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Physics 40B

Midterm Exam Review

Spring 2013
Chapter 13 : Newton’s Theory of Gravity

Universal Law Mm
Fg = G 2
of Gravitation r

Gravitational Constant G = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2

Attractive force Fg = - G 2 r̂Mm

Gravitational an inertial masses are the same

è can also apply Newton’s Laws of motion
Kepler’s Laws (Planetary/Satellite Orbits)
i.) Orbits are ellipses with the Sun (or planet) at one focus.
ii.) A line between the Sun and the planet sweeps out equal areas
during equal amounts of time (angular momentum is conserved).
iii.) The square of the planet’s period, T is proportional to the cube
of the orbit’s semi-major axis.

Circular Orbits:

Gm ⎛ 4π 2
⎞ 3
v = T =⎜
⎟ r
r ⎝ GM ⎠
E = K + Ug

Orbital Energies
Ug = − G K = − 1 Ug
r 2

2GM ⎛ GM 2 ⎞ 3
vescape = rgeo =⎜ 2T ⎟
R ⎝ 4π ⎠

(r = R + h)
Chapter 15 : Fluid Statics & Dynamics

P = ρ=

Fluid Statics

Hydrostatic Pressure P = Ptop + ρ gd

Gauge Pressure Pgauge = P − 1 atm

FB = ρ fluidVdisplaced g
Fluid Dynamics

Continuity Eqn A1v1 = A2 v2 Mass Conservation

Bernoulli’s Eqn

P1 + ρ gy1 + 1 ρv12 = P1 + ρ gy1 + 1 ρv12

2 2

Energy Conservation
Chapter 14 : Waves 1 - Simple Harmonic Motion

Hooke’s Law

(F ) net x
= - kx Horizontal spring

(F ) net y
= - ky Vertical spring

k m
ω = T = 2π
m k
⎛ mg ⎞
(F )
net T
= - ⎜
⎝ L ⎠⎟ s
g L
ω = T = 2π
L g

E = K + US E = 1 kA2
(no friction) 2

Energies -
(with friction) E = E0 e t

E0 = energy at time t = 0 s
τ = time constant
Simple Harmonic Motion

1 2π
f =
ω = 2π f =
x t (
= A Cos ω t + φ0 )
ϕ0 = phase constant = phase at t = 0

vx t (
= - ω A Sin ω t + φ0 ) vmax = ω A amax = - ω 2 x

System driven by a periodic external force è large
amplitude oscillations when fext ≈ f0
Damping bt

() ( )
D = - bv → x t = Ae 2m
Cos ω t + φ0

b = damping constant τ = m/b = energy loss time constant

Chapter 20 : Waves 2 - Traveling Waves

Snapshot Graph:
D(x) at fixed t

History Graph:
D(t) at fixed x

General Case: D = D(x, t)

Traveling Wave

( )
D x, t (
= A Sin kx  ω t + φ0 ) -  moving in +x dir.
+ moving in -x dir.

wave 2π angular 2π phase of

k = ω = source at φ0
number λ frequency T

Transverse Wave Tstring m

on String vstring = µ =
µ L
vsound = 343 m/s for air at 20oC
Sound Wave

vlight = c/n n = refractive index
e-m Wave
wave Power
I =
intensity A

⎛ 1 ⎞
sound intensity
β = 10 dB log10 ⎜)
⎝ 1.0 x 10-12 Wm 2 ⎟⎠

Doppler Effect
f observed = f0
(v ± vD)
(v ± v )

vD = speed of detector Choose the signs so that when the

vS = speed of source source to detector distance decreases
the frequency increases
Chapter 21 : Waves 3 - Standing Waves

Two traveling waves can interfere to produce a standing wave

( )
Dnet x, t () ( )
= A x Cos ω t A(x) = 2a Sin(kx)
Boundary conditions restrict
allowed f and λ

kxm = xm = mπ m integer
Interference Conditions
Constructive Δφ = 2π + Δφ0 = 2π m

Destructive Δφ = 2π
+ Δφ0 = 2π m + 1
2 ( )
Beats result of interference of two waves of
slightly different frequency

fbeat = f1 - f2
Waves in open-open
closed-close pipes 2L v
λm = fm = m = mf1
m 2L
o-o antinode at both ends m = 1, 2, 3, ….
c-c node at both ends

Waves in open-closed 4L v
pipes λm = fm = m = mf1
m 4L

Node at closed end m = 1, 3, 5, ….

Antinode at open end

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