MEDPOWER2010 Paper 150 PDF
MEDPOWER2010 Paper 150 PDF
MEDPOWER2010 Paper 150 PDF
The Phasor Simulation of Wind Turbines with Double Fed Induction Generator
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1 author:
Nedzmija Demirovic
University of Tuzla
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All content following this page was uploaded by Nedzmija Demirovic on 18 January 2016.
up value.
Wind farm has six wind turbines with 1.5 MW each, and
Abstract-- In recent years the production of wind power is it is connected on the distributed network via power lines
becoming increasingly important due to growing demand for which length is 30 km, and transport power to the
clean energy and utilizing of existing wind resources in most transmission system. The paper discusses wind turbine
countries. Due to the growing penetration of wind power, it is
response on the wind speed change, and then observes
necessary to devote the same attention to the analysis their
behavior in different situations similar to the conventional impact of the fault near the wind farm on the network and
power plants. In this paper the author focused mainly on the wind farm.
model with double fed asynchronous generator and its The failure is simulated as a single phase fault at the 25
response in the case of fault near the wind farm and sudden kV bus, which occurs at t=5 s, and lasts 9 periods. It is
change of wind speed and explores the possibilities matlab- shown that if the turbine is in the voltage regulatory mode
based model wind farm to disconnect the wind turbine in the
then voltage drop at the output terminals of the turbine
case of the under voltage protection response.
This paper presents the working principles of wind farm with occurred, but remains within the allowable value, so under
double fed asynronous generator, which is connected to the voltage protection does not react. Wind farm in that case
network via three-phase AC/ DC/ AC converter to the rotor remains on. However, if it is found in VAR regulatory mode,
and the network side. with the reference reactive power Qref=0, voltage falls below
Index Terms— double fed asynchronous generator, phasor the allowable value and under voltage protection turn off
simulation, pitch control, wind turbine,
wind farm. After approximately 40 seconds, pitch angle
mechanism reacts, which increases the speed of turbines and
the process continues.
T HIS paper presents the working principles of wind farm
with double fed asynronous generator, which is
connected to the network via three-phase AC/ DC/ AC II. THE PHASOR SIMULATION METHOD
Converter to the rotor and the network side. There are
control system to enable power control of wind turbine, DC This method is used primarily for the study of
voltage control and reactive power control, which generates electromechanical oscillations in power system with large
a pitch angle and voltage signals Vr and Vgc to the rotor and generators and motors. However, this method is not strictly
the network side. limited only to the transient stability of the machine.
Output electric power measured at the network terminals of Moreover it can be applied to a linear system, where for
wind turbines has been added to the total power losses example we want to follow the change of amplitude of
(mechanical and electrical) and compared with a reference voltage or current after the switching manipulation. In this
power which is obtained from the turbine track case, it is not necessary to solve differential equation in the
characteristics, i.e. it’s power in relation to the wind speed. space state as usual, [1].
Voltage and reactive power of the network is regulated by Instead, it solves a set of algebraic equations that connect
the reactive current inflow in the rotor side converter. Wind the phasor voltages and currents. Hence the name of this
turbine has the ability to work in two modes and these are method. Therefore, this method calculates the phasor
reactive power and voltage mode. When wind turbine is in voltages and currents, which are complex values. They can
the reactive power mode then reactive power is regulated by be represented by the perpendicular or polar coordinates.
the var regulator, and if it is in the voltage mode then voltage Given that the electrical state is neglected, then phasor
is set up at the reference value until current is inside the set simulation is faster to solve. It is therefore not a long time
consuming simulation as they would otherwise be. However
N.Demirovic is with Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tuzla, it is necessary to keep in mind that the faster way to solve
University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina (e-mail: gives the solution only at one particular frequency.
[email protected]).
The phasor model of wind turbine presented in the paper
A. Tokic is with Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tuzla, University of
Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina (e-mail: [email protected]). is better for long time simulations of the electromechanical
N. Mehinovic is with Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tuzla, oscillations during long periods. Sinusoidal voltages and
University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina (e-mail: currents are replaced by phasor values at the nominal system
[email protected]).
frequency (which may be 50 or 60 Hz).
(MW) speed during the simulation of the fault, active power of the
network side and active power of the turbine during the fault
0 near the turbine (or wind farm), respectively. Figures 10 to
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
13 show that there are transient changes of the values during
of wind turbine
Reactive power
the fault. It should be noted that fault lasts 0.15 sec but
transient changes is not finished in that moment, but
-1 continue to the 5.19 sec, the beginning of the steady state.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
1 15
pitch angle
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 13
V positive seq.
0.5 0 10 20 30 40 50
time (sec)
0 Fig.9 Wind speed in the case of fault near the wind output terminal
0 10 20 30 40 50
I positive seq.
Active power at bus B25 (p.u)
0.4 2
0 10 20 30 40 50
time (sec)
Fig.7 Changes of voltage and current (positive (sequence only) at output
terminals of the wind farm during the sudden change of wind speed. -4
0 5 10 15 20 25
Fig.10 The active power at bus B25 at the network side in the case of fault
Wind speed (m/s)
near the wind turbine
Active power of wind turbine (p.u.)
10 7
0 10 20 30 40 50 4
time (sec)
Fig.8 The wind speed which has been used during the simulation
B. Simulation of a Fault near the wind turbine
In this case, single phase-to-ground fault occurring on the 0 5 10 15 20 25
25 kV line. Fault occurs in 5 sec, and it lasts 0.15 sec for
Fig.11 The active power of wind turbine in the case of fault near the wind
60Hz power system or 0.18 sec for 50 Hz power system. If turbine
the turbine is in the voltage regulation mode then output
voltage drops at 80% of the nominal value during the fault,
and in that case under voltage protection does not react. If
regulation mode is changed at VAR, then voltage falls below
70% and leads to response of under voltage protection which
0 2 4 6 8 10 [1] " Introducing the Phasor Simulation Method," 1984-2007 The
MathWorks, Inc.
Fig.12 The positive sequence voltage of the plant during the fault near
wind turbine Books:
[2] Thomas Ackermann, Wind Power in Power Systems, Wiley, 2005, p.
Positive sequence current of the plant (p.u)
0 2 4 6 8 10
time(sec) [6] David T. Johnsen, Willi Christiansen, ”Optimisation of the Fault Ride
Through strategy of a Wind Farm”, Master’s Thesis, Center for
Fig.13. The positive sequence of the current of plant during the fault near
Elteknologi (CET) Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, 2006.
wind turbine