Tugasan Individu: Bbp20102 Pengurusan Sumber Manusia (Seksyen 1)

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In this era of globalization, unions are important in achieving the goals within an organization.
According to the Trade Unions Act 1959, it is a joint venture between employers and subordinates
working in Malaysia. Proper cooperation between employers and subordinates can create organizations
to administer and formulate strategies for achieving their goals. The Act also clarifies the importance
of organizations for protecting the rights and welfare of workers through collective action. Even in the
process of economic and social development of a country, there is no denying the importance of this
Article that I choose is about The Influence of Union Organisation and Employer Attitude towards
Union Effectiveness among Union Officials. This study aimed to test the role of employers’ attitude
toward mediation and the nature of the union as a moderator for workers. In addition, the Trade Unions
can consult with employers to better understand their terms and conditions as well as comply with
healthy workplace standards. It is in the best interest of labor and industrial laws to strengthen the
demand for workers by using trade unions that they are obliged to guarantee with greater security in the
employment of their members than unmanned and unorganized workers.
In the interests of trade unions, any union or union between employers and employees in a particular
organization, business or industry requires regulation in the relationship between workers and
employers, complaints or support and in any industry. As such, it can maintain good relations and
harmony and improve economic and social status or in improving productivity or implementing
arrangements for managing trade disputes and related matters such as salaries, unstable work rules,
timeless arrangements and so on.
This analysis is performed to obtain unity in an organization and the effectiveness of the union that
influences the attitude of the employer to the union. Shore et al. (1994) stated that within an
organization, the factors that represent members in a healthy way provide unifying capacity to support
the concept of unity in the members' belief that unions value their contributions and care about the well-
being of members. unity.
Meanwhile, this form of organization was established to improve the quality of workers and
safeguard their welfare so that they could secure the safety of members from the threats of technological
change in today's sophisticated modern age and to obtain the rights that are just and equitable. Pursuant
to the Companies Liaison Act 1967, this Act defines as a legal union that they can enjoy the privilege
of being registered under any law, relating to a trade union so that no workers' movement is dissatisfied
with their rights. As a result, this issue is often raised among workers and employers, the trade unions
established two organizations namely the Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) and the Workers'
Union of Workers in the Public Service (CEUPAC).
This study was conducted to show that employer resistance has a significant and negative
relationship to one of the criteria of organizational effectiveness - membership growth. Although, the
attitude of the employer plays an important role in the effectiveness of the union, however, the studies
on this construct are extremely lacking in the corporate relationship environment. According to the
researchers' knowledge, these two studies alone identified relationships of effectiveness within the unit.
This trade union, in turn, protects members' interests and promotes good relationships between
employers and workers. In addition, this objective provides a solution to all issues arising from the
completion of the Collective Agreement as well as regulating any action in a legal entity including a
strike subject to the provisions of the Trade Unions Act 1959 and conducting investigations into the
importance of employment.
In conclusion, the establishment of these trade unions plays a very important role in protecting and
fighting for the rights and welfare of workers against oppression by irresponsible superiors. An aspect
that emphasizes the involvement of development and innovation activities in harmonious relationships.
In every activity and problem that is undertaken it is necessary to ensure that the planning and control
of a communication interaction between the employer and the employee can be completed with the
skills of an employer through collective consultation within the organization. It is crucial to one's ability
to do something effectively and efficiently to prevent misunderstandings and to improve the quality of
life of the people for the betterment of the people and the economy of the country.

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