor regulation block In this section we will test wind farm with DFIG. The
machine is incorporated into a small power system where it
As can be seen, rotor-side control system is consists of is connected to an infinite bus via line impedance.
voltage regulator, VAR regulator, which is active for this The simplified scheme is presented at Fig 5.
purpose. The system must provide measurement of voltage,
active and reactive power and current, and power loss
monitoring as well as under voltage detection which is under
permissible value.
The power is controlled in order to follow a pre-defined
power-speed tracking characteristic. This characteristic is
defined with four points which divides it in several
segments. In the first one the speed is 5 meter per seconds,
Fig.5 The single-line diagram of simulated system
and after that gradually increasing at 12 meter per seconds.
The network–side control system consists of
Starting wind speed was set to 8 m/s, and it suddenly
measurement systems, an outer regulation loop and an inner
increased at 14m/s.
current regulation loop. Measurement systems measured AC
At the time of sudden changes of wind speed generated
positive-sequence currents to be controlled as well as the DC
active power begins to grow along with the turbine speed,
voltage Vdc. The current regulator controls the magnitude
and reaches a nominal value in approximately 15 seconds.
and phase of the voltage generated by converter Cgrid (Vgc)
Turbine speed is increased to the 1.21 p.u. or 21% of the
from the Idgcref produced by the DC voltage regulator and
default characteristic. Wind turbine has pitch angle
specified Iqref reference. The current regulator is assisted by
mechanism that regulates the turbine rotor torque and power
feed forward terms which predict the Cgrid output voltage.
that changes under influence of wind speed. The pitch angle
depends on the corresponding output of regulator. In the
beginning this angle is zero and the turbine operating point
follows the default turbine characteristic. Pitch angle in t=19
sec, increase up to 0.79 in order to limit further increase of
power turbine. This angle continues to influence at the
amount of reactive and active generated power. Generated
active power is limited at the 7.3 MW and reactive power is
negative, which means that wind turbines consume reactive
power in an approximately of 0.68 MVAr. It is necessary to
Fig.4 The network-side control system
note that turbine is in voltage regulation what we have
B. Some possible wind-turbine configurations already spoken. If the mode changes in VAR control then
Most commonly applied wind configurations are voltage rises up to the 1.021 p.u. or 2.1%.
classified according to their ability to control the speed and Fig. 6 presents changes of pitch angle, reactive power and
the ability to control power used for their operation. If we voltage of the turbine in the case of sudden change of wind
use the speed control as a criterion, there are four different speed when turbine is in voltage regulation mode. It can be
types of dominant wind. Configurations of wind turbines can seen that in approximately t=19 sec reactive power start
be further classified according to the method of control changes, active power increases, but pitch angle mechanism
power, or propeller blades: stall, pitch, active stall. Since in start to react in order to limit the increase of generated active
this paper used the so-called pitch control, in a few sentences power of the turbine. Fig. 7 presents positive sequence of
will be explained the principle of work. the voltage and current at output terminal of the wind farm.
Change the angle of blades is used for controlling the It can bee seen that voltage remains constant, but there is
rotor torque and power that occurs under the influence of transient change which is not presented and discussed in this
wind, and also allows a match of strength and speed limit at work.

turn off turbine. Turbine speed begins to rise, and at 40 sec,

pitch angle mechanism begins to act and in this way increase
10 speed is limited. Fig. 9, 10 and 11 present change of wind
of wind turbine
Active Power

(MW) speed during the simulation of the fault, active power of the
network side and active power of the turbine during the fault
0 near the turbine (or wind farm), respectively. Figures 10 to
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
13 show that there are transient changes of the values during
of wind turbine
Reactive power

the fault. It should be noted that fault lasts 0.15 sec but

transient changes is not finished in that moment, but
-1 continue to the 5.19 sec, the beginning of the steady state.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
1 15
pitch angle


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 13

wind speed (m/sec)

Fig.6 Changes of active power, reactive power and pitch angle of the plant 12
in the case of sudden change of wind speed when turbine is in voltage
regulation mode 11

V positive seq.


0.5 0 10 20 30 40 50
time (sec)

0 Fig.9 Wind speed in the case of fault near the wind output terminal
0 10 20 30 40 50


I positive seq.

Active power at bus B25 (p.u)

0.4 2
0 10 20 30 40 50
time (sec)
Fig.7 Changes of voltage and current (positive (sequence only) at output
terminals of the wind farm during the sudden change of wind speed. -4


0 5 10 15 20 25

Fig.10 The active power at bus B25 at the network side in the case of fault
Wind speed (m/s)

near the wind turbine
Active power of wind turbine (p.u.)

10 7

0 10 20 30 40 50 4
time (sec)
Fig.8 The wind speed which has been used during the simulation

B. Simulation of a Fault near the wind turbine

In this case, single phase-to-ground fault occurring on the 0 5 10 15 20 25
25 kV line. Fault occurs in 5 sec, and it lasts 0.15 sec for
Fig.11 The active power of wind turbine in the case of fault near the wind
60Hz power system or 0.18 sec for 50 Hz power system. If turbine
the turbine is in the voltage regulation mode then output
voltage drops at 80% of the nominal value during the fault,
and in that case under voltage protection does not react. If
regulation mode is changed at VAR, then voltage falls below
70% and leads to response of under voltage protection which

induction generator. This concept also provides variable-

speed capability, which makes it possible to optimize power

Positive sequence voltage of the Plant (p.u)

production. The DFIG technology allows extracting
maximum energy from the wind for low wind speeds by
1 optimizing the turbine speed, while minimizing mechanical
0.95 stresses on the turbine during gusts of wind. In this regard it
0.9 is shown that the choice of control wind speed system is also
0.85 important.


0 2 4 6 8 10 [1] " Introducing the Phasor Simulation Method," 1984-2007 The
MathWorks, Inc.
Fig.12 The positive sequence voltage of the plant during the fault near
wind turbine Books:
[2] Thomas Ackermann, Wind Power in Power Systems, Wiley, 2005, p.
Positive sequence current of the plant (p.u)

2.5 Papers from Conference Proceedings (Published):

[3] Balasubramaniam Babypriya, Rajapalan Anita, “Modeling,
simulation and analysis of doubly fed induction generator for wind
turbines“ , in Journal of Electrical Enegineering, vol. 60, No. 2, 2009,
1.5 [4] Stefan Marko, Ivan Darula, Stanislav Vlcek, “Development of wind
farm models for Power System Studies“, Journal of Electrical
Engineering, Vol. 56, No. 5-6, 2005, 165–168.
[5] Vladislav Akhmatov, “Variable-Speed Wind Turbines with Doubly-
Fed Induction Generators Part III: Model with the Back-to-back
0.5 Converters”, Multi Science Publishing ,Vol.27, 2003. 79-91

0 2 4 6 8 10
time(sec) [6] David T. Johnsen, Willi Christiansen, ”Optimisation of the Fault Ride
Through strategy of a Wind Farm”, Master’s Thesis, Center for
Fig.13. The positive sequence of the current of plant during the fault near
Elteknologi (CET) Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, 2006.
wind turbine


This paper has provided a brief and comprehensive
survey of the wind turbine model with double fed induction Nedžmija Demirović was born on 20th September in 1969 in Tuzla. She
received the M.Sc. degrees from University of Tuzla, and Ph.D. degrees
generator and power electronic concepts used by the modern from Zagreb University, Zagreb, Croatia, in 2001 and 2007, respectively.
wind turbine industry. A short introduction, presenting the Her areas of interest include optimization, modeling and simulation of
basic wind turbine topology and some control strategies, was dynamical systems, distributed generation.
followed by the short explanation of the phasor simulation
method used in this paper. A very simplified explanation of Amir Tokic was born in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in 1970. He
received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Zagreb University,
the working principle using power flows are presented too. Zagreb,Croatia, in 2001 and 2004, respectively. His areas of interest
When using conventional squirrel cage asynchronous include modeling and simulation of dynamical systems, power system
machines, very high magnetizing currents are drawn from transients and power quality.
the power grid when recovering from a nearby fault in the
Nerdina Mehinovic was born in Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina) on 06th
power system. The asynchronous machine draws as much of July, 1967. She received a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering, M.S.
magnetizing current as possible from the grid, and a severe degree and Ph.D. degree from University of Tuzla (Bosnia and
voltage drop takes place [2]. An alternative is to use an Herzegovina), in 1991, 2000 and 2006, respectively. Her topics of interest
are electrical machines, microelectromechanical systems, and
asynchronous generator with its rotor connected to a VSC electromagnetic compatibility. From 1994 she has been working at the
via slip rings, a so-called doubly fed induction generator. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Tuzla.
The VSC is connected to a control system that determines
the voltage that the VSC impresses onto the rotor of the

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